Healthful Living

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Healthful Living

Healthy Living in AdultsIt’s easy to say we want to live healthy, but actually starting seems to be the problem. Guess again! It is very easy to start healthy living with even a few basic facts on where to start!

Why should I Start?

Helps you have more energy (can even boost sex drive)

Live longer and reduces risk for disease or illness

To be a great role model for your kids and grandkids

Helps gain confidence and empowerment

Look and feel better

Better mental health


Even walking everyday is enough physical activity to improve heart health. Research has also shown that walking up to 30 minutes everyday can help:

• Improves blood pressure and blood sugar levels

• Reduces risk of heart disease, breast and colon cancer, and non-insulin dependent diabetes

• Maintains body weight/ lowers risk of obesity

• Improves blood lipid profile

You do not get something without giving something

Always be careful when taking prescription medication.

Although you may be taking an aspirin to help relieve a headache, that same aspirin can harm your liver.

High Variety of Foods

It’s okay to experiment with food

Enjoy what you eat

Try different foods and see what you really like that is healthy and still tasty

If you do not like what you tried then move on

To something else

Keep it Interesting

• Yeah, You know what I mean… Keep an interesting work out routine!

• Try different activities that keep you excited and literally on your toes.

• The more you try the more you will find what you like

Plant-based Dieting

Is a good start to trying to live and eat healthy

It is also a good base when you want to eliminate excessive animal fats

Does not need to be your full on life style but is a great way to get food base nutrients

Also high in fiber to help regulate metabolisms

Do It, I Dare You

You will notice/feel the difference

You will never know if you do not try!

Known as a mood boost