Haiti Earthquake Twitter Feed

Post on 25-May-2015

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Activity to use with KS3 pupils for teaching about the Haiti earthquake

Transcript of Haiti Earthquake Twitter Feed

we're ok at the oloffson..internet is on !! no phones ! hope all are okay..a lot of big building in PAP are down !3.23pm Tuesday 12th January

Just about all the lights are out in Port-au-Prince.. people still screaming but the noise is dying as darkness sets.3.33pm Tuesday 12th January

lots of rumors about which buildings were toppled..The Castel Haiti behind the Oloffson is a pile of rubble..it was 8 stories high3.34pm Tuesday 12th January

people are bringing people by on stretchers3.39pm Tuesday 12th January

I can't confirm what I hear about different buildings which are said to have collapsed but all reflects intensity of situation4.35pm Tuesday 12th January

another aftershock..people are screaming and freaking out down towards the stadium..much singing and praying in large numbers4.45pm Tuesday 12th January

there are still aftershocks...5.00pm Tuesday 12th January

another aftershock!!!5.33pm Tuesday 12th January

It's 8.44pm and we're still getting aftershocks!!I can hear people gathered in the distance singing prayers5.45pm Tuesday 12th January

My mom just showed up at the Oloffson..sigh of relief!!5.58pm Tuesday 12th January

the singing and praying is getting more intense..you have to believe!! From what I'm hearing, this is worse than anyone is imagining6.18pm Tuesday 12th January

If the Montana Hotel and the Hotel Christopher are gone, I don't know where UN leadership is6.19pm Tuesday 12th January

It's getting quieter in PauP..singing and praying I was hearing earlier has died down..no helicopters..no sound of ambulances7.11pm Tuesday 12th January

when my batteries die I will no longer be able to communicate..it's going to be a long night..our prayers go out to everyone7.12pm Tuesday 12th January

we're back on line..went to St Gerard Church..people are trapped in the school..others are dead in the rubble9.28am Wednesday 13th January

there is no police presence..there is no UN presence in the Carrefour Feuilles area..people are trying to take care of themselves9.30am Wednesday 13th January

People are calm, trying to help each other...others are visiting people to see if they are ok...some are digging bodies out of buildings9.35am Wednesday 13th January

I saw a couple of helicopters twice today but there is no sign that the international presence is helping the population9.38am Wednesday 13th January

too many private homes of the poor are destroyed..no way of counting them all..people are sitting in the streets trying to take it all in9.52am Wednesday 13th January

I am hearing the siren of an ambulance for the first time as I write this note..9.56am Wednesday 13th January

I see bodies in the street..I see bodies buried in rubble..there are going to be food, medical supply and water issues.. decomposing bodies10.24am Wednesday 13th January

I'm beginning to hear helicopters more often now.. I predict massive emmigration.. no homes, no jobs,no medical treatment.disaster10.43am Wednesday 13th January

If your home is destroyed and your workplace is destroyed and your neighbourhood is destroyed..then what?10.57am Wednesday 13th January

what are the poor supposed to do..no homes, no jobs,no savings..no medical attention.bodies half buried nearby11.21am Wednesday 13th January

another tremor...7.22pm..the praying has begun..outdoors..loud and energetic.So many churches have been destroyed2.28pm Wednesday 13th January

singing..praying..clapping hands..the sun is setting..another night of darkness..death is all around.everyone has seen death..destruction2.31pm Wednesday 13th January

People that came in from the airport are saying that there are bodies strewn about on the streets. I don't know what to make of that3.00pm Wednesday 13th January

the collapsed houses and buildings are 2 much to take in at once.hearing singing and praying in the background. darkness is setting in3.02pm Wednesday 13th January

I just got a reservation cancellation for the hotel...3.08pm Wednesday 13th January

Bodies are being put by the side of the Canape Vert road so friends and relatives can come pick them up3.14pm Wednesday 13th January

There were kids in the St Gerard skool when it collapsed. I haven't seen any sort of logistical backup in this part of town since the quake3.30pm Wednesday 13th January

