Harding Academy General News --Fall 2012

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Transcript of Harding Academy General News --Fall 2012

N u r t u r i n g t h e S p i r i t I n s p i r i n g t h e M i n d

FA L L 2 0 1 2

Staying on the cutting edge of technology as an efficient, effective educational tool means Harding

continuously offers students new and exciting ways to experience learning. Google Docs—a suite of products for creating and collaborating on different kinds of documents online—is a perfect example.

With Google Docs and an internet connection, Harding students, teachers, and administrators can create, share, and access documents or files from any computer, anywhere. Students use the Google Document

application for online word processing and collaborative writing; Google Presentation is used for creating and viewing presentations in real time; Google Spreadsheet offers data sharing and

management; and Google Drawing enables a user to produce everything from a scribble to a flow chart. Harding Director of Information Systems Matt Powers said Google Docs has become a “very effective tool for giving students and teachers more time for learning, while allowing individualized instruction and creating more opportunities for collaboration and feedback.”

The use of Google Docs at Harding includes a variety of classroom, subject area, and administrative activities:

taking advantage of technology for teaching

Teachers Use GooGle Docs To creaTe, share, anD learn

Flik Dining Service

Comes to Campus . . . . . . . . 3

Construction Update . . . . . . 3

Becca Arnold Profile . . . . . . . 5

Adrien Saporiti ’02 . . . . . . . . 6


October 26 through

November 9 Harding Online Auction*

November 5–9 Second Harvest

November 12–14 Pick up Auction Items

at School

November 16 Parents Party

November 20 Grandparents Chocolate

December 6 Varsity Sports Banquet

December 21 School Holiday Begins

January 4 School Holiday Ends

January 7 Classes Resume

*visit www.hardingacademy.org and click on the button for

Auction to participate in this fundraising event.


Go to

for the most up-to-date and full schedule of events

Also follow us on

continued on page 3

Computer teacher Catherine Stuart Vrettos ’94 shows students how to create a Google Doc.

Micah Kimble creates a Google Doc for a sixth grade assignment.

by Fran Scott

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During spring break last year my wife went for a run and when she arrived home she described a mysterious, orange fungus-plant that she had seen. Knowing that my ten-year-old loves that sort of thing we

piled into the car to go take a look. We captured the strange plant in an empty soda cup for further inspection.

We returned home and placed the ”plant” in the back yard, and then my son disappeared while I did chores in the yard. He returned 45 minutes later with a full page of notes he had written from the internet and announced proudly, “It’s a slime mold! Let’s take a picture and send it to Mr. Holden.” He emailed the photo to Harding’s lower school science teacher, Mr. Holden, along with his hypothesis. A very short time later Mr. Holden replied with an equally excited email to announce that Cooper was indeed correct and suggested that he bring the specimen in on Monday for a closer peek under the microscope.

This fairly brief event really got me thinking about the conditions that occurred for a child—on a vacation day, no less—to take the amount of time that he took to be inquisitive and educate himself on something that was clearly not a part of his formal curriculum, nor anything he had been learning about.

Having parents, teachers, and other adults in a child’s life to inspire and share enthusiasm and curiosity is critical. If my wife had not been so excited for Cooper about the strange mold, or if my son didn’t have a science teacher that took time on a day off to respond and share his interest, I’m sure Cooper’s curiosity would have waned. Does my child feel as though he can go to any of his teachers with an outside interest and engage them in a conversation about it? Absolutely. That he made me take a photo of a painting we saw in the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum and email it to his art teacher or that his English teacher took the time to read the 22-page story on WWII he wrote outside of school is testament. Having adults and peers who value the learning that takes place outside of the classroom is critical for children to be able to grow up to be lifelong learners.

The ability for a child to be able to search out his or her own answers is also incredibly important. In this case Cooper had the tools and know-how to do an appropriate search on the internet and was able to email his teacher from his school email account, with a photo, in order to receive feedback. It’s not that kids need to know everything, and they don’t need to know it instantly, but they do need to know how to go about finding information. We have seen this in just the short time it’s been since implementing the one-to-one laptop program in middle school. Rather than instantly relying on teachers for answers, students are researching and working toward finding their own answers as a first step.

