gynaecology,Urinary incontenince.(dr.hana)

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Transcript of gynaecology,Urinary incontenince.(dr.hana)

Urinary incontinence


Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine that is objectively demonstrable and is a social or hygienic problem .

It affects an individual's physical, psychological and social well-being and is associated with a significant reduction in quality Of life


PREVALENCEThe prevalence increases with age, approximately 5 per cent of women between 15

and 44 years of age being affected, rising 10 per cent of those aged between 45 and

64 years, approximately 20 per cent of those older than 65

years. It is even higher in women who are

institutionalized and may affect up to 40 per cent of those in residential nursing homes


•Stress incontinence is a symptom and a sign and means

loss of urine on physical effort. It is not a diagnosis.

•Urgency means a sudden desire to void.

•Urge incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine

associated with a strong desire to void.


•Overflow incontinence occurs without any detrusor activity when the bladder is over-distended.

•Frequency is defined as the passing of urine seven or more times a day, or being awoken from sleep more than once a night to void


•Urethral sphincter incompetence (urodynamic stress


•Detrusor over-activity or the unstable bladder - this is

either neuropathic or non-neuropathic

•Retention with overflow

•Congenital causes


Extra-urethral causes

• Congenital causes



Involuntary loss of urine due to increased intra-abdominal pressure Coughing Sneezing Laughing

Most common type in young womenDue to pelvic floor muscle weakening

resulting in urethral hypermobility


“Overactive Bladder”, Detrusor overactivityA strong sense to void followed by

involuntary loss of urine Usually idiopathic, but can be due to

infection, bladder stones, bladder cancer


Most common in women overallExact mechanism not well understoodCharacteristics of both Urge and Stress



Due to overdistension of the bladderFrequent or constant “dribbling”Either due to an outlet obstruction

(prostate) or detrusor underactivity (medications, spinal chord injury, diabetic neuropathy, MS)

Post void residual is often elevated


Especially in the elderlyCognitive or Physical limitationsDiagnosis of exclusion as other types might

be present in functionally limited individuals

TYPES OF URINARY INCONTINENCE Incontinence due to secondary causes

MedicationsUrinary Tract InfectionsStool ImpactionHyperglycemiaHeart Failure Interstitial CystitisBladder Malignancies

MEDICATIONS Diuretics Caffeine Alcohol

Anticholinergics Alpha agonists Beta agonists Sedatives/


Urge Urge Urge

Overflow Overflow Overflow Overflow


Alpha blockers ACE



Stress Stress

URETHRAL CAUSESUrodynamic stress incontinence

Urodynamic stress incontinence (USI) , previously

called genuine stress incontinence, is noted during

filling cystometry, and is defined as the involuntary

leakage of urine during increased abdominal pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGYThe likely causes of USI are as follows.

•Abnormal descent of the bladder neck and proximal urethra

•An intra-urethral pressure which at rest is lower than the intravesical pressure; this may be due to urethral scarring as a result of surgery or radiotherapy. It also occurs in older women.

•Laxity of suburethral support normally provided by thevaginal wall, endopelvic fascia, arcus tendineus fasciaand levator ani muscles acting as a single unit resultsin ineffective compression during stress and consequent incontinence

The aetiology of USI is thought to be related to a number of factors .

1-Damage to the nerve supply of the pelvic floor and

urethral sphincter caused by childbirth leads to progressive changes in these structures, resulting in altered function .

2-Mechanical trauma to the pelvic floor musculature and endopelvic fascia and ligaments occurs as a consequence of vaginal delivery. Prolonged second stage, large babies and instrumental deliveries cause the most damage.

3-Menopause and associated tissue atrophy may also damage to the pelvic floor. cause

4- A congenital cause may be inferred, as some nulliparous women suffer from incontinence. This may be due to altered connective tissue, particularly collagen;

5-Chronic causes, such as obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, raise intera-abdominall pressure and constipation may also

result in problems.-

Differential diagnosis

Normal Bladder OAB Stress Incontinence

DETRUSOR OVER-ACTIVITYDOADetrusor over-activity, previously called detrusor instability, is a urodynamic observation characterized by involuntary detrusor contractions during the filling phase which may be spontaneous or provoked.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGYDetrusor over-activity


The largest group of women with this condition have an idiopathic variety. Neuropathy appears to be the most substantiated

factor. Incontinence surgery. Out flow obstruction and smoking are also

associated with detrusor over-activity.

Symptoms The presenting symptoms include Urgency. Urge incontinence. Frequency. Nocturia. Stress incontinence. Enuresis. Sometimes, voiding difficulties.

Retention with overflow

Insidious failure of bladder emptying may lead to

chronic retention and finally, when normal voiding

is ineffective, to overflow incontinence. The causes may be:

•Lower motor neurone or upper motor neurone lesions

•Urethral obstruction.



