Hampton Middle School Parent Presentation

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Hampton Middle School Parent Presentation. “College and Career Readiness” For All Students October 8, 2013 Michael D. Thompson Counselor Consultant, Pa. Department of Education. What’s Their Type?. Using Career Self Assessments To Figure Out Life and Work Settings That Will Assist Your - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Hampton Middle School Parent Presentation

Hampton Middle SchoolParent Presentation

“College and Career Readiness”For All


October 8, 2013Michael D. Thompson

Counselor Consultant, Pa. Department of Education

What’s Their Type?

Using Career Self AssessmentsTo

Figure Out Life and Work Settings That Will Assist Your Child To Discover and Enhance Their “Spark”

The Journey Begins

2 Assessments

Holland 6 Types Based on Personality & Work Settings

Realistic ~ Doer

Investigative ~ Thinker

Artistic ~ Creator

Social ~ Helper

Enterprising ~ Persuader

Conventional ~Organizer

Career Clusters16 Groupings of Occupations With Similar

Skills & Competencies

Agriculture, Food & Nat. Resources Architecture & Construction Arts,Audio Video & Communications Business Management & Administration Education and Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety,Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing Science,Technology,Engineering & Math Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Holland's Hexagon

What is Career Development and Why is it Important

to Build a Comprehensive K-12 System?

Career Development Definitionand Rationale

Career Development is a continuous life long process through which people come to understand themselves as they relate to the world of work and their role in it.

The Career Development process is where an individual fashions a work identity. In America, we are what we do, thus it becomes a person’s identity.

It is imperative when educating our young people that our school systems assist and consider the significance of this responsibility for our youth and their future. The influences on and outcomes of career development are one aspect of socialization as part of a broader process of human development.

Hampton School District is beginning the process of building a K-12 career development program for “all” students. Tonight's Career Expo is part of that initiative!

The Economic Consequences of Neglecting K-12 Career

Development A generation of students without a career focus with numerous employment shifting and “college major hopping.”( ave.3-4 times in college career)

Ineffectual transitioning from secondary to post-secondary and work will cost employers millions in training and re-training because the average amount of time that is spent on a first job holder is less than a year.

Young people move through a series of “job experiments” in their early to late twenties costing employers and the young person time and money. This is extremely detrimental to the economy as well as the person.

Pathways to ProsperityEducational Reform Brief

Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century

February 2, 2011

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Dr. William Symonds

The Workforce IssueThe Forgotten Half in the United States

30% of United States people between 18-25 do not have a high school diploma.

20% of United States people between 18-25 “only” graduate from high school

Better Partnerships Between Business and Education-(Creating a Culture of Classroom Relevance)

Better K-16 Career Counseling(Everybody’s Business)

Government Contract With Youth to Make Postsecondary More Attainable

3 Solutions to the Problem

Many Youths Without A Purpose

The Purposeful:Found something meaningful,sustainedInterest and a clear sense of future Purpose

The Dabblers:Tried potentially purposeful pursuits, yet to commit

The Disengaged:Neither a purpose in life nor an inclination to find one

The Dreamers:Imagining great things, No practical pursuits

William Damon-Paths to Purpose


25% 20%

















1950 1994 2011


Source: U.S Bureau of Census and Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, Center for Workforce Information & Analysis (Pennsylvania statewide)

Unskilled jobs are disappearing; demand for high skills is rising

Gap Between Educational Attainment and Workforce Needs










The Pa. Pipeline to College


PA ranks 5th in the nationfor sending HS studentsto college.

PA ranks 45th in thenation for graduating thesame HS students fromcollege.

The Crushing Burden of Post-Secondary Debt

Average Loan debt is 29,000 per student in the U.S.

