Heart Chakra Transcript Module

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Heart Chakra Transcript Module

Transcript of Heart Chakra Transcript Module

MODULE 5: Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra)

Carol: Hello! I am Carol Tuttle and I do these monthly programs with Syl, who will be joining us during the second half and doing the Thai yoga, and we found this to be a great combination. We’ve kind of laughed between ourselves; we’ve said, “Well, even if nobody else will benefit we certainly are.”

She and I are having a fabulous experience opening up these energy centers and seeing what shows up every month as we’re doing this, cause certainly I’m experiencing it personally in my own life - the

dynamics of working with each of these very intentionally.

How many of you are here for the first time tonight, if you’d raise your hand? Alright, that’s a fairly significant number in that I don’t know if you just found out about it or you’ve come here with someone that’s been coming, but I want to just give you a general idea of what these are about.

I am an energy therapist; I work in the field of psychology which means I work with people’s energy – energy of thought, energy of emotion, masculine energy, feminine energy, childhood energy – there’s just a lot of energy dynamics going on for every human.

And then there’s an energy system. And that system is designed of meridians, which are pathways, energy pathways; auric field; your Celtic Weave; your basic grid and another one is the Chakras, which are energy centers that run up the front and back of the torso and face and head.

And there’s seven of them that are the most dominant in our experience. And of any energy system that we operate in, they’re probably the most influential on how your life’s flowing – what’s showing up, how it’s showing up – influencing what’s manifesting as that energy is vibrated out and offered, it magnetically draws to you your experience to these energy centers and work with them consciously, you become a director and a very conscious operator of your life.

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And you’re able to tune in and know which Chakra you’re dealing with when certain things are happening in your life. Work with that energy and alter the way life’s flowing. It’s really powerful way to live.


That’s probably the most, for women especially, vulnerable energies, maybe the most inaccessible for males, certain types of males. And it can be so open that it’s a detriment to you cause it’s not held in enough security, or it can be so shut that it’s a detriment cause there’s been so many hurts and damage done to that energy center.

If you think about the energy centers that are above and below it, those are really critical in this heart center right here on the chest. You’ve got the third Chakra which is your power and identity operating on the third vortex.

And you’ve got your Throat Chakra which is all about knowing your truths – speaking it, thinking it, being aligned with it in your mental and verbal interaction in life. And if those are weak and you have this really open Heart Chakra, you don’t have the case to hold it in, basically.

You don’t have the ability to hold it secure cause you need your power and identity to operate from your heart and integrity for yourself and you need your voice to speak what’s true for you.

Otherwise, if your Heart Chakra is really open, that’s going to look like being a people pleaser, a doormat, codependent. You’re going to operate in those tendencies really heavily and you’re going to be really aware of people’s emotions and what’s going on for everybody else and kind of, you might be at a point where you don’t know your own energy from someone else’s at times.

Especially in significant relationships, cause this stuff’s all mixing together. So you really need to strengthen this and this, these two energy centers, to hold this heart center. It’s really important that it be connected to the heart cause

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without it, if there’s no heart, we tend to be more brutal and we’re just more intense than is necessary.


If you don’t have this heart center connected to the throat, you need those connected so that the mind and the heart work together so you’re not just making decisions based on your heart, that you have some logic and reason and balance there with your mind.

If you’re operating purely from logic and there’s no heart, there’s no sensitivity and you’re just, it’s all about what’s logically right. So these are all connecting for a very necessary reason – that they bring the whole being of a person together.

Yet, for the most part, there’s very few people that have all systems on go, balanced and functioning. And in any given day, you might operate different than another day - depending who you’re with, what you’re wearing, what you’ve eaten, the space that you’re putting yourself in – are all influential.

Cause we’ve just not been raised to think about how’s my energy doing, how are my Chakras? Are they open, are they all balanced and flowing? I hope so.

But yet I believe we’re coming to that – to understand the

real quantum nature of who we are, that this is the quantum self, meaning it’s the unseen aspect of who we are, it’s the vibratory force of our system. And you’re a vibration.

I like how Deepak Chopra says, “We’re a wiggle of possibilities.” But if you looked at us in the universal scale of our spectrum of being able to see us, we’re just a little wiggle, existing here. When things can seem very intense and overwhelming, I’ll remind myself – what’s the big deal, I’m just a wiggle. I’m really making more of this than is necessary.

So your little wiggle sees either a spastic wiggle attracting a lot of what you don’t want, or it’s a very calm, you know, very

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balanced, flowing one that’s attracting to you a life that’s beneficial and supportive of you feeling joy.


So we’ve sent out emails about the Heart Chakra, and I’ll go ahead and pass out this clearing script that we put together every month cause this is information to help you when you’re at – this is a take-home tool, pass those out – this will give us a little bit of insight.

The fourth Chakra is also called the Heart Chakra. The energy of the Heart Chakra influences your experiences with the following - heart, compassion, love, touch, devotion, it’s your emotional zone, self-acceptance, your masculine and feminine and forgiveness - are really strong for this energy center.

It’s a sacred energy center in that it’s what basically our emotional expression or connection with our world comes through this energy center really strongly.

And if we’ve been hurt at a young age, our energy will defend itself or find a way to survive trauma. So it will actually close itself up. It will barrier itself if it’s tender and it’s not been developed properly.

So that would look like, in a child’s life, if you were not a recipient of loving kind energy and tender words and expressions – mother energy is really strong in this energy center – your Heart Chakra…

That’s what feeds the energy center, the validation of a loving parent, the kind, loving expressions that are received in the heart that allow that heart to blossom and be open and to let love flow through it.


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And when we’ve had the trauma of a childhood, if it’s been a traumatic childhood, and we’ve not come to a place of forgiveness, we hold those wounds of the past in the heart, so it’s like having literally a wounded heart.

Those can be very overwhelming to open up and start to process and heal. Cause you feel that, you feel this opening and the pain’s just so deep, it’s overwhelming. And it’s grief. There’s a lot of grief to clear and we are being given a chance to clear, especially females, generations of wounded hearts.

So a lot of what you may be experiencing at that heart center – which is grief, sadness, sorrow – I would imagine only 20% or less is even your lifetime of energy, it goes so beyond you, that energy needs to be accounted for in your generational experience. Someone has to bring it into balance, basically.

And if we don’t, we just keep recycling it, vibrating it and recreating the same experience with it. So depending on if it’s in relationships… It manifests a lot in relationships, whether they’re spouse, parent-child, mother-child-parent, will recreate and if you look at your family system and if there are some unresolved patterns or issues, I would think you could see and identify similarities if you looked at the bigger group.

Who else is creating something like unto this, you know – divorces, parent-child discrepancies where children aren’t talking. It’s going to show up more than just one place. So we create these marriage themes and these relationship themes that connect heart stuff.

It’s protecting this vulnerable energy cause you don’t want to be hurt again and could be male issues, you know, if you were hurt by men. So you’re very tentative and kind of arm’s length. You’ll only let someone get so close cause you don’t want to recreate the hurt.

So those are all really key for this energy center. Personally, I’ve experienced pretty much all of what I’ve been sharing.

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It’s how I know it so well. So I’ve gotta do a lot of healing of my heart.

And recently I felt very impressed that to learn to live with an open heart regardless of how people treat you, you’re more likely going to attract what’s good and wonderful, but there’s going to be people in your experience that aren’t that nice, okay?

They’re just hanging out; they’re not that far away. Could be through somebody’s married to somebody – maybe you’re married to that person. To learn how to keep your heart open and allow people their experience – cause what we tend to do without even consciously choosing it is it’ll like, close up, like, I don’t want to deal with you, I don’t want to let you in.

It’s to be in a place of an open heart to let the love flow and to just notice, wow, look at the experience they’re creating. I choose a different experience and I choose to be true to myself, stay in my power, speak my truth, not need to change anybody, defend myself, just allow, stay in a place of openness and with the choice of saying I choose to not spend too much time with you, unless you’re married to the person, then you’ve got a different scenario going.

I realized I was, due to some relationships that had developed in our lives – some people had come into our lives that are fairly negative people. They speak all about what they don’t want; they’re very victim-minded.

I didn’t want anything to do with these people. I want them out of my experience. And the lesson for me was can I allow them to just be a part of my life experience - cause it’s not like I have a lot of contact with them – and stay open and loving and still be aware of what the difference, that I want something much, much different and I don’t have to do anything about their stuff.

I just get to be me and if they want what I have, they’ll certainly at some level be drawn to it and they’ll invite themselves in. And that’s a key thing, cause as we start going after people to try and get them to see this, you know, or become more aware or more enlightened, or be more

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accountable, if it’s not coming from the heart, if it’s coming from any other Chakra, they’re going to put their defenses up.


And if it’s coming from the heart, you won’t care if they change. You just won’t cause you’re just okay. Cause love doesn’t require people to be different in order for that love to be real God-like love, does not require someone to change in order for us to be expressing that love. Otherwise, God just couldn’t really be loving any of us right now, cause we’re all falling short of what He created us for.

So to know yourself – that’s what I’m reminded – I’m here to know myself more like my Father in Heaven knows – to become like Christ, to become like the character of God. So if I can’t love somebody because of the way they are playing out their drama – cause I need to protect myself from somehow that infecting me – that’s not God-like love, that’s not Christ-like love.

