HCC candidate statements and questionnaire responses

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Transcript of HCC candidate statements and questionnaire responses


County Council Elections 4th May 2017

The statements published on behalf of the

six candidates for Hayling County

Councillor and the responses to 10


British National Party – Local People First

Candidate No 1

John Moore

I have lived on the island for three and a half years, while I visited it for thevery first time in 1999. I enjoy volunteering and have done so in the past incharity shops with The Trussell trust and also for charities working towardscuring Alzheimer’s Disease. In 2008, I obtained a degree having studied inSouthampton for three years.

Conservative Party

Candidate No 2

Lance QuantrillAfter schooling on the Island, I was sponsored by Southern Electricity in Havant on my degree. Passing with

Honours, I spent 30 years working for UK and global manufacturing businesses in a progression of managerial roles.

I then used my commercial and life experiences to manage golf clubs and returned to Hayling Island to live and

work after being Secretary of the Army Golf Club, Aldershot.

I am now a member of the team which inspects and reads gas and electricity meters in homes and businesses on

Hayling and along the South Coast.

Hayling elects only one Councillor amongst the 78 who represent Hampshire. Let me be the person who listens to

Islanders' views and becomes your voice on the County Council on May 4th. Together we can manage the future of

Hayling for ourselves today and Islanders who follow tomorrow.

6 reasons to elect me:

• Experienced Councillor in a Unitary Authority. Every year Hampshire has 1000 residents who become

80 years old and for which 100 will need help from Social Services. I understand the growing pressures on Social

Care and how to argue for a bigger than fair share of limited budgets.

• Governor of 2 Schools I know how education resources are distributed and how students' potentials are


• Active Sportsman Having tried most of the sports which Hayling offers I know the commercial pressures on

clubs and the individual and collective value each delivers to Islanders and visitors.

• Councillor on Havant Borough Council (HBC) As Councillor for the Bondfields Ward in Leigh Park I know

how HBC operates and how to work with your local Borough Councillors to harmonise Borough and County


• Road User Although I usually walk or cycle when inspecting meters I still drive to our team's work areas. This

means that I see both peak and off-peak travel patterns. I am concerned that impending

• Local Resident For work and leisure I am always out and about on the Island and know streets, housing, beaches,

organisations and businesses. I share a love of the Island's coasts and culture and am part of the community

Green Party

Candidate No 3

Sue HoltI have lived on Hayling for 45 years, not quite an Islander but I am Hampshire born and bred. I would like to give back to and work for the place and people I feel I know so well.I am married with 3 grown up children with children of their own now. My children were educated on the Island, and I taught in the local school and in Chichester for many years. I also worked for the National Trust over the past 10years. In spare time, I have always done voluntary work in the community, and I have loved that.My main passion is the environment, which looked at in an open way covers so many subjects and concerns social and economic issues as well as the living world all around us- which we must live in harmony with. I have had a lot of involvement with local issues, with councils and statutory organisations, from planning to biodiversity, from recycling and waste to raising air quality concerns, from energy sources to sustainability. Taking these issues to the next level, the political arena ,in order to get results , seems the next logical step.I want to be part of the fight for a healthy environment and sound public services for Hampshire. I want to help find ways, through scrutiny of county spending, to ensure the continuation of vital local services, from adult and children’s services to all forms of affordable public transport and that these are prioritised over grandiose plans. And to stop the march of austerity cuts...just for start...

Labour Party

Candidate No 4

Sheree Earnshaw

If you elect me as your councillor l will work with all residents to make HaylingIsland a fairer and more caring community where decisions are made in theinterests of ALL residents. I live on Hayling Island and want to make our area anattractive, safe and prosperous place to live for all our residents.

I work as a Community Care Worker with the elderly and disabled and amconcerned about the obvious crisis that is occurring within the Health & Social Caresystem. I am an active member of UNISON, having been recently chosen as theirLabour Link Officer for the County and l will campaign to get the County Council tosign up to Unison’s Ethical Care Charter. If elected l will also fight to restore theSocial Care Budget, improve Social Housing, improve funding and support forChildren’s Centres, support our schools and restore funding to our Police Service

Liberal Democrats

Candidate No 5

Paul GrayHaving grown-up on Hayling, and having returned to the island some ten years ago, it is an

honour and a privilege to offer my services to the people of my home town. I returned to the island after university in Manchester and a career in London.

