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APO 539 I OS Axajr

3 May 45

SUBJECT: Battalion Elatory for the Period 1 April 1945 Through 30 April 1945, Inoluelve.

10 : The Adjutant General, Var Dcpartstent,

taahlngton 25, DC

The following history for this organization is hereby submitted in accordance with AB 345-105, incl c/3, dtd 9 Mar 43:

a. Unit - Bo change

b . Changes in Organization - Ho change

0 . Strength, Commissioned and Enlisted:

(1) At Beginning of Period:

Officers - 35 Warrant Officers - 1 Enlisted Men - 605

(2) Het Increase for Month:

Offioera T 2 Warrant Officers - 0 Enlisted Hon - 0

(3) let Decrease for Period:

Officers T 0 Warrant Officers - q Enlisted Men - m

(4) Strength at End of Period:

Offioera r 37 Warrant Officer - 1 Enliated Men - ^87

d. Stations of Onlt or Parte theraof:

Station: OBE HATTERI, OEBMAHY (026301)

At beginning of period Date of Departure - 1 Apr 45

WUR(a:NDOBJ', GEBMABY (276402)

Date of Arrival - 1 Apr 45 Date of Departure - 8 Apr 45

DOBZ, (£BMANY (283538)

Date of Arrival - 8 Apr 45 Data of Departure r 10 Apr 45

- 1 .


Date of Arrival - 10 Apr 45 , Data of Departura - 11 Apr 45

OLFE, GtEHMAKY 0^887^1)

Data of Arrival - 11 Apr 45 Data of Departure - 13 Apr 45


Date of Arrival - 13 Apr 45 Date of Departure - 15 Apr 45


Date of Arrival - 15 Apr 45 Date of Departure - 20 Apr 45


Date of Arrival - 20 Apr 45 Date of Departure - 24 Apr 45


Date Of Arrival - 24 Apr 45 Date of Departure T 24 Apr 45

BEHBAIH, (ffifiliANY r (387850)

Date Of Arrival - 24 Apr 45 Date O f Departure - 28 Apr 45

BABBT«nP, GaEBMAmr (955784)

Date of Arrival - 28 Apr 45 Date of Departure - 29 Apr 45


Date of Arrival - 29 Apr 45 Station at end of period.

e . liarobes.

(1) Purpoae

(a) Marches ware made in order to maintain olose contact with the enemy and also to maintain close aupply and admlhiatratlon with gun oompanies advancing north. "In the latter part of t.be period the'Bn moved to BEHHATH to aSBUB^ pa$rol and polios duties unddr MO 3url8dl<ft;ion in the town^of DDSSELDORF, GBEBMAJTY. At the oloAa of the period the Bn mdved to ICIBCHIBYHB,'QEBMAHY, a move of approximately 240 Bilea to a new aeotor.

(2) L e n ^ h of Dmiij March: ,

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miles 14 miles 17 miles, 11 miles 20 miles 17 miles 22 miles

Approi Approz Approi Approi Approi Approi, Approi) (Approi)

(Approi) fApproi Approi

(3) Points Between Whloh Marched, and Datesi

(a) To move the Bn at beginning of period from OBH HATTERT via HACHEHBURG to a new station in •DHGEHDOHP on 1 Apr 4 5 .

(b) To move the Bn on 8 Apr 45 from WUHGENDORF via WILNSDORT and HUDERSDOHF to a new station at DEDZ.

( 0 ) To move the Bn on 10 Apr 45 from DDEZ via the towns of KLAFELD and B D S C H U T T E N to a new area at KHEUZTAL.

(d) To move tha Bn on 11 Apr 45 from KBEDZTAL via O O U B A C U to a new station at OLPE.

(e ) To movu tho Bn on 1} Apr from OLi'K vlu the towns O f DHOLSHAGEN, »EffiRINGUAOSEN, UEINZERHAOES and KIEBSFE-BAHHOr to a new station at KIERSPE.

(f) To move the Bn on 15 Apr from KIERSPE via the towns of HALVER and BR£CKERf^LD to a new location at VOBDE.

(g) To move tha Bn on 20 Apr 45 from VORDE via the towns of B H E C K E H m j ) and EALVER to a new station in ilPPERFORTH.

(h) To mova tha Bn from WIPPERFORTH on 24 Apr 45 via the towns of OHE and STEEG to a new location in BEBG GLADBACH.

( 1 ) To move the Bn on 24 Apr 45 from BERG GLADBACH via the towns of PAFFRATH, SCHLEBDCH, OPALDEN and LAHOENFELD to a new station at BENRATH.

(J) To move the Bn on 28 Apr 45 from BENRATH via DUSSELDOHF, rOPPERTAL, WILIEN, DORTUDHD, lEBL, SQEST, EBSITIE, GESEEE and PADERBORH to Cloae in assembly area vio of BARUTfiUP.

(k) To move the Bn on 29 Apr 45 from BARNTROP via HAUELH, ELZE, HILDESCHEDI, BBADNSCHEV, GIFHOfiM and O E L Z E N to a new area of operations at aaCHWBYHE.

(4) Condition of Boads and Weather: Hoada were good and consisted generally of main highways or Improved hard-topped roads.

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Weather waa generally warm and aunny with the exception of the road march froa BKHHATH to KXHCHWEYHE. This march waa made during oold weather, and heavy rain. ^

(5) Marohea were made without incident.

f. Campaigns: CEHTBAL BUBOPE (22 Mar 45 through end of


g. Battles:

(1) BATTLE OF THE HOHH (Beginning of period to 16 Apr 45) (a) The Eneoy (Cont'd) .

1. (See Bn Hist for Month of March)

Opposing the Corpa sector at the beginning of the period were the foll6wlng enemy vuilts: 12 V G , 9 Pa Dlv, 59 Inf Div, 62 VQ Dlv, 130 Pa lEHH D l v , 340 VG D i v . A linkup between the VII Corps and FINTH US Army at IIPPSTADT Isolated the RDHR and it was estimated by G-2 that enemy trapped in this pocket would attempt to reorganise and counterattack to the G a a t . Early estimatea placed the niunber of enemy troopa at approx 82,500 to 100,000 troops. Average strength of Dlv was placed at 3500 with 3000 troops making up Pz and Fz 6ren Divisions. Army Group B , 5 Pa Army, 15 Am^y and elements of one Prcht Army had donstituted a total of 13 Inf Diva, 4 Pa Diva, with approx 57,500 combat troopa.

The enemy oppoaing the Dlv Sector waa faced with two possibilities: (a) To defend hie preaent position with support of at leAat 2 Inf Divs and 20 tanks and assault guna, and (b) to launch a coordinated counterattack • against the right flank of Dlv employing 1 Pz D l v , remnants of another Pz D l v , and elements of 1 Pz Gren Div.

