Harbor beacon, june 2013

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Transcript of Harbor beacon, june 2013


The light shines in the darkness… John 1:5

Volume 60, Issue 6 June 2013 OAK HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH

a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

1253 NW 2nd Avenue (360) 679-1561

Oak Harbor, WA 98277 www.oakharborlutheran.org office@oakharborlutheran.org


Taking Jesus along,

pg. 2

Lynne Ogren will be with

us on June 2!

pg. 3

Vacation Bible School

focuses on Paul in Athens,

pg. 5

Men’s Ministry considers

the stars,

pg. 8

Compassion Ministry

welcomes Shannon Kraft,

pg. 9

OHLC Staff Home Phone


Jeffrey Spencer 279-0413

Pastor of Care Ministries

Marc Stroud 678-5994

Preschool Director:

Gaye Rodriguey 678-3561

Parish Secretary:

Carol Wiskow 720-2451

Newsletter Editor:

Martha Ellis 678-2264


Salvador Carvallo 675-3957

Church Fax 679-9795

Church Phone 679-1561

Click on this link

for the June newsletter insert:

The ELCA’s monthly Prayer Ventures:


OHLC’s website:


This issue was snail-mailed May 30, 2013


Pastor’s Page Where is Jesus?

And remember, I am with you always, to the

end of the age. Matthew 28:20

hroughout the past school year, I have

been reminding our preschoolers that

God is with us everywhere: down the

hall in the classroom, in the car, at the grocery

store, at home. Then we light the candles for

our chapel service and I remind them that God

is with us in a special way when we gather

together in his name, around his Word.

Soon school will be out and many

people will be traveling. Melissa Johnson, our

Sunday School director, came up with a

wonderful way for our young people at OHLC

to remember that God is with them wherever

they go. On the last day of Sunday School she

provided each student with a figure of Jesus on a stick (pictured above).

She encouraged our students to take pictures of Jesus in the various

places they will be over the summer and e-mail them to her so she can

print them and post them on the Sunday school bulletin board. Some of

you know about “Flat Stanley.” The concept here is similar, but much

more profound. As kids go camping, or swimming, or to the zoo, or on a

trip to another state, they will be reminded that Jesus is with them

wherever they go.

Melissa has agreed to let me expand on her idea by posting these

pictures on our congregation’s Facebook page throughout the summer.

If you haven’t already, be sure and find our congregation’s page on

Facebook (it has our 75th anniversary logo as the profile picture) and

“like” it to see Jesus in all the places he will be with young people this

summer. You can also find a link for viewing through our regular

website. (Parents: If minors are in the picture, please give us specific

permission to post the photo.) Follow our page all summer long for

updates! I am looking forward to seeing Jesus at Deception Pass, Fort

Casey, Windjammer Park, at picnics, at the Farmer’s Market, at Safeco

Field, maybe even on an airplane. I’m a little nervous about someone

taking Jesus-on-a-stick to the Island County Fair, however, where it

could get mixed up with a corn dog or some other food on a stick.

You’ll have to use your own judgment there.

It is good and important to remember that Christ is with us

wherever we go. However, it is equally important to remember that God

is with us in a special way when we gather for worship. Scripture calls

us to gather together regularly and frequently, regardless of the season:

“Let us not neglect to meet together, as is the habit of some, but let us

encourage one another…” (Hebrews 10:24-25). Jesus is powerfully

present when we gather together with other Christians. “Where two or

three are gathered in my name,” Jesus said, “I am there among them”

(Matthew 18:20). Jesus is powerfully present when we gather in his

name to pray together, to hear the Word together, and to share in the

Lord’s Supper together.

As much as I hope to see our worship attendance remain steady

and strong during the summer months, I recognize that many people will

be out and about traveling. I myself will be gone for two Sundays in July

as my family heads back to Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in Montana.

If you will be traveling, I’d like to encourage you to seek out opportu-

nities for worship in the places you visit. Last summer I attended a

deeply moving service at Glacier National Park facilitated by a great

organization called A Christian Ministry in the National Parks. Many

campgrounds offer similar services. If you’re visiting family in another

town or state, try out a church there. If you see an idea you like, bring it

home to OHLC. If your family member doesn’t attend church, go

anyway! Maybe they’ll join you!

