Grover Park Baptist Church - Clover · Boy....

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Transcript of Grover Park Baptist Church - Clover · Boy....

Worship Schedule

Bible Study 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Worship Services 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Inserts: * Calendar of Events

* Birthdays * Anniversaries * Preschool

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor 2

Noteworthy 3

Right Down The Plate


Student Stuff 6

Women’s Ministry


GPBC on Mission


Prayers 9

Deacon’s Corner


Financial Corner




Grover Park

Baptist Church

Presents It’s Annual Christmas Musical

Saturday, December 7th, at 7:00 p.m.


Sunday, December 8th, at 3:00 & 7:00 p.m.

Free Admission

Drive Thru Living Nativity

Friday & Saturday, December 13 & 14 From 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

There will be Actors & Live Animals!

Presented by: Grover Park Baptist Church

409 N. Mitchell St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 Call 747-7196 for more information.


November could not be ending better especially with all that has transpired in the last few weeks. The Special Leadership Meetings we had on November 11-12 with our Life-Way Consultant may have been a watershed in helping us to prepare for building a new sanctuary. We also made a strategic decision in our Annual Business Meeting on November 20, to pay off about a third of our present building debt ($50,000) which is going to allow us to be debt free in 2014.

This has been our first complete year for doing three worship services and two Sunday Schools, which has given us the added space for the 76 people who joined our church this year and for the 369 individuals we average in worship every Sunday. It took all three worship services to house the 563 worshippers we had on our high attendance day, March 31st. That milestone was 47 more people than we had the year before.

I want to thank all of our Worship Team, AV Tech workers, and all of the other leaders who have tirelessly served the extra hours that our three services have demanded. For many that has meant arriving at church on Sunday at 6:45 a.m., and not leaving until 12:15 p.m. - five and half hours later! Thank you everyone!

One of our accomplishments for the 2012-2013 church year has been the implementation of fully tele-vised and recorded worship services which we are streaming to the internet. This new aspect of our Audio-Visual Ministry is allowing our shut-ins, non-resident members, and the larger public to watch our services from home on their personal computers. It also has the potential for allowing us to do “live streaming” to other facilities in the event that we need overflow space before we build.

This Sunday will begin our Week of Prayer for International Missions as we observe the Parade of Flags Ceremony. It is also the beginning of our Seasonal Preparation for Christmas which is what missions is all about. On December 7-8, we will be sharing the message of Christmas with our church and community through our Annual Christmas Musical Production: “Christmas Is Coming, Sing for Joy”. Our preparations for Christ-mas will continue to the next weekend for which we will be sharing with the church and community our Living Nativity on December 13-14th.

With Christmas Caroling on Wednesday night December 11, and two Christmas Eve Services on December 24, at 5:00 and 6:30 p.m., everyone will have the opportunity to prepare their hearts for the celebration of Christmas. Plan now, though, to bless someone else’s heart this year by in-

viting them to one of our special events coming up this month. Don’t let any of these preparations be in vain by not inviting our community to witness the Christ of Christmas.


Pastor Randy

Volume 12 Issue 12 Page 2

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Page 3 Volume 12 Issue 12

Will you celebrate the Christmas season by enjoying and

sharing the Christmas Chorale presentation, “Christmas is

Coming: Sing for Joy”??? Here’s a glimpse of what’s being

rehearsed and a chance for you to be prepared for a more

meaningful experience when you attend the presentation.

The Chorale’s opening musical selection, “Christmas Is Coming”, is meant to put the audience in a seasonal

mood and describes both secular activities and the religious reason for the season:

Christmas is Coming, the bells are ringing. Hope comes alive and music fills the air! Some say Christ-

mas is for children, and I believe it’s true. Can you hear the season calling to the child inside of you?

Awaken from your slumber, come see with younger eyes, and be taken by the wonder that took the whole

world by surprise. They’re dressing up the city in a brightly lighted gown. They’re singing in the streets,

whenever Christmas comes to town. So let the Spirit find you wherever you have been, and bring you to

the Child who makes us children once again. Prepare the way, the way of the Lord, for God’s own Baby

Boy. Born to mend broken things and to heal the world with joy. He will heal the world with Joy! I

don’t want you to miss it, I know I have before, like the innkeeper who missed the wonder right outside

his door. So open up your heart as Christmas passes through, just in time to wake the child asleep inside

of you.

The Chorale then continues building expectations and painting a beautiful picture of the season with a light-

hearted number sung by a women’s sextet called, “Everywhere It’s Christmas with Christmas in Missouri”.

