Health and Wellbeing Information - Sussex Community

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Transcript of Health and Wellbeing Information - Sussex Community

Health and Wellbeing Information

This document contains signposts to internal and external sources of information and advice to support with Health and Wellbeing.

For Staff and Management

Internal (via pulse):

Employee Assistance Programme (Health Assured)

Health Assured is available to all staff to support you through any of life’s issues or problems. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and includes a new app full of useful resources, advice and signposting.

Link: -you/employee-assistance-service.htm

How to Access?

Free Phone: 0800 783 2808

App via Google Play or iTunes: Just search for ‘Health Assured’ – our username is: scft and password: eap

Website: – our username is: scft and password: eap

Health and wellbeing resources

Link: -you/health-and- wellbeing/health-and- wellbeing-res ources .htm

Free NHS Health Check/ MOT

Link: http://thepulse/supporting -you/ health-and- wellbeing/nhs -health-motcheck. htm

Staff Benefits Brochure Information to support staff with childcare, financial wellbeing, travel and the environment.

Plus, information on wellbeing, training and development and Networks within the Trust. Link:

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Occupational Health

How to Access?

Via self-referral or management referral

Link: - you/occupational-health/

Telephone: 01273 242282


Clinical Psychology in Occupational Health

A clinical psychology service is now available to all Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust staff. This service offers support to employees experiencing a broad range of mental health and physical health difficulties, including depression, anxiety, work -related stress, trauma, relationship difficulties, bereavement, chronic fatigue, eating disorders etc. Difficulties may be in relation to experiences within or outside of the workplace. The focus is to work with the individual to reduce the distress they are experiencing, developing new coping strategies, and improve their psychological health and wellbeing.

The service also provides workshops on reducing work-related stress and/or strengthening resilience within staff teams. These ½ day workshops involve helping managers and teams recognise the warning signs of stress (such as muscular tension, sleeping difficulties, memory or concentration difficulties, conflict in relationships) and provide the opportunity to reflect on factors that may lead to stress, both at an environmental and individual level. Strategies to reduce stress and promote resilience are offered, utilis ing a range of therapeutic approaches such as cognitive -behavioural therapy and mindfulness -based approaches. Please note that upcoming workshop dates are tbc.

How to Access?

Link: -you/psychological-therapy.htm

The service is accessed via referral to Occupational Health which can be either a management referral or a self-referral. Following telephone triage with an Occupational Health nurse, the referral will be discussed with the Clinical Psychologist, who will offer an assessment appointment if deemed appropriate.

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As a valued employee of Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, you have free access to advice and intervention via the award winning PAL service. This service is provided via Occupational Health and their Physiotherapy partner Physio Med, who are greatly experienced in the delivery of occupational Physiotherapy.

What is PAL?

PAL is a Physiotherapy Advice Line service provided via occupational health. It allows Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust employees to get quick, expert intervention for recent muscle and joint problems directly from a Senior Chartered Physiotherapist. The advice line is designed to reduce the aggravation and severity of injuries and assist in their quick resolution.

How to Access?

If the condition fits the following criteria:

Onset of condition or flare up less than 12 weeks ago AND

Not already having any other therapy (osteopath, chiropractor, physio,)


Condition impacting on work


Not under the care of or have an appointment in the next 3 weeks with a specialist/consultant

Contact Physio Med on 0113 229 1300 and ask for Cait Price to arrange a telephone assessment

Other MSK Support

For MSK sickness that does not meet the criteria for PhysioMed, you can access the following services according to where you live:

Central and East Areas – Contact our Occupational Health Team who can make a

referral on your behalf. Living in West Area – you can self-refer to: Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust – Covering Arundel, Bognor, Chichester,

Henfield, Midhurst, Pulborough, Selsey, Steyning, Witterings – complete the online self-

referral form: Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Complete the online self-referral form: or call your local area – Worthing: 01903 285298, Southlands: 01273 446004, Littlehampton area: 01903 843630.

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Improving Access to Psychological Therapies


Time to Talk (West Sussex only)

Time to Talk IAPT service offers a range of interventions to support people who are experiencing anxiety or low mood. Working in the NHS, it is often easier to put the needs of our patients first. We are also aware of the stigma often attached to accessing help for our emotional and mental health. We would encourage you to seek support, as there are often short term interventions that can quickly support you with getting you back on track.