My extensive management experience, gained in both the public and private sectors, would enable me to ensure island residents are fiercely defended against any attempts to force yet more cuts to public services.

Ultimately, I got involved in local politics because I dearly love our neighbourhood, the people in it and care deeply about the issues which affect us all. I joined the Liberal Democrats as they echo my passionate vision for an open, tolerant and united community.

Most recently I was involved with the successful relaunch of the Hayling Ferry service and the Save the Tip campaign. I also volunteer for the Queen Alexandra Hospital supporting our local nurses.

Primarily, I want our local area to be represented by someone who grew up here, knows the issues that are most important to local people and calls this place home.

For too long we have accepted cut after cut. That ends if you elect me as your councillor.

Candidate No 6

Richard Coates

United Kingdom Independence Party

Like my wife Wendy, I am a born and bred Hayling Islander. I joined the Fire Service on Hayling

before travelling the UK in that career for 22 years, becoming County Chief Fire Officer. I then

became the global fire consultant for BP, leading on international crises such as the Turkish

Earthquake in 1999 where I acted on behalf of the British Government, and also volunteered to

train firemen in African and Eastern Bloc countries having procured dozens of Green Goddesses for

their underfunded fire departments. I now work with the emergency services (as a First

Responder, a Governor of South Central Ambulance and Chair of a Fire Safety committee for the

British Safety Council) as well as organising the 999 day with the CFR team for the past couple of

years. When my wife and I returned to Hayling, we were shocked by the negative changes: the

dredging that has destroyed the sandy beaches… the housing that has mushroomed… the lack of

facilities for young people. Where has the cinema gone? And the Hayling Carnival I used to run

with Wendy? It is in response to the island’s decline that I have agreed to stand as UKIP candidate

for the role of County Councillor. As outlined at the Hustings, I am already working hard for better

quality services across Hayling. I am eager to fight our island’s corner at County meetings… it

seems to have been forgotten over the years in many respects. The money has certainly been

going out, but it has not been coming back in. And that needs to change.

1. Will you strive to ensure that Hayling Infrastructure is adequate

and sustainable for all development planned until the year 2036 -

especially the Havant Road arterial connection to the mainland and

its bridge?The sustainability of Hayling Bridge and the quality of the Havant Roadleading to the bridge should be of the utmost importance to anyonestanding to represent Hayling Island. I will of course strive to keep itadequate.

Of course. However, the real problem lies with “for all development planned until 2036”. As part of Havant Borough Residents Alliance I have been involved in talks with and deputations to HBC about the Local Plan, and, whilst planning is under local rather than County control, infrastructure does come under county remit and the two are inextricably linked.

2017 is a pivotal year. Havant Borough Council's Local Plan will shape Hayling's landscape over the next 20 years. At present the 2 major sites put forward by landowners have been suspended awaiting an Infrastructure audit and Hayling's various interest groups are putting forward arguments on behalf of their members. My fear is that some infrastructure does not come incrementally. A significant increase in capacity would prompt developers to argue that the Island can take many more houses than those currently proposed. I would encourage much wider participation in the Local Plan.

Infrastructure investment lies at the heart of my plans for the island. If the island is to prosper, it is essential that our one and only arterial connection is fit for the 21st century. Beyond that, it is an absolute requirement that our health service and schools are fully funded and equipped to ensure our elderly are cared for and our children educated to the highest possible standards. I am convinced that any additional housing on the island can only be considered AFTER first class infrastructure is in place.

Yes and seek to improve it where possible; this was a concern for all candidates at the Hustings. The application for new developments will not stop: councillors and the public must continue working together to prevent further housing developments on a large scale, whilst battling for improved support for public transport and access to vital services year-round

Yes, this is essential if we are to sustain an improved infrastructure which is being affected by the increase in population on the Island. Additionally it is necessary to ensure that facilities such as The Health Centre and schools are sufficiently funded to maintain an excellent service.

2. What measures will you take to tackle

fly tipping on Hayling Island?

Keeping the Hayling Waste Recycling Centre open lowers the chances of fly tipping, while criminals only enact crime if they think they can get away with it – a strong, visible police presence on the island would deter fly tippers. Far be it from doing this, we downsize our police station to the library.

