Heavenly Bread Devotional November Issue

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A monthly devotional booklet with daily inspirational reading.

Transcript of Heavenly Bread Devotional November Issue

HEAVENLY BREAD Volume 1 Issue 11 2009

A monthly devotional with inspiring words for daily living

HEAVENLY BREAD Volume 1 Issue 11 2009

The Lord’s Return: A Day of Thanksgiving

© All right subsists 2008



eavenly Bread’s mission is to provide inspirational devotional reading for all believers in our efforts to

uplift the name of Jesus while spreading the gospel message of Christ throughout the world. Our meditation scriptures are designed to encourage more Bible reading, study and meditation as it is our sword used in our spiritual warfare with Satan.


It is our goal to obey Christ’s command as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 by going into the entire world beginning in our Jerusalem, proceeding onto Judea, Samaria, and to continuing throughout the entire world until every man, woman and child have been taught Christ.

HEAVENLY BREAD Volume 1 Issue 11 2009

Sunday November 1

Christ is God’s Revelation: Hebrews 1:1-3

God; who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.

et’s look at our scripture text and analyze what it is saying to us regarding how God has spoken to

His people. Verse 1 tells us that at various (sundry) times and in many (divers) ways God spoke to us by the prophets who were His spokes persons. When God called Moses to lead the people out of bondage in Egypt He spoke from a burning bush. When God called Samuel as a young child He used a voice so that the young Samuel thought Eli was calling him. Each time Samuel answered “Here am I; for thou didst call me.” This showed the young Samuel’s willingness to serve God. God called to Ezekiel in a vision (Ezekiel 1:1) and the whirlwinds came from the north (v. 4) and unfolded with an array of splendor. The vision was important to Ezekiel’s ministry and to show him God’s glory and holiness. This occurred during Israel’s captivity in Babylon. Ezekiel’s mission was to preach or call Israel back to God and give them hope of restoration as God had promised. The purpose for God revealing His glory and might was to prepare Ezekiel for his ministry that he was now called for. Scripture has it that God appeared several times to Ezekiel in order to sustain him during his ministry (Ezekiel 3:12;23-24; 8:2-4; 9:3; 10:1-22; 11:23-24; 43:2-4).


Like Ezekiel needed a vision of God’s glory to prepare him for his ministry so did Isaiah (Isaiah 6). As we

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 modern day believers must experience God’s glory and holiness in order to properly serve Him. This is gained through His Son Jesus Christ, God’s final revelation (John 1:14), the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 4:14) and God’s Word (2 Corinthians 3:7-11). Here we see God calling two of His prophets through visions in preparation for them to deliver His message of repentance.

We have taken a brief look at the different ways of God calling His prophets to speak for Him to His people, but the many different ways do not equal the summation of God revealing Himself through Jesus Christ. Verse 2 gives the finality of God speaking to His people as Jesus Christ embodies all and transcends all the other words spoken by God, as verses2-3 makes it plain in that God appointed all things to Christ, as all things were made by Him while stating that Christ is the express image of God Himself. When Christ completed His earthly mission, providing forgiveness for man’s sins through His death, He went back to heaven and took His seat at the right hand of the father and said to His Father, God “I will be man’s mediator between You and them” (paraphrased conversation).

What constitutes Christ supremacy over the prophets in revealing God to His people? First, Christ was present during creation as He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), which means He is the eternal God who became man. Second, Christ is recorded as the Word (John 1:1). Third, it was Christ who qualified as the atonement for humanity’s sin. Lastly, He is the baptizer in the Spirit as recorded in Acts 2:33.

Jesus Christ is the final revelation of God as He is God in the second person.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Monday November 2

Just Behavior: I Thessalonians 2:1-12

Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holy and justly and unblameably we behave ourselves among you that believe: That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.

hat is just behavior? In our scripture text Paul uses an illustration of a caring nurse or a

mother’s love and tender care as the type of attitude or behavior spiritual leaders or overseers should have as they preach and teach God’s Word. A mother’s love for her children is demonstrated in the many sacrifices she makes for them, the long hours without sleep, the extra care taken for their welfare and comfort. This kind of care and sacrifice is demonstrated by Paul and his team of missionaries to the Thessalonians believers, and he was encouraging them to do likewise.


More importantly, Paul told the Thessalonians that they spoke “not as pleasing men, but as God” would have them speak (v. 2). In reality Paul stated that they were not preaching to please men, but was preaching the Word of God and to please God. Paul further stated that he and his missionary team lived Christ for all to see in that their lives were holy and unblemished. These instructions are applicable today.

Verse 12 states why leaders and believers are to live holy and unblemished lives; “That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.”

A just behavior!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Tuesday November 3

Jesus Is Alive: Revelation 1: 18

I am he that Liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore,

amen: and have the keys of hell and of death.

ohn being caste away on the Isle of Patmos had a vision of Jesus and John herd the voice of the Lord

(v 8, 11) by stating who He was and gave John instructions as to what and who the addresses were; the seven churches of Asia Minor what is now Western Turkey.