So that’s been my lesson over the last couple of weeks. I thought, oh, good, we’re doing Heart Chakra stuff right here at home, you know? Today I got it, I just felt that. I felt like, oh, I can love you. But you know what? We’re not going to dinner much. We won’t be paling up a lot, you know? But if you’re around, hey, I’m cool. I can just be me and not need you to change.


So that was a great lesson. Any questions or any situations I can make an application to at this point from what I shared. Cause what I want to do is help some people. I gave very little time to that last month and I thought, you know, that’s what I’m really good at. I am really good at helping people shift really pretty quick and identifying where they’re stuck. But we’ll be based around heart issues this month.

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So if it’s money, that’s a different Chakra really. But you could be heartbroken that you’re poor. So I don’t know, we’ll see what shows up.

Any questions to this point?

John: What about a child who has chosen a totally different path from what you like?

Carol: That’s a great question. The question is, “What about a child who has chosen a different path than what a parent will want for them,” and probably being destructive, creating pain and struggle. That’s like the ultimate in learning this kind of love cause God’s got planets full of children doing that.


And that’s a fine line, you know, to be able to love unconditionally without enabling. That’s where the line gets divided, this allowing turning into enabling and being an integrity. It’s such a fine line that for every parent, prayer is your greatest tool to be tutored on almost a daily basis on how am I to best influence this situation.

If it triggers you, if you get triggered by it, then there’s something within yourself. When you get an emotional charge be’ cause it just bugs you what they’re doing, that’s your stuff. That’s what you need to take care of.

Cause, you know, if God were triggered by all of us, He’d be insane. We all make choices that fall beneath His vision of who we are and the pain we continue to exist in. And so that’s what you get to do. I gotta own what’s mine and how do I know it’s mine? I got a charge on it; it really pushes my buttons.

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So that’s what I have to clear. And as a clear parent, you’re freer to receive the inspiration we have of what role I am to play for this child. And we’ve seen it a lot of different ways. Our son was making some real painful choices and with his tendency and personality, the more we forced, pushed or stood, the more he pushed back.

And so we had to sort of find these indirect ways to reach

him. We have our adopted son who’s really, really good on just saying this is the way it’s going to be – it’s real black and white. And he just

sails with that. So you can’t respond necessarily the same way for each child. You gotta get a feel for what shuts them down, what puts them in their defenses and what opens them up.

It’s like your child’s your customer and you get to be the customer service rep and get to figure that out. What’s gonna bring them in?

Cause ultimately that’s your goal. If you need to be heard, need to be right as a parent, then you’re gonna play it your way irregardless of how they’re going to be reached and you may not be successful.

If you want to be successful, then you get to do some homework and become aware of what does this child respond to that creates trust, that brings them in, that opens their heart that connects us at the heart.

And so you may have to do it different than you would prefer to based on your own personality style or what just is easy for you, but what’s your goal, what’s your intention? Do you want results, do you want something better? Then you’ll do it.

I mentioned to John more than he probably likes, to say you know, if you approached it this way, or if you said it in this manner, then you’re going to open him up and he’s going to engage with you. Do you have anything you want to say about that, honey?

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John: You seem to be right.

Carol: I seem to be right? Well, I just know what he wants ultimately is to have some influence. But then what gets in the way is the need to just be able to say it, he gets it and with our other son, who’s 16, if you just kind of dictate it to him, he pushes, the walls go up.

If you know how to verbally and energetically come around and meet him where he’s at, he’ll come right with you. And that’s a result of being very prayerful and really understanding how my children flow in this life and what are their defenses that they tend to engage very quickly and what do I do that triggers them.

What do I want? I want to be a parent that is heard and is a

guide and that has an influence, so I’m willing to do the tricks, work with it and get them to connect with them. And so far, it’s worked pretty good because all of our children that are out of high school –

we have three of our five out of high school – are doing very, very well. I’m really impressed with the level of consciousness they choose to live in and that kind of accountability they operate in their lives for such young adults, and they do.

A parent that knows us that has challenges with their children might say occasionally, “Well, you just have really good children,” and I think everybody has really good children. John and I have done our homework. And we have.


And that homework started with us. The best parenting class I’ve ever taken is doing healing with Carol Tuttle. When I started to really do that inner child work and understand what did I, what shut me down, what did I not get that I needed, it was just apparent to me that that’s what my children need to hear, that’s what I need to give my kids.

That’s what I wanted. So it’s not very complicated. And I do a lot of things in imagery where I blew it pretty significantly

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as a mother of young children. That’s when the worst of my worst was processing. So in imagery, through my own meditation, I go back and I play it out differently. I see myself as a healthy, available, loving, doting, nurturing mother that loves to do pre-school in her home, cause I didn’t. I take each one of my kids and I do imageries with them.

For some reason I felt impressed with our son that’s serving a church service mission. I imagine myself as his mom when he was a little boy.

He got hit pretty hard by my dysfunction and that played out as some real problems in his teenage years. He’s doing phenomenally well in his experience right now. And I just felt prompted to see myself with him as a little boy.

PARENTING IN THE NOW Does that have an effect? Yes, because when you

understand the quantum nature of our existence, everything exists in the now. It’s really weird to consider how that works.

But in God’s existence, everything exists right now, so if I go back through my mental powers God’s given me and change a previous experience to be one that’s successful, where love is felt and present and I’m validating my child and I’m being that healthy parent, that changes my child’s experience in this now that I’m conscious in. Cause it shifts the energy. I just know that. That’s why God’s given us minds that can go any direction, if we’ll learn how to use them.

We can go backwards, forwards, we can go anyplace with our minds. It’s powerful to be able to learn how to just start… I’m not taking classes on this. These things come to me from what I know and the pieces that I’ve learned. I’ve said, well, then I can do this. I can go back and change my child’s experience and release the trauma that was created, as if he’d had a loving, doting mother. So I do it.

Audience Member: Can you give an example of how you do that?

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Carol: The question was “Can you give an example of how you do that?” I see my little boy as a 2-year-old running up to me and I’m a healthy, available mom, and I get down on my knees and I tell him what a wonderful little boy he is and I love you and what do you have to show me? Completely devoted and available to him.

The other experience that I am cancelling out was a screaming, raging maniac mother that freaked this kid out most of the time that he ran to his room thinking he might die. Honestly. See, so I’m showing up differently in the imagery, validating him.

In my book I have a chapter on “Messages Your Children Need To Hear.” So I’ll think of myself saying those statements to my children at those different ages they’ve grown up from. I’ve done a tremendous amount of work like this with my own child self.


I’ve taken a bunch of little Carols that were scared, afraid and angry and they’re breezing now. Life is just fine. They’re like, “Hey, we’re doing great. I had an awesome childhood cause we reinvented it.”

Your selves don’t know the difference of what you hold in your memory bank, okay? They don’t know if you’ve put it there or you just keep thinking about how it played out. Your energy can’t

distinguish any difference. It doesn’t go, no, that’s not what really happened. No, I’m buying into that.

Whatever you put your attention on, your energy responds to. Your whole system responds as if that’s accurate. So you choose what you want to keep in your head.

Audience Member: Do you do specific things that you remember?

Carol: “Do I do specific things that I remember?” I have, yes, cause there’s things that, and if they’ll tell me, especially if a child will have a memory of an event where they’re still holding,

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then we can do that together too. And my kids have done that.

Audience Member: So you can do it alone or together?

Carol: Yeah, you can do it alone or together, cause we can go back. With my oldest daughter, we’ve done a lot – what we call, these are reframes – we’ve done a lot of reframing the past. Cause she was the oldest and she has a personality… What she did was shut a lot of herself down and tune into what does mom need, cause mom’s not doing well, and so her parent identity got transferred to if mom’s okay, then maybe I can be okay.

She used to, like, get the vacuum out and start vacuuming because I was just like a freak about having everything perfect and clean. If my outer world was undone, it brought up all of my internal stuff. When you’ve got four kids six and under and three of those were three and under, it’s not a really healthy way to operate if your world have everything perfect all the time.

I’d see her doing this – knowing how nuts I was, how dysfunctional – yet I had no tools to really get things taken care of. I was going to talk therapy every week for two and a half years, just trying to figure out why have I gone crazy.

I’ve done everything they said I had to do – and I had. I was lost. Then to see your 6-year-old pulling the vacuum out cause maybe mom will stop raging, you know, you’re like, oh, I am really messing up my kids. I did know that at the time, that I was not doing them any favors.

And yet, I have a perspective of that that I just… I’ve worked with so many mothers that feel so much regret – and that’s a hard issue, regret – we should probably clear that for all the moms in the room today like, “Oh, I just really messed up my kids.” It’s like, look, they signed up for the whole deal – we all did.

You know what? They knew you were going there. It’s okay. I trust that. My kids knew how it was going to play out. As spirits, we just all kind of came in and we’re willing to move

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through the pain and struggle with the design that we’re going to come out on the other side in a much better place.


There are some things I’ve done that I still kind of cringe and go, “That was so sick, you know, just not healthy.” And for the most part I just hold it in that spiritual perspective of you’ve got to see the bigger picture here and it’s, even if your child is still playing out the residual effects of what you helped influence due to your, whatever, stuff when you were raising them, there’s an eternal timeline to address this, you know, and God’s not going to sell any of us short due to the fact we’re dealing with generational stuff.