The Drama Team assembled for this year will then perform a fantastic skit called, “Little What’s His Face”.

This utilizes the personas of the “Everybody Loves Raymond” characters and will surely be a hit.

The Chorale moves the story along with the reality of, “He Has Come for Us with God Is With Us”. Those

lyrics include:

In the silence of a temple, in the whisper of a psalm, through the dark there comes a promise of a long

awaited dawn. For a flame has been ignited that will pierce the midnight sky; hear the sacred words of

Yahweh, hear His people as they cry. He will come for us, this Jesus. He’s the Hope for all mankind. He

will come for us, the Messiah, born to give us life! From the ancient tribe of Judah, and the hills of Beth-

lehem, unto us a Child is given, come to save us from our sin. He will ransom ev’ry captive; He will

break the pris’ner’s chain. Alleluia! God is with us! Praise Messiah’s holy Name!

The musical continues with the presentation of Chris Tomlin’s worship song, “Waiting Here for You” with

soloists portraying Mary and Joseph. It’s lyrics include: If faith can move the mountains, let the mountains move. I come with expectation, waiting here for You; waiting here for You. You’re the Lord of all creation and still You know my heart, You’re the Author of Salvation; You’ve loved me from the start. You are ev’rything You’ve promised; Your faith-fulness is true. And I’m desp’rate for Your presence; all I need is You! Waiting here for You, with my hands lifted high in praise, and it’s You we adore, singing, “Alleluia”.

Nursing Home Ministry

Sundays at 1:30 p.m.

Please feel free to contact Gene Short, at 429-1214, for more information.

Reach Out Ministry

Sunday, December 1 & 15,

at 4:00 p.m. Contact

Pastor Brent for more

information, at 909-2699.

Food Pantry Needs

On Sunday December 15, we will be

collecting Non-Perishable Food Items,

Paper Products, & Cleaning supplies.,

for the Food Pantry.

Page 4 Volume 12 Issue 12

Next come “March of the Kings” and “Adore Him (Carol Medley)” which will encourage audience participa-

tion. My personal favorite is next and it’s a beautiful ballade entitled, “People Wait”. It’s lyrics include:

O Come, Messiah come; people wait, people wait. You’re God’s anointed one; people wait, people wait

for You. As angels fill the sky, people wait, people wait. The shepherds join their cry, “Christ has come,

Christ has come for You. Hallelujah! There upon the cross, people wait, people wait; to hope in spite of

loss people wait, people wait for You. Then in the ground You lay’ people wait, people wait. The Light

by darkness slain, people wait, people wait for You! Hallelujah! You rise, like the morning sun, from the

grave, from the grave! The crown of life is won! Celebrate, we celebrate for You! Hallelujah! To Heaven

You ascend; now we wait, now we wait for You to return again. How we wait, Lord, how we wait for


We can make a difference in our church and greater community this

Christmas season by living in the truth of the good news and letting eve-

ryone gain a better understanding of why this season is so special. I

hope, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, that

you will make time to energize yourself in the light and remember that

Jesus’ birth was in fact one of the most unique, miraculous events in all

of history.

I encourage you to pray for your friends, neighbors, colleagues, and fami-

ly members during this season. Pray that they would not only be ready

for this Christmas season, but truly understand the miracle of and reason

for Jesus’ birth. Be confident in our Music Ministry and invite them to

the GPBC production, “Christmas is Coming: Sing for Joy”, on Satur-

day, December 7th (7pm) or Sunday, December 8th (3 & 7pm). I promise

you an outstanding time of warmth, fun, and probably a few tears of joy that you won’t want to miss or miss

sharing with someone special.

“To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”

- David

Right Down The Plate

This year our church co-ed softball team competed valiantly. I’m by no means a star

athlete, but after growing up playing sports I don’t have many difficulties making con-

tact with a 20mph softball. In one less than glorious occasion, I stood at the plate with

two strikes and for some reason watched the most beautiful pitch float right down the

plate for strike 3. I struck out looking, with the bat resting on my shoulder. All I had

to do was choose to swing at the perfect opportunity of a pitch. But I stood and stared as opportunity passed.

Every Sunday of this Christmas Season is a pitch that is ‘right down the plate’. It’s the one month of the year that your

co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family actually expect people to be talking about Christmas stuff! Here are the perfect

pitches that are coming your way for you to swing at and make a personal invitation to someone: The Grover Christmas

Program on Dec 7th or 8th, The Living Nativity on Dec 13th or 14th, either of our two Christmas Eve services, your Sunday

School Christmas parties, and any of our Sunday Services. What an opportunity! Don’t end this month with the bat

resting on your shoulder, because you never know how many opportunities to swing you will have.