Where is Jesus? He is with us always, as he has promised. He is

with us wherever we go. But he is with us in a special way as we gather

together for worship. I look forward to seeing Jesus in some fun places

on our Facebook page throughout the summer. Even more, I look

forward to seeing you as we gather together in Jesus’ name.

- Pastor Jeffrey Spencer


Extra Jesus figures are available

in the church office.

Grown-ups are welcome to participate too!


Congregation Notes

June 1 Pirates postponed The June 1 Pirate Mystery evening sponsored by the Watoto

Team has been cancelled – look for it to be rescheduled at a later date.

June 2 Lynne returns to OHLC!

Our seminarian, Lynne Ogren, (currently on internship in

Alaska), will be visiting us on Sunday, June 2. She will be preaching at

our 8:00 & 10:30 AM services, and will lead the adult education hour.

Come say hi and offer an encouraging word as Lynne continues her

journey towards ordained ministry!

June 9 Graduate Recognition Sunday

On Sunday, June 9 we will be celebrating our OHLC high school

graduates. Kiefer Hermann, Josh Jepsen, Sean Kelley, Carlie Kenny,

and Roshel Muzzall are graduating from Oak Harbor High School, and

Haley Marx will graduate from Coupeville High School. We will take a

moment during worship to surround them with prayer as they enter a new

chapter in their lives, and present them with gifts from our congregation.

After worship, we will have a reception in their honor. Come celebrate

with these amazing young people!

June 23 Semi-Annual Meeting

All members of Oak Harbor Lutheran Church are encouraged to

attend the semi-annual meeting of our congregation on Sunday, June 23,

between services from 9:15-10:15 AM. We will be electing three new

members to our church council. We will also hear a report on the synod

assembly, and receive updates on our roof campaign and other matters.

June 23 Marriage Care

Our next Marriage Care group will meet Sunday, June 23 from

5:00-6:00 PM. Child care is provided. You don’t need to have attended

previous meetings. All are welcome! Join us for a time of fellowship,

learning, and encouragement – a monthly marriage tune-up!

June 23 Child Protection Policy Training

Our next Child Protection Policy training will be held Sunday,

June 23 at 7:00 PM. All members who have not completed the training

MUST attend in order to do ministry with minors. We are conducting

this training especially for volunteers who will be helping with Vacation

Bible School, June 24-28. Thank you for attending this important


Aug. 4 Save the date for the church picnic

Our church picnic will be held again on the Muzzall farm on

Sunday, August 4. Plan on joining us for a fun morning of worship,

food, and fellowship out on the farm!

Sept. 29 Mark your calendar for the anniversary banquet!

The 75th Anniversary banquet and program will be held on

Sunday, September 29 at Oak Harbor Lutheran Church; banquet at 1:00

PM and program at 2:00.

Thrivent coordinator sought

Are you a member of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans? We are

seeking a Thrivent member from OHLC to serve as our Thrivent

coordinator. A Thrivent coordinator serves as a liaison between our

congregation and Thrivent, attending regional meetings and helping our

congregation utilize Thrivent resources. Please contact the church office

if you’re interested, 360-679-1561, office@oakharborlutheran.org .

E A RL Y d ead l in e f o r th e Ju l y n ew s le t t er ! !

So that next month’s newsletter will be

completed before Vacation Bible School

week, please note the deadline

for articles will be Friday, June 14.

Thank you.


Growing & Learning

Adult education in June

The kids might be done with Sunday School for the summer, but

adult education continues, and we have some exciting things happening

this month. Join us!

Lynne Ogren, OHLC’s seminarian, will be with us on June 2 to

share about her adventures as an intern pastor in Wrangell, Alaska.

On June 9, Shannon Kraft, an OHLC-sponsored missionary in

Peru, will be in town to share an update on some exciting developments

in Chiclayo with Go Missions International.

Our semi-annual meeting will be held from 9:15 to 10:15 AM on

June 23, so we’ll take a break from our gatherings in the library to

convene in the sanctuary for elections and reports.

