Gunk A.WAIIAN B&ifl BTe BE...

Post on 03-Sep-2019

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Transcript of Gunk A.WAIIAN B&ifl BTe BE...

f?3- - "kbJ$- - , A.WAIIAN GAZETTE. GML) B


Por Plain sud P&bcj Piitf,OS X- -1 ZSJI "1AUC.


VOL. '34. : HONOLIXr, WEDNESDAY, JT-V-E 29. 1S70. (86.00 PER : DTSPATCS.



Ocsxiiss -- Lc, BT XESGHAXT i xmu J-- cr ryL...;' --c b - c sac.

I55GBTHKCX - . fp lIWKIS T .Xrt3S -- gT.

IS 5ttT sr . X5se,.b Vsml M 4h s1bpb-- b

taMi - -- - - m-- cnCOHK. --nsox the 'Kouii r T JL tftSlivnlrtr

EX SEVHES O-O- r r --- S. . 55svS, -- .?asrs:.fc3c TV- - r tmt? vr - ruiwl - Mmo. arr. r irrwiT rx-Fr-r tuum. --urr A UISS S

CWcTTHr. ! ni,l i i" CVllni L. J C-O---pas

C7TT!n "' B--B ei.. a.iaa a ill if

"' "" "" " TCr., 3 , jL s. cleghoilv.

C' JC WSE. --- n .- - S 5 e- - --7r

-- - --" a -- -- JLXD --- -- B--T fi. A OtL ;"" ' ax - m rflVr - T ' : . i

.JH- - .,--.,t-L- i,. G0ISSI0X SGSTS, !

JST-y-Tl n 1 nlm, ..

i nj I lCUT Kt El mC H Tm P n

Hi ii !! j k CM. AC ST T r r rx. TSBt mC bk. T A .. 'ACIBITStteT cm r(tSlEAaEPE .

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SL CQU33B COS. 32E. .

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c X- - mope J-- c- - .

umi .v nicKM)x. !

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r . fV W. . ; Uoy i noi a r a in S. . ii i pi . tw ii c aiciIf Til i lll f. i H .JOILX X. WATKKUOCSH.

S3 Tyr-?- g jr b'av.'it

IV. I GKL,(4:T,, was5J.x astst a ysflTT?--PV"fCfBT ofoaBaJV 4l CM1 )- - L


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AV. IIIAMmser A- S- ssjMinl. t i

T. 0.eisesrr iy iirH6rn: ;

She h . Lnk' Oil ir S-- Vl: t-o- - ill Tj j

T1IEO. 11. U.VVI-U- S.

(I- - T 1 111. ft Ml AC- -;A eTSff6 AT, i

1 4y hrtiMfuit Q- -


S. V C-- "tit1V.V Jt tnrr,


I I TOUBEUT.Tlr. IS" Lt AS 1 TT irrc--n jysmmseS Cm Q jga xaf Tt x

BOU-E- S Jc COsE' cASis coros :

CLEk-r-xt- h, ;RS-Mx-

6--rnr kiPC h ea ii Xk


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rjx nd to Sc 1 . tt ! tJl 2 fllCUOG ECOOX.

C rti t rt Ar,L ' af Tea x i flrm xad J e S x

--VaeTM Bin Ii rf Ax tr,l ,1 tt.t t rc Rrrfrr. wS ax ft . t r laxj. ri-l-tl

fTJ..rx,XT : ST- - C0I !- X A7e XZij

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r t) EK" Ia ED -ts VnIMl M I . S Khi-m- '. -- TilCMfrml lBmxmat CmpBj2Xcrv &ll tt Hr X Cv

fic Infonscc C iptyCiMfanU !;, ndll.rar xtl IBtre Company.

i an TMaadkatiinH. COSEPANT..DIGED, ACESTS OF THETHE C y. S- - 'n to 1 T n '

mm Crr Krrt;t Truok.H BM - . , l IKK

y . HACST I Co. ,


IS--AK"C-E C0?AST. t

1 Lu , . . x trieb Crjk. Frrlx-- tt Trt a urr. Cttcrs

I mm HI . aC Tpo;



Kr-ii.ei.IK- 5

CASH CAPITAL- -. SSOe.eSO In GOLD.J0S UVDie ko ii ill 1 1TS mm tmmt O.IH? hr nt !

aoMl M afft !. k Bnc. :Tifcom . 1

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MERCH.- -) T! JinTAL--TAP.TKS ixstisaxcs co:y

Or S- - Kr-rlc- o-

K CD-SlGX-EO --Tlc Inn --p.TH Icth fir e HI C w, yfto fi i 1 go. rU:-uIT- -r

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st: C0?AT.UK CSDKR--IG- J EDT , - Sla-- T Bric 8-l- ld-

t k n. rr opW i titi r . or. ,

Insurance Notice. I

TII1E AG EAT FOR THE ETI.B For-J- LMili Ir CK--. 1 -- ill r rr--

m 11 1 ii c r i1

mmL Para--i r LmemX Xmmm,

IX ixjjx pa -THXO EL ATr

fr t imr Jr Mi


14. r. .... ai, !

6e c- - ;ti Seiizjez 4 Cs'i Vi ! '

: Huifi uitt-- i t rtn. hi'irr r fO x krrt. t -l- nai'iir fiMir b-- tc-- .i-- .-t aaato to hr chi!- - 1!

m . W.fcn (ri !.- -uwuutoatMp. y--.

C. W. CREY & CO.,Hawaiian Soap Works,

At .-l i -- UriI-- xX Ytzis af Sc. eef. --tt. xad cxt

7x . Wx ei-- t0 t. M Fart Sett, ae. rnt rfl be reeer red

x--d prsfr t e led t W . I

oss, I

Sa. I7?Si'iE.J j


iAS COX5TTT.T OJ H x Tarlrtr-- !

--r .i. rrviTr. , , t- -irrTr. .;-- rVr ttTxr-r -i- TTT-r i.ti. .j ... !


ifrr 1 C- - It-- f .E xE iii Xj , Ja-- SEs.

Cnai r, to ta ane.Old FxrtIt- - Ke- -f phoLI-rt-- .

ejrex4Ted , --rrnx Tmirif.? h n , ''"rr; -

IS--T AB si - aaiir BSIe jrtofiljxdtx. st



r a scxiaxfi,GT r r TiT--r- x- 0D r

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i?f. Si. GKOUlOt Jt CO:

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'fcyni it -- - -- -v C Hn 1. .--

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.6 Kc Mmt, Rootl.

: ti ccr X tvoaoKN--r-

J. SOTT & CO.,etct.ctl'rf. vl crs,

r ol of vr-- r d & Por ds -here. T--cy a : - S

Jt JtSkee Coaocr, S--

tet T,Sit Lnd. Sfceet Ires,Ire Wire.

S.s5-r- . i3 i.rreued S-tl-ce Cm.Tinted Hiiti.

Cff rr 5irru . -AI -- a. v .rt W


"Cop-- Ttw ir- - Sry Jii. rttr-- h nhrtT afJd Wr ssd cut

i e S SST Wmrt

sot. ttzns ;- -. -- - yifn. Ae. rt

vl eec mmi . f xt --C. S f1SJ

.iri I LEIVIS,

COOPER A2TD GATJGER,At tie 0. , eexis Sel Seea.

A Lutt - -- $- mat Bii C gi. X-- ?.- L H j Vt a - to

t. n x ninii ibh fpr -- e

-- . 4p. a C r - 2 . if mJ

a. 11. xnojtpjsox.GE2TERAL '

Q Street.EMCs-tiia- i-i V.K

S - ?S " Jf

f. ir. c g. segei.ico,xnr, zrsc td copp a sjth, asd

STTT ros KX5S,Se iere C- -f

S tt cc rr 5 . P- fr. rt--a .: 1,. ir,xr j. ii.r a. t-- . -- trli-- ret Ts.

7 rTw efTer 7 -.

F 1 lw gm to S y-- Or ctrw ri. 'T tt O-s- n- --T H t the !FTrtr be r Utor puns-r- e Is tr- -. -- r fe Vr- t - rr

R. KVCBOPX.Eorsz ro yT? x

ir Seet. z ta tie ""- -- L. Tct. IT urici, ir ,

F-- is It I7 Ii x 6Te I-n- sn. '

xx-- -- -' . .- -i Exc rVty. crce x or in rsat t to Li xi.rt

IJICi SO:Y Ar BOLSXEK.House, Sign and SMp Painters,

So-- t- - Fart Strret.

7w. 6 ftc, ;. FK. j

( B . urn l errTKI - jBTtt tT ! 1 t. 2 t

mt ii Orirr ef Dxy.

TTAViGcoTErc- -AL 41 lJ es rrrn . I fcepe

- to he xi ta iiit tie tsmtt LutkL , Bi 'JL PotoTpk or any Size. '

r . Crr;il to x tx-- ti. EtSiyUATd -- ttL.r x T. ?.. T.-- . T. -ti K,, Q-- fr. x--i rSTatx t I

LL L. CHASE,--It Pert ta


ApplrtaAfl --ii, ISTt. 15- - W. L. GEEEST.


vm the tisr 3un kjoetjiiox.a af .- -?

. . iSSt o3S5S.

X KW - X? x ci ea.


Sncsr and Iolsse,REOS T FIOSIXE !.ilX

E CS--- CL

Sgr and cses.THL TTXIEIX TO.FOX KT. cixVr

'b-- W.

Sgr sad olsses.


TnXW- - TTTE hxx S-j- o-- p- Jt rfs.vr 'aa .- ---

5r c-r sti n "Vn5??

TJW) il-- ruii .

X OMf 3eirrn . SimUlI- -

xo. I I.

Sgr and Kolasses,CROP .VOff C03C tX, and for sale

H to sr wiuhiALLEN. As.

oxo ?irrio".- IoI Crop lTO

ptiHN rS". PS SALS S" QANTITTBSy stperce. --J- JLV. Apr.


nrr- - and JoloCMOS. IX. WS SALE xy JAXTrrlES

T0SG T. Vrl- - 1TE AT.T.KV. A ,?.

ygtmr. ?LATATI0".rVew Crop of Suar A: j?IoIa


ti sc .; Vr14t C- - EKXWTEK t CO.. ActsU.


vrr csep sow coig iy. yos salea is to nit . Vr


Pr QCAXTITIES TO SDIT PCSCHASEESxi n--- x- Pnces, fmr 5 e t


Regular Packet for Koolau, Oahu.

THE CLIPPERL Schooner Liliu, k

J. WOOD, ..... JIuKr,m imn rer It V.ees xsd the Tin--

; p af Ke Us. Ox

Fr frrir- -t or pxre xpoir ta tieIl-- CAPTAIX, en bcari.

For Kona and Kao, Hawaii.

Schr. Active,P. --lELLIiH, .... Muter,

t 1 r b s x re peket ta tic xbare parts.Tar trexz- -t" cr px .re xj.fir ta


Regular Packet for Holokai.

Schr. Pauahi,BALLLSTER, ..... H-xt- er,

. rt x -- x rer r pxeet Vctvees Hsxi .. Umciirr xt Exxxxxl x&d Palo.

Far frtirit ar p?-- rr xffij ta te CxpUia eVex rj r



m THIS ESTABLISH TEST IS XOW 03mzSi r t- -e rvfa Tt, t Tao pBte , vb - re3r 3W te r . x good

1 . I fnBfCx. xicH (a Ir tCriTer (XT,


--tenet Gric S --tiled if SexirtCHARGES r.EAiOSABLE.

P T ; T Tte tT..pi.i ... ..1.ta be teer. ty . H. Bo, .

XJ lrt I

Florida Water of the Best Quality.


A Grtt cf tiil Oilf.scll --s Oil of F.omr, Oil or Brciniirt die .Gljceri-- e, Sjrr in ttt.Bre--it Pjrry. "rr Bt.Trj. Ae., Coc Bstr,

"HtU Sf.-r- t.

tTHte CxrtBe Soxp.P KTKer. Ac Ac

For Sale mt Uweat Fx, 07- -


GROCERIES!t Sales and Small Profits!


RYASTS nJSrPI STORE!S Ctr. y in ud bee 6t t

--MEATS,xad Cxiix exti xsd Seapt,

Tit lily --y f!) EOIXES A CO.

ASU OAKS,cf t:,f , fst ix!e by


Xegislatire jocees.crr-T-- ftiT. Jse. -- S3.

A --r --1n uUi wU.

.in fijn a?- -. ra?m. a Trfrr- r-

Th- - 'I'rt "r !i-- eiit

tei t ir .tamw,? x E r Srat Srr iSB

kKM ( tS9-- mt,

t. b ;iTi Tit niu ""I iiTIiWi TMT"tt

3ac i

e te ; Sy St S!-- x,


JUS. --Ma i -- 3i w t! j.

JCSTOpia. ;Cia f . Xm. tie Tsies --rsre -

IteEsp- B- a4 ttxl ce t

TstL erx tie - i

piM 5L E-- e c i C- - j

1. j-- j

-- :s r (. mo--!: ,.. Pa.

Tiiii ii tl iiifc ii ti.TTflT 2esjr m-r--- --

: f , frca leHfana r- -.C ni wC fUVU

a, IWe

- im JcfSJR 3rt tjjegjg5 mumr,, u rIfcricKCi.j fmi ii neoa t p of 1 n nil

j e - st rrst a yrte; l, ,iii- - . Vot tr p sres -


! Tre, ce l.mi: trrzct s -- at ke , afec .

fOw-tn- He Jg :n tree. tw- - e yae :,

z-- e kr Vr.Ubc t- -e TT?rt

f , Me vo-- M dis--pf M mi-- rr Sr tes, --a. ku! tfce e 1 sot ret ee far ct ge

v9fe.Limoj - n p r f il to fee pc Betted ef; - lc ! ua The p liuufte

of htc: toiliMti tc --ci, xcsec

tc y 1 flr.ogTe-- t of tetmla Ie of 1 iiowiil, i$ tt but one, k( mUbeee f n - f-- lie did eot e saytc t sot xs eed x ee iay to atke eh cv; vcfr. of ent ct,he hi ac docht os sshjeeL

Hi. Bice fitvond ce. sad et.ed Kvte of the erB wottg of the pcrsest ,til crtBe : s pan at te essaby po--

S. PH ipo Dored tfcxt fin erefklenUios ol thehe post pooed. xsd thu tie Attsn 1

report to the Heo the ext .a cec try to! -- iyes the -- area

Thts oti b v eTiePsce of , fT,0CH L CobsiM m 'Jen e.'peod ed,

toi, 03 an o , ther eoeside Uos ef xB Itemsrr o the poBee ns ss-- j tffi the Attorney-G- e

refjortleo of PoBee Serrke. 1,001 Ces(ent-ti- e

m ef U ittt .pe d s4 tt-- thei-- o re metleo.m a i r -- rd.Sy of lospeet M,0 Con; era-ti-

i;peded --otR cob of the A ta y uponthe Bl iatrw toeed hy H. IL, W. C Lnt-H- io, on theeh)ry ef the Presfck at ef the Bord ef Ed cmth n.

Srfiry of Cfcrt of Board of Edo Jhra, 3,TOOL

Coo enoofpe-de- d tor the same re. Mm. Pesd-- 7

the ce km of thU iteo, the Oommitte rotexs pensi.:- - to tit ar n on Friday. ReportappntTed.

Bis . ifr. VtSHpf, moTed that Ten 1 Rati rc- -

Utisc to U DepxrUBea t be Bile tbe special orderr to orrsw, as he ireBtd I ve town shortly.The raotio vas carried, xsd t- -e Botue adjoarsed.

Fostt-t- o its Dxt. Jane 23d, 1S70.The A siUy met at 10 . , tbe Pre Meat in

theChur. Alter pnjer bj tlx Clpt a, the mine 3

of the preee atcjr day were read xad approved.Brpert tf -- . The Special Committee to

vboia wax refcrnd t- -e petition from Bi-ia- l-, re--

card c the PoHce, report co midera tion, acdtae-d- ed cxatalcatioo of tbe matter by

tbeHo-s- e.

i2- c- m IL EL, W. C LnJUo, offeredBesohit that oee ef the Xobles of thu ?etnbybe excased froa farther atteadan at tbe raeeUcso( the Hoase, tbi i sess io , 03 aeceoBt of tic-- nt. s,

aad that a ssra of raoaey be atpropruted for hUcie. Rated out of order.

Oa motk , the rcks were ssspended, aad Mr.PiBpo trodaee d a Bill to amead Section 52S of theCSrB Code, which was read first time, xad pass ed tosee A rea ib asder the rale .

Order cfthe Dxy. First in order was the Bill topro Tide for the ase ment of a part of the expenseof baikheg roads upon the estates be ce-tt- ed thereby, on its third readme. The Bill ni read aadpassed, the ayes xad Days rig,caHrd on a motionte h teiy postpotse, which was lest by a rote ofUtoSL

A B to pro ride for an appropriation for Cni tornHoase G sards, wat read third time, and passed.

The Chair thea read the mKng on tbe oaest ionu to whether the Bill introduced by Mr. Tbomp into repeal Section 1 Oof the Ciril Cod ewaa in order.The relief wax as feBows:

ieKt er for He ol tin (Mr. Thompsoc,) re--qsesu are to read far the first t ime, a BUI, of w hibe has frtren prerlo sotice, to repeal Section 1 120

of the Qril Code."By the actio oof the Bocte, the repu sfof Section

10 of the Cf Til Cede, together with certain adjoin- -

is Sectkt--s, has been In dtfinitelj po tpoaed. Rale40, of the S diss Bales aad Orders of this Hoase,reads as follows:

" Vtmen a qaeetion is Indefinitely postponed, thesame shall not be acted apon again daricg thetess .

"Therefore, tbe introt loction of the Bill of theMe ber from Hoaoisla, rrptoUng Secton 10 of tbeCStH Code, is lied oat of order.

"A tespeesloo of rales will be Becestary in orderthat the B31 may be entertaiced.

"IL K-- Hnt-co- cx,

" or the Assembly."

Mr. Tbopon appealed to the Hoase from the

rh; of the Chair. He objected that this was notthe same BEl that had been before the Atteably:

was aa tzthc!y di-e-re-t matter; asd, as had

been raled, had been id eficitelyp tpoaed. Thiswas x new Bill, and thonld be considered beforerej tion.

Mr. Lyons was opposed io s rnlicg. If it hadtie t prop to rerrire tbt b to repeal SectionsHIT to 1 o, IcclnsiTe, of tU. c.-.- Code, it would

ite been oat of order, bet tm wax aa entirelycew BUL raled cat cf the Hoase before it had beencons ideT L

His Ex. Mr. Smith sea taintd the ntllcg of tbe Chairon this catio The object of the roll j was thatwe ny xtcU doia; oar work orer azxicj li it werecot so, all of oar work might bare to be repeatedand gone orer, to an lad eni extent It baa beensaid that this is cot the same quest loo that has beenbefore the 'Basse. There ronld be many opi ocs00 this Trailer: some wishicg lo xaead this point,any others that point,' tat sr the whole Her

': k tra tot nd c xSr (, ci htv ai Swm tttj jvkrmC tte ra

wrrr tt i6rte era Btcs r cms . aI & mSx i

apa r t sh e te in H 17

crwr hirr x urr JW orxraz oa U sore a Tninifk-i--i- T. i u te

: at i tvfti ta .tc Bsxt 1 1 rharrtr E S--KttK

jax m-- Sc s tmT- -t bir? Tr Urm'tor ie--

ra iI r t pii, t tiimtStE rJStrxsi a it (Kapam! rrpeU aaif x ise 5cs tof It sr.iwml f n;I tr tr

re. Ttti ad t- - 1 tyr

e E I J3 TTT TfcTi in ntie i jorpowe - te re- -

y.StfftxK-i-it-C- Dryse1STCT3C2!-Ti- -t;w. tra -- i.W MtM . i

- r ofCL E ret s fcsrr ofrr e Ibe jrtof tt Speale-- at tke Se of Cera,

J 7CTNX- -ithennil igp xad say that there h beta

I hecs the He ose to 7 S SS HSO efQt O ? He ipoke a; o rti, u sr

l Jtr e jt xt S .at as Off--wl -ti- er-fcr: be idhers tb ra ,! e J --?o - r1. u ,;w to the . The rsSecre- f- Chairwe sirietA al c xre aoiaet a re--j,c easy is s liw. h x -


S c t wt we ced sot eres cca- -s r She Bat ef she M her Sic

The rsr of the C r wxs seats, the aye.d ays be r. ayes, 17- - cays, 15; x it, 5;

--aeh U. xl rere sse rtte . L,

.Text i " Bitr-c- c y tteCS I

Csc wkseh was read a xeceod t--se. A E tinwas by i X , Pj,tt the BB beli iliiBBTih jautw xd, as best the nt t

re wl be a ceed deal ef a d st rrisafc !.

whfc td be ; ed aad bragt to tig txxtIgtrre; hes k, U re were --carry a tien tapij ef the ehi bwyet oa.

