Healthy Voices - Session Three - Writing

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Session three of an eight session training course designed to build skills in communicating online. This session explores the aspects of the writing process; identifying an audience, the role of authors voice and writing do's and dont's.

Transcript of Healthy Voices - Session Three - Writing

Session ThreeThe Mechanics of Writing

Session Three

By the end of this workshop you will have developed; an

understanding of the role of writer’s voice, and the ability to

use it to reach your desired audience, within the context of

a well written story.

This will be achieved by:

Defining your audience

Creating a writers voice and developing your own style.

The Do’s and Don’ts of writing



Consider who makes you ideal audience?

Writing for an audience tips:

Don’t write for too narrow or too broad an audience

Consider the impact of voice, language, tone and delivery



Elements of Writers Voice

Elements of Voice

Language – slang, young, old, formal

Tone – Sarcastic, ironic, smug, powerful, informative,

opinionated, arrogant.

Mood – Sombre, optimistic, questioning, impatient.

Elements of Voice

Rhythm – Easy going, relaxing, upbeat, fast paced.

Pitch – hysterical, laid back, shouting, downbeat

Style – Enquiring, thoughtful, reflective, opinionated,

uncompromising, demanding, authoritative

Good Writing - Recap

Is authentic

Has a distinct voice

Is understood by its target audience

Seeks to entertain, inform, persuade or all 3


Choosing a name.

A name for your online identity

Every voice needs a name. Your online voice is no


You name should:

• Reflect your site’s contents, or your online persona’s writing


• Be memorable and ‘attractive’

• Be appropriate for use across all social media



Do’s & Don’ts of Writing

Generating ideas:

Do carry a journal

Do read as much as you can

Do write something that resonates with you.

Do’s & Don’ts of Writing

Developing the skill:

Do develop your understanding of the dynamics of


Do seek to understand the rules of good grammar

Don’t forget to use punctuation

Don’t worry if it’s not perfect the first time

Do solicit feedback

Don’t try to please everyone who gives you feedback - not

everyone’s tastes are the same.

Do’s & Don’ts of Writing

Refining your writing:

Avoid empty adverbs

Watch out for repeats – pet words you use, over and over

and over again

Avoid flat colourless writing

Don’t add suffixes!!!

Telling is not as powerful as showing! – Describe!

Do’s & Don’ts of Writing

Trim fat – fatty words, fatty phrases, & fatty repetition

Avoid using too much jargon

Acronyms count as jargon

Use the right words. Precision is important. Vague words

can be misinterpreted.

Do’s & Don’ts of Writing

Ensuring Productivity:

Don’t check social media during your writing time .


Editing – Key ideas:

The 24 hour rule - Let it sit.

Edit for structure & content first then spelling and grammar


Reduce your word count.

Don’t over edit


Today we have covered:

Defining your audience

Creating a writers voice and developing your own style.

The Do’s and Don’ts of writing

You should now have; an understanding of the role of

writer’s voice, and the ability to use it to reach your desired

audience, within the context of a well written story.

Next Steps


1. Access the WIKI and review this session’s material.

There are many tasks throughout the WIKI.

2. Write and edit your first story

Next session

An Introduction to Social Media

• How Social Media Works

• Understanding different social media platforms:

• How to set up an account

• Understanding Terms & Conditions

• The role of different forms of communication in Social
