Happy 17th birthday pinto!!

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Happy 17th birthday pinto!!

Happy 17th birthday Pinto!!


creepy demon child wishes you happy birthday

this is pinto

she’s super pretty like for realz

she’s really good at photography in fact I think this is a selfie

hello pinto’s face happy birthday

she does these really cool makeup thingies

nuu pinto dun cry it’s your birthday

how do you even

her face is pretty much perf for this anyway and she’s also super talented so there’s that

she’s also really skilled at photography I don’t even know how to hold a camera and she can do this

her photography tumblr has like a million subscribers by now I think

pwetty nature

this is her cat but it kinda looks more like a grumpy lion or maybe crookshanks

she’s really good at doing the duckface

it’s because she practices so much

also look her hair’s all pretty and dyed in this pic

she’s eponine and cosette on our les mis AU RP and she ships E/R just as hard as the rest of us (maybe harder)

sometimes she legitly lols

she’s a real life wizardsometimes she summons people onto the chat and it works every time

it’s uncertain if she ever sleeps

she’s planning the next 50 shades of grey

and it will be epic and we will all own a copy

I’m sorry im bad at making powerpoints but I hope I get an A

for effort

In conclusion:•Pinto is awesome•She’s also pretty•And incredibly talented•Also she’s a wizard•And writes porn

she’s not a horse or a bean though

i tried drawing you pinto but I fail im sorry

Happy birthday

pinto yay :DD