This Fall Life University Semester has been a blessing. Not a week has gone by that someone hasn’t shared something

joyful from our studies that they have been edified by. If you were not able to attend our Disciplines of a Godly Man/

Woman classes this semester I encourage you to treat yourself to the book. Obviously you will miss out on our incredibly

insightful conversations the book propelled this semester, but the books are still highly valuable to read on your own.

Right now on Amazon Both “Disciplines of a Godly Man” by Kent Hughes and “Disciplines of a Godly Woman” by Barbara

Hughes are only $10.00 each.

If you have already read the student article you noticed my recommendation for our parents to help our students build

their Christian libraries. I would like to also encourage you to consider building your personal library or blessing another

Christian you know by helping to build theirs.

It’s never too late to invest in another tool that will help sharpen the mind. Here are several personal recommendations

you might want to choose from as you build your library this Christmas:

• A One Volume Bible Commentary. No commentary is perfect, but a good commentary can be a solid reference for

use as a fall back to hear another’s thoughts on a particular passage. One of the more regarded One Volume Bible

Commentaries is, The New Bible Commentary by IVP, published in 1994 (around $30). It’s a terrific investment &

even delivers good background info on every book.

• A Systematic Theology Book. Again, as there is no perfect commentary, there are no perfect systematic theology

books. It’s always best to study the Bible book by book to appreciate and best grasp the context of the individual

book. With that said, a good systematic theology can be helpful for quickly gaining a sound theology & really stimu-

lating the mind, in addition to our personal Bible study. Here are three resources I would recommend:

◊ “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. It is the most logical and user friendly theology book I have ever

seen. You can pick it up for about $25 on Amazon and I have often seen it for $15 in the bargain sec-

tion at Mardel’s in Independence. If you would like the mini version, it is entitled “Christian Beliefs:

Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know” by Grudem for about $12.00.

◊ “Christian Theology” by Millard Erickson. It’s around $30 & a good conservative resource.

• A Defense of the Faith Book. There are so many great resources out there. One small, yet powerful book is, “Tactics:

A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions” by Gregory Koukl for about $13. I have used the tools I learned

from this book every week for the past several years. It is written in a way that is very accessible for the believer who

wants to grow & engage those around them.

Together for the Gospel, -Brent

Page 5 GPBC Newsletter

A Missional Christmas Gift

Christmas is the season of giving. Our students are already talking about how they will decorate The Park for Christmas. Parents and Grandparents, as you begin and finish off your Christmas shopping lists, allow me to give you a few suggestions. Below are a few key items that your student will not only enjoy, but see the purpose of the particular gift as they look forward to retreat weekends, mission trips, and growing in their walk with Christ.

♦ A tool for ministry. The most practical tool I can recommend to you this Christmas season is a cot. You can find them at Walmart ranging from $35 to the top end military cot for $50. I can’t tell you how much of a blessing my cot has been to me and the health of my back. A student will have the opportunity to use their cots for camping trips, guys/girls nights, disciple-ship weekends, and mission trips. A cot is always more comfortable than the floor and it allows the kids to store their bag and supplies under their cot, so it helps with defining personal space. Not to mention it will outlive and pack better than an air mattress. The final practical benefit of the cot is it means your student will sleep better and that’s a blessing to everyone.

♦ A tool to sharpen the mind. Here are several personal recommendations you might want to choose from to begin building your students library: ∗ A One Volume Bible Commentary. No commentary is perfect, but a good commentary can be a solid reference for use as a

fall back to hear another’s thoughts on a particular passage. One of the more regarded One Volume Bible Commentaries is, The New Bible Commentary by IVP published in 1994 (around $30). It’s a terrific investment & even gives background info on every book.

∗ A Systematic Theology Book. Again, as there is no perfect commentary, there are no perfect systematic theology books. It’s always best to study the Bible book by book to appreciate and best grasp the context of the individual book. With that said, a good systematic theology can be helpful for quickly gaining a sound theology & really stimulating the mind in addition to our personal Bible study. Here are three resources I would recommend:

• “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. It is the most logical and user friendly theology book I have ever seen. You can pick it up for about $25 on Amazon and I have often seen it for $15 in the bargain section at Mardel’s in Independence. If you would like the mini version it is entitled “Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know” by Grudem for about $12.00.