In John’s vision he saw the seven golden candle-sticks and Jesus Himself, being in the presence of the Lord caused John to fall on his face in holy reverence to the Savior. Each time one of God’s servants has been in His presence there is a awesome fear that results in God calming their fears as with John (v. 17). What an awesome experience?

Christ assured John of who He was; “I am he that Liveth, and was dead: and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen.” If there was ever any doubt of Jesus being alive, verse 18 gives positive proof and having all power as He has the keys to both hell and death. Who wouldn’t serve a living God who has the power over death and salvation? What a powerful God that His Word serves as a “twoedged sword” that cuts away sin and brings His grace? Only a living God can do such powerful yet loving acts. Serve a living God!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Wednesday November 4

Parable of Gnats and Camels: Matthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.

hapter 23 where Jesus is dealing with the sins of the Pharisees by using different parables to make

His point of what is more important the true Word of God or ones own ideas and interpretations (vv. 23,28; 15:3,6-9; Mark 7: 6-9).


Jesus in His parabolic teaching uses the parable of the gnat and camel to make a point to the Pharisees. In our scripture text, Jesus tell the Pharisees how blind they are regarding issues that were minute that He likened it to the size of a gnat, which is very small, but these hypocrites would tolerate sinful issues comparable in size to a camel. Which is worse?

Verses 25-26 make a clear indictment of what is more important, the inside, man’s heart or the outside. The point here is that man’s heart is where cleansing should take place first. The heart is where love takes place; transformation begins in the heart as the heart is what God looks at as this is where the truth lays.

The moral here is all believers especially leaders are to be Christ centered while seeking the kingdom of God first and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). As spiritual leaders are held to accountable on how they portray Christ and their lifestyles before God’s people The other thought is that all unrighteousness is an abomination against God whether the size of a gnat or camel—sin is sin.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Thursday November 5

The Law of Truth: Malachi 2:6a

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips; he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

hat is truth? The Student Bible Dictionary (P. 234) defines truth as “genuine, honest, sincere,

actual, reliable, and able to be trusted (Psalms33:4 Matthew 22:16). Actual fact rather than pretense, appearance, or claim.” John 14:6 defines truth as God being the source of all truth by stating, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” John 17:17 says this of truth, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” the word sanctify mean to make holy, to separate or set apart, the believers are made holy by God’s truth. Truth can also be seen as the living and written Word of God (John 1:1). John 8:31b -32 tell how believers are to know and remain in the truth.


With that being said, then the law of truth is God’s Word and His statues as they are the measures by what all believers (leaders included) are judged. Another thought is that when a believer accepts Christ as his/her personal Savior they are stating that they are willing and are committed to live holy and righteous lives in humble submission to God and His standards.

Christ is truth and came into the world to bare

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Friday November 6

God The Father of All: Malachi 2:10b

Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother; by profaning the covenant of our father?

ur scripture opens with a profound question to believers worldwide as it relates to God the

Father of all creation and the one who created all mankind. While pondering this scripture, I compelled to question how some feel better than our fellowman; regardless of humanity’s outer appearance, we are all the same inside. Also, this scripture give a strong indictment on how we treat our brother/fellowman as it is unholy and is destructive to God for us to mistreat or profane one another. Believers are commanded to love one another as God has loved us all.


The question that comes to mind is, how can we be in Christ and mistreat our fellowman? It would be a difficult case to make for loving God and hating or mistreating our brother. True believers love all regardless of pedigree, social status, or nationality, as our scripture verse states, God created us all, which makes us intertwined/linked through the spirit for we have one father, God.

We as believers are born of the Father and begotten of the Son, Jesus and is kept by the Holy Spirit as this makes us all one in the body of Christ. Believers then can adhere to the second greatest commandment which is to love others as thyself.

One Father--God

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Saturday November 7

The Lord is in His Holy Temple: Habakkuk 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

hat does this verse mean? First, the physical structure of a temple is a place of worship

where believers come together and worship the Lord. Second, the physical temple is set aside in holiness because it is a place to worship a holy God. Third, the physical temple when God is present all is to be in a silence of awe because of His holiness and worthy of all honor and praises. Fourth, the temple is also be referred to as body of believer or a congregation of believers where God dwells and that Christians/believers must remain morally pure and keep a clean house, our bodies.


Believers as the temples of God in the midst of a corrupt society are to remain holy as set apart from all manner of evil as a holy God cannot dwell in an unholy place. 1 Corinthians 3:17 issues a strong warning to those who defile the temple of God, himself or the congregation that God will destroy them and or the congregation. 1 Peter 1:16 makes the point as to why believers are to remain in holiness to God and it states in part, “be ye holy for I am holy.” God is holy and His people are to be like wise as believers are set apart to be like Him.

