hello! · 2020-07-03 · hello! Welcome and congratulations! You have taken the first step on your...

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Transcript of hello! · 2020-07-03 · hello! Welcome and congratulations! You have taken the first step on your...

hello!Welcome and congratulations! You have taken

the first step on your journey to taking back control from PCOS.

The information in this book is not intended to treat,

diagnose or prevent any disease, including PCOS or

infert i l i ty and is provided for educational purposes

only. Always seek the advice of your physic ian with any

quest ions you have regarding medical condit ions, and

before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health

program. The author makes no representat ion or

warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness

or accuracy of the contents of the book. They accept

no l iabi l i ty of any kind for any losses or damages

caused or al leged to be caused, direct ly or indirect ly,

from using the information contained in this book.


Despina Pavlou is the founder of PCOS Oracle and is

a cert i f ied personal trainer. Diagnosed with Polycyst ic

Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at the age of 18, feel ing

lost and alone, she was forced learn and understand

nutr i t ion and her body, to overcome her PCOS.

With a change in l i festyle, correct nutr i t ion, a good

exercise programme and stress management, she

was not only able to manage her PCOS, but also l ive

a l i festyle with no restr ict ions. This is what she helps

other women with PCOS do. She is on a mission to

raise awareness about PCOS, but also to put an end

to low calorie and restr ict ive diets. Instead,

championing the importance of good nutr i t ion and

exercise in cult ivat ing a healthy, happy and balanced

l i festy le.



TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of ContentsWhat is PCOS? 5

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 6 These are the Four Types of PCOS 7

Insulin Resistant PCOS 7Adrenal PCOS 8Pill Induced PCOS 9Thyroid Disease 10

The Cause of PCOS 12How Do I Know If I Have PCOS? 13

Symptoms 14Risk Factors 17The Four Tests 18

I Have PCOS, What Can I Do? 19Diet and Lifestyle Changes 20Basic elements of a healthy lifestyle 21Why Whole Foods 22

Nutrition 101 23Protein 24Carbohydrates 26Fats 28

What Should My PCOS Diet Look Like? 33Best Diet for PCOS? 34

Foods For PCOS 39Foods That Harm PCOS 43Should you eat carbs if you have PCOS? 48Carb sources for PCOS 49

Exercise for PCOS 50The Benefits of Exercise 51Best Exercise for PCOS 52

Best Exercise for Insulin Resistant PCOS 53Best Exercise for Adrenal PCOS 55





What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a

metabolic condition which presents itself

with endocrine abnormalities among

women of reproductive age. Women with

PCOS suffer from a hormonal imbalance,

they have elevated levels of androgen s

(male hormones) like testosterone and

have imbalances in hormones such as

estrogen, progesterone and SHBG.

How many women have PCOS?

It is difficult to know precisely how many

women have PCOS, as many women may

not show any symptoms or they may feel

nervous to ask for help due to the

distressing symptoms. However, it is

believed to be a prevalent condition

affecting 1 in 10 women.



Insulin Resistant PCOS

Insulin Resistant POCS is the most common type. High insulin levels

cause Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) to spike. Too much insulin

causes the ovaries to produce excess amounts of testosterone. An

overproduction of testosterone causes ovulatory problems, such as

irregular periods and infertility.

While insulin resistance is associated with being overweight, research

suggests lean women who have PCOS can also suffer from insulin

resistance. Although these women are not obese, they nonetheless

tend to have an increased waist to hip ratio and are insulin resistant

and hyperinsulinemic.

There are a Few Types of PCOSPCOS is not one condition, it is instead a set of symptoms. It is

essential to know what type of PCOS you have, in order to find a

suitable treatment.

There is not just one type of




Adrenal PCOSThe ovary is not only where

androgens are released, but

research also estimates 20-30% of

women with PCOS have adrenal

androgen excess. Our Adrenals also

release androgens.

During the fight-or-flight response, cortisol increases blood sugar (the

source of energy needed to survive) and shuts down anything within

the body deemed as unnecessary, such as reproductive functions. The

surge in blood sugar caused by the increase in cortisol also leads to an

increase in insulin.

