Guidance Board Exam Syllabus

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Guidance and Counseling

Transcript of Guidance Board Exam Syllabus

Guidance Curriculum Guidance Curriculum and Syllabiand Syllabi

Guidance Curriculum Guidance Curriculum and Syllabiand Syllabi

Imelda V. G. Villar, Ph.D.Imelda V. G. Villar, Ph.D.Vice-President, PGCA Vice-President, PGCA



Course DescriptionCourse Description

3-unit course that covers the 3-unit course that covers the theoretical basis of Guidance and theoretical basis of Guidance and Counseling. Its main purpose is to Counseling. Its main purpose is to deepen understanding and deepen understanding and appreciation of the view and appreciation of the view and nature of man through a nature of man through a transdisciplinary approach.transdisciplinary approach.

Course ObjectivesCourse ObjectivesBe able to:Be able to:

– explain the philosophical, explain the philosophical, psychological and sociological basis psychological and sociological basis of Guidance and Counseling.of Guidance and Counseling.

– demonstrate professional skills and demonstrate professional skills and competencies in the helping competencies in the helping relationship.relationship.

– manifest valuing for the importance manifest valuing for the importance of understanding human being of understanding human being through the transdisciplinary through the transdisciplinary approach.approach.

Course ContentCourse Content


Philosophy of human beingsPhilosophy of human beings• Ancient GreeceAncient Greece• Medieval AgeMedieval Age• Renaissance/EnlightenmentRenaissance/Enlightenment

Modern PhilosophyModern Philosophy• RationalismRationalism• EmpiricismEmpiricism

Course Content

Contemporary PhilosophyContemporary Philosophy

• ExistentialismExistentialism• PhenomenologyPhenomenology• PragmatismPragmatism• RealismRealism• ConstructivismConstructivism

Course ContentCourse ContentPSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVEPSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVESchools of ThoughtSchools of Thought

• StructuralismStructuralism• FunctionalismFunctionalism• GestaltGestalt• PsychoanalyticPsychoanalytic• BehaviorismBehaviorism• CognitiveCognitive• HumanisticHumanistic• Contemporary Theoretical ApproachesContemporary Theoretical Approaches

Course ContentCourse Content

Areas of Concentration in Areas of Concentration in PsychologyPsychology• ProponentsProponents• PeriodPeriod• Belief of human beingsBelief of human beings• Method UsedMethod Used

Course ContentCourse Content

SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVESOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVESocial Structures ( How these institutions Social Structures ( How these institutions

view human being)view human being)• FamilyFamily• Schools/EducationSchools/Education• CommunityCommunity• ChurchChurch• GovernmentGovernment

Course OutlineCourse Outline

Theoretical Perspectives in SociologyTheoretical Perspectives in Sociology• Chaos TheoryChaos Theory• Social Order TheorySocial Order Theory• Consensus TheoryConsensus Theory• Conflict TheoryConflict Theory• Ecological TheoryEcological Theory


• Lecture / DiscussionLecture / Discussion• Journal writingJournal writing• Group ProcessGroup Process• CritiquingCritiquing• Case AnalysisCase Analysis• Movie AnalysisMovie Analysis


• Personal Philosophy of the human Personal Philosophy of the human beingbeing

• Personal Counseling PhilosophyPersonal Counseling Philosophy


• Philosophy booksPhilosophy books• Philosophical JournalsPhilosophical Journals• Psychology BooksPsychology Books• Psychological JournalsPsychological Journals

Organization, Administration and Supervision of Guidance, Counseling Services and Program Development

Course Description 3-unitcourse designed to give students an overview of organization, administration and supervision of guidance and counseling programs and services. It exposes students to the entire range of services provided in the public and private schools as well as those in industry and community. It equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills on how to develop appropriate programs.

Course Objectives

Students would be able to• Define and distinguish the

different guidance services in terms of: nature, purpose, delivery, ethics

• Describe the roles and functions of the Guidance personnel

Course Objectives

• Concretize the physical facilities required for appropriate delivery of services

• Illustrate the budget required for running the necessary activities

• Draw up a concrete Guidance Program Plan

Course Outline

Basic Concepts Needs Assessment: Foundation

for Program DevelopmentDevelopment and design of needs’ assessment tools

Course OutlineGuidance Models: Principles

and Fundamental Concepts

• Developmental School Guidance and Counseling

• Comprehensive Guidance Program• The Teacher Advisor Program• Invitational Learning• Existing models (local and foreign)

Course Outline

Guidance Services• Counseling• Consultation• Individual Inventory and Testing• Information