SYMPTOMSSymptoms include:

Poor stream. Incomplete bladder emptying . Straining to void. Overflow stress incontinence. Often there will be recurrent urinary tract infection.

Cystometry is usually required to make the diagnosis, and bladder ultrasonography or intravenous urogram may be necessary to investigate the state of the upper urinary tract to exclude reflux.


Epispadias, which is due to faulty midline fusion of mesoderm, results in a widened bladder neck, shortened urethra, separation of the symphysis pubis and imperfect sphincteric control.

The patient complains of stress incontinence which may not be apparent when lying down but is noticeable when standing up. The physical appearance of epispadias is pathognomonic, and a plain X-ray of the pelvis will show symphysial separation.


urethral reconstruction or an artificial urinary sphinter.


Acute urinary tract infection. Faecal impaction in the elderly may lead to

temporary urinary incontinence. A urethral diverticulum may lead to post-

micturition dribble, as urine collects within the diverticulum and escapes as the patient stands up.


Bladder exstrophy and. In bladder exstrophy there is failure of mesodermal

migration with breakdown of ectoderm and endoderm, resulting in absence of the anterior abdominal wall and anterior bladder wall. Extensive reconstructive surgery is necessary in the neonatal period.

Ectopic ureter

An ectopic ureter may be single or bilateral and presents with incontinence only if the ectopic opening is outside the bladder, when it may open within the vagina or onto the perineum. The cure is excision of the ectopic ureter and the upper pole of the kidney that it drains.

FISTULAA urinary fistula is an abnormal opening between the urinary tract and the outside .

Urinary fistulae have obstetric and gynaecological causes . The obstetric include

obstructive labour with compression of the bladder between the presenting head and the bony wall of the pelvis.

The gynaecological causes are associated with pelvic surgery . pelvic malignancy . radiotherapy.


the fistula must be accurately localized. It can be treated by primary closure or by surgery and can be delayed until tissue inflammation and oedema have resolved at about 4 weeks. The surgical techniques involve isolation and removal of the fistula tract, careful debridement, suture and closure of each layer separately and without tension and, if necessary, the interposition of omentum, which brings with it an additional blood supply.

Urinary tract infectionAcute and chronic urinary infections are important

and-avoidable sources of ill-health among women . The short urethra, which is prone to entry of

bacteria during intercourse, Poor perineal hygiene The occasional inefficient voiding ability of the

patient . Unnecessary catheterizations are all contributory


A significant urinary infection is defined as the presence of a bacterial count > 100 000 of the same organism/mL of freshly plated urine. On microscopy there are usually red blood cells and white blood cells.

The common organisms are Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus faecalis. These gain entry to the urinary tract by a direct extension from the gut, lymphatic

spread via the bloodstream or transurethrally from the perineum. Symptoms include dysuria, frequency and occasionally haematuria. Loin pain and rigors and a temperature above 38 C usually indicate that acute pyelonephritis has developed.

A culture and sensitivity of mid-stream specimen of urine is required.

Intravenous urography

renal ultrasonography

may be required in patients with recurrent infection to define anatomical or functional abnormalities

With acute urinary infection, once a mid-stream urine specimen has been sent for culture and sensitivity, antimicrobial therapy can begin. If the patient is ill, the treatment should not be delayed and an antimicrobia drug regimen can be started immediately. The regimen

can be changed later according to the results of the

urine culture and sensitivity.

Commonly used drugs include trimethoprim 200 mg twice daily or nitrofurantoin 100 mg four times daily or a cephalosporin.

Recurrent urinary tract infection for which an

identifiable source has not been found may be managed

by long-term low-dose antimicrobial therapy, such as trimethoprim. Recently, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacinhave proved effective.

It is important to treat urinary tract infectionseffectively, especially in younger women .

Urinary incontinence

EVALUATION INVESTIGATIONS An accurate and detailed history and examination provide a

framework for the diagnosis, but there is often a discrepancy between the patient's symptoms and the urodynamic findings.

The aim of urodynamic investigations is to provide accurate diagnosis of disorders of micturition and they involve investigation of the lower urinary tract and pelvic floor function.

Mid-stream urine specimenUrinary infection can produce a variety of urinary

symptoms, including incontinence .

A nitrate stick test can suggest infection, but a diagnosis is made from a clean mid-stream specimen. The presence of a raised level of white blood cells alone suggests an infection and the test should be repeated .

Invasive urodynamics can aggravate infection, and test results are invalid when performed in the presence of infection.

Urinary diary

A urinary diary is a simple record of the patient's fluid

intake and output . Episodes of urgency and leakage and precipitating events are also recorded.

