Grundfos CR RANGE

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Innovation Inside Lea todo de las excelentes ventajas que ofrece la gama multicelular en línea CR de Grundfos.

Transcript of Grundfos CR RANGE



Innovation inside

For Grundfos to bring you the CRof today, we consulted with pro-fessional pump users and buyersto ask them what improvementsthey would like to see made tomultistage pumps. During our dis-cussions a few troublesome ele-ments came up repeatedly, so weset about putting them right.

Because you asked for itActive dialogue with customers andusers further focused our attention

on the areas of most importance toyou. As a direct result, the advance-ments we can present here provide:

• Superior reliability• Unmatched cost of ownership• The most extensive range

on the market

By continually anticipating andmeeting the increasingly rigorousdemands set by the market, Grund-fos has built a reputation as a trend-

setter in the pumping industry.Ongoing investments in researchand development ensure that wecan maintain this position. In mul-tistage centrifugal pumps, the CRhas now been leading the way formore than 25 years. Make no mis-take about it. The new generationof CR pumps will make a visibledifference which you will appreci-ate. Innovation is at the very coreof the CR concept – therefore Inno-vation inside.

Grundfos motorGrundfos’ own MG motors

feature a low noise leveland high efficiency. Avail-able in the self-regulatingMGE configuration with

integrated frequency converter.

Cartridge shaft sealGrundfos developed the cartridge seal to increase

reliability and enable easyservice and access.

Shaft seal solutionsThe cartridge configuration

comes in a wide choice of materials and as a

flushed seal, double sealand magnetic drive.

Temperature range from -40ºC to +180ºC.

Connection optionsA broad range of

connections match any system requirement.

Dry-running sensorThe Grundfos LiqTec™ constantly checks that

there is liquid in the pump,eliminating the risk of break-

down from dry-running.


Grundfos’ state-of-the arthydraulic design and

production technology optimise pump efficiency.

Durable bearingsHard-wearing materials

and a wide choice ofoptions for difficult liquids

enhance the service life of CR bearings.

Material optionsFour different material

options are available forparts in contact with thepumped liquid: titanium,

stainless steel AISI 316,stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 304/cast iron.

Dry-running is the cause of 25% of pump-related stoppages

Superior protection measuresensure double reliability

Hard-wearing and intelligent technologyThe CR has always been renownedfor its high reliability. As we contin-ually seek to improve the CR, wethink beyond just building a pump.We take a share of the responsibilityfor ensuring that whatever the con-ditions our pumps are put under –no matter how extreme or adverse– the right choice of pump will givethe same degree of reliability.

Dry-running now a thing of the pastAny concern you might have aboutyour pump running dry is realenough. As many as 25% of pumpbreakdowns are caused by exactlythat – the most common cause ofall pump failures. Soon after liquidstops flowing in the pump, theshaft seal and bearings are burnedout. You almost have to be rightnext to the pump to stop it in time.

We have not given up on develop-ing the shaft seal and bearingwhich will never wear out. Whenwe have them, you will be the firstto know. However, by testing newand alternative materials, we canequip CR pumps with a shaft sealand bearing system which canwithstand extreme heat and fric-

tion longer. This makes them a littleless unforgiving if the pump doesrun dry.

Or even better, we can offer a wayto avoid dry-running altogether!

Grundfos LiqTec™ – a finger on the switchThe only sure way to prevent thedisastrous consequences of dry-running is to have a finger on theswitch at all times. With LiqTec™,Grundfos has designed such a fin-ger and made it available as anoption on all CR pumps. LiqTec™ isplug-and-play dry-running protec-tion which constantly checks thatthere is liquid in the pump. The in-stant the sensor detects that there

is no liquid present, LiqTec™ stopsthe pump. So in one easy move youcan eliminate the risk of damagefrom dry-running altogether.

