Health mind and body - 12 step program

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Guide to living a more Health Life in your Mind and Body, by following a easy to follow 12 Step Program. This is the key to your personal success.

Transcript of Health mind and body - 12 step program

Health Mind and Body

12 Step Program

Objective: This unique 12-Step program has been designed to help you work with both your Mind and Body to achieve the results you desire using a range of techniques and learnings to help your succeed…


The body and the mind are connected, they work together and therefore when we wish to make changes, we need to work with both parts in unison. Whether this is to achieve weight loss/gain, to become healthier and fitter, or just to become happier - we need to make adjustments to fine-tune both our mind and body together.

This unique 12-Step course is all about introducing you to techniques, methods and strategies to help you success in reaching your desire goal. Along the way, you will learn more about nutrition, and the importance of exercise and movement.

Stress is now all too common part in many of our lives and additionally we will look at way to combat stress through relaxation and meditation. Stress is one of the biggest factors in many modern health issues and illnesses. So it is vital that you adopt a daily approach to reducing the impact of stress on your body and mind.

We will also focus on setting realistic goals and how to keep motivated and focused to achieve the results you seek.

All in all by committing to this program you are taking the very important first step into creating a happier, healthier and fitter you!


This program is open to everyone who feels the need to change their current lifestyle and embrace a healthier more balanced and less stressful way of living…

And many of the wonderful techniques learnt can be applied to many aspects of your life.

Yours success is our success!

12-Step Program:

Step 1: Ready for Change Step 2: Design Your Success – Goal Setting Step 3: Nutrition, Health & Exercise Step 4: Combat Stress – Relaxation Step 5: Mindfulness Step 6: Motivation and Keeping Focus Step 7: Visual Your Future Success (NLP) Step 8: Review Goals/ Updates Step 9: Meditation and Belief Step 10: Acceptance, Joy and Fun Step 11: Step 12: Your Personal Strategy to Success

Step 1: Ready for Change


This Step we focus identify that you are personally ready to make the changes necessary to achieve the life you desire. You are the only person who can change you, and unless you truly and deeply wish to commit to the process of change….do all the work… to fulfill your dream – then it just won’t happen!

Firstly, start by examining the reasons why you wish to change by answering the questions in the ‘Ready to Change’ Questionnaire (see downloads). Be honest with yourself.

Then on a separate piece of paper (see downloads) – write down a list of reasons why you have not been successful making these changes previously. Examine this list and then write in the opposite column what you can do to overcome this obstacle if/when it arises again.

Planning is key to success and being forewarned and forearmed, i.e. being prepared for the obstacles and stumbling blocks will really help you overcome them.

Journal, journal, journal… Do you know that some of the most successful people keep a journal? You may not do this, and perhaps the last time you did so was as a child. So now is the time to find/buy yourself a good notebook, grab a pen and start noting down thoughts, feelings, ideas – along with the highlights of your day.

Begin each day with a short note/plan for the day ahead, and at the end of the day, write down all the great bits, anything that really stood out as awesome… anything positive. Focus on the good stuff and allow the not so good stuff to fade away.

Remember it is your personal journal – so use it in whatever way it works best for you.

Download: Ready for Change Questionnaire (PDF)

Possible Challenges/Obstacles to my Success (PDF)

Action: Complete the Questionnaire and Possible Obstacles. Review your answers. Do you feel truly ready to put in the work to get the results? If YES – Great job, let’s get busy!!!

Start keeping a Journal – write up your daily plan in the morning and reflect on the day in the evening.

Step 2: Design Your Success / Goal Setting In this Step we focus on what it is that you actually wish to achieve – what your desired goal is and how you are going to achieve it.

We start of the process with a good heart-searching look at what you actually need/desire to achieve. It is important to take time to really identify what is missing or what realistically needs to change in your life for you to achieve the outcome you desire. This is sometimes the hardest part of the process – you must be open and totally honest with yourself. You can only change because you truly wish to change – as it is up to you (and only you) who can make the changes happen.

The next step we discuss and look at a simple strategy to set your goal(s); and also talk about how it is important to take small steps achievable steps to get there. Timeframe is also important. Setting a deadline in your Mind is key and gives you a fixed point in time to aim for. It has been proven that people with goals and deadlines are more likely to succeed than those without.

Focus Points:

• Identify your true Goal(s)

• Set your Goal(s)

• Set your Deadline

• Plan the steps to get there

Download: Download the SMARTEN GOALS Worksheet (PDF)

Action: Write out your Goal(s) with Deadline. Start with some Milestones and then breakdown into smaller more manageable steps. Then pin this page up where you can see them and read them everyday. Keep you Goal(s) in your Mind’s eye!


