Hebrews 4 v 12-13. Your Reaction? Three responses… 1.Curious? 2.Squeamish? 3.Embarrassed?

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Hebrews 4 v 12-13. Your Reaction? Three responses… 1.Curious? 2.Squeamish? 3.Embarrassed?

Hebrews 4 v 12-13

Your Reaction?Three responses…

1. Curious?

2. Squeamish?

3. Embarrassed?


1. The Living Word

2. Core & Drivers

3. All-seeing Judge

Living Word:

1. The Creative Word

The Word of God isliving & active…

2. The Human Word

3. The Expectant Word

“In the beginning God created…the Spirit of God

was hovering over the waters. And God said…”

Genesis 1:1-3

“The Word became flesh and made his

dwelling among us.”

John 1:14

“…the message they heard was of no value to

them, because those who heard did not

combine it with faith.” Hebrews 4:2

Core & Drivers: …sharper than adouble-edged sword…

(cf. Ephesians 6:10-20)

1. Penetrating our Soul

2. Penetrating our Strength

3. Judging our Heart




Core & Drivers:




“Love the LORD your God

with all your heart and

with all your soul and

with all your strength.”

Deuteronomy 6:5

…sharper than adouble-edged sword…

All-seeing Judge: …Nothing is hidden…we must give account.

1. The God who Knits

2. The God who Gardens

3. The God who Judges

“My frame was not hidden from you when I was

made in the secret place…your eyes saw my

unformed body…” Psalm 139:15-16

“For you have been born again, not of perishable

seed, but of imperishable, through the living and

enduring word of God…”

1 Peter 1:23

[We will stand] “before the eyes of him to whom

we must give an account…” Hebrews 4:13b

The Word of God is living & active.Sharper than a double-edged sword…Nothing is hidden from God’s sight…

…we must give account.

1. The Word of God is far from irrelevant or impenetrable2. It continues to speak through the Bible, creation & people – but it’s

“conversational”, a two-way dialogue3. That conversation goes to our core – what drives us…

“Do you love the LORD God with all of your being?”4.The question is as relevant for Christians as it is non-Christians5. But the challenge & outcome are massively different