Grudgeball Review. Winning and Losing If your team loses all of its Xs, you will still have the...

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Transcript of Grudgeball Review. Winning and Losing If your team loses all of its Xs, you will still have the...

Grudgeball Review

Winning and Losing

•If your team loses all of its Xs, you will still have the opportunity to answer questions to gain Xs back.

•The team with the most Xs at the end of the game will be the winner.

Rules•Each team begins with ten Xs.

•When a team correctly answers a question, they may eliminate an X from any other team.

•If a player from your team hits the bullseye, your team may take two Xs away from a team, or slit and take one from two teams.

•If your team answers incorrectly, other teams may have a chance to steal.


•All members of your group should be involved in answering questions.

•No person may shoot for the bullseye twice in a row.

• Interrupting game play and/or lack of focus will result in a loss of Xs for your team.

•Ms. Mancini has the final say in determining correct and incorrect answers.

Let’s begin!

Question #1

•List the four types of literary conflict

Question #2

•Define and give an example of man vs. man.

Question #3

•Define and give an example of man vs. nature.

Question #4

•Define and give an example of man vs. self.

Question #5

•Define and give an example of man vs. society.

Question #6


Question #7

•Explain what occurs during the Exposition of a story.

Question #8


Question #9

•Explain what occurs during the rising action part of a story.

Question #10


Question #11

•Explain what occurs at the climax of a story.

Question #12


Question #13

•Explain what occurs during the falling action of a story.

Question #14


Question #15

•Explain what occurs during the resolution of a story.

Question #16

•Which section of plot using takes the most amount of time. Why?

Question #17

•Define protagonist and give an example.

Question #18

•Define antagonist and give an example.

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:• Angela is having the time of her life on a

cruise ship with food and fun all around her. Just as she is preparing for the limbo competition, the ship crashes into an iceberg, which punctures the hull and causes the ship to sink. Now she and a group of strangers must fight for survival on a life raft deep in the ice-cold ocean waters with limited supplies. Can she stay alive until a rescue team arrives?

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:•Beth wanted to look just like the famous pop

star Lady Goo-goo, so she went to the hair stylist and requested a drastic new haircut, one that required her shaving half of her head. When she left the hair stylist, it looked pretty good, but now it is the morning of a school day and she finds that she cannot recreate the look. Can Beth pull off the Lady Goo-goo look? Will she be able to muster the courage to go to school if she cannot?

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:• Justin didn't want to get involved in the struggle for civil rights. He just wanted to go to school. Unfortunately, many people in the community did not want Justin to go to their school because of his African American heritage. A simple walk to school becomes a powerful march for rights as Justin, a group of civil rights leaders, and millions of supporters make Justin's case the centerpiece in a heated battle for equal rights.

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:• It's 1938 and Max Schnell is a native German citizen wondering if the world has gone mad around him. His Jewish friends and neighbors have been forbidden to own businesses, work in retail stores, drive cars, go to the movies, or attend public schools. Seeking to raise awareness and to build a resistance against this anti-Semitic movement, Max begins printing an underground newspaper. How long can Max continue his publishing activities without being caught by the Nazis? Will it be long enough to make a difference?

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:•Franz was once the best ballerina dancer

in Europe, until he was involved in a tragic dancing accident that shattered his anklebone. After several surgeries and months of physical therapy, Franz was told that he might never dance again. Join Franz as he pushes the limits of recovery and anatomy on a quest to regain his former grace and poise as a lead dancer.

Name the protagonist, antagonist, and

conflict:•Buck is the most skilled banjo player in

town and is praised by all, until Chuck arrives from the big city. Soon Buck's fans are going to Chuck's showings instead and Buck decides to settle it. Now Buck must compete with Chuck in a contest of dueling banjos to determine who is the greatest and who will leave town for good. Will Buck's raw, grassroots twang overcome Chuck's more polished big city style?

Identify and explain an example of figurative language in this passage:

To say Peter was under the weather was putting it mildly. Peter had been sick for six days so far, and he didn't seem to be getting any better."Mom!" Peter yelled. "I'm as thirsty as a camel! Can I get some water?"

"Just a minute, Peter," his mom yelled up to him. Peter hated having to wait. Being sick always put him in a bad mood. He was a grumpy grizzly bear all the time. After what seemed like years, Peter's mom came into his room with a glass of water.

"Here you go, love," Peter's mom said. "Let's see if you still have a fever before you drink any, all right?"

"Mom, I feel hotter than a desert during a heat wave," Peter moaned. "I don't need a thermometer to tell me I'm burning up."

"Well, let's just see, shall we?" Peter's mom said. She placed the thermometer under Peter's tongue and pulled it out when it beeped.

"Your fever has actually gone down," said Peter's mom with a smile. "You're more like a desert in winter, Peter."

Identify and explain an example of figurative language in this passage:

To say Peter was under the weather was putting it mildly. Peter had been sick for six days so far, and he didn't seem to be getting any better."Mom!" Peter yelled. "I'm as thirsty as a camel! Can I get some water?"

"Just a minute, Peter," his mom yelled up to him. Peter hated having to wait. Being sick always put him in a bad mood. He was a grumpy grizzly bear all the time. After what seemed like years, Peter's mom came into his room with a glass of water.

"Here you go, love," Peter's mom said. "Let's see if you still have a fever before you drink any, all right?"

"Mom, I feel hotter than a desert during a heat wave," Peter moaned. "I don't need a thermometer to tell me I'm burning up."

"Well, let's just see, shall we?" Peter's mom said. She placed the thermometer under Peter's tongue and pulled it out when it beeped.

"Your fever has actually gone down," said Peter's mom with a smile. "You're more like a desert in winter, Peter."