“Nunc id nulla. Quisque posuere eleifend nunc. Pellentesque sed eros.

Maecenas mi ligula, pretium at, laoreet ac,

fringilla a, nibh.”

Step 3: Nutrition, Health & Exercise Most of us know what we should and should not eat - and although in theory this should be easy; in truth it is often extremely difficult for many of us. Whether you overeat because of emotional needs or don’t eat because of control issues – we all need to learn to feed our bodies with the right foods to keep it healthy.

Food is Fuel for our Bodies!

This Step we will focus on the right types of foods to eat and why; and the importance of good nutrition to provide key vitamins and minerals to keeping our bodies healthy and prevent illnesses. Additionally, we should not forget the importance of water.

In addition to eating well, we need to also keep active and exercise is also a key factor. Finding the time and the right exercise routine is important, as well all need to keep moving to keep our heart, muscles and joints mobile and flexible.

Focus Points:

• Eating Good Foods

• Vitamins and Minerals

• Combat Cravings and Emotional Eating

• Exercise

• Make your Daily - Eating and Exercise Plan

Download: Health and Nutrition Guide (PDF)

Action: Start to keep a Food Journal of what you eat and track the periods when you emotionally eat or forego eating. Put strategies in place to help you identify and combat these issues. Get out and start doing regular exercise you enjoy – with others or on your own.

Step 4: Combat Stress - Relaxation So many of us in our modern society rush around looking after our spouses/partners, children, going to work, shopping – with zero time to relax and unwind. This hectic pattern is leading to more people suffering with Stress related illnesses, which can lead to heart problems, headaches, weight gain issues, strokes and many auto-immune issues.

We need to schedule time in our daily lives to RELAX and allow the body and mind to calm down. There are many different options from simple breathing techniques, to yoga, meditation; even a relaxing bubble bath will help.

It is important for the body to release the tension which stress builds up in our muscles, and enter a state whereby the body can work efficiently to restore energy, release tension and promote healing. Deep breathing is also important, as oxygen is key to support healthy lungs, but also is key to repair and heal our very cells.

Action: Schedule your day to include at least 15-20 minutes of Relaxation

Download: Simple Relaxation Exercises (PDF)

Audio: Relaxation for Body and Mind – Guided Meditation (mp3 file)

Step 5: Mindfulness Are you mindful? Do you take your time to think about every forkful of food you put into your mouth – thinking about the flavours, the textures, and how enjoyable it is? Do you sit down and consider the world around you at that moment and what it means to you?

If you answered ‘No’ – you are not alone. So many of us rush around all day and collapse at the end of it. Mindfulness is about training ourselves to slow down and, as the saying goes, ‘Smell the roses’. In other words, start to take the time to be in the moment and think and appreciate where we are and what we are doing.

By learning to live in a more Mindful way, we slow down and allow ourselves time to enjoy life and the beauty and wonderful moments in any given day. By adopting a more Mindful approach; we develop a more positive attitude because we learn to be more grateful for the wonderful life we are living in, in the here and now…

Please download the Mindfulness Exercises and spend time over the next week, slowing down and appreciating the beauty in the world going on around you…. You will be amazed at what you start to see….

Download: Mindfulness Exercises (PDF)

Daily Mindfulness – Gratitude List (PDF)

Step 6: Motivation and Keeping Focus Congratulations – Well Done! You have made it this far in the program, and it is important to acknowledge how much you have been learning and changing along the way. So now is a good time to take stock and just check how you are doing and if there is anything you would like to spend more time on, or go over again.

This is also a good stage to review your Goals and assess how well you are doing, or if they need to be readjusted or realigned. After all they are not set in stone, and they are your guide to shape the life you want to achieve. Do you have a clear End Goal and timeframe to achieve it? Is the timeframe still realistic, or does it need to be adjusted? Do you have milestone markers along the way, so you can celebrate key stages towards achieving your End Goal? Have you broken down the stages into smaller steps, which make the process easier to reach step-by-step?

Rework your Goals – flag up the goal steps/milestones you have reached and celebrate each step in the right direction… Don’t forget to pin up your new modified Goals to keep them in view.

Keeping focus is not only about getting things done, but to celebrate the small successes along the way. This is your journey and you can go as quickly or as slowly as you decide. Remember the fable about the ‘Hare and the Tortoise’… often taking our time and doing it properly is the way to WIN the End Game.

Another, tip is to make sure you are getting things done – TO DO lists are a great way to set out the actions you need to take, on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and it really feels good to be able to strike them off your list when you have completed them.