Ho apeoial weapona were used.

Morale was at a low ebb but oombat troops fought hard and agressively in an attempt in an attempt to wlthold us from the BDHB.

2i Enemy defensae were haaty but were bitterly contested. Defense ooi^lated mainly of strongpolhta built arouhd road Junotions and towna. Boad blocks, oountarattaoka by Inf & SPs and infiltration methoda were used.

3. The 8th Dlvlaion ( O S ) , located SW of S H G E H , with that town as its objective, had contacted the following units in Its advijioe to tha SIEO Slveri 1/1034 Ii»f Begt, V1034V ^ 0 3 6 Inf Begt, In the BETZDOBJ' area. ,1/1036 Inf Begt, 1 k

••• - 4 -

V 1 0 3 5 Inf Begt3 and 12 Pua Bn In the •loUilty of IISSEH.

By 4 Apr 45 the additional unite of tha 27 rua Bn and 89 V6 had been Identified and enemy reslatance bad gradually weakened.

By 9 Apr 45 the Division was oppoaed by 12 VGD, 353 Inf Dlv, 3 Para tng and Hepl Bagt plua Blaoellaneoua unite. At this time the enei^y had been forced to withdraw to the Horth and was expected to make a determined stand SV of LA£E LISTBB TALSFESBE. The possibility of a counterattack to the East had disappeared and the Division had been further assigned the miasion of taking HAGSN as its objective. On this date the 13 Inf Begt of the 8th OS Inf Dlv had reached the BHOB Blver and had aevered the HOHB Pocket linking with units advancing to the South.

Those major unlta oppoaing the Divialon sector bad diaintegrated or had slid to either aide of the Dirlaion by 14 Apr. ' Those imits contacted had some semblance of ooamand preauaably by Army or Gp Hq* Lixht contact was made with 2 Para, 338 and 176 Inf D i v . roroed into the n c o m e r of the pocket were the 180 it 190 VO Dlvialone.

Enemy oountarattaoka were extenaively used and consisted of approx 100 Inf aupported by tanka or SPa.

Enaitiy air waa practically non-exlatant.

Sneoy armor oonaiated of an estimated strength of approx 20 tanka". By the end of the period the Div had accounted for well over that number.

Eneiqy artillery was uaad extensively during tha early atagea of the period but gradually diminlahed in the face of our advance due to lack of motori-tation And destruction by our counter-battery, Air Corpe and TDa.

Enamy equipment destroyed during the period la listed as followat

MOO • 4 Half tracks r 5 105om goua - 8. AT guna.4 laalw- Mk IV- 2 OP Veha -49 20 A A gons-Z ' Mk V - 2 Anao trallera -Mlao trailers - 13 14

All PVa oiu)tured during'the period were turned over to infantryelamenta. During the period the 8th lafAhtry Div and atohd units accounted for 49,181 prisonera. Thla unit accounted for 976 PWa.

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s B a n g I ,


(b) Eleioent8 Ikffeotliig aotloni

r . Enemy Information was non-exlstant. This " faot was proven by the blunders made In

counterattacking strong forces bpposing hla when weaker sectors existed.

EnemjT reconnaiasanos was uaed to some amall extent and then only to counter­attack or infiltrate back into towns we had oi^tuxed.

At the beginning of the period the eneaj probed in order to determine the moat likely avenue to the E a a t , through which he could escape from the pocket. This reconnaissance proved costly to him and obviously gained little or no information.

2 , CiTllian population waa docile and many ~ expressed their feelings In that they

were glad the war was over for them and that continuing to fight waa hopeless. They did not hinder operations in any way and had no effect on the action.

2* Vature of terrain:

Terrain waa hlllv and heavily Wooded Interspersed with many atreams, lakes and rivers. The mountaina canalised voads and offered a good defense by meana of road blocks and good fields of fire from high ground.

(c) Aotiom^

1. 644th TD Bn attached to 8th Inf D i v .

2. Miaaiont To support infantry elenenta of . *" ath Inf Div in attack to the Horth with

the Blaalon of deatroying or capturing all enemy forces apposing the Dlv sector in the BUHE Pocket.


At the beginning of the period the b44th Tanjc Destroyer Battalion continueu to be attached to the 8th Infautry Division. Tbe Battalion (less Companiaa A , B , and C) was further attached to the 8th Division Artillery} Company A (less 3d Platoon) was uttached to the 28th Infantry Regiment; 3d Platoon, Company A , waa attached to tbe tith Baoonnaissanoe Troop; Company B waa attached to the 13th Infantry Begiment; Company C was attached to tbe 1 2 l B t Infantry Begiment. Dlapoaitiona were as follows:

forward CP ALLENDORF Bear CP WDBGENDORF Company A CP GEBEIARDSHAIN 1st Platoon, Company A ... WISSEH 2d Platoon, Company A .... GHEBHARDSHAIN

•5d Platoon, Company A HUPPERHAUSEN Company B CP !(EtWKIRCHEN l a f Platoon, Company B .... SIEGEN j 2d Platoon, Company B EISERFELD 3d Platoon, Company B UARIENHUTTE Company C CP HAINCHEN lat Platoon, Company C .... KAAN 2d Platoon, Company C BEIENBACH 3d Platoon, Company C GHOSSEIfBACH Reconnaiaaance Company CP , AILEHDORF lat Platoon, Ben Co GEBHARDSHAIN 2d Platoon, Ron Co AUxENDOElF 3d Platoon, Hen Co HAINCHEN Pioneer Plat, Ben Co ( H A M H E N


On the 2d and 3d of i^rll Company A (leas 3d Platoon) supported the 28th Infantry Begiment in assault missions. Ho armor was encountered and action consisted of mopping up of pockets of resistance immediately north of the SIEG River. The 3d Platoon of Company A , attached to TFC of 8th Infantry Division, supported this unit in attack.

Company B aupported the 1 3 t h Infantry with all three ( 3 ) platoona in the attack upon SIEGEN And north of SIEGEN.

Company C aupported the 12l8t Infantry with all three (3) platoona in an attack north and eaat of SIEGEN. One (1) tank destroyer of the 3d Platoon was hit emd destroyed on 2 May 45 during a fire fight with enemy tanks.

The 3d Platoon of Beoonnaissance Company, patrolling the zone of the 121et Infantry Begiment, secured three ( 3 ) towns during the period.

On 4 April Company A (less 3d Platoon) continued to support the 2ath Infantry Begiment in that regiment's zone of advance. The 3d Platoon, Company A , attached to the 8th Beconnaissance Troop, continued ite anti-araor defense of that sector.

