Guiding Principles of English Language Teaching (ELT)

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Guiding Principles of English Language Teaching (ELT). Facilitated By : Daniel Lopez, Senior English Language Fellow Office of English Language Programs United States Embassy, Mexico. Getting to know the facilitator. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Guiding Principles of English Language Teaching (ELT)

Guiding Principles of Guiding Principles of English Language Teaching English Language Teaching


Facilitated By: Daniel Lopez,

Senior English Language Fellow Office of English Language Programs

United States Embassy, Mexico

Getting to know the facilitatorBelow are 6 statements about me. Read each statement and decide which three statements are true and which three statements are false:

Daniel.....1. is related to Jennifer Lopez.2. is half Mexican.3. is allergic to chocolate. 4. lives in Washington D.C. 5. loves to hike and ski. 6. speaks Portuguese.

What purpose do these “get-to-know-you”

activities serve?

Why English is so hard to learn…Why English is so hard to learn… Writers write, but fingers don’t fing and hammers

don’t ham. “Buick” doesn’t rhyme with “quick”. Iron – how many syllables? The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. The plural of tooth is teeth, so the plural of booth

is…??? If teachers taught, why didn’t preachers praught? How can a “slim chance” and a “fat chance” mean

the same thing, while a “wise man” and a “wise ass” are opposites?

Daniel’s Top 10 Guiding PrinciplesDaniel’s Top 10 Guiding Principles::

1. Professional development is an ongoing process.2. Both students AND teachers have to be motivated.3. Classroom materials have to be relevant and meaningful.4. Experiential learning works wonders.5. Skill development must be integrated.6. Language = Culture.7. Variety is the spice of life! 8. Preparation is the key.9. Teachers need support from Coordinators and SEP.10. Teachers need support from each other.

1. Professional development is an ongoing process.1. Professional development is an ongoing process.

Benefits of Life-Long Learning…

“Teaching is a process of becoming that continues throughout life, never completely achieved, never completely denied. This is

the challenge and the fun of being a teacher – there is no ultimate end to the process.”

(Frances Mayforth)

2. Both students and teachers have to be motivated.2. Both students and teachers have to be motivated.

THINK, PAIR, SHARE:What are some DE-motivators for each?

What are the consequences?

What motivates YOU?

What motivates your STUDENTS?

3. Classroom materials have to be relevant and meaningful.3. Classroom materials have to be relevant and meaningful.

Adapted to Local Reality

If no text, what then? REALIA!

Students are the “experts” of their own lives.

SAMPLE ACTIVITIES: 4-Corners Drawing, 5-Finger Grammar, Back to Back, Perfect Teacher, “In the Ghetto” Song

4-Corners Drawing4-Corners DrawingA favorite hobby… Someone who is special to


An interesting place I’ve been to…

What animal I would be…

Back to Back: What Am I Wearing?Back to Back: What Am I Wearing?1. Two players stand and observe each other for a minute.2. Then, have each turn around, back to back.3. Partner A describes what Partner B is wearing.4. Partner B then asks 3 questions concerning any information

Partner A has not mentioned.5. Partner B then describes what Partner A is wearing.6. Partner A asks 3 questions.7. Partners turn around and talk about what they did not see.

A Grab Bag of Communicative Techniques:A Grab Bag of Communicative Techniques: Brainstorming Interviews Field Trips Role Plays / Skits Discussions / Debates Small-Group Work Telephone Conversations Giving DirectionsWhich do you already use in

your classes?

Videos / Film Team Problem-

Solving Information Gaps Giving Advice Games Commercials Surveys /

Questionnaires Music / Songs

Example #3: “The Perfect Teacher”Example #3: “The Perfect Teacher”INSTRUCTIONS - With a partner, put the

following qualities in order, from 1 (the least essential) to 9 (the most essential).

______ Maintains strong discipline and control.______ Knows his/her subject thoroughly, and keeps up to date.______ Really likes his/her students and socializes with them.______ Tries to give his/her students moral guidance.______ Tries to make lessons interesting and fun.______ Shares his/her own ideals and experiences with the students.______ Treats all students fairly and does not have favorites.______ Makes the students work hard in and out of class.______ Encourages the students to think for themselves.

A little music goes a long way… A little music goes a long way… You can find music all over the internet. Some popular

sites are: and

You can download music for free using the freeware “realplayer sp.” Realplayer sp can be downloaded at

There are many websites for finding the lyrics to songs. Some popular sites are: &

Elvis Presley was known as “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” He was born in a two-room house in Mississippi. The family was very poor. Elvis became one of the most successful recording artists of all time. He had 33 #1 singles and made over 60 films. This song was recorded in 1969.