Superior reliability with the unique cartridge seal Hard-wearing seal materials pre-vent unnecessary and prolongeddowntime in your system. Seal reli-ability is also enhanced by the car-tridge design since there is no risk

Grundfos LiqTec™ keeps a constant eye on whether there is liquid in

your CR. And if there isn’t, it stops the pump immediately.

of assembling the seal componentswrongly, preloading the spring in-correctly or getting greasy fingersand dirt on sensitive surfaces. Thesewould all shorten the life of theseal significantly.

The cartridge design also enablesfast replacement when the sealfinally does need changing. All inall, production stoppages are mini-mised, and this translates into sig-

nificant savings in both the shortand long term.

Titanium – never corrodesAs fast as the ferrous metals in apump corrode at the hands of salineliquids, so too does pump reliabilityand efficiency. After dry-running,corrosive liquid is the next mostcommon cause of shortened pumplife. High-grade stainless steel goesa long way to making CR corrosion-

proof, but extreme conditions re-quire extreme measures.

The CR is the only pump of its kindwhich comes in a full-titanium vari-ant – CRT. Titanium is totally corro-sion-free. Not even a decade of fullimmersion in salt water will leavea blemish on the metal surface.

Within minutes you can remove the old seal, put in the new cartridge and set the pump running again. All this without special tools, and with a Grundfos CR you do not need to dismantle the pump.

Moreover, motors over 35 kg can be left in place during seal replacement.

Electricity is the most expensive part of a pump

CR cuts power consumption by more than 20% * Calculation based on CR 5

Liquids from A to B at the lowest possible price

0.60.05 0.70.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 Q [m3/h]10









Grundfos CR

How much difference does a CR actually make?

Application type Typical duty point Operating hours Average kWhper day reduction per

year with CRWater supply 80 m3/h at 6 bar 24 hours 18500 kWhBoiler feed 40 m3/h at 15 bar 15 hours 12700 kWhWater treatment 2 m3/h at 15 bar 15 hours 3200 kWhIndustrial washing 6 m3/h at 15 bar 5 hours 1600 kWh& cleaningGeneral industrial 6 m3/h at 10 bar 10 hours 2200 kWhpump task

Pump efficiency

Only the tip of the iceberg is visi-ble above the surface. It is easy to navigate around these bits. But itis the jagged edges beneath thesurface which rip holes in the bot-toms of ships.

Electricity – 85% of lifetime costThe cost of owning a pump is a bit the same. Less than 15% of the

total lifetime cost of a hardworkingpump is the more visible purchaseprice and maintenance costs. Butthe pump’s power consumptionlurks below the surface and canthreaten the bottom line of anotherwise sound project.

Energy consumption is not just anissue of CO2 emissions – although

this is important enough in itself.When your pumps are runningmany hours a day, a 10 percentagepoint increase in pump efficiencywill quickly transform into a cost-saving measure which can be re-peated month after month for theentire life of the pump.

The low lifetime cost of owning a CR is unmatched.

The right size for the jobThe narrow interval between CRpump sizes increases overall effi-ciency because the tighter overlaperases the efficiency drop expe-rienced with over-dimensionedpumps. By minimising the diffe-rence between pump capacity andthe required system pressure andvolume, you get a pump which runscloser to its optimal duty point.

Physics theory behind real improvementExtremely small margins make allthe difference to pump efficiencylevels. The laws of fluid dynamicshave therefore been studied care-fully to find new ways of improv-ing CR efficiency. The result of thisintense development work is an in-crease in pump efficiency of 10 per-centage points.

Firstly, internal leakage caused bythe pressure differentials within thepump were minimised. Tests andcalculations have shown that animpeller seal clearance gap of 1/10mm between the impeller and thechamber in a pump equivalent to aCR 3 results in a 5% drop in efficien-cy (see graph). To reduce internalleakage to an absolute minimum,Grundfos now uses a floating sealring between chambers, providinga close to perfect seal.

Secondly, enhanced impeller designhas resulted in a more streamlinedflow in the impeller and reducededdy flow and friction loss. Sincesuch small margins of error areinvolved, Grundfos has developedhighly specialised laser-welding

technology which operates at in-comparable levels of accuracy. Withthis technology at our disposal,impeller design and constructionare fine-tuned to the point of the-oretical perfection.

