Having Dry Skin Problems? Here's How You Can Do...

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Having Dry Skin Problems? Here's How You Can Do...


 Having Dry Skin Problems? Here's How You Can Do... Several women experience dry, itchy, tight skin; especially those 40 years or older. Dry skin may be uncomfortable, annoying, and sometimes sore. At times, it's occasionally due to unfavorable weather conditions or pollutant irritants, while other times it's a more intense and permanent condition that requires treatment. In order to successfully treat dry skin issues, the delicate balance of natural oils in the skin must be addressed. The key element for beautiful skin is moisture. Moisturizing your skin every day will reduce redness, irritation, and help you maintain a youthful healthy glow. 1. Moisturize Your Skin Every Day  Applying a good quality moisturizer every day (once in the morning and just before bed), will keep your skin in top form. If you spend a great deal of time outside you will likely use more. Be wary of moisturizers with excessive oil, as they may produce skin breakouts.  

  There are several products available today that are created specifically for dry skin. Some include natural ingredients like lactic acid or glycerin. Apply a moderately generous amount by softly tapping your skin; gently using your fingers to thoroughly cover the area. Applying the lotion in this manner will protect the skin from aging and dehydration. Generously applying Vitamin E rich creams carefully around your eyes where your skin is more thin, delicate, and sensitive, will tremendously help to hydrate your skin - especially if applied before bedtime.


2. Stay Thoroughly Hydrated Although drinking eight glasses of water a day won't directly repair your dry skin problems, consuming enough water to stay hydrated is crucial in that water carries the necessary nutrients and antioxidants your skin needs to maintain its vitality and suppleness.

In some instances, a diet modification is necessary to help increase the optimal level of specific vitamins and minerals for healthy, vitalized skin. 3. Avoid Products That Contain Alcohol As An Ingredient Try to avoid facial treatment products that contain alcohol since they are very drying to the skin. Several products that claim they are "refreshing" are comprised of a small percentage of alcohol. Also, there are several products that are specifically created to balance combination skin; the oily T-area on the face and dry everywhere else. Be wary of the alcohol content in these products as well.


4. Massage Your Skin With Natural Oils Treat yourself to an organic face mask using yogurt for 15 - 20 minutes to balance your skin and future breakouts. As an alternative, treat your skin to a massage with rich avocado oil as an after bath treatment to leave your skin feeling smooth, silky, and restored. 5. The Importance Of Exfoliating And Hydrating Of Your Skin

Exfoliating your skin will give it youthful and brighter appearance overall. Even so, you should be careful and use a gentle skin product that's minimally irritating. As you exfoliate, try to focus on the areas that secrete more oil, like the forehead and nose. Continue once a week with a hydrating mask. In the winter months, it may be beneficial to incorporate this routine more frequently.

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