Thankfully, we see this every day in our alumni—an engaged and interested group of high schoolers who are achieving success—and others

who have used their curiosity and varied interests to help shape successful personal and professional lives.

While slime molds may not be a part of the written curriculum, fostering creativity, innate curiosity, and the ability for one to seek his own answers certainly should be.

“It’s A Slime Mold!”—A Shared Enthusiasm For Learning


Ian CraigHead of School

Student Council Officers 2012–13

House Captains—Class of 2013

From left, William Bradshaw ’14 (secretary), Riley McCormick ’13 (president), Rob Harvey (treasurer), and Ava Boney (vice president)

Front row from left, Emma Wise (DeLoache), Taylor Farrington (Black), Tate Cox (McPherson); middle row, Patrick Andreen (DeWitt), Megan Rolapp (Stuart), Caitlin Williamson (Freeman), Susanna Andrews (Anderson), George Merhoff (Schwartz); back row, Ames Mullendore (McPherson), Connor Molloy (Lane), Chandler Schulz (Stanford), and Montgomery Owen (Oldfield)

From left, eighth graders Ben Corwin, playing Mitt Romney, and Nathan Johnson as Paul Ryan, along with (bottom photo) Bailey Van Meter as Joe Biden, and Addison Smith playing President Obama debated the issues during the October 26 Mock Debates held on campus. All student, faculty, and staff were invited to register and will vote on Election Day as middle school students learn about the electoral process.

Sixth GradeSavannah Gauthier Sara Emma Kahane Seventh GradeBetsy Beuter Jake Ferri Philip ScholerEighth GradeSusanna AndrewsAddison SmithMary Yahnian

Representatives for the year are as follows:

Mock Elections

Harding Happenings

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Harding is excited to join forces with a new dining service this year. Flik

Independent School Dining is its new food service vendor and the results so far have been astounding.

Flik’s selection came about after a committee was created to explore options. Members interviewed a range of vendors who serve independent schools. Last spring, the choices were narrowed down to two finalists. Committee members then visited their local school clients, ate lunch in each cafeteria, and worked on an enhanced model of what lunch and food service could look like at Harding.

Flik brings with it:• more opportunities to obtain

higher quality locally harvested food;

• an Eat.Learn.Live Philosophy;• a registered nutritionist available

for nutrition training;• a create-your-plate balanced

nutrition program;

• food tastings and demonstrations to promote new and different food items;

• a “traveling flavors” program to learn about different foods from different cultures;

• an eat-to-compete program for balanced nutrition for athletes.

Flik is also able to serve limited breakfast items to students before school, and works closely with the administration to serve the school’s catering needs.

The happy news is that the number of students on the meal plan has increased 50%, and the school is well on its way to almost all students purchasing lunch in the cafeteria.

Chef Jason Williams encourages parents and alums who are in the neighborhood during lunch time, to stop in and have lunch. School lunches are pushing gourmet quality at Harding! ■

Flik Independent School Dining Joins Harding

Fifth grade teacher Polly Johnson works on a Google Docs “word prompt” exercise with students Meg Beuter and Carrie Cohen

Cliff Goidel uses Google Docs for an in-class sixth grade history assignment.

• Lower school computer teacher Catherine Stuart Vrettos ’94 said that Google Docs usage begins in third grade with Document for writing projects such as the biography essay.

• Fourth graders use Presentation to make slideshows in social studies on the Western states and in science for electricity studies.

• Fifth graders click on Spreadsheet for their mathematics trip budgeting project.

• Polly Johnson, fifth grade English teacher, said that practically all individually assigned writing activities incorporate Google Docs so that students can collaborate on some projects or add comments without changing the writer’s words.

• In middle school, English teacher Patrick Noon deploys Google Docs for major writing assignments such as narrative works, compositions, and persuasive essays. He enjoys letting students edit papers in class, adding his comments without the risk of hard-to-read handwriting, giving real-time feedback, and seeing which comments have been viewed by students.