The SCFT (Time To Talk) IAPT service include a range of evidence based treatments for a range of anxiety disorders, including Obsessional Compulsive Disorder and Post traumatic Stress Disorder, and depression. A clinician will discuss the options with you, which may well involve a choice of digital, individual face-face-face Cognitive behavioral therapy, counselling, group workshops and mindfulness courses.

As a staff member, if you particular concerns about your confidentiality, please ask to speak to one our senior staff who can talk this through with your sensitively .

Link: http://thepulse/patient-care/services /time-to talk.htm#relaxation

How to Access?

Online self-referral

GP referral

Phone self-referral - please call the relevant number below (according to where you live):

Adur, Arun, Chanctonbury and Worthing 01903 703540

Bognor, Chichester and surrounding area 01273 265967

Crawley 01293 843300

Horsham 01403 227048

Mid Sussex 01444 251084

Time to Talk Health 01273 666480

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Time to Talk Health (West Sussex only)

TTT has now expanded to support people with Long Term Conditions (Time to Talk Health), with specialist input for those people with diabetes, COPD and Cardiac problems. This service is there to offer you support with coping with these conditions, as we are aware how tough it can be. Often this is short term work which can help get you back on track with the self-management of your condition, but also provides the opportunity for face –to –face therapy sessions for those that need it. This service is open to staff who live in West Sussex and staff are welcome to self-refer.

Website: /servicedetails.htm?directoryID=22972

How to Access?

We work across West Sussex in these areas with patients who have the following conditions:

Adur, Arun, Bognor, Chichester and Worthing: Diabetes and/or a cardiac (heart) condition

Crawley, Chanctonbury, Horsham and Mid Sussex: Diabetes, a cardiac (heart) condition and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Contact Details

Tel: 01273 666480 (a message can be left outside of working hours and will be responded to the next working day)


Online referral

Supervision and Appraisal


All staff are expected to have an annual appraisal. This is important because there is evidence that appraisals have a positive effect on patient care and staff wellbei ng.

Link: http://thepulse/working -life/human- res ources /appraisals/


Supervision is an essential element of support for staff in Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust. All staff are required to have supervision regularly with their line manager (or delegated other).

Link: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/clinical-supervision.htm

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Support during organisational change

A comprehensive package of support is available for staff affected by changes within our organisation as we grow and adapt our structures to meet the needs of our patients and

service users.

Li nk: http://thepul s e/s upporti ng-you/orga ni s a ti ona l-cha nge.htm

Happiness Workshops

Link: http://thepulse/staff-news/Happines s -Workshop.htm

Menopause information and support Link: nopause.htm

Stress Risk Assessment

Link: -life/risk-management/health-safety/risk- asses sment-forms.htm

Alcohol – drink safely

Link: -you/alcohol.htm

Support to Stop Smoking

Link: http://thepulse/patient-care/services /stop-smoking.htm

Dare to Care

Our Trust is working to create a better working life and a greener NHS, we call this Care Without Carbon. Staff are encouraged to get involved with CWC through our Dare to Care programme, which offers ideas for new ways to do things to improve wellbeing, s ave money and reduce our environmental impact.

You can sign up for a Dare on the CWC website:

There are also Dare Challenges to get teams together with wellbeing in mind, such as t he Step Up challenge. To take part in a challenge email for more information.

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Booking form: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/booking/course-booking-form.htm

Stress Training for Managers

Stress may not be work-based, but work can impact on the individual if they are already managing other life events. Using a proactive approach is better for the team member and the workplace in both the short and long -term.

Link: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/courses /stres s -management-managers.htm

HR Management Training

Each session is essential to line managers’ on-going development and is mandatory to their role.

Managing Sicknes s and Attendance

Managing Conduct and Capability

Managing Difficult Conversations

Conflict Resolution Training

To enable SCFT staff to recognise different aspects of conflict that they may encounter, and to be able to understand and be aware of the different methods of resolving such conflicts, in line with the SCFT policies for managing and de-escalating conflict that could lead to potentially violent incidents.

Initial: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/courses /conflict-res olution-training.htm

Refresher: http://thepulse/profes sional -development/courses /conflict-res olution- refres her.htm

Resilience Training

• Understanding what makes us psychologically resilient and the extent to which we can control those factors

• Insights into personal resilience profile

• Ability to plan a personal development programme to improve resilience

Link: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/courses /conflict-res olution-training.htm

Assertiveness Training

The course will help participants develop ways of coping with difficult work situations assertively rather than aggressively or passively.