Course Outline

• Placement• Wellness and Prevention• Follow-up• Referral• Research • Evaluation

Course Outline The Guidance Personnel

– Guidance Counselor– Psychometrician– Researcher– Secretary

• Functions• Qualifications• Ethical Responsibilities

Course Outline

The Guidance Facilities•Counseling Room•Testing Room•Multipurpose Room•Waiting Area

Course Outline

Budget•Sources •Expenses

Course OutlineOrganization, Administration and Supervision 1. The Elementary School Guidance

and Counseling Program

2. The Secondary School Guidance and Counseling Program

3. The Tertiary School Guidance and Counseling

Course Outline

4. Community Guidance and Counseling Program (NGO, Church, Rehabilitation Centers, LGUs, Hospital, other human service institutions)

5. Guidance and Counseling Program in the Industrial Setting

Course Outline

Program Development

Program Evaluation: Issues on Accountability

Course Requirements

• Guidance Program analysis and evaluation

• Program Proposal– School setting– Hospital Setting– Industrial Setting– Community Setting


Lecture Discussion Individual report Preparing Guidance Forms Critiquing Field exposure and research


• Introduction to counseling and guidance. Ohio: Merrill

• Parsons, R.D. and Kahn, W.J. (2005). The school counselor as consultant.

• Belmont, California: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

• Schmidt,J. (2005). Comprehensive counseling and guidance Program.



• Stone, C.B. and Dahir, C.A. (2004). School counselor accountability.

• New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. • Technical Aid Packet on School-Based

Client Consultation, Referral and Management of Case (2005).

• Gibson, R.L. and Mitchell, M.H. (2003).• h


Counseling Theories and Techniques

Course Description

• 5-unit course with laboratory exposes the students to the different counseling theories, techniques and applications in educational, industrial, clinical and community settings. Emphasis is on various cognitive, affective, and behavioral approaches in counseling. Skills in counseling within ethical framework are expected.

Course Objectives

The students would be able to:• describe how one’s person,

values, needs, and knowledge enter counseling practice

• distinguish various counseling approaches/techniques

• differentiate the various stages of the counseling process

Course Objectives

• utilize the various Guidance Services in helping the client

• manifest the requisite skills and ethics in handling clients

Course Outline

• Counselor: Person and Professional• The Counselor as a Helping Person• Counselor Values and Standard of

Behavior– moral/ethical– social/interpersonal– intellectual– spiritual

• Counseling Skills/Relationship Strategies

Course Outline• Ethical/Legal Issues in

Counseling Practice– Uses of assessment instruments,

information, referrals and follow-up in counseling

– Guidelines for ethical practice– Accountability– Multicultural and Family issues

• The Counseling Process ( Basic Counseling Skills/Stages of Counseling)

Course Outline

Major Counseling Theories and Techniques: framework for discussing each technique– Proponent/s– View of the Human Being/Theory of

Personality Development– Sources/Nature of Difficulty/Maladjustment– Goal of counseling– Role of Counselor– Counseling Strategies– Steps in Counseling– Contributions/Limitations

Course Outline– Psychoanalytic– Adlerian– Existential– Person-Centered– Gestalt– Reality– Behavior– Rational-Emotive– Cognitive-Behavior– Family Systems– Multicultural Counseling and Therapy

Course Outline

• Integration and Application– Trends in Counseling and

Psychotherapy– Issues in Counseling (legal,

ethical, spiritual/religious, etc.)– Evaluation in Counseling

Course Requirements

•Attendance•Recitation/class participation•Quizzes/Chapter or Unit exams•Counseling Philosophy•Counseling Simulation •Audio or video counseling with typescript


Lecture discussionrole playing simulation exercises video/tape demonstrationcritiquing and case analysis educational tour


• Family Code• Children’s Rights• Women’s Rights• Anti-Sexual Harassment Law• Human Rights• Guidance Journal (PGCA)• Counseling in Perspective: Theory, Process and Skills. Dr. Lily Rosqueta-Rosales• Relevant Counseling Theory, Research and

Practice: Contextualizing Multicultural Counseling and Therapy (Dr. E.P. Aguilan,



• Counseling Research and Practice in the Philippines (Clemena,1996)

• Journal of Counseling Psychology (PACERS) • Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession.

Nelson-Jones (2001).• Essential Counseling and Therapy Skills.

