Happy New Year 2008. The true philosophy is to learn again to see the world. ( Merleau. Ponty)

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Transcript of Happy New Year 2008. The true philosophy is to learn again to see the world. ( Merleau. Ponty)

Happy New Year


The true philosophy isto learn again to see the world.

(Merleau. Ponty)

Beauty awakens the soul to act

It’s useless to fidget ,When the destiny rule

Taken by

Vahid Garousi

Plan for tomorrow butLive for today. Taken by

Maryam Zakerhamidi

People only see what they are prepared to see( Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1863)

Nothing is so practical as a good theory( K.Lewin; 1945)

The only way to predict the future is to have the power to shape the future.

(Eric Hoffer,1954)

The modern age has a false sense of superiority because it relies on the mass of knowledge that it can use, but what is important is the extent to which knowledge is organized and mastered.


The Greatest events are not the loudest ,but the most hours.

Taken byMaryam Zakerhamidi

Life is Drawing

without an Eraser

I hope you enjoyed it and have a great day

by Maryam Zakerhamidi

Jan 2008