Company B continued to support the 13th Begiment which waa counter-attacked frequently and quite heavily in the SIEGEH area. Company B was instrumental in repelling the counter-attacks, firing 3* H E , Cal .50 UGs and rifles. Ho armor was encountered in these attacks.

Company C continued to support the l^ilst Begiment in its zone of advance. One (1) Hark VI tank was ftred upon by the 2d Platoon. Hlta wero aoored at 400 yarda range with both Al'CBDF and HVAP. Tank was not destroyed, probably due to the angle of fire, but withdrew due to this action.

Tha 1st Section, 2d Platoon, Beconnaissance Company, operated patrols in the 13th Infantry aector. The 3d Platoon, Reconnaiaaance Company, patrAlled in the 121st Infantry sector.

On 5 April Company A , attached to the 28th Infantry Begiment, moved with tbe 28th Infantry to tbe zone on the right flank of the 8tb Division sector. The 3d Platoon waa releaaed from attachment to the bth Rsoonnaiaaanoe Troop and re-joined Company A .

Company B , attached to the 13th Infantry Begiment, prepared

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for attack In tno zone of the 15th Infantry,

Company C, attachea to the lillat Infantry Begiment, prepared for attack in the zone of the l<!lat Infantry, '

The lat, 2d and 3d Platoon^ of Beconnaiasance Company were attached to Companiea A , B , and C, respectively.

On 6 April Company A supported the attack of the 28th Infantry in their new zone of advance. So armor was encountered.

Company B supported the 13th Infantry in their attack. All platoona fired numerous support missions against enemy buildings, personnel and strongpoints. Bo armor waa. encountered. One enemy oounter-attacK waa repelled.

Company C supported the 121st Begiment in its attack and fired missions againat enemy buildings, strongpoints and personnel.

All three Beconnaissance Company platoons, attached to tbe firing companies, engaged in reconnoitering and mopping up the flanks in each of the three (3) regimental zones of advance.

On 7 April Company A aupported the 2tith Infantry Regiment An its zone of advance. Resistance was somewhat lighter than that previously experienced. One (1) hair-track and one (1) email anti-tank gun were encountered and destroyed.

Company B continued to support the 1 3 t h Infantry Regiment in its attack. Several counter-attacks ware repelled by fire from the tank destroyers.

Company C continued to support the 121et Infantry Regiment w i t h two (2; platoons. The 1st Platoon of Company C apent tbe entire period at the Company C P , performing maintenance and reorganization,

Becoimaiseance Company, one platoon attached to each of the firing companies, had three platoons engaged in reconnoitering and mopping up the flanks of each of tbe three (3) regiments of the divialon.

One (1) M-10 deadllned for repairs. One (1) U-IO to be delivered to Company C during next period to replace the one which was knocked out 2 April 1945.

On 8 April Company A was attached to the 8bth Infantry Division, at IbOO hours.

Company B continued to support the 13th Infantry Regiment la its zone of advance. Several cloao support missions were fired. Two (2) machine gun emplacements were destroyed.

Company C, attached to 121at Infantry Begiment, supported that regiment with two (2) platoons on the line and one platoon in r e s e r v e , performing maintenance until 1700 houra. At 1700 hoxirs the Beserve Platoon (2d) was also placed in the line to exploit a small breakthrough. Several close support missions were fired.

All three Reconnaissance Company platoons, attached to the firing companiea, engaged in reconnoitering and mopping up the

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£ B £ a g - ^

flanks In each of thm three reglnental zones of advance, 3d Platoon, Beconnaissance Company, patrolling in advance of the infantry, cap-turad 29mPl8, *• i

On 9 April Company A was attached to the 342d Infantry Begiment of the 8bth Infantry Division, Company A supported the 342d in their Bone of attaolc.

Company B supported the 13th Infantry in their zone of attack with all three platoons. Several assault missions were fired and two (2) Mark IV taaka were destroyed.

Company C supported the 12l8t Infantry Begiment with all tnree (3) platoons in their zone of advance.

All three Beconnaissance Company platoons, attachea to the firing Companies, engaged in reconnoitering and mopping up the flanka of each of the three regiment's zones of advance.

On 10 April Company A , attached to the Sfath Infantry Division, supported the 542d Infantry Begiment in attack, Besistance encoun­tered was light. Bo armor waa seen.

Company B aupported the 13th Infantry in their zone of advance and destroyed the i ollowing equipment: One (1) Mark V tank, two (2) half-tracks, two (2) German 105mm gun batteries (b g u n s ) , five (5) general purpose vehicles, and four (4) ammo trallera.

Company C supported the 121et Infantry in their zone of advance and fired close support missions at enamy positions.

Beconnaissance Company continued reconnoitering and mopping up the flanka in each of the regimental zones of advance.

On 11 April Company A , attached to the 86th Infantry Division, was further attached to the 343d Infantry Begiment. One platoon was placed in support of each battalion. Company gave close support to this regiment with all three platoons in said regiment's zone of advance.

Company B , attached to the 28tb Infantry Begiment after release from attachment to tha 13th Infantry Begiment at the beginning of the period. Two (2) enemy columns were caught on the road. In one c o l ­umn 12 GP vehicles were destroyed and in the other 18 laige trucks and 13 trailers were destroyed.

Company C supported the attack of the liilst Infantry Regiment.

iifcconnalassmce Company had one platoon attached to each of the flrin^j companieB aiid eo^juged m reconaoiterlng and mopping up the flanks of each of the three regiments in the divialon.

On 12 April Company A, attached to the 8bth Infantry Division, and further attached to the 343d Infantry Begiment, supported that regiment in attack, with three platoons. Company A knocked out two (•/) 20mm AA guns.

Company B supported the 28th Infantry Begiment with all three platoona. Two OP vehicles were destroyed and one 150 artillery piece waa knocked out and deatroyed.

Company C aupported the 121st Infantry Begiment. One half­track and one 105mm artillery piece were knocked out and deatroyed.

- y -

Becounalesance Company continued to patrol In the Division sector, cleaning up pockets of resietanee and protecting Begimental flanks. ' i

On 15 April the Battalion (less Companies A , B , C) remained attached to the bth Infantry Division Artixlery.

Company A, attached to the 8bth Infantry Bivision, placed a platoon in support or each regiment. Each platoon supported its regiment in their respective zones of advance.

Company B supported the 2axh Infantry Regiment with all three platoons. The 5d platoon had one U-IO destroyed when a mortar round dropped into the open turret, setting off ammunition ana causing the destroyer to b u m . This platoon deatroyed one German half-track and four General Purpoae vehlclea.

