Health academy

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Health academy

Ileana Cepeda

St. Gianna Health Academy

Introduction of Mrs. Clarke-Hang

Speech by Kim Frangenberg & Security of the hospital

Discussed where to park

Rules of the hospital (Codes)

Privacy of patients

Tour of St. Joseph & St. Francis


Newman University

Course: Medical Terminology

Syllabus was given to us

Online testing dates & times

Orientation Week

Each week we would have rotations and we would write

thank you cards to the unit we were in. Also we would send thank you cards to speakers who would come in and talk about their experience in the medical field. It was a way to show we really appreciate for them to take their time and teach or show us around.

Thank You Letters

Thank you

Each week we would create blogs in class talking about our weekly rotations. It was a way to present to the class the

experience we had in our rotation


I was at PICU. That week they were more busy then usual there. There were about 8 patients in that unit which is not really big unit. I got to read every patients history and also

learned about many syndromes the patients had. The nurses would help me search for information about the

different syndromes.

Blog week 3

I was at NCCU. The first day there was a lady who was

getting scans because they believed she had a bleed in her head and they were afraid of

her getting a stroke. The doctor was not able to find the

bleed so they had to keep a close eye on the patient. The

second day there was a patient who was getting a MRI. The nurses said he was young for having a stroke and he had a

heart attack before.

Blog week 6

I was at the laboratory. It was a really interesting rotation because I got to

help around. The nice thing of this rotation is that your not in just one unit but in many different watching

them draw blood. I already knew the lady I was with because of when I would

go to the hospital and volunteer and it was nice

having her teach me around.

Blog week 7

That week I was at the Heart Cath. Lab. It was really interesting because you could tell the doctor was

getting frustrated because they did not have all the specific sizes of stents he wanted to use. The doctor placed a stent and balloon on the iliac artery of the

patient. They were there for hours. Most of the people there were really nice.

Blog Week 10

I was MICU. The first day we went to Radiology. I spent most of my time there. The nurse from MICU was really nice and would give me many details of

what was going on. The patient that was in MICU who we took to radiology had cancer and was having liquid

removed from a lung by the Radiologist. It seemed really painful. The second day there was interesting

too because I got to help the nurses out with translating. It was nice to know I got to help out.

Blog week 12

Mentor Forms

The Health Academy class would go to elementary schools and present to the students the importance of washing their hands. We would teach them how to wash their hands step by step. We would use a poster demonstrating the steps. Also we would all together sing a song about hand washing and a skit. We used a black light and a glowing lotion making it seem like germs on our hands. At the end we would pass out coloring worksheets, toothbrushes, and bars of soap. It was a nice experience to teach the kids.

Hand washing presentation

During Health Academy we had many speakers come in

They would explain their experience in the medical field

It was a great opportunity for us because we got to see many different views


In nursing you can obtain a bachelor’s degree. An associate degree, and a diploma from an approved nursing program. A nurse can be specialized like in oncologist or clinical. This is a field with many job opportunities. Nurses treat patients, educate patients, and provide advice and emotional support for the

patient and also their family. Registered nurses do a lot of charting which in them include the patients’ medical history and are in charge that their patients follow

through the doctor’s orders. In the charting they write every symptom the patient feel and also the medication they take and write notes for the next nurse to come take their place for the day. They also help perform diagnostic test and analyze


BSN programs, offered by colleges and universities, take about 4 years to complete and a AND programs which are offered by community and junior colleges take about 2 to 3 years to complete. When a student receives an approved nursing program they must also pass a national licensing examination. The examination is known as National Council Licensure Examination or NCLEX-RN. They are also four types of advanced practice nurses which include clinical nurse specialist,

nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. Nurses need emotional stability to cope with human suffering. Some nurses will get to work in ambulatory

care, informatics, pediatrics, gerontology and many more.


A respiratory therapist treats and diagnose with doctor like asthma. They help patients breath easier. Each year salaries are rising for respiratory therapist. They

can work in doctors offices, children hospitals, patients homes, nursing homes, home care, and disease management. Schooling for an RT can be 2 to 4 years and they have many job opportunities. Respiratory therapist are excepted to increase

23% through the year 2016. There annual salary is of $52,000 with.

