Handy tips for effective classroom management

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Handy tips for effective classroom management

Handy tips for effective

classroom management

Suggestions for relating to students in a

positive manner

Operate on the assumption that

each student wants to be successful

Make it a point to find a way of

relating to each student in a

supportive manner

Be friendly but firm with students

Treat each student with kindness and


Attempt to enhance the self-concept of each student by

building on his or her skills and optimism

When a student(s) act

inappropriately, remain calm and

composedIdentify three to five students during each lesson who you can

praise individually for successful work

Praise students as a group for good


Display a sense of humor

During each passing period between class

sessions be at the doorway to greet

and chat with studentsBe available to talk

to students before and after school to help or ‘just talk’

Display respect and dignity for each student

To encourage appropriate

behaviour, establish realistic behaviour

standards, including consequences

Insist that students are respectful of themselves and


Through discussions ensure that students

understand the fairness/reasons for

all established standards

Keep a supply of ‘loaners’

(pens/pencilsglue etc) on hand for students who forget theirs &

don’t make a big deal out of it

Communicate to students that

trivial offenses will not be escalated into major issues

Be impartial and fair when working

with students

Interact with all students, not just a

select few

Give students a pleasing greeting each day and wish them a

pleasant afternoon/weekend/


Suggestions for preventing

student misbehaviour

Use preventative discipline – identify potential problems

before they develop

To monitor classroom activity, keep on your feet during class time

Expect students to listen attentively

while another student or the

teacher is talking

Keep class work and assignments separate

from student behaviour issues

If a student, after being corrected for

misbehaving, does the right thing,

praise/encourage them

When correcting student

misbehaviour, communicate in a

private, positive and respectful manner

When you detect student frustration or anxiety, adjust

the learning activity

When the class gets restless/noisy,

provide for a change of pace or activity

rather than scold the class

Communicate to each class that the entire

group will not be disciplined as a result of the actions of a few


Admit that at times, student

misbehaviour is a result of something

your fault

Find ways to motivate students,

including the reluctant learner

Carefully plan each classroom session so

that there is no ‘dead time’

Adjust lesson plans to take into account school

life situations when students often get restless (e.g. Friday


During each lesson, provide at least one learning activity in which all students

can experience success

During each class period, provide a

variety of learning activities (don’t use a

whole period to complete one activity)

Adjust daily lesson planning to take into

account the students’ span of


Suggestions for handling student

discipline systems

Make discipline decisions that are appropriate and

realistic for the age level and infraction

Think through discipline decisions

before acting

Only make discipline decisions

that you can enforce

Make discipline decisions after the

‘heat of the moment’ has passed

When a student misbehaves, find a way

to correct behaviour privately (e.g. move near the student and whisper

a correction)

Seek assistance from the administration

before allowing misbehaviour problems

to become acute

Suggestions for providing

classroom leadership

While taking attendance/admi

n, ensure students are on


Establish time-saving routines for collecting

papers/distributing materials and


Make directions for any learning

activity brief and concise

Use visual aids to help present and review concepts and directions

After giving directions for guided/independent

practice, move around the classroom observing

effectiveness of directions and providing assistance

Show sincere enthusiasm for the subjects you teach

Provide a neat classroom that

gives students the idea of orderliness

Present a professional

personal appearance in the


Insist that students maintain high

standards in work and behaviour – have

realistic and attainable standards

Use many different teaching methods

as there is no ‘best’ one

Homework assignments must have a


To assist students with their homework, teach

students how to study by showing them a variety of

study skills

Ensure that student work is displayed in

the classroomProvide ways of giving students responsibility

Be patient with students and be willing to reteach concepts that were not understood when first


During each class, summarize or have students summarize the day’s learnings

The work that is assigned to

students is within their capabilities

and power

Use pre-tests or other procedures to ascertain what students already


Involve students in setting learning goals for each teaching unit

Ask students to propose test

questions and other types of evaluative


Involve students in peer-teaching

situations, cooperative learning and small group instruction

Limit the lecture method of teaching – any “teacher talks”

are to be <10 minutes long

Adapted from:Brainard, E. (2001).

Classroom management: Seventy-three suggestions

for secondary school teachers. The Clearing House. 78(4): 207-210.