The sse bb was cart ityext her r a B te ee tie Jri c--t. of the Fe OcrtJ, whfeh was read x co 1

se, a a -- red te er . c aLA EHI te seesre te x a their wages, kl cases

ef tarsvtey, was read a third tkac : The cats reef the BHI was to seesre frost the ftsis ef therapt esta , first, what was ewrd to werl o, as

fc;h as $5. --bore which they shocld be paid prora-- L

As ie was ode by Mr. Lyecsto ord ler to eagre Mat.

A eo er-ta-e est was tasde by Mr. Bishop ta ia- --e-

fis-ely pes tpea He regar-e-d the BB1 as an inenhas apes oar present bas rapt laws; its teaorwas to sec-- re to eie rks and ethers of that extare.the first p ee la the settlement of sec-- estxtes, atthe expei s c ef ethers; aB shee- -l be treated aHie.

His Ei, Mr. fcpported the tao tioa ofMr. Lyoes. The BUI was a good oae, asd he hopedthe Hoese woeid pass iL

The bbs tiea to order to enossmeat wis CarrieA BBS i te amead tbe laws is regard to gaming wis

then read, aad ordered te engr smeaLA BtB BmiliBg the time within which actions may

be brosgfct for the recorery of land, was read asecosd time. The time, as contemplated by theBUL was to be Dot more than twenty years, Pcad- -

isg discassioo, the Hoase adjoaracd.FORTT-rrrn- i Dat, JnneSt tb, 1570.

Assembly met at 10 a. --, tbePrident in tbeChxir. After pra jer by the Chi plain, the mlaatesof the preceedisg dsy were read and approved.

JUporii cf Ommtita. Committee oa Jaildaryreported coas ideratio a of a BUI to rrgnlate criminalpnkedare, aad recommended Its passage with afew smead meats which they reported.

Oa motion the rales were suspended and the Billread 1st time by its title ooly, aad 00 farthertioa, was made tbe special order for Monday next.The corrmittee whose dnty it is to examine all peti-

tions cost niBg misce U icons subjects, reportedconsideration of a petition from Man!, oa potatoes,sheriff's salary at Honninla, and on salaries of HisMajesty aad tbe Ministers, recommending tablingthe same. Report approTed.

Order (Ac Day. A Bill to limit tbe time Inwhich actions xaa; be commenced to recoTer RealEstate, oa its --ad reading, came first on the orders,as aafiBUhed besisess. Motion to order to engross-

ment was carried.Consideration of tbe Appropriation Bill was then

taken np in place of the special order, of serera 1

Bills concerning tbe Attorney General's Depart meatHoase weat into Committee. Mr. Bishop Io theChair.

Uis Ex. Mr. PbilHps stated that be was preparedto report on the qnes Hon of appropriations for thePoKee. The matter had been Tery carefally consid-

ered in tbeefflce of tbe Marshal with the Governorsof the Tirio as Islands. The items were even greaterthan he had tbonrbt aad for the two comiLg Tearswould be as follows;

Police or Oaha tK,736" Hawaii 17,- -0

" " Maal 18,- -0" Kanai C.612

IncideaUls 1000

Total 103.563

which he tbonght woold be far beyond oar means,and be recommended etrious consideration by tbeAssembly before passing these amounts.

Items were than read from the aprpriatisa Bill as fo-

llow,;Pali cf Oxba xad Sepnty C utxblej $30,000

" " Maoi 7,700

" " Hawaii 9.J0O

" Kaaai 3,500

The items "ere tbea read from the report of HisEx. the Attorney General, on the Police. If x raidterri were isxngarated, there woald be Conitltleeia each District, paid a monthly Jary ef $12, whichweald mx- -e op the ram to the large xm'oaat sixted inthe gen rxl report.

Motica wxs mxde by Mr. Hitchcock thxt the itemfor Pcfice oa Oxbn pxis xs ia the Bill. Con-

fide lie dueniik.a eatned oa this motion, tbe reelingbeing Tery strong ia the side of the Represent tioasthxt x new iyitt shoald be inxugarxted, bat it wasthoaght that proruion had bee a made for too manyCenstabtes ia the eoontry Dutriets. Vxrioni notionswere mxde to rxite xnd to decrexre the ita, -- nxDy

the item passed xt (..,000.Under tbe Police Appropriations, Item second

passed at .3,000.Kern ber three' psssed at 110,600.

Knmber fonr passed at $5,300.

Incid enUls of Police Service, 11,000. Passed.In the Edccatlanal Department, items were read

and acted apon as follows:Sapport of Hawaiian and English Schools, $38,000.

Amended to $41,000, which pissed. "

Sapport of Common Schools, $17,000.' Amendedto Sapport of Common Schools In des tltnte Dlstricts, $17,000. Psssed.

Printing School Bocks, $4,200. Amended ledpassed at $5,000.

Stationery and Incidentals, $00. Pi ed.Befc rmalory School, $10,000. Amended and psssed

at $13,200.

Bnlldlr.g new School Hoaset, $3,000. Passed.Endowment of Seholanblps, t 0. Passed.Mr. Kaakao here moTed that an Item of $2,500 be

Inserted for the publishing. In book form, a al

a History. This was not bis own desire, alone,bet the with cf all the people from Hawaii toKilhas, and he had received letters oa tbe .object



til'- -














E C cc sS tSse 5 Sm TWhrnfi. Bs:: w ecr e ccnU t aw xa te,u-k-tgrint . he Bec

I cckrr tr cS -lb xseS ta ata2 Sj- lux;

e,ttcaM: r a' 3r !; f Bx a B teejiyat t He usee S c&nerfBJd r.f---- :n dC -- ta, J, jmtt.

of "ptortSed

ctieta;cteb "FtT.--- -- . w i t bst ersea

fecta n:fTcf t Tn. a5r,ta se yfatnl b t--c s: ! -

The C --c, rrr pr , tirag Bare la x& tfftia Co TCnlM nil . eject rp


ASS isnd as en e 3e Tse , era

bs sc ; readfej, wxst-- ca her:rod by tie C- -, xai ciidei td to j,. b. .

AB,7bsi te S tof A- -,

, ee to ecec rr , was rr 1 by tieC3 , asd e Sered cxti is L

A Bag to - r the Ha tot-- tx3--g tafan,sa case et x icwca the , iathe Hws ef the ferie ,was r a sjeeced tiaesythe Ort A tseti : by Mr .add tatC t tetaiie a a b ts-- e setT p tpocc .? C -- -, tbe Ho xijamed.

JL Captlre vTsrrlor.

Tbe Cct--Trt ief ef tie Fea arnrr,

ia K act ef :tS? Cipwti at tie Bead of abast, was ceBi asd cap red by two ten,

.aped iaia a : rod c--rrw - o? to BriijTiL m rF say t rt a Tjet & ' 1 rye oftiii rt rtec crrt epoa the Irisi c e?Very trae, tbe Inf people are not w pot iafee Xaii pop-- c 1 warn ; or his perf-- rs ices.Tbe Execs trre CVac , aad ot tie o rle-i- pretest . agxis tits T sect as s Ij intie degree. Bet tiere is 90 ethicg

r -t-oes ta tits Czxle; tim

tsmrae csir babrUi ta this rrnVing war epoa( , by a farce wbseh cook! cot tep its Gea-er- sl

froet captsre br two ea in a i ! Theseare "tie kerc s of tbe fretitr " Tbrse are thoC a in the gap I Xo soch pet loca as Uuiwl give irx peec to Iren

"Te forces of tbe Irish B pobe will moraepos GicU in force.' This was tbe orderwbicb tii3 great warrior sent by tefogTs- f- to allparts of the cosotrj. HaviDg arrive-- at tieborder, perbaps 500 strong, tbe grand army

baited, and tbe redoubtable warrior, emulatingtbe Cuce of Napoleon for electric appeals tobis men, made the following speech t " Sol-

diers I this is the adrxnee guard of the Irish,

line r an army for the liberation of Ireland.For year own country, (which, America or Iro-nd- ?)

yon now eater that of tbe enemy. Thoeyes of joer countrymen are upon yon. For.ward, march V This thrilling effort was responded

to, when the border was reached, by tbe rifles ofa few bidden behind I ashes. Thegreat warrior of the age watched with tbe eagle-ej- e

of a General-- 1 sident, the commencementof tbe war, when two men drove np in a back,

and the warrior, picked op like a runaway baby,

and tossed into the carriage, is safely removed

from the " field of glory." to the care of a jailor.We know of nothing to compare with this exploit, since that terrible struggle related by TomCorwin. in which the heroic militia general, withprancing steed and waring plant es, charred gal-

lantly apon a pnmpkin-Gel- and niter slashingright and left with his trenchant blade, capsiz ed,

and landed bead first in a rotten pumpkin. Batthis was imaginary. O'XciU'f scarcely less glo-

rious exploit forms part of tbe history of "ThoIrish --epnblicr

We have said, quite frequently, that there is)

no law in this country to prevent a man makingan asj of himself, and there is none. If O'Neill,or any other ninny, wants to play President of aFtepublic that doesn't exist, and if other ninnies'

want to play officials and generals, and if poorservant girls please to pay these fellows for beingsilly, and to strip them Ires cf tbslr hard-earne-

wages trt sapport n set of loafers In a big house,

nicely furnished and newly carpeted, over In

Brooklyn, wby, there isn't any law against iLThis is a free eoontry. Folks who want io bfools may, perhaps, as well spend money and .

time in getting np cartridges, guns, cannon, andother accoutrements, for a war with Great Britain,as in any other It gives work tosome honest and industrious powder and gunmakers, who pocket the cash and laugh at thedupes who pay it. Bat when people who lire oaAmerican soil, under tbe protection of Americanlaws, o oat to barn that powder in shooting in-

nocent Canadians, subject of ft Governmentwith wbicb we are at peace, then these UnitedStates of Araeri are forced to send a cotple ofofficer, with a back to arrest the army and lock

bim np. St. Louii Democrat.

A Xew Albany, lnd., man stoo-- by while xn sidling fight wxs going on between two women, everynow xnd then exelxinling: "Lick her, Betty, Uek her;you're my wife and if yon don't lick her. III lickyon." Betty obeyed her lord.

"I'm afraid yoa doa't like tables wbea they cry,"said a matron to a gentleman, at the tried to soothethe darling in her arm . "Oh, yet," tad he, "I likethem belt when they cry, beeaote I've observed thxtthen they sre invariably carried oat of the room."

Jot- - Billings fays thxt "the Use and thalamb maypottib Iy ramtlme Ixy dawn ia this world together farx fa minatei, bnt when tbe lion met to git np, thelxmb will be aiulag."

A plontly inclined person was exhorting Pxt on tiesubject of religion. Us indignantly xatwered, "Bare,and did't Ijino theMelhodiitiT Fair xn' I did. xjtntd for six Boatbi r, aad behaved so well they let atoff with tires!"

"I sy, ox," exclaimed s little minx ef thirteen,do you know the pyrotee hnical remedy is for e cry

ing infxntf" "Gracious goodness me, ne; I nrrarbeard of sat h a thing!" "Well, os. It's a-- roe e?

A smart boy of Belleic intxine, after eating a artapple, exeUlaed : "0b, dear! I've chewed sa OHrdlow!" "An Odd Fellow!" laid his mother.

Tel ; he's firing me the grip."

A Pirxa gives the following reply to con pee

deats " There Is no stated rale for writing lave letters. Yoa thonld write on roHeap paper, tad baseen ar toft si yoa tea, using words ef tuA .tttiilsg

lav that they wilt sfasle oa lie. point ef the pas. Jtis also advisable te sling in a bunch of pathos

inch as ' Dearest Aogottus, I lore jra wi 1

a loTrf larger than aa elephant's; I think cf y ersrydxy, and by aad by, when tbe days grow longer, Ishall telak of yoa twice day,' It If also wSaaooxb t sa iek-ll- In the corner, with the

'darling) I kissed tblf spot,' er 'I hovs aglTKy.'"








enes t krkr rirea that Jehaa Carl Pi a per.Esquire, lu takm eharg of the JCerth Gtmu Oee-sal- at

during the trT rThe. C. Umt, Esquire,Conn! for .forth Germane, at tbe request of the raidGenm1. Tbea. C llencb. ana aH persons at requ'weJte talf txtke of this faet, aad respect his asthorttj-S- a

that behalf.Cuxi. C Ilitui.

Minister ef Foreign Afair.Foreign OSce. Jnne 25th. 1ST.

Xorret is hereby giren tbat as EncJercrs befc ringto --Mr. WBtse at ManaVlKitrirt of Ilaaakaa. IiUadef Hawal. has this Jay Wo Ml apart a; a Genn-or-at

round in acceniasee wni Set til el the CStB

Mi.Pass. W. HeTetmsx.

IQabtM- of IatrrWr.iHcarvarc. jae isaa, ia.The arrival of the Wongs AVonga on

"VodH.tlny last, on her second voyagefrom Sydney and Auckland, was greetedby oar riticn with only les pleasurethan the first arrival of that vessel at theinauguration of the service. Althoughthe number, of passengers brought by theves.ol ob hr last was muoti less than bythe first trip, yet sta brought, probably, apaying Bomber, and nearer bo doubt theaverage that will take passage by the Hueinstil the size awl speed of the vessels em-

ployed are iBoreased. The arrival of thevessel ob her seood trip is a guaranteethat the Hndertalaag is something morethaa an cxjKMiajoat, aad a raarked reJHtalof the prognostication of those who fore-

boded that this lwrticelar enterprise wasraorely a filial and nnrelktble oSbrt tomake a sensation, by irresponsible parties.It has proved that those who have inang-urate- d

the line are worthy of oon&deaee,and that they have introduced steamoonMBnMcaiion between the great Ans- -

traKan Colonies and San Francisco, '

in the iwxiir wav. bv nndanakuif i

see others making ebrt to do demand-ia- g

gnarantes m the shape of subsidies,that tlveir nndextaking shall from the be-

ginning pay them heavy dividends, batthey have seen that a great trade can becreated between the already wealthyand ooastantlv srowins; colonies and thewestern coast of America, and with ska- - j


aa& ekjEoat

pre&s &5rcrts

oecee neadties.



tosdbiag atcs

talkedcaoaeesioa oriih


rconiEresdeat As-ses- ilr

by MV,


Civil Code. President rnlcd theKill introduced by ilr. Thompson exactlycovered part of the same ground as the

of Mr. Lyons, which had been indefi-

nitely postponed and could not, conse-

quently, brought before the House thissession. How the rnltng could have beenotherwise we are unable to see, althoughseveral of the members of the Assemblywho have undertaken to champion re-

peal of the and Servant Law, vot-

ed against sustaining the ruling of thePresident. Now, Mr. Lyons' was no

compromise at all, it proposed to repealthe whole from section 1417 to sec-

tion 1425 inclusive. Section 1420 beingan important part of the law which wasproposed to by this Kill, itcertainly looks as though, according to

rules of the ITouse and Parliamentaryafter to repeal the

whole law had been indefinitely postponedby the House, a proposition to repealpart of it could not be entertained. Mr.Thompson's Kill simply a of Mr.Lyons' Kill, and had the appeal fromruling of the Chair been sustained,would have been no end to opportuni-

ty of introducing Kills to repeal the law.philanthropic friends might have first

attempted to repeal the law by Sections,as Mr. Thompson did, and, failing in that,they might have taken up two Sections,

then three, and four, and five, untilthey had umxI up an indefinite periodtime, which might well be occupied forbetter purposes. The attempt to bringup the diseussion again in that way looks

to us very much using up the valua-

ble time of the AssemWr for nothing.

Concerning Coo

The following letter addressed to theAw letter San Francisco is from thepen of Mr. J. T. Doyen, (a gentlemenrare intelligence high attainments,whost? residence here, fewago. will be remembered many ourcitiaens,) is worthy of the persual of thatclass of people here, who, in default ofother arguments against immigra-tion, use similar arguments to those uedin United class referredto the. writer.

Bp. Xkws Lsttek: Oewerer tiiakleii aU;V it war be to be farerer settiag the dearpeWic arirbt, yet H does seem lilt is rie ofthe biitiat boss? CMstaattr emitted bv

OOTsgiendence." etc, who pltgseus with iheir " views " tfce CUacse qeestioe.we akl be s)towe2 caM stteatMB to

of lie osestaoa that seea sts&esslr ig-

nored is tie oMefefioes drawn by " resdr wri-

ters ad - reaiy speakers."1st. TVe word "codKe is xa eotire atfseser,

when to tfee Chinese people. There sreno oeafies id China, xo4 there sever nave been

tr. TVe wss MtroJoced ot oK resUents

3alio.refcioaa3i racU snikse arel- --

tbe OKV;ap--. ef we jrfecrurf laden.

Tbe Cfrwv-- v were a pefite, iauBzasX. peoplelesg befece Atiass cc Ktat wis bah. Oeshi--

r?rre aa2 net ccr ows canrixf iat ism., cc iip!y treat Cire u fr3oabecan. J.T.D.

Scport of tke Saailary Commiixee.To u s. F-- 5TiTpvira. PraiietS if ale LryU--

Teacr finmine bave rtVm sxis esaiiSerxica tbevanacs sxifeeta jmaiti to &cs, a snr tatbe fsRswir; rrpct :

Ha tSica tC abe Svverzseza, seetsSei ly tbe xs--iIjiZiki-.T- 16 cieei lbs iealcf-nrja&Ciriic,ie- cs

t ic,as tie wisJt. tar-n-

lie li--i-v xsber zaseaUed at abc

irmv t ia: Hrha-ii- . wig tS tarrot

"tf ' '' 'rt.rZsr.Mrr Iz a Zafze ckS9--aSyasttagy tv7r--t aS lit

ply snt&aiont maU contracts to insnre them si)0:e iB Kagamst loss, they have boldly entered the ; aoWioj oJSeW pa$iioB. The word aeass srfild. Whatever st&m company or steam ic ladu ; ssd ss there ire do caitej ia Cbiei, itships may in fa tare snteeed oeenpying is ss Wseir apafied to a CnincmHi es it weHthe route, which is now almost certain to I he to Irismu oeither awe nor

be alwavs eocnpied bv a line of steamers, Hsrinr m r of - ceaBe the neii c

tnehnrot inansnra'On? the sTee wiU fM ikf " On- -e '

"I trsets to tie eelt Asi, n oaasaeentwa of car--

alwavs be dne to the projectors of the J .- . ! mc thear piScsse psia ;e Asae.-c-x. wbere tierpresent kne, and it is but wsttee to them . t8 .j o,. lier tteto hope that some of the substantial re-- eootoctfo? kbarecs) sImH yy tke expe'sse ofwards of the great commercial bene&s, fajsirf, froa caniatgs cimed their new

which are sare to arise from the inter- - ! SW of enterprise? A re iaci ooo:d-- lriBi! !

oonrse of which they are the pioneers, " tfc.v ke -- ikres ' of any oi the coetrsc- -

raav be theirs as weiL :v ! Are ! ir while aea naieKv the AnstraBan and Xew Zealand fH1. the eUers be held as bioSec. Wfeere

papers, we that thr groat nval- -:ie tory betweon Mdbonrne and Sydney as to M

which port shall be the termmms of the arl nt agaic k wbat way they Tiofa.t tieroute in Anstraha. as well as a simlar ; laws of Canfcraia by caenct ysuiofia- -

competkion as to whether Asekknd on ' awcrxtioa.

the North, or 'vTeUingtoB oa the middle j The rot.-- of tisese Urited

Linml shall be port of call in Xew i Sutes has sird a treaty witi thai ef Ciisa,Zealand. Mr. Collie, the asent of Mr. Cmoes people tkat

AV. 1L Webb, who is now kf;ho colonies I " ZIT. . retsra for tie sase to osresf ofwith the ot snbsaespurpose seeing CakAi ttMS ce- - Cma. tierefrom the dlflereat Ooiomes, seems to art coefeoisr aa eaoraoss traie asd as iasaesMwkh the greatest impartiality in his as-- ; refipocs fcoparanfe. Skal tie Irisiesa ofssrjace? to the people of the diserent CaSforaii override tii: treaty? Caatiewieleports that theirs shall be the terminus or Sta Camoraia do k? SsxX tie TJoted

-- the port of caH. m&smnch as he nnhesita- - Saies Gorerasaesi be fcrosd by Mr. JJoocey itmslv assnros oaoh thstk would be the " iai tiat treaty, tan. oct ef Ciaea

ntmok &Mv to prosnme thataav port but ! ?7 it tiwno are now a wag for Caiaa what tt. PaUickthears ooald by ay po,b,TKy W cho Jf?w , acilrkiti!l M y

TlnswnrseofMr.ColBe had the ef-- hy i cj, 4feet to phage the people of the rival rf k enema of sash ifioc: 3orasee ofports into most denght&l unceitamty as the wheie ojeestiaa thu the casateaasce it re--

ta which woald be the fawred spot ia ceires b saae direzaoas ffii rerj diTxaM- -

case the company by lw j h- fer the irsce of as iitvor wihe bk.shoahi eveataaHv be snoeessfnl m ettiK; ' oo aot cal coohW for tieyMbsiies irom the conwries at eaeCend of 1 tao 'here tie kai of casus U. Tfceycosot

the route. In the meantime, the press m I jj? sfb? EPr, i aad Tie kwest of tiea arethe dtaerent aoes ot Zeakad are f ...... ... . jtco wteI wVrvrai oea wbcee ed--

trivais ia praise of tie izaii--

tie errd by their otm pan& Theof oae port tb&t tie ecrreatf







ran writi safe viokece at saotber tiai it j aecs tie isest ssfafiae ttia wie tieis aot over safe to apfcwwskkia :fee dv srnoe as e witei tres aftirae, iad that no raiiWfeo HDder-:i- ai ! "" tt 3reIloi a a3rf br sie eso-K-s

teiaess thiai of siadrf: "ia a. Oi eoars tie slsaoerei ; hAai fc toacseSvparty rvstxis tin? mfus:ioa vd-- Ji mdicas-- i v&i. Clfeatiua aad waas tkit the people of aa j wis jreai sod respected befcre tbe Saxaa petobsccrc vSyoBareaoteaaflalEaoitic--! fcoiia Briuis, aoisbe iss ceetre ef saUaS- -sccesIe coast, fioctd presses? to dsim I Pfose. wi3e aa Bpe rreiDed is tie dzsesiprecedeace over tbe aes isarbor ia the : cycredso U ie iie xrt5.raosi ferdJe district of tie tkree Blaads I li tli as opbJ by tbe wacii ceatriaeii coastacte Zeabac. Ttx 1 hci to trn rciri ; eiiiicrlvaL--r beteea MeJWsraeaad SvdBer is f' 'fl 5 U W

. " . , aipsctaiceto jrapeasi Asa! Xet;b--qite as saeise, akLo radosbteoiy i jaj. u uv ac tceai ii-- Pire as itto aaq ,

popdocs IKs rivalry, besides be-rrl- c

foaew&a: to disinterestedparties, sicits tie deterajsarioa of tiepeople of tie CoSosks Lave a Eae ofsteasers frwa soae port AastrsEa,

sese port ia Xc-i-r Zealaad toSaa Frasriseo ; aad it is grstifjiag toto fcwvr tiat tie Eae is seMoa of!except ia Hoadsht s

'of tie ports of caH oa tie rode.

