'Guitar Techniques' Magazine Double Page Analysis

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 'Guitar Techniques' Magazine Double Page Analysis

This is the contents page for ‘Guitarist’ magazine from November 2014. ‘Guitarist is a very popular magazine aimed towards guitarist of any genre and any skill level. Spread across two pages, the contents features a large masthead, lots of medium sized images, several section titles and a small side banner. The main text uses the same font in numerous different sizes for different parts of the page; however, each article title uses a slightly bolder font. There is also a large puff advertising a free digital copy of the magazine.

Each images used a bold a striking, their purpose is to grabs the reader’s attention, by the famous guitarists featured in them, then intrigue the reader to find out more about the article they are featured in. Each image is very well sized so that no image is hugely larger than the other; this ensures that each image attracts the same volume of interest. The page number is printed in a large white font, the same as all the other text, to allow the reader to easily navigate to the page of their interest.

The white background ensures that all the texts stands out and is easy to read. All the article are split up into small sections to make it easier to read and navigate; this allows the reader’s attention to be directed around the contents page and can absorb all the information that is presented to them quickly and efficiently. All the fonts used are recurrent throughout the magazine setting a more profession image and links the contents in with the magazine as a whole.

The font used for the body text is bold and striking this makes it attention grabbing and easier to read; if the text is easy to read, the audience will usually read more of it and see more of the articles. The headings use a different font, to separate them front the body, and one that is slightly large to grab the attention of the reader. The fairly standard font is very basic as to attract to any type of guitarist, as the magazine does not have a very specific target audience. The presence of very popular guitars on the page reflects the guitar-driven target audience: someone who has a true passion for guitars.

The headings of the sections on the contents page splits the text up into small, easier-to-manage sections that make the page easier to navigate and find a specific article(s) that the reader is looking for.

A darker background is used very effectively to emphasis the main featured article; it separates it from all the other text and creates a bold point to grab the reader’s attention.

The side banner is very well laid out, the grey background separates it from the rest of the contents page and the font is very different to the rest of the page. This allows the information featured on the side banner to be completely separated and the reader’s attention is then attracted in a different, more intrigued, way.

The large puff in the top left corner uses size and bright vibrant colours to attract the reader’s attention. The bold text stands out on the red background and the yellow text emphasise the very important ‘FREE’ feature. This puff also boasts a digital presence for the magazine, this is a very good way of increasing readership and expanding the magazine of many different formats.

The arty and simplistic design helps the contents attract to the preferred readership of young, more sophisticated, guitarists who are interested in the latest and best instruments and music available without any fuss.