Stress causes the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, adrenaline, and

norepinephrine, along with 3 androgen hormones; DHEA, testosterone

and androstenedione.

Cortisol, one of the primary stress

hormones, is released by the

adrenal glands. The fight-or-flight

response triggers the release of the

stress hormone.


Pill Induced PCOS

The purpose of the Birth Control Pill is to suppress ovulation. However,

women with PCOS are given the Birth Control Pill in an attempt to

‘treat’ their hormonal imbalance and PCOS. In reality, the Pill does not

treat PCOS, it instead causes a whole host of problems.

Firstly, the pill only masks the symptoms; it does nothing to cure PCOS

or prevent the deep systemic health problems that lurk beneath the


Women who have been on the Birth Control Pill or other synthetic

hormones for several years, who then decide to come off often find

that their periods do not return. While most women find this effect to

be temporary, others find their periods do not return for months or

even years.



Thyroid Disease

Researchers studying PCOS have found problems with the thyroid to

be yet another likely cause of PCOS.

Studies have found up to 25% of women with PCOS have a thyroid

condition. Hypothyroidism is a common ‘hidden cause’ in women with


Have a


A thyroid condition often goes undiagnosed

in women with PCOS because

hypothyroidism and PCOS share similar

symptoms, including:

• hair loss

• fatigue

• Depression

• Weight gain

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid is underactive. The thyroid

is therefore not producing enough of the hormone. There are different

types of hypothyroidism including:

• Low T3 Syndrome

• Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease where the body attacks

the thyroid.



PCOS Characteristics linked to a Thyroid Condition

Low production of the thyroid hormone can result in a hormone

imbalance. The body may not be producing enough progesterone, a

hormone which is often very low in women with PCOS. A low thyroid

hormone production may result in an overproduction of androgens, a

common characteristic of PCOS. Also, if thyroid hormone production is

low, insulin resistance, yet another characteristic of PCOS, can




The Cause of PCOS

Research suggests PCOS is hereditary and women are born with the

condition. While there may be a genetic element to PCOS further

research indicates the PCOS gene must be switched on.

Environmental Toxins and Stressors

As humans, we are exposed to environmental toxins every single day.

Environmental toxins are in the water we drink, our food supply and

the air we breathe. A diet made up of processed food contains toxins

and chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Endocrine disrupting

chemicals such as BPA have contaminated our water supply. We are

bombarded continuously where ever we go.

Women who are predisposed to PCOS and are chronically stressed,

turn on the expression of their PCOS genes resulting in them

exhibiting the PCOS symptoms. If the gene is not turned off through a

reduction in stress, pathogenesis occurs resulting in PCOS worsening.

Therefore, while there is an element of genetics involved in PCOS, the

ability to turn on and off the genetic expression of PCOS indicates the

role of epigenetics in the development of PCOS.



How Do I Know If I Have PCOS?


What Are The Symptoms?You do not have to show or experience all symptoms to have PCOS.

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome usually become apparent in

late teens or early twenties. PCOS often goes undiagnosed which may

be due to various factors, such as women may feel embarrassed to

seek help from the doctor due to their symptoms, or it may be they do

not recognize the significance of their symptoms.

Many doctors lack the knowledge about PCOS and therefore fail to

diagnose the condition correctly. An incorrect diagnosis may be due to

the fact they attempt to treat each symptom separately, or they

attribute these symptoms to the individual’s lifestyle, such as stress or



In reality, the 'cysts' are follicles, which are eggs released by the

ovary. In other words, the ovary is producing too many follicles.

The cysts develop as a result of the hormonal imbalance.

On average, an ovary should have 6 to 12 variously sized

follicles. The polycystic ovary has—by definition—more than 12

small undeveloped follicles. The reason why the follicles are

small and underdeveloped is that ovulation did not happen that

month and sometimes ovulation does not happen.