Company C waa attached to the 15th Infantry Regiment at the beginning of the period and supported that regiment with all three platoons. Several close support mlsaiono wore fired.

Reconnaissance Company continued to nave three platoons attached to the three firing companies and patrolled and mopped up the flanks of each regimental zone of advance. 2d Platoon of Reconnaissance Company captured 74 PVa.

On 14 April the Battalion remaineu attached to tith Infantry Division Artillery (less Companies A , B and C ) .

Company A remained attached to the b o m Division. One platoon was placed in support of tne 54l8t Infantry Regiment, one platoon in support of the 54^a Infantry Begiment and one platoon in support of the 545d Infantry Begiment. The platoons supported each or these regiments in their respective zones of advance.

Company B supported the attack of tbe iJbth Regiment In ita zone or advance with all three of Ite platoons.

Company C aupported the 13th Regiment in ita zone of advanco with all three platoons.

tteconnalssance Company attached one platoon to toe 28th Infantry Begiment and one platoon to the 13th Infantry Begiment, These platuons were active in mopping up pockets of resistance. The 2d Platoon worked as point for an axmored and infantry column in the 2bth inTautry sector. The Ist Platoon remained attacaeu to Company A In the both Infantry Division Seootr,

On 15 April CompanieB a, B , and C were attached to the Both Inruntry Division, the i2l8t Infantry wegiuieni, and sne 15th Infantry Begiment, respectively. The Batiaixun ^leaa Companies A, B , C; was attached to bth Division Artillery,

One platoon of Company A was in support of each regiment of the 86th Division and supported theoe regiments in their advance to the MDHR River, One (1) Mark V tank was destroyed.

Company B waa attached to the 121st Infantry Begiment when that regiment passed through tbe 28th Begiment at the beginning of the period. Company B supported the 121st Infantry Begiment with all three platoons In their zone of advance to the West, after the HUHB River had been reached on the preceding day.

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Company C aupported tbe 15th Regiment with all three platoons in their zone lOf advance to the feat, after the RHHR River had been reached on the preceding d a y . '

Beconnaisaance Company, in the 13th and 12l8t Infantry Regiment zones of advance, patrolled a g g r e s B l v B i y , maJtlng contact with the enemy before commitment of infantry troops and armor.

On 16 April the Battalion remained (less Companies A , B , C) attached to the Bth Infantry Division Artillery,

Company A , attached to the 8bth Infantry Division, supported each Infantry Regiment of the Divialon.

Company B supported the li!let Infantry Regiment with all three platoons in their zone of advance. Early in the period one destroyer was tnocJced out by fire from a 105 Flak Gun, Later in the period good progress was made against light resistance.

Company C supported the 15th Infantry Regiment in their zone of advance with all three platoons. Good progress was made during the entire period.

Beconnaiasance Company mopped up pockets of resistance in the 8th Infantry Division zone of advance.

On 17 April the Battalion (less Companies A , B , C) remained attached to 8th Infantry Divialon Artillery.

Company A was relieved from attachment to the 86th Infantry Divialon as of 1200 hours 17 April. Company A assembled in LODENSCHEID (931913) and remained there awaiting further orders. Company engaged in maintenance of materiel.

Company B , attached to the liilet Infantry Regijuent, maintained anti-armor defenae positions throughout the regimental sector.

Company C , attached to the 15th Infantry Regiment, maintained anti-armor derenee positions throughout the regimental sector.

Beconnaissance Company had one platoon attached to each firing company and engaged in maintenance of materiel.

On 18 April the Battalion (less Coo A and C) was attached to the 15th Infantry Regiment at the beginning of the period.

Company A , attached to the 2oth Infantry, moved to an assembly area at NEOENKLfJUSHEIM.

Company E moved to an assembly area at UILSPE,

Company C moved to an assembly area in LODENSCHEID.

All platoons of Beconnaiasance Company were released from the firing companies to which attached and assembled at the Beconnaiasance Compaxiy CP in UILSPE,

^ J r - m -

On 1 9 , April the Battalion (lees Coa A and C) remained attached to the 13th Infantry Rudiment. Company A waa attached to the 28th Infantry Begiment and Company C to the 12l8t Infnatry atgiment. '

The Forward CP and Beconnaiasance Company moved to BEHHATH and Company B to DOSSELDORF. The mission given the entire Bn was security and Hilltary Government.

For the period 201200 April 1945 until 25 April 1945 the Battalion (less Cos A and C) remained attached to the 13th Infantry Regiment. All echelons were engaged in security and military government of the DUSSELDORF area.

CoEpany A , attached to the 2ath Infantry Begiment, was engaged In securing their assigned area and in military government work in the vicinity of OLPE.

Company C,- attached to the 121st Infantry Begiment, engaged in security and military government of their assigned area in vicinity of DOHH¥ALD.

In the afternoon of the 25th all elements of the Battalion were relieved from attachment to other units and assembled in the BENRATH area. A program of maintenance of materiel and preparation for a motor march was carried on until 28 April 1945. On the 28th of April the Battalion moved to GODDINGEN, GERMANTf, SE of HAMBURG. The Battalion closed in this area late on the 29th of April. The Battalion engaged in maintenance of materiel on 90 A p r i l . Just before the close of the period Com­pany A moved across the ELBE Eiver to support the 504th Para­chute Regiment of the 82d Airborne Division.

At the close of the period the Battalion (less Company A and the Rear CP) were in an assembly area in the vicinity of GODDINGEN, GEHMAHT. Company A was across the ELBE River supporting the 504th Parachute Regiment of the 82d Airborne Division. The Battalion Bear CP was located at KIRCHWEYHE, GERMANY.

2» Special leapons Used: Hone

Communications were maintained between lower echelons by radio. Due to the rapid moving situation it was impractical to use w i r e .

4 . Assistance from Artillery: Not applicable

Assistance from Supporting Engineers: Not applicable.

^ . Use of Bayonet, Grenades, Flame-Throwers, Etc.: Hot applicable.

6 . Supply and Evacuation; Not applicable

7. Casualties: See attached casualty list,

h . Commanding Officers in Important Engagements:


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CO, Hq Co 1-9 Apr 1st It JOHN A BAEfi 1 0 - 1 8 Apr Major EDWARD H CARTON 19-30 Apr Major HAHHT L GODSBALL,^ JR

CO, Co A 1 - 1 8 Apr Major HARRY L GODSHALL, JR 19-50 Apr Capt JAMES C WILLIAMS




1 . Losses In Action - Officers and Enlisted Men

( 1 ) Engagement]

Battle of the H D H H (Beginning of period to lb Apr 45)

( 2 ) lamea: See paragraphs ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , below.