The remaining Sundays will feature Bible studies led by Pastor

Marc Stroud and Pastor Jay Decker, who will lead lectionary-based Bible

studies throughout the summer (see below for more information).

Pastor Jeff Spencer

Practical Wisdom: The Theology of the Epistles

he Christian church of the first century was

a community wholly unlike any other time

in the history of the church. It was a com-

munity charged with spreading the good news of

Jesus Christ and yet it was, at the same time, in

process of discovering what that good news meant.

The early Christian church did not have a theology

of Christ, it had to develop an entirely new

language and theology that would explain the Christian experience.

The epistles of the New Testament are the witness of that

beginning time when Christians were reflecting on what the cross of

Christ meant and how it applied to their everyday world as they reached

out to spread the Gospel into the world. This is their gift to us today; the

epistles continue to give us wisdom for daily living out our lives in


This summer, the adult forum on Sunday mornings will focus on

the three epistles, Galatians, Colossians and Hebrews, which are our

scheduled readings in the lectionary throughout the summer months.

Pastor Jay Decker and I will lead the Bible studies over the summer and

provide historical, cultural, and literary background for each of the

epistle texts that we study. We hope you will join in the study and

discussion as we seek the practical wisdom of these early letters of the


Pastor Marc Stroud

Sunday Adult Forum schedule, 9:15 AM in the library:

June 2 Lynne Ogren reports on her internship experience

June 9 Compassion Ministry emphasis of the month: Kraft Family

missionary presentation, Go Missions International.

June 16 New Testament Texts: The epistle to the Galatians - history &

context, presented by Pastors Marc Stroud and Jay Decker

June 23 Semi-annual Congregational Meeting of Oak Harbor

Lutheran Church – meets in the sanctuary.

June 30 New Testament Texts: The epistle to the Galatians –a living

theology, presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

July 7 Compassion Ministry emphasis of the month: Companion

church in Kazan, Russia, presented by Ken Grigsby

July 14 New Testament Texts: The epistle to the Colossians – history

and context, presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

July 21 New Testament Texts: The epistle to the Colossians – text as

literary genre, presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

July 28 New Testament Texts: The epistle to the Colossians – a living

theology, presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

Aug. 4 Compassion Ministry emphasis of the month: Josephine Sunset

Home, presented by Pastor Jeff Spencer

Aug. 11 New Testament Texts: Hebrews – history and context,

presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

Aug. 18 New Testament Texts: Hebrews – text as literary genre,

presented by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker

Aug. 25 New Testament Texts: Hebrews – a living theology, presented

by Pastors Marc Stroud & Jay Decker



Vacation Bible School at OHLC…

9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

**June 24 through 28** **June 25 through 27**

for K through Grade 5 for 3s & 4s

Join us for an exciting Holy Land adventure, exploring the

culture of ancient Athens, where the apostle Paul briefly stayed on his

second missionary journey, bringing the message that God loves us all,

God takes care of us, God sent us Jesus, and God wants us to share that

love with others.

We’ll see you in Athens! Registration forms are available in the

narthex or print your copy from the church website.

Attention, ALL volunteers for VBS: There will be a meeting for ALL volunteers, Sunday, June 9,

immediately after the 10:30 AM service. Grab a cup of coffee and come

down to the library where you’ll learn the schedule for VBS week, how

to make your craft if you’ll work in the marketplace, and become

familiar with the daily themes of our exciting journey with Paul in


On Sunday, June 23, we’ll need some strong workers to move

the pews after the 10:30 service as well as volunteers to stay and help set

up for VBS. Pizza will be provided as extra incentive!

Volunteers MUST have completed the church’s Child

Protection Policy training. There will be a short but mandatory class

for those who have not yet taken it, Sunday, June 23 at 7:00 PM.

Donations are still needed …

- children’s card games

- funds to go towards food and craft supply costs

We’re also looking for the loan of freestanding canopies to use

for the marketplace in the fellowship hall.

Thank you all for your support!