To be diagnosed with PCOS, the Rotterdam Criteria outlines the

following. You must have 2 out of the 3:

1. Oligo/anovulation (irregular menstrual cycle)

2. Hyperandrogenism (high androgens)

3. Polycystic ovaries

An ovary should have 6 to 12 variously

sized follicles. The polycystic ovary has

more than 12“



While there are an array of symptoms associated with PCOS, you do

not have to experience all of the symptoms, and each symptom can

vary from mild to severe.

Many women only experience menstrual problems and/or are unable

to conceive.

Symptoms include but are not limited to

• Irregular periods, or no periods at all

• Difficulty getting pregnant (because of irregular ovulation or

failure to ovulate) Excessive hair growth (hirsutism)– usually on

the face, chest, back or buttocks Weight gain and/or trouble

losing weight

• Thinning hair and hair loss from the head

• ‘Cysts’ on the ovaries

• Oily skin or acne

• Dandruff

• Dark patches of skin on the back of the neck and other areas

called acanthosis nigricans (a-can-tho-sis ni-gri-cans)

• Depression and Anxiety



Having PCOS may make the following conditions more


• Infertility

• Sleep apnea

• Depression and anxiety

• Abnormal uterine bleeding

• Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer), caused by

exposure to continuously high levels of estrogen

• Gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure

• Type 2 diabetes

• High blood pressure

• Cholesterol and lipid abnormalities, such as elevated triglycerides

or low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good“


• Metabolic syndrome — a cluster of signs and symptoms that

indicate a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease

• Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis — a severe liver inflammation



The Four Tests

There is no single test to diagnose PCOS and therefore Doctors may

undertake the following steps and tests.

Medical History: The doctor may ask questions about your

menstrual cycle/period, any health issues you may have and possible

weight changes.

Physical Exam: The Doctor may assess body mass index (BMI),

waist size and blood pressure.

Blood Test: A blood test will examine your hormone levels and will

help identify a hormone imbalance. Doctors may analyze androgens

(male hormones), thyroid and insulin levels.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound

of the ovaries, pelvis and

the uterus can be carried

out to identify whether

there are ‘cysts’ on your






I Have PCOS, What Can I Do Now?


Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Many women are misinformed about nutrition and are advised to

follow all sorts of diets. It is therefore critical women with PCOS

understand the importance of good nutrition. Many of the fad diets

women often try are not sustainable and can have various side effects

including; fatigue, hypoglycemia, dizziness.

Avoiding fad, low calorie, and restrictive diets are even more important

for women with PCOS. When balancing hormones the right foods

along with the correct amount is vital.

Many of the fad diets

women often try are not

sustainable and can have

various side effects

including; fatigue,

hypoglycemia, dizziness.

Nutrition plays a key role inmanaging PCOS, therefore it isessential to make thenecessary diet and lifestylechanges. These changes do nothave to be significant ordrastic at first. Making smalland simple changes over timegoes a long way.



Basic elements of a healthy and balanced lifestyle:

Treating PCOS is a long-term goal, there is no quick fix or magic pill. It

is for this reason a lifestyle change must be adopted.

• Eat whole foods

• Buy colorful foods. Your plate should be colorful, not dull and


• Fill your fridge and cupboards with nutrient-dense foods, foods

full of vitamins and minerals.

• Avoid empty calories

• Eat foods which keep you full and satisfied for longer

• Allow your body some 'treat' foods. Avoid restriction as this is not

sustainable in the long term.

• Swap simple carbs for complex carbs

• Include lean meats



What are Whole Foods?

Whole foods are foods which are close to their natural form, meaning

they have been minimally processed or refined and do not contain any


Examples of whole foods

• Eggs

• Fruits and Vegetables

• Legumes and Beans

• Meat, fish, poultry

• Nuts and Seeds

• Oils

• Whole Grains

Why choose whole foods?

