Half way presentation

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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burma, campaign, uk

Transcript of Half way presentation

Burma Campaign UKStop rape and sexual violence in Burma

Thursday, 8 March 12


• Main issue to address: Burmese soldiers & sexual violence:Burmese military are given orders to use rape and sexual violence against women.

• Making the connections ...

• Linked issue #1: Political action:Around 1000 political prisoners remain in prison. Those released are released with conditions - get arrested again you serve the new prison term and the outstanding previous time.

• Linked issue #2: 75% of population living below poverty line:Investment in education and healthcare less than $1 per person per year. One of the lowest level of public investment in the world.

Thursday, 8 March 12


• “Award winning organisation working for the promotion of human rights, democracy and development in Burma.”Burma given ASEAN chair for 2014 - ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Myanmar Caucus called on ASEAN to ensure Burma’s progress - 2006 They were rejected by the Western countries because the meeting chaired by Dictatorship.

• “One of the leading Burma campaign organisations in the world.”Founded in 1991 they have played a leading role in raising awareness about the Situation in Burma & ensuring the international community take action in supporting the people of Burma.

• Great achievements: Persuaded the UK to double their aid and fund aid to forbidden parts of the country. Ensured multi-national companies who provide revenue to the dictatorship to end their involvement in Burma.

Thursday, 8 March 12


• Money:Stopping sexual violence is going to take time - political reform - until then we need to help them as much as we can -

• Women:Without sounding sexist - women are more likely to be moved by the stories of the sexual violence - pregnant women being raped, girls as young as 12.

• Political action:The issues I want to address evolve around political action - adults late 20s and older are the audience that pay the most attention to political issues - however all you have to do is sign and post a letter.

Thursday, 8 March 12


• Knowing:Knowing that you are making a difference is one of the biggest things to take action - daily news updates and reports.

• Simplicity:To write a letter or cheque, post money or enter card details can deter people - keeping it simple is the way forward.

• Current:These issues are very current yet not very known - the amount of charities getting aid to other 3rd world countries such as Africa - it is hard to know where your donations are going - Burma Campaign UK feels more personal.

Thursday, 8 March 12


• Serious help needed.The issues that I am addressing are only a handful of current serious problems that the Burmese people are going through - Due to previous progress you can make a difference - The recent invitation to the ASEAN Community - your help will make the biggest impact more than ever.

• Current achievements.Burma Campaign UK have already made a huge difference to the Burmese people so this is a cause that WORKS.

• Exploration:The majority of the world admire the beauty of South East asia - the people, country and culture - Burma has a strong and ancient culture/history that the world has’t seen - countries like Thailand and Vietnam were once like this but has been exploited and lost by the West - your help will free this country - you can experience something new.

Thursday, 8 March 12


• The survey:The results of the survey that i sent out to people - these were the main emotions.

• Shock

• Sadness

• Disturbed

• Concern

• Hope

Thursday, 8 March 12


• Subtlety:Being bombarded with junk mail/letters is annoying - need to immerse people without feeling like an intrusion.

• Personal:Making this personal is key - rewarding to feel like YOU are making a difference.

• Enigmatic:Creating an enigma via the use of images would be one of the best ways to immerse people - get them to want to know more.

Thursday, 8 March 12


I feel this is one of the most current and important issues in the world right now.

The country has been cut of from the world for decades - used to be a part of the British Empire.

beautiful country, people and culture - untouched - full of potential - We are the only people who can help and be part of its development.

- as the military dictatorship gets removed we can watch the country blossom.

Thursday, 8 March 12


Thursday, 8 March 12