““In the Ghetto” Variations:In the Ghetto” Variations: Listen to the song and watch video. Fill in the blanks (information gap activity). In small groups, make a timeline of events in the order they

happened; Compare your timeline with another group. Have a discussion about the effects of poverty in America. What else??

Some Possible Challenges of CLT:Some Possible Challenges of CLT: One or more students dominate the conversation. You find yourself doing almost all of the talking. Students are too shy or speak too quietly. The students become so embroiled in a controversial

topic that the atmosphere becomes tense. The students lapse into their native language. The group is too large, and the levels are mixed. Any attempt at error correction inhibits the students. Does not fit into the established curriculum. It takes too much time & effort to prepare.

4. Experiential learning works wonders.4. Experiential learning works wonders.


CONE OF EXPERIENCECONE OF EXPERIENCEPeople generally remember…10% of what they read.20% of what they hear.30% of what they see.50% of what they hear and see.70% of what they say or write.90% of what they say as they do something.

What would help them remember 100%?

EXAMPLE: Students can teach EXAMPLE: Students can teach each other how to do each other how to do


Chinese Proverb:Chinese Proverb:Tell me, I forget.Show me, I remember.

Involve me, I learn.

Collaborative and Task-Based LearningCollaborative and Task-Based Learning

Discussion Questions (Shaping, Module 4):1. These 2 video segments showed examples from a

class of young learners and also university-level students. Which of the activities would work well for both age groups? What kind of adjustments might be necessary?

2. How were the principles of experiential education being utilized in these examples?

3. What skills were being practiced in these classes?

5. Skill development must be integrated.5. Skill development must be integrated.

How often do you talk without listening?

How often do you write without reading?

Which of the 4 skills are most difficult to teach?

Which are given the most emphasis in your class?

Can you listen?

Using LanguageUsing Language Communication SkillsCommunication Skills

Can you speak?

Can you write?Can you read?

In Can you grammar?

Knowledge of Language formsKnowledge of Language forms((grammar)grammar)

over overUse of LanguageUse of Language

(communication)? (communication)?

What happens when we emphasize…

Read the text below then answer the questions:Read the text below then answer the questions:

“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,And the mome raths outgrabe.”

What was it like?What were the slithy toves doing?

Where did they do this?How were the borogoves described?

What did the mome raths do?

How did you do?

How about these questions:What does brillig mean?

Is the wabe a nice place to be?Can you draw a borogove?

Why did the mome raths outgrabe?

“Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,And the mome raths outgrabe.”

Now, how did you do? Which was harder? Why?

Grammar Awareness ActivityGrammar Awareness Activity1. Begin with a two or three word sentence.

Examples: “I ran.” or “Close the door.”2. Ask students to expand it with one word. 3. Ask students to expand the new sentence with a

specific grammatical structure. Examples: “with a prepositional phrase”, “with an adjective”, or “with a clause that answers the question WHY?”

4. See how long you can make the sentence through expansions with specified grammatical terms.

Running Dictation Text1.The oldest person is a fisherman.2.The 50-year-old lives above the doctor.3.Ms. Lee is the youngest person.4.Two people are 40 years old.5.The youngest person lives on the 5th floor.6.The 20-year-old lives on the 4th floor.7.Mr. Edwards lives on the 2nd floor.8.The teacher is one year younger than the person on the 4th floor.9.The person who lives below Mr. Edwards is a doctor.10.Mrs. Smith is an accountant.11.Mr. Hudson lives immediately above a woman.12.The teacher is one year younger than the policeman.

ActivityFive people with five different jobs live in this apartment building.

Use the clues to complete the chart and answer this question:

What floor does Mr. Mason live on?

   1st floor    

Floor Name Age Job5th





ShapingShaping Module 3 Discussion Questions: Module 3 Discussion Questions:

1. What language skills were used? What activities were used to integrate them?

2. What was the teacher doing? 3. How would you adapt this activity for a

larger class?4. What are some possible follow-up

activities? What might come before?5. How might you evaluate student work?

6. Language = Culture6. Language = Culture “Hablar dos idiomas es vivir dos vidas.” Bilingual = Bicultural?

What is language for? (conveying meaning and perception, describing the world, self-expression, recalling the past, thinking)

“Culture is a system of beliefs, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are shared by a group of people. It is transmitted from generation to generation, either explicitly or implicitly.”

(Source: Building Bridges: A Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding, Peace Corps World Wise Schools, 2003)

How Culturally Aware Are You?How Culturally Aware Are You?True or False: I Know That Culture Influences…1. How close people stand to one another.2. How to deal with problems & conflict.3. Whether to give a soft or sturdy handshake.4. How to say “no”.5. How loudly or softly someone speaks.6. When to be casual and when to be formal.7. What are appropriate topics for discussion.8. When to make eye contact.9. How to praise and/or criticize someone.10. What time to arrive for an appointment.