God’s temple is believers and worship places.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Sunday November 8

Christ’s Return: I Thessalonians 4:13-18

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with a trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

aul was writing to the Thessalonians church concerning Christ’s return for His church and the

then living believers. Paul wanted the Thessalonians believers to understand that all who died in Christ will be raised at the same time He returns for those who remain faithful to Him, and all believers who are alive when Christ return will be transformed “in the twinkling of an eye” this is to say that they will be changed from mortality to immortality. The event discussed in our scripture text is actually the Rapture. The resurrection is different from the resurrection in Revelation 20:4 as this referred to the martyred dead from the tribulation that will take place after the Rapture.


What happens when Christ return? The dead in Christ and living believers will meet Christ in the air, which is often referred to somewhere between earth and heaven. This group will be visibly united with Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), they will be taken to heaven, (John 14:2-3) and they will be united with their love ones gone before them (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

What are the blessings of being raptured out of the earth? Being removed from all distress (2 Corinthians 5:2, 4; Philippians 3:21) and free from persecution and the

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 oppression that will follow the rapture (Revelation 3:10) as well as being taken from the realm of sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:51-56). Lastly, the raptured group will have the blessing of Christ’s delivering them from wrath that will follow, which is called the “great tribulation” (1 Thessalonians 1:10). Christ will return to earth following the rapture to destroy the ungodly and begin His earthly reign (1 Thessalonians 5:2-10; Matthew 24:42, 44).

Verse 18, Paul encourages the Thessalonians believers to comfort one another knowing what to expect before and during the rapture, this applies believers today. In 5:1-2, Paul explains what happens to those who are alive during the tribulation, which is referred to as the “the day of the Lord” (v. 2). The “day of the Lord” is referred to as an extended time when God’s enemies have been overthrown and Christ’s earthly reign begins (Isaiah 2:12-21; 13:9-16; 34:1-4; Jeremiah 46:10 Joel 1:15-2:1, 28; 3:9,12-17; Amos 5;18-20; Zechariah 14:1-3). Another point is that God’s final judgment will be poured out on all those who reject salvation in Christ.

Finally, the main point to this discussion is that Christ’s return is certain and all who are saved will be taken to heaven with Him.

Will you be ready to go with Him?

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Monday November 9

A Call To Repentance: Amos 5:4, 6

For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel..... Seek the Lord, and ye shall live; lest he break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethe-el.

ur scripture text depicts God speaking through His prophet Amos pleading with Israel to return

to Him so as toward of the pronounced judgment that was sure to come upon Israel. In Amos’ plea to the nation of Israel was that at least a remnant would be saved (v. 15). Israel’s sins were so great that God reminded them of the calamities He had sent among them in an effort to get their attention so they may return/repent of their sins. God referenced the pestilence like those that came upon the Egyptians (4:4-11). In 4:4-5 we see those who professed the Lord yet sinning as they would offer sacrifices and pay their tithes. While continuing to live in sin as this is an abomination before God. He requires and will only accept true worship and devotion from those who say they love the Lord.


How could this be? It is possible those professing to be saved were trying to serve two masters, which is impossible as recorded in Matthew 6:24, as we will love one and hate the other. Sin is a powerful foe that leads to destruction, repent and be saved.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Tuesday November 10

The Day of The Lord: Amos 5:18

Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness, and not light.

his is the second day of looking at God speaking to Israel through Amos and warning

them of their wicked ways. See! Israel in their arrogance was wishing for the Lord’s judgment to come upon their enemies and felt that they would be spared or exalted, but Amos gave them a reality check by stating woe, if you think God’s judgment is going to miss you guess what, think again because God is going to judge all sin regardless of who commits it. Amos makes a profound statement to Israel by asking, what end is it for you? This statement says that if you live in sin punishment follows; living in righteousness then blessings follows.


What does this say for believers today? All believers must know that judgment day is coming when all must give an account for their sins. Therefore, it behooves all saved and unsaved to get right with God and live according to His holy standards.

Being God’s chosen people has no standing with God when sin is committed. Verses 18 and 21 tells us what happens in the day of the Lord—darkness.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Wednesday November 11

God’s Judgment: Amos 5:21-27

I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies….Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts.

n yesterday’s discussion we talked about the “Day of The Lord” when God was speaking to the nation

of Israel through His prophet Amos informing Israel of what was going to happen if they failed to repent. In today’s discussion we see God telling Israel that He despises their feast days and would not smell their assemblies, which is their worship service.


In our scriptures, God outlines His displeasure of ritualistic Christian worship from those believers who attend church and worship in praises and song but continues to live in the sinful pleasures of the world. This is called religious hypocrisy and it is an abomination to God that is sure to bring His judgment on His people.

Worship that is acceptable to God is sincere praise and worship for those who genuinely love God and have a sincere desire to please, adore and seek to live godly lives before Him. To prevent God’s judgment, the church/His people must return to true worship, which means it must take place in spirit and truth (John 4:23), and according to God’s plan as He revealed through His Son Jesus. Also, believers/church must follow the pattern God outlined to Moses in Exodus 20, and then the church will experience the full plan of God’s power, presence and blessings.