Gladding (2000)• MCT by Bea Wherly Exemplar (Chi Sigma Iota;

Evangeline Aguilan) • Western Approaches to Counseling in the

Philippines, NLP, etc. (Villar)• Others

Psychological Testing

Course Description4-unit lecture/laboratory course that

provides practical knowledge of different assessment tools including standardized tests, observation, interviews, and other authentic measures utilized in counseling. Students are equipped with skills through hands-on experience in selecting, administering, scoring and interpreting tests, constructing non-test assessment tool and designing a testing program.


• Statistics

Course Objectives

• apply the correct tools for making norms and validating tests

• make a stand and correctly defend issues in assessment

• practice ethics in testing and assessment

Course Objectives

Students would be able to • select, administer, and score

appropriate tests for given populations

• ethically and effectively interpret, in oral and written form the different assessment tools

Course Objectives

• construct non-test assessment tool

• design a working and appropriate testing program.

Course Outline

• History of Psychological Testing : Abroad and in the Philippines

• Basic Testing Concepts– definition of testing,

assessment, evaluation, measurement, standardized testing, psychological test, nontest/authentic measures


Course Outline

• Nature and Principles of Psychological Testing

• Uses of Tests• Characteristics and Attributes of a

Good Test– Reliability and Validity– Norms

Course Outline• Major Types Of Tests

– Intelligence– Aptitude– Achievement– Diagnostic– Personality– Attitude– Values– Interests

Course Outline

• Non-test Techniques/Authentic Measures– observation– interview

Course Outline

• Consideration in Administering and Scoring Psychological Tests

• Test Interpretation– Understanding Norms– Psychological Test Report Elements– Understanding Psychological Variables

• Using Data in Counseling

Course Outline

• Norm Development and Interpretation

• Issues (based on new trends)• Ethics in Selection, Administration,

Interpretation, Communication, Sharing and Usage

• Principles in Test Development

Methodology• Methodology• Lecture• Discussion• Actual Test Administration• Actual Test Scoring• Actual Written Interpretation• Actual Oral Interpretation• Test Evaluation• Norm Development• Exercises on Ethical Critical Incidents

Materials and Facilities

• Updated Test Materials• Computer Software (SPSS or

Statistical)• Journals/Books• Internet• Testing Room


• Attendance and Class Participation 25 pts• Oral Reports 25 pts• Psychological Report 30 Pts• Simulation 30 pts.• Assessment Instrument 30 pts• Exams • Midterm 30 pts• Finals 30 pts• 200 pts

References• Anastasi,A. & Urbina, S. (2002) Psychological testing 7th ed

Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: MacMillan Publishing Co.• Aiken, Lewis ((2000). Psychological testing and assessment

Boston: Allyn & Bacon.• Cohen,R.J. & Swerdlik, M.E. (2005). Psychological testing and

assessment Introduction to tests and measurement. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.

• Drummond,R.J. (2004). 5th ed. Appraisal procedures for counselors and helping professionals.Upper Saddle , New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

• Murphy, K.R. & Davidoshofer, C.O. (1998). Psychological testing principles and applications.Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

• Newmark,C S. (1985). Major psychological assessment instruments. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

• Whiston, S. C. (2000). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling. CA: Brooks/Cole Thomas Learning.

Career Development


• Psychological Testing• Group Process• Counseling Techniques

Career Development

• Prerequisites: Counseling Techniques, Psychological Testing and Group Process, Principle of Guidance

Course Description

• 3-unit course that focuses on theories, approaches, strategies and techniques in the conduct of career guidance and counseling programs. Effective use of assessment tools, methods of disseminating and use of career information, simulated and actual career counseling experiences and activities will be explored.

• Skills in using test results and other assessment tools for comprehensive career planning

• Utilizing multimedia in the collection and dissemination of career information

• Knowledge of career development theories • Facilitation of career development programs

Course Description

• Knowledge and use of factors required for career planning

• Career counseling skills, techniques, and steps

• Searching and networking for career information

• Planning and implementation of age- and gender- appropriate career development programs

• Application of multicultural approach to career planning

• Facilitating appropriate career placement

Course Outline

• History of Vocational and Career Guidance

• Basic Concepts– Definition: career, job, occupation,

work– Career guidance, career counseling

Course Outline

• Theories of Career Development and Career Choice– Parsons, Super, Tiedeman, Roe,

Holland, Ginzberg, Hoppock, Gybers, Browne, Krumboltz, Dawis

• Self-exploration in career planning (intellectual capacities, aptitudes and abilities, personality traits, physical appearance and health, age, gender, roles, needs, interest, values, skills and beliefs, academic background/training)

Course Outline

• Environmental consideration (geographical location, socio economics status, parental influence)