Cox?mrs-ii- s Las beea said iato tie raEag cf tie oftbe

oa tie" EH istrodscedto xepeal Sectica 1420 of tie






be repealed

thethe proposition


was partthe






brief a yearsby of

the States, by theby

oto certain



Arc- -















Utnt f th Award rnipojej to kriap fonranl a BPJ

by wkkU eaptaitu of coasting- - TU lb ill. nuitrrratoaaM cn3ilJDj, be wqnirnl la bring t Hono-Ul- o,

foca ftMBts the ap&t f tbc Eoanl bitJtlcrmicr to wad to tbc Aijlnn. Socb a tnranrewraM set b daagtroB to tb rublic braltb. aniirrMtrr pncaaUo. aad if ncb pireaatiaas an fn-lU-

for, tbe Caciitt wald ncomeicad thetbr Hiil.

The Bfard of Healtn alo rrw tb certain

rar tbenM be esnferrcd fir oontrel-tte- j:

tie tttlemrat at MaUVal. Tadcr Ihe pecnttar

cimaiftaacn or tke cafe. thi wold cem both pro-p-

aad accessary, as the ead fer whieh tbc Atylamm establubcd caaaot b acccaplubcd witbaat aom

preriuoa fr pxnl difdpKse. Tbc oScer inebarpe of tb KtUement need not necctarilr ) amedical maa, bat tbeaM bare qaaliScatieaf fer rnV-ic- p

efficiently, and yet in a kindly manner, rcrbaptnmtirc Uavanant can be fonad wbo caa difebargvQMt of tbc dsticf of tbc post, Eeceariy a di&ccltoae to.ilU

The tlorpiul at Kalibi appears to be of little n.e.Tbe Camnilttee can see ao reason wby tbc patientsnow ia tbc said Hospital ibcaVd net b iomediatelyrcracTcd to Metokai. It may be necessary to beep iaorder accommodations far a few tiat may be u troa-tit-m

far Motobai from tine to time. If to, tbea it isrecommended tbat sneb accammodationi as arc keptsp at all, be kept ia jrcod order, and tb patients, fortbe sake of tbc credit of tbe Gcrcrnment. if aot ofbamaaity. be made a liUle mere comfortable tbantbose aborc mentioned appear to bo.

Tbc estimate apon wbicb tbe approprtitioa recom-

mended belew is based, it will be seen, arm re lesstbaa oae bandred dollars per year for tbe mainten-

ance of eaVb lcproas persan. wbicb seems by comeaes nnrcasocablc. iadodtai:, as tbe appropriatioawiH. tbc total fer attendance, rarapnr, etc.

Tbe .sylnm for tbc Insane appears to be in ficdorder and weK kept. Tbere are sereral improTementato be sajnrestcd. of wbieb ooly a part caa be undertaken dnrinc tbis biennial period. Tbe bnildicg oflarpc room, wbere tbe patients may father at anytime, especially in rainy weather, is called for, aadtbe araeant asked for will cerer tbis expeasc An ita.proTcmeat can be snrjrested, to be made at some fa--tare time, ia the sleepier, rooms of tbc paticats.Those at present, resemble too mncb tbe cells of aprison. Of ccrse, snch are accessary fer some oftbe patients, aad ia many cases, ao faraitsre what-

ecer eorfd be aliened, especially ia tbe apartment ofa violent maniac Bet ia order to a better chance ofrecoTcry. ia many instances, something a little merecheerfel aad bamaa-Kk- e. so to speak, woald be desir-

able. There arc already two or three, called sickrooms, wbicb nrcscat tbe repaired featnres, aadwbecerer tie pobKe fands wodd allow, it woald bewcH to increase tbe namber ef sseb.

Is case tbe camber of fordfc patients of a partic-al- ar

class sboald increase, erea by two or three, asnight at asy time occar, tbc accommodations of the5periatcsdtnt woald be Terr mccb cramped. TheCommittee recommead aa additiecal snm for tbe perpose of eclargiag tbe eaaViicg occapied by tbe

A measure is recommeeded by tbeBoard of Health, rrcommendicr: tbat the Act estab-Kiki- rr

tbc Icsaae Asylcm be so amesdel as to allowieccrabe. bat harmless paticats, to be retaraed totheir bases, sboald it be deemed best for all ceaccm-e- d.

Ssch a ceasare sboald certainly pass.Ore ef tbe cast importast saVjects breagbt to tbe

aotice ef tbis Assembly by tbe report of the Board efHealth, is tbat of tbe appetetmeai aad maintenanceof a Bamber of traTeKar; Gorerameat Physicians.Sboald tbe seiKtiee of sweb pbyskiaas be jadieionslymade, aad cootd tbe right class ef persons be d,

tbe plsa weald be a most bcreeia! oae. Inctaay districts, tbc people are totally witboat medicaladric. aad ia eases ef cpiiemic, be it crer so tight,they are exposed to zafh saferiag, aad CTea loss ofSfe. A ptyjkiia KarelEag oxer a certain circsit,ea!!'caiist tbe assistance, ia almost erery district.of tie core icteHgest resHeats, aad by pria? jaii- - j

ckc; directiocs, cesld tbas caltiptybis awa csefol- -xess Tery rasea. ire fappaes of oevbetae whica tbeGorerasezt bas already tea ia the habit of famish-ing, cosbl tbea be distrnVatei wish safcieat gaaran-te- e

tbat tbere woald be a wise dealing oat, as ceces-j-kr

repaired. Bat tbe cost portaat service ren-

dered, woatd be tbe iirple directions to tbe people,bow to take care f tbesselves.

Tbe pbysiciaas above ceatieaed caxaot I prccaredwiiboet liberal esspeasacUa. Tbe estiasates are gives beiew. Tbe aoaey woald be well spect. It wBI

be reseatered. tbat a B9I is sow befare tbe Assem-

bly, proviiirg for a sSght iaerrase ia tie very lightproperty tax aow assessed ia tbe Kiagdoc. Tbc ucrease proposed woalj abost sake ap tie asosataow repaired for tils sebesae.

He Oosuaiuee have y reperted ea tbe sub-

ject e Hospitals, bat woaid repeat here wbat waa

said ia tia! report, via : tbat to attept to snjperttravelSzg pbyrir.irs aad to establish Hospitals at tbe

stse tise, oa lie dierext Islaxds, wocld be toobeavy a draft ec tbe Fisaaee IVfxrtseat. Of tbetwo, tbe ferraer is tbe nsest ecoaoa:ical aad efective.So Hospital eoabi t rastaiaed at aa eapease cfleas tbaa f , per year.

A sxbect tbat seescs to reaaire rne expression ofopuies oa tie part of tbis CccaBktee. is tbeBcearizgof aaave pbysxiars. It is cot tbe axaeixed evS tbatrose bare predicted. Oat ef a ibeasaa-- or so of

abost eigbteea or tweaty Seesscs bave beea--raxted, acd tie acatter of HaoaBaa practice is thaskeftcadersapervisicx. Sxetrefrtsbeagresirei,x degree of respoasMucy is estabfisbed, xad tbere issetae xrrard ca tie part cf tie native pbysiciaa to xrec'ztarsra.

Tie Com-irt- fe bxTe alrexJy reported oa tie sab--ject of Awa. Tbe B9 sow before tbe Asjechiy vO,if it kecKxes x law. sot anbsbot tie ase of Awa, xstiat wosK e boci rawise xad sjvbabiy ispest&Ieto carry lata cfect : Vat it is s frased, tiat it isbop ed tbere wB be x pos Mfit.i of cxrryiag est itspcovisjoxs, xad of keefcag tie sale of it strily wa-

der Goreraseat sxferrisios. Tbere is ao dosbtwbateTcr. tbat its prescat xiawst zxrestrkted cse isexcxefagly ixjanoas to tbe bethb of tie peofje.

Tke Oosnrfciee wosd recAsaexd tke pobeVitisaof x nuM, aeatly, boasd rarrp&M. ia Hxwxsxa. giv-ia- g

sispie dtreexioas ia satters of bygieae, care OftacsEes, eCc- -, eaaVedyisr xsoxg otier autlcrs, tbesatter of bsoe-bxc-k raiixg by Havxsaa feasaJex, xjjctex:e-- i ia tie report of tbe Board o Healtb.

It is poposeil to give to x scatter of Hxwxxxsawbo suy be wSxg to serve ia tbe Qaeca'a Hospital,ixstrsataea ia xaxtters TerTirrs-- g to sxrsixg, care eftbe tSck, ett. Tais if exrne4 ost wosB t xa excet-Se-st

;lxc Tie rxxs placed al tbe dispenl of tieBeard ef Eeaki sboxii iadaie rvf-ie- xt te pay tbeexpesses of sseb ;csei.

Tbc Mbwiag iteaas are rreseated fer iascrtiaa istbe ArfEofcixara 3S :

Tcr Ler-- T Iaasesbsesa. f ZSjKO

rtrlbelEsasexJTtcn. 2JSO7orsxStrcZrmnE;Fs?iOBXi. .. liSTtrpmaillj-uuHJtiaz- i finals 1x199

Tbe esri-rs- fir salaries cf trxrcSxg Pbyiaeaaasis xtxe orS xs Mrn :

Ttr EuoaS, m at JZ.O"J? a yisr. f tJKA.' ' - tjaaa.

at P? VO . . ZitiO.

per gtseral expeases xi fi&sm :XoSstoei ax! Ssxsaria . ITore'ini:kn. - ' IJ0CL

XrSal iBCnraks Ur aafres aaT.V3L

Ttrt apirextaos fer tbe Qzrs,f Sosntal is iij

aox?ei by abe Asaesably. For ti-- baair cf U

fur tbe Lejr Tjf!iKr-tt-- 3. tbe Arse.Uy isit&ati 1 &i TTpnz U tbe Surd tf HexbLb.

EespeedxSyC 3. Lxais- - "H". ?-- Kieirir.X. Euunxia. 3. CexatrxzrzzcSam K. Caax.

Legislative Proceedings.Tozrr-Sixx- a Dat, 3iss Scb.

TbsAjsseslij eaezt ISA. JL, tie Viaiitztatbe Or'- - Ager jJaiea by tbe Ezzziacf thgttiigtlsT wttreaj aagaxytiScL

SmcU tf Ciwrmm. ry Car.

yorteg oa a lacs, ai pdilka irz xjt- -

Inc tbat a sum of money be paU lo Mrs. Brown ofVTaloMnn for medical aid to the people of that dis-

trict daring tbc ll two year. The Committee re-

commended by Resolution that the Board of Healthbe asked to cxatatse tbc matter, and if they raw fit,to pay to Mrs. Brown snch a cam as seemed right,oat of tb pobllc facds, also that the people do notplace too much trust In the Government la snchmatters. Report adopted. Tbe Committee to ex-

amine Resolutions and petitions asking for appro-

priations of money for Intrrnil Improvement andklndm! objects, reported consideration of a largenumber, tbe mtjority of which tbcj recommendedtabling. Tbe following were reported favorablyupon:

$100 for table and feats la the Conrt House itJ300 for saliry of Clerk of Governor of Mini, re-

quest for a salary for Clerk of Governor of Oaho.fVO for a road at LanaL k

for roads In Kbn, HawalL ' '?5M for mall carrying from Lahalna to KaioipalL

for a scow at tVailna Kauai.$10,OM for bridge at ATalawa, Ewa.$l,O.X for a Court House at Ewa.Report was referred back to be reconstructed and

pat In proper form fortbe Appropriation BUUJ&so'MfMaj. Mr. Kalue asked leave to Introduce

a Bill to amend See. 1CB5 of the Civil Code; therales were suspended, the BUI read 1st time, andpassed to 2nd reading under the rules.

Order etW Day. Under the bead of unfinishedbusiness, an Act to indemnify the Minister of Fi-

nance was read Sd time and passed. Rules were sus-

pended, and Mr. Lyons offrrred a Resolution tbat aspecial Committee be appointed to consldcrthe bestmeant to protect our forests, and report shortly, byBUI or otherwise, passed, and the Chair appointedon tbe Committee; Hon. Messrs. Lyons Kabaulc-ll-

Bishop, Kaukaba acd the Attorney General.Next oa the list was a BUI to render the Hawaiian

the binding version, when there was a difference be-

tween the two languages. In the laws of the King-

dom.ins Ex. S. H. rhllllp moved that farther consi-

deration be Indefinitely postponed.Motion was made by Mr. Filipo to order to en-

grossment.A long discussion arose upon these two motions;

the argument of the supporters of the BUI, beingthat as the Hawaiian was the national langusge, itshould be given the leading position and bare pre-

cedence over all others.Those In favor of indefinite postponement, ar-

gued, tbat as many ot oar laws were taken intactfrorr the laws of England and the United Slates,and on account of the total absence of words in theHawaiian to express certain important Ideas, theEnglish vcrion should be the binding law in casesoT uncertainty of construction. Tending discussiontbe House adjourned.

ToRTT-srTTNT- DiT, Jane 27th, 1S7U.

Assembly met at 10 ju si., the President In theCbalr. After prayer by the Chaplain, the minutesof the prccerding day were read and approved.

Ittiltoxx. Presented by Mr. Kepoikai, from o,

praying that women may have one Repre-

sentative In theAsserably from eaeb GubernatorialDistrict, and tbat the birth-da- of Kamebameha III,be observed as a national holiday. Another fromthe same District, praying that tbe animals of ten-

ants may run on Konohiki lands free of charge.Another by same member from that District, pray-iegth- at

tenants have rights In knla lands. Another,that tbose wbo have co license toprtctlccmedtclne,bet can cure leprosy, be granted one; that the allowance to Queen Kalama be fS,CCO, and that costsof Cosrts be reduced.

By Mr. Ualemaan from Hamikna, praying that anceer may visit tbat District and look for cases ofleprosy.

By Mr. Xankana from Walalaa, praying that therebe a Justice appointed for that District, separatefrom the Koolauloa Judge.

Srporttcf ComzxiZto. Mr. Lyons reported fromSanitary Committee; report being a long one, wasMt ra but ordered printed. Coramitlcc to con- -

flier applications for money for Internal Improve-

ments, reported back their former report as preparedfor the Appropriation Bill. Report approved.

xJ3icKt. Mr. Lyons offered a resolution tbattbe Serpeaat at Anns, employ an outside messengerfortbe rest of Session on account of tbe largeamount of work, carried.

ilr. Kcapcs offered a Resolution tbat eacb mem-

ber aad tbe messenger be famished with 100 postagestamp, carried.

Mr. Kepoikai offered a resolution tbat the President of the Board of Education be instructed to pro-

vide foCO for an EncGsh School at Wiilukn, Mas!,also tbat every EnrlUh School on tbe Islands beaided. Ruled oct of order.

OrdtrffJi? Day. Under tbe bead of unfinishedbusiness, was an Act to amend See. 3 and 7 and re-

peal See. 5 of tbe Chapter S3 of'tbe Penal Code, onits Srd readier. Bill read, and Mr. Lynns moved toiesert a provision tbat 00 tbe Island of Kauai,quails cay be shot; the provisions of the law wereTerr strissrest, probibiticg tbe shootisr of all im-

ported birds.Mr. Bubop eljected, be tbeorht tbat tbe time bad

aetyeteose to allow tbe hsatic ef these foreignbirds, ia a few years tbey would te raeroafr aadtbea it woald be rifit to allow sheotiag ; an 13 tbat

tec we fbedd Fass protective laws.Ascadssext was lost aad B31 passed in its original

f.r.A B3 to azsead tbe laws ia regard to gaaiag, waa

read Zi tiase aad passed.A Bai to enlarge tbe jovidietisn of tbe Police

Coarts, was read 3d rinse aad passed.A B9 to secsre to wortsea, their claims ia cases

of kirirsf tcj, was read U time aad passed.A B8 to laabe tbe HawaSaa tbe biadiag venn of

tbe laws ia cases cf anrertainty of cosssactian, was

tbea before tbe Hosse oa hi Id readirg, Botions badbeea cade to order to eacrosaaieat, aad to iadefniteiypostpore. Oa tbese two Etiosx, discassioa aroseaad was coatzaced taa twelre o'clock wbea tbe Htcsetook x recess for bach, after wbicb tbe debate p.

fr a bsarasd a baif. Ayea ad nayswere called apca tbe raotica to iadeSaiiefy peitpoaewbicb was carried. Ayes, H. H. TV. C Lanalilo, tieix

Hesm Boauais, Hctcbisea, Harris, Scshb, andPbilEps. Hear. Messrs Biibep, KaliVaaa, V. P. Rasabas, Kabass, Hiuhceek, Wxbine. Lyons, Kacx-- I

bta,KaxuHxrtia, Kxpibe, Kaaawai.Tiecipsea,Boyd,Jsdi, Eire, Kaskxbx. Nays. His El. Kx- -

sox, Hoss. Ft--'- ". Kxeo, HalesaaB, P3ipo, Kepo-ikai. AboSo. Haaaike, KxbxaleSo, Exlaapihxoie. Kai-c- e,

S. H. Kasaka3,'KemeftebnebarNx!iL Naakasx.asi Ssapxs. Absent, Ho3. Asx fiepc Ayea it,says If, total it. abseat I.

Next aa tbe Orders, was " Aa Act to regalale Crimi-

nal Procedsre." - ill Zi naliag. B31 baa bees in

tie Jnfiriiry Coinee ever sinee tbe opeaing of tbeseasioa for ccstideration, asd was reported with a

few xsesdsesti x few daya sfrne. The iHl cocixistITS sedSou, xsd on oetita tbe n!ti were tarpesded

xrd the Effl rexd by Tide.Xatios 2axde by tbe Attorney General to crdex ts

csgraucest.JCotioa ns xde by Hr. Kosoikebseba to gv is to

Geasistee, wbWb wxs exmeai, xad Kr. Lyons cxSedUi lie Clair.

JfeSos cade tbat tbe S3 be read by SeerSona,

vbirb was exmed. Clerk read Sectits 1st. and tiexedseat cf tbe r" cs tbe Jniiciary waa

iatrodsced.IiUisn m xie by His Ex. C C. Harris ts post-

pone iadrfaieJy SeeJisn lit, and tbe whole E31, besaw zvo xeases fsr x ebxnge ia tbe laws of tbe land, aaxlTreseztcxiitisg. tbey were jood, xad wekaveleeacoder their wtckia; for several yexra'withoct any

eerini trtnkie. Tbe presext BB toirk away to srpe.

extt tbe discrelisaary powtja ef tbe Coarts." cfwbia: be drained tbe mitivj He ixi sot faHy

tbersecS. xzd foeesldnotiay bowbesbouldrtee, btt be woald Hks to bear from tbe Ittrodxeer eftbe E3 xad iff espporlerr, tbe rexam forta 3.