Link: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/courses /assertivenes s -training.htm

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Lone working, Assault Avoidance and Disengagement

Lone Working:

Lone workers are exposed to the inherent risks of working alone, as well as the risks of conflict arising from violent or aggressive situations. This programme focuses on preventing incidents through communication and teamwork, preparation before leaving the base, awareness, observation and monitoring techniques that can effectively reduce the level of risk.

Assault Avoidance & Disengagement:

This programme provides learners with the skills and knowledge to avoid assault and disengage from conflict situations. It builds on the learning from The Trust conflict resolution training programme.

Initial: http://thepulse/profes sional-development/courses /deme ntia -loneworki ng- assaultavoidance-disengagement.htm

Refresher: http://thepulse/profes sional -development/courses /dementia-lone working- assaultavoidance-disengagement.htm



Bullying, Harassment & Conflict in Working Relationships Policy

Clinical Supervision Policy

Domes tic Violence Policy


Managing Change Policy

Managing Sicknes s Absence Policy

Psychological Wellbeing Policy

Raising Concerns National Policy

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Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

These services are accessed according to where you live.

Health in Mind Service East Sussex

(Excluding Brighton & Hove)

0300 0030130 Website

Brighton & Hove BICS - Wellbeing Service

Brighton and Hove (And who are registered with a

local GP)

0300 0020060 Website

Health & Safety Executive

Website: s/

Key Links:

Line managers resource: s/pdfs/manage-mental- health.pdf

Stress Indicator tool: s/standards/pdfs/indicatortool.pdf

How are you feeling NHS Toolkit:

Website : oufeelingnhs

One You

Website: s#1JkYPkAwW X8dIA6P.97

Mental Health foundation Website:

NHS Choices Website: s -anxiety-depres sion/Pages /understanding - stres s.aspx

Stress Management Society

Website: http://www.stres

Free stress guide: http://www.stres s -guides /

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Website: on-support/

Key links:

Top tips for staying well at work: workplace/me ntal - health-at-work/taking-care-of-yourself/tips -for-employees/

Five ways to wellbeing: -health-at- work/taking-care-of-yourself/five-ways -to-wellbeing/

Seeking help for a mental health problem: support/guides -to-support-and-services /seeking -help-for-a-mental-health- problem/where-to-start/?o=24608#.W beaN7kkvIU

Supporting staff with a mental health problem: dia/550657/ res ource4. pdf

Tips for everyday living: tips -for- everyday-living/stres s/#.Wen9mrkkv4h

Mental Health Rapid Response

If you feel you are not able to keep yourself safe, and do not need immediate medical assistance, you should contact the Mental Health Rapid Response Service which is able to offer immediate support:

Telephone: 0300 304 0078 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Sussex Mental Health Helpline

The Sussex Mental Health helpline is a telephone service offering support and information to anyone experiencing mental health problems including stress, anxiety and depression. The service is also available to carers and he althcare professionals

Telephone: 0300 5000 101 (17:00 - 9:00 Monday to Friday and 24 hours at weekends and Bank Holidays)


Telephone: 116 123 (free number) or 01273 772277 Website: /samaritans -brighton-hove-and-district Visit: Samaritans, Dubarry House, Newtown Road, Hove BN3 6AE

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Union Support (members only)


Members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact their welfare charity, There for You, which provides a confidential advice and support service for members and their dependents.

Website: -support/there-f or-y ou/

Phone: 0800 0 857 857


Advice to help you resolve your workplace problems, and more.


Phone: 0345 772 6100

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy:

CSP provides support, representation, information and advice on all workplace issues

Website: sional -union/uni on-support

Royal College of Midwives:

Advice or guidance from the RCM team about an issue at work, such as pay, pensions or individual representation.

Website: workplace-support

Contact your workplace rep as the first point of contact for advice and support or call: 0300 303 0444.


Members of Unite are entitled to a large range of legal and member services, such as help with personal injury claims, employment rights matters, wills, conveyancing and many other issues, both inside and outside the workplace.

Website: http://www.unitethe union. org/how-we-help/

If you know who your local branch rep is, contact them in the first instance. Or you can contact your Unite regional office for more information.


Website: /

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