Remind yourself as to why you started this program and as to great benefits you now feel and will feel at the end.

As with any journey, it starts with the first step, and as long as you continue to walk forward in the right direction…. You will GET THERE!

Download: Daily TO DO List (PDF)

Step 7: Visualize Your Future Success Are you starting to SEE your Success?

At this point, we should have a firm idea of where we are going – what we want to achieve and be on track to getting there. So let’s spend some time really focusing on what it will be like when we get there… How will it feel? What will you look like? What will you be thinking? Where are you and what are you doing?

Visualizing your Success is a key positive motivator and it also engages the Success Mindset - if your Mind can see it, it is more likely to happen.

This is a great technique used by so many professional athletes, sports men/women, golfers, and successful business men/women. It is almost like tricking your mind that you have already done it once, so you can easily do it again… Your Mind controls your body and by visualizing your success, your body starts to behave as if you have already achieved it. How amazing is that!

So make sure you spend time, going forward, visualizing how you will be when you achieve your desired End Goal.

Download: My Future Success Right Now... (PDF)

Do the visualization exercise (see audio download) and then note down all the things you see/feel/think

Audio: Visualize My Success (mp3 file)

Step 8: Limitless Beliefs

Did you know that when we are born, we are born with LIMITLESS BELIEFS? As a young child we believe that we can do anything, and that anything is possible. However, experiences and influences of the world around us, and input from the people around us – we learn to ‘box in’ our beliefs about what we can do or not do. We become conditioned to believe and behave in the ways that society wishes us to be. Although we learn to be good citizens and adhere to certain expectations, we also lose a vital part of us in relation to your hopes and dreams.

Think back to when you were growing up – did your parents have certain expectations of you? Did your teachers ever say something, which you still believe – and it holds you back? Did something ever happen to you, which you remember and it stops you from doing certain things, even now, as you are afraid of failure or being laughed at?

These are our ‘LIMITED BELIEFS’ – they hold us back, from spreading our wings and flying. We have learnt to hold ourselves back… and it takes great courage to take that LEAP OF FAITH into becoming LIMITLESS.

Spend time now thinking of what holds you back from achieving your success, and becoming the AWESOME person the Universe expects from you.

Then acknowledge that you will release these old beliefs and start living your life believing that anything is possible. Print out and say the ‘Limitless Beliefs Affirmation’ twice a day (in the morning and again before going to sleep).

Download: Limited Beliefs Questionnaire (PDF)

Limitless Beliefs Affirmation (PDF)

Step 9: Mindset for Success Along the journey of this program, we have spent some time focusing on how we can change our minds to help achieve the results we are striving for.

Set your Mind on it and you will achieve it!

So true – have you ever noticed that you think about someone and then you receive a call from them out of the blue? Or you are considering buying something, and then you see it everywhere you look?

It is something the mind does to help you achieve your goal or desire. You plant the seed of whatever it is you are needing/desiring and the unconscious part of the brain, the part that looks after us, starts to search for connections. Our unconscious mind really does work to help us have the best life possible. However, you need to be careful how you speak to your Unconscious Mind – it only listens to things in a positive way. So even if you are saying ‘I don’t want something…’, your Unconscious Mind does not understand the ‘don’t’ and instead takes on the request to find the desired wish for you.

So starting from now you must pay attention to how you state your requests in a clear and positive way for your Unconscious Mind to work for you in the way you want. The more information and positive detail you can provide the better.

If I say to you ‘ don’t think of a BLUE TREE’ – what has just happened? I am sure that 99.9% of you have just had a picture of a blue tree pop into your head…. So take it from me – you need to learn to speak clearly, concisely and positively to yourself about what you truly want and not what you don’t want.

Action: Take the Goals you prepared at Step 2 (and revised at Step 6) and I want you to state them to your Unconscious Mind – in a clear, concise and positive way… This way you are getting your brain on-board, and do this regularly to keep your Unconscious Mind engaged in helping you find ways to make it happen.

Step 10: Acceptance, Joy and Fun Are you still on-board with the program? Round of applause to you – as it is not easy to stick with it and make such huge life changes…. it will be so worth it!

So much of the program, so far, as focused on working hard and taking lots of action, most of which has perhaps been a challenge, and by now it is starting to get easier as the End Goal is insight, and you should start to see lots of small positive shifts happening. WOOHOO!!

This Step is all about Accepting who you are, enjoying the wonderful life you are living today, and adding in a huge dose of FUN! Yes, that’s right, I said FUN!