His El, Mr. PhiSlpa, asswered tbat te badtbo-E- aSer very earrfsl eseration,

aad with tbe iyy: ji. ot aH rf"tbat porUostxl&eHawaiiaa Bar wbo were xexsatooed to iccases tf criixltrisl. He l id Ikczi led ta belirvc

tiat ei a BH1 waa Tery neteaary wlut bebadaeeacf tie wrerkxez; ef tbc lawi aixee be badbecome aa oXsa (A tbis Goverr Deri. It bad beespreputd wilb ibe zitx'.tfl care and cossIderxtloa.Its aereaiiry avaa cfHesl Jros tbe Eejcit ef tieJr-Ti-- Isegsatad ef tbe GoTemBfst. AUtb--

liwytra understood U necessity, and would uphold

It. The process of trial In criminil case should be

conducted vllh the greatest care. On account of theImportant result! arising from such trials. ThisHill bid been prepared with frequent reference tothe laws or the United State and England, and thevery beat had been culled from them; hardly ono ofthose Governments but had Iawa three tlmcaaslongand specific is tbis. Here, we have no stated, reg-

ular law, and In the trial of these case It was cus-

tomary to refer to and Illustrate from cases In allother countries. This waa not right;- - we shouldhive some guide of our own. In the case of theChinamen convicted of murder, from Haiku, Justbefore tbe execution, application was made for awrit Of habeas corpus, because some little form cus-

tomary la England had not been lived up to, here.The Conrt rnlcd oat the application, bat (till thefact was patent : we had oo law for a guide In theseImportant cases. Law were made on general prin-

ciples, not for exceptional cases; and a Judge wouldnot thank a Legislature for a law made for suchcases. The matter was becoming more and morescrlons from year to year, and we need liws whichshall be perfectly clear for all cases. He furnishedIllustrations from oar courts daring the past fewyeais, which, he said, showed very dearly the needthat existed for a definite law to apply to all casesof criminal procedure.

On motion, the Committee rose, reported progress,and asked permission to sit again Re-

port approved, and the House adjourned.


The Australian Steam Navigation Co's

Patent Slip & Engineering Works,STDXEY, X. S. AV.

AH cUn of Eociaeerisg Work, IronSutU."-'- aad menl ' rrPain,R3tircule4 cheaply an4 eipedltioaslj. C- - VeueU oC theUrcet tonnage can he taken up.

:Uj FEED. It. TROCTOy. Manager.

Notice !

In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Montgomery,deceased:

THE U.WiEKSIKNKD, having beento administer, ad interim, in the above

Estate, all persons are hereby notified to present theirclaims at tbe. oCiec of the undersigned, in Honolulu,within six months from the publication of this Xotice ;aad all persons in possession of property belongingto said Estate are notified to account for the samewithout delay. VT. L. GKEEX,

Honolulu, Jnne SI, 1ST0. 1 Administrator.



Also, if applied for before the first

RESIDENCE AT MARIKI. with a rood well andand pump on the premises. For particulars, apply to

I-- J. S. LE.M0

Dissolutioii of Partnership.IHE P.VRT.EKSI1IP heretofore ciist-- .a inc between the undersigned in the BARTLETT

SALOOX, x retail Spirit Store in Honolulu, is thisday dissolved by mutual consent. All debts and lia-bilities of tbe concern will be discharged by W.Hughes, who will continue tbo same business, andis duly authorised to collect and receive all debts duoto tbe same concern.


Honolulu, Jnne U. ISM. ZZSt

For Sale !

LAND OF AUATJKEA, NORTH KOXA,THE near to Kailoa. Also the large SugarLand of Uakalan Hilo Hawaii. Also an extensiveCattle Ranch on nawaiii. For particulars apply to

April I5th, 1510 15-t- f W. L. GREEX.


ON band and for sale by the undersigned,Table, Dairy and Course salt, from tbe Puuloa

Salt Works. This salt is as fresh as asy in tbetnartet, and can be bad at reasonable rates, in quantities to rait. C. L. RICHARDS A CO.

l&-3- Agents.


the Adjourned Annual Meeting of theATStockholders of tbe Kohala Sngar Company,held at Messrs Castle A Cooke's, June 13th, 1ST0, tbefollowing ofScers were elected by ballot for the en-

suing year :President, J. AT. Smith. Vice PresdL J. Wight.Secretary, J. P. Cooke. Treasurer, S. X. Castle-Audit-

Daniel Smith.JOS. P. COOKE,

2-- 3t Sec'y Kohala Sugar Company.


THE UNDERSIGNED has opened5hop on his own responsibility, at tbe oldr stand of Harper A Charter, on the Esplanade,

Honolulu, where be is prepared to doALL KINDS OF WORK A5D JOBS IH HIS LIKE,

ia. tbe but manner asd ca shortest notice.He hopes tbat promptness and skill in work-

manship will secure him a share of public patronage.J. T. CHATTER.

Honolulu, June 1st. 1S70. 10-J- t

Tor Sale!4 LARGE PLATE IRON STEAM JACKETr Pan, IS feet z 5 feet x 2 feet. Apply to

April ISth.lSre. 15-t- f W. L. GREEK.


-- IX-




TJECS TO INPOit-- HIS PATHOXS,JLJ tbe PoUie, aad the gentlemen of tbe medkxlprofession, tbat he

Hat Seceired from San Francisco by tke

Last Steamer, some Samples of




And Samples of Various

Qualities of.WlslsjlaeTss Jc BraBdlea I

He lerpectfnlly invites then to call at bis estab

liskmest and try tbe said ixaplet.

Have Just Eeceived-fro- Victoria

Vcr " Kolert Cowan,"AS rsvoics OF


Ialry tc. Co' Irl.ri IVhiaUry.. Haralso on Hand

Pamf Celebrated CswjmI Vln agenle Cbxsn-pasp- te,

xaid other bnada,

Fine Sparkling & Still Hock,a pints xsd quarts , etc. etc.

Aii te will te reaiy to attend proatptly

to any Orders that &e Kay fee .

jet-oare- sritk.


For Melbourne, Direct.T1 Yl V.. I CHI.. CVeYAVta

Margaret Crockard s&1(10 tons, Kegliter,

Will leavo far Ibe above port on

SATURDAY, .1 UIj Y t Ii ,Advances tnado on shipments of produce, and

freight taken at reasonable rates, cor particulars,apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES,1 or to W. L. ORKEX.


For San Francisco.The Favorite Paeket Bark

ETHAN ALLEN, &It. P. SXOIV, .... Commander,

Will bare IMMEDIATE DISPATCH for the aboveport. For freicht or passare. havtnr superior acoommodatlons for cabin and steerage passengers, applyto




City of Melbourne,II. OIlAINGKlt, - Commander,

Will leave hero on or about the ZSi of July. Forfreight or passage, apply t JSI n. nACKEKLD A CO.

For HONGKONG.The American Clipper Ship


Xov tine from Sa FnocUco. will Mil lVir tba txbore port,

tmmf4Itfl7 aftrr her arriTal,

For Frticht or ruace, riJ to2 n. HACK fELD A Ox

The A 1 Xorth German Bark

3M VJVETPAJbia300 tons,.. . ..II. Rabe, Master,

Having the greater part of her cargo engaged, willhave QUICK DISPATCH for tha above port,

1 or freight or passage, apply toU. UACEFELD A Co.,

19 Agents.


For Portland, Oregon.The Fine Clipper Bark

CAMBRIDGE,JIILLEll, , . . Master.

WILL HAVE QUICK DISPATCH for the aboveport. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations for cabin and steerage passengers.apply to

IS ,v AJjijEi., Agents.


JJfJjjg The California, Xevr Zealandf.&a and Anstraltxn Mall Line of

Steam Packets.The Splendid Steamships

WONCA WONCA,1450 tons. T. S. Ileale, Com'r,

CITY of MELBOURNE,1200 tons T. Grainger, Com'r!

Will mn regularly between Honolulu and tbe aboveports, connecting at Honolulu witn tne -- ortn i'actneTransportation Co s Steamers.




Stdxet H. H. HALL, C S. Consul.14 3m

Xltc A'ortU Pacific TransportationCompnny'i


Tbe Company's Splendid A 1 Steamship

"AJAX,"R. S. FLOTDi . . Commander,


Bctireen Honolulu Sc. San Francisco

LEAVES SAX FItASClSCOOn or aboat . July lOtb

LEAVES IIOXOL.TJI.17;On or about July 22d

Freigbt for San Francisco will be received at tboeteamera Warehouse, and receipts for tbe same,given by the undersigned. Xo charge for storageor cartage. Fire Bisks in Warehouse, not taken bythe Company.

Laberal Advance 3Inde on all Sklp- -

xaents per Steamer.Insurance guaranteed at Lower Eates tban bv Sail

ing Vessels. Particular eare taken of Shipments ofxrtul.

All orders for Goods to be purchased in San Fran-cisco will be received, and filled by return of Steamer.

SPfc'hipments from Europe and tbe United States,intended far tbese Islands, will be received by tbetiompany la ban i rancisco, if consigned to them, andbe forwarded by their Steamers to Honolulu. Fsxxor CsARcx. except actual outlay.

fSf Passengers are requested to take their ticketsbefore 12 o'clock on tbe day of sailing, and to pro-cure their Passports.

Sr-Al- l Bills against tbo Steamer must to pre-sented before two o'clock on the day of sailing, ortbey wul bare to lay over till tbe return of tboStexmer for settlement.



Just Arrived,

Ex Mathilde from China direct,




Manila Cigar, - Jfatiila Hope,

Casapbor Troaka,

-1 WhiteXatting, ussortedqaalities.

4-- 4 Colored aatting.

Lonnges, Settees,

Uattan Chairs,

I, E3to.22 t

Natural Leaf Tobacco,LIGHT PRESSED.

Eefttrnsd ia jnxxttU dTcd per C. KamjIS Tr nl fer B0LLE3 k Co.


STJPIIKMK COURT of the HxveaHan Ialanita.or the naakraptev of 0 AN9L a veiao-tar- v

bankrupt.' BeAm. Mr. Jutle WMemannjIaehaaUr.Whereas, on tbe 30tS day or May, A. D. 1S70, Ottul Met

his petition, prujlng that he mietit to aitjwlal banarapt,anl wheremi, opo Teadlnit Nn4 filloit wM pettttoo, an onWwmUuIj mnde, caltlnit ujMmall pvtvous tu sinr bekire me,the undersigned, on the 2&S day of Jaoe, A. 1. 1970, to showeaae, irony they hml, why th prayer of said potitloa shooktnot b irranted, and tho said Ganit to adjadred a hankvopt;and where, on tho said 37th day of Jaoo. A. D. 1370, proofhating teen nada to tho satlsbctlon of tho Court that duonotice cf the said hearing bl been published in tho Itivif.tia O&iarra, a newspaper pobllshed fa tho city of Honolulu,and no person havlnit appeored to make aay objection to thoprayer of Ihe said petition being? granted;

Now therefore, U l ordered ty tho Onort, tbat thoaaatOaast to, and bo Is hereby adjudged a lUakropt. Aad It lafarther ordered that noMco or such Bankruptcy to elves Intho Hwuh! Ontrtt, and that notice bo given br threeeonsecotlte weeks in eald Cllima, calllog spun all creditorof the salit nnl, to appear tefir me, the uodenlioed. atthe Conrt llooso. In tha ft llooolulu, on THCRJDiX,the Kth day of July neat, at 10 o'clrck A. M. to pniv tkeirclaims. In acccrdanc with tho provUloos oT eeetlou 97 of thoClell Code.

Doted at Honolulu, tho ttth day of Jnae. A. D, Jtro.(SlgtieJ) It. A. WIDEMAXX,

34Jt Aaovlate Jnatlco cf Supreme Ciort.

CmCCIT COURT, Secoml Jmllelal Circuit.hereby tieen, that tb JU.NB TERM, A. D.

1970. of tb raid Coort, to t holdea at Lahalna, IiUad ofMaaU baa teen duly ordered to to adjourned to atooday, tho11th day of July next.

L. JtcCCLLT,Clerk of Soprem Court.

Honololu Jon. SJ, U7a-:- wt

SUPHKMK COt'HT of Ihe IIwalln ZtUadi,Ia lnLt- - Hefor Mr. Jiutln

Jun 31. 1ST0.riEKRK MODE5TB FA V Erf 3 u4 KOCXE-MA- N

N, who rv nameil xrcntor Id a certain iMirnmeBk. mivpTtinR to U tho Uat wiU an4 1 wtmnt ofI3AAC 3I0NTUOM-KH-

late of Heiwlnlo, In tha IiUnd ofCHha. decraMwt, havlacitMild aiVfcatton r th prtbat ct inch wtll, h sppointmat of tha urTiTfnjt parttM therein named to b

thereof t It It orUcml that Momlar. th 1 1th dar otJal? next, at 10 o'clock In tha lbranoon. and tha Qwirt lloveain iioDtfinin, b ap.siDtd aa tb tlma and plac br IWiiacneb appUcairoo at Chatnbrra, and that aatI rtltknen tr

notlca td all twuilea latrmtrd. of th remlencT of thta apnllcation, by causing an attctted cvvj of tbta order Ia b tl

tbm timr succewUelr In the Hawaiian Gaxetle. asdalM to ha UliTrtd to Her Britannic Majesty QimintMMKjer

that inch partiea hiid appear and show cause. If anj the bate, whj ncH applicationshould not ba allowed.

Signed ALFRKD tf. IIARTWELIsAtteet. Just!? SnnrD tnrt

Signed L. McCtut. Cert ?ap. OmruI hertby certit the foreirolujr to ba a trua copr of tha Or-

der In this matter made, tha original of which Is In ata la thaClerk' offlca of tha Snpretna Court I McCcitr,

Honololu. Juna a, 1S70. H. Clerk.

1ST OF JUllUltS for tile Jnljr Term, IS70toi tna suprema vonri

Jamea Hopper, William Duncan,J 8 Smithlf-- s

Robert Levers, T C Jones jr.Georg Wilt lams, E I Adams,11 Benfield, J 11 !tj,Joseph I Cooke, B F DilllochAta,w if iiuddj, n u .laaenr.C A WlUianta, Oeorgw C Siders,Ilcnry Watrrhonsa, M airman,Ueorg MacCtrUne, Jamea I Dowsett,Ira RicbAriison Pamnel Nctt,j r shield. Henry May.

L. McCULLT.Clerk of Supreme Cottrt.

Iloooinla, Jnne 9th, 1S70. 2i5--

SCIUK?1E COL'ItT. Petition fbr Dlrotte.Hon. !!. A. Widemann In chamber.

On reading and filing tha petition of KACWAU1NK AL0Lpra.Tlnz lor a dlrorre from her hnsband. ALO. a Chlnamsan- -on the ground of wilful and continued desertion for moraman tnrea succeesiTe jears. snd It appearing that tha saidAk Is not a resident of this Kingdom,

It f ordered br tho said Justlc that the ald ititLmon to bo heard on TUVU5DAY. th flnt daj of Pcptrmbtrus ajuuMnu in uitj ioar. iiuue ns iienotuju, wai,notice thereof beloz clren bv nriTiotu nnblicatlija In th Uawiiu.x Oazitti, lor at least three months previous to sailheating.

Dated Honolulu, ilsy 24tn, 1S70.H. A. THDEMASV,

Associate Justice Supreme Cnnrt.Attest, I McCtut, Clerk. a


The undervtgned havicg been appointed Adminttrator ofthe above Estate, all persons hjtTtDff cUinis against said Es-tate are hercbv notified and renntreJ to cresent their eHlme.of whatsacTer natnre. dnlj authenticated, and with theEnper Toocners, u any eiiit, at me omce ot w. u ureen. in

within U monthj from th dar of tbe puMlratlotaof this notice, otherwise thej will be forever barred. Allpersona in pelvti of property belonging to the said Es-tate are notified to account fur tha same without daisy.


Honololu, Jnne 15, 1S70. 234t AdmtnUtratore.




CASTJLE & COOKE,Consisting In Part of

Finest White all Wool i-- i Flannel.Fin est White all Wool A Angola White Flannels,Good Grer and White all WoolFlannels, 10x4 Bleached Eheeting,Thompson's Glore-Fittin- g Corsets,Amoskeag Denims, Jeans, Drills andBleached and Unbleached Cottons.

A Svtfi ass't of Statioiery,

Water Lined Note Paper.White Baled Koto Paper.While Baled Laid Leaf) Letter aad Bill Paper,White, CuS and Amber and Letter and Note

nrelopes.Parson's Indelible, and Carter's Copjinslak,Artists' A s' Flexible Balers,Smith A Wesson's Pistols a Cartridges,Hair Girths, Stirrups a Leathers,Spanish Trees, Croapera aad Bridles,Oak Belting. Street Brooms.Wood Faucets, Lamp Black,

Italian Packing; Lace Leather,

Paints, Oils, &Vc.

White Zinc A Lead, in 1, 2 a Ii lb containers,Paris and Chrome Green,Chrome Tellow, Umber, Sienner.Patent Drjer, Vermillion,Whiting Praniao, Blae, Bladders of Pattj,

Carriage and Coach Tarnish,

Bright, Copal and Fornitore Varalab,Boiled Linseed Oil, Terpentine,Mason's Blacking, Coffee Mills,Axe. Pick, Sledge, Ada, lloe, Oo,Hammer A Chisel Handles,Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Trants,

Coopers' Tools,Croien, Howels, and Champeriag Eslres,

Carpenter Planes,Fore, Smooth, Jack A Jointers,Cat Nails, 3, 4, . 8, 10, li, 20, 30, 40, SO aad60d, Boat Sails. 1, 1, 1 t 2 inch.Pressed Jfails 2 a 2 iocs. -

Cooper's Elrels, 4. 1 a ft Rs,Copper Birets k Bars, , ,lailneb, OfapTackt;Iron a Copper Tacks of all sixes.Best Ktibbar Hose., i, 1. 1 alJadi,Centrifugal, Varnish. Paint. White-Was- h

and Ecrab Brashes, Cot M Tin Palls,1,1,1, 3. 4,5. g. 19 a I2qnarts,Corered Slop Pails, Dippers,Dub and Milk Pans,Jennisg'sbitr. soldering irons. T hmget,ste!f,llammerf, Gaaes, Squares, Cbuels;- -

Aogers, Eiesea, Lime Eqneexers,Tard Sticks, Bang Starters, Aits.Eborela, Spades, Oo, Lanterns,Eajie Horse, A and 0 Plows andPoints, Parrs Plows, extra htarjr and stroor,ProtoxWe of Iron, Paia Killer,Poland's White Pino Compound,Pails, Tabs; Brooms, Etc.; Etc..

Bowner's Kerosene 4SH,From tbe Boston Qonse.

And mnycOther "Articlae IIali. Te n hlb law. II

OAK BOATS, FOR SALE. iflSUPERIOR . Also A L030 E0AT, ' Woak. Forsobbr Tws Jfsw ITstaei Taw!

29 1X1 - . wm K. sUCKlaU A Co. g


COttJlEKCa.V- -.

noxoirzc JOTsnh, isra.Tie new? breorit ly Use last mail from San Fran-

cisco ahewsthat a better freKnr; eaists ia rrjrarl teSafari, an that an iint af abaci 1 cent per

pmMtkai piaee, waiea we hare hbj reasea

IiMIxi aiB WsnKiuMdlanctBtliif bU.iwnneaaa prirw m ti? CaSforata aarket far Sugar lb putri snarta kaee rated rBr one eec.1 yr pansd, be-la-

prirw in tbc Ba'fmi States. Barer er Acstra-K- a,

ar ia attar weeds hare Bti le by act cent per

pasad ta aw plasters than M waaU, bad tblffedto the aVatc markeS. Thk Mate af thisgt as per-na-

far Bare ta tbe extra charpe ia San Franeisea

aa ta asy eCeree in price Vwreo teat icarVet

xai At attert uat4. Oar Saprt are eaeraHr

taU 4utr paM. besee we fay ektrp" eat arf.r anwhat, it h M. W aWa ae tbe ialit. Tbfe rtate afrahifT it BMte aayareat ta w at bk linf,hrbir; jntRHm4 retarse Mr ph iMaped bv the

AprB Naurn ta w Xealas4 aa4 5jbt.Tfce aTaaa ia Sagar ia Sao Frasetwa ttT be

ia pan, te tbe rettletacnt af tbe Tariff ate-ria- a.

a tbare aifcars to be beary rtoeVi yet labaaawMcbareetneerafretaery praiaa. Weaatfec

tbat a iilfc pertieB af tbe Manila 5acan an saw

Veaac iblpi 1 to Sarape; tbW wW aba tend to batea aearfec ae tbe Saa FraoeaM market, ana pat atop totoeal rfeeotalieM. wMeb bare been carried ea

tbere by tbe rrfaiec iatoresU far a ooraVer af yean

Tbe ale af car pradaee real to "ew ZeaUad aad

AurtraKa. by tbe Waapa Waapa ia AprB. bare been

ntama. and bare praed rery tbfaetory. Tbe

Saga taeit to Sew XaaUad were raid ia bead, aad

braacht lid to 3d for Xa. 1. aad d ta lid far dark.