Debt load for students in the US has increased by 300% since 2001.*

Student Loan Debt has just passed credit card debt in the Pa. and the US. *

Only borrow what you expect to make in your first salaried year after Graduation from a two or four year program.* (Less than 12% of gross income) *Pheaa

What Students Would Have Done Differently to be Successful in Today’s

Labor MarketBeen more careful about selecting a major or chosen a different major


Done more internships or worked part time in college or before college


Would have started looking for work much sooner while still in college


Would have taken more classes to prepare for a career


Would have gone to a different college


Something else 9%

Would have not gone to college 4%

Types of Post-Secondary Training OJT(on the Job Training)- Weeks to Months, necessary skills, paid while attending training

(Stackable credentials are now an employers preferred way to demonstrate specific industry skills).

Diploma or Certificate Program- 6 months to 1 year, entry level skills, technical schools,community colleges and even some universities.

Military Training- 3 years or more, skilled training with the GI Bill to pay for college after discharge or serve 20 years until retirement with full benefits.

Apprenticeship Program- 3-4 years, Industry-based program training workers on the job and in a classroom setting as well. Journeyman status in a specific industry. Apprentices paid as they go to school.

Associates Degree Programs-2 years, Terminal 2 year degrees allowing person to gain entry level employment in a specific career. Many workers go on for future degrees or credentials at workers expense. Located at community colleges and junior colleges. Many universities are now possessing 2 year terminal degrees and transfer possibilities.

Bachelors Degree Programs- 4 years, Four year degrees with a combination of general education course work and a specific major.

Graduate and Professional Degree Programs-1-5 years beyond the Bachelor’s Degree. Post graduate fields such as law, medicine, Phd and other professional degrees.

High Priority Occupations in Southwestern Pa. Career Level of Prep Salary # needed by 2016 %change

Network System &Data Communications

Bachelors Degree $71,200 1,800 workers 48.4%

Personal Home Care Aides

OJT $20,490 3,500 44.4%

Home Health Aides OJT $21,520 6,910 40.1%

Occupational Therapy Assistants

Associates Degree $42,200 350 34.1%

Veterinary Technologists

Associates Degree $28,460 440 33.4%

Personal Finance Advisors

Bachelors Degree $90,370 1,630 33.0%

Medical Assistants OJT or Moderate-1 year

$25,700 4,460 32.3%

Computer Software Engineer

Bachelors Degree $79,460 4,460 31.3%

Veterinarians Professional Degree $101,590 360 30.9%

Substance Abuse Counselors

Masters Degree $32,390 920 29.3%

Some Popular Careers and Job Growth in SW Pa.

Careers % Job Growth by 2016 Physical Therapists- 26.1% Occupational Therapists- 23.2% Social Worker- 22.6% Pharmacy- 21.5% Registered Nurse- 19.1% Roustabouts,Oil and Gas- 17.0% Child Care- 16.3% Paralegals- 15.2% Pre-School Teachers- 11.0% Police Officers - 5.5% Civil Engineers - 4.5% Lawyers- 4.0% Sound Engineering Technicians- -3.7% Middle School Teachers -2.6% Civil Draftsman/Architectural- -11.9% Computer Programmers- -10.5%

Most Popular Majors in US-4Year

#10. Political Science and Government #9. Communications #8. Economics #7. English Language #6. Education #5. Biology/Biological Sciences #4. Nursing #3. Psychology #2. Business Administration #1 Undeclared/Undecided (1 in 8 students)

Huffington Post 2011

Most Employable Majors-4 Year

Based on: Job Growth Starting Salary 10. Applied Math 16.7% $52,600 9. Petroleum Engineering 17.0% $97,900 8. Management Information Systems 18.1% $51,000 7. Geology 19.3% $45,300 6. Civil Engineering 19.4% $53,100 5. Environmental Engineering 21.9% $51,700 4. Software Engineering 24.6% $54,900 3. Computer Science 24.6% $56,600 2. Biochemistry 30.8% $41,700 1. Biomedical Engineering 61.7% $53,800