As adults we become so entrenched in our daily grind, that life becomes a huge chore and we truly forget how to Laugh and have Fun. Go on and admit it – when was the last time you had so much fun you screamed with delight and your heart leaped with joy? When was the last time you laughed so hard you doubled-up and tears cascaded down your cheeks? I want you to think about what you have just read – and can you recall a time when you had a great time, or enjoyed a good laugh…. Where were you? What were you doing? Who were you with? When was it?

If you are living a life with not enough Fun, Joy, Laughter, and Happiness… then, dare I ask, what’s the point to it all! We are designed to enjoy a healthy life with balance i.e. work hard, play, and relax. Harmony comes from achieving a balance where we work hard and achieve success, and to balance the hard work, we enjoy quality time doing things, which brings joy and happiness into our hearts.

Download: Acceptance Affirmation (PDF)

Action: Plan to add some Fun and Laughter into you life in the upcoming weeks (i.e. meet up with good friends, go to a funny movie, spend time playing with your children, go to a funfair, just do anything which makes your heart sing with joy).

Step 11: Love It is a very sad life indeed if we go through it without LOVE….

Love is something we all need to give and receive – true love, from a parent, a friends, a lover… is a strong and positively nurturing energy. It makes stronger as a person, more confident, as we are bolstered by the support of the people who deeply care about us.

The strange thing is that as much as we read love stories, listen to love songs, and understand that love is a very powerful force of nature – we often forget that we need to start the love with ourselves. I’m not talking about the unhealthy narcissistic and arrogant self-love spell that some people fall under. I am talking about accepting yourself for the amazing person you are; for valuing yourself and all the amazing things you do and can do; for respecting yourself to look after yourself in a safe and nurturing way, and knowing when something or someone is not good for you, that you walk away. It is seeing, feeling, and thinking about all the good you do and can do – it is appreciating your life and making the most of it, with the aim of sharing happiness and joy to the world around you. It is taking the time to take care of yourself – nourish your mind and body. Love yourself that other people will automatically reflect your love – and your reward is an inner calmness and peace.

Action: In your Journal – start to daily include little things about yourself, which you are thankful for and the wonderful things you do. Keep it positive and every day you will slowly fall in love (in a good positive way) with yourself, and that will make you radiant… so other people will want to be in your glow!

Step 12: Your Strategy for Continued Success Bravo… You are right on track!

No one said it would be easy, and I am sure you may have had some ups, as well as a few downs, on the way. This is the stage of the program to give yourself a well earned ‘pat on the back’ for all your have achieved so far.

Some of you may have achieved your End Goal, and some of you may be well on the way…

This is by no means the end – in fact, this is the beginning. Life is about constantly learning and growing. When we reach and achieve one Goal – we should take a good look and think about the next one. You are always moving forward, and with each step forward you are developing and growing, learning and experiencing – this is what life is about…

By stepping outside our ‘comfort zone’ we allow ourselves to grow. Sometimes it is not easy, or even pretty… but as long as we learn – we grow. Each step we take brings us further along our life’s journey, and what we knew yesterday, no longer applies to today… as we know so much more with each step. Isn’t it very exciting – and the best of all, we are in control. That’s right – you are the one person in your life! So step up – take control and make the choices that are the right ones for you – you only have one life, so live it in the best way you can!

Action: Keep making Goals with a deadline and breakdown to smaller steps – and celebrate your Milestone successes.

Keep your Journal going – you will be surprised what thoughts and ideas start to take shape.

Relax, unwind and de-stress every day.

Make healthy food and exercise choices.

Enjoy the beauty throughout your day.

Breathe, Stretch and Think Positively.

Be grateful for you and your wonderful Life.

Smile, Laugh and enjoy Life, and keep on loving yourself!

“ G o confidently in the direc tion of your Dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.’

- Thoreau

“ In order to suc c eed, we must first believe that we c an.”

- N ikos Kazantzakis

‘ Be the C hange that you want to see in the W orld.”

- G handi

‘W hat day is it?” asked Pooh

“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

“My favourite day,” said Pooh.

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.’

- Martin Luther


Continue to be a Work in Progress

N ever give up on yourself

A lways keep moving positively forward

C ontinue to be a W ork in Progress

Be Kind and G entle with yourself

A lways hold on to HO PE

Each small step forward is a step c loser to your G oal

Banish negative thoughts by filling your head with positive ones

Feel good about your suc c esses

Life is a journey to be enjoyed

Health is the Key to Life

Plans and G oals c hange Dreams into reality

Live in the moment

Fill each day with love, fun, joy and happiness