A Sampling of Activities A Sampling of Activities Proverbs / Idioms Survey/Questionnaires Articles: “Body Rituals

Among the Nacirema” Values Clarification: “The

Drawbridge” Rites of Passage

Comparisons Debates Role-Plays

Global Speak Games: Value Topics Simulations: Chispa and

Pandas Storytelling Model UN Scenarios / Foreign

Observations Songs / Poetry Case Studies (ESP) Coat of Arms

English Proverbs English Proverbs (and the values they represent)(and the values they represent) “Time is money.” “Don’t cry over spilt milk.” “You’ve made your bed,

now sleep in it.” “Don’t count your chickens

before they’ve hatched.” “The squeaky wheel gets

the grease.” “If at first you don’t

succeed, try, try again.” “There’s more than one way

to skin a cat.”

Punctuality Practicality

Personal responsibility



Work Ethic

Creativity / Problem-Solving


All Americans……are like the tourists you see in Cancun?

…are tall with blue eyes?…eat hamburgers?…drive big cars?

…always agree with US foreign policy?…speak English as their native language?

(Is there any such thing as a “typical Mexican”?)

Counteracting StereotypesCounteracting Stereotypes1. Avoid Making Broad Generalizations2. Go Deeper! Look “under the surface”…3. Increase Awareness of Self & Others4. Be Objective (watch language patterns &

implicit judgments / ethnocentrism)5. Actively Question Sources (Media?)6. Challenge False Interpretations7. Don’t Take It Personally8. Role Model: Practice What You Preach!

Top 8 Cross-Cultural Skills:Top 8 Cross-Cultural Skills:(According to Richard Kohls)(According to Richard Kohls)

1. Open-Mindedness2. Non-Judgmentalness3. Flexibility4. Curiosity5. Tolerance for Ambiguity6. A Sense of Humor7. Low Goal/Task-Orientation8. An Ability to Fail

7. Variety is the spice of life!7. Variety is the spice of life! Not all students are the same (learning styles –

visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, emotional); It’s all about BALANCE!

Learner-centered vs. Teacher-centered

The importance of small group work

Teacher = Facilitator


The main objective is to convey information.

Philosophical View: Language is a system of repeated habits.

Learner role is passive. Methodology: lectures,

demonstrations, drills, reading aloud, largely deductive (show & tell).


The main objective is to change behavior.

Philosophical View: Language has to be practiced authentically.

Learner role is active. Methodology: question

& answer, problem-solving, small-group tasks, largely inductive.

Which are these activities?Which are these activities? Students take turns

reading aloud. Students read silently. Discussion in pairs. Whole class discussion. SS prepare a role-play

in small groups. Students present their

role-play. SS copy information

from the board.

Teacher – Centered

Learner – Centered Learner – Centered Teacher – Centered

Learner – Centered

Teacher – Centered

Learner - Centered

What is the Teacher’s Role in What is the Teacher’s Role in a Learner-Center Context?a Learner-Center Context?

Introduce topics/discussion questionsPre-teach vocabularyModerate/Facilitate“Nudge”/ “Suggest”Focus discussionFocus on form and accuracy (error

correction)Play “devil’s advocate”

Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions:: How are the two lessons the same? How are they different? In which class would you prefer to be a student? The

teacher? Which lesson outline gives more students the opportunity

to participate? How so? Which lesson do you think would be harder for the teacher

to plan? Why? How many minutes of each is “learner-centered”? What are some of the challenges of using a L-C approach?

How can you overcome them?

Students Learn Best When…Students Learn Best When……they are involved in the design of learning and given the

chance to make choices.

…their needs are addressed.

…a conducive learning environment is established.

…the course material builds upon what they already know.

…the topic is of direct relevance and utility to their lives.

…the learning process is an active and engaging one.

8. Preparation is the key.8. Preparation is the key. Lesson Planning / Learning Objectives

Environment: time, materials, space, etc.

Evaluation (rubrics) –

Academic Calendar

Syllabus Design / Curriculum

The Three Levels of PlanningThe Three Levels of Planning

Program Planning = Consists of developing a curriculum and content map for the entire year.

Unit Planning = Medium-range plans corresponding to the extension of each learning segment considered in the long-term planning.

Lesson Planning = Daily actions that reflect the different parts of the medium-range plans or unit planning.

(Cortesão and Torres, 1994)

3 Stages of a Lesson…3 Stages of a Lesson…I. PREPARATION attracts learners attention connects new content to what they already



III. EVALUATION checks for comprehension asks learners to use new content in context

Good Learning Objectives Should…Good Learning Objectives Should…

…Ask learners to use information/skills they’ve learned.