As whole foods are close to their natural form they still contain their

nutritional value and offer great health benefits, such as:

• Healthier skin and hair

• Helps with weight loss

• Mood improvement

• Improve fertility

• Support a healthy pregnancy

• Maintain healthy blood pressure

• Maintain a healthy immune system

• Decreases the risk for diabetes

• Prevent diseases



Nutrition 101

Get to know the three macronutrients

What are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are what make up the caloric content of food, and they

consist of:

• Protein

• Carbohydrates

• Fats

Some figures to note about how each macronutrient

translates into calories

1g of Protein= 4 calories

1g of Carbohydrates= 4 calories

1g of Fat= 9 calories




What is Protein?

Protein is made up of amino acids. Amino acids are a simple organic

compound comprised of the atoms; carbon, oxygen, hydrogen,

nitrogen, sulfur.

Why Do We Need Protein?

Protein makes up 20% of the human body and serves as a significant

structural component of muscle as well as other issues in the body. It

is found everywhere in our body, in every single cell, from our hair,

nails, teeth and facial muscles.

Role in the body

Protein has many key roles in the body, including the creation of

hormones, enzymes, and haemoglobin.

How Much Protein?

The Recommend Daily Allowance is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight.

Although, this recommended amount is only enough to prevent

protein deficiency. Many experts recommend a higher intake of protein

that approach and/or exceed 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight.



Sources of Protein

Meat and plants are both sources of protein. Animal proteins, such as

meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese rank higher on protein

quality compared to plant proteins, which rank lower. However, there

are plenty of plants based foods that are a complete protein,

containing all essential amino acids, in their unique proportion.


• Poultry (Chicken, Turkey)

• Red Meat (Lamb, Beef, Pork)

• Fish (Salmon, Mackerel, Cod, Basa, Sardines, etc.)

• Eggs

Plant• Beans and Legumes (Pinto

• Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils)

• Nuts (Brazil Nuts,

• Walnuts, Cashew Nuts)

• Seeds (Pumpkin Seeds,

• Sunflower Seeds)

• Quinoa (a complete protein)

• Buckwheat (a complete protein)

• Hemp Seeds

• Brown Rice (a complete protein)




What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen,

and oxygen. They are a macronutrient commonly used a source of


Carbs (and full glycogen stores) benefits:

• It is our bodies’ first source of energy.

• Gives you fast/quick energy (simple sugars)

• Lowers cortisol

• Increased metabolic rate

• Improved sleep

• The right carbs will provide you with nutrients, vitamins and


• Necessary for a balanced lifestyle, restriction leads to an unhealthy

relationship with food.

Carbohydrate Requirements

The carbohydrate requirement is 260g per day. However, 260g per day

is a reference point, it can differ person to person.

If there is an insufficient amount of carbohydrates, the body can use

stored fat or protein for energy.



Types of Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates

These are the carbohydrates that contain nutrients and fiber. The fiber

allows energy to be released slowly and therefore blood sugar levels

do not spike.

Complex Carbohydrates include:

• Quinoa

• Rolled Oats

• Sweet Potato

• Brown Rice

Simple Carbs/Sugars

Simple carbs do not contain any nutritional value and result in blood

sugar spikes. Spikes in blood sugar cause feelings of lethargy and

increased hunger.

Simple Sugars include:

• Doughnuts

• Muffins

• White Rice

• White Bread

• Honey

• Dairy




What are Fats?

Fat consists of a molecule called glycerol and three fatty acid

molecules, making up triglycerides, the main constituent of body fat.

The building blocks of fats are fatty acids, which are made up of

carbon and hydrogen.

The reason we have various types of fats is due to the shape of the

fatty acid molecule.

Fat Is Not Bad

For so long we were all led to believe consuming fat was the cause of

all evil.

While the low-fat diet became popular in the 1960s and 1970's it is

still an approach many continue to follow. The low-fat approach

became an ideology, and all health practitioners, the government, the

food industry, and media were all advising it.

Many believed the fat we ate caused people to become fat and was

the cause of many chronic diseases such as heart disease.



The food industry began producing low-fat products and promoting

them as healthier than high fat.