( 3 ) Killed in Action:

(a) Officers:

2d Lt EICHAED T MOOHE, 0934302

(b) Enlisted Men:

Sgt Woodrow A Lazroe, 5 2 1 8 3 2 9 5 Sgt Joeepb M ShimeJc, 3 3 4 1 8 1 5 3 Sgt Kenneth G Todd, 3 3 4 1 7 1 2 2 Tec 4 Attilio B D i C e a a r e , . 3 2 0 5 7 8 8 4

Cpl William J McNeil, 5 5 4 7 6 0 7 6

Tec 5 Glenn A Walker, 5 9 4 0 5 5 5 0 Teo 5 Bernard Heleman, 5 5 4 7 6 1 4 9

Pfc Bobert Clmino, 3 2 6 9 0 0 6 9 Pfc John B Clifton, 1 6 1 1 1 5 1 2

Pvt Donald W Schaffer, 3 3 6 9 0 3 1 4 Pvt Harry E Beeves, 3 6 6 9 4 5 5 1

( 4 ) Vonnded in Action:

(a) Officers:

let Lt WILLIAM M PATTON, 0 1 8 2 4 3 5 8

(b) Enliated Men:

S/Sgt Alfred J L l o i , 5 2 0 0 3 7 6 7 Sgt Angelo Maoagliotta, 3 2 1 1 4 3 4 5 Sgt John H Allender, 3 9 2 7 1 9 1 7 Sgt Miles B Hipp, 3 4 0 5 8 7 8 4 Tec 4 David M Tinsley, 3 8 1 5 0 4 4 2 Cpl Joseph A DeBosa, 3 2 0 0 3 8 9 6 Cpl Frank P Ddiljak, 3 2 1 8 3 6 4 5 Cpl Joseph » W e m e y , 3 2 0 4 6 6 2 5 Tec 4 Clyde E Matney, 3 7 1 5 8 2 9 7 Too 4 Donald V Tobln, 3 7 2 6 9 0 5 1 Tec 4 Michael D A m d t , 5 9 2 7 1 9 3 8 Pfc Victor G Walters, 1 1 0 8 3 9 5 1

- 13 -

pro TtaOBM P Caplto, 3H08100 pro M«rtln Bbodeelde, 33415726 pro Patrlok i O'Connor, 32003696

' pro Aaos E CotT, 313222^4 i pro RunBond D«l C«»t«llo, 39034851 Pvt WllllMi K Puesohal, 3b69l413 Prt austlo* Long, 3341837b Prt J a w * StaTford, 33476072

(5) Hlaelng I n Aotlont Hone j . H«ab«rs Dlvtlngulah-ing TlieaseiTeB I n Action:

• DISTIIOOISHKD SEBVICE CBOSS W r i t Lleutanant HoUrt A'Parker. orB'g3478 . 644tii lank

Daatrojrer B a t t a l i o n , United s t a t e s Axmj, tox extraordinary iwrolsm against the ensay on 18 Deoeaber 1944, i n Belglxun, When seven eneay tanks attacked the toan aooapled by h i s organisation, P l r a t L i e u ­tenant P a ^ e r seoureA a rooket laonoher and aade h i s way to a rolnad bam, txcm which he scored a d i r e c t h i t on one or the • e h l o l e s . WorkdLng h i s way through the rireswept s t r e e t s , he approached to within rortv yards or the group or tanks, and opened r i r e , s e t t i n g one tank aolase and l a a o b l l l s l n g another. Although subjected to devastating 75aa and aacblne gun r i r e , he continued to r i r e rapidly and daaageo three acre tanks berore being wounded by eneay aachlne gun r i r e . B i s aaaninltlon exhausted, he aade his way back to h l a uni t headquarters where he organized two rooket launcher teaaa and directed thea I n a L l a l n a t i n g the remainder or the h o s t i l e tank*, s t o r e d a l l l t a r y s e m o e r r o a Waahlngtoa. (00 63, Ho f i r s t OS Azay, dtd 21 Apr 45).

SILVER STAB (Posthumously) Corporal Leo E Hart. 39549161, P l e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank

Destroyer), coapany A, 644th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , ror gallaatxy I n aotloa on 25 rebruary 1945 i n the v i c i n i t y or

, Oeraany. Arter hla tank deatroyer was knocked out by enaay tank r i r e , wounding two aeahers and rorolng the reaalnder or the orew to abandon I t , Corporal l a r t located the enemy tank through the ground haze, then ' reMfUtM the tank deatroyer I n an attempt to repair h i s gun and bring r i r e upon the eneay. He was r a t a l l y wounded When the eneay arreoted another h i t on the tank destroyer. His great courage and complete disregard ror h i s own pereonal sarety ware an i n s p i r a t i o n to all who saw h l a . laitered the m i l i t a r y servloe f r o a C a l i r o m i a . (00 85. Hq 8th I n r Dlv, dtd 11 Apr 45)

BBOHZE STAR P l r s t Lieutenant Charles P Dodda. 01170710, F i e l d

A r t i l l e r y , (Tank Destroyer; company A, 644th Tank Destroyer Battalion, for heroic aohieveaent i n connection with a l l l t a r y operations against the enemy on 28 February 1945 i n the v i c i n i t y or , Oermany. While exposed to enemy SP f i r s , Lieutenant Dodos, on root, led tank destroyers Into position and directed t h e i r f i r e . Hla heroic action and o o u r ^ enabled the tank destroyers to knock out one enemy Self-Propelled gun and one other v e h i c l e . Entered the a l l l t a r y aervlce rrom Pennaylvanla. (GO 83. 8th I n f Dlv, dtd 8 Apr 45).

Private P l r e t Claas Henry A Bragg. 33723553, P l e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank Deetroyer), coapany C, bAAth Tank Destroyer S a t t a l l o n , ror heroic aohieveaent I n connection with a l l l t a r y

- 14 -

operations against tbe enemy on 17 December 1944 I n the v i c i n i t y of , Belgium. A tank d e s t r o y e r of which P r i v a t e Bragg was cannoneer waa subjected t o enemy a r t i l l e r y ,whlte phos­phorous e h e l l a and small arms f i r e . Without thoxtgbt for personal a a f e t y , P r i v a t e Bragg and gun crew observed enemy movements and brought such accurate f i r e on eneny tanks and supporting i n f a n t r y , flTS tanks were destroyed and a number of infantrymen k i l l e d aod wounded. P r i v a t e Bragg's de v o t i o n t o duty and courage were I n accordance w i t h the highest t r a d i t i o n s of the m i l i t a r y s e r v l o e . Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from Maryland. (GO 78, Hq 8 t h I n f D l v , dtd 3 Apr 45)

