Happiness essay and vocabulary

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Happiness essay and vocabulary

Vocabulary building!

To conquer and subjugate; vanquish; defeat


To avoid by moving quickly aside; to deceive


Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward


To lead or move, as to a course of action, by influence or persuasion


To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity 


rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid


An authoritative, often formal pronouncement


not worth considering


pass time without working or while avoiding work


diminish the weight of, lessen


To maintain


What emotion is evident in the pictures shown?

What is happiness for you?

Who/what makes you happy?

What manifests your happiness?


I think, happiness lies in living a plain life within one's own means. If you follow the dictum 'cut you coat according to your cloth' and live within your own means, you will not need to trouble your head to get a loan of money or to pay back loan. Besides, you will not be a parasite or a dependant on others and your free mind will bring you immense happiness.

Happiness lies not only in the life of plain living but also in the life of high thinking. So, a saying goes on 'plain living and high thinking'. If you live a life of high thinking the trifling worldly troubles will not disturb your mind. With your high mindedness and broad heartedness you will be able to excuse your small complaints and thereby you will be free from a lot of troubles. High-mindedness depends on plain living. If you do not be plain in your living you will fall in constant wants and you will become a self-seeker which will lead to low mindedness and meanness. So, in order to live a happy life, you should follow the dictum 'Plain living and high-thinking'.

Health of body and peace of mind are necessary for living a happy life. You can get health of body and peace of mind by following the principles of hygiene and ethics. Idleness, is the greatest enemy of happy life. So, you should cast off your idleness if any and do some useful and productive work. Adjustment, understanding, co-operation and tolerance are necessary for leading a happy life. So, also love, affection, sympathy and fellow feelings are necessary on your part for making your life happy.

Now, I point out a very important thing for keeping a happy life. That is you cannot live happily if your neighbors are unhappy and sad. You cannot enjoy your full meal if a neighbors of your lies in starved condition. Conversely, if you find that your neighbors are happy, happiness will automatically come to your mind. So, my idea of happy life is that one should conduct in such a way and live in such a manner that his neighbors will not suffer in any way on one's account. you should not hurt them either in mind or in person or in property. Besides, you should sincerely try to alleviate their sorrow. Here lies the true sustenance of one's happy life. So, you should try to make others happy in order to live happy life for yourself. These are the sum total of my idea of happy life.


My idea of happy life is not like an unattainable utopia. My idea of happy life is quite practicable.

What type of essay?

What is the essay all about?

What do you think is the purpose of the writer in writing the essay?

Are you at par with the author’s idea? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?