Guillemont - Hart District...255 Site Reference SHL100 Site Name Sun Park, Guillemont Park North...

Post on 31-Jan-2021

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Transcript of Guillemont - Hart District...255 Site Reference SHL100 Site Name Sun Park, Guillemont Park North...

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    Site Ref

    Site Name


    Sun Park, Guillemont Park North

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    Site Reference SHL100

    Site Name Sun Park, Guillemont Park North

    Site Address Minley Road, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, GU17 9DG

    Parish Blackwater and Hawley

    Source of Site 1 (Sites submitted to the Council by developers/ land owners/ agents)

    Site Size (ha) 12

    Estimate of potential

    housing capacity


    (outstanding undecided planning application 17/00771/FUL)

    Current Land Uses 3 self-contained office HQ buildings comprising approximately

    30,000sqm with ancillary car parking and landscaping. The site has been

    vacant since 2011.

    Suitability Policy Constraints

    The site is situated within the Guillemont Barracks settlement boundary

    as shown in the adopted Local Plan (Replacement) 1996-2006.


    The northern part of the site is in flood zones 2 and 3. There are small

    areas within the site that are indicated to be at risk from surface water

    flooding. Approximately 40% of the site is at risk of reservoir flooding.

    Approximately 70% of the site has potential for groundwater flooding

    at the surface and the remaining areas has potential for groundwater

    flooding to basement properties.

    Landscape, nature and heritage

    There are no listed buildings, Conservation Areas, Scheduled

    Monuments, Historic Parks and Gardens, National Nature Reserves,

    Local Nature Reserves, ancient woodland, Tree Preservation Orders or

    Public Rights of Way in the vicinity of the site or close enough to be

    affected by the development of the site;

    The northern part of the site is within 400m of the SPA.

    The site is adjacent to a Site of Nature Conservation (SINC) and there

    are SSSIs in the vicinity.

    Environmental/amenity impacts


    Recommendations for



    The northern part of the site that is within 400m of the SPA should not

    be built upon. A contribution towards SPA mitigation would be required.

    Any development should be steered towards flood zone 1. Mitigation

    relating to groundwater and surface water flooding may be advisable.

    Adverse impacts on the nearby SSSIs and SINCs should be avoided.

    Availability Land Ownership: It has been confirmed that the land is available for

    development (September 2017).

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    Achievability No significant market, cost or delivery factors have been identified,

    development at this site is considered to be economically viable,

    therefore site considered to be achievable.

    Deliverability Deliverable (within 5 years) X

    Developable (within 6-15 years)

    Not currently developable

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