Stacey Famellos


Coupeville Book Group…

…meets Thursday, June 4, at 7:00 PM in the

home of Trudy Decker, 158 Keystone Ave., to

discuss Half Broke Horses, A True-Life Novel, by Jeannette Walls

(author of The Glass Castle):

‘Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did.’ So begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, Jeannette Walls’s no-nonsense, resourceful, and spectacularly compelling grand-mother. By age 6, Lily was helping her father break horses. At 15, she left home to teach in a frontier town – riding 500 miles on her pony, alone, to get to her job. Lily survived tornadoes, droughts, floods, the Great Depression and heartbreaking personal tragedy. Rosemary Smith Walls (Jeannette’s mother, portrayed in The Glass Castle) always told Jeannette that she was like her grandmother, and in this true-life novel, the author channels that kindred spirit. 272 pages

Discussion leader is Judy Fantauzzi. For information about the

Coupeville Book Group, contact Gaye Rodriguey, 678-3561,

gaye@tobysuds.com .


Wednesday Book Group…

…meets June 12 at 1:00 PM in the library to consider The Hearts of

Horses, by Molly Gloss:

A heartwarming story about 19-year-old Martha Lessen who saddles her horse and heads for the remote country of eastern Oregon. It’s 1917 and she feels she has a good chance of finding work ‘gentling’ wild horses, since most young men are off fighting World War I. Determined to make a go of it in a man’s world, Martha convinces George Bliss to hire her. Soon her gentling ways will earn her an indispensable place in the community. Fiction, 289 pages

For information about this group, contact Leona McKee, 675-

5712, bcmac68@comcast.net .


Members on the move

Dear Church Family,

As I prepare to move I am overwhelmed with love and gratitude

for you all. Being a member of OHLC has been indeed a privilege. You

serve from the heart and not only share the Light locally but around the

world. Thank you for accepting, loving and supporting my daughters

and me through such difficult times. I will be back to visit often.

Love in Christ, Coni Jones

New address after June 5:

340 Cascade Place #119, Burlington, WA 98233 (360) 550-0949

Christian & Brittany Suszan’s new address is

1215 30th Street, Anacortes, WA 98221

Worship notes Please contact Verna Morgan if you could provide any special

music this summer at our worship services. She’ll be putting together a

list and will plan for an accompanist should you need one. This is a great

time to share your gifts of music – voice or instrumental!

Our thanks to Ron & Jan Ernst who stepped in to direct the

Senior Choir during Cynthia Fletcher’s absence! Cynthia was called

away in May when her daughter, Laurel Glover, needed emergency back


Lesser Festivals & Commemorations June 1 Justin, martyr at Rome, c.165 21 Onesimos Nesib, translator,

3 The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886; evangelist, 1931

John XXIII, Bishop of Rome, 1963 24 THE NATIVITY OF JOHN

5 Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, THE BAPTIST

missionary to Germany, martyr, 754 25 Presentation of the Augsburg

7 Seattle, chief of the Duwamish Confession, 1530; Philipp

Confederacy, 1866 Melancthon, renewer of the

9 Columba, 597; Aidan, 651, Bede, 735, Church, 1560

renewers of the church 27 Cyril. bishop of Alexandria,

11 BARNABAS, APOSTLE theologian, 444

14 Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, 28 Iraneus, Bishop of Lyons,

379; Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, c. 385 c. 202

Gregory of Nanzianus, Bishop of 29 PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES

Constantinople, c. 389;Macrina,

teacher, c. 379

On the mainland

From Soul to Soul Western and Eastern Sacred Music & Russian Folk Songs

presented by the St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble

Wednesday, June 5, 7:00 PM at Grace Lutheran Church, 9625 NE 8

th Street, Bellevue


Sunday, June 7, 7:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 6215 196

th St. SW, Lynnwood


Free-will offering.

Concerts sponsored by the NW WA Synod Team Russia

The Skagit Symphony presents the 6th


Gardens of Note Tour gardens located in and around LaConner

with live music in every garden

Sunday, June 30, 10 AM to 5 PM

Tickets: $25; advance ticket purchase recommended,


As these private gardens feature sensitive landscapes

with uneven terrain, strollers, wheelchairs, pets

and children under 12 cannot be accommodated.

Carpooling is encouraged.

Talk to OHLC’s Marj McNae for more information

about Skagit Symphony!