ITitn braacbt tbe btjrbeet priee. tbe chirprt bring

3 par rest-- Oaminiant. aad 9J per eeat. dweacct

foraaab.Tbe lapn abipped to Sydaey were raid at anctian

dvty paid aad brMcal tbe raDewisg prieet :

Kaateba. S3 Ifa ia bap sel HeKaha aHh - e

Xaaama Hfraria bap. Vraofbt frato 15s, to

32 la. the laweet hpareVeaaf; for dait nsoa'Mtaaar. whaab l Mry t per paaad to tat tbiafer.

What areaM to bi tbe swat ttraape 4 tbat a partyfat a prtoatotottor y "their sapus waaW bare raH

bettor if ia aafiaary (raaay Up like iiaaritini fapar.the pacbafea ware rary aabthr. aad being avrei to

the trad warn aeM aheap. Thh b a rtfj iaper-toa- t

aaaltor far a to kaaw.tbat rapars win briej: atleaat aa aab ia baf at in kafft-t- be latter aliagreatly to tbe aaat af aar tagart ; aad tar tbat Terr

ream aatr aagan in Vijrt test to Sydney did eachthe beat.

The alaty an tagar ie Eydaey U & per ton. aadtaah u (reigbta (ftaen thif part) eom- -

ett , k aWat 4. ia all per

tan. fcaapartBt.ea it that jaterwt H 7 pereect-pe- r

laaaai at whiab ratot dwaraato are taade.

The rata ratd la frdaay braagbt 6b Sd ta t?d

jr aaaad. part af hk a! taVro far tan Landau ;

aMrk. the agares grB abare aet tbippers tanse- - .

IhbagBbetc.Salt aad asetaam iaead a market. OesVe Hi

the 3d daties waaH n pay the

fAappart.VtMDX the Sydaay paper tay, ia nattap ear j

Jvrt ibajaiiat af tgaK to their auuket, toat aar ,

Maaaaaf aapprj aaat either be Keatted. artbat we ;

ware sat waD patted at to tbtar eanrgeapare pawers.

raehiiBatthetaatia cither ea.e, tor we tUppedallAe laeral aaald uke, bat If tbay wffl asly keep agoat aaarset we w31 ataaage to gire rbeai all tbeyate.

The Marfan Craekard, at band free San Fraseis- -s to T. H. Iarii, laadt tagar far

The Waaga Weaga arrired aatoaMfras Sydney

ria Xw leamad. bar patreagtrs were traafferred toJhe Ahu, whieh reetel taSed aa tte d far SaaTraaaiea. aad the K. T., tailed as tbe Sttfc wkb aMl eaqr aad aakc a large eaerber af paMcsgert forAaafctoad aad Sfdaey.

The Intaab ebap Wau tTBtaa arrired as the d

fi Sac Aaaeitea, and bat sa9ed for the 6sasa

The SawaBaa btig Kamebiweba V arrired aa tbe

:t (ram the 0aaae laUatk, whb a naiater af re--

The Xthaa ABaa arrired aa the 2N free San Fran- - '

aim, with amehiadiic aad pateaagert to Wa&er iA marie i r Bark raaaVe, M days framHesg Kasg,

VahaaraWa wife aarga af Oati raadi. ar- -

itrad hart aa Saaaay the ilb iaet., haviag last berfar. yard ia a Warr gate. Darimg preeared a tpar j

foraaew yard, tbe reatel taSed for Takparaiteaa i

The SarkCaatdec bat btad freta FxgetSacsdjwttb laaabar to H. HaeUeU A Oa.

TheCaaMtaaedaithc2Uwitha fcleargaaadaedat a uaatt i af i. !

TbeKtW AB h toad fa, 5 Iraei. j

FamK the Carnal iraf Mefrer;. Cea, A. LUyij A Ca. j

af iadav.e male the fatUwiegeltraetJ that wB

iaiiitl aayplaatort. The Sbtoeaeat af Snrartbr ibe ;

font ana af theV eacra'Warin. wu dkoaeed af atrerrfar pritat. aad at the 5rdiey Market w3l bebaayas,XX WaM satil Oetolee, aB tlie Scpan that we cars tendtaatbii. wiB aaeet with ready aad praatabie tale.

The ArtiaVe whiab yaa pradaee. and we can taketo a large ex teat, it rAK. We castaae abaetdM aaat par weak, whtob it taasdy tappKed framJdiailliai. hat a trial thipiiunt fram yaar Part perKaaga Waaaaa. bat giraa abaadaat eridesra tbatyaa aaa aappty mt at weE, if sat letter; tbe laweetpaae reareitd for year Ssgar per TTanga Wasga,wat SSi 1- -, aad the bagbeet price wat K is., aadulfc bettSagar wataaaly ardiBary Caacter. H mattleave a gaad plait to the grawer, after didattisg ii il Ihl the atoty. whieh k i per too.

'We the total abarcae aa lack Ssgart.iselad.hag Daty . Caamii ii lKseaaat. aad alt

tbm aapeaaet. at ahaat St per toe. la 1SK theAaetrahaa Catoake taafc txaa the Maaritiu M.7Stoaa af Sagar ; is liS they toak XLJOt teas, aad apto the pneaMthae that year they bare taken IJ.JJTtoaa. A fow yeart ag aB aar Sagar ease frara Ma- -

"amalkam. iiaadU bai Weo tean ant af the field.We are laiaanaim. ta araw saear ra AsrtraKa tathe Earthward, hat t wtl Ve aaay years beiare Haaakat aay sariaat Baaressiaa aaaa acrlaaparts. Wehare aa am a tin lUaaiary here, which eaa take eftara aai alatia af law edasa Sacart. amty St far ac

aaaaatat, hat as there it aaly ane Baaserv. tierI ay it aw( of wbat they reatare. Tbe Sacar atasttitrable and always ia desaad.are Eariaaf. Coasters,aad Crystals : the fanner seao Wlowtie Caaalui raace fram 32 to 3$. aad the Crystalsfraaa Ot ta St per tan. Bcty paii. Sales are caseat a aaaaaaat' arrfit. aad the Baak charge far

the Mb it at the rat af 7 per cear. peraasaaaa. The ataaSy charged are fartSaf t fee eea . aad cwanntee per cent.: anr

wa ahatge it i per ceat, iaalaansg ruinatee ; whirf-ag- e

Is. Sd. par tac cartage If-- per tan. Taa cash!aardlr da wraag an scadaag a few tsaM Cargses afSagar h these Caat uiu . and the present maaest Itvery bearable far taeh a reatcre. Our steels tare j

sat been RrM far maay years at they are aaw,asd wceaaaatgetasylracz LanrtensbereOejer,

'whereas a Carrae-e-M leave yaw Part la JuneVebaseic A.rast- - If yaa are i&pesed to trr 4

w, stal k tippv U reeeir, it. aad ,waa W a&ete safe K erawin- - span as if ye requireH. far rant wjgrltj af tbeaetcal cast.- AaMher Artiele wbteh yaa sight send u to iSauted exteet, is Fslc. Three Sthoseats cfthlseaa ap per Wanga Waaga, f ahaat S baleseaah. We said tbe paree! easigsed to cs at eoual tafid. per &. cash; aaother parcel was-sai- d at W.,terms, asd ttc ether parcel is bring held fr letterrates. Ititasedbere fr,datxasses and PSaws,asd as af the rarnsasers hi leading ait St Balestame far sale ia EcgUad. If this Shipment leaTeaa sarpaef pril la England, wt eodd take anyCjUantiy, at we tare always large Stirs cs tbe berthvtieb wiH it We shall be ta tearr. .r.TX ,vTfrarayc, yea tar, likely to rat '

ttai Market.Sydsey if a freeTart ferStippirg, tie oaly charge

bcic Paatage. vtxh it Id. per tan is, asd ii. pertcs out. W pre below oar TarsTcf Duties, aad au

ea asy Sbipoenti raada.froa ber tbe aaae rates arealtewrd ai drawback. Flaeing car ferried at yearditpotaU

TV are. Dear Sirs,Tears faittrnDy,


roisx or hoauuxu.A1UIIVKD.

;n fchr 1x1 v trim naa.Jetr AtUrr, frrro iUri.Mair Yjr Weaph. lae, days frtxa Sdoj.

t fear II altar, bwa Kaaal.Brtc Kasteaam Y, Ka? train, dart trca 1U--

Vn'aMaad.fvkr Lakh!, boa VTuiJu. .

SAr Ja Yrc ftnSuiLBrtt Sb WBBaa faMC allbcra, 39 -- y fan

faa Ftaac .H-J- iiT JIJ KmU. frran .

An ha. aaa AHn 5hw- 1? daji frrca 52 rraa-e- n.

Site Ka frrm 3luL- - Si Sr Katrfetr. ho K a.

l H.aa.Sdir HaAaMe, fiwa KasaLSear Tirj Qwk tn Suil

-. t" '5 n IUa.

Am Caa--h. Mn, trera rerrt Socai.Sr.M T etveAanJ, Vltrj, i; days frcra

Saa Ftaaebce.SAr KtIT OulwrirVt, fcvxn Kuu.i r IhMltani. ia MaulAm V IVdtc K aayt r Hft p.

r: Sr laHMa. Inn IUn.Sar War-l-ei, On Mt OL

25 Am h InuR, as a vca Sis Traacfevo.

SAILED.June S Srtir Weea, fic Havaft.

fear TaMa, br MaaLfear Xlaaaafcawai. be Mad.! IMiMa fr KaaaL

S II B il Urrrrmi. Aaairal DtraVr. far Tatrarain.II B M rwrt Oart E--. far TalpanuM.II B H CfcarrMu. Ckf A Jlr L Iaaa, tx Ta.

raratM.B B M Eadraawa. Oaft Larej, hr ValfaraiM.HEM TJBy. Or K . Ut VatraiaiM.II B M rinaa. Caft J Bylaw, (w ValaraiixAm ater Aaa. FVra. for Saa IraaeWo.Am ak Cawet. I tHrr. ferfAa Iraocssoo,Sar Ur Vulre, far ManLSear Arrin. ftr Hawaii,fear Marr EBen, fcc Maui.Scfcr Laaa. lar Hawaii,fear Jtaar. tec KasaL

Zi Br auar W.r caga. BeaSe. far AeUaadanlfett Uaa. fir K4aa.fear Harlie. r KaeaL

S fear KtMj Oartwnftu e KasaLIfr ta trOMaa TO-- m. MOkara. hr Baker't Iahad.

ir.vssarGEns.ra SXI raaxoMe IVr Aax, Jca S Mr Barh, 3Tua

ff lamp. 5 B rarMaa, Z S fraMiar. B Tame aad wife, JaaL XjrwK AaaM Tmttr. Ir Cialk, rxkina. I C TTaluBac,Eer OHSaark aad we, MrL II Galirk and e chadrea.Master M A Hirkax, II UMeCaacbtrr, l r faadMiaad, JM Barat, Mr Bwaalt, J CSiade. Paris, 3 IT TaM-St-

waV, caMaadMrraBt,lrUClVwiag, EabmTSakeraad wtta, Mr Mm IXt, V C IVfr., n MeErey, ETTBaaaawa, aad. Sa ia tram f raaer ana Antklaad 125.

laa Sax Ituew-r-er OncMt, Jane 2S Eer Mr fadec,waad;ctllllia,?irBartWtaadiB, Mix lasra ban-tet- t.

Mao Carrie Bartlett, H Ida lwrr. Mrfieokiex, MrI1W. Vr TVeaaIe. Mr Krai, 1! r f fc, l!r JAnlard, R Llraneb--

raex f raxir jlxs Akuajo rer.Wenpitrtiipv JcaeSTtocaaa Eaaas, Hearj Jcaet and $9 traaett far fan Fran- -

Xxm aaml!iiii-r- rr Kasxaaaeka T, Jcae S-- Xar. J Qawea, J Saort aad wife, and 35 H.aaBia

far Aarxuxa m from Tw Tfenfa TTeaca, Jane itH MeTartaae. aad 14 ta traaaH (Ml fan Fraseuca.

Faax Sax fuvcuto rvrliaa ABea, Jcne UJtarit, Faatr J firawa aad t CMaese.

Far fan Iraacena, per Aax. Jaa SS

OakftMBt pw rvaaatf lto .IKS)Saasaktai lfi Sfr CS-K-

HiaM .SMfavrpriJeaMM 36Vatoe liaanUc nevaac S,BUJi

Ter5aaFraaeaitt,rrOMaet,JaaeSBaaaaw Veto SM'Iarelto SvXO

IMMweaafy ..Jt)frarb 47i.nOaa tte lttVTnt Ha ..Si,S4iBaste ..... 1,

Tatoe ik i Ik. peuduee SStSaJeTate fvnfa ppAtoce .. . . 1H.JS

Tor Aaek!an aa Sydney, per ITeara VTacra, Jane SiFarina lto .. . ...1.MaVaawi caai. fafar K .afi.5tSrata lto 17.awlTaraicaK

Tatoe aim I Be aoMOOe $ll,4j:Tatar fcreaea fevdaee SveO

uirouTs.Freea fjdaer and AackUad, ytr tTaao Tecca, Jane S

Bauer ca - ..(Seeds akr. 1Caiui e liffeetmeaa fkt . 2Oaraasroatb tofretieaxi ..IHUM.. 1 ! rOawat Vii irtJarr'd m'eSte jigs....

am ...... atFnaa fas FraaeUea, per Etaaa ABea, Jnae 24

Ba.kt ati..... 12t .... 43ltTailt pin 2

akt lSj.Pamm r 1Bread ek et irotal-- tkl ltoBrea4ca MlMeaat .2S

OeraaiB... 1 ".ri'.rrriirisjj 'rami'ebacV ""I iOtauuaiVpkII'r! "ItTIajsarar tmaut....!!!"maawwaeee? ... ..laxl ........SartotM jaa'TaVnsu 1Hatwraneakr Jl.Waen !

.;.; V1 "sitek. lto'lraTtteV,W.T,rCarfeE,Jnne2- ;-

SE-fSjg- fFreeafaa Fraaeisca, rv Margaret CrKkard.Jnne 27

M 33'"" ' '

ruraxra xr car?, jkixxxx. ikbs.MKAy TIME.

Jane Otb. 1st Qaarter. .". CO ti MtJane lata. Fcti Mwc tKuJeaeSWh, Laat IraarKr.. u , .. . II laxjBB2$!a,XwMM 12 rx

TIME SBX Elf IMS AXB SJ3TIXS.1st. fan Biio i Htx Saa Seta 6 ZirxSet. faa a i 2t fas feet 6C.Uthvaa S 22...ufaaeU. .C K2M. Saa Hio i 24 faa feU . )..2B. faa Kitea. S 2a faaSK. 41..

Accrorsr. Tetrtiar, a EawaBaB at work onhoard tixEaek iMaa .laVn iccHeD4H.v fe! doTl thelaaki hatch ef tbe rrsfei. The heed brfec BearJreaply tbe fatt wis a diBcerocs one, tt fort seat rfrthe raaa sceetred only some serere brtiues oil Usback.

AHAMf A Wn.Tim win boJd a Fcraitnre Sate to-day at o'clock at the bosse of Mr. I BmlettXaBaan VaUey.

VTe vaadtt aUo cxH atteatios to the Sate of theae bore Mly br C S. BartbK, on

c.tT.r rt aJaf a.' Lporteg Into ttfe Hagdon far many years.

Br advertiseoaent in another eotcma, it wiH besees that Vtr. Wra. CernweH has pcrebased thestock of Hardware ia the store recently occufied bythe kit W. :. Ladijn the Odd FeHbw's BaK. WecorsHany rtctdaaeird Mr. CoraweH to tbe pabflcpatranacr. fcivhag so docbt bat that, by Mr dealwgaad eoBrteoss attention to the wants of Ms custom-

ers, he win merit H.

KotmrtV- - On Sunday Eveaicgtist, upon retrrn-lBglT-

Cbcrcs, our towns cmb F. A. Sdiaefer. Eso,foaad that, the btted of one of his bedroom windowsbad been wreacbed opes, and apon investigatien betoesd that a small box, which bad stood near thewindow, had been carried off by burglars. Someglasses and other Httle articles, which tad been leftstasctegea tbe box. hid been carefully set aside bythe Uatf and only the box taken. Tbeboxcontilsedcarrcspoodeoce only, which, although It no. douUproved a great disappointment to the thief, is quitea seriaas loss to Mr. S. It is lo be boped that.tbel- - the box, on rxxHtg that tbe coa--t w win ve rue goooness

" retC" U' P the

A Saxuk Gtxics. WlBe the OciUU, of theBritish Squadron, was at TlctorU, V. I, she touchedupon some rocks, durissra squiS, zed got a bole iaber bow. There bdeg no dry dock ormariserailway al that port, as tbere Is at San Francisco, tiediScnlt questloa arose as to bow tbe could be re-

paired. A young seaman attached to tte vessel, cotbred, mite a pUn of what Is no w ealied

a "box'" which was constructed, aad placed underthenowa of .the ship, whereby the carpenters wereenabled to get at tbe cecsvary worker repair. Tbetask of lifting so large a ship with aB brr armamenton board might well have puzzled tbe carpenters ofthe Heel. Bnt.thU yoangsaBor. with intaUfrege- -

--erted woAposhed. It is said that he WiH hare tbe reconunen--dition of Admiral Eornby and that of the CarXalnof his own tbpi for pjoaotloa to a departmrst forwhich te is fitted by laa nataral abailies. C A.

Goon. The Ari!a? (.V XI HrraU in tTAklng fthe progrrst of rirSiiatics anJ commerce in ihu King-

dom, expresses great CTatifieatios at the extraordinary

progrefs made of lite years ia these respects ia " thatrrsaore irgiea." Xew, when we consider that la paint

ef rime, we are about half the dittance fram the greatcentre of cirTKiation and commerce tbat Aaeklasdit, we appreciate the eengraralatkct of tbe JenoW,aad eanitder tbat "rrmefe" is jnst the ward to expresstbe relation we bear ia point of position to StrZealand.

Tirr. Flrlcc Squadron ssllcd hence on Thnrsdiymorniar; last, to Vilpanlso, their short stir here

biTinj been a very pleasant one. On Wednesday

list s noted in onr list Usee, the British residentsgirc i picnic to tbe cSScers ot the Sqaidron, atw bichi large pnraber of ocrcitlrens were presentSeldom has a similar entertainment been gotten nphereon a more elaborate sale, and never here oranywhere else has there been nore Itioroach enjoy-rne-nt

both by entertained and entertainer. HerJ!esty Qaeen Emma honored the occasion wrijh

her presence, partitir. fcllr In the enjoyracnu ofthe occasion.

Kgsawats. It was only a short time since whensome Mlkirs alto had bees attached to an Americanvessel of war then lyinc In this port, abscondedfrom their ship, stole a shore boat and eventuallybranch: np at Kan, on the Island of lliwail. Thetame thine wat undertaken on Tuesday evening; lastby two sailors, bdoasing; to one of the ships of theBritish squadron. They got possession of a boatlyincal tbe Eplanide, beloncisi: to one of thecoasters, and pnt off oct of the harbor. The lastseen of the boat, she was to the leeward of the shipsat anchor, and goinc squire before the trade wind,Tbe to men are said to have been Intoxicated atthe time, and under the clrcsmstinccs, have nodoubt perithed. Adtr: tixr.

PzsfOSAl. Arnortc the rassencets by the Ajixfor San Francisco was the Rev. Dr. Clark, Secretaryof the A. B. C F. SI. who returns we understicd,to his oCciil duties In Boston. Dr. Qark by hisgenial manners and the kindly and liberal Interestwhich be has evinced in the people of this country,bis. durirr; his short visit here made a host of friends,and to many his departure was like that of aa oldand tried friend.

Arson; the passengers by the sitae vessel werealso, several old residents of thrselslands who havegene East for a summer vacation and for businesspurposes.

Kt:v. Jlr. Snowdoa, who, during-- the absence ofEcv. Or. Damon, officiated it the Bethel with greatacceptance, sailed for San Francisco ia the Cometon the Sd lest.