Firstly, fat is not bad. Secondly, many low-fat products are high in

sugar. The food industry has to include an element of flavor and taste

to these low-fat products otherwise they would not sell. So how do

you make a low-fat product taste nice? Add sugar.

Why You Need To Eat Fat

Necessary for Hormones

Fat helps to regulate hormone function. Estrogen, progesterone,

testosterone are all steroid hormones. These hormones are

responsible for our reproductive health, bone health and muscle

building, all these hormones require a significant amount of fat to be

produced and function properly.

“Fat helps to regulate hormone function



Brain Health

Countless studies are showing the benefits of consuming fat for the

brain. The brain is made up of 60% fat, therefore, eating enough

dietary fat is essential.

Research has shown that EFAs, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, are

important for brain development but also for mental health. Dietary

docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is needed for the optimum functional

maturation of the retina and visual cortex. Plenty of DHA shown to

improve visual acuity and mental development, preventing the

development of depression.

Required for the transportation and absorption of certain

vitamins and minerals

Including fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and antioxidants such as

beta-carotene and lycopene.

Provides the structure of our plasma membrane

Fat and protein provide the structure of our plasma membrane. What

makes the plasma membrane is what forms the boundary between

what is inside and outside the cell.



Types of Fat

The three main types of fat and which our bodies require to help

prevent disease, ‘the good’ fats include;

• Polyunsaturated

• Monounsaturated

• Saturated

Foods that are ‘good’ sources of fat


• Sardines

• Salmon

• Walnuts

• Seeds (Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Flax seeds)


• Avocado

• Kipper-Herring

• Mackerel

• Olive Oil and Canola Oil

• Nuts (Almonds, Hazelnuts,

• Brazil nuts, Pecans, Cashew nuts)



Fats to Avoid

As with everything, there are always healthier and better alternatives

for your health. The fats to avoid include Trans fatty acids, which are

in any food containing hydrogenated oils, or foods fried in this type of

oil and most junk and processed foods.




What Should My PCOS Diet Look Like?


Best Diet for PCOS?

There are many diets out there claiming to be the best for PCOS, but

what is the best diet?

Keto, Plant-Based and Paleo are all diets which have been shown to be

successful in women with PCOS. The reason all of the above diets

work is because there is not one best diet and there is not one type of

PCOS. Also, no one person is the same. We do not share the same

metabolism, genes or nutritional requirements.

No one person is the

same. We do not share

the same metabolism,

genes or nutritional


The best diet for you, will be

dependent on what type of PCOS

you have. Following a diet which

takes into consideration your type

of PCOS is important to ensure you

are helping your hormones to heal

through nourishing them with the

right foods to support them.



Insulin Resistant PCOS

With insulin resistant PCOS it is important to focus on managing blood

sugar levels to avoid spikes in insulin. Both the keto and plant based

diet have been successful at reduces insulin resistance and increasing

insulin sensitivity.

Following a Ketogenic Diet can improve insulin sensitivity as a result of

the body utilising it's fat stores for energy. Due to the low

carbohydrate intake, there is no glycogen and therefore both blood

sugar and insulin will go down.

A study conducted by Mavropolous et al (2005) found women with

PCOS had improved insulin levels when following a low - carb

ketogenic diet. Insulin levels reduced from 23.5 μIU/ml to 8.2 μIU/ml

(p = 0.002). Reducing hyperinsulinemia, which is associated with

PCOS, can also help reduce androgen secretion from the ovary and

increase circulating sex hormone binding globulin.

A Keto diet can improve insulin




On the other spectrum, studies found following a whole-foods plant

based diet improves insulin resistance even when there is no weight

loss, and/or with statistical adjustment for body weight.

A study examined the effects of both a high carbohydrates diet and a

high protein diet, in which fat intake was constant at 30%, for eight

weeks in patients with type 2 diabetes. The results showed that while

there were no differences in weight loss, the high carbohydrate group

increased insulin sensitivity, fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin

A1c. No significant changes to these parameters were observed in the

high protein group.

Key takeaways:

Avoid sugar, which includes

processed, high GI foods such as

white bread and white rice.

