He Had Such Quiet Eyes

Post on 10-Oct-2014

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This e-book was written to help students to better understand the poem. It is told in a story form using graphical illustration.

Transcript of He Had Such Quiet Eyes

© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel

Look into my quiet



© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel

Hi, my name is Mr. Luke. I designed and

created this graphical slide presentation

as a tool to help my students absorb the

English Literature Components in an

interesting and fun way. I will be acting

as the poet.

All the characters that you will meet in

this slide are purely fictional and have no

relationship whatsoever with the

respective poems. Most of the dialogs or

thoughts are for pun purposes only.

Hop on and enjoy this pun filled

literature adventure titled


© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel

Hi, my name is Ignora.

I am a naive young lady who met a

very handsome young man. He called

himself PSG.PSG actually stands for

“Pleasure Seeking Guy”. He had a pair

of such quiet eyes.

In this slide, I am going to tell

you how I met PSG. How I

got deceived and what

happened to me for being

so ignorant.


© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel

My life’s journey began from the moment I met PSG.

He had such quiet eyes, I was blinded by love for

him. He used his quiet eyes to trap my innocence. I

was so new and naive that I believed that he was

true and sincere in his love for me.

I felt so pity for him for he looked so lonely and alone.

His eyes begged me to be nice to him. I just couldn’t

resist them. He coerced me to be intimate with him,

telling me how lonely and

empty he was and how he

needed someone to fill the


Al- though I loved him but I was in

a dilemma for I had a moral

stand not to indulge in any

sexual activity before mar-

riage. But, his eyes were so pitiful that I fi-

nally strapped (laid down ) my dignity

and fulfilled his physical desire believing

that he loved me sincerely and would

spend the rest of his life with me.

An act which later would cost me dearly.


© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel


The moment he had fulfilled his desires

upon me, he started to be cold and

insensitive towards me. I was

heartbroken and sad.

Feelings of regret and remorse started to

plague my mind. My mind raced back

to the vivid moments

with my friend, who

advised me not to

compromise my dignity with PSG.

I was so stubborn and refused to listen

to her. Oh, how I wish I had listened to

her advice. I would not have lost my

self-worth and dignity. It slowly started

to dawn on me that

his only intention was

to use me and to have

fun. He was not serious

with his relationship with me. I had

been a fool to trust him completely.

I tried to reason within myself how could

this thing happen to me and why it

happened to me. I meant no harm nor

was I insincere in my relationship. How

could he be so cold and wicked….?

You better be careful with PSG, Ignora. I

heard that he is a playboy and only

likes to have fun with innocent girls

How can this thing be happening to me?

Why did I so foolishly believe him? Why,

why did PSG do this to me? Why…...

© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel


I would like give some advice for

all those who want to have a

relationship with someone in the


Firstly, be sure that the person you

meet is true and sincere in his

feelings towards you. This will

spare you from being

disappointed and heart-broken

like Ignora.

In reality, we may fail once or twice in our love life

but if we persevere, one day we will surely meet

our match.


© 2011-2012 www.kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com

Prepared By : Mr. Luke Gabriel


This is a very meaningful poem, especially for our

younger generation which is faced with all kinds of

worldly temptations on a daily basis.

The moral of this poem is girls should be careful who

they choose to be friends with. Girls need to be

careful when fully trusting a guy. Under no

circumstances should they compromise their dignity

or moral stand for a guy. Furthermore, we must learn

to be humble and pay heed to advice given by


In life, we might get heart-broken due to failed

relationships. But it does not mean that all

relationships will end in disappointments. If we press

on surely one day we will find the right life partner

and live happily ever after.

I hope you enjoyed this poem. Please leave a Comment if you liked this story telling format.

Thank You…..

For More Info, visit : http://kopitiamenglish.blogspot.com/