Vrettos also noted that Google Docs is much more “green” than having to print multiple copies for editing, and it even offers opportunities for philanthropy. “A recent favorite project for third

through fifth graders was using Google Docs to make ‘Get Well’ cards that we donated to Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt,” Vrettos explained.

In addition, Matt Powers pointed out that Google Docs has helped with collaborative administration during Harding’s accreditation process every five years. He also uses it for sharing how-to technology articles with teachers. He says the Drawing application was used to share a scanned floor plan of the new middle school to show the contractor where network wiring should go. Powers said that having secure online storage and access means less hardware for Harding and that best of all, Google Docs is free to educators.

The uses of Google Docs at Harding are practically endless, and new ones will continue to emerge as students and teachers alike find new ways to take advantage of this technology for sharing ideas and learning. In one week alone, Powers noted that students had created some 750 documents. Regardless of how this tool is utilized, one thing is for sure: Harding students and teachers will lead the way in finding new approaches to save time, improve learning, share ideas and information with each other, and have a great deal of fun in the process. ■

technology for teaching, continued from page 1

Chef Jason Williams

Construction Update from the Head of School

In the very capable hands of Phipps Construction, the new middle school and fine arts expansion remains on-time and under budget as we anticipate moving in to the new facilities during March 2013.

During the summer, the crew worked diligently to prepare the site and ensure that the construction zone was absolutely safe for the students, faculty, and parents on campus. Since then they have been working six days per week, often starting as early as 6:00 a.m.

By the middle of July the first floor was poured, and the walls began going up at an incredible pace. The second floor was poured a month later, and since then the classrooms and offices have been

framed, and the roof steel is nearly finished being installed. The exterior brick began the first week in September, and that has really seemed to make the building a reality, having gone from cinder block to what will be the finished exterior.

By the end of September the next milestone was realized when the roof was completed, “topping off” the building. The next steps will be the second floor framing and the installation of the mechanical units on the roof and the skylight, before starting the first floor drywall.

If you have not yet seen the project, stop by and watch us grow!

—contributed by Ian Craig



Harding Newsletter Fall 2012.indd 4 10/9/12 12:30 PM

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New Faces

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Trevecca. She most recently taught at West Meade Elementary and Harpeth Valley. She is married to Ryan, a Metro police department detective, and has two children, JR, who is four and Layla, who is a Harding first grader. She will also be helping out with JV girls volleyball and swimming.

KYLE ANDERSON—Coach/Substitute/Facilities A graduate of Georgetown College where he was a 2010 NAIA All-American and served as captain of the football team, Kyle played briefly for the Cleveland Browns before entering

education. He has been an elementary and high school substitute, in addition to coaching. Kyle has been coaching Harding’s football team since the summer. In addition to his coaching responsibilities, Kyle will be an on-call substitute teacher, and will work for the school’s facilities director, David Greenlee. He is married—his wife is a school nurse.

TrusteesVIC GATTO joined Solidus as a partner in 2007 and has over ten years of experience as an early-stage venture

investor in Tennessee. He and wife Wendy are the parents of Harding students Charlie, in second grade, and Henry, a kindergartener. Vic is also on the board of directors of the Nashville Technology Council and the Vanderbilt Healthcare Business Alumni Association.

BYRON HALL is a systems engineer at Brocade Communications. He and wife Tanisha have two children at Harding: Brandon, a sixth grader, and Darin, a third grader.

BURK LINDSEY is managing director in the Health Care Investment Banking Group at

Raymond James, advising health care companies on mergers and acquisitions. He and wife Caroline have two boys at Harding: Ben, a fifth grader, and Evans, a

Faculty/StaffANGELA DRIGGINS-MOREIRA— Language Arts and Math Team LeaderAngela Moreira graduated from the University of Iowa with a B.A. in elementary education before moving to Brazil in 2002 to teach English at a private school. After a year and a half in Brazil, Angela and her husband moved back to the U.S. She then worked at a private school in Denver, Colorado, where she taught second and third grade and earned a master’s degree from the University of Colorado. Last year, Angela worked at a school for the gifted, in Huntington Beach, Alabama, where she was the reading and math specialist. She will concentrate her efforts at Harding in grades 3 through 5 and will coach varsity girls soccer.