Nutrients that can help are;

inositol, fish oil, chromium,

vitamin D, magnesium, and

polyphenols found in cocoa.



Adrenal PCOS

Unlike with insulin resistant PCOS, the keto diet is not the best

approach for adrenal PCOS.

A low carb diet such as the keto diet can make PCOS symptoms worse

and does not treat the problem. Women with adrenal PCOS require a

sufficient amount of carbs to help heal their hormones.

Women who suffer from adrenal pcos require starchy carbs which are

not inflammatory such as potatoes, beans, legumes and vegetables.

Consuming the right as well as enough carbs is key to improving the

cortisol response in adrenal pcos women who are chronically stressed.




Women who suffer from hypothyroidism have some degree of

inflammation in the body which is effecting the thyroid hormone from

working optimally. To treat hypothyroidism include plenty of anti-

inflammatory foods and remove inflammatory foods, including dairy

and gluten, as they can cause problems to the gut bacteria and result

in a condition called ‘leaky gut’. This will be discussed in further detail

in the ‘Foods that Harm’ section later in this guide. Anti-inflammatory

foods include healthy fats such as salmon and mackerel which are

great sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Furthermore, follow a whole food diet which excludes processed foods

and sugar. Both processed foods and sugar are highly inflammatory.

Include plenty of vegetables, protein and healthy fats.

To treat hypothyroidism include plenty of anti-inflammatory foods“



Foods that HealVegetables

Rich in vitamins, minerals 6and

antioxidants. Vegetables contain

vitamins; A, C, D, E, K and many of

the B vitamins. They fortified in iron,

potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Green leafy vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, are high

in magnesium and have a low glycemic index (GI). Research has

identified including 1 serving/day of green leafy vegetables lowered

the risk of diabetes by 9 percent.

Vegetables are also high in fiber. Fiber can help reduce the level of

glucose in the blood by slowing the rate of release into the

bloodstream. Slowing down the rate of release will also control the

hormone insulin and ensure it does not spike.




Fruit is also a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants. Women with PCOS often try and avoid fruit due to its

high sugar content, which can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and

insulin. However, fruits also contain vital nutrients required to manage


Here is the thing about fruit and sugar. Fructose sugar which is found

in fruits does not have the same effect on the body as processed


1. The soluble fiber found in fruit slows the release of sugar.

2. Fruits also have phytonutrients that can block the transportation of

sugar through the intestinal wall into our bloodstream.

As a result of the antioxidants and fibre

found in fruit, the blood sugar spike is

not the same as consuming pure sugar.

Women with PCOS can opt for Low GI

fruits in order to further manage their

blood sugar and insulin levels. Low GI

fruits include: cherries, grapefruit,

pears, apples, oranges, plums,

strawberries, peaches, grapes.www.pcosoracle.com


Low Glycemic Carbohydrates

The Glycemic Index is a tool which indicates a carbohydrates effect on

blood sugar levels. Food is ranked as being very low, low, medium or

high in their GI value.

Following a low GI diet can help with managing blood sugar levels to

prevent spikes insulin.

Healthy Fats

Consuming healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and

polyunsaturated is important for PCOS but also for overall health.

Healthy fats aid in hormone balance, fertility, body composition and it

helps with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as fat-soluble

vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) and antioxidants (such as; beta-

carotene and lycopene).

Research has found that monounsaturated fat can lower LDL-

cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol). Furthermore, eating plenty of fats

increases satiety levels and keeps you fuller for longer.



Good Quality Meat

If you eat meat, opt for lean

and high-quality meat. Grass-

fed meat is often "organic,"

naturally leaner and has not

been exposed to many artificial

hormones and high levels of

antibiotics than standard meat.

Grass-fed meat contains more omega - 3 than grain fed meat. Grain

feeding causes the meat to lose its omega 3 content. Higher omega -

3 content in the grass-fed beef might be more “anti-inflammatory”

than conventional grain-fed beef.



Foods That Harm

Processed and Junk foods

We all know processed foods are not

always the best food choice for us.