• “Christian Theology” by Millard Erickson. It’s around $30 & a good conservative resource. ∗ A Defense of the Faith Book. There are so many great resources out there. One small, yet amazingly powerful book is,

“Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions” by Gregory Koukl for about $13. I have used the tools I learned from this book every week for the past several years. It is written in a way that is very accessible for a student who wants to grow.

♦ A gift to give. It is so valuable for young people to know the joys of praying about, purchasing a gift, and giving it away anony-mously. It doesn’t have to be anonymous, but if it is, the receiver of the gift will feel no obligations to repay the gift with anoth-er. First, decide a dollar amount to give your young person for them to use as a gift to anyone they like. Second, ask them to seriously pray that God might show them a need or a way for them to bless someone they may or may not currently know. Third, take them shopping and with no input from you at all, allow them to make that purchase. Fourth, wrap the gift with your young person, address the gift, and decide what the best way to deliver it would be without them knowing who it was from. Fifth, execute the delivery and thank God for giving you the opportunity to bless someone.

Here’s What’s up @ The Park This Month:

� Every Sunday morning: Big Church @ 9:30am & Brunch with Jesus @ 11:00am

� Memory Monday from 2:30-5:00pm on Dec 9th & 16th

� Wednesday Nights: Christmas Caroling on Dec 11th & Youth Christmas Party on Dec 18th (5:15-7:45pm)

� Grover Christmas Program: Dec 7th @ 7pm & Dec 8th @ 3:00pm & 7:00pm

� Grover Living Nativity: Dec 13th & 14th from 6-8pm with Actors arriving @ 4:45pm for Dinner/set up

� Christmas Eve Services @ 5:00pm & 6:30pm

� Wednesday Nights 2014 Start Back Up on January 8th

� Winter Jam January 31st

� SLAM Weekend March 14th - 16th

Page 6 Volume 12 Issue 12

Page 7 Volume 12 Issue 12

The Women’s Ministry is

preparing the Wednesday night

Dinner on Wednesday, December 11.

We’ll be serving Poppyseed Chicken,

Baked Potatoes, Salad, Rolls,

and desserts.

If you are able to help out in any way, please give Debbie Weigand a call,

at 909-4930 or Melissa Gower, at 238-0212.

Girlfriends Class and the

Women's Ministry Christmas Party Is to take place at the...

Warrensburg Senior Center at the Warrensburg Community Center Sunday December 15, 2013 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Please come and join the party. Drop in any time during the morning and grab a little brunch snack and enjoy some fellowship. Bring a small gift to add to the bags for the

Home Meal Delivery people for Christmas. There are about 75 bags to fill.

Items to consider to bring for the Christmas Sacks:

* Small personal hygiene items * Candy, preferably sugar free

* Small handy household items * Paper, pens and Pencils

* Word search puzzle books * Music CD’s, DVD’s or books

* Socks-Men’s and Women’s * Small fruits or snack items

* Photo Albums, small jewelry * Small Kleenex, Hand sanitizer

* Be creative, they are 60 and over.

Mark your Calendars now, for February…

Women’s Bible Study, beginning February 5th, at 9:00 a.m.,

entitled “Gideon” by Priscilla Shirer, led by Pat Breon.

Watch for a sign up sheet in the foyer coming soon!

GPBC on Mission

“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens

and on the earth belong to You. Lord, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as head over all.” - 1 Chronicles 29:11

December 1-8, 2013 is the “Week of Prayer for International Missions”. Grover Park will kick off the week with

the Parade of Flags featuring our G.A.’s and R.A.’s. They will be carrying the flags of countries down the isles

and placing in the holders. Please be aware the last flag to be placed will be the gray flag. This flag is a symbol of all

the peoples that have not been told of our Lord. This is the 125th year for the Lottie Moon Offering for IMB.

Our goal for this year is $9,000. We’ve a story to tell to all the nations that shall turn their hearts to the right, it is

the world’s greatest story - God’s story of salvation that Christ commanded us to share. It is a story for all peoples

that is relevant for today’s culturally diverse, complex, and changing world. God works through believers

to communicate this story of the good news of Jesus Christ to every person in every peoples group. Baptist Associations, composed of local

churches, have been mobilizing believers to share the gospel both locally and globally. Our purpose is to carry out the command to

penetrate lostness by sharing the gospel with all nations. Are we going to be a big part of sharing this truth?

