Having Fun at the Playground!

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Having Fun at the Playground!

Having Fun at the Playground!

Going to the playground is fun!

You can find a playground at a school, park, pool, or even a friends house.

There are many fun games at a playground.

Going down the slide is fun, and I will try to wait my turn.

The seesaw is great to play with a friend!

To use the swings, I slowly bend and straighten my legs.

It is important to watch where people are around me, and keep my hands to myself.

Running is fun at the playground.

I like to run and play tag with other friends.

I will try to be careful when I am running.

Sometimes there is a sandbox at the playground.

A sandbox is fun for building sandcastles!

I will work on sharing toys in the sandbox.

I am excited to meet new friends at the playground!

My teachers and friends like when I am safe and have fun at the playground!