OHLC Women fellowship, study and service

Blanket Workshop

Blanket Workshop meets Tuesday & Wednesday, June 4 & 5,

beginning at 9:00 AM in the fellowship hall to sew quilts for Lutheran

World Relief. New participants are always welcome – you don’t have to

know how to sew to help out. For more information, contact Leona

McKee, 675-5712, bcmac68@comcast.net.

Handwork Group

Heart & Hand meets Friday, June 21 beginning at 9:30 AM in

the prayer room. Bring your own knitting, crocheting or other handwork

projects or help work on hats and sweaters for Lutheran World Relief.

Help is also needed to assemble baptismal banners (see below). For

more information, contact Leona McKee, 675-5712,


Baptismal Banners

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church presents a handcrafted banner to

infants and young children on the day of their baptism. The felt pieces

forming the arc of the rainbow have been machine-sewed into place, but

helping hands are needed to applique the remaining pre-cut pieces

(brown for the earth, green for the stem and leaves, white for the dove,

and that perennial “favorite,” blue yarn for water). Baptismal banner

kits, assembled by Fay Hanson and Leona McKee, are available in

Martha Ellis’ office; stop by and pick one up!

Circle meetings in June

6/3 & 17 Lydia Circle meets at 6:30 PM in the education wing

6/3 & 17 Ruth Circle meets at 6:30 PM in the prayer room

6/6, 13, 20 Deborah Circle meets at 10:00 AM in the library

6/18 Rebecca Circle meets at 10:00 AM in the library

His Kids Preschool a ministry of Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

efore they left us for the summer, our preschool students took the

time to let us know what their favorite thing (or person) had been

for the 2012-2013 school year. Here are the responses from our

2-day morning class:

Rian: Playing with the birthday items Addi: Playing outside

Logan: singing The B I B L E song Autumn: Reading books

Jaelynn: Playing with all the toys Grace: Miss Debbie

Cooper: Reading the books Don: Walking outside

Addie: When the teachers sang Happy Birthday to me

Jacob: Climbing the wall [in the big play area outside]



OHLC Men’s Ministry

Then… and now… and in addition…


Men in the church began meeting for

lunch and Bible study at Mitzel’s Restaurant

(now China City) during the fall of 2005. In

December, 2005, John Schaefer proposed that

we call our-selves the Brotherhood of Saint Bernard, a.k.a. the “Old

Dogs.” John had visited a niece’s church, an Episcopal congregation in

Illinois, and noticed they had a men’s group of that name. We contacted

the church and were warmly granted permission to use both the name

and mission statement for our group. The Brotherhood of Saint

Bernard was officially formed at a meeting at Mitzel’s Restaurant on

January 10, 2006.

The mission statement: “The purpose of this group is to provide

a regular forum for men who recognize a personal spiritual need, in

which to study and share their opinions, questions and fears about their

own lives, recognizing that in honest dialogue with one’s self and

colleagues, the way of our Lord may be better understood.”

Thank you, Dale Zimmerman, for providing info on the birth of

the Brotherhood of Saint Bernard!


Today we meet on the 2nd

and 4th Tuesday from noon to 1:30 in

the church fellowship hall. Men take turns providing a ‘healthy’ lunch.

Before we eat, we must sing a song and ask a blessing on the food.

NOTE: We’ve even added “Young Pups” to the group.

About twice a year we splurge and dine out at a local eatery to

encourage other men to join us. We have added scripture lessons that

focus on the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday worship service.

Our new reference Bible being used is the Master Builders Bible via

Lutheran Men in Mission…a powerful tool for scripture and discussion

topics. We encourage the pastor to glean gems from our conversation to

use in the sermon (a little tongue in cheek here). At the close of our

meetings now, we gather in the sanctuary at the altar to kneel before God

and offer prayers for self, home, church, and community.


In March of 2012 the men’s ministry program expanded as we

became another chapter in the ELCA’s Lutheran Men in Mission. This

group meets on the first Saturday of each month with a special topic to

enjoy, and quite often lead by a special guest speaker. Included in the

agenda for this group is the focus on “tasks and opportunities” as we

engage in supporting both the congregation’s mission, and serving in our

home, church, and community.

