GuardLogix Integrated Safety System

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Integrated safety is changing the way people think of safety system design – safety systems that actually improve productivity. This session will discuss and demonstrate how simple an integrated safety system is to develop and maintain using RSLogix 5000. This session is geared toward beginner to intermediate users and anyone interested in understanding how integrated safety really works.

Transcript of GuardLogix Integrated Safety System

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GuardLogix Integrated Safety System

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I talk a little more about Integrated Safety

You ask some more questions

You ask some questions

I talk a little about Integrated Safety

You give me a good review

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Integrated safety is changing the way people think of safety system design

- safety systems that actually improve productivity. This session will

discuss and demonstrate how simple an integrated safety system is to

develop and maintain using Rockwell Software® Studio 5000. This session

is geared toward beginner to intermediate users and anyone interested in

understanding how integrated safety really works.


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Safety System Design Goals and Challenges


Providing a machine that is safe to install / operate / maintain

Comply to appropriate standards (ISO 13849-1:2006, IEC 62061, …)


Deliver a safe, compliant system without compromising the production capability and flexibility of the overall system.

Deliver a system with capability for expansion and upgrading.

Deliver a system with global support capability

Deliver a system with adaptability and scalability

Design for Recovery - Minimize MTTR – Downtime or Service time


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How do I find the right mix of safety and productivity?

How does that machine need to act to be productive and safe?

Asking these two questions is relatively new…


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Traditional Contemporary Safety Solutions

Turns machine off

Hardwired Diagnostics

Inter-connect relays for



Hardwired Auxiliary Inputs

Safety Relay Configurable Safety Relay Stand-alone Safety PLC

E-Stop #1

E-Stop #5

E-Stop #3

E-Stop #2

E-Stop #4

Out Feed Conveyor

In Feed Conveyor

Some zone control

Hardwired Diagnostics

“Programs with a


Multi-zone control

Comms link for Diagnostics

Programs with separate


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• Two diverse PLCs

• 1oo2 implementation

• From a Safety perspective, this is a good design

• Costly, complex, highly engineering system

• Difficult to design, develop, test, and maintain

• Requires cross-wiring, cross-checking, extensively programmed diagnostics

Ch A

Ch B

Early Safety System Designs


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Still Have Challenges…

Additional hardware / programming for Safety System Diagnostics

Additional equipment to specify, purchase, hold as spare parts, …

Multiple software programming environments

Extra time to develop

Extra time to troubleshoot

Extra time to maintain

Additional training for maintenance personnel or for end customer


What if we used a single PLC for Safe and Standard Control?

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GuardLogix® Safety Integration Overview

Logix Integrated Safety

Dual Processor Solution (1oo2 Architecture)

SIL-3 Certification per IEC 61508

ISO 13849 Performance Level e (Category 4)

Programs with Studio 5000 Logix Designer

Safety I/O on Ethernet/IP


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GuardLogix Features

Some provide separation

Some provide integration

Some just make integration „easier‟


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Separation between Safe and Standard Control


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Separation / Safety Task

Safety task created whenever a

GuardLogix safety controller is



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Separation / Physical Memory

• GLX Primary Controller has separate • Physical Memory for Standard Task Control

• Physical Memory for Safety Task Control

• Safety Signature • Memory for Safety Task

• Read Only

• No Forcing

• No Online editing

• No Offline editing

• Safety Lock • Prevents deletion of

safety signature

• Password protection

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Safety Task Scan

Safety Task is a Periodic Task

At period rate, Primary „wakes up‟ Partner

Safety input data „frozen‟; does not change during scan

Primary sends raw input data to Partner

Both Primary and Partner execute safety logic to completion using the frozen safety input data

Safety Task results are cross checked by both controllers (primary >< partner)

If results are OK, Primary and Partner each build half of the safety output data packet, and then packet is written to the safety outputs


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Separation / Safety and Standard Tags

Every controller tag has a class; either „standard‟ or „safety‟

Safety tags can only be used within safety task

Cannot „drive‟ or „control‟ a safety output tag in standard task


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Separation / Safety I/O

To create safety rated I/O tags, you need to use safety rated I/O modules

Safety I/O data automatically mapped into safety memory

CompactBlock™ I/O


ArmorBlock® (1732)

POINT Guard I/O™



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Separation / Unique Safety Protocol

GuardLogix communicates to standard I/O modules using CIP protocol

GuardLogix communicates to safety I/O modules using CIP Safety protocol

CIP Safety Protocol

Data is sent twice (redundancy)

One regular / One inverted (diversity)

Every packet is time stamped (diagnostics)

Protect against misuse; standard module data cannot appear in safety tags


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Separation / Safety Task Instructions

Instruction Category Supported Instructions Array/Shift Bit XIC, XIO, OTE, OTL, OTU, ONS, OSR, OSF, Compare LIM, MEQ, EQU, NEQ, LES, GRT, LEQ, GEQ Compute/Math File Misc. COP Filter For Input/Output GSV, SSV Math Conversion ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, SQR, NEG, ABS Move/Logical MOV, MVM, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, CLR, Program Control JMP, LBL, JSR, RET, SBR, TND, MCR, AFI, NOP Select/Limit Sequencer Special Statistical Timer/Counter TON, TOF, RTO, CTU, CTD, RES