ANNE CRON—Middle School HistoryAnne graduated from Bowdoin College with a B.A. in history and art history, and has worked at many independent schools around the country. She

was assistant dean of students at Rumsey Hall School in Washington, Conn., went on to teach middle school history at Greenwich Country Day School, and then taught U.S. History at Kent Denver School in Englewood, Colorado. More recently, she spent the past two years working at Harpeth Hall covering two long-term leaves, and teaching eighth grade Ancient History. She lives in Franklin, Tenn., with husband Ian, three children, and dog Ella. Anne will teach grades 7 and 8, advise grade 8, and coach lacrosse.

JOREN ERICKSON— First GradeJoren earned both his B.S. and M.Ed. from the University of Minnesota. Before moving to Nashville, he taught lower school science and kindergarten in New York City. He enjoys the outdoors as well as photography and is excited to become part of the Harding Academy community. He will also coach JV boys soccer.

TANDY PERKINS—Second Grade Cooperative TeacherA graduate of Father Ryan High School and then MTSU where she earned a B.A. in business, Tandy earned her master’s in K-6 education from

NEW FACESsecond grader. Their little sister, Emme (ten months), is a few years away yet.

HEATHER MACDONALD is a senior vice president at DVL Public Relations & Advertising, and has been at the company for 20 years. Her son, Ian, is a seventh grader at Harding. Heather looks forward to serving on the board and helping on the marketing committee.

BETSY MALONE currently volunteers as both as a court appointed special advocate for Davidson County, and with FLIP, tutoring four children in a public school. She brings to her appointment to the

Harding board a long history of teaching in the private school sector. She has served on many SACS/SAIS accreditation teams and is the parent of three Harding alums. Charlie ’91 is a partner at Walker, Tipps, and Malone of Nashville, James ’94 is a partner at Nashville’s Trammell Bell, and George ’97 is a CPA, as well as a full-time student at Owen Business School, Vanderbilt.

STEPHANIE MAXWELL is a litigation attorney at Bass, Berry & Sims. She and husband Kemp have three boys at Harding: Asher, a third grader, Raleigh, a first grader, and Witt, a kindergartner.

MICHAEL MOSCHEL has been a member of Bass, Berry & Sims PLC (Nashville) since August 1996 in the labor and employment department. He and wife Lisa have two children at Harding. Abby

is in the fourth grade, and Jack is in third.

GREG POWELL is the founder and managing member of Legacy Financial Partners, LLC. He and wife Andrea have two sons at Harding. Webb is currently in the sixth grade, and Hudson is a third grader. They also have a four-year-old daughter, Virginia, who looks forward to joining her brothers at Harding next fall.

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Faculty Profile

This morning, as I walked through the middle school escorting kindergarten children to class from hook-up, I took

special notice of the eighth grade students. They were at their lockers working on the laptops, getting organized, and talking with friends, but they always took a moment to share a warm smile, give a hug, or exchange a high five with the children walking by and with me. Like the kindergarten students, I also look at these eighth graders in awe. For me however, it is because I had the pleasure of making that same walk to kindergarten with them nine years ago, and have delighted in watching them on their path from kindergarten through eighth grade.

The Class of 2013 is my first graduating class from Harding, and I am as proud of them today as I was on March 10, 2004, when their enrollment contracts were returned. They have matured into poised, well-spoken, young adults who lead in the classroom and on the field and stage, and yet, probably like their own parents, part of me will always think of them as they were when I met them. Most were in preschool and greeted me with smiles still consisting of baby teeth. They proudly wrote their names with large uppercase letters. They tried out the playground and explored the creek in the science lab with the joy of one who had just won the lottery and could not believe their good fortune. To have had the privilege of watching these students grow from preschoolers, to kindergarteners, to lower school students, and now to be the eighth grade leaders of the school, is truly amazing.