Lutheran Men in Mission is going “star crazy” on Saturday,

June 1, 8-10 AM at Flyers Restaurant. Cost: $12. We’re excited to

have Dan Pullen as our guest, a local member of the Island County

Astronomical Society. We’ll get a glimpse of this Christian man’s take

on God’s meaningfulness of this great universe we are a part of.

May God continue to lead us and give us strength to provide a

spot for enhancing men’s spiritual growth at Oak Harbor Lutheran

Church. We look forward to seeing you at any of the future lunches

and/or breakfast meetings. COME AND SEE!

Tom Piper

In Sympathy

We offer prayers for our Lord’s comforting presence

with those who have recently suffered the loss of loved ones:

… Billie Tull and her family, Rob, Michelle, J’harv, and grandson

Zachary and their many friends, following Bob Tull’s death on May 3

after an extended time of health difficulties. He was 73. Bob’s

memorial service will be Saturday, June 8, 11:00 AM at OHLC.

Bob’s congregational roots were very deep; he was baptized here

in 1958 when his parents joined, then he and Billie became members in

1973 when they moved back to our area.

… Kay Williamson, following the death of her father, William Snook.

… former members Phil, Debbie, and Bobbi Jo Cyr, following the

death of son and brother Brandon when his plane went down in


…former members Janet Henderson and family, following the death of

19-year-old daughter Elizabeth due to longstanding health problems.


Compassion Ministry

Go Missions International

Sobre Todo Amar y Servir –

Above All, Love and Serve

ompassion Ministry’s Mission Focus for June

is the outreach of Go Missions International,

the work of Nick and Shannon Kraft and their

four children. The Kraft family’s website is


Nick and Shannon went to Chiclayo, Peru in 1998 to serve as

church planters and youth ministers. In 2003 they were sent to Caranavi,

Bolivia, and then in 2007 began work on a wider scale in Peru, Bolivia

and Chile as Go Missions International. In partnership with the Center

for Christian Training, Bolivia, they have been leading seminars on

marriage and family, teaching children and youth, and encouraging Latin

Americans to step out in mission.

Back in Chiclayo in 2012, Nick and Shannon organized their

first discipleship training school, CORE, with the participation of pastors

and leaders from Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and the United States. An

internship for youth age 16 and up, it’s a challenging, life-changing

experience designed to strengthen faith and character. At the end of the

program, students put into practice what they’ve learned with a short

mission trip. The second CORE training school was completed this past


Go Missions International would like to expand, and to do that

they really need a building of their own. A piece of land just outside

Chiclayo has become available which would meet those needs, but funds

will have to be raised to make the purchase possible.

Shannon Kraft will be with us on Sunday, June 9 to give us

an update on Go Missions as well as news about this exciting possibility

of land purchase.

Special offerings in June may be designated Go Missions; we

encourage you to use the yellow envelopes in the pew racks.

It’s a boy! Congratulations to Igor & Yulia Dyba, pastoral

interns at St. Katharina Lutheran Church, our companion synod church in

Kazan, Russia, on the April 4th birth of their son, Svyatoslav!

Tangible signs of our love are sent to a world in need

ur spring shipment for Lutheran World Relief was composed of

72 quilts, 61 personal care kits (health kits), and 270 baby

care kits (layettes), for a total shipment of 1125 pounds. The

cost for shipping was $608.

Thank you to all who helped make this shipment possible:

Those who gave last September when LWR was Mission of the

Month – we received enough in donations to cover the shipping cost;

Carol Wiskow, who did all the paperwork and made the arrangements;

Salvador Carvallo, who hauled all the boxes back and forth from the

storage space in the garage;

Karen Bowers, who assembled the baby care kits;

Heart & Hand ladies, who donated knitted items for baby care kits;

Blanket Workshop gals, who donated their time and energy in

making the quilts;

Everyone who donated fabric and thread;

Families who donated individual items, funds to buy items, and

completed personal care kits;

Whidbey SeaTac Shuttle, for the bus to carry our shipment to Seattle,

along with boxes from Concordia Lutheran Church;

All the folks who helped load the bus with all the boxes;

And last but not least, our own Rita Carter who generously donated

her time and expertise to drive the bus that held the shipment.