And God continually puts in people’s path the chance to notice it, big time. Really big time. I see so many people getting hit with life challenges that are so you just can’t ignore them. The whole point of them is turn to God and get some real answers here, not just try and get rid of the disease. What’s creating this?

Where’s this coming from? There’s something bigger driving it. Don’t just treat the symptom, you know. And people are being given lots of really potent life situations in which to start wanting to know more, cause the answers they have aren’t, you know, for me they weren’t satisfactory – going to talk therapy and just doing what I’d been told to do and things should be better and they didn’t get better.

How is that healing when you can’t even speak to your parents or siblings for five years? Cause you went to talk therapy and you created the story then made it difficult to even have contact with these people.

I have to have boundaries. I’ll separate myself. That’s healing. That’s not healing, that’s creating a whole other level of stuff to heal. So I’m grateful for these tools that we have now cause when you clear your emotional baggage, you can change the way you see something.

And that’s important to understand. The only thing that’s keeping you stuck in your perception, that’s limiting you –

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whether it’s a victim or a martyr perception or something where you feel you’ve been wronged – the only thing keeping you from changing your mind the way you see it is the emotions that support it.

When you clear the emotions, you can change the way you see it that fast and go oh, alright, cool. I had one rapid eye session and I had not spoken to my extended family that I grew up in in close to five years. And I had a lot of issues with my dad.


And the reason for that is any contact with them, especially with my father, tripped me up so much I’d be so it would put me into such a craze, being a wife and a mother to my own family, it interfered. They’d get all the aftermath. So that was my way of trying to perform in my roles in my current family was to separate myself from the family group I came from.

And yet, that was just always there. You knew that hadn’t been healed. And I went to one RET session and what that cleared in one session, I had the ability, completely, genuinely from my heart to come home and write my father and my family a letter asking for them to forgive me, that I had hurt them by the choices I’d made by dealing with what I was dealing with.

It totally shifted the whole family momentum – one clearing. I was, like, I think this works. It’s pretty powerful stuff. Cause I couldn’t fake that.

I couldn’t pretend. It had to come from my heart, and it did. It was remarkable and the whole process of coming back together and moving on happened very quickly then, as I reached out to each of those family members in a whole different place cause I no longer was the victim.

I was now the person that had the power to just take on that role of saying, “We need to have a perpetrator. No one else is willing to own that. I’ll get to do that, too. I’ll play that part. I hurt them.” So I got to be the victim and the one causing

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the pain. And the Heavenly Father told me, we just need one person to play all the parts so the energy can be moved. You’re a one-woman show, Carol. I said, okay, I’ll do it all I guess cause no one’s willing to take this on.

Everyone wanted to be the victim; we’re all fighting to be the victim, you know? “You hurt me.” “No, you hurt me.” No one is

willing to be the bad guy and say, “Okay, that’ll be my part.” No one can move that energy. So Heavenly Father gave me the clarity, the discernment to know what I was doing.

And it didn’t matter if I was right. But somebody had to move it into forgiveness. That was huge to be able to have that kind of awareness and realize, oh, we’re all competing for the victim. No one’s going to move out of victim energy if that’s…We’re all stuck there.


And that’s heart stuff. If you’re experiencing any aspect of being a victim in your life, that’s cause your heart center carries hurt and you want it validated. It’s, like, you’ll hang on to that, people die with that kind of wounded heart stuff, waiting for the person that hurt them to show up and say, “I’ve hurt you.” They’ll finally go, “Okay, good, now I can heal it.”

It’s not gonna happen. It’s just, why waste your life? They’re waiting for someone to show up and tell them. You can get it taken care of through yourself and God. It’s real easy. So let’s go ahead and do some of that. Any other questions?


Audience Member: Can you have a RET treatment done on a child that’s having difficulties when he doesn’t seem to want it? You have to be willing to be there to help them.

Carol: Can you have a rapid eye therapy session to benefit a child if they’re not coming along with it or choosing into it? How I

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would approach that is I wouldn’t even ask the child to come in. I’d do it through proxy, meaning you can proxy somebody here tonight as we work with whoever is invited to come up front. You can invite someone else’s energy to receive the benefit of the clearing work we’re doing here.

Energy is not contained in any fashion. It responds through intention; it’s an intelligent system. And your intelligence is asking for that energy to be affected. And is it something that they want? Well, of course, they wouldn’t be here on the earth. Their higher self is seeking enlightenment.

They wouldn’t be on the planet at this time. It’s just people get stuck because of the defenses that we carry and the fear that we

have that we just feel it’s safer to not keep… We know how to survive. We’re just really good at surviving.

We’re masters at it, otherwise you wouldn’t be experiencing some level of survival every day of your life. You’d just say, “I’m done. I’m good with survival. I’m moving on.” But we’re just so good at it, it’s such a habit. It’s become a lifestyle for humanity. I include myself in that. We’re good at being dramatic when it comes to surviving this planet.


Okay, what would be fun to work with is people that recognize they’re stuck cause there’s some blame going on or there’s some issue with another, some heart, some pain there. So relate anything that has to do with you’re angry with someone or someone’s hurt you and you get triggered by them easily, they bug you.

Or you get vulnerable. You’re hurt by them easily, you get angered by them or you get hurt, easily offended. Jealousy is good if you feel threatened that you’re going to lose somebody. Or you get jealous of them having other attention. So that gives you some ideas. So raise your hands if you think you’d like to participate in some of that.

What’s your name?

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Barbara: Barbara.

Carol: Hi, Barbara. What’s your experience that you felt qualified to come up here?

Barbara: Well, what’s interesting is just the last month or so I’ve been feeling really stuck and knew I had to get out of whatever it was causing me to be stuck. And I feel like – I read your book and was reading about how we have all these experiences and we struggle through them and we learn through them and why can’t we learn through joy?

That’s my overall experience. The other thing is that I’ve gone through a lot of that forgiveness and stuff with people and my family in healing. And I’m married to this wonderful man with this great spirit. But all of my stuff is stuck with some resentments and bad feelings, bad energy with him.

Carol: Based on certain experiences you’ve had or…?

Barbara: Yeah, experiences in the past and stuff that I’ve worked through and I can be there and say that’s gone. It’s like you said – recreate things. And then it comes back. I just would like to really clear that.

Carol: Is it anger or sadness or…?

Barbara: A lot of it’s sadness, a lot of it’s loneliness, energy.

Carol: Like he’s not there for you?

Barbara: Yeah, to some degree, but a lot of it not having the same energy in some of the things you’re talking about.

Carol: Oh, that he doesn’t, like, seek this information out kind of thing?

Barbara: That and that he just has different energy than I do and I feel like I’m being his mother when I don’t want to be his mother. And I think he wants me to be his mother. You know, I’ve gone through the whole gamut of all those different things and I just want to clear it.

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Carol: Okay. Well, you are different energies. That’s distinct. We always marry someone who has a different rhythm than you. There’s four types of energy that we all fall into and I haven’t met anyone that’s married their same energy type.

So there’s this, when you haven’t fully accepted your flow,

the energy type you are, you have more tendency to need them to be like you and they’re just not going to be because you’ve married them intentionally to compliment the flow of you.

So a lot of self-acceptance stuff that we need to take care of so we free our companion, our spouse up to be their flow and not expect certain things that’s not their, it’s not authentic to them.

When we need something of that, kind of we really need it, that’s an unmet need that you are better to resolve yourself then he can show

up and participate and just offer as kind of an addition to, that it’s complimenting what you already have.

It’s an addition to. That’s why drives every divorce is that you don’t get your needs met in your spouse and so you then depart, split cause you’re now wounding each other. You’re now wounding those unmet needs, you get really good at throwing out the strikes that wound the other person so that you don’t even stay together cause there’s this expectation that you’ve got to take care of what didn’t get taken care of.

And that’s what creates most marital conflict is that design and a lot of heart stuff that’s never been healed. It’s old energy most of the time. And people go out and find the next person to play the same role. They wonder why isn’t this too much better than the last time around?

It’s funny to me when you have a client that’s now on their third, fourth, fifth and even sixth marriage, and it’s like, you didn’t notice this? It’s so blatantly obvious you kept marrying the same guy – different name and face.

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And it’s they’re so in the experience, it’s like, they come in and start to become conscious and see the patterns. Just even reading my book people start to go, whoa. It’s like waking up to this and going, “Duh, it’s so obvious. How did I not see it?” - that I attract the same experience to myself over and over and over.

So in your case, what’s something that’s sad or happens that can hurt you?

Barbara: Can actually hurt me. Actually I feel like I’m not being fair to him because I am much more judgment of him than he is of me and that’s something I don’t want to be. I guess the thing that – I don’t know really what it is that hurts me or… I guess I feel burdened being around him.

Carol: Oh, like you have to kind of take care of him and…

Barbara: I’m in charge type thing and I don’t want to be. And yet he’s very capable. I was telling your husband we listen to your CD, you know, Jackie Singleton, our mutual friend, she gave me that CD and we both listened to it. We had the biggest fight we’ve ever had because what you were saying about your husband was the same stuff that…

Carol: What CD was it?

Barbara: I don’t know which one it was. But you were talking about your relationship with your husband and how he had a certain job that you always were over and you weren’t sure he could provide for you and all that stuff and then you’ve come to that acceptance.

And that’s a big thing too with us - that I feel like I have to be in charge of retirement because he has a regular job that isn’t going to pay much for retirement. Things like that that I don’t need to be worrying about, but I do.

