Grow Your Own, Nevada! Fall 2011: Season Extension

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Transcript of Grow Your Own, Nevada! Fall 2011: Season Extension

  • 1.Season ExtensionSusan Donaldson

2. What is season extension? Increasing the growing season ateither end, spring and/or fall 3. Why try to extend theseason? Allow more time for crops tomature Grow different varieties Move toward year-round productionand income potential Fresh greens in the winter 4. Frost-free period Well define the length of a frost-free period as the number of daysbetween the date of the last 32Ftemperature in the spring and thedate of the first 32F temperature inthe fall. 5. Whats freezing? The National Weather Servicedefines a freeze as occurringwhen the surface air temperatureis 32F or below over a widespreadarea for a climatologicallysignificant period of time (greaterthan one hour). (U.S. Department ofCommerce, 2005) 6. How long are our frost-freeperiods? Lots of variation among periods forthe last 100 years Some years have had frost-freeperiods of over 150 days(approximately 5 months) Other years have had frost-freeperiods of less than 90 days. (Reno data) KEY: lots of varibility, so you haveto watch the weather predictions! 7. Do frost-free periods everchange? For the 30-year period of 1971-2000,the average date of the last 32temperature in the spring was May21 while the date of first 32temperature in the autumn wasOctober 3 (134 days). 8. 1991-2005 The date of last 32 reading wasMay 3, and the date of first 32reading in the autumn wasOctober 19 The average length of the frost-free period grew from 134 days(for 1971-2000) to 168 days for themore recent 15-year period This is an increase of a fullmonth! 9. Hard freeze A hard freeze is sometimes definedas occurring on a date when thetemperature drops to 28F Butyou can expect damage whentemps drop to 32F 10. CityFrost-Free DaysCarson City90 - 116Elko57 - 87Ely 53 - 81Fallon106 - 131Lovelock111 - 140Reno 85 - 125Tonopah 107 - 147Winnemucca 75 - 107Based on historical data indicating 90% (first number)- 121Yerington with temperatures above50% (second number) 82 to 32F.probability of consecutive days 11. Cold damage Plants lose heat faster than the air! Anything that reflects the radiatingheat back down will prevent or atleast greatly reduce frost formation(for example, clouds) 12. Season Extension:Start with cultural practices Site selection and microclimates Soil and moisture content Windbreaks and shade Irrigation Cultivar selection Transplants 13. Take advantage ofmicroclimates Some areas around your propertywarm up faster in the spring, staycooler or warmer in the summer, orare protected from the wind South-facing slopes will be warmer Cold air settles into valleys 14. Site selection #1: Hours of sunlight Prevailing winds 15. Windbreaks and shade At right angles to prevailin g winter winds Consider effect on sunlight 16. Shade fabrics 17. Shade fabric Creates a cooler microclimate tohelp prevent bolting and bitterness Faster germination of cool-weatherfall crops Shading 30 -50% in midsummer canlower leaf temps by 10 degrees ormore 18. Managing moisture Plants under drought stress can bemore susceptible to cold damage Water holds warmth and releases itslowly Sowater before frost is expected 19. Alter soil temperatures Use clear plastic mulch to warm soil inspring and retain extra heat in fall Cover the edges of the plastic with soilto anchor it in place Temps increase by 8 to 14 degrees to adepth of 2 inches and 6 to 9 degrees toa depth of 4 inches 20. Mulch to insulate plantsOrganic mulches such as straw alsodecrease radiated heat and conservemoisture, preventing cold (and hot)extremes 21. Choose hardy crops Start and end with cold-hardyvegetables that tolerate frost Look for short-season varieties Other varieties are speciallyadapted to growing in long, hotdays, extending your growingseason into the summer (ex. slowbolting lettuces) Read seed packets and catalogdescriptions 22. Spring crop transplants Start plants early Start seeds of tomatoes, peppers,and eggplants 8 weeks early Start seeds of cole crops about 4 to6 weeks early Start vine crops 1 week early 23. Fall crop transplants Start plants for late-season crops inlate summer Seed a second season of quick-maturing vegetables, such as snapbeans, peas, greens, radishes, colecrops, and turnips later in theseason Grow cold-tolerant