True worship prevents judgment.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Thursday November 12

Christ Returns With Power and Glory: Matthew 24:30

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

oday’s discussion begins a three day look as the coming of Christ after the tribulation; our

scripture verse depicts Christ appearing in the sky after the tribulation and who will be with Him and what Christ is returning to do as this is His second return after the rapture.


Those who will return with Christ will be all the saints that were taken with Christ during the rapture; this includes both the living and the dead. When Christ returns after the tribulation, He will be coming to judge the wicked and to deliver His faithful followers from persecution and to establish righteousness on earth (Revelation1 9:11-20:3-4).

When Christ returns this time, He will be coming with power and glory as the cosmic signs point to the bright lights that surround Him because of His glory. He will have all power because He is the Son of God and when He arose on resurrection Sunday He rose with all power both on earth and in heaven. Now Christ will exercise that power.

Christ’s return is assured, but we know not the day or hour, so be ready when He comes.

Remain faithful to Him—Yield to His spirit.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Friday November 13

The Son of Man Cometh: Matthew 25:1-13

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

his is the second in the series of study of Christ’s return after the tribulation; Christ uses

the parable of the ten virgins to make His point. The wise and foolish in this parable is the faithful and unfaithful and what differentiates the two is that the foolish or unwise failure to realize that Christ‘s return will be unexpected, but there will be unmistakable signs of His return.


The wise represents those believers who persevere in faith until His return as they will be ready to reign with Him. Christ’s tarrying is giving all an opportunity to repent and turn to Him. Another thought here is that when Christ returns many churches will be unprepared. The way churches and believers are to prepare for Christ’s coming is to remain faithful to Him and be led by the Holy Spirit; as many will be deceived by false leaders.

The moral to this is that all believers are to be watchful for the Lord’s return because we know not the hour or day when He will return. Also, the foolish represent the unfaithful. The wise is the faithful believer, as both will be taken by surprise at His return. The oil represents the Holy Spirit and the wise represents the prepared church as it is Christ’s bride.

Be wise be prepared for He is coming again.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Saturday November 14

My Words Shall Not Pass Away: Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

n our scripture text Christ assures believers of His return with the profound statement that heaven and

earth will pass away but His words would last forever. I Christ tells believers what signs and wonders to look

for that indicates His return is imminent or close at hand (vv. 32-33). This time period refers to the signs and wonders during the Great Tribulation and all the living faithful believers who have searched the scriptures and will know that Christ’s return is near.

Another school of thought is that Christ is God’s Son and cannot lie gives further credence to the assurances of His return. During the tribulation period, Christ will have raptured His church and the saints that were dead in Christ. Also, during the Great Tribulation there will be false prophets who will have the ability to perform many great signs and wonders, but believers are encouraged to try the spirit by the spirit in order to differentiate between the two. These false prophets/leaders will be ministers of Satan and will deceive many believers who are not grounded in the Word of God. We will know the truth by studying God’s Word and being led by the Holy Spirit.

With that being said, it behooves all believers, past, present and future to stay with God as His Words are true and everlasting.

There is no failure in God!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Sunday November 15

Meaning Of The Talent: Matthew 25:14-30

For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling unto a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

n our continued study of the Lord’s return, in today’s discussion we will focus on the parable of

the talent where Christ is using parables to make His point of warning believers of our place and service in heaven will depend on the faithfulness of our lives and services while here on earth. The meaning of this parable is that the talent represents our God abilities, our time, our resources, and opportunities to serve God. Is our service to God limited to tithing? Do we use our God given abilities in service to Him and others? How do we use our resources that God has entrusted us with? Given the fact that God has entrusted each of us with certain abilities, do we uses our abilities in the wisest way or do we conceal or hide our abilities/talents?


Verses 15-18 provide a perfect example of how we are to use our talents (abilities) for the Lord. Verse 19 tells of each believer’s reckoning when the Lord returns as we must give an account of our service record, or how wisely we applied our gifts for the Lord. In verses 20-30 records the conversation between God and His servants and the reward or punishment depending on the servant’s service record. Those who used their talents wisely and were profitable and brought others to Christ they were rewarded with greater responsibility, while the servant that received the one talent and failed to produce anymore were cast out of

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 heaven. Question, how do you want your service record to read profitable or unprofitable?

If the question was raised, what lesson was Jesus teaching using the talent? The lesson here was faithfulness and unfaithfulness. The unfaithful can look forward to being cast in to the sea of outer darkness, while the faithful shall be rewarded with eternal blessings in the presence of the Lord as they will be given even greater tasks in heaven and while on earth. Which do you choose?