Carol: Okay, you’re a yang-feminine, which tends to be close to masculine. You kind of let your masculine tendencies take over. He’s a yin – I know John’s back there; I know he’s thinking this cause - . Your husband’s a yin-male.

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And if you understand yang and yin, yang tends to operate more like a masculine energy – it’s direct, it’s the “go for it” energy. It’s the more firm energy. Yin is the softer, the receiving. It tends to be more classified as a feminine.

So when you’re a yang-feminine and you have a yen-masculine, it’s really easy to get that all mixed up and you’re operating like the masculine predominately and he’s the shut-down male, not sure how to operate in his male energy cause he’s probably got a pattern of it’s never enough.

The female in my life – I’m always criticized. So you’re just the significant female operating in a masculine shutting him down. And you’re not coming from your heart as a feminine. You have to learn how to work… I’m a yang feminine, so I’m all about making it happen.

So John and I have worked with real intention on becoming aware of our style as a masculine and feminine. And for me to operate as a yang-feminine has to be real, you know, I have to really accentuate, focus on my feminine, give more attention to it.

Especially in the world in which we live. It’s real easy to be a feminine operating in the masculine. Real easy. And so to be

more tender, more heartfelt, more tender in my heart and not compromise my yang gifts which are, if I wasn’t a yang-feminine, I couldn’t do what I’ve done cause I would not have had the self-assurance of being who I am to go out and write about things in my culture that have never been written. So it was just appropriate that I be designed this way.

And I needed a yin-masculine that would stand by me and just help bring, you know when things get a little uneasy, or if there’s challenges to move through, he’s real steady. See, your husband’s real steady.

Barbara: I have the same situation.

Carol: That’s a gift. Barbara: I know, I know. It bores me to death sometimes.

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Carol: Yes, but that’s cause you’re both holding back. You both have to step into who you are and just let it shine and not… You’re both holding back because you think you’re going to get hurt. And all you’re doing is hurting each other by holding back. I’m just trying to think how I’d want to work with this. It’s a hard issue. Did you have a dominant father?

Barbara: I did not. I had an absent father.

Carol: Well, there you go. You picked a guy that could be absent for you.

Barbara: And he travels a lot, my husband.

Carol: But there is a dynamic in that that’s like, it’s safe for you to be in a relationship if the male’s kind of invisible. But then you get angry. You know, then you’re scared for him to really show up cause you don’t know…

Barbara: I dream sometimes, what would it be like if he was really wild and crazy like me? Wouldn’t that be neat for a day?

Carol: You’d kill each other. No, you would. No, we tend to be much more dramatic emotionally. We need a guy that’s gonna be like, whatever, come on, chill.

Barbara: I know he’s probably perfect for me but it drives me crazy still. You know what I’m saying?

Carol: Carol, you keep coming up with the “drive me crazy” line, so let’s work with the “drive me crazy” line. You said that numerous times. What are you going to create every time you say that?

Barbara: More craziness.

Carol: Yeah, he’s driving you crazy. You’re letting his gifts become your triggers. Rather than just saying, you know what, I gotta see where this is a gift in my life rather than an annoyance. Cause it’s a great blessing, it really is. Cause you need someone that’s going to keep you more even keel.

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And he’s not going to be an entrepreneur, so get over it then cause he’s not. They like steady jobs, they like paychecks. Would you say that, dear? He’s only going to be an entrepreneur with me cause I lead out in that risk taking. He’s pretty calculated on, mmmm. So he has his day job that’s paycheck.

So we kind of got both worlds going on. So when I realized that the man doesn’t do entrepreneur, he doesn’t lead out with that; and if I get frustrated if he doesn’t, I think that’s false expectation. It’s not him, it’s just not, and that’s not right for me to expect that. That’s me though.

Barbara: So even though you know that and you see that, do you sometimes kind of expect it a little bit?

Carol: Not so much anymore, no, not that I understand that.

Barbara: I’m very much aware that my husband’s not that type and that he fully supports me because…

Carol: Okay, we just need to do forgiveness, okay, finally got it. I thought, what’s she need?

Barbara: I thought I’d done that a million times, but I guess I haven’t.

Carol: You may have to do it a million more. See, that’s the thing. That’s where people think, oh, I’ve done it. Well, you might do it every day for 365 days, I don’t know why. I don’t why we’re being that accountable.

So you just gotta get over the mindset that, I did the forgiveness session. Well you might get to do the forgiveness session every day cause every day it shows up. And you’re still attaching yourself to that whole perception. So every time it’s there, just do it. That’s it.

There’s no like, I should only have to do it six times, you know? Well, sorry, forget it. It’ll never clear. When it shows up, you meet it with, you match it with this. Put your glasses back here and, okay, think of the situation where your husband can just annoy you, drive you crazy, alright? You got one in mind?

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Barbara: Yeah.

Carol: Okay, first put your hand up here and say, “I’m okay, no matter what happens.” Everybody say that.

All: I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Over and over about five or six times. Just keep saying it.

All: I’m okay no matter what happens. I’m okay no matter what happens. I’m okay no matter what happens. I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Okay, think of the worst thing that can happen if he never changes.

Barbara: I’d be okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Well, think of it. Can you think of it?

Barbara: Yeah, the worst that could happen?

Carol: Yeah. What’s the worst thing that could happen if he doesn’t ever get wild and crazy or go start a new company or…

Barbara: Well, my first mindset says I’d stay stuck.

Carol: Well, whose problem is that?

Barbara: Yes, that’s mine. I know.

Carol: What’s the worst thing that can happen to you? Are you gonna die? Lose your limbs? What’s the worst thing that’s gonna happen?

Barbara: Go crazy.

Carol: Yeah, but you’ve been there so… You’re still living. You’ve survived craziness. Okay, so.

Barbara: So the worst that could happen is everything would still be like it is.

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Carol: Alright, but you’re, you know, you’ve got a nice outfit and your car, I see is in the parking lot, you know. You’re breathing. So I always go to the worst thing and say, you know, what am I so afraid of here that I’m getting so bent out of shape? What is the big deal? So what if it never changed?

Barbara: What if it never changed? I’d just learn to live with it.

Carol: Okay, just say again, “I’m okay no matter what happens.”

Barbara: I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Over and over, everyone say it.

All: I’m okay no matter what happens, I’m okay no matter what happens, I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Okay, take a deep breath. Real simple principle here. She’s waiting for her outside world to change so she can be happy inside. What’s the lesson here? You get to choose happiness regardless of what’s going on. Until you get that, nothing’s changing.

Barbara: I got it up here but probably not here yet.

Carol: Oh, you probably do. It’s just practicing it. Okay, now say, “I forgive him.”

Barbara: I forgive him.

Carol: Everyone say this: “I forgive him.” Or her, whatever you need to put in there. “I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how.”

Barbara: I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how.

Carol: Okay, everyone say that over and over.

All: I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how. I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how. I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how.

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Carol: See now I can check that to see if you believe that. Just put your arm up and say “I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how.”

Barbara: I forgive him. He is doing the best he knows how.

Carol: Yeah, you do believe that. And I’m okay no matter what happens.

Barbara: I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Yeah, so every time you have a situation where you get bugged and you start feeling like, he drives me crazy, do those two

processes. Release that energy cause as long as that’s how you respond in your vibration, what are you going to keep attracting?

Barbara: Craziness.

Carol: Yeah. Every time you say “It drives me crazy”, what do you ask for more of?

Barbara: Craziness.

Carol: Yep, for him to play that part.

Barbara: Your husband has a question.

Syl: Another thing that’s really, really important. Heart Chakra is to forgive yourself, that you’re doing the best that you know how.

Carol: Good point. Thank you. Let’s do that now. Okay, Syl’s mentioned that we need to take this one step futher and do forgiveness for ourself. So put your hand up here and say – everybody, hand on their heart –

I forgive myself for going crazy. I’m doing the best I know how. I forgive myself For still believing I haven’t made any progress with this

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I’m doing the best I know how I forgive myself Thinking I should be over this by now I’m not And I’m doing the best I know how It’s okay and I’m okay no matter what happens.

Carol: Cause you are. You feel better?

Barbara: Yeah.

Carol: That’s where you want to use it though. And it’s in your day-to-day experience, even if it’s in your head. To say, you know, when you get triggered by that loved one, it’s I’m okay, it doesn’t matter. You’ve gotta get to the illusion we bought into that all that has to change for us to have joy.

And that is we vibrate in response to I can’t stand this, drives me crazy. You hold the pattern in place. It can’t change, so that’s when you hit it – right in the moment, with these little simple techniques. When I’m up here I feel like I’m an evangelist, you know like, “Be healed” or something. It feels weird to me, I don’t do that. But this will help you if you apply it.

Barbara: Tell me those two things.

Carol: I’m okay no matter what happens. Cause, see, you’re still believing all this has to change for you to be okay and feel loved and to be happy. And I forgive him. Cause you’re responding as if you’re judging him that you have to change in order for me to love and accept you.

And guess what? He’s probably doing the best he knows how being who he is, and then you forgive yourself – that you’re still getting triggered.

Barbara: Okay.

Carol: Oh well. Welcome to marriage.

Barbara: Thank you. I appreciate it.

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Carol: You’re welcome. You’re worth being loved, appreciated, treated kindly that your heart’s open for receiving tenderness and love. Was there any kind of trauma in your childhood? See, so you’re used to being in an environment where there’s harsh energy.