Behind the increase in fly tipping is the closure of some public amenity tips and household waste recycling centres and the costs of using them. These must be free and accessible. Most individuals and businesses are public spirited and want to comply with environmental services. But a few will always selfishly off load where ever they can and HCC must put in place procedures for enforcing large, immediate and unconditional fines with the threat of more severe action for non compliance. I would work towards this as part of a larger Green policy and to protect our communities, in particular Hayling amenities.

Increased vigilance by the police with spot checks on vehicles for Trade Waste Licenses plus high-publicity prosecutions must be used to deter socially irresponsible criminals. I would ask that the maximum penalties, £25,000 and one year in prison, be imposed and the offending vehicle crushed.

Strongly encourage moves to impose the heaviest penalties for fly-tippers: prosecute and publish the fact to act as a serious deterrent. There is also the option to use technology in the form of CCTV to catch fly-tippers as some counties already do.

Fly tipping is an increasing problem on our island due to the insane decision by the Conservatives to charge us for dumping our waste. I, along with all my colleagues in Hampshire Liberal Democrats, have a clear promise to the people of Hayling: WE WILL SCRAP THE CHARGES

Certain areas of Hayling Island could be vulnerable to fly tipping such as large car parks and open fields. It is necessary to have CCTV installed in these areas and also signs indicating that there is risk of fines. Also l would suggest that any charges to the public should be withdrawn.

3. Will you support the maintenance of the

Household Waste Recycling Centre on Hayling Island?

Yes. As above, it deters fly tipping. The road/bridge on and off the island would be busier with citizens going to Havant Waste Centre if it closed.

Hampshire Liberal Democrats are not only prepared to maintain the Household Recycling Centre, we are committed to RETURNING TO FULL OPENING HOURS. This, along with our commitment to SCRAP THE CHARGES, is our promise to you. In short, I and my colleagues in Hampshire Liberal Democrats will REVERSE THE CUTS

Yes this is an essential service to preserve a safe and healthy environment.

Definitely. We have to maintain what little infrastructure we have. Whilst no candidate can guarantee the HWRC, all of us pledged to support its maintenance at

Yes. Given the nature of the Island and its roads the tip should be protected.

I support the recent change to allow trade waste to be taken to HWRCs. Two things come to mind. Is there a better location for Hayling's HWRC? In the '60s it was tucked out of the way but as we have all become conscious of the need to reduce, recycle and reuse increased usage means that it really is in the wrong place and should not be suspended every time a collection lorry arrives. Secondly, I'd like to hear from the team who work there. They have first hand knowledge of how it works and must have a wealth of ideas for improvements.

4. Will you strive to get the funding for an

upgrade to the Hayling Billy Trail, to make it very

attractive to cycle commuters (getting cyclists off

the Havant Road to improve traffic flow and

cyclist safety)?Ideally, some form of flood defence would be enacted to stop the erosion of the Trail. Otherwise, there will not be one to upgrade at all. I’m not sure how an “upgrade” might be defined so as to make it “attractive” to commuters, but battling erosion and allowing people that route to the north/south of the island via the Billy Trail is crucial.

The Billy Trail needs assured funding for its maintenance and significant improvements to the surface ,for all cycle types , over time. It is not just for leisure but an integral part of the Island internal travel network, for walkers and cyclists. However, funding is firstly necessary for the wider cycling issues of Hayling and beyond; to increase proper , dedicated cycle routes from east to west to a North –South route and to link with the trail; also, an improved route to the ferry is important as are dedicated routes to schools.

Let me declare an interest: my cycle is my preferred choice for work and personal transport. Whilst The Billy Trail offers great advantages, many recreational and social cyclists do not use it because of the surface and others because they are not aware of it. Whilst we should be cautious of creating a speedway route, The Environment Agency needs to be challenged to defend the Trail against erosion at the same time that an investment is made to improve the surface for road going cycles.

Yes. In the current plan, £460k is earmarked for upgrades to South of Hayling Cycle path - it is in the Highways capital budget but with no date for implementation. I would seek to use this as soon as possible so it is not lost.

Absolutely. The Billy Trail is our primary alternative route between north and south and offers commuters and the wider public alike an opportunity to travel vehicle free. The Billy Trail faces long term decline if it is not repaired and maintained. I can commit here and now to doing precisely that.

Yes and in doing so ensure that the Hayling Billy Trail maintains its natural beauty.

5. Will you actively support the maintenance of a viable

Hayling Ferry service to Portsmouth, including the

encouragement to bus companies to provide an integrated

service from Hayling Island to Portsmouth, via the Ferry?

