Hall Lane, Shenfield, Essex M15 9AL Telephone: 01277 ... · Friday 29th November 2019 Head Teacher:...

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Transcript of Hall Lane, Shenfield, Essex M15 9AL Telephone: 01277 ... · Friday 29th November 2019 Head Teacher:...

Hall Lane, Shenfield, Essex CM15 9AL Telephone: 01277 221249

Email: admin@shenfield-st-marys.essex.sch.uk Website: www.shenfieldstmarys.co.uk Twitter: @StMarysCEVA

Friday 29th November 2019 Head Teacher: Mrs S Taggart Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs E Bundy

A limited company registered in England and Wales 8524638 and whose registered office is Hall Lane, Shenfield, Brentwood, Essex CM15 9AL

Our vision: unlock every child’s potential as a unique child of God

Dear parents, carers, staff and friends of Shenfield St Mary’s,

Thank you to our wonderful PFA for an extremely successful Christmas Fair. On Saturday the school was full of Christmas cheer with the bustle of parents, carers, staff, friends and children of Shenfield St Mary’s ringing through the corridors. We had one visitor who used to attend the school 50 years ago and one who hopes to start here in September 2022! With all of your gen-erosity we raised an amazing £5700, and that is without monies raised on the bidding wall and match funding. Watch this space for the final total! All of the money raised goes back into the school to support the children’s learning educational experi-ence. Thank you!

As well as your generosity on Saturday you also came in to school this week to support the travelling book fair. We sold over a massive £900 worth of books. This now means that we have £500 to spend on books for our school. Once again thank you.

At St Mary’s we like to support other educational establishments and on Monday we welcomed five teacher training students from The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT) and their mentor. They spent the morning touring the school and observing in class-rooms focusing on how we move children forward during lessons. As always our children and staff shone. All of our visitors left extremely impressed by the ethos of our school and the engagement of the children.

Tuesday saw a group of year 5 and 6 children take to the basketball court at Shenfield High School. They won 3 out of their 4 games successfully earning a place in the final, which they went on to win 10—4 against a very strong Long Ridings Team. Well Done and Good Luck in the district games St Mary’s!

This week, years 5 and 6 were also visited by Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate for Brentwood & Ongar (and previous pupil) Oliver Durose. He spoke about Brexit and the concerns of our

environment amongst other topics. The children posed some extremely chal-lenging questions to him showing a great awareness of current affairs. The teachers were equally impressed with their knowledge of what is happening in the world of politics. Maybe we have a few budding politicians in the making . It looks like the children certainly put him though his paces in light of his tweet that evening!

At the end of the school day on Wednesday you may have seen the beautiful rainbow over our school. One of our year one parents sent this picture to me after over hearing a foundation child say “It’s because we’ve all been so good!”

Wishing you a happy and relaxing weekend.

Liz Bundy Deputy Head Teacher


Wed 11th Dec—Infant Nativities in Church

9.30am—Fox, Ladybird, Swallow

1.45pm—Hedgehog, Dragonfly, Dove

Wed 11th Dec 1.30pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Wed 11th Dec 6pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Thu 12th Dec 1.30pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Thu 12th Dec 6pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Fri 13th Dec—Year 5/6 Christmas Party

Sun 15th Dec—Christingle

Mon 16th December Christmas Jumper Day

Mon 16th December Christmas Dinner

Mon 16th Dec—PFA Christmas Pantomime

Tue 17th Dec—Year 3/4 Christmas Party

Wed 18th Dec—Infant Christmas Party


motto of The children’s Society who offer help to

children who feel scared, unloved and feel they

simply don’t matter. Last year the Children’s So-

ciety offered support to more than 11,000 chil-

dren to help make them feel safe.

That is why Christingle is such an important

event in the Children’s Society year. It is their

largest fund-raising event (last year St. Mary’s

raised £1,152.50) and this money proivdes pro-

ject workers, counsellors and volunteers to work

with children.

Don’t forget to order your Christingle collecting candle for one of the two ser-

vices on the 15th December. 3pm (recommended for infants) and 4.30pm

(recommended for juniors). Slips should be returned no later than Friday 6th

December. Spares available at the school office.

At the Christingle Services, in return for a “Collecting Candle” each child re-

ceives a Christingle made up of an orange (symbolising the world) with a red

ribbon tied around it (the blood of Christ), dried fruits and sweets (symbols of

God’s creation) and a candle (Jesus the light of the word.

Poppy Appeal

Thank you very much for your help St Mary’s Primary



Dates for the diary

Mon 2nd Dec—Christmas House Day

Thu 5th Dec—St Mary’s Year 7s to visit

Wed 11th Dec—Infant Nativities in Church

9.30am—Fox, Ladybird, Swallow

1.45pm—Hedgehog, Dragonfly, Dove

Wed 11th Dec 1.30pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Wed 11th Dec 6pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Wed 11th Dec 7pm—Trust Board Meeting

Thu 12th Dec 1.30pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Thu 12th Dec 6pm—Year 3/4 Christmas Play

Fri 13th Dec—Year 5/6 Christmas Party

Sun 15th Dec—Christingle

Mon 16th Dec—PFA Christmas Pantomime

Tue 17th Dec—Year 3/4 Christmas Party

Wed 18th Dec—Infant Christmas Party

Wed 18th Dec 2.30pm—Junior Christmas Service



TERM DATES 2019/20

Last day of the Autumn Term 2019 = Weds 18th Dec

First day of the Spring Term 2020 = Tues 7th Jan

Half term holiday = Mon 17th to Fri 21st Feb

Last day of the Spring Term 2020 = Fri 3rd Apr

First day of the Summer Term 2020 = Mon 20th Apr

Half term holiday = Mon 25 May—Mon 1st Jun

Last day of the Year 2020 = Weds 22nd Jul

No holidays during term time will be authorised. If you take

your child on holiday during term time, both parents are at

risk of being issued with a penalty notice.