Leona McKee



Council Highlights

he Council met Thursday, May 2, and the minutes from the April

meeting were approved. Highlights of those minutes are as


The Treasurer’s report noted that our deficit continues but was

significantly reduced during March.

Old Business:

Fundraising continues for the education wing roofing project;

check the poster on the narthex bulletin board for updates.

The tree marked for removal near the library/fireside room has

been cut down.

No bids have been received as yet on the fire suppression


Anita Needler is researching stackable chairs to add to the supply

in the library/fireside room.

New Business

It was decided to donate $100 of Youth funds to Oak Harbor

High School in support of the Baccalaureate.

Volunteers are being sought to ‘adopt’ various garden areas

around the church grounds for upkeep.

The council decided that the church building will not be

available for use by for-profit organizations and this will be added to the

OHLC Bylaws.

Pastor’s Report

Activities and attendance during Holy Week were exceptional; There have been 8,000 hits on the church website;

A new-member class and pre-communion class Journey to Jesus’

Table, will be offered;

Staff reviews will be conducted in May;

Confirmation for 4 youth will take place on Pentecost.

Trudy Decker, council secretary

Included in this newsletter is the Prayer Ventures insert for June.

Summertime thoughts

e often imagine Jesus straight-faced because he came to do such serious

work. Yet he also enjoyed fun times. One was the wedding celebration at Cana, which had wine in abundance. When it ran out, Jesus miraculously produced more – see John 2:1-11.

Jesus also welcomed children – see Matthew 19:13-15. Picture Jesus lifting an infant into the air or tickling a giggling youngster while another child, grinning, climbs on his back.

Because summer allows more time for fun and play, use it to teach the kids in your life – and to remind yourself – that Jesus came in love so our “joy may be complete” (John 15:11). Laughing, playing, having fun, relaxing and enjoying life are all part of living as faithful disciples.

The Newsletter Newsletter, July 2012

on’t forget God! Robert Brault said, “A vacation trip is one third pleasure, fondly remembered, and two thirds

aggravation, entirely forgotten.”

Much of the hassle involved with ‘getting away’ comes from packing. What do we need? How can we save space? Where are the items we haven’t used since the last vacation?

Inevitably, we forget something – sunscreen, umbrella, diapers. Vacationers miss these items almost immediately and quickly replace them. De we also often ‘forget’ the Bible at home? Do we leave our prayer and worship routines behind? Do we take a vacation from our faith?

We may not notice these missing ‘items’ as quickly, but they’re crucial nonetheless. God never schedules a ‘getaway’ from us. This summer, take a vacation with God. not from God. The Newsletter Newsletter, June 2012




