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Transcript of HBO CHP 5

Individual PerformanceChapter 5Organizational Behavior: ManagingPeople and Organizations,Ninth EditionGregory Moorhead, Ricky W. GriffinMotivation and Employee PerformanceUing !heorie of Motivation"o ingle theory e#plain motivation$each theory cover only ome factor that motivate %ehaviorMore than one theory or method can %e ued to enhance performance in an organi&ationEach theory or method mut %e tied to pecific need or proce and tranlated into operational term that foter enhanced performanceFigure 5.1 Enhancing Performance in 'rgani&ationWork (eign in 'rgani&ation)o% (eign*o+ organi&ation define and tructure ,o% to have a poitive impact on motivation, performance, and ,o% atifaction)o% -peciali&ation ./redrick !aylor0)o% hould %e cientifically tudied, %roken do+n into mall component tak, and then tandardi&ed acro all +orker doing thoe ,o%/ollo+ 1dam -mith2 concept of the diviion of la%or)o% deigned for efficiency can %ecome %oring and monotonou, reulting in ,o% diatifactionEarly 1lternative to )o% -peciali&ationJob Rotation -ytematically moving +orker from one ,o% to another in an attempt to minimi&e monotony and %oredomJob Enlargement(horizontal job loading)Giving +orker more tak to performJob Enrichment(vertical job loading)Giving +orker a greater variety of tak to perform and more control over ho+ to perform themWork (eign in 'rgani&ation!he )o% 3haracteritic !heory3ritical pychological tate of +orker4. E#perienced meaningfulne of the +ork5. E#perienced reponi%ility for +ork outcome6. 7no+ledge of reultMotivational propertie of tak4. -kill variety5. !ak identity6. !ak ignificance8. 1utonomy9. /eed%ack)o% 3haracteritic !heory: Reearch /indingReearch generally upport the theory, ho+ever:Performance eldom found to correlate +ith ,o% characteriticMeaure ued to tet theory are not al+ay valid and relia%leRole of individual difference i not upported!heory i lacking in pecific guideline for implementationEmployee Involvement and MotivationE#tending ,o% deign to include:ParticipationGiving employee a voice in making deciion a%out their o+n +orkEmpo+ermentEna%ling +orker to et their o+n +ork goal, make deciion, and olve pro%lem +ithin their phere of reponi%ility and authorityEmployee Involvement and MotivationEarly Perpective on Employee InvolvementIn the %eginning:Employee atifaction i a reult of their participation in deciion;makingRecently:Employee are valued human reource +ho can contri%ute to organi&ational effectivene !heir participation i valuedEmployee Involvement and Motivation1rea of Employee InvolvementPeronal ,o%;related deciion1dminitrative matter .e.g., +ork chedule0Product