Our Christmas Child Boxes have been delivered to the drop off station. At this point we have 130 boxes going out into the

world. Many of you have chosen to trace the path of your box. If indeed you are able to track your box it would be neat if you

would let us know what and where your box ended up.

The calendar Tammy had in the bulletin Sunday is such a good idea. If you are like me, this helps me keep up to date. The first date is De-

cember 1st, the Parade of Flags, then we have December 7, this is

without a doubt one of the greatest blessings we will have this holiday season. The Warrensburg Main Street

Organization, has asked us to set up a small scale of the Living Manger in conjunction with their Dickens

Christmas Celebration set on the court house. Rene’ has a sign up for those that would be part of this event.

The time is from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., December 7th. We will be taking the props over to the sight on the

6th. If any of you an help with the moving of props or be in the event on the 7th, please give us a call.

We will be handing out invitations to those present to attend the Productions of the Living Nativity

on the 13th & 14th, along with the Christmas Chorale on the 7th & 8th.

Our team is preparing for its winter trip to Jacquet, Haiti. We will be leaving January 14th, and returning January

28th. Many of you have been so gracious giving for your talents and money. We always need medical items such

as; adult and children’s vitamins (we can not have the gummy or other kinds that will dissolve in the heat and hu-

midity), muscle rub, anti-itch cream, hydrocortisone Cream, triple Antibiotic, female creams, athletes foot cream,

jock itch cream and anti-fungal creams, band aides, 3 by 3 gauze, long q-tips, cloth tape and most items of clothing,

especially boys sizes. Many Haitians do not have access to these items and if they do, they cannot afford them. I

was visiting with a young man today that had been to Haiti with the National Guard. His statement to me was,

“the poorest people in the United States have much more than most of the folks in Haiti”.

This is such a true statement.

We would also like to again give you the addresses of our loved ones that are serving with the IMB. As you know Cynthia can not receive mail

sent directly to her so we send her mail to her parents and then they in turn get it to her. Mike and Deborah have the same situation. For

those of you that did not get to know them, they served at the BSU for a year before leaving for their assignment.

Page 8 GPBC Newsletter

Terry & Shiela Wilbanks

165 Willow Ave. - B17BHJ

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Cynthia Craft

C/0 Bart Craft

769 Meadowbrook Circle

Moberly, MO 65270

Rachel Weigand

B.P. 34

Guidan Roumdji


Melissa Woodson

B.P. 34

Guidan Roumdji


Mike & Deborah Hughes

2008 Clay Dr.

Liberty, MO 64068

Sunday - The Church, Ministry Staff, and Missionaries in the field: Amy Hayward, Jerusalem Ministry, Cynthia Craft, Melissa, Rachel, Wilbanks Monday - Those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Tuesday - Miscellaneous Requests Brandon Shanks, Brian & Travis Bonham, GPBC Families, Katrina & Jeff Butts, Lee Johnson, Mary Collins, Small Business owners, Unemployment, Unspoken Wednesday - Those with health problems Anthony Lewis, Betty Grace Fowler, Betty Smith, Bob Anderson, Carol Holder, Christina Pieczynski, Dave, Dorothy Jacobs, Doug Blevins, Fred Busker, Gene Ording, Gerald Plummer, Irene Allen, Jane Whiting, Jay Appleton, Joshua, Kaylee Mayhew, Kody Caldwell, Mark Montgomery, Mary Plummer, Michael, Nina Brown, Raymond Vaughn, Rose Emerson, Steve Abbott, Trudie, Wayne Wilson Thursday - Those having and recovering from Surgery. Friday - Those with Cancer Aaron Camp, Adam Miller, Bev Lloyd, Biff Gentry’s sister, Bob Lund, Casey Campbell, Cindy Tollivar, Dan Docheff, Donald Loudermilk, Doris Johns, Gail Edwards, Hal Hanrahan, Iris Pinkston, Jamie Akin, Joe Cisneros, John Hartl, Joyce Barber, Joyce Boosinger, Joyce Green, Kathy Kelsay, Mari-lyn Lemmon, Martha Pease, Norman Powers, Oren Varner, Paula Macy, Shelly Bielman, Stan Ritzer, Steve Rogers, Teresa Nolte, Tom Warlen, Vernon Sullins Saturday - Military serving our country and their families, those who have lost their jobs, wisdom for our President and government.

September 30, 2013

General Balance $ 166,959.46 Total Tithes Given $ 44,597.34

Total General Fund Expenses $ 43,508.40 These reconciled figures are provided in this format which is for your

convenience only. Complete financial statements which include a balance sheet and income statements are on file and available in the church office.

