Happy New Year!

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Happy New Year!

New Year is the time that represented a new calendar year begins and a new calendar year starts. In many cultures around the world, the event is celebrated in some way, especially on the eve of date.

The New Year can be called New Year´s Eve, term French that meaning "awakening" and is celebrated on January 1st. In the date celebrating too: The Day of Universal Fellowship and the World Day of Peace.

There are several traditions of the new year, and each country usually has it yours. In Brazil, it´s customary to wear white clothes, jumping seven waves, fire from fireworks shows, eating grapes.

In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are two local very popular to this date, where fireworks display Copacabana in Rio and Avenue Paulista in São Paulo are known worldwide for its attractions.

The arrival of a new year is celebrated today renewing vows of hope, joy, love and etc. At that time the people do promises for the coming year, and think about what year it ends.

In the passage from the old year to the new year, people gather and come together in countdown to the new year

On that date the friends gather, the families gather and all together celebrating this date.

On day 1st early, children in Brazil, out on streets asking "Good Year" to residents. They are asking for a coin for to residents.

The people do supper New Year and all eat together and celebrating life together and another year that begins