• Career Exploration (nature of job, requirements, working conditions, benefits and compensation, hazards, needs, opportunities, work ethics, rights and gender considerations)

Course Outline

• Current Perspectives (local, national, global) in the work place

• Issues in the career decision making process• Legal issues encountered at the work place• Career Program Development and Facilitation

for different level• Test interpretation skills for career planning• Career planning and counseling skills,

techniques, steps• Using multicultural career planning

Methodology• Methodology

– Lectures– Hands-on experience in collecting,

storing and use of career information– Group discussions– Structured learning activities– Counseling simulation– Selection and interpretation of

career assessment materials


• Personal career study• Making career guidance

brochures/fliers• Program development, design and

try-out• Attendance in job fairs• Interview professionals and job

holders re: specific jobs


• Entrepreneurial plans and feasibility studies

• Brochures of different industries • Case studies• Personal Portfolio • Video recording of an actual

counseling session and cliniquing

Facilities and Materials• Career/occupational and

personality tests• Internet facilities • Updates on DOLE, POEA, TESDA• Newspaper/TV ads• Video cam• Computers• CD player


• Note: Resources/materials regarding Career Guidance and Development abound. Students are encouraged to conduct library research or surf the net to help widen knowledge.

• Brown, Duanne (2002). CAREER CHOICES & DEVELOPMENT,2nd ed, The Jossey-Bass Management Series, San Francisco USA


• Pandit, S. (2002). DESIGN YOUR CAREER FOR PROSPERITY IN THE DEJOBBED ECONOMY, Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New Delhi India

• Poore, C. (2001). BUILDING YOUR CAREER PORTFOLIO, 2001, Career Press Inc., USA

• Schein, E. (1990). CAREER ANCHORS : DISCOVERING YOUR REAL VALUES. University Associate, Inc, San Diego, USA


• Scharnk, L. (1991) CHOOSE THE RIGHT CAREER. Contemporary Publishing Co., Chicago, USA

• Santamaria, J (2003). CAREER PLANNING WORKBOOK, Revised Edition Makati, Philippines

• Wallace & Masters (2001). PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR LIFE AND WORK, 8TH ed. South Western Thomson Learning, Colorado, USA


• Books written by the proponents of the various theories taken up

••• http://www.•

Course Description: This course covers systematic analysis of group behavior and various types of group interaction. It is an experiential course that focuses on learning how to apply the varied theories and techniques of group process, and the skills in designing and facilitating group program/activities for human growth.

Group Process


• Counseling Techniques• Psychological Testing

Course Objectives

Students will be able to:• Define group process and explain

the theories and techniques in group process.

• Integrate knowledge of theories, principles, skills and techniques in group process.

• Demonstrate competencies in carrying group counseling activities.

Course Objectives

• Design psycho-educational training programs in group counseling.

• Appreciate the art of conducting group dynamics.

• Facilitate a series of group sessions.

Course Outline

• Stages of Group development• Theories of Group Process and

Development• Facilitating Skills

– Activities, structured learning experience in the Filipino context

– Multicultural approaches in facilitating groups

– Strategies, techniques and procedures in handling group sessions

Course Outline

• Functions of the core elements of group process– facilitator– participants

• Training Components• Ethical issues in running groups• Evaluation of the effect of group process

on the participants- Creation of tools for evaluation (pre-tests and post tests)

• Self Development


• Lectures /discussion• Group process activities in class• Experiential Learning• Application, peer evaluation and


Course Requirements

1. Group Development Plan 2. Examinations – Written and practical exams 3. Psycho-educational programs using group process 4. Training Design

References• Gazda, George M. (1980). Group

Counseling: A Developmental Approach. Boston: Allyn And Bacon

• Corey, Gerald (1990). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Co.

• Forsyth, Donelson R. (1983). An Introduction to Group Dynamics. Pacific Grove, California: Books/Cole Publishing Co.


• Gibson, Robert L. & Mitchel, Marianne H. (2003). Introduction to Counseling and Guidance. Upper Saddle/River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

• Jacobs, Ed E. (2002). Group Counseling. Wadsworth Group. Books, Thompson Learning, Inc.

• Kline, William B. (2003). Interactive Group Counseling and Therapy. Upper Saddle/ River, New Jersey: Pearson education, Inc.


• Ortigas, Carmela D. (1990). Group Process and the Inductive Method: Theory and Practice in the Philippines. Loyola Heights Quezon City. Ateneo de Manila Press

• Ray, Glen R. (1999). The Facilitative Leader. Upper Saddle/River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., & Prentice Hall, Inc.

• Yalom, Irvin D. (1985). Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. USA: Basic Books