Barbara: See, the earliest that I can recall this cycle happening, I was probably about four and I remember looking out my bedroom door and seeing my parents in the kitchen with my sister, ripping into her.

Carol: Your background is to be in environment where there’s a lot of harsh words, harsh energy. So you’ve got to now practice and really engage the belief that I’m worth being treated tenderly, kindly, lovingly, you know, sensitively. You don’t have much belief operating around that to attract it.

Does that make sense? You want it but the energy you’re putting out is, “I don’t deserve anything more than I’m getting.” Does that make sense? Cause it’s like what your heart knows – to be stepped on. Like, step all over me, I survive kind of a thing.

So what I’m going to do – that handout we just gave – I’m going to take her through a little EFT clearing to switch this, to release this issue around “I’m not worth anything better than what I’m getting. I’m not worth kind words, I’m not worth being treated sensitively.” Have you ever been to EFT?

Barbara: Yeah, that’s how I found you.

Carol: Did you? Okay, well. Everybody do this along with me and think of some aspect of your life that you have some worth issue around – your relationships, your money, weight – I’m not worth being fit, I’m not worth having more money, whatever. Just pick one thing for yourself, okay?

And you’re going to apply this to your own issue, but we’re going to speak to hers, but it will cross over to your own energy, just through intention.


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Okay, so you start tapping on your karate chop point and say, “Even though I haven’t believe I’m worth it, I deeply love and accept myself. Even though I’ve never been treated like I’m worth it, I am worth being treated lovingly.”

Can you say that? See, your little heart’s opening up. Okay, I’ll say it for you. You just keep tapping.

“Even though it even hurts to think that, I deeply love and accept myself. “ Put your head up, okay, I’m gonna tap for you. And you start tapping on the inside of the eyebrow, releasing the hurt, releasing the pain. Open your eyes, blink your eyes.

“Even though this hurts to hear this, I am worth loving. Even though I’m sad cause of all the harsh things that have been said to me I now release those harsh words. All the harsh words, let them go. All the harsh energy. Letting go of all the harsh environments I’ve had to live in. All the yelling, all the screaming, all the fighting, all the verbal abuse, all the put-downs.

“Even though I’ve believed all these years that’s all I’ve been worth, I now know I’m worth more, I deserve more. I’m letting myself have more.” And just say over and over, “I’m worth it.” I am worth it. I’m worth kind words, I’m worth a loving touch, I’m

worth tenderness, I’m worth kindness, I’m worth sensitivity, I’m worth support.”

Okay, put your hand right here and say, “I forgive myself for believing I wasn’t worth it, because I am. Everyone is. And I’m choosing that for myself now. It’s time to take care of me.” Any children?

Barbara: Yeah, they’re old.

Carol: You look so young. How do you feel? Do you feel better? That was interesting cause that was a heart issue because of the way it’s like she’s been stepped all over her heart, but it was a worth it. So it had to do with her parent identity these other two I was talking about.

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Your parent identity and your voice, that I’m worth being able to ask for something more in my life and take a stand and, you know, be inspired now in my life to do what God directs me to do in this situation, because that’s really between you and God, how you’re to move forward in this.

Cause you have to have that connection more with your core and your worth to be able to do that effectively. Otherwise, you’ll just keep getting what you’re getting. So that was great. Thanks for being vulnerable for everybody.

Why don’t you both share with me. I’m going to work with you both kind of simultaneously. What’s your name?

Kerry: Kerry.

Carol: Hi, Kerry. What’s your heart stuff about?

Kerry: Wide open or slammed shut. So I’ve had the wide open problem for a long time. And then just in the last year it’s just kind of gone, boom. I’ve just seem to have had enough. And I feel like I’ve moved through a lot of issues and gotten a lot stronger in a lot of areas, but I can tell…

Carol: Where are you getting hung up now?

Kerry: It’s in here.

Carol: But in being too open, feel like people take advantage of you? You give too much?

Kerry: I have. I just feel too much of other… I feel like I just take on what everybody else is feeling and tend to forget a little bit of what’s going on with me, I think. I’m getting better with that, but it’s just, I can’t find the balance, I just can’t find the balance. It’s either wide open or just go, “Can’t handle anybody’s stuff, I just gotta shut down.”

Carol: Okay, I gotta think about that for a minute.

Kerry: My name is Kerry as well. And we have a history of divorce in our family from my grandmother to my father and now I’m currently going through a divorce.

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Carol: I’m sorry. You’re only 16 though.

Kerry: I’m actually 27.

Carol: You look so young.

Kerry: But I’m to the point now where I’m just shutting myself down not only to men, but to just everybody cause I don’t want to get hurt.

Carol: You two guys kind of the same.

Kerry: I don’t believe this. That’s why we’re both here.

Carol: So shutting down so you don’t get hurt.

Kerry: Shutting down. I had this belief when I was a kid just going through watching my parents going through divorce, that I didn’t ever want to get married, and if I did, I was just getting married

once and that was it. So I’m kind of bringing up all these issues now. And I was an only child so I have this issue feeling like I’m going to be alone all my life and so…

Carol: Are you married?

Kerry: Was.

Carol: So you’re divorced?

Kerry: Um-hm.

Carol: Alright, okay. Think fast. I’m really thinking Syl knows cause this has been more your experience than mine. You need to come up. Yes, help me out. She’s had a similar experience. She’s divorced. So that’s why I’m going, Syl’s tuning right in here. I feel like I’m to turn the time over to you now.

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Syl: The fourth Chakra is the heart. The word for this Chakra is anahata, that is the Sanskrit word and the literal translation means “unstruck sound”. I’ll just begin with a little poem that kind of speaks to this.

“The soft touch of a bee’s wings against the skin, A secret known to few, most often avoiding risk Remains the center of longing, just this once, hold still Watch as it softly lands to brush your surface. Release the fear of a sting Pain is a betrayal to those only who are caught off-guard.”

And that kind of speaks to the heart. How do we keep it open and yet still protect ourselves? One of the ways to do this is through what we’ve talked about – from the root. You’ve got your grounding and your physical beingness.


The second Chakra is where you become aware of the two together – the masculine and the feminine energies -within your own self so you hit that movement and the flow and pleasure and desire and need connecting with a need. And that is really one of the earliest steps towards the Heart Chakra.

And being able to say what you need or express your needs through action, through motion, however that transmutes for you, is part of that upward movement to get you to the heart.

Then you’ve got your power and your belly and the fire and the will and all of that sort of empowerment learning how to be empowered rather than have power over. Learning how to respect

the power within yourself rather than looking to other people to have power over you.

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And then we get to the heart. And the Heart Chakra – I’ve done these paintings of the Chakras and the heart color is shades of green; the way it’s depicted is in the center of the Heart Chakra a Star of David and it is symbolic of this is the intersection where all of the energies from the upward center hit and cross all those energies that come up through the lower center.

So you’ve got an upward triangle and a downward triangle, intersecting and sort of interlacing the masculine, the feminine issues of the body, the mind and the spirit.

So it also speaks to a symbolic sort of suggestion of balance. This is where they meet, they’re equal in their size and they’re just facing in the opposite directions moving up and down.

I loved one of the things that Carol was talking about, about the yang-feminine and the yin-masculine. When it comes to the theistic philosophy, the Hindu theistic philosophy from which the Chakras kind of arose, and definitely tantric thought, tantric yoga thought, the feminine is yang; the feminine is manifestation.


Shakti is the feminine principle of creation. And that is making it happen, taking an idea like I would love to have a child and actually making that happen. What I’m talking about is just the feminine side of that; I’m not discounting the masculine importance at all. But it actually comes down through and manifests out.

The idea of a play – you conceptualize an idea and that it comes from the higher centers. At the highest center in the crown resides Shiva, which is the masculine principle of creation. And it’s consciousness without manifestation. And some would refer to that as yin, or feminine, because it’s quiet, it’s serene, it’s there, it’s existing.

And yet, you’ve got Shakti - she’s fierce, she’s anger, she’s creation. So really in our society, we’ve mixed those two up

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– that the feminine is, you know, which it is, but so is the masculine as well. But the masculine is consciousness without creation. The feminine is wild, crazy, manifestation without consciousness.

At the heart where they intersect, they both, oh, finally I’m whole. And this speaks to some of that aloneness. Am I going to be alone? And just the word for the Anahata Chakra translates to mean unstruck sound, which is really the point of the Heart Chakra and what we live in. It’s like, I open my heart, but will anyone hear it, really, for what it is.


Will I be treasured for what I am? And this is where love is kind of the Heart Chakra theme because when you are in love or when you are in a loving relationship, that person is mirroring back to you love that you have for yourself. And it’s okay to say it and it’s okay to feel it because someone else is sort of channeling that to you.

So how do you find a balance of being able to have that loving acceptance of yourself? It really is set up in not only just religion, organized or not, but just creation period, that the man and the woman make divinity together.

And in kind of some of the Judeo-Christian philosophies, and really even some of the eastern philosophies, we all come from a broken home.

We have this father in most Christian or Judeo philosophies; we have this distant father who is wrathful. And yet there’s no mother, there’s no mention of any daughters.

There’s mention of the son, but he didn’t even get a stick-around. This is out there in consciousness. And to be able to weave yourself through that to come to a place where you really understand the connection of divinity through your own self-acceptance, is where that makes it all okay.