As I watch my first Harding class continue to mature over the course of this year, I embark on a new journey—that of being a Harding parent. My son, Davis, who was born on March 10, 2007, three years to the day after my class enrolled, began his kindergarten year in August. I have seen the eighth graders who are so dear to my heart, become his ultimate super heroes. To him they are these amazing beings: House Captain, House buddy, violin mentor, assembly accompanist, actors in the school play, and the ultimate athlete in every sport. For him, the nurturing environment at Harding is not only the loving

The K through 8 Experience

From left, Class of 2013 members Mary Yahnian, Emmie Wade, and Amelia Young as kindergartners with Director of Admission Becca Arnold

Davis Arnold (kindergarten) with Strings partner Clem Smith ’13

Faculty Profile Becca Arnold

When Becca Arnold, Harding’s director of admission and

financial aid, matriculated at Sewanee, she was greeted by name with a big hug from the university’s dean of admission. That level of personal connection and commitment made an impression on her and ultimately influenced not only her choice to pursue a career in admissions work, but also the way she does the job. Perhaps especially at the K–8 level, the admission process is both very personal and very important. After all, she notes, the educational match between a family and a school has profound consequences in terms of that child’s fundamental education, character, and experiences. Says Becca, “Being involved with families as they navigate how and where to begin their child’s educational journey is an amazing relationship and privilege.”

A nanny in high school and college and a first grade teacher assistant during college, Becca has always enjoyed working with children. It was through her babysitting contacts that she ended up at Harding in

2003, after four years in Sewanee’s Admission Office. Becca explains, “David Greenlee [Harding’s director of facilities and transportation] and Camille Gift [a fourth grade teacher] were among the families for whom I babysat in high school. When I was ready to make a move from the college admission side, David told me of the position at Harding and how much he enjoyed the school as an employee and a parent.”

Nearly ten years later, Becca is still sharing her positive energy, hugs, and contagious laugh with each new family. She says each year is fresh and new because “the

individual children, their interests, talents, and their families are unique to each cycle. While we go through the same process of touring, testing, and mailing letters, each year is truly brand new, self-defining, and meaningful based on the people involved.”

This year was especially meaningful for Becca: She gained a new perspective on the school because her son, Davis, has enrolled in kindergarten. She is excited to be “re-experiencing Harding through the eyes of a parent.” ■

EDUCATION:Sewanee, The University of the South, B.A. in English, 1998.

EXPERIENCE:Assistant director of admissions and director of multicultural recruitment, Sewanee, 1998–2002; director of admission and financial aid, Harding Academy, 2003–present.

teachers, but also the caring older students who also take time for meaningful interaction and setting a good example.

This year, I have the amazing benefit of watching my first class in their final year at Harding while simultaneously watching my son experience his first. There is no greater

professional or personal achievement I could imagine that could compete with the experience of having a year with my two babies—my first class and my first child—coexisting at each end of the Harding K through 8 experience. ■

by becca arnold director oF admiSSion

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Class Notes

ClassNotes1977Esther Wind Horn works as a paralegal . She and husband Steve, an accountant, have three daughters: Erin, Jamie, and Rebecca .

1982John McMahan and wife Alison welcomed a baby girl, Emily Caroline, on July 5, weighing 7 lbs .,14 oz .

1987Artist Troy Duff was commissioned by the Fannie Battle Day Home for Children to paint the playground mural in the organization’s new location . This preschool is the second oldest childcare center in the United States, with a mission to provide affordable high-quality child care for at-risk children in a nurturing environment while empowering families to reach their potential . This mural is Duff’s largest to date—24 feet high and 32 feet long .

1988Derek Van Mol married Marcie Allen on June 3 in Laguna Beach, Calif .

1989Chelsy Parks Hooper presented at the TAIS Tech conference in April and at the Lausanne Laptop Institute in Memphis in July .