Thirdly, a higher Nq has beenachieved by a small reduction inthe pressure generated in eachpump stage.

All in all, the 10 percentage pointincrease in pump efficiency very

often means that a smaller motorcan be used to power the pump at any given duty point. A smallermotor represents a reduction inboth capital investment and run-ning costs.

By continuing to apply new andexisting knowledge, the team be-hind the CR is setting the standardfor multistage pump efficiency andperformance.

100 1

Zero impeller seal clearance gap (theoretical)

2 3m3/h


4 5







1/10 mm impeller seal clearance gap3/10 mm impeller seal clearance gap

State-of-the-art technology ensures a minimum of leakage in the pump and optimises efficiency.

State-of-the-artlaser-welded impeller.

Pump efficiency

Limited pump programmesrestrict your opportunities

CR offers individual solutionsfor individual needs

If anyone has the right pump, we do

CRStainless-steel AISI 304 with

cast-iron top and base

CRIAll stainless-steel AISI 304

CRNAll stainless-steel AISI 316

For systems requiring up to 120 m3/hour at up to 40 bar, you can’t af-ford to ignore Grundfos. The CRprogramme is the most extensiveand comprehensive on the market today, featuring ten pump sizeswith four basic material options inthousands of configurations. TheCR range of pumps is fine-tuned toinclude many sizes with a narrowinterval between each size. Thismakes it easier to pinpoint thepump which exactly matches the

demands of your system – no moreand no less.

By avoiding over-capacity in thepump, the already impressive ener-gy saving of a CR is boosted evenmore. The range of options is fur-ther widened by the energy-effi-cient CRE pumps, which have anintegrated frequency converter andpressure sensor. The electronic sen-sor monitors pressure in the pipe-line, and the frequency converter

then automatically regulates motorspeed. In this way, output is opti-mised in response to changing con-ditions in the system. The entire CRprogramme is available in the CREconfiguration.

Choice of materials is crucialA range of alternative materials isavailable to adapt the CR to handlethe wide variety of liquids encoun-tered today – from drinking waterto aggressive industrial liquids.

Aggressive or corrosive liquids Seawater, hypochlorites, hydrochloric acid, ferric chloride, nitric acid, chromic acid, phosphoric acid

Abrasive liquids Metasilicate-containing cleaning agents, abrasive alkaline cleaners, phosphates

Toxic or explosive liquids Trichloroethylene, toluene, petrol, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol

High-viscosity liquids Glycols, carboxylates (for cooling), lubricating oils, rapeseed oil

Hardening liquids water-based paint, glue, vegetable oilsCrystallising liquids Glycol additives, naphthalene, sugar products

(e.g. dextran), saltsHigh pressures Water treatment, cleaning/washingExtreme temperatures Petrochemicals, oils, boiler feed,

secondary coolants

CRTAll titanium

Non-corrosive liquidsThe CR is made of stainless steelAISI 304 and top-quality cast iron.The CRI is an all stainless-steelpump. The CR and CRI are primarilyintended for pumping water andother non-corrosive liquids.

Aggressive liquidsHigh-grade AISI 316 stainless steelis used in the CRN to withstandaggressive industrial liquids.

Saline liquidsThe CRT is made of titanium and is therefore totally corrosion-freein saline liquids – unlike any other

pump of its kind. Only the CRT canoffer such high levels of reliabilityunder such uncompromising con-ditions.

Custom-built CR – ask and you shall receiveThe standard CR range is supple-mented by a custom-built pro-gramme which is anything butstandard. An entire developmentteam is dedicated to custom-build-ing CRs to cover applications whichare out of the ordinary. By workingtogether with users, we have beenable to provide unique solutionswhich could then be incorporated

into the custom-built programme.Over the years, many users of mul-tistage pumps have contacted uswith difficulties they were experi-encing in specific pumping situa-tions. We welcome this contact,which will set the foundation forexpanding the CR programme inthe future.