species in thefall 24. Examples of late-seasoncrops Kale Collards Lettuce Spinach Mustard greens Arugula Broccoli Broccoli rabe Mache BeetsLettuce, kale and rabe Peas 25. Winter harvest Decreasing levels of light infall/winter slow plant growth tonear-dormancy Lowest light in December andJanuary Many cold-weather crops must beharvested by the end of fall 26. Vegetable planting dates Planting dates depend upon theplant cold-hardiness. Semi-hardy vegetables can beplanted two to four weeks beforethe average last killing frost date ofMay 15, or in cool fall temps 27. Vegetable planting dates Plant frost-tender and cold-sensitive vegetables after the lastfrost date Buy transplants, or start from seedindoors from mid-March throughmid-April Earlier transplanting can be donewhen hotcaps, row covers or otherprotection is used 28. More tips Grow cold-tender herbs,dwarf fruittrees, etc. incontainers thatyou can moveindoors 29. Usingprotection 30. Protect from early and late frosts Cover early and late seasonplantings with mini-greenhousesmade from clear plastic, oldwindow sashes set on hay bales, orfabric row covers Vent the covers on warm days toprevent excessive heat buildup 31. Use hot capsin spring Need to ventthem Works forsmall plants Blocks somelight 32. Light penetration not good;minimal frost protection 33. Walls of Water Good frostprotection butexpensive 34. Fall freeze protection Use old sheets, blankets, draperies,etc. Cover plants before sundown totrap heat 35. October 5-9, 2011Elevation 5400 ft 36. Fall freeze protection Extend the covering all the way tothe ground so cold air cant seep in Put in place before sundown Especially useful for the first fewfrosts when warmer weather is thenexpected 37. More tips Cover hardy root crops with a 6- to12-inch-thick layer of straw or otherorganic mulch in fall to prevent thesoil from freezing. Harvest as needed throughout thewinter. 38. Row covers Agribon, Reemay,Harvest Guard, etc. Come in differentweights Can provide 3to 5 degrees offrost protection 39. Row covers Warm and speed the growth ofseedlings in spring Slow the evaporation of soil moisture Protect plants from wind, heavy rain,and hail Heavier fabrics provide more frostprotection but block more light 40. Row covers Keep pests off plants but need toremove covers for insect pollination Protect late summer crops from fallfrost Protect crops from hot temperaturesand burning sun rays Must anchor with soil, wood, rocks,etc. 41. ClochesLightweightPortableReusable 42. Cold frames Can provide 5 7 degrees ofprotection Can be used in the spring to startplants or in the fall for cold-hardycrops Use old windows or glass doors tomake your own No standard size; keep widthnarrow enough that you can easilyreach across 43. Can add black containersfilled with water to store heat for the night 44. Cold frames Dont use wood treated withpreservatives! Slope the lid to the south Place on south side of house 45. Cold frames Provide for ventilation of excessheat when temps rise above 55degrees Cover to protect against freezing,or stack straw bales against theframe 46. Cold frame tips Ventilate on warm days Checktemperatures with a thermometer Protectduring freezing weather: Remember that cold frames give only 5-10 degrees of warmth. 47. More cold frame tips Water: make sure plants arent getting too much or too little water. Hardening plants: open the lid of your cold frame longer and longer each day 48. Low tunnels:Hoop-supported row covers 49. Benefits of low tunnels About five to six weeks earlierproduction in the spring Several weeks later production inthe fall Some protection from insects andforaging animals Some protection from extremeweather conditions, such as strongwinds, hail or frost 50. Tips for low tunnels Use UV-stabilized tubing Dont expect protection from hardfreezes Plan for access and ventilation 51. Building materials to construct one minitunnel for 40-inch by 30-foot raised bedQuantityItem Description Unit Price Total200 feet1/4-inch nylon rope$0.08/ft $16.001,8-ft by 38- 6-mil greenhouse poly $0.13/sq$39.52ft sheetfilm ft1/2-inch sch 40 PVC80 foot$0.22/ft $17.60pipe20 foot 1-inch sch 40 PVC pipe$0.44/ft $8.80442-inch wood screw$0.05$2.202 3/8-inch by 2-foot rebar $0.75$1.502 Eye screw$0.50$1.00*Prices may vary depending onTotal $86.62location, etc. 52. High tunnels (aka hoophouses) Big enough to walk into Size them to meet your needs Plant