Now that we have explained the meaning behind Jesus’ teaching using the parable of the talent, let’s define parables and their effectiveness in teaching. A parable is defined as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning, or to state the definition another way is to say the teacher is using an everyday truth that has a spiritual application. It is noteworthy to say that when using parables when teaching a lesson and using one everyday is more meaningful to the student because they can relate to everyday situations. Jesus used parables in His teaching to make His heavenly point; this is known as parabolic teaching. Parabolic teaching is effective because it paints a vivid picture of what is being taught. The effectiveness of parabolic teaching is that it reveals the truth to a spiritual and ready mind while concealing it from others who lacks readiness (Matthew 13:11). It is also noteworthy to say that if Jesus the master teacher used parables in His teachings to make His point why not you and me as we teach/share the Word of God? The Student Bible Dictionary records some fifty-one parables taught by Jesus. It also defines parables as “something laid alongside or parallel to (Numbers 23:7; Mark 4:2 (P173).

In concluding this discussion, it can be said that the parable of the talent is the wise use of our God given

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 abilities, services, time and resources as well as opportunities to serve God as all believers will one day face the Lord Himself and give an account of our stewardship.

What is your stewardship?

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Monday November 16

Children of Light: 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore, let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

hat is Paul’s message to all believers then and now? Paul’s message is to all believers telling

them that believers do not live in the darkness of sin and rebellion against God because believers have the brightness of God’s glory that radiates through each believer. Another thought here is that believers in Christ represents light as God is light and light precedes night and all who are in Christ will not experience the night of God’s wrath when He returns (vv 8-9).


The phrase “let us not sleep” and “let us watch and be sober” carries connotations of being spiritually awake and morally alert while we continue in the faith, love and hope of salvation (vv 8-9), Luke 21:36; Ephesians 6:11). Another connotation here is that the faithful who persevere in the Lord will be protected from God’s wrath because Jesus has delivered them from the on-coming wrath (1:10). The “be sober” phrase connotation is also alertness, self-restraint or self-control as this is accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Believers are alert (awake) to walk in the light of Christ—be spiritually prepared and we will not slip into darkness of sin.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Tuesday November 17

Spiritually Prepared: 1 Thessalonians 5:8

But let us who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.

ow do believers become spiritually prepared? Believers are spiritually prepared by putting on

the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). H

Believers armour is as follows: (a) Believers are to gird their loins with the truth— God’s truth which will stand the test of time in all trials and tribulations; as believers will be confronted with Satan’s lies. (b) Put on the breastplate of righteousness—God’s righteousness, because all men “(our) righteousness is as filthy rags before God”, but believers have been justified in Christ. (c) Believers are to “shod their feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace”—God’s peace. (d) Believers are to take on “the shield of faith”, warfare of faith that requires steadfastness and perseverance in Christ. (e) All believers are to wear “the helmet of salvation” as our freedom was bought with a price—the blood of Jesus Christ. (f) Then believers should always carry their “sword of the spirit” which is the Word of God as this is to be used to attack Satan on every front. (g) Lastly, believers are to have their constant lines of communication open with God, which is their fervent prayer lives. Believers are to make supplicationary prayer for other saints as well as self. Love is the center piece for being spiritually prepared.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Wednesday November 18

Appointed to Salvation: 1 Thessalonians 5:9

For Goth hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

hat does it mean to be appointed to salvation? It means that it is God’s desire for all to be

saved and this will prevent humanity (believers) from facing God’s wrath after the rapture. However, it is not to say that all will be saved and spared God’s wrath, because there will be many who will rebel against God before and after the rapture.


Ephesians 1:4-5 states “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasures of his will.” These verses authenticates our appointment to salvation as stated that God predestine us to be His followers before the foundation of the world as humanity salvation is offered to all in Christ, but those who accept God’s free gift of salvation will be spared His wrath.

More importantly, it was Christ’s shed blood on Calvary so that all who believe will have that appointment. Lastly, Christ came providing humanity’s freedom from the bondage of sin and God’s oncoming wrath. What’s the wait? Christ said “the day you hear my voice, harden not your heart.”

Hear, accept, be saved and receive your appointment. It’s free bought and paid for.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Thursday November 19

The Lord’s Return is Near: Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.

he name Zephaniah means “the Lord hides,” as he was the great-great-grandson of King

Hezekiah and prophesied during the reign of Josiah (639-603 B.C.)” Josiah was the last godly ruler of Judah and Zephaniah was of blood royalty and it is believed that he had access to the king and Zephaniah prophesying may have sparked the king’s revival of the people.


The nation (Judah) has become marred in sin. Idolatry worship was common place and sparked the cry by Zephaniah to prophesy of the Lord’s return to pronounce His wrath upon all manner of sin committed by everyone who fails to repent and turn to the Lord. However, this particular setting was to Judah but the final wrath that is yet to come (Roman 2:5) and will be seen when Christ returns (v 7). The preceding verses give some insight as to the devastation that will occur during the “day of wrath.” It paints a picture of doom and gloom. Verse 17 paints the picture very clear as in verse 18 makes plain that earthy possession is worthless. The lesson here is put your trust and faith in the Lord as opposed to things that have no value on that great judgment day.

