Healthcare’s future is - Aventri · Safer Care: Real-time Safety Alerts Patient safety incidents...

Post on 08-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Healthcare’s future is - Aventri · Safer Care: Real-time Safety Alerts Patient safety incidents...



Healthcare’s future is

cloud, mobile

& social


Else a £30Bn Funding Gap

Rising costs of


Chronic Disease

Ageing population

Five Year Forward View

Reduce Demand

Increase efficiency through IT

Efficiency challenge will require 2nd Wave Digital Technologies

• 1st Wave

(digital & integrated) • Electronic Medical Records

• Electronic Prescribing

• Integrated Care Records

• 2nd Wave

(productivity & safety) • Joined up, collaborative care • Mobile workflow • Improved clinical support • Analytics & Predictive

decision making

How to Increase Productivity

• Things should just work, and not require people to be taught how to use them

• We shouldn’t wait for people to act but instead use context.

• Social productivity instead of just the individual.

• Time and place no longer need to dictate what we can do.

Mobile Social

Natural UI Intelligent

Adaption of a presentation by Frank Shaw, Microsoft

“what is scarce in all of this abundance is human attention…”

“…give people and organisations their time back.”

Social + Mobile

Can enable faster, easier and better care coordination

Poor Communication Inhibits Productivity

Healthcare teams currently rely on a combination of pagers, fax,

paper, phone calls. MDTs; whilst using texts, emails and

personal apps.

Which means clinical communication is

slow and not joined up.

• wastes time

• frustrates busy staff

• Delays flow

• Puts patients risk

Cloud Computing

The electricity analogy

Inside a datacentre

Cloud vs Traditional IT


• No server hardware

• No server upgrades

• No software installation costs

• Free up internal IT

• Procurement via G-Cloud

• No long term tie-in

• Web deployment

• Intuitive User Interface

• ‘Open’ APIs for easier integration

• Quicker to develop mobile functionality

• Accessible from anywhere

• Can scale with customer needs

• Always up-to-date software-as-a-service

• Features shipped frequently

• Encryption & authentication by default

• Central support & monitoring

Cheaper Easier

Types of Cloud

Software as a Service


Platform as a Service


Infrastructure as a Service


Subscriptions to continuously updated software and services consumed via

web and mobile applications

Tools and Technologies that enable suppliers to develop scalable software

more quickly and cheaply via cloud

Hardware deployed in huge datacentres that leverage economies of scale

Barriers To Cloud Adoption

• Confusion • “Cloud” has been associated with

many different things. Most people associate it with personal storage services still.

• Understanding • Messaging around cloud

technology can be complex and sometimes inaccurate.

• Lack of Trust • Concerns around security and

information governance

• Myths in the NHS around data sovereignty

Cloud Security

Strong Governance Framework

Risk Assessments Infrastructure assessment

Business compliance Supply chain and dependencies


Authentication Encrypted connections

Encryption at rest Roles and Privileges

Key management

Security and Safety by design

Include in agile design processes Caldecott Guardian, Clinical Safety

Officer, External Security Consultants

Threat Detection

Active Monitoring Penetration Testing

Load testing

Shadow IT & Workarounds


1. No password protection

2. Images stored on camera roll

3. Public app, so prone to spear fishing

attacks, scams and web malware

4. Facebook own it & collect contact

information stored on their servers

5. Avoiding patient identification in turns

jeopardises patient safety

6. No audit trail

7. No stored record and not joined up

Intel White Paper: Workarounds in Healthcare, A Risky Trend. January 2013

• 73% of respondents indicated that they had used (out of compliance) workarounds

• Said it was because they are easier and faster than using existing systems

• Text messaging 40%, Mobile email 32%, File sharing 20%, Taking and sharing photos 17%


“Socialised” Clinical


Secure Instant



Safety Alerts

Faster Communication: Secure Instant Messaging

Are your clinicians are using insecure systems to exchange patient details in order to get things done?

- Messaging eliminates communication bottlenecks, speeds up interventions and improves the quality of care. - Encryption keeps patient data safe.

Integrates with directory services

Presence, status and geolocation to provide real-time staff availability

Team mapping to support team messaging

Urgent broadcast messages

Confirmation that a message has been received and read

Easier Collaboration: Patient Identified Coordination

Miscommunication is the enemy of excellent healthcare

Careflow reconnects teams so they communicate effectively

Maps care teams and patients

Provides shared patient lists, patient-identified conversations and team-to-team referrals

Builds a dynamic record of care provided

Improves governance and audit

Safer Care: Real-time Safety Alerts

Patient safety incidents are preventable

Careflow uses real-time push notifications to deliver safety alerts in real-time direct to clinicians

Clinicians “follow” relevant Alerts topics e.g. AKI, sepsis, radiology reports, infection control, admission and discharge events

They see who else has received an Alert, who has read it and the actions taken

Thank you

All you clinical communication in one secure app.

Contact Jon Shaw, CEO Careflow Connect Ltd +44 777 9277 423 Alternatively, visit our website and leave your details so that we can contact you at a time that’s best for you.