Huffington Post 2012

Least Employable Majors

Based on: Unemployment Rate Starting Salary 10. English Literature 9.2% $32,000 9. History 10.2% $32,000 8. Commercial Art&Graphic Design 11.8% $32,000 7. Physical Education & Parks/Rec. 8.3% $31,000 6. Music 9.2% $30,000 5. Liberal Arts 9.2% $30,000 4. Philosophy 10.8% $30,000 3. Fine Arts 12.6% $30,000 2. Film,Video,Photographic Arts 12.9% $30,000 1. Anthropology/Archaeology 10.5% $28.000

Huffington Post 2012*

Stages of Career Development Linked to the CEW Standards

Stage, Age and Grade

Fantasy- Birth-10 years old (Grades K-4) Awareness

Interest- 11-12 years old (Grades 5-6) Awareness/ Exploration

Capacity- 13-14 years old (Grades 7-8) Exploration

Tentative-15-17 years old (Grades 9-11) Planning

Crystallization- 18-21 years old (Graduation)

Students will be able to “crystallize” a vocational preference upon graduation from high school instead of by their mid 20’s! *Donald Super

Who they are…(Awareness) Grades K-5

Where they want to go…(Exploration) Grades 6-8

And understand the process of… how they are going to get there!…

(Planning) Grades 9-12

Students Need to Know…..

What Can You Do? Get to know your childs “spark” and

validate and embrace it.

Provide experiences and resources to explore their “spark”

Assist them and teach them good decision making skills to plan their “spark”.

Resources for Career PlanningCareer Information• Contact the school counselor for resources and experiences.• Look at the assessments that the school has given as well as their career portfolio. Discuss these with your child.• Get involved in their course selection process.• Encourage involvement in extracurricular activities and part-time jobs.• Provide resources in the community for shadowing and internships.• Help your child research employable careers and college majors.• Discuss with your child about researching majors/programs to study then selecting the type of school.Websites to consider: www.educationplanner.org www.mynextmove.com www.pacareerzone.org www.pacareerstandards.com www.paworkforce.state.pa.us

Resources for College PlanningCollege Planning• Educate yourself on the various types of post-secondary schools and

discuss this with your child.• Attempt to research the types of programs that lead to employment.• Research the cost of post-secondary programs.• Visit campuses and schools on vacation or throughout their entire high

school years.• Establish a relationship with the counselor to discuss resources and

experience.• Be open to new ideas and new information as your child begins to

crystallize a plan.

Helpful Websiteswww.collegeboard.comwww.gettingthemthere.org www.asvab.com www.educationplanner.org www.petersons.org www.myplan.com www.fafsa.com


Michael D. ThompsonPDE Consultant


Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency - PHEAA

• Administer the Pennsylvania State Grant & Other Funding Programs for PA residents

• Provide Access to Post Secondary Goals• Higher Education Access Partners• Financial Aid Presentations, FAFSA Completion

Sessions, Counselor Workshops, Education & Employment / Career Trends

• Targeted Industry Program (TIP)

• Affordable Post Secondary Options– Be Informed Consumers– Employment & Return On Investment – Commuting, Summer Credits, Meal Plans,

Community College (2 + 2)– Academic Progress– SCHOLARSHIPS

EducationPlanner.org - MySmartBorrowing, Youcandealwithit.orgPHEAA.org________________________________________________________Marian Hargrave 724.614.3823 mhargrav@pheaa.org

A.W. Beattie Career Center18 Career and Technical Programs

• Advanced Computer Programming

• Advertising Design• Agile Robotics• Auto Body Repair• Automotive Technology• Building Construction• Carpentry• Computer Systems Technology• Computer Network Engineering• Cosmetology• Culinary Arts

• Dental Careers• Early Childhood Education• Emergency Response Technology• Entrepreneurship• Health Science Technology• Heating, Ventilation, and Air-