EmtTTRT BiAir, Esq In a recent lecture ca sugxxit Lara, X. B., said: "It is probably near tbetruth to say that abont three millions of tons of sa-

gar are produced in the world annually. Asa gen-eral rule an acre of canes produce a ton of segxr,so that we have ibout three millions of acres devo-ted to the growth of sugar, and about tbe srraenumber or laborers are eagaced la its cultivation.Of the three raiUkms of tons produced, probablytwo and a hzM xnilKoas ire exported aad famishcargoes for about 7,500 ships. Or, if we allow threevoyages a year to each ship, or nearly so, the trans-

port of sngars from countries of projection totboseof consumption employs constantly ,Stfl ships and49.COD seamen. And if we consider the thousandsof men employed In building, fitting out, aad tup-plyi-

these ships, ss well as the thousands who ob-

tain their Bvchood fn conned ion with the landing,warehousing, reining and distributlur of the sugar,we shall hive same idei of the raigultude and in-

dustrial Importance of tbe snide."Xnw Zcalamx We hive been favored by a

friend, with tables of the Exports ind Imports of theColony orXew Zealand for the year 1S0P; also sched-ule of the tariff oa Importations. The importsduring the year hive been while tbe ex-

ports have been 4,224.503. The principal exportshave been gold, amounting to 2,341,5 stertiar,wood, or which 27,765,630 2s valued 1,371,230,and kauri gum, (a fossil resia) of nhkh 2,Sj0 toeshive been exported, valued it 111,307.

We also notice that cotton and cotton seed wereexported to the value of KJ,1C0, and virions grainsto the value of SS1273, of which oats tike the pre-cedence, being exported to the value of 22,000.

Tbe number of vessels hich hive been " EnteredInwards" during tbe year is 764 reprcsentins25Q,7Sltoes; the number of vessels Cleared Outward" wis771 representing 247,764 tons.

The Revenue of tbe Colony for the year was fromduties 323,537 from other sources (principally golddnes) 93,674, total 23.151.

Among tbe duties on various articles we noticethat on Eiee to be two shilling? per hundred weight(1122)iDdon "Sngir, treacle and Molasses" onepeony per pound.

The duties on imports are levied on the Importa-tions from all countries, Great Britain Included ; themother country safely relyisg upon the superiorityand cheapness of ter products, places herself uponan equality with every other commercial citron larespect to the trade of ber colonies in enlightenedpolicy hich makes the subject of the must distantcolony as loyal as the most loyal subject, d wealingwithin sight of Westminister Abber.

Itersort or Queen's. Hospital.We publish below the reports of the Physician

and Treasurer of the Queen's Hospital The formershows that fewer patients are cow under treatmentin the Hospital than at any time for a number ofyears. This Is gratifying. Inasmuch, as owing to thewdl earned reputation of tbe institution among ournative ropulitien, a larger proportion of tbe Sickseek medical lid tbere now than formerly; the re-

port therefore proves that tbe health of the nativepopulation is, at least la Honolulu, exceptionallrgood.

Qcrxx's Hospital, June 24th, 1ST0L

To tie TmCea of (paxtV Ectpiial:Nothing of moment in connection with tbe Hos-

pital has transpired since the last quarterly report,rendered in March, since which time one hundredaad forty two new names have been entered la thebooks; of this number ve been admitted to tbeHospital. During the same period 667 preseriptiosshave been recorded besides many repetition, tbeaverage attendance of outside patients has beensomewhat less than formerly owing to there havingbeen so prevailieg sickness at this time of tbe year.The deaths have been seven, one foreigaer, and sixnatives. The present number of Inmates is 11foreigners and SI natives, tbe smallest, for severalyears. EespectfuSy,

E. McKtebdc, J., M. D.

Hosslcix Jane ZKh. 1S79.Ta Elt EaxOaujT. W. Xfocaim,

Minister af the Interiar, Ae.Six : I have the henr ta famish this, the semi

arTiral Eeport ef Treasurer cf the Qaeen's Hospital,shewing the receipts aad disbursements dsrisg thetaif year ending at this date ; asd aa estimate af thef rarrial ccuditian af tbe corparation an the 1st prax.Dce.29, 'tS the amount ef east aa hand was fl.lTJ JS

Since that date, I have received as fallows :From J. H. Coney, Esq., $ 5.80

" Skips, etc., etc., pay patients 327.50

" Hawaiian Treasury, fsr passes gers aadHaw. Seames's taxes, 9 Mouths to 1stef April . 2,715.57

" Irteritr Department, on appropriation 3,323.33" Sales of eld Coral Stone- s- 72.00

S7.6529The disburse rrta during tte same time tare been

as faHaws :For a ary of Physician to 1st iaat.r 1 year. V O0M' " of Asj't- -. Physician Wis tinrt.,"

fi itai 300.00

For wagat cf Parreyer aad Serraats ts 1stiast-- tW S72.00

For passages to Honorala of tworiekaea .CO

For providoss, medicises, lirhtt, fsel, far--Eitsre, eezs, lead, pipes, repairs,

. ete et-c- during tie fi 35t.MBalance casi en tasd 121.S3

t752.5JZt&eaSti jMttt Jury 1st, IS70.

Cash cow ee tad.lAppropriariftn., I.000.0SPassengers aad Seanen's t 550 .00

Payfass 5.o4


Ettimotrd HaUKtif at tune date.Salaries of Phyiicianf -- ...175.00Other current expenses far the month

of Jan,. .'6M.M SiA.NI

Balance available Jnly 1st $2rr?S.SJRespectfully Scbmitted,

Cna, K. Btssor,rVraimrrr.

Mr. Karros. Why-- not give th sagar of the islands of Hawaii Xci the privilege of

obUtntnt: from tha soil o! the country all theprofits ami benefits that their capital and indus-

try can legitimately derive from it? Why with-ho-H

from them a Urge source of gain which will

not only contribute to their prosperity, bet will

materially advance the interests of this coontryin its commercial relation? with other lands.

J allode. Sir, to the privilege which should

long since hire been conceded to our planters ofconverting their noUsses, sfcimmings. etc intospirits for export.

By a carefnlly prepared statement which I preyou below and which I can certify by my own

experience, it will be apparent to any one whatan imropnso loss the people of this little rTinj-dot- a

suffer front the tabu which has Kesn plicedupon this important article of commerc.

From the skimmings, etc--, of oar sugar mills,which are otherwise a total loss, we can obtain10 gallons of proof spirit for every ton of sngrproduced.

From the molasses we can obtain 45 gallons ofproof spirit per ton of sugar; the average ofmolasses being 60 gallons to a crop of 500 tonsof sugar will yield from its molasses, stimming?.etc--, 27.500 gallons of proof spirit, at fifty centsonly per gallon wosld return to the manufacturer j

13.750, whereas tbe return to tbe planter from

the sale of 30,000 gallons of molasses from tbeproduction of 500 tons of sugar at S cents pergallon, bnt $2,400. thus tasking; a difference tothe planter of $11,350, or a total loss to thecountry of $227,000. as per annnm by the pro-

hibition of the distilling privilege.

I trust, Sir. that the wisdom of the Hawaiian

legislators will adopt measures to prevent thisgreat loss to the people of this country.

Oct commercial relations with other countriesare expanding almost beyond our most sanguineexpectations; let cs foster and encourage them.

I am. Sir, yours respectfully,


New York Correspondence.

The 2ltFaiix& Triit Jfc-H- ity r. Jfamia TUJeirr (f SmrU J7rf Mct cf XayTU Felt ftie Ansae 252.

New rosK, May IPth, ISTa

Editoe Hawaiian" Gazette: Last week witnessedthe close of the celebrated McFarltnd case, with themain facts of which, all in Honolulu who read thepapers will, no doubt, by the time this reaches you,be well acquainted. This trial ceded, as was an-

ticipated from tbe usual decision of such cases InAmerca, In the unqualiSed acquittal ot MeFarlind,the slayer of Albert D. Kiehardson.

From the nature of the social questions involved,and the prominent positions held by the principalpersons implicated In the affair, this trial has at-

tracted more than usual Interest; and during itprolonged contlnua-c- r, the public has watched theproceedings with an attention entirely dispropor-tionate to the legal questions Involved, or to thematerials afforded for sensation, though such havesot been entirely lacking.

The practical question at Issue has been : Is jeal-ousy a justification for murder? When McFarlandshot Mr. Richardson for the second time, and fatallywounded him, no ose had any idea that he wasan insane man, or that the deed was done ender theinfiueece of an uncontrollable onset of frenzy, orsudden t of Insanity. It was looked upon as theculminating, murderous act of a brutal passionateman, seeking vengeance for an imagined wrong.

In giving their verdict, tie jury doubtless ex-

pressed their own unwillingness, as they did that ofmany otters to surrender the impliedprivilege of punishing to the death any one whoshould make a real or fancied invasion of their mar-ital rights. They virtually decided that no man hasa right, tor any purpose, however humane or philan-thropic, to step In between another man and ttewoman who is or has been his wile. Throwing outthe question of insanity, which, in this case, wasmerely a plea trumped up whereby to cheat thegallows, the Implied theory of marriage, on whichjurors have founded their verdicts in this and othersimihtr cases, is that the wife is the property of thehusband, and In his treatmeat of her he is answerableto no one. It mnst, however, be confessed tbat thelaudable sentiment, now grown to be almost a con-

viction, that. In any ease, murder Is not a sufficientreason for hanging a man, has added strength to thewillingness of juries to strain their oaths rather thanto fad the prisoner guilty of a crime Kcieb wouldentail tbe infliction upon him of the extreme penaltyof tbe law. The belief In the justice or necessity ofcapital punishment has. indeed, been greatly shat-tered of late years. But it is quite noticeable thatthe very class which yearly furnishes the largestnumber of candidates for the baiter, firmly advocatestbe necessity and utility or the gallows, a parallelto which we find in the tact that, almost withoutan exception, so far as heard from, the tyrants of thehousehold, and the spoilers of womanhood, arelocdest in their approval and defense of McFarland.

It Is certainly unfortunate tbat there exists thisgreat disrepaney between the intelligent feeling ofthe community and the law or the land touchingmurder, the mult of n hich Is that many acknowl-edged crimiaals go scot free, whilst the law is sureto be enforced only in the case, of some wretch, likeJack Reynolds, wbo has no money, no friends, nopolitical or social infiuence. 2o doubt, the appear-ance upon the witness-stan- d of so able and plausiblea man as Dr. Hammond, giving testimony, as a med-

ical expert, that would at least tend to befog therainds of tbe jury as to McFarland' s perfect sanityat the time of the commission of the act, though itcan cot, by any means, be said to have proved bhiasasirr at tbat moment, had much to do with tteverdict of the jury in this case. " Throughout thewhole of the aSair, tbe nature of the testimony ad-

mitted, and often the rulings given for tbe exclusionof testimony, were such as to make it seem were not intended fori trial of McFarland,but ratter of all wbo were in any way associated oridentified with his victim.

Tbe counsel for tbe defense, throughout, indulgedin the most brutal and outrageous blackguardism,seeking to break down the testimony given by es

lor the prosecution by tbe most unscrupulousdefamation of character, even grounding their

calumnies npon attentions and kind esses toMrs. Richardson, which, If shown to any otherwoman under tte same circcmstancea, would tavebeen lauded to the skies. Such, however, was tteindignation with which the public at large receivedthese libelous attack', and so unexpected tte largecumber of friends who at once started up to repelthem, that Mr. Spencer, the junior counsel on the de-

fense, felt compelled to publish a card la which hewithdrew his scandalous charges against Mrs. Rsn-kl- r,

whose friendship for, and succor ot, Mrs. Rich-

ardson, having been tte moat decided, noUe andhad, accordingly, been thought

worthy of tbe most virulent abuse. This letter ofretraction and apology brought down on Mr. Spen-cer the wrath of his senior colleague, and causedbis withdrawal from tbe ease. Mr. Graham's thickerskin, and slighter sensitiveness to public censure,made him led no necessity lor an apology. Betwbat public opinion alone could cot do, was accom-plished by tbe calm presence aad force cf a high-tone- d

lady. It wat pleasant to see the wild beastin Mr. Graham cowed by the dear, resolute look ofMrs. Suckle, when that lady was brought npon ttestand. During the two hours' aad a ball is whichshe was giving ber testimony, Graham's mannertowards berpartook of tte out studied deferenceand courtesy. And when, at ose time, in alludingto Mrs. Rankle, then on tte stand, be inadvertentlyosed tte expression, "this woman," becorrecrednimsf W, and apologise d on the instant.

At the list meeting of the Sorosis, the Societypassed a scries of resolutions expressive of theirviews and sympatic In this matter. One ot themreads at follows:

"VsoVst,That we profoundly sympathlxe withMrs. Richardson; that we believe her to be an In-

nocent and deeply Injured woman, whoso greatestfault was an error of judgment in remaining solong with a tain who hid fotfelted every claim, to

her respect, and outraged every instinct of herwomanly nature."

It seems impossible for any man or woman toread the nirraUvc of Mrs. KIcbirdson's lire, nineyears of which woe made wretched by MeFarlind,without feeling that It Is the mked troth.

Mr. ilcFirlind, since the trial, has been using hisfreedom In making threats of vengeance agilnst theprincipal witnesses opposed to him, nd In theshameless publication of letters or affection writtenhint by his wile, during periods when she was sofortunate as to be away front him.

The month ot May has, thus far, been a deliciousmingling ot spring and summer. Its chosen livery,green and gold, a carpet of grass pled with dande-

lions, was never brighter than it has been this year.But already advancing summer his produced Itsnrtt feeling of revulsion, by ripening the dandelion-top- s,

v hose gray heads are beginning to scatter inthe brcexc

Governor UoSminn's veto of the Broadway Ar-

cade Bill his, for the present, relieved Kcw York ofthe most stupendous scheme of robbery that everthreatened a city. Had this bill been ratified andcarried Into execution, Broidway would be minedfor years; busiucss would be driven from this mag-

nificent ivenne ; private property on each tide of Itwould be scircd and used at the pleasure of thepillagers; and the public parks would be it themercy of a soulless corporation, to be used for rail-

road stations, machine shops, Ac. Agilnst thisstite of things, the united body xt cltUcns wouldbe legally powerless; an appeal to the courts wouldbe useless; and a resort to forcible resistance wouldbe the only remaining resource. In this city, Inproportion to Its magnitude, capital Is nltbont e.

The most immensely rich are selfish, am-

bitious, diabolic.This is anniversary season, but my limits compel

me to postpone aa account of Its doings till nexttime. CLATts.


illira KaxUA Jane SJ, in Fort Sure! Church, br Iter.S. & Damon, Sir. J. II. jlltnx, et Kan, Hawaii, U Mist

Malta a toil l, of ItcnolDlc, dancbter cf the Rer. JametKekela, llawaKan Missionary. Marquesas Island.

n::.rruxs la Xreth Kobab. oi tbe lfth las taut, Uttts B.

lriiax, aged .drears, f.mertj of Maasaehasetu. He bad

rti4d He many years on tars Islands.

Krrrixnct At Waitctu, Maui, on Saturday, Jan 15th,

C,i?t tefant faa oT Dr. anj Mrs. Kiltirdge, aeJ S months.

Hal aai At Baktr't Iftasd. May 5th, of disease cf the

heart, very aulaeoly, Haaaxo, a native of the Hawaiian Itlaada.



Cut Iron or Wrought Iron Tlehe about 51OXE diameter, and 20 inches depth. Parties hav-ing such to dispose of, will please make it known

UTHEO. H. DAVIES, Honolulu,

21-- Or to A. CSSA, liana, E. Maai.


And all the rage just now.:i For Sale by BOLLES A Co.


Cheap for Cash ! Cheap for Cash ! !



JJAVIXG purchased the

Entire Hardware Stock!OF

J. W. WIDDIFIELD,Would Cull tbe Attention of





For the Hants of tbe Island Trade.

Merchants in Particular,



Before Purchasing ElsewhereAS JTAXT TBISGS WILL SS SOLD




Agricultural and Other Implements,

Coming- from the East.

lie Usual Disconnt Made to tbe Trade

3S-- Orders frora tbe other Islands respectfullysolicited, promptly attended to and died with care.

EST" Xo Cos-ect-iou with the Tina arrets the War.

zs II

"TaTTDOir GLASS, Assorted Sites, for salebT


MUXTZ' YELLOW METAL,Xailt, for tale by

29-- Hi HACKFELD i CO.

HIXE WISE and CLARET,R For Sale byIMai H. 11 ' ' KFELD t CO.





HEMP CASTAS, "Arbroath Flax Canras,

for tale by (12) BOLLES A CO.

BAGGIXG, inch Barging, for tale by12 BOLLES A CO.





AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M.

At Residence of L Bartlett, Nuuaau St,

-T-rill be told


Hair Clotb Sofa and Itoelten,Easy Chairs, Mirrors,

Marble Top Center Table,Oak Dining Chairs,

Dining Table.


llcds'tcnil, Iiurcnn,4 Chairs, Tabic nnil ltockcr.

Koa Bedstead, Mattrasscs and Bedding,Crockery and Glassware.


One Opca II ;c;cy. One llook Case.


-- eerlar SestleFRIDAY, JUNE 31, at 10 A. M.



Etc., Etc., Etc.


10 Kegs Brown Sngar,1 Silrer Watch, 1 Light Tienio Wagon.

1 Express Wagon, 2 teats. In order;1 Schooner's Boat.


Ml mi OF illBy Order of WM. L. QREBX, Esq., Administrator

ad interim, If the

Estate of the late Daniel Montgomery,


WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th'At 10 o'clock, "A. 31., at tbo


Wa will Sell the


Belonging to said EtUte, contisting of

Xorthtrest Scantling and llonrds,

Xortbwcst, Tongncd and Grooved,Redwood Hoards,

Redwood, Toncaed and Groorcd,Cedar and Redwood Shingles,

Battens, etc., etc.


ADAMS k WILDER, Anet'rs.

OF P IBy order of Mestrs. W. L. QREBX and F. II. HAR-

RIS, Assignee of the Estate ofC. X. SPEXCER A Co.

On TUESDAY, July 5th, at 12 M



(249) Two Hundred and Forty-nin-e





BEEF, lo bond.




Catch orSpriiifr 1870.Receired per Falkenbnrg direct,

IS And for tale by HOT. " Co.

Saloon Pilot Bread.BeceiTed per D. C. Murray.

IS For tale by BOLLES A Co.

California Oat Hay.Receired per D. C. Murray. Eor tale by


Oregon Sngar Cured Haras,. A Very Superior Article.

Jnst BeceiTed per Falkenbnrg.

IS For aale by B0LLE3 A Co.

MAXILA CORDAGE,J inch to S iseh, in bond or duty

paid, and for tale byII BOLLES A CO.


."Forsaleby (12) BOLLES A CO.

OYSTERS, OYSTERS,McMarray't Baltimore Ojsten,

in 1 A 2 lb cans , and for sale by12 BOLLES A CO.

PAINTS &. PAINT OIL,Beat Whit Zinc, White Lead.Blaek

Lead, Fancy Paints asd Best English Boiled OiLFor sale by (12) BOLLES A CO.

auction sales:


illl!Mkm SALE

-- OF-


Honorable A. S. HART WELL. Justie of thaSupremeCourt.madeen the 13th day of May, 1870, inthe natter of the Rttata or Her late RoyalVICTORIA KAMAMALU KAAHCMANU. deeeaUed, I am instructed by His Kt. JOHX 0. DOMIXIS,Administrator of tald Estate, to tell at rnbllo Auc-tion to tha highest blddeV for rath.

On Saturday. July 2d.At ia o'clock, Noon, nt Halmreea.,

The following Real Estate.9.i wit All Ih.l l.l. li

.. . iiu iiinvoi- -

lu.iuuui.u, aou ids atBeawtenements, n0r.ltr.max.. ..! . ...-- I'tinrieaanccs wercaa 19

belonging, and known aa

H. THE1JDINBITRG HOUSE, M.more particularly described In Royal Patent No. oJ.jKnleana helu 164, granted on the 2d day of Septem-ber, 1S5I, bounded as follows Pa ma ka bik. bema0 ka papa ma te alanai makai a hoomaka ma ka kihiakau mauka o kela, ma ka ala makai pill aaa ma kapa Aupunl a e holo ana bema 41 htk. 331 2. ka ala makai, alalia bema it" kom. 222kap. ma ke. kauonohe pa hlkl I kahakal. 303 kap. ahlki I ka pa Aupunl, alalia 3S 30' hik. 118 2. kap.a akau 10 hik. SI 2, kap. ma ka Anpuni a hlkl 1kahl i hoomaka al,

At an upnet price of 810,009.Also The Land and Premises situated la Uonolulaaforesaid, known and called HALIIMAILE, and de-scribed in Royal Parent, Xo. 689, Kuleana helo 117,as follows E hoomaka ma ka kthl akau oanka okela ma ka alanui Likeke, plliana ma ka. pa o KeonlAna, a holo ana hema 42 30' hik. 155 ko Keoni Ana, alolla hema IS" li' kom. 2tt, ka pa o ke o ko LU, a hlkl i ko Alannl JIalepuloalaiU akau 15 hik, 217 kap. ma ka Alanni ke

a hlkl 1 kahl t hoomaka ia, maloko ia apanaeka,

Al mi apart price ol 4.000.ALSO

The Ahupuaa of "Wniheo,Eituato on the ISLAXD OF MAUI, granted by

Royal Patent Xo. 447S, Kuleana bela 7713, on the3d day or April, A. D. 1381,

At tin upxct prlco of $10,566.ALSO

The Ahupuaa of Hanamaulu,Situato In the Dlstslct of Puna, ISLAXD OF

KAUAI, one of tho Hawaiian Islands, more particu-larly described in Royal Patent Xo. MSI, Kuleanahela 7713, ap. 2, paakn 7, and containing as areao9177 acres more or lets,

AT AN TJPSKT PltlCE OF 37,000.And alto the Land and premltes tituate In Kaila

wela, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. bordering onthe new extension of School Street in laid city,and being a narrow triangular ttrip of land containingabout S87 square feet.