Date Tithe New Building Worship S.S./Life

10/6/13 $ 10,679.17 $ 1,090.00 382 186 10/13/13 $ 6,772.40 $ 643.00 342 221 10/20/13 $ 5,566.59 $ 1,862.00 304 173 10/27/13 $ 8,200.45 $ 425.00 325 197 11/3/13 $ 16,274.96 $ 1,476.00 389 247 11/10/13 $ 6,304.50 $ 1,028.00 364 226

12/1/2013 - Dennis Scherer

12/8/2013 - Randy Vaughn

12/15/2013 - Robert Collins

12/22/2013 - Kevin Colburn

12/29/2013 - Floyd Jackson

Deacon of the Week Schedule:

Now it’s as easy as ever to give online,

with our easy online giving.

Just go the our web site, at and

click the donate now link on the home

page, and follow the easy steps.

Page 9 GPBC Newsletter

Save Labels for Cash!

Save your Best Choice & Box Tops for

Education Labels and place them in the

Jar in the Foyer on the

Information table and raise money

goes for our Youth Group!

Grover Park Baptist Church 409 N. Mitchell Warrensburg, MO 64093

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid

Warrensburg, MO 64093 Permit No. 151

Our Staff…

Dr. Randall S. Neal - Senior Pastor David Robinson - Music Minister

Brent Bullard - Associate Pastor of Youth & Education Mark Wigginton - Assistant Youth Pastor, Intern. Tammy Shirley - Administrative Assistant

Ray Fann - Custodian

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a..m

Worship 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Shepherd's Place (Children) 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday Dinner 5:30 p.m., Family Worship Night 6:30 p.m.

Children - R.A.’s / G.A.’s 6:30 p.m.


Return Service Requested


Ed Dorsey

Joy Dorsey

Evelyn Sullivan

Pona Aga

Pam Stevenson

Charles Bianco

Brian Ridge

Connie Ridge

Tanner Ridge



1 Parade of Flags

1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

4:00 p.m. Out Reach Ministry

5:00 p.m.

Christmas Chorale

6:00 p.m. Life Recovery

6:00 p.m. Life University

2 2:30 p.m. Youth

“Memory Monday”


6:00 p.m. Pathfinders

White Elephant

Christmas Party

4 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Night Dinner

6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study

6:30 p.m.

R.A.’s & G.A.’s

5 6

7 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Living Nativity at the


7:00 p.m. Christmas Musical

8 1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

3:00 p.m. Christmas Musical

6:00 p.m. Life Recovery

7:00 p.m.

Christmas Musical

9 12:00 p.m. Sheltered Workshop Lunch

2:30 p.m. Youth

“Memory Monday”


11 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Night Dinner

6:30 p.m. Caroling

7:30 p.m. Missions Committee Mtg.

12 10:00 a.m.

Heartland Parl.



15 Food Pantry

1:30 p.m. Nursing Home Ministry

4:00 p.m. Out Reach Ministry

5:00 p.m. Deacon Mtg.

6:00 p.m. Life Recovery

16 2:30 p.m. Youth

“Memory Monday”


18 No Activities

6:30 p.m. Steering Committee Mtg.

19 6:00 p.m. New Vision



22 1:30 p.m. Nursing Home Ministry

6:00 p.m. Life Recovery

7:15 p.m. The Journey College & Career Young Adults


24 Christmas Eve.!

5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve. Worship Service

6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve. Worship Service

25 Christmas Day

No Activities




29 1:30 p.m.

Nursing Home Ministry

6:00 p.m. Life Recovery



New Year’s Eve.!

G01230 P405 B478 9:8 C;<0=; 409 N. Mitchell S. ~ Warrensburg ~ 660-747-7196 ~ Email:

Week of Prayer for International Missions & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering


Church Office Closed

6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Living Nativity

Church Office Closed

December Birthdays

26 Roxy Collins Roy Grella Emily Livingston Stephanie Schildknecht 27 Brent Bullard Jennifer Fox Loran Jett Linda Ording Norman Silkwood 28 Dennis Docheff Rusty Neal 29 Tom Faubion 30 Bobby Collins 31 Shane Chambers Katt Franklin

14 Karen Sligh 15 Kennie Breon Stacey Gilkeson Terry Sligh 16 Sandy Fowler Steve Gayler 17 David Johnson Machelle Murphy 19 Martha Diehl Penny Roberts Michelle Scott Kathy Silver 20 Tammy Greer 21 Savannah Chambers 22 Reggie Nelson 23 Traci Butler 25 Sandra Silkwood

2 Shelly Cantwell 3 Kevine Colburn Joleen Parr 4 Abigail Grella 5 Nancy Legare 7 Logan Love Susan Roberts 8 Hope Dahlhoff Allison Roots 9 Brenda Collins Evelyn Faubion 10 Janelle Mayden Kristen Pennington Gale Yocum 12 Sharon McMurray 13 Richard Campbell Doris Smith David Thompson

Birthday & Anniversary Are you on our Birthday or Wedding Anniversary List?

