GURPS 4th - New Talents

Post on 28-Nov-2015

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Transcript of GURPS 4th - New Talents

Gurps Talents

Compiled by SandmanBr

Originally posted at

The material presented here is the original creation of the referenced submitters,

intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is

not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.

I would like to thank all those who contributed to this project in one form or another:



Perfect Organism





Ellie the Technomancer




Rev. Pee Kitty



In this document, you’ll find a number of Talents for use with Gurps 4E. Remember

that Talents are only a suggestion, not a hard rule. You can change or adapt as you see

necessary for your own needs.

If you note any errors, or if you want your submission removed, or if have any

suggestions, ideas etc., please email me at:

1000 Ways to Kill: Blowpipe, Garrote, Knife, Poisons, Thrown Weapon, and

Traps. [5 CP level]

Memetic Engineer: Carousing, Connoisseur, Current Affairs, Intelligence

Analysis, Market Analysis, Politics, Propaganda, Public

Speaking, Sociology, Teaching and Writing. Reaction Bonus:

any reaction roll made under the rules for Psychological

Warfare (p. 359) or to influence a group in the long term.

[10 CP level]

Military Genius: Strategy, Tactics, Leadership, and Soldier. Reaction bonus

from soldiers and military types. [5 CP level]

Born to Conquer: Strategy, Tactics, Leadership, Soldier, Public Speaking,

Administration, Combat Engineering, Diplomacy, and Savoir-

Faire (Military). Reaction bonus from soldiers and military


[10 CP level]

Perverted Mind: Your obsession with criminals, terrorists and the unhinged

provides strange insight but it probably isn't healthy.

Criminology, Detect Lies, Interrogation, Psychology, Search

and Streetwise. Reaction bonus: detectives and psychologists.

[5 CP level]

Blagger: Acting, Fast Talk, Gambling, Intimidation, Panhandling,

Merchant. Reaction Bonus: anyone who doesn't know you. [5 CP Level]

Hobbyist: Artist, Boating (RC), Driving (RC), Engineer, Hobby Skills,

Knot Tying, Machinist, Photography, Piloting (RC), Sewing. [10 CP level]

Computer Wizard: Computer Hacking, Computer Operation, Computer

Programming, Engineer (Electronics), Research; Reaction

bonus applies to computer programmers and hackers.

[5 CP level]

Devious Wrecker: Your sly and underhanded perspective of machines is too

bizarre for other engineers to second-guess; Armoury

(sabotague only), Computer Operations (hacking only),

Electronics Repair (sabotague only), Electrician (sabotague

only), Electronic Operations (Security), Electronic Operations

(Electronic Warfare), Explosives (traps and anti-tamper

circuits only), Mechanic (sabotague only) and Traps. Reaction

bonus:sabouteurs, burglars and Luddites.

[5 CP level]

Natural Leader: Administration, Leadership, Politics, Public Speaking,

Teaching. Reaction Bonus: anyone below you in a hierarchical

social structure (members of your squad, your secretary,

apprentices, etc).

[5 CP level]

Fleshworker: Diagnosis, Bioengineering, Biology, Pharmacy, Physician,

Physiology, Psychology, Surgery, and Veterinary. Reaction

Bonus: anyone funding or critiquing your work.

[10 CP level]

Impersonator: Acting, Disguise, Body Language, Steetwise, Mimicry,

Savoir-Faire (Servant). Bonus applies to actors, impersonators

and disguise artists.

[5 CP level]

Speed Freak: Your perception seems to be wired for scenery moving at

100mph. Driving, Parachuting, Pilot, Riding, Skiing,

Teamster. Reaction bonus: drivers and pilots.

[5 CP level]

Seducer/Seductress: Acting, Carousing, Erotic Art, Fast Talk, Sex Appeal Bonus

opposite sex. [5 CP level]

Master Planner: You have an uncanny knack for seeing which slow plans will

succeed and making sure they pay off at the right time.

Administration, Diplomacy, Finance, Games, Politics,

Strategy. Reaction bonus: Generals, senior civil servants and

elder statesmen.

[5 CP level]

Trancer: You are good at putting yourself into altered states of mind.

Autohypnosis, Body Control, Dreaming, Meditation, and

Mental Strength. The Autotrance perk goes well with this

talent. Bonus: anyone who's impressed by that sort of thing.

[5 CP level]

Occultist: Hidden Lore, History, Literature, Occultism, Research

Bonus: Historians, Researchers, anyone with ties to (or

experiences with) the supernatural.

[5 CP level]

Encyclopaedic: You absorb huge amounts of trivia and, more importantly, can

spot relationships between facts. Skills: Area Knowledge,

Conoisseur, Current Affairs, Expert Skill, Geography, History,

Intelligence Analysis, Research and Theology. Reaction

bonus: trivia fans.

[10 CP level]

Mastermind: Administration, Anthropology, Economics, Finance,

Geography, Intelligence Analysis, Law, Leadership, Politics,

Propaganda, Psychology, Sociology, Strategy.

[10 CP level]

Perfect Timing: The timing of a joke, retort or profound phrase cannot be

explained, yet you know it. Skills: Carousing, Intimidation,

Performance, Public Speaking, Saviour-Faire, Sex Appeal.