By finding the right combination of motor size, shaft seal, pump materials and bearing materials, a CR can be configured to cope

with a multitude of difficult media.

Reliability is the hallmark of a Grundfos pump. The materials and compo-nents used make the CR a pump which you can rely on from day to daywithout infuriating breakdowns. And you can rely on it to have a long lifein your system.

The most important part of the innovation process is understanding our customers – what demands you place on a pump and how your processes work. Only then can we apply our extensive knowledge

of materials, pumps and pumping systems to design the right pump for you.


To help you find and commission the right pump for your system, Grundfos offers technical support which aims to be second-to-none. In our companies all over the world, the right

people are always on hand to provide after-sales service and training.

Technical support

Grundfos practises tight control over every aspect of the production system. Nothing is left to chance, because these are the pumps you will be using. Before leaving the factory, each and every pump is tested to ensure that it lives up to the highest

standards. All our production facilities meet the same quality and environmental standards – wherever they are in the world.


The design process is not finished until the pump has proven its worth in the context it is intended for and under extreme conditions. To put it bluntly, we thrash our pumps until

something gives. And then we fix the “weakness” so it won’t happen again.


With focus firmly on user needs, some of the best engineers in the business design and incorporate new elements which build on Grundfos’ innovative history. We aim to live up to our reputation for supplying the most reliable pumps, for being leaders in pump

technology and for building pumps our customers need. This is your guarantee of the quality of our work.


Securing top performance

Performance curves



0.18 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Q [m3/h]20









H[m] 50 Hz



CR 3

CR 5

CR 8

CR 16 CR 90

CR 64

CR 45

CR 32





CRN 8 CRN 32 CRN 64

CRN 90CRN 45CRN 16

2 x CR N 32 2 x CR N 45 2 x CRN 64 2 x CRN 90

2 x CR 32 2 x CR 452 x CR 64 2 x CR 90

0.18 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Q [m3/h]0






Technical data

CR 1 CR 3 CR 5 CR 8 CR 16 CR 32 CR 45 CR 64 CR 90

Range:Nominal flow (m3/h) 1 3 5 8 16 32 45 64 90Flow range (m3/h) 0.5-2 1.5-4 2.5-7.5 6-12 8-22 15-40 22-58 30-85 45-120Max. pump pressure (bar) 22 (47) 24 (47) 24 22 (42) 23 (44) 28 (39) 26 (40) 20 (39) 20 (39)Motor power (kW) 0.37 - 2.2 0.37 - 3 0.37 - 5.5 0.37 - 7.5 2.2 - 15 1.5 - 30 3 - 37 4 - 37 5.5 - 45Temperature range (°C) -20 to +120 -20 to +120 -20 to +120 -20 to +120 -20 to +120 -30 to +120 -30 to +120 -30 to +120 -30 to +120

(-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180) (-40 to +180)Max. pump efficiency (%) 48 58 66 64 70 78 79 80 81

Version:CR (AISI 304/Cast Iron) x x x x x x x x xCRI (AISI 304) x x xCRN (AISI 316) x x x x x x x x xCRT (Titanium) x x x x xCRN-HS x xCRN-SF (x) (x) x x x x x x

CR pipe connection:BSP (Internal thread) 1" & 1 1/4" 1" & 1 1/4" 1" & 1 1/4" 1 1/2" & 2"Flange DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN100

(DN80) (DN100) (DN125) (DN125)

CRI pipe connection:BSP (Internal thread) 1" & 1 1/4" 1" & 1 1/4" 1" & 1 1/4"Flange (DIN, JIS, ANSI) DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32PJE (Victaulic) x x xClamp x x xUnion (++GF++) x x x

CRN pipe connection:Flange (DIN, JIS, ANSI) DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32 DN25 & DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 DN100

(DN80) (DN100) (DN125) (DN125)PJE (Victaulic) x x x x x (x) (x) (x) (x)Clamp x x x x xUnion (++GF++) x x x x x

CRT pipe connection:PJE (Victaulic) x x x x x

being responsible is our foundationthinking ahead makes it possible

innovation is the essence V716


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