If not please call the church office, at 747-7196, so that we may Celebrate with you!

December Anniversaries

December 28 ~ Elray & Ginger Doerflinger ~ 45 Years

Janet Holmes “Faithful to the Call”

Have you ever had to be faithful to something over a period of time. It sure can be hard. Teach-ing Sunday School can be hard too. Sometimes it

can be hard to commit ourselves every week. We get tired and we get grouchy and we get busy. The disciples sure knew something about that. But Paul wrote about being diligent and persisting in prayer and good works. Janet has certainly persisted in good works over her time here at Grover. At times, when there were no other helpers, she has loved and taken care of our young ones. Thank you Janet! Currently, we have a big need for Preschool teachers. Could you join Janet, and

many others, in this ministry?

Grover Preschool Parkies Newsletter Our Grover Preschool Teaching

Team, please remember us in

your prayers as we minister to

our young ones here at Grover.

We are currently in need of teach-

ers, please contact Mark, Melissa,

or Margaret if you may be interest-


1st Service Teachers

Sarah Bullard

Lois Dillingham

Mary McConnell

Dee Anna Neal

2nd Service Teachers

Linda Carter

Janet Holmes

Sharon McMurray

3rd Service Teachers

John Collins

Keri Docheff

Steve Fox

Susan Hanrahan

Tara Healy

Krystal and Terry Knight

Barb Martin

Cheryl Maxwell

Dawnja McCormack

Amanda Moutos

Dee Anna Neal

B.J. Nicas

Vickie Rogers

Heather and Allison Roots

Terry and Karen Sligh

Jessica Vaughn

Marsha Votaw

Mary Winters

Our Leadership Team

Margaret Kesinger

Melissa Plummer

Mark Wigginton

A Word From Our SponsorsA Word From Our SponsorsA Word From Our SponsorsA Word From Our Sponsors

So, there I was on Christmas Eve, anticipating the presents to come. So, there I was on Christmas Eve, anticipating the presents to come. So, there I was on Christmas Eve, anticipating the presents to come. So, there I was on Christmas Eve, anticipating the presents to come.

For a third grader like I was, Christmas Eve had to be the longest For a third grader like I was, Christmas Eve had to be the longest For a third grader like I was, Christmas Eve had to be the longest For a third grader like I was, Christmas Eve had to be the longest

night of the year. I knew that in the morning my life would be night of the year. I knew that in the morning my life would be night of the year. I knew that in the morning my life would be night of the year. I knew that in the morning my life would be

changed forever, because presents are bound to have that kind of changed forever, because presents are bound to have that kind of changed forever, because presents are bound to have that kind of changed forever, because presents are bound to have that kind of

effect on a young man. But the night just dragged on and on, I could effect on a young man. But the night just dragged on and on, I could effect on a young man. But the night just dragged on and on, I could effect on a young man. But the night just dragged on and on, I could

not wait, I could not bear this cross of having to wait for Christmas not wait, I could not bear this cross of having to wait for Christmas not wait, I could not bear this cross of having to wait for Christmas not wait, I could not bear this cross of having to wait for Christmas

morning. I wonder if that’s what it was like for the prophets of old. morning. I wonder if that’s what it was like for the prophets of old. morning. I wonder if that’s what it was like for the prophets of old. morning. I wonder if that’s what it was like for the prophets of old.