P r i v a t e George H Brower. 33418425, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank D e s t r o y e r ) , Company C, b44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement i n connection w i t h m i l i t a r y operations againut the enemy on 17 December 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y of , Belglxua. A tank destroyer of wulch P r i v a t e Brower waa cannoneer was subjected t o enemy a r t i l l e r y w hite phosphorous s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought f o r personal s a f e t y , P r i v a t e Brower and gun crew observed enemy movements and brought such accurate f i r e on enemy tanks and s u p p o r t i n g i n f a n t r y , f i v e tanks were destroyed and a number of Infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. P r i v a t e Brower's de v o t i o n t o duty and courage were i n accordance w i t h the highest t r a d i t i o n s of the m i l i t a r y s e r v l o e . Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from Pennsylvania. (00 78, Hq 8 t h I n f D l v , d t d 3 Apr 45)

P r i v a t e F i r s t Class John P G r l m a l d l , 31i^Xi042, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank D e a t r o y e r ) , Company C, fa44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement i n connection w i t h m i l i t a r y o perations agalnat the enemy on 17 December 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y of , Belgium. A tank destroyer of which P r i v a t e G r l m a l d l was cannoneer was subjected t o enemy a r t i l l e r y white phosphorous s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought for personal s a f e t y , P r i v a t e G r l m a l d l and gun orew observed enemy movements and brought such aocurate f i r e on enemy tanks and s u p p o r t i n g i n f a n t r y , f i v e tanjcs were destroyed and a number of Infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. P r i v a t e Grlmaldl's d e v o t i o n to duty and courage were i n aooordance w i t h the highest t r a a l t i o n s of the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e . Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from Uassachusetts. (GO 78, Hq 8 t h I T D l v , dtd 3 Apr 45)

P r i v a t e F i r s t Class Dennis A Hebert, J r , (then P r i v a t e ) , 38651888, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank D e s t r o y e r ) , Company C, fa44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement i n connection w i t h m i l i t a r y operations against the enemy on 17 December 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y of , Belgium. A tank destroyer of which P r i v a t e Hebert was cannoneer was subjected to enemy a r t i l l e r y w hite phospnorous s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought f o r personal s a f e t y , P r i v a t e Hebert and gun crew observed enemy movements and brought such accurate f i r e on enemy tanks and s u p p o r t i n g i n f a n t r y , f i v e tanks were destroyed and a number of Infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. P r i v a t e Hebert's devotion t o duty and courage were i n aooordance w i t h the highest t r a d l t i o n a of the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e . Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from L o u i s i a n a . (GO 78, Hq o t h I n f D l v , d t d 3 Apr 45)

Sergeant W i l l i a m H Hooper, (then Technician F i f t h Grade), 34135364, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank I J e s i r o y e r ) , Company C, b44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement i n connection w i t h

- 15 -- C a 0 a E C



B i l l t a x y operations against ths enemy on 17 December 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y o f , Belgixun. • tank destroyer of which Sergeant Hooper was d r i v e r waa aubjeoted t o enemy a r t i l l e r y w h i t e phosphorous s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought f o r h i s

\l s a f e t y . Sergeant Hooper maneuvered h i s gun I n t o p o s i t i o n and when h i s destroyer commander was s e r i o u s l y wounded assumed command of tbe crew and continued the mission a f t e r evacuating the wounded man. Sergeant Hooper's de v o t i o n t o duty and l e a d e r s h i p r e s u l t e a i n the d e s t r u c t i o n of f i v e enemy tanks and a number of Infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from M i s s i s s i p p i . (GO 78, Hq b t h I n f D l v , d t d 3 Apr 45)

P r i v a t e F i r s t Class Edward J guauner. 33475507, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank D e s t r o y e r ) , Company C, b44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement i n connection w i t h m i l i t a r y operatlona agalnat the enemy on 17nDeoember 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y o f , Belgium, A tank destroyer of which P r i v a t e Eummer was cannoneer WM aubjeoted t o enemy a r t i l l e r y w hite phos­phorous s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought f o r personal s a f e t y , P r i v a t e Kummer and gun crew observed enemy movements and brought such accurate f i r e on enemy tanks and s u p p o r t i n g I n f a n t r y , f i v e tanks were destroyed and a number of infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. P r i v a t e Kummer's dev o t i o n t o duty and courage were i n accordance w i t h the highest t r a d i t i o n s of the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e . Entered tbe m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from Pennslvania. (GO 78, Hq 8 t h I n f D l v , d t d 3 Apr 45)

Corporal Henry J McVeigh, ( t h e n P r i v a t e ) , 31292267, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y . (Tank D e s t r o y e r ) , Company C, b44tb Tank Destroyer Bat-

' t a l i o n , f o r h e r o i c achievement against the enemy on 17 December 1944 and 19 December 1944 i n the v i c i n i t y of , Belgium. On 17 December, Corporal McVeigh, a gunner on an M-IO tank d e s t r o y e r , d e l i v e r e d such e f f e c t i v e f i r e on an enemy f o r c e o f 10 tanka and accompanying i n f a n t r y that the enemy was f o r c e d t o abandon t h e i r a t t a c k and withdraw l e a v i n g two Mark IV and two Mark V tanka and one h a l f - t r a c k personnel c a r r i e r destroyed. On I f December, h o l d i n g h i s f i r e on an approaching column of 12 l a r k V tanks u n t i l the l e a d tank was but a hundred yarda from him, he destroyed the l e a d i n g tank f o r c i n g the remaining tanks t o withdraw. His g a l l a n t courage and d e v o t i o n t o duty were d i r e c t l y r e s p o n s i b l e f 6 r f a i l u r e of the e n e i ^ a t t a o k a . Entered the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e from abode I s l a n d . (GO 78, Hq 8 t h I n f D l v , d t d 3 Apr 45)

' Corporal George S Oswald, ( t h e n P r i v a t e F i r s t Classic" 33485248, T l e l d A r t i l l e r y , ( fank D e a t r o y e r ) , 644th Tank D e s t j J i j t J f ^ B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o l o achievement i n connection w i t h m l l i t a i o perations agalnat the enemy on 17 December 1944 i n the vied of , Belgium. A tank deatrovar o f which Corpo^ Oswald was gunner was subjected t o enemy a r t i l l e r y white phosphoroua s h e l l s and small arms f i r e . Without thought f o r personal s a f e t y ,