Christ is coming again soon for His own.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Friday November 20

Fear The Lord: Psalm 128:1

Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.

hat does it mean to fear the Lord? Fear the Lord means to reverence the Lord, to adore the

Lord for who He is and what He has done in the lives of all humanity. Also, to fear the Lord with reverence, believers live in a state of thankfulness to God for providing salvation for those believe and accept His gift.


Our scripture verse tells of the blessedness’ for all who fear the Lord and walk in His ways. All who have reverential fear of the Lord is assured of many blessing because believers who fear God have a right relationship with Him, and having a right relationship with God causes man to walk in His ways which is to obey His commandments. It is noteworthy to say that all who fear the Lord in reverence have accepted Him as Lord and head of their lives as well as realizing that the Lord is the essence of ones existence from beginning to end.

If the question were raised, how do we walk in God’s ways? One can walk in God’s ways by living holy and upright lives before God and man. Also, we walk in God’s ways by witnessing Christ to others and being a light for Christ in a sin darkened world.

We are encouraged to fear the Lord, walk in His ways and be blessed. He is worthy of our reverence.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Saturday November 21

God Remembers: Malachi: 3:16

Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.

oday’s topical discussion is a continuation of yesterday’s discussion on fearing the Lord in reverence. Our scripture text highlights other reasons for believers to fear the Lord and those

reasons are: (a) the Lord remembers all who feared Him as He has a permanent record book in heaven that records all who have been faithful to Him and kept His commandments while living faithfully to Him. (b) During the judgment day when all come before the Lord for the reading of their service record, God will have the record of all His devoted followers and will treat those believers accordingly.


Also depicted in our scripture verse the reverential fear of the Lord that causes believers to talk of His goodness to one another as the Lord hears our conversation and knows our hearts and if it contains genuine love for and faithful to Him . Another thought here is that just as believers respond to God’s goodness and mercy so does God for all who obey Him in total obedience.

Lastly, God remembers why He created man, which is for the two to be in fellowship with one another and disobedience severed this relationship, but in God’s goodness through Jesus Christ man’s relationship has been restored.

Thank You God for remembering.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Sunday November 22

Believers Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the fristfruits of them that slept. For since man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

hat is resurrection? According to The Student Bible Dictionary (P 202) resurrection is the

raising of life after death (Matthew 22:23). God’s raising of the dead in Christ to eternal life (Romans 6:4-9), and because God raised Jesus from the dead, He will raise Christians to eternal life (John 11:25; Romans 6:5). With that being said then resurrection can be seen as Christ’s resurrection bring the foundation for all Christians faith (1 Corinthians 15:12-21).


According to scripture (John 5:29; Acts 24:15) all will experience a resurrection whether to eternal life or condemnation will depend on if you are a believer or non-believer. It is known that the dead in Christ will rise and meet Him in the air at the time of the rapture and this group will return with Christ when he returns to establish His earthly kingdom after the tribulation. Therefore, believers have something to hope for that after this earthly tabernacle is over we have another building made with the hands of God eternal in the heavens. What a blessed hope!

How are the dead raised? And with what body do they come? (1 Corinthians 15:35) These are two important questions that beg answers; while searching for the answers Life in The Spirit Study Bible commentary explains the answers this way, first, by God raising the human body from the dead to reunite it with the person’s soul and spirit

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 which it was separated from at death as this separation occurred during the intermediate state. Second, the body is necessary for three reasons, and they are (a) the body is essential to the total human personality as humans are incomplete without a body. (b) The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and will once again become the temple of the Spirit at resurrection. (c) To undo the result of sin at all levels, humanity’s final enemy (death of the body) must be conquered through resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:26).

The OT and NT teach on future bodily resurrection as our bodily resurrection is predicated on Christ’s resurrection. Also, it has been taught that the believer’s body will look like that of Jesus Christ own resurrected body. supporting scriptures are Roman 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:20; 42-44; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:2), also scripture supports the fact that resurrected bodies will be one possessing a body like the one in this earthly life (Luke 16:19-31). Scripture further supports that our resurrected bodies will be changed to a heavenly body one that will accommodate the new heaven and earth. It will be a body that is immortal free of decay as well as a glorified body like Christ. Believers’ new bodies will have power and not be subject to disease or weakness for it will be a spiritual one not bound to the laws of nature, but will be one that is capable of eating and drinking.

Lastly, let’s look at what happens when believers put on their bodies of immortality, (a) believers will be all that God intended from creation, (b) believers will come to know God fully as He wants to be known, and (c) then God will express His love for believers as He desires. Finally, all faithful believers alive when Christ returns will be transformed and given new bodies just as those in our

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 discussion. Therefore, to die in Christ is to live---what a blessing!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Monday November 23

The Good Shepherd: Ezekiel 34:11-12

For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

n today’s topical discussion we see the God Himself stating what He will do regarding Israel as their true

leader; simply put God will take charge of leading and caring for His people. God took this stance due in part because of the failed leadership of Israel that had scattered them throughout the land. God promises to restore Israel to her rightful place and repair all that is broken as it relates to Israel and His people.