However, for women with PCOS, this

type of food can have a considerable

impact on our hormones.

Processed foods stimulate the release of Prostaglandins. More

specifically, series 2 Prostaglandins, produced by trans-fatty acids, or

trans fats, found in hydrogenated oils, meats, fried foods, and junk

foods, cause inflammation in the body, which in turn increases insulin


It is best to eat whole foods, foods which have gone through minimal

processing and to eat home-cooked meals.

High GI foods raise blood sugar levels, which in turn increase the level

of insulin in order to regulate the amount of glucose released into the

bloodstream. High glycemic index foods include cakes, white bread,

white rice, cereal (unless on the low GI list). Sugar not only affects

insulin levels, but it also causes problems with ovulation.




Dairy products such as milk, are full of anabolic hormones, hormones

that promote growth. Milk causes an increase in testosterone levels,

as well as growth hormones, like insulin and insulin-like growth factor

1 (IGF-1), which all stimulate the production of acne.

In addition to cow’s milk containing anabolic hormones, it also

contains A1 Casein which is a protein. During the digestion of A1

Casein, Casomorphin is derived. Casomorphin is a drug, which is why

so many people addicted to cheese.

For most people casomorphin is not a problem, they easily digest and

excrete it before it enters the blood stream. However for others it

doesn’t and casomorphin enters the blood stream resulting in

symptoms associated with drug

use. But the A1 casein

derivative also cause

inflammation, resulting in

reduced insulin sensitivity and

can effect various aspects of

thyroid functioning.




Gluten is a protein found in wheat that holds the bread together and

helps it to rise. It is the gluten which gives the dough its elastic

texture. Gluten is found in wheat and other grains such as barley,

oats, triticale, Kamut, rye and spelt.

Many women with PCOS are unaware of the connection between

Gluten and PCOS. However, researchers have identified gluten

contains lectins, which can bind to insulin receptors resulting in insulin

resistance, the most common type of PCOS.

Further research indicates how gluten creates inflammation in the

body. There is a protein in our gut called ‘zonulin’ which makes space

in the cells of the gut lining to allow nutrients and molecules to pass

through. Researchers have found zonulin is triggered by certain

bacteria found in the gut at the time and gluten. Gluten can increase

the production and release of zonulin which results in intestinal

permeability or ‘leaky gut’.



Zonulin increases the size of the holes in the small intestine which

results in bacteria and undigested food proteins to enter into the

bloodstream which causes the body’s immune system to initiate a

response to help protect itself because it believes these food

molecules are attacking the body. The immune response leads to

inflammation and further gut permeability.

Furthermore, research indicates gluten is a hormone disruptor.

Hormone disruptors are chemicals which interfere with hormone

systems. This is a result of farmers desiccating their wheat crops with

glyphosate, a systemic herbicide and crop desiccant.



High Glycemic Index (GI) Foods

High GI foods raise blood sugar levels, which in turn increase the level

of insulin in order to regulate the amount of glucose released into the

bloodstream. High glycemic index foods include cakes, white bread,

white rice, cereal (unless on the low GI list). Sugar not only affects

insulin levels, but it also causes problems with ovulation.



Should Women with PCOS Avoid Carbohydrates?

Doctors often recommend women with PCOS to lower or even

eliminate carbohydrates from their diet. This recommendation is often

due to the insulin resistance in they also have.

However, it is important to note that carbs are just another food

source, another macronutrient required for a balanced lifestyle.

Furthermore, as mentioned previously in the guide, many women have

succeeded following a plant-based diet, which is predominately made

up of carbohydrates.

Studies have found following a plant-based diet made up of whole

foods improves insulin resistance even when there is no weight loss,

and/or with statistical adjustment for body weight.

Opt for the ‘better’ carb options, such as complex and low GI carbs.

Opt for the ‘better’ carb options,

such as complex and low GI carbs.“



‘Good’ Carb sources for PCOS

• Quinoa - manganese, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, fibre,

folate, zinc.