Some of the requirements needed are at least an associate’s degree and most programs that train people in this field also offer bachelor’s degrees. Students

take many sciences classes in this field like human anatomy. physiology, physics and microbiology. They must to take intermediate Algebra, college writing I,

human anatomy, human physiology, introduction to chemistry, speech, and medical terminology. To work as a respiratory therapist one must pass the Certified

Respiratory Therapist Exam (CRT).

They treat all types of patients like infants and the elderly and they consult with physicians and other healthcare staff to help develop individual patient care plans.

They treat patients by using oxygen and oxygen mixtures, aerosol medications, and chest physiotherapy. Respiratory Therapist work a lot with ventilators

especially in hospitals because a lot of patients can not breathe on their own.

Respiratory therapist

The talk we had Friday with Carissa Coleman was very interesting because I did not know psychology required so much schooling. Carissa Coleman mostly talked about three different types of psychology: Common, Community, and Developmental. Also, for

psychology a bachelor degree is not required but it is recommended.

Community psychology is a research degree about prevention. They usually create programs for the good of people. It is a branch known as positive psychology. They are

also involved in social justice. Carissa Coleman is a community psychology who works in a nursing home. She teaches nurses at nursing homes on how to care for patients, to not

treat them like objects and have conversations with them because they are human beings.

A Common psychologist usually works in clinics and practice psychology and therapy. A Developmental researches emotional abuse. When getting PHD it is mostly working

with one mentor and learns the skill but also research the knowledge. She said to get into graduate school they look at your grades and reference letters. Graduate school is known for being very competitive. Some people take about four years to receive their bachelors

and about five years to graduate from graduate school.

 It was an interesting talked because it got me to see the importance of psychology. It is needed at all times because workers like nurses sometimes forget the importance of the

patient and how they should be treated. Sometimes without thinking we can treat persons as objects like Carissa Coleman said during her talk.


Radiologists are physicians who visualize the interior of the human boding using different forms of radiation. Some of the technologies used are the

ultrasound, computed tomography like CT, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. These are used to diagnose and

treat diseases.

For a radiologist you have to be accredited medical doctor. Four years of undergraduate study is required and medical school and residency. Radiologists

must be board certified; this means they have to pass an exam to earn the approval to practice from the American Board of Radiology.

There are many subspecialties in the field of radiology. One of them is as a breast-imaging specialist; another one is as a cardiovascular radiologist who is concerned with diseases of the vascular system. A diagnostic radiology seeks to diagnose of disease through the use of radiological techniques. Radiologists are specialized in the computed tomography where they use techniques for the

using of computerized radiology equipment to investigate bones and organs. Musculoskeletal radiology is devoted to the diagnostic imaging and diagnosis of diseases of the head and neck. They many use x-rays, CT, ultrasound and MRI. A

Neuroradiology is devoted to the diagnostic imaging of the brain and nerves, head, neck and spine. There are many different subspecialty of radiology.


As a veterinarian, one must have a lot of experience with animals because they are not like humans that can say what is wrong. What Veterinarians have to do is

have the understanding of animal behavior. Also, they use technology to determine what is wrong with the animal. There are many resources that can me

used. Some veterinarians use their skills to protect humans against diseases carried by animals and conduct clinical research on human and animal health

problems. Some veterinarians also just focus on animal research.

One of the resources veterinaries use are radiology or x-rays. They create a digital image of the of the bones and tissue. With X-ray infections can be found and broken bones and many more. Portable X-rays can be used for move easily

animals. Also MRI, they are used for more detailed pictures of the internal body structure.

Veterinarians must graduate with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from a 4-year program at an accredited college of veterinary medicine. Veterinary

medical colleges require applicants to have taken classes in organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, biochemistry, general biology, animal biology, animal nutrition, genetics, vertebrate embryology, cellular biology, microbiology, zoology,

and systemic physiology. Admission to veterinary school is very competitive.


Cover letter



My six career research paper was over:

1. Nursing aide

2. Respiratory Therapy

3. Oncology

4. Pharmacy technician

5. Physical Therapy Assistant

6. Physician


Health Academy was a great experience. We got exposed to

many different situations. It has helped me have more of an idea of what career I want to take in the medical field. Now I have

more of an idea of working in the hospital. I am had was able to take advantage of such a great


Final reflection