In essence God uses a parable or allegory of sorts to explain His position regarding Israel and her restoration. Verse 17 speaks of God separation, as this can be seen as the Day of Judgment where the faithful will be separated from the unfaithful.

What message can be gleaned from this passage of scripture? The message here is that God is the good Shepherd who loves, will care, lead and restore His people. God uses Israel as an example to express His love for all believers. Also, believers who are persecuted for Christ’s sake will no longer have to suffer because the good shepherd is in charge.

God the good Shepherd!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Tuesday November 24

Christ The Shepherd: Ezekiel 34:23-31

And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David: he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

oday is a continuation of our topical discussion on the Lord as the good shepherd. The focus of

today’s discussion is where the Lord tells the people that He “will set up one shepherd over them and he shall feed them.” The Lord stated that His servant David who was a prince among them would feed them. As we know David was a man after God’s own heart. David walked in close fellowship with God and obeyed God’s commandments.


Under the leadership of God’s true shepherd he will establish a covenant of peace as there will be blessings galore; there will be no more pain and suffering for the Lord Himself would “have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them.” Also, the Lord promises to provide safety and protection for His people under the “one shepherd.” Who is this shepherd? It is Jesus Christ, God’s Son who is referenced in verse 29 as the “plant of renown.”

What did Jesus do? He came to take away the sins of the world through His death on the cross at Calvary. Jesus raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, and healed all manner of diseases.

Jesus Christ the true shepherd!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Wednesday November 25

In A Position To Serve: Esther 2:17-18

And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.

hat do we know about Esther? Esther was a Jewish maiden young woman who was chosen

queen over the then great Persian empire (2:17). There was a series of events that led to Esther becoming queen, some of which that Esther’s uncle Mordecai learned of a plot to kill the king and reported thus saving the king’s life, and for this Esther was rewarded with special favor. Also, it appears that there was a party given and the queen Vashti refused to attend the king’s party and this angered him. The decision was, since queen Vashti had refused the king’s orders he decided to dethrone her and Esther being the most beautiful and humble of all the virgins became queen. In this position Esther had the king’s ear, and from this position she was able to help her people, the Jews when the opportunity presented itself, which was about five years later.


Queen Esther remained humble and meek while remaining true to her racial identity and spiritual heritage. Esther refrained from self pride and self-importance. Esther possessed the right spirit and attitude for service to the Lord. God’s protective hand is seen at work through the decisions others made.

Use your position of authority to serve the Lord.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Thursday November 26

Give Thanks: Psalm 92:1

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing

praises unto thy name, O most High:

oday’s topic of discussion focuses on giving thanks and praises to God for all that He has and

continues to do in the lives of all humanity and especially believers as praises and thanksgiving is an essential part of believers lives.


Thank God because He is the essence of our being from beginning to end. He wakes all humanity each morning, He gives us health and strength and most of all in mans fallen state God sent His Son Jesus to earth to provide salvation to all who accept Jesus as their personal Savior, and most of all for His grace and mercy. Thank You God!

All humanity have so much to be thankful for until we can’t tell it all, case in point His Word and His spiritual gifts are to be used in edifying the body of Christ. God gave us His written Word as a roadmap into heaven and the Holy Spirit as our compass to get us there. Lastly, God gave His Son as a living example how man is to live godly lives before Him as Christ lived in total obedience to the will of His Father.

Thank God for creating humanity in His image and likeness and breathing the breath of life in to mankind.

Everyday is a day of thanksgiving—Praise the Lord!

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Friday November 27

Seek The Lord: 1 Chronicles 16: 8-11

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvelous works that he hath done his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.

avid is encouraging all to seek the Lord and give thanks (v 8) to Him as the Lord has done great

things in the lives of all humanity and even greater things in the lives of believers. Also, verse 8 encourages believers when calling upon the Lord to make known His great deeds and wonders among all people. Believers who seek God continually He will provide the necessary strength to do great things for the building up of His kingdom and glorifying His holy name. The many wonders of God is seen daily throughout the universe and some are the rising and setting of the sun, the brightness of the moon and stars, the changing of the colors in due seasons, the constant movement of the wind, and then He touches each of His children every morning saying “good morning my dear child let me share today’s journey with you.” What a great God?


Given the many wonders of God, He is worthy to be praised expressing our thanks of gratitude for the many blessing bestowed upon each of us for His grace and mercy has clothed us daily.

Lastly, seek the Lord with a heart of joy for He is near to lovingly provide, protect and walk with His children throughout life’s journey.