Worship Assistants Asst. Ministers Acolytes Music

6/ 2 8:00



Shanna Lundstrom

Jan Heideger

Trudy Decker

Sydney Higgins

Peter Spencer

Senior Choir

Cantor: Carol Reafs

6/ 9 8:00



Tom Coe

Moira Bartrand

Carol Snoble

Katie Norman

Elias Wiley

Senior Choir

Cantor: Carol Reafs

6/16 8:00



Verna Pommerenke

Ken Grigsby

Rich Anderson

Peter Higgins

Sadie Harbaugh

Senior Choir

Cantor: Carol Reafs

6/23 8:00



Tom Piper

Craig Pedlar

Gisela Hawley

Elizabeth Norman

Luke Spencer

Cantor: Carol Reafs

6/30 8:00



Allan Swan

Cantor: Carol Reafs

Ushers Assistants 6/ 2 8:00 AM Higgins family

10:30 AM J. Wilcox,

L. Michalski

6:30: Presider, Jay Decker


Computer: Donna Aspery

Communion: Gaye Rodriguey

Computer: Rick Culbertson

6/ 9 8:00 AM Margraf family

10:30 AM J. Wilcox,

L. Michalski

6:30: Presider, Jeff Spencer

Communion: Candi Amarelo

Computer: Rachel Margraf

Communion: Gisela Hawley

Computer: Rita Carter

6/16 8:00 AM Ellis family

10:30 AM

6:30: Presider, Tom Johnson

Communion: Marge Moore

Computer: Molly Nagel

Communion: Tom Piper

Computer: Rita Carter

6/23 8:00 AM J. Flowers,

L. Forster

10:30 AM R. Wood, M. McNae,

6:30 PM: Presider, Marc Stroud

Communion: Mike Fankhauser

Computer: Kathy Ridle

Communion: Shanna Lundstrom

Computer: Michelle Tull

6/30 8:00 AM J. Flowers,

L. Forster

10:30 AM R. Wood, M. McNae,

6:30 PM: Presider, Jeff Spencer




Computer: Rita Carter

Financial Report: April April Year to date

Income $ 33,801 138,164

Outgo 37,330 147,373

(3,529 $ (9,209)

Worship Attendance: May Date Sun. 8 AM

Sun. 10:30 AM

Cpvl. Nursery

Apr. 28 77 230 15 7

May 5 71 109 19 0

May 12 67 115 16 3

May 19 62 180 15 0

May 26 68 105 21 1

Average Att. 79 148 17 2

Average Sunday attendance: 235

Coffee Fellowship June Bring cookies, make coffee, set up and clean up – we need at least 2 per week

for 8:00 AM services, 3 per week for 10:30 AM services,

and 1 per week in Coupeville 8:00 AM

10:30 AM

Coupeville 6:30 PM

Fair Trade Sponsors

6/ 2

Rodriguey, Horrobin Decker Rodriguey

6/ 9 Margraf

6/16 Fosnaugh

Anderson Ellis

6/23 Horrobin



Deborah Circle

Little Lutheran Bags in June: Becky Wold

This month’s decorative font is Pegasus.



2 Healing Prayer at

both morning services

Worship 8:00

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

75th Anniv. Comm. 11:45

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30


1:00 Munchy Monday

6:30 Lydia Circle

6:30 Ruth Circle

6:45 4-H K-9 Korps

7:00 Cub Scout Leaders

7:00 Solutions


9:00 Blanket Workshop

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:00 Patrol Leaders

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Cpvl Book Group

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


9:00 Blanket Workshop

11:30 OHLC Staff

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon


10:00 Deborah Circle

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1

7:00 Council


11:30 OHHS Transitional


1:00 Mediation

2:45 Robotics Club

5:00 Bears & Tigers 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214


8:00 Lutheran Men in



11:00 Memorial service,

Bob Tull

9 Graduates


Worship 8:00

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

VBS Volunteers 11:45

Piano recital 2:00

Wolves 4:00

Piano recital 5:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30


1:00 Munchy Monday

6:00 Homeschoolers

7:00 Vanishing Friends

7:00 Solutions

11 10:30 Stamping Group

12:00 Brotherhood of

St. Bernard

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:30 Child Care Assoc.

6:30 Scout Adult Com

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


11:30 OHLC Staff

1:00 Book Group

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon


10:00 Deborah Circle

5:00 Stephen Ministry

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1

14 Newsletter Deadline

5:00 Tigers & Bears 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214



Worship 8:00

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30


6:30 Lydia Circle

6:30 Ruth Circle

6:45 4-H K-9 Korps

7:00 Solutions


10:00 Rebecca Circle

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


11:30 OHLC Staff

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Overeaters Anon.


10:00 Deborah Circle

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1

7:00 Compassion Min.


9:30 Heart & Hand

5:00 Bears & Tigers

5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214l


3:00 Peattie family event


Worship 8:00

Cong. Meeting 9:15

Worship 10:30

VBS Set-up 11:45

Kazan Comm. 11:45

Wolves 4:00

Marriage Care 5:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30

Child Protection Policy

training 7:00


7:00 Solutions


12:00 Brotherhood of

St. Bernard

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:00 Scout Board/Review

7:30 Worship Brass


1:00 Library Committee

7:00 Overeaters Anon.


5:30 Brownies 40740


5:00 Tigers & Bears 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214



Worship 8:00

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour

.—William Blake

The church calendar

is updated regularly

on OHLC’s website, www.oakharborlutheran.org


is on Summer Break!!!

V a c a t i o n B i b l e S c h o o l , 9 A M t o n o o n