Health and Hope for Haiti I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Health and Hope for Haiti I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.

Health and Hope for Haiti

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink

One Country ~ One Year ~ Three Emergencies

Haiti in Numbers

PWRDF Designated Donations

Total: $2.3 Million

Eligible for CIDA Match: $1.99 Million

ACT Alliance (Action By Churches Together)

Haiti Response in Numbers January 2011

Photos: Paul Jeffrey


Episcopal Diocese of Haiti

St. Therese Camp Port-au-Prince

Nerette CampPort-au-Prince

Camp Schools

Reopening Schools

Transitional School Building a Permanent School in Mathieu, Léogâne

School Canteen

Providing Drinking Water

Digging Bore Holes Rehabilitating Existing Supply

Provisional Housing

House Toilet and Bath Enclosure

Beneficiary Led Provisional Housing and Livelihoods

Tent City and Further Challenges

Soccer Stadium in Léogâne Camp in Soccer Field

Permanent Housing Model Beneficiary Leadership

A Model House Youth Leadership

Enhancing Livelihood Opportunities

Thank You for Your Continued Prayers