If a leave of absence for exceptional circumstances is re-quired, please complete the form which is available on the school website. The Head Teacher will consider whether or not it will be authorised, on behalf of the Governing Body.

Appointments for medical appointments, including dental appointments, may require confirmation from the medical


Additional work will not be provided from the school should you chose to take your child out of school during term time.

Absence from school has a direct impact upon pupil out-comes; regular attendance and high attainment go hand in

hand, giving your child more choices and opportunities as an adult.


If a child or staff member has a sickness/diarrhoea bug,

they are not allowed to return to school until 48 hours

after the last episode has taken place. ‘A person

with norovirus is most infectious from when their symp-

toms start until 48 hours after all their symptoms have

passed’ [How is Norovirus spread? www.nhs.ck]. Please

do support us with this policy and never send your child

in having been sick.

Please find below the link to our Amazon wish list for books to

supplement our school library.

Thank you for all of your kind dona-tions so far and for

supporting student learning. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/2AFUUN10I2DSL/ref=cm_go_nav_hz

TOY SERVICE (December 1st): Traditionally this is a Service of giving when unwrapped presents are pre-sented in the service and donated to Norway House in time for Christmas. Presents for children of all ages are welcome, but particularly for those between the ages of 11-16. There is a box at the back of the church available for donations. The First Sunday planning team. · MOTHERS' UNION TRAVELLING CRIBS will be blessed at the 9-30am Parish Eucharist today before be-ginning their journeys around the parish. Molly Hoyle (226929).

· CAKE SALE AFTER THE TOY SERVICE: Footprints are holding a cake sale at the end of the Toy Service this morning - all monies from the cakes sold will be put towards Footprints playgroup- Wednesdays 1.30-2.45 at the Parish Hall. · Join us for a SPECIAL SERVICE of ADVENT CAROLS to celebrate the First Sunday in Advent (1st December, 6.30pm). Mulled wine and biscuits served after the service! · FOOTPRINTS CHRISTMAS PARTY (Wednesday (4th December 1.15 pm - 2.45 pm): Please do try to come along to the Footprints party - it will be held in the Parish Hall. There will be lots of toys to play with, Christmas crafts to make and you can make a special visit to Father Christmas in his grotto! As well is Christmas refreshments. The price is £4.00 per family. Tickets can be bought in advance from Gemma Keeling-Cove or Jo Gurney, or you can buy a ticket on the door. We hope to see you there, Gemma (0778 882 6879) and Jo (0784 102 4811). · OPEN BRANCH: Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th December at 8pm in the Parish Hall. To get into the festive spirit we will be singing carols, enjoying mince pies with refreshments and having fun with light entertainment! Thank you to everyone who donat-ed and helped with the Toiletries Stall. I look forward to seeing you on the 12th. Pat Masters (Acting President). · CHRISTINGLE SERVICES (Sunday 15th December): Two services in aid of the Children's Society in church at 3.00 pm and 4.30pm. If you would like to attend and require a collecting candle for your child, contact Helen Dick (htdhmd@aol.com, or 229793) or speak to her in church, where candles will be available till Sunday 8th. · CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES 2019: So that everyone can get involved in our highly successful Christmas Eve Nativity Services (this year on a Tuesday, 24th December, at 3pm, 4.15pm & 5.30pm), we are using ‘Sign-Up Sheets’ again for the different roles, which will be available at the back of the church from Sunday 3rd November. If you are interested, just place your name/your child’s name against a role listed. Queries to Charlotte Monk (charlottevmonk@gmail.com). · ‘ACCESSORIES OLD & NEW’ – a new set of anagrams now available from me personally at £1 per copy, still to aid our Church Charities. [NOTE: Please add M to no. 36.] Please join in again and send a copy to your family and friends. A supply will also be on sale at the rear of the church. Maureen Laming (216230).

· MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED: If you have time each month to pick up and deliver the Parish Magazine please can you contact me as I need some more distributors. Jo Gurney (joanneggurney@gmail.com). · ELECTORAL ROLL FORMS can only be obtained from Edna Grimble and, on completion, must be returned to her. (The electoral roll form is not the same as the blue ‘Welcome’ card!) Once you have applied and been added to the roll, you will receive a confirmation email via ChurchDesk. · TREKKERS: We meet in St Mary’s School Hall, opposite the church, every Sunday at 9.30 am (except on First Sundays and in school holidays). Craft and other fun activities every week. Suitable for school age children. Come and join in. Sally Prince (07585 118188).

St Mary’s, Shenfield


WEEK 2 2/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12


Tomato & Basil Pasta Chicken Pie Roast Chicken Fillet Yorkshire Pudding & Gravy

Jacket Potato Omega 3 Fish Fingers


Cheese & Tomato Whirls, New Potatoes & Peas

Macaroni Cheese Mixed Salad

Quorn Fillet Yorkshire Pudding

Mediterranean Vegetable Tart Mixed Salad, Peas

Quorn Dippers


Cheese, Ham, Tuna Mayo Roll

Cheese, Ham or Egg Mayo Roll

Cheese, Ham or Tuna Mayo Roll

Cheese, Ham or Tuna Mayo Roll

Cheese, Ham or Tuna Mayo Roll


Homemade Bread Mixed Salad

Creamy Mashed Potatoes Carrots

Roast Potatoes Broccoli & Carrots

Cheese/Beans Tuna Mayo

Chips Baked Beans


Fresh Fruit Platter Sticky Toffee Pudding & Cream

Yeo Valley or Muller Corner Yoghurts

Winter Berry Jelly Fresh Fruit Platter