Only certified instructions available for safety task

Only certified instructions in Partner firmware


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Dual Channel Application Instructions

Next generation of certified application instructions

DCS is base instruction (Stop)

Stop with Test

Stop with Test & Lock

Stop with Test & Mute



Focused on three main safety “Functions”




Easier to use

Functions are built into the instructions

Test & Unlock Request

Hazard Stopped

Input Status

Reduces testing & validation effort

Better diagnostics


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Muting Suite and Safety Mat

3 Certified Muting Instructions

Two Sensor Asymmetrical

Two Sensor Symmetrical

Four Sensor Bidirectional

Safety for Conveyor related


Light Curtains

Laser Scanners

Safety Mat Instruction

Eliminates the need for a safety

mat controller.

Directly connect safety mats to

safety input modules.


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Metal Forming Instruction Suite

BG Certified Mechanical Press Application Instructions

EN 692

ANSI B11.1

CSA Z142.02

10 Metal Forming Instructions Crankshaft Position Monitor

Clutch Brake Inch Mode

Clutch Brake Single Stroke Mode

Clutch Brake Continuous Mode

Camshaft Monitor

Main Valve Control

Auxiliary Valve Control

Manual Maintenance Valve Control

Two Hand Run Station

8 Position Mode Selector


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Integrate Safe and Standard Control


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Integration / Mix standard and Safety I/O

CIP and CIP Safety protocols can reside on same network



Can mix & match standard and safety Point I/O modules in the same rail

Differences between CIP and CIP Safety are at the protocol level, so you can communicate to standard and safety modules via Netlinx


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Integration /Mapping Tool

Standard tags can be directly mapped to safety tags

The Safety tag can then be used in safety task

This mapped safety tag must still be considered non-safety data


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Integration / AOI Signature ID

AOI functionality available for use within Safety Routines

Only safety tags / instructions are allowed

Safety Signature added to easily verify that AOI

downloaded properly.

Signature ID represents CRC of binary code in memory

Reduces test and validation effort

Test once and then simply verify signature on

each re use.

Transportable between GuardLogix projects

SIL integrity is maintained

Uses the same procedures as standard side AOI‟s Compatible with all future AOI enhancements

(Library ease of use features, etc.)

Provides users significant benefits

Helps enforce consistent behavior Reduces the risk of users creating custom logic


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Integration / Data Type added for P/C

Connection_Status data type added to support P/C Safety tags

Only UDTs can be used for P/C safety tags

First member must be CONNECTION_STATUS


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Integration made easy


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Ease of Integration / Standard Task Operations Same as ControlLogix®

• Executes each program top to bottom

and then restarts

• Operates at the lowest priority on the


• Uses all CPU time left after other tasks


• Interrupted by operating system to

perform processor and

communications overhead

• Traditional PLC Scan

• Triggered automatically at a preset

time interval

• Interrupts lower priority tasks and can

be interrupted by higher priority tasks

(15 Levels)

• Will time-slice on a 1ms basis with

another task at the same priority level

• Captures fault for task overlap

• Similar to PLC/SLC Selectable Timed

Interrupt (STI)

• Triggered on arrival of input,

consumed tag, motion operations, via

another program, or a Windows Event

for SoftLogix™ 5800

• Priority same options as Periodic...

• Captures fault for task overlap

• Similar to PLC Peripheral Input

Interrupt (PII) or SLC Discrete Input

Interrupt (DII)

Continuous Task Scan Periodic Task Scan













Scan interrupted by periodic and event tasks

Program 2

Program 1

Program ..n


Program 2

Program 1

Program ..n


5ms 10ms

15ms ...

Depending on task priority scan interrupted by other periodic and event tasks

Event Task Scan

Program 2

Program 1

Program ..n

... Input


Code ...

Depending on task priority scan interrupted by other periodic and event tasks


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Ease of Integration / Single Programming Tool

The real benefit is related to software familiarity

The more safety is the same as standard, the easier it becomes

Can program both safety and standard tasks using Rockwell Software® Studio 5000

Data structures remained the same

How I/O is handled remained the same

How communications are handled remained the same


RSLogix™ 5000


Studio 5000 Logix Designer™


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Ease of Integration / Studio 5000 Logix Designer Safety Environment

Safety Controller


Safety Instruction


Periodic Safety

Task, Programs,

Program scoped

safety tags,


Safety I/O

Safety Watermark


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GuardLogix Integrated Safety

Integrated safety should reduce system development costs

Ease of use is the primary factor

Directly correlates to speed, less wasted time and effort

Common software reduces acquisition costs, but the real benefit is

related to software familiarity.

The more safety is the same as standard, the easier it becomes

How data is used in the system

How I/O is handled

How controller interlocking is done

Standard, Safety or both

How communications are configured and operate


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Improved Productivity via Safety System Design

Global Compliance – design scalable

applications that meet global


Reduce Design Time – safety can not

continue to be an added cost solution, it

must deliver value.

Reduce Installation Cost and Start-up

Time – leverage existing investments

and architecture.

Safety = Productivity = Profitability

Modern Safety Practices are Enabling a Fundamental Change in How Safety is Viewed in Manufacturing


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