A priest came to see me..I asked him why so many churches collapsed..he left without an answer..God works in mysterious ways3.38pm Wednesday 13th January

I hear help is coming....tomorrow3.47pm Wednesday 13th January

tremor!!!5.32pm Wednesday 13th January

Night has fallen..the night seems to take so long..I guess those that are buried alive in the rubble are feeling it the worst..Prayers..5.55pm Wednesday 13th January

I saw a collapsed building today..it may have been 8 or 9 stories. it looked like 8 or 9 pieces of bread one on top of the other..survivors?6.01pm Wednesday 13th January

I'm trying to find a positive point of view and all i can come up with is: a lot of people didn't die.7.06pm Wednesday 13th January

Port-au-Prince is quiet tonight. I've never heard such a big city so quiet.7.07pm Wednesday 13th January

I look at the sky, see the stars, and it's as if nothing was wrong. the singing, the praying and the siren bring me back to reality..Haiti7.58pm Wednesday 13th January

I don't like the way CNN is spinning this thing. What shooting? Not in Port-au-Prince..Not this side of town. maybe looking for ratings8.28pm Wednesday 13th January

We need help with the rubble, help with medical supplies, help with food, water, the singing and praying has begun. God help us all2.49am Thursday 14th January

the hospital across the street is putting bodies out on the street. decomposition.we need portable morgues. generators.food. help. evacuation2.54am Thursday 14th January

No homes, no jobs. death. no where to turn. people caught in the rubble. my sleep was peaceful. now I'm awake.reality sets in. sun is about 2 rise2.56am Thursday 14th January

with everything closed. money.food, drinks, supplies. rotting bodies, frustration, impatience, despair will all become a problem3.40 am Thursday 14th January

tremor!!4.39am Thursday 14th January

I'm starting to see international activity..I hear from staff that bodies are starting to decompose. Don't know what to do with excess bodies8.16am Thursday 14th January

portable morgues, medical attention needed..There is a collapsed school behind the St Gerard church. live people in the rubble.8.20am Thursday 14th January

you don't have to drive to see the damage, where ever you walk there is something out of the ordinary..often the suffering is silent8.23am Thursday 14th January

Horrific stories of death. Death is every where. Death is all over PauP.doors as stretchers. Camionettes as ambulances.11.24am Thursday 14th January

Bodies.Bodies.Bodies Bodies.Bodies.Bodies.I don't know how else to say it. They're being brought out on the street.12.28pm Thursday 14th January

Where do you put bodies when the morgues are full?12.32 pm Thursday 14th January

Today it occasionally sounds like a military operation with all the planes and helicopters flying around...then they go away.12.37pm Thursday 14th January

looting is begining. The prison is empty.3:00pm Thursday 14th January

Workers trickling in, so many have lost their homes, all their belongings. How many have lost family, home, job, neighbours? Now what? Stay?8.32pm Thursday 14th January

what to do, what to do, what to do with all these bodies that are starting to decompose. people are starting to wear masks3.16pm Friday 15th January

The school behind St Gerard still has people buried as does everywhere. The dead bodies are becoming a greater and greater concern3.17pm Friday 15th January

People don't talk about the bodies,they talk about the decomposing bodies.Mass graves? Should we get philosophical? People r talking Justice3.19am Saturday 16th January

Will Haiti start anew? That's the question of the day? What's the direction? Same direction as last year? No one seemed to like that path3.24am Saturday 16th January

Right now we have to work together to get through this mess.. but what do we do tomorrow? Where do we take it. Where do we take the country?3.28am Saturday 16th January

Right now we have to work together to get through this mess.. but what do we do tomorrow? Where do we take it. Where do we take the country?3.28am Saturday 16th January

Is this a one week story? Is this a 10 day story? is this a one month story?Where r 2 million ppl going to go? Nothing for them in PauP?3.40am Saturday 16th January

when the sky is filled with planes and copters, it reminds me of the 2 invasions we had. it's different now.such suffering. ppl buried alive..4.30am Saturday 16th January

WHO'S IN CHARGE?5.23am Saturday 16th January












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