Reaction bonus: actors, comedians, orators, presenters and

other stage artists.

[5 CP level]

Scientist: No matter the temptation to jump to conclusions, you follow

the scientific process of observe, theorise, experiment and

explain. Skills: Anthropology, Bioengineering, Biology,

Chemistry, Criminology,Forensics, Geology, Metallurgy,

Meteorology, Paleontology, Pharmacy, Physician, Physics,

Physiology, Psychology, Sociology and Veterinary. Reaction

Bonus: scientists.

[15 CP level]

Gourmet: Cooking, Connoisseur (Wine), and Merchant (Food). Reaction

Bonus: anyone you eat with or prepare food for. [5 CP level]

Chaotic: Nobody can counter your style or techniques because you're

too chaotic to have one, you nutter! Skills: Brawling, Driving

(offensive and evasive only), Fast-Talk, Guns (unaimed only),

Knife, Piloting (offensive and evasive only) and Wrestling.

Reaction bonus: rebels without a cause, violent sociopaths and

Tank Girl fans.

[5 CP level]

3D: Most people envisage direction in relation to a surface but

your perception is free. Skills: Aerobatics, Aquabatics, Free

Fall, Navigation (Air, Space or Hyperspace), Piloting, Tactics

(Air, Space or Hyperspace). Reaction Bonus: spaceship

captains and zero-g athletes.

[5 CP level]

Social Butterfly: Area Knowledge, Carousing, Current Events, Detect Lies.

Savoir-Faire, Streetwise. Reaction Bonus: anyone in a purely

social situation.

[5 CP level]

Natural Athlete: Running, Throwing, Acrobatics, Riding, Climbing, Jumping. [5 CP level]

Blackguard: You see the dark desires that few people even admit to

themselves. Just stay away from me. Skills: Body Language

(violence and perversions only), Criminology (violent

sociopaths and perverts only), Detect Lies (violence and

perversions only), Interrogation (violence and perversions

only), Intimidation, Leadership (undisciplined mob only),

Performance (incitement to hatred only), Propaganda

(incitement to hatred only), Psychology (violent sociopaths

and perverts only), Public Speaking (incitement to hatred

only), Sex Appeal (perverted subjects only). Reaction bonus:

fascist demagogues, violent sociopaths and filthy hedonists.

[5 CP level]

Child Empathy: When people grow up, they no longer understand a child's

perspective but you haven't forgotten. Skills: Acting, Body

Language, Detect Lies, Diplomacy, Fast Talk, Interrogation,

Intimidation, Performance, Psychology and Teaching

(children only in all cases). Reaction bonus: children and their

stressed parents.

[5 CP level]

Data Processor: In an age of information overload, you can sift and locate the

gems at breathtaking speed. Skills: Accounting,

Administration, Criminology, Economics, Intelligence

Analysis, Law, Mathematics (Statistcs), Market Analysis,

Research, Sociology. Speed Reading.. Reaction bonus:

researchers, sentient computers and statisticians.

[10 CP level]

Tussler: You get in close, fight furiously, spot mistakes and react

faster. Skills: Boxing, Brawling, Driving (dogfighting only),

Interrogation, Intimidation, Judo, Karate, Knife, Piloting

(dogfighting only), Sports, Tactics, Wrestling. Reaction

bonus: street fighters and combat pilots.

[10 CP level]

Systems Engineer: Most technicians learn techniques but never truly understand. You

comprehend the complex synergies and glitches of interdependent

systems. Skills: Armoury (complex and ultra-tech only), Computer

Operations, Electrician, Electronics Repair, Engineer, Mechanic.

Reaction Bonus: technicians and those that depend on the machines

you maintain.

[5 CP level]

Opinion Former: Whether the critics call it lowest common denominator or

understanding the collective consciousness, your work touches

a very broad range of people. Skills: Artist, Musical

Composition, Musical Instrument, Performance, Poetry,

Politics, Propaganda, Public Speaking, Sociology and Writing.

Reaction Bonus: Artists, stage performers, orators and


[10 CP level]

Complete [censored]: One half of you has a deep, Freudian need to focus on ways of

hurting people. Whereas the other half just enjoys focusing on

ways to hurt people. Skill: Acting (lying to cause panic, fear or

despair only), Brainwashing, Fast Talk (causing panic, fear or

despair only), Interrogation, Intimidation, Judo (locks and pins

only), Propaganda (inciting panic, fear or despair only), Public

Speaking (causing panic, fear or despair only), Wrestling

(locks and pins only). Reaction bonus: torturers, callous

sadists and other, complete [censored].

[5 CP level]

Gift of Necros: Exorcism, Expert Skill: Thanatology, Occultism, Professional

Skill: Mortician, Religious Ritual, and Theology. Reaction

bonus: Faithful and servants of Necros.

[5 CP level]

Impersonator: Acting, Body Language, Disguise, Mimicry, Savoir-Faire, and

Streetwise. Reaction bonus: Those successfully deceived. [5 CP level]

Truth-Seeker: Criminology, Detect Lies, Forensics, Interrogation,

Observation, and Search. Reaction bonus: Inquisitors, judges,

and the truthful.

[5 CP level]