2012–13 Alumni Board— from left, front row, Cameron Sweeting ’01 and Jamie Kever ’00; middle row, Kristin Stegall Locke ’92, Susan Andrews Leschen ’83, Ashley Weigel Henry ’82, Marissa Moses Russ ’94, Kate Tarleton Meriwether ’94, and Amy Warner Greathouse ’98; back row, Vance Derryberry ’85, David Estrin ’75, David Frederiksen ’84, and Allen Huggins ’94 (president); not pictured: Elliott Kyle ’95 (Immediate Past President), Julie Colton Jones ’88 (ex-officio), John Faber ’86, Mary Ramsey ’00, and Paul Steele ’97

Among the entrepreneurs who are making their mark on Nashville is Adrien Saporiti,

who has quite literally done so in Nashville. He has created three bold murals—identical in design—that unabashedly declare “I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE.” The murals are a cross between a feel-good plug for the city (could there be a more positive message?), a street art phenomenon (among the many who have taken pictures of his murals was a couple who used one as the backdrop for their wedding photos), and a brand awareness campaign for his company, DCXV (dcxvclothing.com).

DCXV’s t-shirts and posters are the antithesis of the conventional mass-produced souvenirs for tourists. Hand printed in the Music City, DCXV’s designs appeal to natives and those who come to appreciate Nashville beyond the superficial level. Popular designs include shirt-sized reproductions of the mural and depictions of the Nashville skyline and the famous pink elephant of Charlotte Avenue. “DCXV is Nashville for Nashville,” says Adrien. Even the company’s name (the local telephone area code in roman numerals) pays homage to the city.

In true Nashvillian style, Adrian is a singer-songwriter in addition to being an entrepreneur and graphic artist. A graduate of the Berklee

College of Music, he has recently finished recording an EP.

With a father in the music industry and a mother who is a painter, it is perhaps not surprising that Adrien’s creative talents are interdisciplinary. He thinks that Harding may have played a role as

well by “allowing and in some cases encouraging” him to pursue multiple interests. A middle school tennis player and saxophonist in the band, he has fond memories of art classes with Carol Chambers and music classes with Roberta Rogers, as well as performing for such events as the Grandparents Chocolate.

For a time after graduating from Berklee, Adrien continued to pursue music while also working for Apple. It was October of 2011 when he began to develop his business in earnest. While he still works out of his house and garage, Adrien employs others to keep up with the demand for his shirts and has recently signed the lease on a shop in East Nashville on Porter Road. His goal now is to grow DCXV from a small company into a recognizable brand that may branch out into other products. Having his mural featured in a photo spread about Nashville in GQ magazine this summer was a good start. Says Adrien, “I want DCXV to be a brand that is synonymous with Nashville.” ■

Alumni Profile Adrien Saporiti ’02


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1992Christopher Jones and wife Mina welcomed a baby boy, Ray Shimizu, on April 23, 2011 . Ansley Bowron Wells and husband Christopher welcomed a baby boy named Charlie, joining big brother Cooper, on June 27 .

1994Cary Blount Fitzgerald and family welcomed a baby girl, Dakota, on July 9 . They reside in Fort Campbell, Kentucky .

1995P.G. Banker married Leah Conners on June 2, 2012 . Will McMurray and wife Drennon welcomed a daughter, Mary Coleman, in June, 2012 . Brandt Snedeker has had a spectacular year, topped off with his selection to represent the United States in the Ryder Cup .

1996Amy Campbell Pearson and husband Matt welcomed Mattie Grace on May 21, joining big brother Campbell Paul .

2005Claire Ballew is majoring in English with a minor in business at University of Mississippi, where she is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority . She spent her summer as an editorial intern at Nfocus magazine . Paige Cahill was selected as Vanderbilt’s Student Athlete of July for her excellence in academics, leadership, integrity, dedication to team, campus involvement, community service, and the ability to serve as a role model for current and future Vandy students . Katie Smalley is a math and French major at Centre, where she is the executive vice-president for Alpha Delta Pi sorority, a consultant for the Writing Center, member of the Centre Math Association, Brown Fellows Program, and Pi Mu Epsilon academic honor society . Crawford Standard participated in the Southern Methodist University in London Communications internship this summer . Clay Wammack is a senior in the Patterson School of Accountancy at the University of Mississippi . He was awarded the H .E . Peery Accountancy Scholarship, a University Academic Excellence Scholarship along with a National Merit Scholarship . Clay is a

member of Beta Gamma Sigma, a national honor society in business and accounting, and Beta Alpha Psi, a national scholastic fraternity for accounting students and professionals . He is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity where he has served as Risk Reduction Officer and Associate Chairman of the 2012 Charity Bowl, which raises funds for paralysis victims .