• Sweet Potatoes are a great starchy carb- High in fiber, contains

protein, vitamin C, A, B6, E, potassium and a source of Beta-


• Beans - Vitamin B, Iron, magnesium, phosphate, manganese,

calcium, copper, zinc and potassium, polyunsaturated fat and no


• Lentils - molybdenum, folate, fiber, copper, phosphorus,

manganese, iron, protein, Vitamin B1, pantothenic acid, zinc,

Vitamin B6, potassium.

• All Vegetables - Green, Yellow, Orange vegetables are rich sources

of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamin B-

complex, vitamin-C, vitamin-A, and vitamin K. Include vegetables

at every meal




What Exercises will Benefit Me?


Benefits of Exercise

When we speak about exercise, it does not mean an intense gym

workout. Exercise can be anything which elevates the heart rate most

importantly brings enjoyment. Working out does not have to involve

going to the gym, there are plenty of other options, whether it be

aerobic or anaerobic, outdoors or indoors.

Exercise offers a whole host of benefits for your overall

health. Including;

• Reduces stress and anxiety levels

• Improves high-density

• lipoprotein (‘good’ cholesterol)

• Reduces unhealthy triglycerides

• Joint and bone health

• Weight management

• Gain strength and build muscle



The Best Exercise for PCOS

The best exercise is dependent on what type of PCOS you have

Insulin Resistant PCOS

Both Resistance Training and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

have been found to be the best forms of exercise for this type of


What is Resistance Training?

Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract,

in turn resulting in increased muscle mass, strength and endurance

like men.



The Benefits:

Reduces insulin resistance

A study found that each 10% increase in muscle was associated with

an 11% relative reduction in insulin resistance.

Reduces testosterone

As a result of the reduction of insulin, this also helps to lower

testosterone levels.



High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a vigorous form of exercise,

which involves full bursts of energy along with a short active recovery


An Example of HIIT Workout

HIIT sessions often last for 25 minutes or less:

• 3 minutes of warm-up

• 10 sprints of 60 seconds, with 60 seconds of recovery

• 2 minutes of cool down

High-intensity interval training increases insulin sensitivity as a result

of the body expending glucose and then allowing blood glucose to

enter the muscle cells. An increase in insulin sensitivity helps to lower

the risk of developing diabetes.



Adrenal PCOS

As previously mentioned stress causes the adrenal glands to produce

cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, along with 3 androgen

hormones; DHEA, testosterone and androstenedione. Women with

adrenal PCOS should avoid endurance and intense exercise because

they cause the body to produce increased amounts of cortisol.

Exercise intensities between 80% and 90% of VO2 max secrete an

increased amount of cortisol.

Signs of fatigue after training may require an adjustment to the

number of workouts and their intensity. Exercises such as walking,

yoga and swimming can be more beneficial for women with adrenal

PCOS as they are more low-intensity exercises compared to endurance

and high-intensity interval training. Low-intensity activities do not

cause an overproduction of cortisol.

You may be thinking low-intensity exercise will not help with weight

loss. However, reducing exercise frequency and intensity can aid in

weight loss, because of the decrease in cortisol levels but also insulin

levels, which are elevated during times of stress.




With a thyroid condition such as hypothyroidism, where there is a case

of inflammation in the body it is important to include workouts which

reduce inflammation.

While exercise is known to lower inflammation, over-exercising and

high intensity training can increase inflammation in the body. Acute

inflammation is caused as a result of the stress put on the body during

exercise. Once the body has had time to recover the inflammation

decreases. Chronic inflammation occurs when you do not allow your

body time to recover.

Women who therefore suffer from hypothyroidism must be active but

at a low intensity. Include exercises such as walking, swimming, tai-chi

and resistance training.


Apply Now


Despina is your online PCOS Coach and Personal trainer, she takes an evidence and holistic approach to both nutrition

and training.She provides personalised coaching to

meet all of your needs.

This is your time to take back control and live your life the way you want, with confidence and no stress. It is

never too late!

Personalized Coaching