And the sound here – go ahead and take your hand. There’s a heart acupressure point and the Heart Chakra is, if it were to be located somewhere, would be just straight in from the

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nipple line – that’s probably the best way to describe where it would be.

And we all have them. So there is this point and if you take your hand to your jugular notch and just really quietly take a deep breath in, and one more time. And then as you exhale, just gently

draw your finger down, you will spiritually recognize it when you hit it.

Your hand just won’t go any further. And this is a heart point and it’s a point for really it’s an emotional balancer. When I was over at Carol’s not too long ago – I’m getting some computer help.

I looked out in the back yard and there was the dog, Jacko, and another dog that I thought was really, really wonderful and really pretty, cute – a very dainty, feminine sort of dog. And she was like a Golden Lab or something. And partway through, she comes inside, she starts eating all of Jacko’s food. I see her chomping it down.

Then she comes over and I’m sitting like I am now and she’s licking my toes and I’m just like, Namaste, doggy. And then she goes on her merry way. Jacko comes in to John and it’s apparent it’s dinnertime and he looks over at the bowl, “You’ve already eaten, what do you want your food for?” So we go through this little just interesting thing I was witness to.

And then later on that evening, Carol came in and she had been hit in the street and was dead. The dog, not Carol.

This dog had been hit and one of her sons went out there and when he first got to her this dog, who basically had her heart out on the street, he went up and he just put his hand on her head and her little tail… That’s the purity of dogs, the pure-heartness.

And I felt this ow, ow, oh, it hurt. And I spent a lot of that afternoon before I left, just really rubbing this section, tapping it. It’s like, wait a second, don’t close down. So when you feel like your heart is closing down, where’d she

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go? The gal that was up here. Yeah, both of you. There you go. Kerrys, right? Okay.

To really connect with that, make something happen, strike a sound in that area of your body and feel that there’s something there and I’m acknowledging you and I’m out here and you don’t have to close down. And you can do that a lot, especially when you’re going through difficult things where you’re dealing with your aloneness.

Rubbing it is also great. And also another little exercise to do – and I’ll get into it in a minute – is anahata pranayama which is to find your heartbeat and you exhale down to a four-count rhythm,

inhale up to a four-count rhythm, retain at the top for four and exhale down for four.


So there’s a couple of different things you can do to just connect with this area of your body. I was teaching a yoga class a few weeks ago and it’s an acupressure yoga series, so I’m teaching these points on the body within the context of yoga.

And I said to the group “Just start at your jugular notch and don’t touch your skin, but just really connect through what’s going on with your fingers and just lower it without even touching and see if you can recognize when you get to the heart point.”

And it was real clear when I got to my heart point. It was just a little bzzzz; kind of a little electrical, spiritual thing going on there.

Okay, for anahata – the unstruck sound – do I open my heart if there’s no one here to hear, if no one will hear that sound? It is about potential – the potential for self-acceptance and self-love.

The area, obviously shades of green, the area is the arms – so go ahead and take your arms out and just really open up

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through the heart, spread the fingers nice and wide. You look fabulous.

We’re going back and forth. The heart point comes up through the arms and out the hands, the chest, the shoulders. Okay, go ahead and stand up for a second. And take the hands and lace them behind you. We did this on the first class. Leave the knees slightly soft so you don’t slam the knees back. But basically…

Can you all hear me back there? Can you hear me now? Just take the hands and try and keep your palms together. You may not be able to, but it’s okay if you can’t. And then press straight down and roll the shoulders open, nice far back.

Take a deep breath in and breathe with it. And as you exhale, raise the arms behind you as far as you can. Take another deep breath in and really breathe into the heart. Exhale, raise them up a little bit more. And again. And bring them down. You don’t want to, you know, blow anything out, but you definitely want to get a nice good stretch.

And then take the hands and just switch which fingers in front. Lace them together, bring the palms together, leave the knees semi-bent and then reach up, up, up with the heart. Press down, straight down with the hands, really open up the shoulders, take a deep breath in. One more. Really opening up that center of the body. All the way out through the shoulders.

To continue on before you step down, go ahead and rub the hands together because you have kind of secondary Chakras in the palms of your hands that come out through the heart.

Rubbing the palms together just as hard and fast as you can, you’ll feel the action in the shoulders. And there’s some empowerment, some healthy empowerment that comes up through the solar plexus into the Heart Chakra to allow you to have the power to feel what you feel there, whatever it is.

Then take one hand up and one hand down, spread the fingers nice and wide, take a nice deep breath in and then

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open and close, just as fast as you can, about 20 times on each side.

And this will open up kind of the centers to the body. Then switch sides, feel the movement of the muscles up your arms, nice deep breaths. Take them together. Relax the shoulders back, lift the heart up just a little bit.

This is a fabulous position for meditation, for prayer. Very rarely will I go like this cause you’re cutting off your energy flow. This is much better. And I get some funny stares if you’re doing this…

Lifting up with the heart. And just feel what goes on with the

hands together. Then bring them out just an inch. You feel some electricity that’s moving in between.

Okay, a little further out, kind of bend the elbows, and just sort of play with that. Pull them out. You’ll have a draw together as they’re a sense that they want to come together. Do you feel kind of a magnetic connection there? This is great for opening up the heart.

You can take them usually pretty, depending on what you’re working on, you can take them usually pretty far apart and still be able to feel. Relax the shoulders down, lift up through the chest.

And just take a deep breath in and just image a nice fabulous ball of non-judgmental light coming in through the heart, over to your right shoulder, down the right arm, elbow, forearm, out the palm of the hand and catch it in your left. And then draw it right back up in and move it down through your feet. Can you feel that kind of go on?

You can feel the balance and the connection of this place and for fun, you know, we talk a lot about standing in the Post Office line. Moving that energy back and forth just to take a moment and connect there. So that’s to just begin. Go ahead and have a seat.

The thymus is the gland of the Heart Chakra and the thymus is a gland that’s very large when you’re a child and shrinks

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as you grow to be an adult and it is the producer of your killer t-cells.

Does anybody know what those are? They’re basically your

cells that keep your immune system in good balance and they are the ones that get rid of all of the really bad, bad dudes in your bloodstream.

And when we have an imbalance in the heart, we have a reduced production so that a lot of times there are immune deficiencies or immune things – rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune system disease.


I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a year after my symptoms occurred. My symptoms started the day I left my 4-month-old son with my mother and went back to work. My feet hurt. I literally had pain walking away, cause some part of me knew that I was about to face the pain of whatever went on with my mother and my father and as soon as that happened, wow.

But, right here, autoimmune diseases are really connected with issues of the heart. Air is the element of this Chakra. Compassion and love; vegetables are the food; sense of touch – you know, study after study after study, this or that different animal, rats, specifically, chose touch over food when given the choice, deprived.

I’m hopeful that I’m a little higher up on kind of the intellectual chain from rats, but I would rather be touched than eat. And we have all sorts of eating disorders that really kind of connect with this heart area and they go both ways. I will have enough weight that I will feel hugged all the time. Or there’s no one, so I’m going to disappear into just nothing.


Sensa yam is the seed sound; emerald, jade and rose quartz, and specifically emerald and rose quartz are the

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traditional gemstones. I’ve worked with ruby and found that it is probably over emerald as far as emotional balancer goes, emerald is incredibly healing and an amazing gemstone to work with and it is the traditional gemstone of the Heart Chakra.

Rose quartz is also and Gemospheres, you know if you buy two of these necklaces, you can do a really great heart treatment that I’ve been working with and it’s for strengthening a weakened heart or also for clearing suppressed emotions that are keeping your heart shut down. And when I put on this rose quartz, it was like, ahh. It feels like soft pillows. You just get that immediate sense.

But you get two necklaces and you hold them on either side and just focus the attention in the heart releasing out through, like we did through the hands and it’s amazing treatment.

Turkish rose is the aroma therapy, but I don’t know if we have any left. They’ve kind of all pretty much sold before I mentioned them. Two, two left. The Turkish rose is, it is the scent of true love, that rose. And it’s a very soothing, wonderful scent. And this rose that I offer to you is 8, 000 petals per liter. So it’s really intense as far as what you’re smelling with that.

If you sit and compare it side-by-side with other oils, there’s no comparison. John and I were talking when we started, he was saying, you know, those oils, they last longer than other oils that I use and they’re incredible. I can shower and still smell the rose on me after I shower. It’s really intense.

The other aroma therapy that I’ve suggested for the Heart Chakra is lavender and it’s a wonderful soother for wounds and wounded hearts specifically. My little boy, when he can’t go to sleep at night, says “Will you put some lavender on my pillow?” and I’ll rub it on his pillow and he conks right out. Wonderful for kind of sedating the nervous system in a really sort of healthy way. I brought a bunch tonight because every home should have a vial of lavender.

It has so many medicinal benefits. You can stick it on a little bit of acne and it clears right up. And this last Thanksgiving I

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was pulling the turkey out of my oven and I burned the side of my hand on the inside of my oven. And I went and I just put lavender on it and covered it with a Band-Aid® and the next morning there was no blister, you wouldn’t even know I had been touched.

And normally with me, I bruise easily, it takes a long time for cuts to heal, I’ll use lavender on that. So there’s plenty back there if you want some. I ordered extra to have here tonight.