2006Anna Crawford is interning for a ministry group called Rain at Samford University, where she is a nursing major . Kathryn Davis is an interior design major at Auburn University, where she is on the Dean’s list and a member of Phi Mu sorority . Chloe Lainhart is a psychology major at Rhodes, where she is a member of Chi Omega, works with the peer advocacy center, and Special Olympics . She also volunteers at St . Jude Children’s Research Hospital . Two alumni swimmers competed at the U .S . Swimming Olympic Trials in Omaha, Nebraska, in July . Jack Murfee competed in the 100-meter backstroke and Hannah Runyon-Hass ‘07 competed in both the 200-meter and 400-meter individual medley races . Alyssa Patel is studying economics and public policy at the University of North Carolina and is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority .

2007Anna Claire Wammack graduated from Ensworth in May 2011, where she was awarded four Bar Pins, Optime Merens for all eight semesters and was an AP Scholar with Distinction . She is a sophomore in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College at the University of Mississippi where she is majoring in accounting . She received the SMB Honors College Donald S . Pichitino Memorial Scholarship, the Holmes Scholarship, and the University Academic Excellence Scholarship . She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Beta Phi, and Alpha Lambda Delta national honor societies . She is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority .

2008Mary Liza Hartong and Emily Smith were inducted in Harpeth Hall’s Cum Laude Society, along with Erissa Irani ’09 . Meredith Manning is an early childhood education major at Miami University . Jack Whitson graduated from Montgomery Bell Academy where he was a member of the cross-country team, co-VP of Honor Council, received a Wilson Language Grant for Latin,

and was selected as an exchange student to Melbourne, Australia . Kaitlyn White is studying broadcast journalism at Texas Christian University .

2009Patrick Moody, J. Carlton Smith, and Jack Wagster went to China to attend the International Youth Service Conference in Hong Kong . Patrick presented a piece about a service trip to the Dominican Republic, J . Carlton discussed his experience tutoring at Preston Taylor Ministries, and Jack discussed Burundi tutoring .

The following alumni were selected for the 2012 Tennessee All-Midstate tennis teamEmma Alsup ’11 Kate Johnston ’08 Andrew Karpos ’09 Michael Stephanides ’08

Each alum of Harding Academy can sign in to the area called CompassNet to obtain information

regarding upcoming alumni events as well as events designed for a particular class year. The advantages of signing in to CompassNet are twofold: first, alums can manage their own Profiles in the system by editing and updating address, phone, email, and other information, and second, it allows classmates the opportunity to get back in touch with one another and submit class notes. Each alum is completely in control of the information available to former classmates as well as to all members of the Harding community.

To obtain your unique username and password, please email millerk@hardingacademy.org. A member of the advancement staff will send you the information you need to join the Harding community and stay connected to your school and your classmates. Get your username and password today, and then visit www.hardingacademy.org to Get Connected to CompassNet. ■

