Hard Money Lending - Deal Structuring

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Hard Money Lending - Deal Structuring

Deal Structuring

We’ll lend 65% of the value of the future value when it’s remodeled.

It takes 6 months to get those approved loans, so how can you structure deal?


which means we’ll help you purchase the property, and we’ll even give you the cost—what we call soft cost

Soft costs pay for your architectural and your interest reserve to fund your loan until your plans are through zoning

Once you get the plans, and the project is what we call ‘shovel ready’—meaning you could break ground tomorrow—we actually will put in a second lien, or a second loan, which is the construction loan.

We’re doing a first and second combination, where there’s not too many lenders out there doing that. And that’s kind of my niche I like to say when I go out and meet with investors and developers. That’s one advantage that I have, that I can do a first and second combo.

The key for us to stay in business and also for you as an investor because there is no way you can come out of pocket with that kind of capital. So this is kind of, it serves a big population of the investors that I’m seeing out there that don’t have a million or two million bucks in their bank. So you can get in with twenty percent out of pocket and that’s sometime all you have to put into the project. So, that’s pretty considerable.