There is no recommended period for diary keeping; a suggested practice is 1 week. These diaries are more

accurate than patient recall and provide an assessment

of functional bladder capacity. In addition to altering

fluid intake, urinary diaries can be utilized to monitor conservative treatment, e.g. bladder re-education, electrical stimulation and drug therapy.

Pad test

Pad tests are used to verify and quantify urine loss.

The International Continence Society pad test takes

1 hour. The patient wears a pre-weighed sanitary towel, drinks 500 mL of water and rests for 15 minutes. After a series of defined manoeuvres, the pad is re-weighed; a urine loss of more than 1 g is considered significant.

If indicated, methylene blue solution can be instilled

intravesically prior to the pad test to differentiate

between urine and other loss, e.g. insensible loss or

vaginal discharge. The popularity of 24-hour and

48-hour pad tests is increasing because they are believed to be more representative. The woman performs normal daily activities and the pad is re-weighed after the preferred period.


Uroflowmetry is the measurement of urine flow rate and is a simple, non-invasive procedure that can be performed in the outpatient department.

It provides an objective measurement of voiding

function and the patient can void in privicy.

Although uroflowmetry is performed as part of a

general urodynamic assessment, the main indications are complaints of hesitancy or difficulty voiding in patients with neuropathy or a past history of urinary retention..

It is also indicated prior to bladder neck or

radical pelvic cancer surgery to exclude voiding problems that may deteriorate afterwards.

The normal flow curve is bell shaped. A flow

rate <15mL/s on more than one occasion is considered abnormal in females


Cystometry involves the measurement of the pressure volume relationship of the bladder. It is still considered the most fundamental investigation. It involves simultaneous abdominal pressure recording in addition to intravesical pressure monitoring during bladder filling and voiding.

Electronic subtraction of abdominal from intravesical pressure enables determination of the detrusor pressure .

Cystometry is indicated for the following.

• Previous unsuccessful continence surgery.

• Multiple symptoms, i.e. urge incontinence, stress

incontinence and frequency.

• Voiding disorder.

• Neuropathic bladder.

• Prior to primary continence surgery

Prior to cystometry, the patient voids on the

flowmeter. A 12 French gauge catheter is inserted to fill the bladder and any residual urine is recorded. Intravesical pressure is measured using a 1 mm diameter fluid-filled catheter, inserted with the filling line, connected to an external pressure transducer.

A fluid-filled 2 mm diameter catheter covered with a rubber finger cot to prevent faecal blockage is inserted into the rectum to measure intra-abdominal pressure.

. The bladder is filled (in sitting and standing positions) with a continuous infusion of normal saline at room temperature.

The standard filling rate is between 10 and 100 mL/min and is provocative for detrusor instability. During filling, the patient is asked to indicate her first and maximal desire to void and these volumes are noted. The presence of symptoms of urgency and pain and systolic detrusor contractions are noted.

At maximum capacity, the filling line is removed and the patient stands. She is asked to cough and any leakage is documented. The patient then transfers to the uroflowmeter and voids with pressure lines in place.

Once urinary flow is established, she is asked to interrupt the flow if possible.

The following are parameters of normal bladder


• Residual urine of < 50 mL.

• First desire to void between 150 and 200 mL.

• Capacity between 400 and 600 mL.

• Detrusor pressure rise of <15 cmH20 during

filling and standing.

• Absence of systolic detrusor contractions.

• No leakage on coughing.

• A voiding detrusor pressure rise of < 70 cmH20

with a peak flow rate of> 15 mL/s for a

volume > 150 mL.

Detrusor over-activity is diagnosed when spontaneous

or provoked detrusor contractions occur which

the patient cannot suppress. Systolic detrusor over activity is shown by phasic contractions, whereas low

compliance detrusor instability is diagnosed when

the pressure rise during filling is> 15 cmH20 and does

not settle when filling ceases. Urodynamic stress incontinence is diagnosed if leakage occurs as a result of coughing in the absence of a rise in detrusor pressure.

Video -cystourethrography

representation of subtracted cystometry. If a radio-opaque filling medium is used during cystometry, the lower urinary tract can be visualized by X-ray screening with an image intensifier.).

Intravenous urographyThis investigation provides little information about

the lower urinary tract but is indicated in cases of haematuria, neuropathic bladder and suspected uretero-vaginal fistula.


Ultrasound is becoming more widely used in urogynaecology.

Post-micturition urine residual estimation

can be performed without the need for urethral

catheterization and the associated risk of infection.

This is useful in the investigation of patients with

voiding difficulties, either idiopathic or following

postoperative catheter removal. Urethral cysts and

diverticula can also be examined using this technique.


PVR < 50cc - Adequate bladder emptyingPVR > 150cc - Avoid bladder relaxing

drugsPVR > 200cc - Refer to UrologyPVR > 400cc - Overflow UI likely

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces accurate anatomical pictures of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract and has been used to demarcate compartmental prolapse.