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Current students of Harding alumni (parent names in parentheses) are from left, first row: Emaline Cash (Millicent Van Mol ‘91), Kate Leschen (Susan Andrews ‘83), Katherine Thomas (Elizabeth Crocker ‘91), Draper Witherspoon (John ‘87), Margaret Rauth (Lindsay Mallard ‘90), Brooklynn Gauthier (Nicole Crossland ‘92), McKenzie Locke (Kristin Stegall ‘92 and Graham ‘90), Evie Frist (Robert ‘81), Meg Winston (John ‘87), Sarah Brothers (John ‘81), and Ryan Van Mol (Derek ‘88); second row: Riley Jones (Allison Sisk ‘88), Sarah Kate Faber (Robin Jackson ‘85 and John ‘86), Abby James Witherspoon (John ‘87), Morgan Dawson (Carter Murray ‘85), Lilly Caldwell (Robert ‘86), Walker Derryberry (Vance ‘85), Beckett Proctor (David ‘88), Carly Frist (Robert ‘81), Henry Leschen (Susan Andrews ‘83), and Lilly Rauth (Lindsay Mallard ‘90); third row: Middleton Henry (Ashley Weigel ‘82), Lain Orndorff (Marguerite Nielsen ‘86), Chase Fields (Christy Crutchfield ‘84), and Grant Gilmour (Anne Breinig ‘84); fourth row: Hutch Morel (Katie Pirtle ‘89), Ryan Estrin (David ‘75), Kendall Burch (Christopher ‘83), Crissa Portis (Carol Len Frist ‘84), Rosemary Frederiksen (David ‘84), Cate Frist (Robert ‘81), Billy Jones (Allison Sisk ‘88), Harrison Mabry (George ‘82), Charlie Goidel (Jeffery ‘87), Mary Holine Van Mol (Derek ‘88), and Laura Grace Brothers (John ‘81); fifth row: Ben Locke (Kristin Stegall ‘92 and Graham ‘90), Taylor Dawson (Carter Murray ‘85), C.H. Henry (Ashley Weigel ‘82), Weatherly Spence (Meredith Weigel ‘87), Macy Gilmour (Anne Breinig ‘84), Juliana Dougherty (Holley Phillips ‘88), Norris Orndorff (Marguerite Nielsen ‘86), Maggie Faber (Robin Jackson ‘85 and John ‘86), and Ellie Leschen (Susan Andrews ‘83); sixth row: George Mabry (George ‘82), William Tyrone (Frances Shears ‘86), Jack Easter (Joshua ‘82), Hunter Burch (Christopher ‘83), Ellie Frist (Robert ‘81), Savannah Gauthier (Nicole Crossland ‘92) Anneliese Evans (Carrie Leigh Willis ‘88), Catherine Derryberry (Vance ‘85), and Caroline Frederiksen (David ‘84); seventh row: Cliff Goidel (Jeffery ‘87), Abby Andrews (Thomas ‘80), Ally Williams (John ‘80), Kate Mabry (George ‘82), McClain Portis (Carol Len Frist ‘84), and Owen Alsup (Mary Warfield ‘76); eighth row: Ellie Faber ‘14 (Robin Jackson ‘85 and John ‘86), Megan Rolapp ‘13 (Heather Ellsworth ‘82), Patrick Andreen ‘13 (Kathryn Clements ‘82), Susanna Andrews ‘13 (Thomas ‘80), Emma Wise ‘13 (Craig ‘77), and Nathan Baulch ‘13 (David ‘76); not pictured: Eliza Ossolinski (Lauren Doolittle ‘82) and Billy Coble (George ‘78)


Focus on Technology—Laptops; Annual Golf Tournament; Parents

Party and The Fall Auction; Fall Athletics; “My Fair Lady”

2012–2013 Distinguished Alumni Award NominationThe Harding community is

invited to nominate an individual for Harding Academy’sannual Distinguished Alumni Award,which is presented at graduation. To be considered, the candidateshould meet the following criteria:

Attach an additional sheet outlining why you have nominated this person.Nominations should be submitted by March 8, 2013.

Send the completed form to Margaret Hubbard, Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations, Harding Academy, 170 Windsor Drive, Nashville, TN 37205 or email: hubbardm@hardingacademy.org.

n Is a graduate who embodies the ideals set forthin the Harding Academy mission statement:“to educate and inspire children to becomethoughtful, creative, lifelong learners who areself-disciplined, responsible, caring citizens.”

n Makes a difference in society through community involvement, professional achievements, or educational advancements.

Nominee: ________________________________________________________________________

Class year: ______________________________________________________________________

Area of achievement: ______________________________________________________________

Your name: _________________________________________________ Class year: ____________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________


Daytime phone: ____________________ Email: ________________________________________

Please PRINT all information