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Saturday November 28

Sing Praises to His Name: 1 Chronicles 16:23-35 Sing unto the Lord, all the earth, shew forth from day to day his salvation. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

he second day of expounding on David’s psalm of gratitude to the Lord for His goodness and

mercy as David knew the value of giving honor and praises to the Lord. In our scripture text believers are encouraged to sing praises unto His holy name for He is worthy of all the praise and honor one can give.


Again David encourages all believers to declare God’s glory among the heathens (unbelievers). Several thoughts can be gleaned from this passage and they are; believers serve as a living witness to His goodness and that He is Lord of their lives. Second, God is to be reverenced above all other gods as He is the creator and sustainer of all that exist, the heavens, earth and man. Third, if nature and the elements can testify of His goodness, (vv31-33) why not man? Lastly, God is praise worthy because He is our deliverer---through His Son Jesus man was delivered from the bondage of sin.

Believers---“the Lord reign” so join creation to sing and shout praises to His holy name and this will be our song “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.”

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 Sunday November 29

Believers Love Thy Neighbors: Romans 13:8-14

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law….Love worketh no ill to his neighbour; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

n our scripture text Paul outlines Christian character that believers are to possess toward

his/her neighbors. Paul begins by encouraging believers to pay their debts and if they have to borrow pay what is owed and refrain from an attitude of indifference, and the only debt Christians cannot gain release from is to love one another as this is the law. Paul continues his discourse on love by stating why believers are to love one another which are “love worketh no ill to his neighbour.” Another thought is that believers are commanded to “love thy neighbor as thyself” as Christ loved us all.


If the question were raised, what is some evidence of Christian love? Some evidence of Christian love is that believers turn from sin and all the negative consequences it bring. Believers magnify Christ in showing love to thy neighbors. All believers who show love emulate the love of God for He is love. God loved humanity to the point of death, meaning it cost Him His Son’s life at Calvary. What love!

Several other questions come to mind, and they are, how can we love God whom we have never seen and hate our fellowman? Being a Christian and in the body of Christ and do not love is hypocrisy! Colossians 2:2 say that we as believers are knitted together in love, how then can we not love one another? Throughout scripture believers are commanded to love one another, and if believers fail to obey

HEAVENLY BREAD VOLUME 1Issue 11 2009 this commandment are we then disobeying the law given by Christ Himself? Are we better than Adam as it relates to obeying God’s laws? Is God our first love and or does the love of God resides in you? You must decide your answers.

In Galatians 5:22, Paul lists the fruits of the spirit and provides a definition of love as charity, a caring for and seeking the highest good of another person without a motive or personal gain (Romans 5:5; 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:2 Colossians 3:14). Love is viewed as the greatest of all the fruits of the spirit because without love you have no joy, peace, goodness, longsuffering, meekness, temperance, or gentleness. From this we see love as the center piece of our being. Case in point, without love one cannot enjoy the feeling of excitement or gladness of the blessings and promises of God. Another example is in meekness where one can and does exercise control and restraints when necessary.

Let’s close this discussion with John 15:12-13, which states, “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Obey Christ’s command and love as He loved---love thy neighbor!


Monday November 30

The Widow’s Mite: mark 12:44b

…..But she of her want did cast in all that she has, even all her living.

oday’s topic of discussion focuses on giving and the spirit in which one gives. Our scripture talks

about a poor widow giving all that she had. The lesson to be learned form this discourse is that it’s not how much one gives but the spirit in which one gives. Jesus evaluates our giving different from society, He looks at the totality of ones giving in relationship to Him and ones service for Him. Giving is a part of service to Him and others and it may be in the form of time committed to service for Christ as well as using ones gifts in the body of Christ. Additionally, Christ evaluates the quality of ones giving out of love for Him and sincere devotion to Him. How do you give?


Questions that come to mind are do you give out of love, generosity, or sacrificially? Do you give your last knowing, that God will repay you by trusting His Word that “He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19)? Do you give from your abundance of what God has blessed you with? Lastly, do you give to be evaluated by man or God?

Give as the widow gave---from the depths of her heart with sincere love and devotion. God loves a cheerful giver!


Author’s Comments Thank you for allowing me to share God’s Word with you.


I am available for seminars, speaking engagements, and book signings.

Visit website at www.goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com

wwhite@goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com williewhite8613@sbcglobal.net

All books, articles, devotionals and coming DVD’s are available through my website



Bio WILLIE B. WHITE holds two Masters of Arts degree in Adult education (MA Ed, MA SED). Weekly articles in The Oakland press (religion subsection). A monthly article appears in Divine Inspiration Magazine at www.divineinspirationmagazine.com and frequent articles in The Informer magazine of the SSPB. First book, “The Lord is My Shepherd”, (2007) PublishAmerica. “Expose of the Holy Spirit”, released June 2009, “Heavenly Bread”, released July 2009, a monthly devotional. Works in progress, DVD Who is God? An inspirational video and Season of Inspiration book, release day December 2009. All material is available through www.goodshepherdwritingandpublishing.com

HEAVENLY BREAD Volume 1 Issue 11 2009