Gun Violence

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Gun Violence. Murder by the Numbers. Since 1993 the number of murders with handguns has declined. The media portrays the incidence of gun violence as increasing Assault rifles are a hotly debated issue with recent mass shootings. Sources. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Gun Violence

PowerPoint Presentation

Gun ViolenceMurder by the Numbers

Since 1993 the number of murders with handguns has declinedThe media portrays the incidence of gun violence as increasing Assault rifles are a hotly debated issue with recent mass shootings

Sources Press

Murder Rate Decreasing Nationwide

People believe the gun violence rate is increasing a survey, the Pew Research Center found that only 12 percent of Americans believe the gun crime rate is lower today than it was in 1993; 56 percent believe it's higher.

Link to lead?

Why it is relevantIn a survey, the Pew Research Center found that only 12 percent of Americans believe the gun crime rate is lower today than it was in 1993; 56 percent believe it's higher.Misconceptions about gun ownership and violenceJust because there is a trend does not mean there is causality

Guns in the world Arms Survey from 2007
