Head lice advice for parents in Nepali

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Head lice advice for parents in Nepali

Head lice advice for parents in the Nepali

Head lice basics

Head lice are small, wingless parasites that live on the human head,

especially near the ears and neck

They are about the size of a sesame seed when fully grown

They have 6 legs ending in hooked ‘claws’

Head lice can’t fly, jump or swim, but can crawl very fast

Nits are not live head lice

They are empty or dead head lice eggs

They remain attached to the hair with a kind of strong ‘glue’

deposited by the louse when laying

Nits can remain for weeks or even months after infection

A few people will get an itchy scalp

You might find black specks on the pillowcase (this is the waste product)

Some people have no symptoms at all

You should perform detection combing in your family if you suspect head lice or know someone who has them

How can you tell if you have head lice?

For more expert advice, visit