They had been given glimpses of Christmas morningThey had been given glimpses of Christmas morningThey had been given glimpses of Christmas morningThey had been given glimpses of Christmas morning————glimpses of the glimpses of the glimpses of the glimpses of the

coming Messiah, but they had to wait, and wait, and wait, and you coming Messiah, but they had to wait, and wait, and wait, and you coming Messiah, but they had to wait, and wait, and wait, and you coming Messiah, but they had to wait, and wait, and wait, and you

guessed it guessed it guessed it guessed it ––––keep waiting. And then it happened! As Mary and Joseph keep waiting. And then it happened! As Mary and Joseph keep waiting. And then it happened! As Mary and Joseph keep waiting. And then it happened! As Mary and Joseph

were busy preparing their wedding plans, Mary was found to be preg-were busy preparing their wedding plans, Mary was found to be preg-were busy preparing their wedding plans, Mary was found to be preg-were busy preparing their wedding plans, Mary was found to be preg-

nant with baby Jesus. That was way better than the Stretch Arm nant with baby Jesus. That was way better than the Stretch Arm nant with baby Jesus. That was way better than the Stretch Arm nant with baby Jesus. That was way better than the Stretch Arm

Strong toy that I got for Christmas so many years agoStrong toy that I got for Christmas so many years agoStrong toy that I got for Christmas so many years agoStrong toy that I got for Christmas so many years ago————this was God this was God this was God this was God

coming to earth, to live the sinless life in our place. This is what all coming to earth, to live the sinless life in our place. This is what all coming to earth, to live the sinless life in our place. This is what all coming to earth, to live the sinless life in our place. This is what all

the laws and all the prophets pointed to, the God Man. This season, the laws and all the prophets pointed to, the God Man. This season, the laws and all the prophets pointed to, the God Man. This season, the laws and all the prophets pointed to, the God Man. This season,

let’s stay focused on the best present we have ever received.let’s stay focused on the best present we have ever received.let’s stay focused on the best present we have ever received.let’s stay focused on the best present we have ever received.


Mark WiggintonMark WiggintonMark WiggintonMark Wigginton

December is all about Jesus! Whether you are young or old, the

reason for this holiday season is our Lord—who was born to take the sins of

the world, that we might become children of God—and that is what we are!

And that’s some mighty good news.

• December 1st—I Am Loved at Church

• December 8th - Jesus Speaks to Me

• December 15th - How to Become a Christian

• December 22nd - Jesus Was Born

• December 29th - What Is A Christian

Spidey Says... Hi there, Spidey here. December has a really important holiday that I must talk about. This is a day of gift giving and more importantly of remembering the news about Jesus. What is the holiday you ask? Its National Wear Brown Shoes Day—on December 4th! I couldn’t make this up if I tried. That’s right, on this NWBSH (National Wear Brown Shoes Day) we remember what Paul wrote in Romans 10:15, “how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” We can bring good news with brown shoes on this special brown shoe season, by inviting our friends and neighbors to check out our Christmas musical and our Living Nativity. Maybe we will even

see some bold brown shoes at the Nativity—I can hardly wait!

• Welcome to our Preschool Ministry

• If you haven’t, please fill out a Child Information Sheet, for your child.

• If you have a child in the nursery, please get a Sticker and Pager

• If you have a child in the preschool, please get a Special Number Card

• Any questions—just ask your child’s Teacher, Margaret Kesinger, or Mark Wigginton

Church Office Info

Office Hours are M-F 8:00-5:00 Give us a Call: (660) 747-7196

Pastor: Randall S. Neal Ph. D.

Minister of Music: David Robinson Minister of Youth & Education: Brent Bullard Preschool Team Leader: Mark Wigginton Preschool Director: Margaret Kesinger Nursery Assistant: Melissa Plummer

Birthdays This Month!

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

**Does your child have a birthday

in December or January?

Feel free to let Mark

know this Sunday!

Fruit of the Month Joy, joy, joy - this month we saw some joyous joy. A new addition to our Four Year Old and Pre-K class is our special friend, Thomas. Thomas is a train and he is blue. He is a small train looking tent that houses our dress up clothes. Olivia happens to be a big Thomas fan. I could tell because Thomas started to somehow move around our room. Then I realized that the sneaky conductor was none other than Miss Olivia. Fun times. Olivia had such joy in our class that it was contagious. First it was with Thomas, then she got to be a special helper friend, then she got to make a craft, then sing some songs, and with everything, Olivia was excited. I want to be that excited in my life as well. Whatever it is that God has for me, I want to ap-

proach it with joy, because Jesus has given it to me and I can do it well. Next month, Mark will be looking for a boy or girl with some peace in their life. Peace can be a tricky thing. Jesus had great peace one time, when he was on this boat. A storm came, it was really bad, and everyone was scared and panicking. Kind of like people can get scared when they are in a new class. But Jesus was calm and knew that He had it all under control. We can trust Jesus—and that gives us peace.

*Our special Christmas store is coming up. Please check out the bulletin to see what

items are needed. All donations need to be in by December 15th.