JSS Title Papers at tbe expento of purehaiers.lS-- C. S. BARTOW, Anct'r.


On Saturday : : : July 2d,AT 12 X00X, AT SALESROOM,

Or Immediately after tbe sale of Real Estate, will botold, on account of the departure of tha owner.

Tho Fins American Trotting Hons

BILLY TAYLOR,He Is ont of Lady Juno, a fine bred Morgan mare,

and tired by tbe n trotting ttallion GeneralTaylor. Billy Taylor it 7 years old, kind and gentle.He is well broken to both single and double harness,and is also a good saddle hone ; has trotted his milsIn 2 minutes and 17 seconds.


A fine Blanket, Linen Horse Clothing, Clrclngle,Lap Blanket, and a good English Saddle a Bridle.


For account of the Estate of Joseph Booth, deceased,Illlllnrd Xablcit unci Fixture,

Two large Slx-llg- lit Chandallers,One Superior Force Pump',

With Hose, extra Pipe and Fixtures.

C. S BARTOW, Aaet'r.


On Saturday, July 16th,At SeTcra P. 31. at Salesroom,

I will tell at Auction, by Catalogue,

Educational, Historical and Classical

33 O0S IBooks In the French and German Languages, and

' 31rCe-r-- ' V JUNTG-- S IC. S. BARTOW, Anct'r,

LEASE atAUCTION.By order of the Administrator of tha Estate of


On SATURDAY, July 23, at 12 JCOn the Premises,

I will sell at Pnblia Auction, tha unexpired term of

Lease of Premises on King St.,Lately occupied by John Wienberg, and now sub-

leased to M. T. Donnell, at a furniture wan room.3S Particulars at Sale.

C. 8. BARTOW, Anefr. .

Licenses Expiring in June, 1870.

OAIIU Honolulu : 2d Castle A CookEETAIL, st.; 4tb J II Thompton, Queen St.; 1stMrs Black, Fort it; 4th S Manila Merchant it. ; 13JL Lewis, King st. ; 9th W Johnson, Xuuana lU;11th J Hoare, King St.; 22d Chung Xgan, Nuuanait. ; 29tb Mrs Keegan, Xuuann tU ; 8th 11 Af Whit-ney, Merchant it. ; 13th Q J Emmet, 13 U. FosterA Co., Honolulu ; Ilth R Lore, Nuuana st, ; 1st AhChang, Ulakoheo. ; 1st Teek liana, Dlakoheo. ; Waf-al-ua

28th J Daris A Co. ; 23d Ah Ta, KanmakaptratMaai lit T B Paris, Waibee ; 22d F JSUel; Hana;14th J W Kaawakoa, Kaupo ; 18th J Kalawa A Co..Walkapu.; Hawaii 12th JI Cooper, Keopuka, S. K.,30th Allen A Chillingworth, Kawaihaa; Hilo lltkAkao Hapal.

WHOLESALE Honolulu : 2d Cattle A CookKing it. ; 12th Grinbanm A Co., Queen it.; 3d FASchaefer A Co, Kaabumana st ; I8th Mottmtn A Son,King and Xanana st, 19th IIo3ichlteger A Co., SiCbnng Hood, 3d Abaca, 25th Levers A Dickson, daSpirits, Ed Hofiteblae;er A Co, Opiam AhFongAAfcChuck, Xnmana it.; Victualling 8th Abo, MaaoakaaIt. ; 12 Xolta A Krnger. Xanana it. ; Buteber, Ea I

12th C Tlteomb Hanalel ; Boat, Maai 21th Uoopii,Lahaina.

Interior OCee, 1st Jane, 1870.

LIVERPOOL SALT,Barrels, and (or tale by


IRO.V PIPE,., lack aad 2GALVANIZED WTLIB, and for tale by33 H. HACKFELD A CO.

RUSSIA HEMP CORDAGE, 'BEST from S inch to IJ inc., In boa 4 or teaspaid, and far (ale by


-- a. 1 coe'iyiK RICK always m laamttA.1 asd fur saj


A. Good IIoBHt Poasd.Oaee opon a tlrne, tbe late Sir Robert Peel gTe a

pew to financial men by ttarUng the qnettloc:"Wfcttl a Fod" Toe pound he had In rlew

ni tfce period tSrrKxf, and the qnettlon referred touac pf the esmplexltles reliticg to theof sHrer-ooae- ud paper-mene-

Bet it Is reaJly a ro2 to all erf nt to know exactlywhat if a T&ett& vrigte, So spite of til the tables that

their way Is to oer arithmetic books. Troy

irricM and Avoirdupois vHht and Apothecaries'"wefc-- are Tery weH la their way; bnt what it a

Few persons ban any idea of the prodigiousaaosat fseJentiflc res eirch involved in an answer






to tMs qnettlen. If Mrs. Motrins the greengrocer room; the official standards for everyday nfesetts a pnad ofpotatoes short weight, the Inspee- - ATolrdunois, Troy, bsHkm, length, capacity, andtar a right to look closely at her scale and i g sre In offices for everyday business; while

hvt then, how does A know that the i other important standards, net for crcrrJjyweight is short? If bt Is gjrtded by a standard, then i use, are deposited in the large room of the old Xor-wfe- o

salt toe and what Is it made of, and raan Tower, a fire-pro- receptacle Immcdiate-wher- e

K, asd bow was It determined, and why, behind, and corarasnlcatlctr with the Standards'asd how eoeU raake aaotber if that were de- - ' Office, recently assigned for the nse of thestrwred It sfsprart that there are -r-&n&irp stan-tt- rt

paancU arpoeUcd ia Tarioas pticct, Irrespec-th- e

si, jet ali rctt-rot- tu a choice standard poundkept andcr earefal gBardUntUp. Until abouftenjean ago, there was no tneh thing In England at apaMfe dbpiay of standards of weight and length,

pea to all Her Majesty's subjects to look at asdexamine atthat time, beweTcr, some measnres ofleagth (crt and leches) were placed outside the wallof Greenwich Obsemtory; and we doubt Dot thatxaaar holiday raattsters up the famous hilt bare ob-

served them. These standards are understood tobe correct ie their graduation to something lileone-UwiMM- lt

of tot There are no such publiciydispkjed standards of weight and capacity. Theastro DOier-roy- coot ends that there ought to bethat we osght, one and all oi ns, to hare the meantof tester, is really a pound, and what Is reallyagaitos.'What a predtgteas time It takes to construct asd

Trrifj these standards! Ia 1$!, a committee ofaeteetMe a was appointed to do this; they didsot aake their report UB1SSS. Such of them as hadsot M re the isterim were reappointed to a newmuiiohtee In 1SG4; asd wheti we mention the

i of the astroaoraer-rayal-. Sir J. F. TV. Hers- -

, the master of tbe Mist, Sir John Lubbock, thepntMoat ot the Boyal Society, aad ProfessorMBler,K wfll he pereaiTod that there was no laek of brains

lathe matter. TUs eaatodttee n ere told that therewm as aopoaraaee ot injory ia the Parliamentarytuooato of owe poena weight: They therefore pet

r wis heads together, to examine the conditionof tbe patioBt, aod to devise a restedy. The grandeitrtsstl wu to ParBaaeotary Pound; the next Inrisk were esyttt of this Poasd, placed In the salekeeoJac of the astTOaoeacr-roya- l, tbe master of theMis, aod the presleest of the F.eyal Society,

AH these four ttasdtrdt were broaghttogether oa a parttenlar day, aad were examinedwith eTOry teety wticfc tsteroseopes cooM lesure.The three eeptet passed master well; but tbe

Poond (we may as weH give Isllials cap-Hat-

w pay owe hooor) was found to be in greatpart un-u-d wtth hrows nt tor. arisiog partly fromthe du, iiiiitUoo (is adaapsHsatioo)f the leath-

er aod gioe of Ms case. The doctors set to work.The sutler of the Mist cleaned the Found with


teste easttic ammoolt; and thea Professor MHier,

wefcMog the Poood with a balasce of exquisite yi

Made by OertBoe;, asd ootsparlng It with the

oaaf ia the bases of the astronomer-roya- l, foundthat the fiidooj standard had sot been eatea away


hf rata, the hro n Sitter' having been something

- . , , 7?: r ... !

is so HagMitg matter In the eyes of tbe Exchequeraod Mbat folks.

Set there Is toother Foesd yet to be mentioaed.That Is horsed ia a wall like some victim of a crueldiaset. At the tiate when the committee was atwork, this Posad was haried is a waHei the lower

the Palace Westmisster; and, onwas foood to agree weH with the all- -

t origlosl Parliaseaiary Pound, which livesha a ttroag-roo- a ta the sasesMot of the ExchequerPIT oil The barytas; was, asd is, so curious an tStir,that wcaaast describe it a raorr fully. On a

f, the stesbers of the committee being

. oakr steM from the masoerv of the lowerat the Hoases of ParifamenU A cell or

leceta was thea opened, ia which was an oak box;tbe M of tha box hetog ssscrewed, as inner leadesease was revealed, which coots toed a standard poundsadt a Iliads rd yard. Alter processes of wooderisilyssoote eTftattieoi asd testing, tbe poand was

mrtmOf UUii hj the Blaster of the Mist is Swedishftter-safe- r, thea issefteil is a light iflrer-pl- t ease,

thee ia a sofit hnoxe Vex, then ia the easeabatdy arestaeaed, asd then in the aak ba. ThePoasd was that a sort of the kadenease fciaag vifthac the eak box, the braste bz witstnSbt leases ease, the taVer-gi- lt ease whhis the brastebar, aad Jaok (wrapped is hk filter-pap- garment)

isr the saatatd Tar. was ,1s. pat st. the leaden j

ease. tThes, wife great farmaStythis lanltiftrm baxwasTtissertrd ia the cavity is the wall the cavity j

beiag ttenn i is the ausaary of the ttU of the recess j

is At east tMe of the lawer waitlag-htH- . It wasearefaTIr lodd es pieees of wood, s that s part offee Vtx ibaaM teses the rtese ; the rabbet or rebateof the eavit? was covered with petty ; the Ires etasewaa toeertcd, asd driven iota date caataet with theTehate f eevered, asd Hasid plaater of Paris was to

i as to 11 all the joists. That ended thisfczeral the bsiial of One Pound asd One

Tarf.Tbe ParKaaestarr rtasdard eepy ef the Fennd is

tset harieJ is a was ; tbe other three ttasdard cepiesare hi tafc Vetfdog is the hasdt of the three learnedperwoajt atreadr cased. The original, the imper-

ial ftaodard the Poasd. par exeetleace was wrappedis aher-pape- r. pat iota a iBver-gi- k ease, this ista aVratae bax. asd tail fcto a iae Iras ehest in theitust-TOss- i "f I- - Exeheeser OSee ia Old PalaceTaid. Shaold, therefore, asy zaiihap oeear ta acjese ef these five ttasdard possdt (ne original, asd

there wSH le the atherr at haad ts refer

It was Chafe, .too lees ttas aver hssdred pescds even when esrtr.It contains sot only the standard Possd, bnt otheratuaUrJ. of weir bt, length, asd capacity. tThenthe ekes opesed. the tUsdardt can beseenthreuch

. . .'eorencr ot gltts, B K li destraUe that they fhocld !

sot be tosehed : whSe the duplicate keyt ef the dsp- -Seate leekt are placed is safe hasdt.

Is 1S06, ssrssast to a recommeadatlon made bythe goggdttee. a 'Wardea'of the Standardi was

asd a Standard Office, established, nextdoor to the Exchequer Office in Old Palace Tard. ,

The wardes aad tbe department are eontldemJ nn wto beaocg ts the Board of Trade, instead of to theTiiqiif Tbe IVzrdea has over allthe gsvemaestai or primary standards, asd alsoover the local standards of weight asd measurethreexsost the kingdom. Tbe Exchequer has badthe charge of these matters from very remote timesdowatelSSC; bet sow as just said) tbe Board ofTrade takes control. Tbe weights, tbe measures,the bahecces, the aprjaratca, books they form alrrge coSeetion altogether; AToirdupois weight,Trey weights, measures ot length, measures of

ecBes weights, gas meters, all are here.local standards are to be verified at least once in

Srt years, asd this verification is to be done by theWarden, cy means of his primary or national staa-xr- v

The local standardi aaocnt to theof twenty thousand asd upwards;

asd Jir. CbHooha, the TVardcn suspects that manyof them wffl be ftrend ftulry, when they come Is forTerifinrtor.

Osx frieai tbe imperial Found and the otherof weight have bees compared one

another to degree of cicely hardly conceiv-able try errrydaT folk. Only Imagine the knadredOeauawdUjxeapvfabeiztg talked ahoati TheIisperUl poend AroL-dipo- it precisely TO0O grxint.WeS, tbe choicest standard In tbe possession of thewarden is a Httle lighter than this; bnthowmoeh?Ilwrlgta C33-H3S-

1 grains an amount of differencewbth we wHl leave osr school boy readers to deter--Ksa-

Again, tbe hnpenal pound Troy 5703grain; tbe offlfiM standard in possessioo of thevardes Is i.ulISlTl grains about h of arrais core There are Avoirdupois standards ofK, 2 , T, , 2, aad 1 pound; 8, 4 2, aad X ouaeei

S, 4, 2, 1, and drachm. There are Troy standards

of 1 poond; 6,3, 2, and 1 onnce; 10, 5, S, 2, 1

ounce; 10, 5, 3, 2, 1 dL, 12, 6, S, 2, 1 grain.There are ballion standard of no less than twenty-si- x

dtfTerent denominations. Tarring from aof 500 ounces down to a minlmnm of

of an onnce. There are standards of the yard, foot.Inch, Inch, cxbic foot, bashel, l,

peck, gallon, qnart, pint, ball-pin- gill,half-gil- Of most of these Mr. Chisbolm enabledto say that "the errors of the official standards areso small as to be inappreciable except with the fin-

est and most delicateThe warden has quite a magazine of standards on-

cer W ekanre. The choice Imperial pound lm- -


standard, Jewelis T

we depart- -




i perial yard are ia Cfcobb'S t!roncbt in the ftronr

meat. Jlicroscopial apparatus for comparing meas-

nres of length, so delicate as to insure accuracywithin the hundred-thousandt- h part of an inch;balance that will carry threebnndred pounds In eachscale, and will nevertheless "turn with a sioglegrain; an exquisite balance for weight,that will turn with 110,OCOt h of i grain; barometersand thermometers, hygrometers and allare included among the scientific apparatus, seeingthat temperature, moisture, and atmospheric pres-

sure affect weights andmeasurrs as well as the sub-

stances weirbed and measured. Ifa brass or bronzepound a platinum pound are rigorously equal ina vaccuum, the latter will be about half a grainheavier than the farmer in ordinary atmospheric air;and therefore the kind of metal, as w ell at the con-

ditions of tseatmospbere, have to be studied. Manyof tbe standards are made of platinum; but thescientific committee made their several standardyards of bronze composed of S3 copper, 5 tin, 2zinc Gtastotr's JottmaL

So-se- t Cox ox Ooksets. The WasbinctoaCorrespondent of tbe Cincinnati Times saysSam Cox is one of the deverest men in theIionse. albeit he is a Deraocral His sallieswit. gennine homer, are wont to set tbe" House

in a roar," and on no snhject is he more happy

than on the tariff. lie bas made some good

speeches in Committee of tbe Whole, as weH a:

0 tbe House, while that subject was under gen

eral debate. Here is the way that Cox protestsagainst tbe tax on corsets :

There is a bill before the ITonse of Kepresen-tatives, reported by Messrs ScieDck, Kelley,

Blair, McCarthy, Hooper and Maynard, to impose

a national tax on corsets asd hoop skirts.Against this tax tbe free women ofAmerica should

promptly protest. Is there to be nothing toosacred for tbe searching band of tbeIs there do limit to the reach of tbe Assessor?The Committee of 'VYavs and Means have alreadv

levied a tax on stocking and garters, and mas'tbe privacv of women be farther invaded ? Ifwomen have one right which men are bound torespect more than aqotber, it is the privacy ofthe bosom and of tbe surroundings of theirpersons.

Did tbe Committee who reported this bill know

what thev were doing ! Did Gen. Schenck intend to direct the Commissioner of Customs andbis deputies to thrust a band into every gentlebosom and gather a tax therefrom ? Did he notknow that this was a reverse of all the tax laws

of mankind in every age and in every clime.We know that iron has long since entered the

soal of Keilej, and that be devotes bis energies

to steel, bnt bad the man a mother! Had beever a sweetheart J And did he know that bewas placing a tax around the forts of human life ?

Did any member of that committee not raised

oa a bottle willingly propose to collect this ad

meworT --s'bce Eve nursed her first born, or TinD,e Keam snapea toe: bust ot ilMen 7 Uad .Mr.

Hooper no recollection or early days, when itwas bliss to rest his head upon a heart all fondlybis own ? and could be. recollecting this, pro-

pose to permit tbe to extort revenuefrom tbe hallowed spot ? Let him ask himself

what would have been bis feelings had be discov.ered bis darling in tears, and found that her dis-

tress was because the had net paid ber " corsettax."

Are there no men in Congress who will lifttheir voices in favor of the untaxed corsets and

untaxed hoops? wai General Farnsworth belIeDt 0ntnf lS FnS & te

to tax the vestments that inclose tbe shrines of

beauty, purity and love ! Will the stalwart herofrom Massachusetts (Mr. Butler) vote this taxand thereafter look any woman straight in tbeface? Will be, wbo has identified woman's vo-

cation with Jomini's art of war, wear this out.rage on bis sleeve fer " daws to peck at." Wi;

MoBgeo not point out to the Democratic partythe dutv of repudiating a tax so atrocious ! Will

the gentleman from Oooodaga (Mr. McCarthy)is bis zeal to protect salt, impose this tax on tbegreat dairies of nature ? Will the great champions of American labor and production vote for--

this bill to encircle with specific and ad valoremtaxes tbe infant manufactories of tbe land t

It will not do to say that tbe House is notaware that corsets and hoops are of universaluse. Members know that the Treasury Department can furnish all needed information on thissebject.

The women of America have no representation.

. , .taxed P0n 'heir shoes and slippers, their bos--

. . .,eIJ' lbWr dreMet-tbei- r fbsw!s-ha- and fath.

eTet7 blt of bee and ribbon, but there is aHmit to eveh female submission. Around

-- rthe

sancity of their corsets they will draw the Hue.Shall there be a tax placed upon those emotionsand tbrobbiogs whici have been the deliht ofmen in all ages ? The tax should be resisted,and tyrant man be taught that the band which

-seeks revenue in that quarter mar find the rerol--ver or the dagger. It only required a Marat toproduce Charlotte Coiday, and the Schencks andHeileys raay read that history with profit. Lettbe women's conventions take action.-- Let themadd to the demand for the ballot the cry off --freecorsets, free hoops V and, nntil thpy gain thelatter, let the men wbo vote this tax be deniedall knowledge of female habiliments, save whatthey get from the clothes-lines- .

As Easlt Hzso or tbe Pacinc' Sneh was thetabjeet of a highly intereiting leetare delivered atthe Meebanie't TnstHcte last sight, by the Kev.Thomat Somerville. M., A. The lecture was well attended, well delivered asd well received. The Hero,David Donglas, came htre in 15:8 from Scotland asdpassed ten years on the Island and Mainland, subsequently visited tie Easdwieh Islands and lost his lifethere accidentally. Tbe botanical asd other re-

searches of Donglas were of the most thorosgh andvaluable character, and not the least valuable wat thediscovery of the Donglai pine, which heart hisname. British Vokmut.