! Corporal Oswald and cannon crew brought such accurate f i r e on enemy tanks and s u p p o r t i n g i n f a n t r y , f i v e tanks were destroyed and a num­ber of Infantrymen k i l l e d and wounded. Cotposil Oswald'a de v o t i o n t o duty and courage were i n accordance w i t h the highest t r a d i t i o n s of the m i l i t a r y s e r v i c e . Entered tbe m i l i t a r y servloe from Penn­s y l v a n i a . (GO 78, Hq 8 t h I n f Dlv, d t d 3 Apr 45)

F i r s t L i e u t e n a n t Owen H McDermott. 0886903, F i e l d A r t i l l e r y , (Tank D e a t r o y e r ) , Company C, t>44th Tank Destroyer B a t t a l i o n , f o r h e r o l o achievement i n connection w i t h m i l i t a r y . operatlona agalnat the.enemy on 25 February 1945 i n the v i c i n i t y of , Germany. Although wounded, Lieutenant McDermott advanced on f o o t ahead o f a t t a c k i n g Infantrymen t o Insure the safe

! - 16 -


passag* of his tonJc (tostrojrers througn ttur w o o d s . His fsarless aotion aldsd matorlmlly in ths successful accoBpllsiuMnt of the battalion's alsslon. Entered tbe military service from Hew YorJc.

Staff Sergeant Tracy L Butler. 36044817, field Artillery (Tsnk Dsstroysr), CoBpaoy c , b44th Tank Destroyer Battalion, for heroic acaiereMnt in connection with military operatlona against tbe enemy on 2t. February 1945 in the vicinity of , Germany. Wnen a second attack was driven back by the enemy. Ser­geant Butler moved his tank destroyer forward and returned fire on an enemy assault gan, forcing it to withdraw. His great courage and devotion to duty enabled infantrymen to attain their objective. Entered the military service from Illinois. (00 9 1 , Ha 8th Inf D i v , dtd 16 Apr 45)

k . Photographs: Attached.

for the Commanding Officer:

Captain, FA S-2

- 17 -


APO 250, D S krmj 2 M « y 1945

Albert Chloaao S/Sgt 20255625

Joseph J Sweeney Cpl 35475924

Attilio R DlCesare T/4 32057884

Heraan L Lopez i/5 34153387

Bellis Couoh p r o 34584472

George S Mosical Sgt 32057838

Robert R Galley T/4 35464237

Walter L Fuamer 6/Sgt 32066760

Henry P Muta S/Sgt 20234664




Willlaa M Patton 1st Lt Ola;i4358

Victor G Walters p r o 11083951

ThOBiia P Capito Pfe 35408100

UlQtiael D A m d t T/5 39271938

Hiehara t Moore 2d Lt 0954302

Kannetb 6 Todd Sgt 33417122

Glenn A ValJcer t/5 39405550

Robert Cialno p r o 32690069

John B Clifton p r o 16111512




Diagnosis Date Disposition

WIA Shell W (rocket)

WIA Shell W (HE) L « , rt buttock, back


1 kpx Duty

24 Mar Duty

30 Mar


Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Conjunctivitis, It 31 Mar eye BTD 6 Apr

8 Clr Sta Disease

External injury, LW rt hand, caused by dog bite

WIA Shell W (HE) CW, It side

WIA Shell W (HK) CW, It side

1 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

1 Apr Duty

1 Apr Duty

lapetigo, scalp ft 2 Apr 8 Clr Sta rt hand BTD 23 ^ r

C m s h Injury, It hip 2 Apr i. aMdoainal reg., poss perT inteatlnea

WIA GSW (M.Q.) Pen W , forehead, rt rrontal

WIA GSW (M.O.) Pea W , rt leg

WIA GSW (M.G.) Pen W , rt ara

wIA Burn, 1 deg about face, b u m , 2 deg, Dotn nands

2 apr 8 Clr Sta






2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

2 Apr

8 Clr Sta

8 Clr bta

8 Clr Sta

- 1 -

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty


8 Clr Sta HB InJ

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battla casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

SflBuel H Bant Pfo 36416430

H«lTia L Lewis T/4 33547683

iBOl Sgt

' L Ellle 5071226





Eric J Bandelin PTo 33614764

Everett H Oppel T/5 32113981


Domlnlok Carpenona Cpl 32004772

Martin Bbodealde Pfo 33415726

Edward H Carey

Patrick J O'Connor Pfc 32003896

Monroe S Klock Cpl 33105333


Samuel L Hlggenbotham T/4 35214635

Miles B Hipp C Sgi 34058784

Samuel H Ray C Pvt 55619134

Franois B Coi C T/5 33082609

Amos E Coty Bon Pfo 31322254

Bobert A Parker C 1 s t Lt 01823478

William J McN:ell A Cpl 33476076

Uenry A Bragg C Pfo 33723553

yiagnusis Date Disposition Bemarks

WIA Sboll • (rocket) 2 Apr Duty

L W , rt band, struck 3 Apr 8 Clr Sta IB InJ

Battle Casual

LW It ring finger, aoo ino wnen his finger got caught in breech

Shell W (BE) abraaion, back of both oalfs of legs

WIA Shell W (Baz.) CW, rt leg, knee region

SIW GSW (carb.) L W , It index finger

3 i^r 8 Clr Sta HB laj

3 Apr Duty

4 Apr Duty

Battle Cas\ialty

Battle Casualty

4 i^r 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

WIA Shell W (HE) CW, rt foot, SV

SIW Pen W , f o o t , caused by acc diaonarge of rifle

WIA Sbell W (HE) LW, It thumb

Fainting spells, poss ov BTD

Hq Foreign body, oornea, rt eye

WIA Shell W (HE) L W , rt buttock

Dlmentla Praecox

Acid burns of face k eyes, caused by battery explosion

WIA GSW (rifle) LW, It arm

WIA Shell W (mortar) L W , rt side & back


SIW GSW (pistol) Pen W It hand

- 2 -

5 Apr 8 Clr Sta Battle BTD 25 Apr Casualty

6 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

Battle Casualty

7 Apr 25 Apr

6 Apr Duty

8 Clr Sta Disease

7 Apr 8 Cl> Sta HB IBJ

7 Apr 8 Clr Sta

8 Apr 8 Clr Sta Disease

Battle Casualty

8 Apr 45 8 Clr Sta

8 Apr a Clr Sta

,8 Apr Duty

9 Apr


Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

9 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

Name Dlagnoala"

B»j L Spttncer Pfo 36630769

A WIA Bomb W (mine) L W , 10 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

0«r«ld R Vallee Cpl 51267952

C WIA Shell W (HE) LW, bead

10 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Joaopb r Hemejr Cpl 32046625

A WIA 11 Apr 311 Clr Battle Casualty

Emanuel Solomon 2d L t , 01999805

A WIA Shell W (HE) LW, back

11 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Robert ff Huffman B Pfc 33439739

