Guidance PROBLEMS Takira Whitaker 5/1/2013 ECE 2.

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Transcript of Guidance PROBLEMS Takira Whitaker 5/1/2013 ECE 2.


Takira Whitaker5/1/2013


Causes of Behavioral Problems

• There are many situations with feelings included children do not know how to handle. There are also physical problems that can cause tension in children. Being aware of situations and emotions that produce tension that is important.

Types of Behavioral Problems

• Overstimulation• Breaks in Routines• Noise• Waiting Time• Frustration• Physical Problem• Stress• Anger• Biting

• Tattling• Exploring the Body• Thumb sucking• Fear

Overstimulation • When children

become overexcited by things, this is considered “OVERSTIMULATION”. When children begin to interact with one another this causes overstimulation. There should be a limit on how many children can enter a certain area at any time. This helps prevent chaos from happening.

Breaks in Routine

• Routines are very important for children because children already know what to expect. When children are not doing their daily routines they come confused and problems start to occur. All children need consistent daily schedules.

Noise• Noise affects

children differently. When children hear a smoke alarm, they will put their hands over their ears. Pay attention to the volume of you own voice when talking to children.

Waiting Time

• When children begin to wait for a long time they start to behave poorly. By nature, they are usually in motion. Cut down on your waiting time by being prepared. Prepare materials for all group activities in advance.

Frustration • When children feel

defeated or discouraged they start to get FRUSTRATED. Frustration causes tension in children. . To avoid this kind of behavior carefully plan each day activity. Carefully watch your words and your actions around the children.

Physical Problem• Children may be overly

active or tense due to other health problems. A child who is in constant pain due to lack to dental or medical care may act inappropriately. Medications affect some children behavior’s. Poor and inadequate nutrition can also affect a child’s behavior. Children who do not receive the caloric intake or nutrients may be inattentive and sluggish. Their motor skills and motivation are also affected.

Stress • Stress is the body’s reaction

to physical or emotional danger signals. Stress can be caused by both negative and positive events. One event that causes negative stress is a family breakup. This breaks the family stability. Other negative events that includes stress are abuse, neglect, rejection, seperation, and fights. Positive events that causes stress are parties, vacations, over night visits with friends or relatives, birth of a new one or getting a pet.

Anger • Anger draws attention to

something that annoys the child. You can help your child deal with anger. Screaming, kicking, hitting, pounding, and hitting one’s head against a wall are ways children express anger. By age 3, verbal abuse is more common while 4 year old engage in name-calling.

Biting • Young children often

bite when they are upset. This is not an unusual behavior for 2 year olds. For some, biting is just a temporary problem. For others, biting is a form of body language. Never allow a child to bite back. Biting back does not prevent biting. It only creates more aggressive behavior.


• Tattling seems to occur in many classrooms and it is a typical behavior for many young children. The children who tattles is insecure and tattles to get your attention. Teachers may find tattling irritating but you should listen to children. Having a daily one-to-one time for listening and talking with each child. Try ignoring tattling.

Exploring the Body

• It is common for 1 year to start rubbing their genitals while getting their diaper change. By age 3, children are aware of the sex differences. By age 4, children who have to use the bathroom may hold their genital area. Some children hold their genital area because their clothes may be too tight.

Thumb Sucking

• Children feel certain tensions. To relieve the tension, some children may suck their thumb. By age 4-5, children usually suck their thumb before they go to bed. Some children engage in thumb sucking if they are tired. Many children outgrow their this habit by the ages 7.

Fear • All children

experience FEAR. By age 3, all children experience fear. Some may be real while others are imaginary. Common fears include falling from high places, putting faces in water, thunder, people in uniforms, fire engines, ambulances, and animals. Children may cry, cling and refuse to leave their parents. As the teacher, be prepared for this fear.