Yes. Again, the fact the bridge is the only way on and off the island means the roads would become too busy on account of people looking to go to parts of Portsmouth that are already within reach of Hayling.

Yes. The ferry should also be a viable and easily accessible part of the Island transport network. As a family we have used it regularly. But to implement it as part of the network, the bus links are crucial and I would work hard to try to ensure year round link ups on Hayling and Portsmouth shores. Funding and subsidies need close scrutiny to make it viable, but I cannot see why this cannot be achieved with fresh thinking about real answers to transport problems , as the Green party wants to see.

When working in Eastney I have used the ferry to get to work. It was both sad and concerning to travel with only 5 others on the 0840hrs ferries at what I thought would be peak time usage. I would work with Portsmouth City Council and the bus companies to see if there is a commercially viable formula for linking bus services both on Hayling and at Eastney. I would take some persuading to divert funds from the ferry to subsidising bus connections.

Yes, definitely. A diversion of the present bus service would be less than 3km (in each direction) from Beachlands to the Ferryboat. I would be interested to ask the Hayling Ferry Trust (HFT) if their funds could sensibly be used to subsidise this short diversion of the present bus service; it would fit neatly with the aims of the HFT, who seek to:“co-ordinate limited funding assistance to support a community-friendly timetable” and “support bus or other transport links to the Ferry.”

The connectivity of the service is vital to long term sustainability. That is why I propose a fixed term period in which the ferry itself would be subsidised whilst fully operational bus links could be established on both our side of the water and over in Portsmouth. It is important however that the ferry does not become a burden on us as tax payers and therefore the public could not and should not expect to subsidise the service beyond the fixed term period

Yes. Hayling Island Labour Party were instrumental in fighting to get the ferry running again and have an ongoing campaign to get a bus service to the ferry in place. There have been discussions with Stagecoach and Emsworth bus services but unfortunately the view was, that unless the Council issued subsidies, it was not a viable project. At present HILP are exploring the possibility of running a campaign to get a community bus run by volunteers.

6. Do you have any views about the possibility

of providing an ambulance facility on Hayling Island?

I have no particular views on this issue – the closest hospital is Portsmouth and I assume the ambulances come onto the island from either there or an existing ambulance facility. It may be worth channelling money into one if necessary.

With an aging population on the island it is time we addressed this very real need. There is an argument to say that the island doesn't have sufficient demand for an ambulance facility. I would argue that a facility placed at the north end of the island, which would then be able to service both island residents and those on the mainland, would be a cost effective commit to care.

I think an ambulance facility is vital for Hayling Island. I work as a Community Care Worker and it is policy that if you discover a service user on the floor that an ambulance is called, thus explaining the increased numbers of ambulances coming on to the Island. Additionally if there is a problem with traffic getting on to the Island ambulances can be delayed. I would suggest that any ambulance service should be based at The Health Centre.

I am not allowed to comment on that during this period as a Governor of South Central

Ambulance. We are prohibited during the election period.

Not as yet. I hope to be able to look into the idea.

Although the Ambulance Service is not controlled by Hampshire County Council I would be interested in the statistics regarding calls to casualties on the Island. We do have the First Responders who provide a speedy service. In addition, I am a big fan of First Aid training so that

we all know how to help if an emergency occurs.

7. Do you have any preferred Hayling charities

or deserving causes that you would like to support with your annual grant?

I would look to provide The Trussell Trust, or similar Foodbank orientated organisation more local, with the money.

There are a number of charities which I currently work with, all of which are hugelydeserving. I would also however like to explore the possibility of a 'Hayling Day,' wheremoney could be invested in a celebration of all the good causes and all the greatbusinesses we have on the island. It is such a shame our carnival has gone and it is timewe reinvented the idea to again bring the community together.

Yes. Preferred charities would be The Red Cross, who now run a Support in the Home Service, Hiads Theatre, Hayling Island Voluntary Services and both Parkinson’s UK and Dementia UK who both run groups in Hayling Island. Additionally Home Start, a children’s charity that supports families with children un five, is an extremely worthwhile cause.

This is £8k at the moment. I would put it towards the Head Girl’s Better Bogs campaign at Hayling College, our only secondary school, in my first year they have been hit hard by the £150,000 budget cut this year and have no money for basic infrastructure projects. Rather than pledge successive years now, it is perhaps more sensible to see where need arises.