U . H . I . 11 Apr 8 Clr Sta


Jack W Taylor T/5 34180306

Ben WIA Bomb W (grenade) Pen W , It leg

11 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

John Huaak Pfc 33115730

Ron WIA Boimb W (grenade) Pen W , It hand & wrlet

11 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Loyal L Polston T/5 20940689

Med CW, shoulder, back, leg poss InJ. to spine

12 Apr 8 Clr Sta


Carl H E Helson T/5 39133257

C CW, rt A It ankles, poss FS

12 Apr 8 Clr Sta


Gearge 1 Ifurray T/5 34003601

A LW, face, si 12 Apr 86 Clr HB InJ

Clyde E Uatney 1/5 37158297

B WIA Shell W (mortar) Pen W , rt forearm

12 Apr 8 Clr Sta

Battle Casualty

Clprlano C Ifongeras Pfc 35140426

C Poas. dislocation of rt ankle Joints

13 Apr 8 Clr Sta


Howard • Henry Pfc 33129498

B WIA B u m s (phoa.) 1st deg, rt a n

13 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Theodore A Jett T/5 3391356

B WIA B u m a (phoa.) 1st deg. It band

13 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Joseph U Sblmek Sgt 33418153

B KIA 13 Apr - • Battle Casualty

Frank P Udlljak Cpl 32183645

B WIA Sbell W (HE) UW bao ft rt arm

13 Apr 8 Clr Sta

Battle Casualty

Baymond DelCaatello Pfo 39034851

B WIA Shell W (mortar) L W , It shoulder

13 Apr 8 Clr Sta

Battle Casualty

Alfred J Llol S/Sgt 32003767

B WIA Shell W (HE) L W , It arm upper 3rd

13 Apr 8 Clr Sta

Battle Casualty

Harvey f Itoysr Pfo 33475954

. C Diarrhea, aoute BTD

13 17

Apr Apr

8 Clr Sta


Charles A Oravener Pfc 32066725

C Diarrhea, aoute BTD

13 17

Apr Apr

8 Clr Sta


Thomas B Logan T/5 37047615

C Drethritls, p o s s . O.C.

14 Apr 8 Clr Sta


- 3 -



Bernard Balsmaa 1/5 33476149

C» DljLgnoalB Date ^ l a p o e l t l o a

Bon O A 14 Apr


WllliaiD E Pueaetaal B lIA Shell • (HE} 14 Apr Prt 36691415 Lf, It buttock

Hebart E Jeffery A WIA GSW (M.G.) LW, 14 Apr Sgt 36450472 face, al

Harry £ Beevea Pvt 36694551

Donald W Schaffer Pvt 33690314

Justice Long Pvt 33418376

John a Allender Sgt 39271917

Ben O A


Bon WIA Shell W FC It leg


14 Apr

.14 Apr

15 Apr

Samuel Goodman Pfo 33594484

B WIA Shell W (HE) 15 Apr L W , rt lover leg, LW It lower leg

Ben P o a s . dislocation 15 Apr of It ankle BID 15 Apr

Angelo Macagllotta B WIA Shell W (HE) 15 Apr Sgt 32114345

Joseph A DeBosa Cpl 32003896

Patrick J O'Connor Pfo 32003896

Mult Pen W thumb 4 1, 2, 4 3ra flng. It hand, Pen W buttooka

WIA Shell W (HE) 15 Apr MLW, rt buttock MPW, rt thigh 4 knee, poas FC rt knee

WIA Shell W (HE) 15 Apr MPW, Chin 4 top of head, concussion

James Stafford Pvt 33476072

David M T l n a l e y r/4 38150442

B WIA Shell W (HE) Part amput of It leg, FC It femur

lioholas Zok Pvt 31036124

Wesley M Durham Sgt 20236860

Leslie P McDougal Cap* 01170855




WIA Shell W (UE) Pen W , neok, rt poss rupture or eardrums

Alcoholism, aoute

WIA Shall W (HE) Pen W , rt buttock

C WIA Sbell W (HE) L W , 2, 3, 4 4th flng, It hand

Woodrow A Lasroe Sgt 32183295


15 Apr

15 Apr

15 Apr

15 Apr

15 Apr

16 Apr

- 4 -

• j £ £ S g. I-

Battle Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

Duty Battle Caaualty

_ Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

8 Clr HB InJ Sta


8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Caaualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Casualty

8 Clr Battle Sta Caaualty

8 Clr Sta Disease

Duty Battle Casualty

Duty Battle Duty Casualty

Battle Casualty

Cv D l « ^ o » l » ' Data Diapoaltlon Baaarka

Donald V Tobln T/5 57269031

Henry P Cota Pfo 3911Y541

Bernard Isea Cpl 33475970

Balpb G Mlton Pvt 32683976

Edward Etsel Pvt 42083581

Eaton R P Jordan S/Sgt 34058843

Quentln U Kelly I8t It 01999155


B VIA ooncuaalon (shell blast) shook

B VIA Shell W (HE) LV, faoe rt A head

16 Apr 8 Clr Sta Battle Casualty

16 Apr Duty

16 Apr Duty

B VIA Shell V (HE) 16 Apr Duty L V , faoe, rt

Battle Casualty

Battle Casualty

Battle Caaualty

C Sprain, ankle, 16 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ rt poaa FS fell off I-IO

B F S , mldcae finger 16 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

B VIA oonouaalon (mine blast) punctured r t eardruB

16 Apr Duty Battle Casualty

Fulton S Charlie Hq Rheumatic Fever 19 Apr 8 Clr Sta Disease Pfo 33096561 RTD 25 Apr

Truman 0 Burdin Ron GSW (pistol) Pfc 34052677 Pen V , rt

t htgh 1ower^ 3rd, poss FC feimur, rt thigh

20 Apr 322 Clr NB InJ

Charles U Hobblnson Sgt 38416689

Valter U Slawsky Pvt 33061637

Roy V Jackson T/3 37129332

Poaalble appendicitis

C Hemorroids, external

lied Dn-united fracture, mavioular bone. It wrlat

21 Apr 8 Clr Sta biaease

22 Apr 8 Clr Sta Dleeaae

24 Apr 8 Clr Sta HB InJ

Frederlok T Eaper B Orethrltia (7) T/4 32003839

Alec J Huffman Pfo 34153545

Quentln U Kelly 1st Lt 01999755

26 Apr 8 Clr Sta Dlaeasa^


A Abaoessed tooth 27 Apr 319 Clr

B Otitis Uedia, punotured rt eardrum

30 Apr 640 Clr



NATHANIEL BERG Captain, UC Surgeon

- 5 -