in-ground or in raised beds Does not have an added sourceof heat or ventilation Can extend the season throughthe winter by up to three zones, ora month in the fall 53. Orient in an east-west direction tomaximize sunlight, but also consider 54. Structural elements Can be mobile or fixed in place End walls are most important tostrength Can incorporate an opening forventilation in the end walls Hoops no more than 4 feet apart Peaked-roof (vs. U shape) strongerin snowy climates 55. Structural elements Use a center support to increase stability Use 6-mil, greenhouse-grade, UVstabilized polyethylene Roll-up sides allow for ventilation 56. How to Build a High Tunnel (video) see 57. Minnesota study On average, tunnel vegetables suchas lettuce, tomatoes and cucumberswere harvested about six weeksearlier than those grown in the open,while peppers were ready nearly tenweeks ahead. Many of the tunnel plants produced asmuch as double the output of theoutdoor crops 58. What about winds? High tunnels placed perpendicular toprevailing winds typically receive themost damage, so consider placingparallel The best protection against uplift is toensure that posts are driven at least24 inches into the ground Use stretch cord over the top of theplastic from one side to the other,every fourth rib 59. What about snow? A high tunnel built from ribs of 20 footpipe bent to create a 14 foot wide X 6foot high structure will withstand onlyabout 10 psf This is about 2 inches of water assnow Might be as little as one foot of snow 60. More tips for dealing withsnow Use a center roof rib Orient the structure so prevailingwinds blow the snow off the hightunnel Remove the plastic in the winter if notunder production Brush off snow using a long-handledbroom (carefully!) 61. NRCS High Tunnel PilotProjectEligibility Requirements: To qualify, the applicant must: be an agricultural producer install the high tunnel(s) on cultivated landwhich includes existing gardens, irrigatedhayland and irrigated pasture have raised or sold $1,000 worth ofagricultural products 62. GreenhousesWalk-in, permanently placed The most expensive solution Usually have venting and heatingsystems (requires energy inputs butgives more control) In some areas, can be used yearround Can add mass for thermal storage(water barrels, etc.) 63. Do your homework Many types on the market Many plans available as well Look at the alternatives beforeinvesting Can use to insulate your house whenattached Consider a solar greenhouse 64. Bozeman, MT 65. GreenhousesWalk-in, movable Less expensive Can be disassembledand stored away whennot in use Usually used one to twomonths before the lastfrost in the spring. 66. Whatever you do Keep good records! Consider a journal that includesvarieties, dates planted, datesmatured, freezes, etc. Nurture your soil with lots of organicamendments Keep a map of what was plantedwhere 67. Crop rotation: varyingfamilies 68. Why rotate crops? Breaks the cycle of disease and pests Helps to maintain adequate nutrients Can help improve soil structure(alternate deep-rooted plants withshallow-rooted plants) Can decrease costs 69. Considerations in crop rotationschemes Heavy feeders: leafy veggies,brassicas, corn Soil conserving/improving: legumes(peas and beans) Lighter feeders: bulb and root crops,many herbs 70. Simpler rotationLegumesNightshadesBeans TomatoesPeasPeppersLentils PotatoBrassicasCucurbitsBroccoliCucumbersCabbage SquashesCauliflower Melons 71. Another simple rotation Root Legumes crops, and onions brassicasSweetNightshadescorn,-cucurbitstomatoes and peppers 72. End-of-season maintenance Clean up! Remove dead vegetationand windfalls, compost healthymaterial. Remove fallen fruit and deadleaves to decrease pest problems. Think about cover crops to enrich andstabilize soil (winter rye, triticale) 73. End-of-season maintenance Enrich garden beds with compost ormanure; add mulch or leaves; thinkabout nutrient needs for your specificcrops Collect dried seed from openpollinated flowers & veggies Clean out cold frames for winter use 74. End-of-season maintenance Clean and oil lawnmower, othergarden equipment and tools beforestoring for winter Take equipment in to be sharpened(mower blades, pruning equipment) Drain and store hoses carefully toavoid damage from freezing Clean, sand and oil garden toolsbefore storing them for the winter 75. Questions?Sue Donaldsondonaldsons@unce.unr.edu775-336-0242