Not at the moment. I would have to give that some thought if the opportunity arises.

There is no shortage of organisations and supporters doing vital and valuable charitable work on Hayling. So, how do we decide who does not get a share of the funds? I would welcome opinion on drafting, and publishing, a formula for sharing the funds fairly and evenly. Further, I would work closely with Borough Councillors to ensure that one organisation did not receive unbalanced support from both Borough and County grants.

8. Will you be taking steps to ensure that the Library

Service on Hayling is maintained into the future?

Yes, absolutely – cuts to the library must be resisted. Reading is a fantastic thing, and the fact the library is so close to a primary school makes it an important asset in the sense it’s good to have children in such close proximity to a place of reading/academia.

Again, the position of Hampshire Liberal Democrats is very clear; we will improve and maintain all of our services. Libraries are an often under valued community resource. They are a shared community space, open to us all and provide a world of invaluable information. For too long our library has been treated as if it were an antiquated relic. It is not. It is a vital

facility and I’ll ensure it goes from strength to strength.

Yes absolutely. Hayling Island Library Service is excellent

Definitely. We have to keep it bearing in mind the demographics of Hayling and our larger numbers of elderly people. My wife was very grateful to them for introducing her to ‘talking books’ following an eye injury.

Yes. The library Service, in spite of cuts and changes affecting its nature, remains at the heart of communities and I would encourage this further. Its funding should be maintained, it cannot take more cuts without disappearing entirely. Hayling Library provides – as I have seen for myself- quiet spaces for school children to do their homework, mother and toddler song sessions, workshops and talks, many internet users and , of course, book lovers – still! Its place in the community must be untouchable.As those who have visited the “library” will know it is now a learning centre. Printed booksand papers sit next to kit for the digital provision of information. Screens and computers are available at no charge and there are courses for toddlers to 3rd Agers. I see such services continuing to adapt to residents' wants and needs.

9. Will you be supporting and encouraging the work of

Cycle Hayling to provide an off-road North-South cycle


I’m afraid I do not know much about this particular issue/proposal and would not want to commit to an answer on it.

I will be supporting and looking to work with Cycle Hayling and other cycling groups on theisland to deliver a cycle 'highway' for the island. Whilst the Billy Trail requires renovation,which I have committed to championing, the east side of our island entirely lacks a cyclingalternative. I believe this is a perfect example of where the best outcome can be achieved byworking, and listening, to community groups and that is precisely what I intend to do.

Yes and would work closely with Sue Underwood, a Labour Party member, who has been very involved in this project.

Absolutely. This would separate cyclists from road vehicles. This dovetails with my answer to question 4. Again, most candidates seemed in agreement on this at the Hustings.

Yes. See Question 4

I am not convinced that the options for dual use of our current pathways has been fully explored. On Saturday, when I used the pathway between Mengham Lane and Beech Grove, it struck me how uneven and narrow it was for walkers. Although the pathway improves greatly as it extends to Mill Rythe School there must be options to increase usage for walkers and cyclists.

10. Would you support the reinstatement of the

bus subsidy for schools?

A bus service for schools would certainly help in combating traffic congestion, assuming parents are coming to and from the island to pick their children up. Local families may not mind picking up and dropping off their children, in which case the service would be underused. Otherwise, parents may not want their children riding on a bus in the first place. It would require further research before committing to a position

Definitely. Education has to be of primary concern to all of us. Messing with education is messing with our futures. I believe that we have to ensure our children and parents are supported in every way possible in getting to and from school. Our promise to the parents of Hayling is very simple: WE WILL REVERSE THE CUTS

Yes definitely. It is essential that youngsters get to school safely and that poorer families do not have to lose out financially.

My initial response is ‘no’ because pupils are able to walk and cycle and it would be excellent for their overall fitness to do this regularly. That said, the important thing is to listen to schools and parents. They may prefer for any limited money to be spent on something more beneficial or have excellent reasons for a bus service that I am unaware of.


When I went to school at Hayling County Primary, now Mill Rythe, we all caught the bus at Beachlands and walked home, weather permitting, to spend the fare on treats. There was no subsidy. Before asking for residents' council tax to subsidise school buses I would like to know more about why children do not catch the bus to school.

That’s all for now, folks!

LOCAL Election

May 4th 2017

PF PowerPoint Presentations