Conditioning• Pastry Arts

Kim ZylinskiSchool Counselor412-847-1912kim.zylinski@beattietech.com

A.W. Beattie Career Center NOCTI 2012-2013 Review

• 885 Industry Certifications• 23 On the Job Internship

Experiences• 7 Student Co-Op

Employment Experiences• 284 Student Job Shadowing

Experiences• 15 Junior Achievement

Student Teaching Experiences• 35 Students on Clinical


• NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute)– 176 Eligible Seniors– 81% scored Competent or

Advanced Overall– 94 % scored Competent or

Advanced on the Written Exam

– 84 % scored Competent or Advanced on the Performance Exam

Active Duty• Over 150 specialties• Combat Arms• Combat Support• Combat Service Support

• 7 Army Values / Marine Core Values• Core Tenets• 50 State friendships• 3-6 year commitment• 10 week BCT, 3-5 month AIT• Fitness and Nutrition• Family and Education

National Guard / US Army Reserve• Over 120 specialties• National Guard – Mirrors Active Duty• Reserve – Support Units

• National Guard – State and Federally funded

• Reserves – Federally funded• Part-time Military, allows you to

pursue another career• NG – full funding in-state colleges• Transferability• NG has dual mission (State and


United States MilitaryCPT John Thompson – APMS RMU

This We’ll Defend

Semper Fidelis Aim High…Fly, Fight, Win

Not For Self, But Country


United States Military

ROTC• Over 1400 colleges and universities• University of Pittsburgh• 11 Satellite schools

• Emphasize major over military• Leadership course• 2, 3, and 4-year scholarships• STEM and Nursing• 3-5 hours a week as a freshman• Normal college experience• Internships, Language programs• Scholars, Athletes, Leaders• Colin Powell, Lou Holtz, Sam Walton,

James Earl Jones, Samuel Alito

Military Academies• USMA, USNA, USAFA, USMMA and

USCGA• Congressional or Senate nomination• Education equivalent to Ivy League• Engineering and hard sciences• Duty, Honor, Country• Strong Alumni Association• 50 State representation• 5-year obligation• Live, eat and play• Norman Schwarzkopf, 3 Presidents,

NASA Astronauts, noted scholars and Nobel Peace prize recipients

www.goarmy.com/rotcwww.westpoint.eduwww.usna.eduwww.usmma.eduwww.cga.eduhttp://www.academyadmissions.com - Air Force

Bradford CollegeNicole Kramer

Find it all at CCAC

• CCAC educates more than 32,000 credit and 28,000 non-credit students annually, but students can expect an average class size of just 19 students. With the extensive network of four campuses and four centers located strategically throughout the region, in addition to a growing array of online courses and programs, CCAC is readily accessible to residents of Allegheny County and beyond.

• The life of a CCAC student includes a full college experience, including classroom and online learning, sports teams and student clubs, as well as academic advising and tutoring services necessary to help students succeed. CCAC job fairs draw hundreds of local employers and the CCAC Honors Program offers opportunities to expand learning.

• CCAC’s affordable programs enable students to save thousands of dollars—up to $45,000 for students who spend their first two years at CCAC before transferring to a bachelor’s program. It’s also ideal for students interested in earning an associate’s degree, certificate or diploma as preparation to enter the workforce.

• Every year thousands of students make CCAC their college of first choice. Here’s why:

• Innovation and Excellence in Teaching• Access to Financial Aid• Transfer Opportunities• Savings—College Made Affordable• Expanded Learning Options• Education for the Careers of Tomorrow in Two

Years or Less• Extensive Student Services• Rewarding Student Life Experiences

Peggy SchmiedeckeAssistant Director of Admissions

La Roche Fast FactsThe College’s vision and mission reflects its

goal to “foster global citizenship”

La Roche College Awards

Why La Roche College ? Affordability!

Freshman automatically reviewed for merit-based scholarships.

These annual scholarships range in value from $1,000 to $14,000

Quality of the Faculty Internships Center for Student
