Health systems in saudi arabia

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Health systems in saudi arabia

  2. 2. INTRODUCTION He who is secure in his house, healthy in his body and has his food for the day, has owned the world - Prophet Mohammed
  3. 3. INTRODUCTION POLITICAL BACKGROUND Saudi Arabia is a welfare state run by a traditional monarchy based on Islam. The government is headed by the King, who is also the commander in chief of the military. The Crown Prince is second in line to the
  4. 4. The King governs with the help of the Council of Ministers, also called the Cabinet There are no political parties or national elections. All governors are appointed by the king Its judicial system is based on Islamic law (Shariah).
  5. 5. Demographics Population 26,534,504 (July 2012 est.) note: includes 5,576,076 non-nationals Population growth rate 1.523% (2012 est.) Birth rate 19.19 births/1,000 pop. (2012 est.) Death rate 3.32 deaths/1,000 pop. (July 2012 est.) Urbanization 82% of total population (2010)Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1.29 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 1.08 male(s)/female total population: 1.21 male(s)/female
  6. 6. Total fertility rate 2.26 children born/woman (2012 est.) Nationality noun: Saudi(s) adjective: Saudi or Saudi Arabian Ethnic groups Arab 90%, Afro-Asian 10% Religions Muslim (official) 100% Languages Arabic (official) Literacy definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 86.6% male: 90.4% female: 81.3% (2010 est.)
  7. 7. Key Health Indicators Life expectancy at birth total population: 74.35 years male: 72.37 years female: 76.42 years (2012 est.) HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate 0.01% (2001 est.) Maternal mortality rate 24 deaths/100,000 live births (2010) Probability of dying b/n 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population) 71/52
  8. 8. Key Health indicators contd. Crude Death rate / 1000 pop. (2011) 3.9 Infants Mortality Rate / 1000 Saudi live birth (2011) 16.5 Under 5 Mortality Rate / 1000 live birth (2011) 19.1 Crude birth rate/ 1000 pop. (2011) 22.9 Malaria- no. of reported deaths (2011) 2 Per capital GHE (PPP int. $) (2011) 621.3 Per capital THE (2011) 757.7 GGHE as a % of THE (2012) 68.9 PHE as a % of THE (2011) 31.1 THE as % of GDP (2011) 3.7
  9. 9. Health Needs Coronary heart disease Diabetes mellitus Influenza and pneumonia Stroke Hypertension Congenital malformations/anomalies Kidney disease Tumors
  10. 10. Health Risks RTAs MERS-CoV Pollution and chemical contamination Ramadan and hajj seasons obesity
  11. 11. Organization and Management of Health Care in Saudi Arabia The Healthcare sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is primarily managed by the Government through the Ministry of Health (MOH). There are number of semi public organizations which specifically operate hospitals and medical services for their employees. The private sector operators also play a key role in providing quality healthcare
  12. 12. Levels of health care services There are three tiers of healthcare delivery Provides preventive, prenatal, emergency, and basic services, as well as mobile clinics for remote rural areas Primary Serves as a referral centres for cases that require more advanced careSecondary cases that need more complex levels of care are transferred to central or specialized hospitals Tertiary
  13. 13. The MOH is the major government provider and financer of health care services in Saudi Arabia In accordance with the Saudi constitution, the government provides all citizens and expatriates working within the public sector with full and free access to all public health care services
  14. 14. structure of the health care sectors in Saudi Arabia SAUDI HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS OTHER AGENCIES Referral hospitals School health units All level of health care MOH PRIVATE SECTOR (free) GOVT. SECTOR (free) Teaching hospitals Armed forces medical service ARAMCO health services All level of health care All level of health care Security forces medical services National guard health affairs Red Crescent Employees and their families + emergencies emergencies
  15. 15. Service Delivery The Saudi health care system is challenged by the shortage of local healthcare professionals. The majority of health care personnel are expatriates from Egypt, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and many other countries like Europe, Canada and America. As of 2009, the labour force comprises 53% of Non-Saudi and 47% Saudi Nationals.
  16. 16. The total number of physicians and nurses employed by MOH respectively were 25,832 and 63,297, and of these 22.5% and 50.3% respectively were Saudi nationals. (MOH, 2009) The private sector employs 17148 physicians and 23308 nurses, of these only 4.9% and 4.8% respectively were Saudi nationals (MOH, 2009) Apart from private colleges and institutes, there are a total of 73 colleges for medicine, health and nursing as well as 4 health institutes in Saudi Arabia
  17. 17. Health resources in Saudi Arabia Rates per 10000 Pop (2011) Physicians 24.4 Dentists 3.5 Pharmacists 5.1 Nurses 47.4 Allied health personnel 27.8 Hospital beds, KSA 20.7 Health care centers 0.74 Governmental hospital beds rate 16
  18. 18. Hospitals and PHC Centres Public hospitals :244 Quasi Govt hospitals:39 Private: 125 PHC Centres: 2037
  19. 19. Health financing The public health sector is financed, operated, controlled, supervised, and managed by the MOH (Govt) The total expenditure on public health services comes from the government and the services are free-of-charge. There was a fantastic increase in health care budget from SAR 30 Billion (6.3% of Govt budget) in 2008 to SAR 68.76 Billion(11.8% of Govt budget) in 2011.
  20. 20. Health insurance The Council for Cooperative Health Insurance was established by the government in 1999 to introduce, regulate and supervise a health insurance market. The implementation was in three (3) stages. The first stage is for the private sector The second stage is for public sector. The final stage applied to other groups, such as pilgrims.
  21. 21. Conclusion Healthcare indicators of Saudi Arabia compared to other developed countries such as the US, UK and Germany shows that there is a shortage of doctors, nurses and beds in Saudi Arabia. The shortage is widespread across all GCC countries, however, Saudi Arabia has the lowest number of beds, nurses and doctors per population within the
  22. 22. REFERENCES Country cooperation strategy for WHO and Saudi Arabia 200632. 2011. Cairo, World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, 2007 (EM/ARD/014/E/R). Health statistical year book.4. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Health, 2009. Global health observatory Saudi Arabias Ministry of health 2009, CIH 2012 Saudi Arabia: country cooperation strategy: at a glance27. . World Health Organization
  23. 23. Thank you