Ax English Bishop, who wat fond of shooting, isone of his excursion! Bet with a friend's gatneteeper,whom he tharply reproved for inattention to his relig-ions dsties, exhorting hint ttreonoutly to "go toehareh. and read hit Bale." The keeper in an angrymood responded. " TTby, I do read my Bible", air,bat I don't find is it mention of the Apostles go-ing a thooting." Xo, sty good man, yon are right,"taid the Bishop; "the shooting wat very in e,

to they west fishing isitead."

ta. The bee ehest Jart eestfesod it a fernidaMe j and tbey have a right to protest against thissale by Messrs. asd weirhs nJ-.- u .,.; n,. i,












Atrn Plot to Carres tVn-Ui- x Pass, asnSttx His rs Banatitois roa "Rcswa asn Se-

cts." Mr. Jndkint, the librarian of the Massachu-

setts Historical Society, in overhauling a ehest ef oldpapers deposited ia the achives cf that body by thelate Robert Greesleaf. of Maiden, hat recently made

a eorioct discovery which has especial interest for thepeople of Pennsylvania. Among these papers watone of ancient date, whkh bore this indorsement:"Ye scheme to bagge Teene." This curiont titleattracted the attention of Mr. Jndkins. and he ex-

amined the contents of the document with more thaacommon interest. It is the familiarand quaint hand-

writing ef the Reverend Cotton Mather, and isto " Te aged asd beloved Mr. John niggin-son- ."

It heart date, September ve ISth. 16S1,"and reads that, the odd spelling of the original be-

ing followed to the letter s

"There bee now at sea a thippe (for oor friendMr. Esaiat Helereft of London did advise me by thelatt packet that wolde sail some time in Angsst) cal-

led ye Welcome, R. Greenaway, muter, which hasaboard an hundred or more of je heretics and malir- -

nantt called Quakers with W. Penne who is ye ChiefScampe at ye hedde of them. Te General Cenrt has,accordisrgely given secret orders to Master MalaehiITnictt of the brig Prcposse to waylaye ye said Wel- -come slylie as near ye coatt ef Oodde as may be andmake captive ye said Fecne and his nngodlie crew tothat ye Lord may be glorified and net mocked es yesoil of this sew eosstrie with ye heathen worshippeof these people. Mnch spoyle can be made by selling

je whel lotte to Barbadoes where slaves fetch good

prices in rename asd sngar asd shall sot only do yeLord great service by pasishing ye wicked bnt we

shall make great gayne fer hit minister and people.Matter Huxett feelt hopefal and will set down thenewet he bringt when hit shippe comes back.

" Tccrs in ye bowells of Christ," Corros Mamas."

Master Huxett missed his reckoning, and Peonsailed secure within the capes of the Delaware.Satton (Pl. ) A ryw.

Tea Fraud. Tbe lovers of green tea among nslittle suspect tbe shifts to which dealers in that ar-

ticle are put to comply with their tastes and preju-

dices. It It sot, however, for the vendor to dictateto hit customers, and the wishes of tbe public musttherefore be met at any cost. Curious cases of con-

science sometimes arise out of the earnest endeavorsof tbe trader, and it is amusing to tind such a bodyas the Commissioners oi Inland Revense as a kind of commercial Sorbonne, and asked todecide a casuistry. In the consolidated report whichthe Commissioners have just issued they publishthe following letter, which reached them from adealer, and which Is printed exactly at it wat re-

ceived, except that the same of the writer is omit-

ted: N

Gentlemen A scarcity of green tea having takenplace while we have an abundant tupply of blacktea this season, I shall be much obliged by a replyto the following question: Is It legally right tostain black tea, green, or rice tma ; by such stain-ing there being no increase In the weight, such teahaving duly paid the legitimate duty ?

Tour most obedient servant,This honest man's anxiety to be "legally right,"

and his conscious innocence of any intention to robtbe customer in the weight or defraud the Customsof duty, while he forgets that green tea is valued forspecific qualities distinct from its color, tbongh ac-

companying it, andthtt the customer who pays anextra price for them has aright to have them, arevery amusing. Xevcrthdess, the Commissionerstell us that the practice of converting black tea intogreen appears to be so general as to have become aregnlarand recognized part of the busi-ness; and so unconscious arc they of tbe real cha-racter of their acts, that they write to the Commis-sioners expressing doubt whether the conversion inqnestion can be really contrary to law, hoping thatthe warnings of therevrnueuScers are based onmis-node- rs

landing, and that their trade will not be iuter-ferre- d

with, at that would be Tery inconvenient tothem. London --Vera.

Iekigatios Tcbes. A few years ago, a man Inone of tbe Eastern States commenced tbe manufac-ture of Irrigation tubes, a patented article, cf whichlarge numbers were sold and their nse hichly re-

commended by orchardist, nurserymen and otherswho tried tbem. TVe never heard of their being In-

troduced in this State, for which they seem to beparticularly adapted. They consist simply of astraight tube of cast or galvanized Iron, wood orpottery, IS inches or 2 leel in length, and an inch orso Is diameter, with a funnel-shape- top, with orwithout a moveable cover. Tbey cost only a fewcents a piece. Any farmer, tinman, or potter couldmakethem. When a fruit or shade tree was plantedIn a place where it required to be watered, one ofthese Irrigation tubes wss set close by It, runningdown among and below the roots, having the toponly above the ground. When it was required towater the tree, the water was poured from a bucket,can or hose. Into tbe funnel-shape- d top of the irri-gation tube and thus conveyed directly down amongthe roots, instead of being spilt over the surface andwasted by evaporation. Liquid manures, soap suds,etc., were applied in tbe same manner, withoutwaste. The tubes can be removed at any time whenno longer needed. The result was three fold. First,much less waterorliquid manure was thus required,and no saste occurred; second, the roots of theplant were thns led to strike downwards, followingthe aateras it sank into the earth, instead of risingto the snrlace upon which it was poured, and wherethey are liable to be anected by every variation ofheat or cold, draught or dampness, and thus soonerthan is otherwise the case reach a depth where theybecome independent ol artificial Irrigation ; third,when liquid manures are thus applied they reach tberoots they are intended to feed, and the volatile por-tions are not dissipated by evaporation, and theyenrich tbe subsoil penetrated by tbe small roots iastead of the surface earth. Fruit and shade treesthus treated surpassed all others Irrigated la theusual way. F. Bulletin.

The Pacific Teleceapb. There is a sharp.fight going on between tbe rival parties whowant to lay a cable across the Pacific ocean.The leaders in tbe hostilities are Major PerryMcD. Collins and Cyrus W. Field. Major Col-

lins wants a charter, with an exclusive privilegefor a certain number of years. He does not askfor Government assistance bevond the use ofships of the Xavy to make soundings and ascer-

tain tbe'denth of the Pacific on the line wherethe cable is to be laid. Mr. Field does cot askfor an exclusive charter, bnt he does ask a grantof land, without which he says the cable cannotbe' laid. Both of these gentlemen spend most oftheir time in Washington, and neitber of themcomes to Jfew York without being sure that theother can do no harm in his absence. The Chi-

cago Tribune suggests that Mr. Field shall barebis desired land grant, and recommends that hebe voted a strip fifteen miles wide on each sideof hi3 cable. Congress ought not to be stingy him the bottom of tbe Pacific ocean, andmight give him a strip a hundred miles wide, whileit is about it. Field proposes to ally himselfwith English capitalists, while CoIfin3 annonnce3bis intention of making tbe line exclusivelyAmerican. In view of our relation with Chinaand the development of commerce with thatcountry, the plan of Major Collins would seemto be tbe best, especially as it does notask for agrant of land or any other subsidy.

A Pennsylvania correspondent of Barper'tJJbraJrfy writes of a Unirersali&t minister, who.traveling in that State a few years ao, arrivedlate at night at a public house, and asked perrais-rio- n

to remain over night. Tbe landlady, awarecf his religious views, refused. A year or twoafterward he called at tbe same bouse again, askedto stay, and again received a refusal. He remark.ed that since His previous visit be bad experiencedsome change of views in relation to the salvationof all men. He now believed there would be144,000 lost. This appeared to mollify the tbeo.logical ideas of the old lady, wbo assented to bisremaining; " for," said she, " that many lost is bet.ter iian none."



i. s, mm i co,

TTnvo on. TTr-nc- L


Direct Importations-- FROM-


The lAr-scs- t aadBest Ass't of Ready Made Clothing


Contitting in Part of, viz the Celebrated


Castimer, Cloth At Drill Garments,in all varieties.

Complete Black Brest and Walking Suits,

Boil' White Linen Cat timer


Cents' Furnishing Goods,Saratoga and Gents' Leather Trunks,


Celebrated Patent White Shirts,Styled Dariea A Jones, in all gradet.

Overshirtt! OTcr-sIiirts- ! Ovcrshlrtain Grey Flannel, Diagonal,

Printed and Crimean.



Hats! Hats! Hats!Hosiery ! Hosiery ! Hosiery !

For Gents', Ladies and Boyt.



Yankee IVotioris I

Boots cfcs Slioes I

Boots & Shoes!Boots & Shoes!


At the Tery Lowest Possible Price!By the Original Package.

Special attention to Country Order?, and afair margin to the trade. Thanking oor patront forpast favors, we. respectfully tolicit a than of theirpatronage.

1Y1. S. CR1NBAUM & CO.,li-t- f Xakee's Block




Cheap for Cash ! Cheap for Cash ! !


UXDERSIGXED having purchasedTHE entire stock of the estate of the late VT. y.LADD,

Would Coll the Attention of





For the Wants of the Island Trade.

Merchants in Particular,



Before Pttrcliasing ElsewhereAS MAST rniSGS WILL BE SOLD





Agricultural and Other Implements,

Coming from the ast.

Tbe Usual Discount 3iade to the Trade!

Orders from the other Itlandt retpeetfollytelicited, promptly attended to and filled with care.

X3B No Conseetloa with tha First acrota tha War.




For tale by (12-Z- H. HACKFELD A CO.


Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins,COXSTASnvr OX BASS and tar Bale,

WAIXEA TASSEKY, C. 50TLET, FrosT.Mr A. 3. CLBGR02X, Arret.


Superior Qiality ef Articles1


jFtofis tzio.X'fclo TerrasFOR SALE AT THE STORE OF


A MERICAN, ENGLISH &FRENUHXA.Frintt, sew ttjlet, colon and pattern!.

JOR FAMILY USE,Superior Sheetings, Cottoni, Lineni and VTooltnt.

LEACHED AND UNBLEACHEDMoletkint, Black and Sine Broadcloth, Si in. wide

"fOOL BLANKETS, large & heavy,

in white, bine, red, green, orange, etc.


Alpaccat, Merino. Barathea, Luting, etc.

"DUNTLNG White, Blue, Red, Green

Yellow and Black.


and Drawers, in cotton, linen, wool and tilk, of largevariety.

JINEN HANDKERCHIEFS,Kid Glore for Ladies and Gentlemen. Alio, Towelf

Suspenders and Weeklies.


in cotton, half-line- linen, half-wo- and wool.

TTOSIERY A Largo Assortment of

.Men't and Womtn'i Socki and Stocking!.

JELT HATS different qualities and

new ttjlet.

gHOES AND GAITERS,of Terr tsperior qntlitj, for Gentlemen, Ladiet and



for Ladiet and Gentlemen. Alto, Bridles, Spurt andWhips.

yyHITE AND BLUE FLANNEL,and White Cotton Flannel.

"DURLAPS, Wide, and of Strong

quality, tnitable for bags or balet for coffee, wool andnee.


also mats for cirrisges of came material.

"YTIAPPING PAPER,for Grocery and Hardware purposes.


inch as Batcher and Sailor Knives, Pocket Knivesand Scissors. Also. Patent Corkterewt, Needles

Nos. 1 to 10. Fish Hoots, Jewtharpt, etc


of very superior quality, such at Whits Lead, Zinbite, Linseed UU, etc.


of different weights and sites.


Sardines in quarter and half boxes.Half Barrels Crushed Sugar, Dried Applet,

Swiss Cheese, Almonds, Sentils,Pearl'Barley, Sago, Chocolate,

r, Anchovies,Bologna Sausages.: Ac.

TJEER Deetjen fc Schroder's Best

Hamburg Ale. in quarts.

A 1NES Genuine German Rhine- -

iWines, vis Geisenheimer, Leibfraumilcb, etc., In

pints and quartt.

gPIRITS Superior Port Wine,Brandy, Sherry, Superior Cognte in eatkt,

Scotch, Irish and Bonrbon Whiskey,Holland Gin, in casks and cases,

German and Dutch Bitters,California Wine Bittert.

Malt Extract of Beer,Korn Brandewein.

gPARKLLNG HOOK and Campagne,

of very superior quality, in pints and qnartt, worthyof being especially recommended.

FINE DAIRY SALT.JjESTAlto, Salt-wat- Soap, Balls of Wash Blnej

Candles, ia A, S and 6 lbs packages.Macassar Oil, Envelopes, Pitying Cards,

Copying Presses, Books, etc.


Guilt Cornering, etc, a roperior assortment jnttopened, and for tale cheap.


of itrong and poroui material.


different sixes and pattern of frame.

Please Call and Examine.





Tbe Highest Possible Price will be Paid

Purchasers will 2nd it to their interest ta callat the ttore of

THEOD. 0. HEUCK.Honolulu, Feb. 22, 1S70. Jl



Large and Varied Ass't of Goods


Ship Chandlery,

Ship Stores,


I"o3.ii cto Sporm OilKerosene Oil,

California Bricks,

Lime & Cement



At the Lowest Market Prices

A XCIIOHS Sc. CIIAI.V CAHLES.t. Anchors all tises. from 10! to ISOO lbs. CbainCabies, tises from j inch to 1 inch with certiScataof the Admiralty test.

For sale by (II) BOLLES A CO.

sPEHM Ac POLAR OIL,in quantities to suit, for sale by


CALIFORNIA. LIME,Cement, for tala by


T)EST GOLDEX GATE FLOUR,XJ received direct from tbs Mill! by ererr packetand for tale at tho lowest prices, in bond or dutypaid, oy



TAKIL.V CORDAGE.XVJL Sites from J inch to 6 inch, in bond or dotypaia. ana lor sale by


HEMP CANVAS,Arbroath Flax Canras,

for sale by (12) BOLLES A CO.

tOTTO.Y DUCK,J Best Qualities, assorted numbers, in bond or

duty paid, and for sale by12 BOLLES A CO

BAGGING, Inch Bagging, for sale by12 BOLLES A CO.

TJAIXTS Si PAINT OIL.L Ilubbuek's Best White Zinc, White Lead. Black

Lead, Fancy Paints and Best English Boiled Oil.For sale by (12) BOLLES A CO.

BEST COLUMUIA RIVER SALMON,in carrels and Half barrels.

For sale by (12) BOLLES A CO.

"YITSTERS, OYSTERS,J The celebrated McMurray't Baltimore Oysters,

in l a - ro cans, ana lor sale by12 BOLLES A CO.

Columbia River SalmonBARRELS AND HALF BARRELS.r Catch of Spring 1870.

Received per Falkenburg direct,

IS. And for sale by BOLLES A Co.

Saloon Pilot Bread.Received per D. C. Murray.

IS For tale by BOLLES A Co.

California Oat Hay.Received per D. C. Murray. Eor tale by


Oregon Sugar Cured' Hams,A Very Superior Article.

Just Received per Falkenburg.

IS For sale by BOLLES A Co.






Assorted StylesFancy English and French Prints!English and French Muslins, Victoria Lawns,Heavy Bine Denims, Bine and Brown Cotton Drills,n bite. Blue and Brown Cottons, Hickory Stripes,Ticking, Fine White Linen, Scotch Ginghams,

Woolen Blankets, Ae. Ac,Comprising a Fall Assortment of

New and Desirable Dry and Fancy Goods,

And a Fine Assortment of

NEW STYLES OF CLOTHING!Fence Wire. Galranlzed Iron Pipe,Gal rani red Dockets,Tinned Saucepan t, and Cotlerj.



Paintt and OUs, Demijohns, Corks,Booing Slates, Wall Paper.

Ale and Porter, Ilollanda Gist,

Slartell'a Brandy, Riga Doppelknmmel

RUIXART FERE . KILS' CIIAJIPAdXE,in pints and quarts.

Steam Coal, Blacksmith's Coal, Fire Bricks,Bath Brickt, Xew Oil Casks, in Sbooks,Coarse Salt, Russia Rope, Assorted sites,Portland Cement, Ae., Ae. &.




Cash Assets, over. . $36,000,000 !

Cask Dividends la 1868,. . . .$3,257,137.26.

The Largest Life Insurance Compan


Premlmaai moit be raid Meml-A- n.

anally or Quarterly".

ADAMS & WILDER;UAjS Ageftfa for tha HawaKaa Isifi4s.





Comet efc Icaaatto

From tho East and Europe,

via San Francisco, -

--AND BT--

The KA M0I, from Europe direct,



Ordered and Selected

Expressly for this Market! wnicn 1KI

Downer's Kerosene Oil,

Charcoal IronsRubber Hose, J J a 1 Incb, Hose Pipes,Best Leather Belting, 3 A 4 inch wide,Douglass Pumps, assorted numbers.Gaiv'd Malleable Thimbles, for sailmaker'l nse.Furniture Varnish, Coach Varnish,Spirits Turpentine, Boiled A Raw Linseed Oil.

IIublmcU'M lNirc White Lead Jc ZincPAIXTS In Oil and Dry.A large assortment of paint, varnish, white-waj- b.

and scrub brushos.Axe Handles, Sledge Handles, Pick Handles,Plane Handles, Chisel Handles,

Korosono StovosPatent Balances, to weigh from 300 to 800 lbs..Platform and Counter Scales,Solid Socket Garden Hoes, Plasters' Hoes,Horse Hoes, Cultivators,Eagle, No. 2 and No. 20 Plows, and axtra beams

and handles for same,

.Vhlffle-Trcc- s, for Double & Single Teams,

Canal and Garden Wheelbarrows,Beat Eastern Brooms, Stable Brooms,Street Brooms, American Carritga Whips,Bridle Ornamfnts, Black Walnut and Rosewood

Drawer Knobs, assorted sites.Galvanised Washers, Half Patent Axles,Brass and Iron Screw Eyes, Bsrtlett't Blacking,Tacks, assorted sues, from 3 to 20 ot.Tinned Tacks for Clothing,Xlghl and Heavy Strap Hinges, ast'd liiet,

Collins Picks, assorted weights.

Cut Spikes, assorted sises,

Ilingham Buckets,Brass-boun- d Cedar Tubs and Pails,

Fancy Door JIats,Shoe Shapes, Borax, Chain,

Ship and Deck Spikes,Mattrass Springs, Picture Cord and Tasiels,)Ship Scrapers, Cojoa-handl- e Butcher Knives.Milk Buckets, Hunting-- Whips, .

Table Cnfelcry,Wade and Butcher'., and -

Westenbolm't Pocket Cutlery,Wade A Butcher's Raton,

Linen Cantoris Handkerchiefs,Turkish Towels,

Fine Flannels

Thompson's Glove-Fittin- g CorsetsFurniture Damask,

Linen Table Damask,Hoylo's Prints,

Blaeksmitb't Anvils,Blacksmith's Bellows, ass'd 20 to 30 Incb,Solid Patent Box Vises and Bench Vises,Blacksmith's Cast Steel Hammers and Sledges',Jack Screws, assorted sizes.Sets of Stocks and Dies.Galvanized Iron Wire Webbing,

33xrz333 cto Iron Wlroof assorted sites.

Cast Steel, ass'd sqnare. octagon and round, .

Boat Xails and Ronghs,Cooper's Rivets, Copper Rivets and Bars,Gals anlzed Tubs and Pails,Oos, Spades and Shovels,Spear A Jackson's and Bradshaw's C rots-c-

and Rip Saws, of all tises.Maydole't C. S. Hammers, No's 1, 2 and 3,Jointers, Smooth, Fore and Jaek Planes,Fancy Planes. Socket, Framing A Firmer ChiselsGouges, SpoSord't Braces and sets Bits,Augurs, small, modinm and large.Gimlets, Saw Files, Chalk Lines and Reels,,Carpenters' Pencils, Squires,

A Splendid AssortniBt ef Deer Leeks,

Door Sc. Shutter IIoItM,Cupboard Catches),

IVIndo-v- r Faatenlrjfrs,Holts aad Hlnfres,

Sliding Door Bail and Eollew,Cut and Wrought Hafli,

Circular Saws,assorted, from 8 to 20 Inch, cross-cu-t and rip.

Piles of all Tr-iT-ifs-- s,

For Machinists, Blaektmitb's k Carpenter me.

Double EarrellefTShot Guns,Powder, Shot, Percussion Caps,

Shot Ponebet, Powder Flasks.She Pipe,

Sheet Lead,AID

A Fall Assertseat ef Carriage Materraf,


At the Lowest Market Pricej- - OUR MOTTO IS- -

