Hanzel rose

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Transcript of Hanzel rose

Teaching Children How to Read and Write

Organized by:Hanzel Rose B.Buar November 12,2012 Canubay Brgy Center

Need for the Project

In my community, I saw a lot of children that they don’t go to school and the reason is they don’t have enough money to spent for school. To share the reading and writing that they don’t know I decided my small project.


My goal for my little project is to teach the children how to read and how to write so that they can develop immediately the things that they will do when they take for school.

Project Activity

To complete my goal, I am inviting my GCE fellow members to join with in my little project on teaching the children how to read and write with my own little way together with my GCE fellow members.

Step by Step Planning I invited my co GCE participants to be with me to

teach the children how to read and write Together we decided when and how we are going to

make the small project and the benefits for the children after the project

With the children and my fellow GCE members together we make our small project last November 12,2012

After the small project,16 students knows how to read and write and saw a story book for the first time.


After my small project kids bare smile and they were thankful that they were given a chance to know more like to read and write.