Love and balance – we talked about that - equilibrium and healing is what takes place here. When you share from your heart, which kind of is within the relationship genre, and it fails, you have a sense of failing from the purest part of you because when you share from the heart, it comes from the purest form of your existence.

And when that doesn’t kind of work into something and blossom and flower, then there’s this misconception that it diminishes the value of the purity of what your emotions were. And dealing with that with issues of the heart is incredibly healing when you can make those sort of connections.


Also the triangles kind of symbolize an integration of your body and your spirit at the heart. Really interesting and pretty much any scriptural genre you look in, whether it’s the Talmud or the Vedic text or the King James Bible, you find references to kind of something that could be considered a Chakra.

And in the Christian tradition, in Revelations - and this is in the booklet there – it says something along the lines of “and I turned to see a voice that spoke with me and I heard a voice as though it were the sound of a great trumpet.”

And when he turns around he sees seven golden – some Bibles say lanterns, some Bibles say candlesticks – and out

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of the center between the six comes this brighter light saying, “I am Alpha and Omega. Take what you see and take it to the seven churches which are in Asia.” And, interestingly enough, we’ve got the Chakras that come out of there.

And just really vital, so this center heart point is really, there’s six points on the Star of David to kind of represent the six other energy centers. And there are all sorts of really fabulous depictions in this Chakra.

Most pictures of the Chakra you’ll see will just have a round Chakra that matches all the rest. The painting and the interpretation I did, I went back to some of the original Vedic texts where there were some of the earliest Hindu drawings of the Chakras. And on the Heart Chakra, there’s an accessory Chakra. It’s very teeny, just below.

And within that is a jeweled altar with a canopy, a tree, a canopy over it. And this is a wishing tree and it’s basically where you would go to kneel at the altar, offer the wish, the purest wish of your heart and there’s some really wonderful meditation in the book and in the guided meditation CD where I’ve kind of expanded on this to offer that purest wish and then release it.


The heart is the place of intention. What do you really mean when you speak to someone? What do they really mean when they speak to you? So that all comes from there.

And then probably the biggest blockage to the Heart Chakra is a denial of self-acceptance and self-love. And coming to terms with that can take a lifetime or it can happen in an instant. And usually that instant includes a divine recognition. Because when you see yourself through divinity, of which we all are, it’s impossible not to have absolute, unconditional love for yourself.

And we have this opinion that we are somehow, and in some of the Judeo-Christian philosophy there’s this duality that man is separate from God and really, we have this idea that

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we’re away, that we’re somehow not with divine love anymore.

And that really is part of the fallacy of this existence, because we are no more farther away from that than when we left or changed or however you want to view that. And when you can come to terms with that, then you can experience divinity moving through yourself.


Probably one of the most life-changing events I had and one of the reasons I brought my Thai yoga mat tonight was, when I started doing this work. I’ve shared with you and experienced where my heart opened. I think I talked about that last time in the power center.

But when I got back to do this first work, I had to do so many that I just chose to do for free to get the experience. And when I was working on this woman, since I was a child I’ll get a buzz through my hand. If someone is sitting here talking to me about something that’s hurting them, I’ll be sitting here and I can feel my hand sort of fire up.

And it took me a long time. I remember telling an energy worker one time who was working on me, I said, “I feel like I’ve got these big guns and they’re firing and my hands hurt and my arthritis is bad and my fingers.”

But I felt really God’s love coming out through out the palms of my hands for this person. And I was like, instead of just, well, isn’t that sweet, it was like, wow, if he feels this way about her, then he feels this way about me. And that changed my life, just like that, in an instant.

And so to offer up experiences for yourself, to be either the recipient or the giver of healingness is one of the most healing things that you can do for your Heart Chakra and yourself. There’s a difference between offering it up to be like, for lack of a better word, crucified, because there’s this tendency that we’re supposed to do that, but that’s already happened. That’s not your job.

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So to be able to offer that up in a place where you are comfortable with your own divinity and your own boundaries and you have enough self-acceptance and enough self-love, that that’s safe to express, is a much safer place than to just say, “I’m going to continue to offer my heart for you to chew up and spit out.” There’s a difference between those two.


Compassion is literally to have passion. So compassion comes from that pure area of our heart. And for me, a real literal expression for that, both as a receiver and a giver, is in the Thai yoga therapy. It’s a really amazing process. It is basically a meditation.

It came from Buddhist traditions and it was developed by the physician to the Buddha and in the ancient times, people used to go to the temple for physical as well as spiritual healing.

And so you’d go to the temple and the monks would do this on you to heal. So it began as a temple practice and there’s a real sacredness to it. But it is – and there’s a really fabulous description on my website, you can go see if you click on Thai yoga therapy, I give a lot of the historical application in a little page about it.

But it’s a meditation in metta, which is called loving kindness. And it’s just an expression of that through a physical movement of the body. And I’ll go ahead and demonstrate some for you in just two seconds.

The Chakras somatic journaling – the heart, the chest, the lungs, the shoulders, the arms. Everybody take a nice deep breath in. Let your ribs expand out to the side. As you exhale, pull in with the belly. And just kind of continue on with that. Try to bring your awareness to your breath.

The lungs, to fill the lungs – they’re a connection to the heart, they’re really the wings of the heart. Somatic balancing – listen to a loved one’s heartbeat. We’re not all that touchy-feely in here or I’d hook you up with your

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neighbor. But to just listen to a loved one’s heartbeat and allow them to listen to yours is a really tender, wonderful way to just open up the Heart Chakra.

And say I love you into the mirror. Do you believe it? Work with that. There was a long time I couldn’t make eye contact into the mirror - probably the first 19, 25 years of my life. I had never seen myself in the mirror pretty much. I’d seen bits and pieces. I’d find the makeup cases with the tiniest mirrors so I just had to look at my eye while I did my eye.

So that can be a long road in and of itself. Touch your reflection. Play with that one. Give away your last bite. Because we go through this ritual with our food, most of us who tend to have this love/hate/worship sort of relationship with food. I mean, you save the best. You’ve got the syrup, you’ve got the most amount of butter and you’d swirled your waffle all around. Give it away. That’s a fun one.

Read past journals and allow yourself to feel compassion for who you were, even the ones when you were 12, 13, 14, pictures of Scott Baio, whatever. Just your hand to your heart – we’ve done some of that tonight. Sternum rub and tap – we’ve done that.

A faith box. To have a box where you write the purest wishes of your heart. If you could have any desire of your pure heart wish, not up here and not down in your root Chakra, but just the purest wish of your heart, and then put them in the box and set them free to come to you.

Hand massage – part of the Thai yoga therapy. There’s 10 minutes that I spend on your hands. One hand, 10 minutes; the other hand 10 minutes. It’s amazing. It’s an amazing process.


Tong Lin practice. A fabulous book, if you really want to connect with your heart, is called “Start Where You Are” by Pema Chodron. And she is one of the most wonderful women ever to walk the face of the earth. She’s a Buddhist

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nun and she has a whole bunch of books. They’re incredible.

But “Start Where You Are” teaches a practice called Tong Lin, where you basically inhale in whatever you’re feeling. So will I be alone forever, which is one that I’ve had. And rather than just trying to just inhale into my happy place, I really take it in and I feel the emotions of all of what that is.

Yoga is another way, excellent way, for you to deepen your experience of whatever emotions you’re having, because once you deepen it, you can validate them and once you validate them, then you can set them free.

To just take a deep breath in for whatever is hurting you and really feel it. Take it in and as you exhale out, you exhale out compassion for yourself. And this is a wonderful practice to do on behalf of someone who’s harmed you – to take in absolutely all of it and to see it. God sees it and there’s no mistake there.

Isn’t it interesting how many of us choose not to see it? It is what lies hidden in the unconscious that brings death to love. That’s Anodea Judith. It is what is hidden in the unconscious that brings death to love. Okay.

To grieve – if you need to grieve, which we all need to do, because some of us go through this life grieving the loss of God, grieving the loss of not living in that presence, when, you know, it’s actually right around you. And if you have different ways to get access to that – some people use drugs. Some people use gemstones – you know, different vibration. But they’re really all, these come authored from that source. And that’s my take on that.

Okay, but as you exhale, you exhale out compassion. Try doing it for someone really evil, to take in absolutely everything that was evil about that person. And exhale out compassion to set them free to their own self-destruction. It’s a great way to let it go.

Do you feel worthy of love on all levels? How capable do you feel of loving others? Do you believe there is an infinite

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supply of love? How often do you allow yourself to feel vulnerable? How aware of you are your prejudices? Prejudice will shut down the heart.


There’s a fabulous email that’s going around about a lady who was gambling in Las Vegas. Has anyone read it? And she hits the jackpot, she’s got buckets full of tokens. She goes to get on the elevator and it opens up and there are two great big Black guys on the elevator.

And her first thought is,”I’m gonna get robbed.” And it bugs her that she feels that way, she’s not a bigot. But it bothers her that that’s her first impression. She takes everything she can to step on to the elevator. She turns around and she just sort of shuts her eyes and then she hears someone say, “Hit the floor.” She throws them up and she slams her body down on the floor of the elevator.

And the guy says, “No, hit the floor of where you’re going. The elevator will start moving when you hit the floor.” And so she has to kind of gather herself together, “What have I done? I’ve just shown the prejudice of my heart.”