Cystourethroscopy establishes the presence of disease in the urethra or bladder. There are few indications in

women with incontinence.

• Reduced bladder capacity.

• History of urgency and frequency.

• Suspected urethrovaginal or vesicovaginal fistula.

• Haematuria or abnormal cytology.

• Persistent urinary tract infection.

Urethral pressure profilometryUrethral pressure profiles can be obtained

using a catheter tip dual sensor microtransducer.

Measurement of intraluminal pressure along the

urethra at rest or under stress (e.g. coughing) appears to be of little clinical value because of a large overlap between controls and women with USI.

TREATMEN Simple measures such as exclusion of urinary tract

infection, restriction of fluid intake, modifying medication (e.g. diuretics) and treating chronic cough and constipation play an important role in the management of most types of urinary incontinence

Urodynamic stress incontinence

Prevention Shortening the second stage of delivery and


traumatic delivery may result in fewer women developing

stress incontinence. The benefits of hormone replacement therapy have

not been substantiated. The role of pelvic floor exercises either before or

during pregnancy needs to be evaluated

Conservative management

Physiotherapy is the mainstay of the conservative treatment of stress incontinence.

1- ( Kegel execise ).

With appropriate instruction and regular use,

between 40 and 60 per cent of women can derive benefit from pelvic floor exercises to the point where they decline any further intervention.

Premenopausal women appear to respond better

than their postmenopausal counterparts. Motivation and good compliance are the key factors associated with success.

2-The use of biofeedback techniques,

e.g. perineometry and weighted cones, can improve

success rates. Maximal electrical stimulation is gaining popularity. A variety of devices have been used but have not been very successful.

3-Caregiver interventionsScheduled toiletingHabit trainingPrompted voiding


For women seeking cure, the mainstay of treatment is surgery.

The aims of surgery are:

restoration of the proximal urethra and bladder

neck to the zone of intra-abdominal pressure

transmission, to increase urethral resistance, a combination of both.

The choice of operation depends on the clinical and urodynamic features of each patient, and the route of approach.

1-The colposuspension operation is associated with the highest success rates in the hands

2-The artificial sphincter has been used since 1972. It is used where conventional surgery has failed and the patient is mentally alert and manually dexterous.

3-Peri-urethral bulking has attracted considerable interest because of the inherent simplicity of the of most surgeons.

Silicon (Macroplastique) have all been

evaluated in the last decade. Subcutaneous fat,

although cheap, has poor efficacy and therefore has lost popularity.

Contigen collagen is usually injected paraurethrally and Macroplastique transurethrally. Most surgeons inject collagen under local anaesthetic and Macroplastique under general anaesthetic.

4-Laparoscopic colposuspension may be performed, and in the best hands gives equivalent results to the open procedure but takes longer and does not appear to offer advantages in terms of postoperative recovery.


Urethral Hypermotility Marshall-Marchetti-Kantz

procedure Needle neck suspension

Intrinsic sphincter deficiency Sling procedure

Surgery is reported to “cure” 4 out of 5 cases, but success rate drops to 50% after 10 years.

OTHER INTERVENTIONS Pessaries Diapers or pads Chronic catheterization

Periurethral or suprapubic Indwelling or intermittant

Detrusor over-activity and voiding difficulty

Detrusor over-activity can be treateed by bladder

retraining, biofeedback or hypnosis, all of which tend to increase the interval between voids and inhibit the symptoms of urgency. These methods'-are effective in between 60 and 70 per cent of individuals. Anticholinergic agents such as oxybutynin 2.5 mg twice daily or tolterodine 2 mg twice daily can be equally as effective.

The latter has fewer side effects, mainly dry mouth and constipation. Imipramine is often used for enuresis and desmopressin (an antidiuretic hormone analogue) is useful for nocturia.

Neuropathic and non-neuropathic detrusor instability can be treated with anticholinergic drugs.

Bladder emptying can be achieved either by the use of clean intermittent self-catheterization or by an indwelling suprapubic or urethral catheter. Drug therapy to encourage and aid detrusor contraction or relax the urethral sphincter is relatively ineffective.

New developmentsThere is a wide variety of suburethraltape operations now available and these are

currentlyundergoing evaluation. The most novel of these

uses the obturator fossae as an approach route to insert a tape.(TOT)

There are several new pharmaceutical agents being evaluated for the treatment of urge incontinence, and a new drug for stress incontinence, duloxetine, will be launched soon.


Urge Incontinence Oxybutynin (Ditropan) Propantheline (Pro-Banthine) Imipramine (Tofranil)

Stress Incontinence Phenylpropanolamine (Ornade) Pseudo-Ephedrine (Sudafed) Estrogen (orally, transdermally or transvaginally)