…Be seeable, hearable, and holdable.…Tell specifically what learners will do.…Be achievable in one lesson.…Describe a result that requires higher

level thinking.

What grade (A through F) would What grade (A through F) would you give the following objectives?you give the following objectives?

1. Learners will…know about present-perfect.

2. …Predict the training needed for their chosen professions.

3. …Take turns while working in groups.

4. …speak clearly in perfect English.

5. …Write a timeline and use it to tell a story.

D (no application)

B+ (connected to real life, requires higher-level thinking)

C (no connection to a curricular goal)

D (too general, not achievable in 1 lesson)


Evaluation Knowledge

Jose Manuel’s “Super Slide”:Jose Manuel’s “Super Slide”:

Affective Affective Realm Realm

Bloom’s TaxonomyBloom’s Taxonomy

Psychomotor Psychomotor Realm Realm





Cognitive Cognitive Realm Realm Remembering


Applying Analyzing



Action Words Related to BT: Action Words Related to BT:

Which level are these activities?Which level are these activities?

Making a poster Multiple choice quiz Classifying objects Making a list Role-Play Creating a commercial Repeating after the


3 – Application 2 – Comprehension 4 – Analysis 1 – Knowledge 3 – Application 5 – Synthesis 0 - Does not require

ANY level of thinking!

Support with DATA

Identify your POINT OF VIEW

Identify your


Precise your


The Process of Critical Thinking: The Process of Critical Thinking:

State your




Define KEY



Does the lesson plan include:



Preparation, presentation and evaluation?

A variety of learner-centered activities?

Creative, higher-level thinking activities?

Activities for students with different learning styles?

I did a good job of:

I need to do a better job of:


9. Teachers need support from Coordinators and SEP.9. Teachers need support from Coordinators and SEP.

Supervisors need training too (giving/receiving feedback, how to conduct classroom observations)

“Mentoring is about one person helping another to achieve something. More specifically, something that is important to both of them. It is about giving help and support in a non-threatening way, in a manner that the recipient will appreciate and value and that will empower them to move forward with confidence towards what they want to achieve. Mentoring is also concerned with creating an environment in which one person can feel encouraged to discuss their needs and circumstances openly and in confidence with another person who is in a position to be of positive help to them.”

(Source: Pelletier, Carol. A Handbook of Techniques and Strategies for Coaching Student Teachers. Allyn & Bacon, 1995.)

What Are Features of an Effective Supervisor?What Are Features of an Effective Supervisor?

Clarifies Expectations Non-Judgmental (constructive criticism) Two-Way Communication (dialogue) Assesses Needs Encourages staff to identify their own areas of growth Links feedback to wider ELT and educational issues Positively Reinforces Creativity and Best Practices Delegates Responsibility Holds Teachers Accountable Follows up What else??

10. Teachers need support from each other.10. Teachers need support from each other.

Sharing (collaboration, best practices)

Solidarity (teacher associations)

Submissions (FORUM)

Here they are again…Here they are again…Daniel’s Top 10 Guiding PrinciplesDaniel’s Top 10 Guiding Principles::

1. Professional development is an ongoing process.2. Both students AND teachers have to be motivated.3. Classroom materials have to be relevant and meaningful.4. Experiential learning works wonders.5. Skill development must be integrated.6. Language = Culture7. Variety is the spice of life! 8. Preparation is the key.9. Teachers need support from Coordinators and SEP.10. Teachers need support from each other.

Which resonated the most with you?

Some Final Thoughts…Some Final Thoughts…People who have positive feelings about English,

and are in a supportive environment, are more likely to learn faster.

People learn at different rates, but everyone must ultimately take responsibility for his/her own learning.

L1 interference in inevitable, but you are not helping your student(s) by speaking to them in Spanish. Just make sure to adapt your language to their abilities.

The The mediocre teacher tells. mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher The good teacher

explains. The superior explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.The great teacher inspires.William Arthur WardWilliam Arthur Ward

““It is noble to teach oneself; it is It is noble to teach oneself; it is still nobler to teach others.” still nobler to teach others.”

– Mark Twain– Mark Twain

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

- Henry Brooks Adams

BIBLIOGRAPHYBIBLIOGRAPHYHarmer, Jerry. The Practice of English Language Teaching.

Longman, 1988.Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Techniques and Principles in

Language Teaching. Oxford University Press, 1986. Paulston, Christina and Mary Bruder. Teaching English as a

Second Language: Techniques and Procedures. University of Pittsburgh, 1976.

Teaching and Learning Are Lifelong Journeys, Blue Mountain Arts Collection, 1999.

Woodward, Tessa. Models and Metaphors in Language Teacher Training. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Thank You and Good Luck!Thank You and Good Luck!