And they help her gather it up; they walk her to her room so she feels safe and the next day she gets 100 long-stemmed red roses with hundred-dollar bills wrapped around each stem and a note which says, “Thanks for the best laugh I’ve had in a long time.” Eddie Murphy and bodyguard.


We’re going to finish up with the last 10 minutes with Thai yoga therapy. Kerry, if you want to come up first and Kerry, you can come up second?

What in your life are you stifling that still needs grieving? Connect yourself with that. How easy is it for you to express gratitude and forgiveness? When you speak I love you to your reflection, how true does it feel? And how can you make it so? So those are just a few comments.

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Let’s bring this mat up. Is this okay with you? You don’t mind me walking on your body? The Thai yoga therapy is basically, it’s Chakra related. You can come up and just lay down on the mat. No, you’re okay. Shoes off, maybe. And just feet down here.

The main idea here is it’s a 2-hour process and I start at the feet and go all the way up to the crown of the head and we basically open up all the energy lines through the body. And these energy lines run along the lines of the fascia, the muscles, the lymphatic flow and all of this.

How many in here have I worked on. 1, 2, 3, 4? Four of you. Okay. So this is like a meditation for both the giver and the receiver, alright. It typically begins with a prayer or sort of invocation. And you start just by, with the hands on the feet, to just pull on the feet.

Take a deep breath in and as you’re laying down in bed at night, just bring your awareness to what’s going on with your body. Are you really releasing the weight of your body and allowing yourself to be supported by the bed or the floor?

I’m giving a yoga basics workshop, there are flyers for it most of you have, that will be in July. And I’d recommend that you come to it. It will work for any body type, any experience with yoga. But we talk a lot about that.

The other thing most people do is lay like this, but go ahead and turn your palms up. That will open up the shoulders and the heart. So to work with the Thai yoga therapy, you just start with sort of pulling the legs and then pressure up the legs. And I’m just going to do just a brief little bit because I want to really get to the heart.

I’m just kind of warming up your legs a little bit. And then with the body, most oftentimes you can lay the palms of your hands up and still have the heart closed. So with Thai yoga, and I’m jumping the gun here by about an hour into the massage. But with Thai yoga… I’m just going to reach right underneath you.

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See what happened there with her heart? It’s something that you can do at home if you have a partner who’s willing to do it for you. Just take the heel of your hand and the heel of the shoulder – take a deep breath in – and always press in on the exhalation. So just little, small things to open the heart. Is that okay? How’s that? Great.

And then go ahead and lay on your tummy. And I happen to know that Kerry is a yogi so I feel comfortable to do this. Are you comfortable enough to have me climb on to you? So Thai yoga therapy is probably one of the best healers for the heart, because it’s just a compassionate experience.

It’s a little different from regular body work. It’s considered a meditation for both the giver and the receiver. I’m just gonna basically climb up on you. I’m just gonna put my knees right here. Okay? And this is probably not one you’d want to try at home.

Go ahead and take a hold of my arm and take a deep breath in. You just relax, you just give me the weight of your body. Deep breath. And exhale. And then back down. Bend up the elbows. You can let them down.

Kerry’s real natural with this, but most people have trouble even just that little bit, and so it’s a wonderful practice to kind of let some of that go. Rubbing on the back of the heart is another great way to open up the Heart Chakra, just on either side.

And then if you want to take it just a little bit different, if someone’s got lower back problems or something, you can step in right here, take a hold of the shoulders and then just give me the weight. So you don’t use any of your muscles at all. And exhale, deep breath in. And so it’s wonderful sort of release for the whole body. How’s that?

And to be able to let go and give yourself something like this, there’s a difference to it as opposed to regular massage. Anyone who’s had one feel free to venture your opinion.

Audience Member: Very delightful.

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Jackie: It’s been one of the most spiritual experiences that I’ve ever experienced.

Syl: When you open up the energy lines in the body, you open up the flow of just basic life force and that life force is God. And so it’s

impossible to not feel it when those lines are open. But just existence and everything else tends to kind of take that away. Go ahead and roll up. And then why don’t you sit cross-legged in front just facing the group.

And a great way to kind of continue opening up the heart is with the Thai yoga therapy is just a release in the shoulders. Lift through the heart, so take a lift through the heart; take a deep breath in and then just press down and out through the shoulders. Another deep breath.

And one of a great affirmation for the heart and for someone who’s dealing with some of the issues that we’ve talked about tonight – any of them – is “I am enough.” And doing whatever you need to do to give yourself experiences where you can connect with that feeling of I am enough right now, is going to change because if you’re enough, then you’re not alone.

Okay. Go ahead and lift the arm up this way, we’ll bend at the elbow. And I’m just gonna kind of massage the tricep a little bit. And to get underneath the heart, kind of closer in the back, I’m going to demonstrate that on the other Kerry. Two minutes.

Just a little opening there. Deep breath in. And I basically put my elbow right behind her heart. And I press in on the elbows, I pull back with the arm. And it just gives you a really great relief.

Great. And then other hand up. And if you want to learn how to do this or learn a few techniques, twice a year I do a guided partner workshop if you want to bring someone and learn a few of the techniques. Deep breath in. Try that again.

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I’m going to have you bend your elbow that way. Okay, then go ahead and hold on to my hand. And I think I’ve got one coming up in July. Deep breath. Great.

So for me, yoga was a way I connected with that. The issues of the heart and the fact that I am enough. And that no matter what’s going on, that I am not alone, and I lived my life thinking I was completely alone for most of my life.

Take the hands behind, lace them together, press down through the shoulders and gently begin to lift the arms. This takes practice

over time. As you exhale, move into a forward fold, continuing the upward stretch in the palms of the hands.

Work with gravity as you make a firm base through the feet, inhaling through the heart, exhaling, pressing back through the shoulders and the palms of the hands. Work with gravity as you make a firm base through the feet, inhaling through the heart, exhaling pressing back through the shoulders in the palms of the hands.

Inhale, come up allowing the hands to just gently rest down. Reach high above the head and exhale down to a forward fold. Take a breath in, make space in the spine and exhale the belly towards the knees. Inhale. Step the right leg back for a lunge. Again lace the hands gently once you have a firm foundation.

Behind the back, press down, out and up, lift up with the heart, actively reaching the heart upward and open. When you’re ready, exhale the hands down, step back gently and lower the knees, chest and chin. Moving through cobra, align the neck looking down at the floor.

Inhale, gently reach up through the spine as though someone were pulling you up and forward, take a deep breath in and exhale, tucking the toes back through extended child. Putting the pressure in towards the thumbs will open up the shoulders and the heart.

Take a deep breath in with the right leg forward for lunging on the opposite side. Take the hands, lace them behind,

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reach down, out and up, counter pressuring up through the heart as well as up through the palms of the hands.

Let the neck follow the spine; inhale as you release the hands; exhale; step gently forward, bringing yourself back to a standing forward arch; lace the hands behind, and with the heart open, stretch through the shoulders once again.

Deep breath in as you reach forward with the crown of the head, gently exhaling the torso down towards the knees. Deep breath in. As you come up, lift the toes gently, press through the heels, reach through the heart up and open. High with the hands, exhale into a gentle back arch and bring yourself back to normal state.

Gently step the right foot back, align your feet with a heel/arch alignment. Take the palms of the hands and press down through the elbows, lifting up through the heart, extending the right leg straight, deep breath in as you slowly make the foundation solid through the feet, lifting through the toes and raising the arms out to the sides.

Inhale, reach as far right as you can, releasing the left hip. When you’ve reached as far as you can, lower the right arm, lift the left arm up so it actively reaches in an upward action against the downward action of your right hand.

Let the hip lift you up through the top hand. Spreading both hand out again, reverse directions now with the feet, the opposite arch, aligning with the opposite heel. Deep breath in as you reach as far as you can away from yourself, exhaling the hand down, inhaling this time with the right hand up.

Lift high and open with the heart as you actively reach through the top hand, deep breath in move yourself into a gentle twist through the low back, to align the neck you would look down at the floor, tuck the chin in and roll up.

Hands to Namaste. Moving to the upward facing posture, take a deep breath in step both feet back to plank position, You can lower the knees for beginners, lifting up through the heart, extending the toes straight behind you, press up with the hands, lifting the entire torso and legs off the floor.

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Exhale back to downward facing. Inhale and exhale back to child pose. You can repeat this as many times as you’d like.

The camel pose

Moving to ushtra-asana, the camel pose. This is a wonderful heart opener. Drawing the elbows close together behind you, lifting up with the heart, press the thumbs nice and firm into the points on the back of the sacrum, lace the hands together and lift up and away to open the heart. This is for beginners.

If you want to move it to the next step, come up onto the back toes with the heels up, lift up through the heart and gently reach back, taking a hold of the back of the heels. Open up the heart. Lift high through the mid-back through the sternum. Exhale down into a child pose as this will release any strain through the low back.

You can gently take your hands and rest them back on the top of the sacrum for just a slight pressure release through the low back.

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Continuing to an advanced ushtra-asana, again, knees, hip-width apart, lifting up through the heart, pressing with the thumbs deep into the sternum.

Reach up with the heart, extend the hands back, take a deep breath in through the low belly, allowing the neck to continue along the spine falling back, breathing in and breathing out, a steady lift up through the heart.

Coming up, leave the shoulders slightly tucked to protect the neck, and exhale down into the child pose. Gentle rest the forehead on the ground, gently rest the hands on the sacrum.

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