Grivence Handling System

Post on 22-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Grivence Handling System





Human resource management is employing people, developing their resources,

utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational

requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization, individual and the

society. It is also concerned with behavior, emotional and social aspects of personnel. Its main

goal includes equal employment opportunity, protecting the disadvantaged sections and

physically handicapped, minimization of inequalities in the distribution of income by minimizing

wage differentials, developing the society in general in general by organizing developmental

activities etc. Human resource management aims at securing unreserved co-operation from all

employees in order to attain predetermined goals.

Employees are endowed with skills, knowledge, abilities, values, aptitude, attitude

etc. Though the job and the organization mostly require employee’s skills and knowledge, it is

inevitable to the management to bear and respect the total employee. Then only employee

commits himself to the organization and he is loyal to the company. In the process of

maintaining human relations, the company provides congenial work environment to its

employees. The work environment should match with the requirements of plant and machinery

in case of production requirements and job requirements, in case of other requirements in

addition to the convenience and comfort of the employee.

Human resources management practices result in creation of relations between the

employees, management and trade unions. Such relations are called industrial relations. The

industrial relations mean the relationship between employees and the management in the day-to-

day working of the industry. It is a set of functional interdependence involving historical,

economic, social, psychological, demographic, technological, occupational, political and legal

variables. Industrial relations is concerned with the systems and procedures used by unions and

employers to determine the reward for effort and other conditions of employment, to protect the

interests of the employed and their employers and to regulate the ways in which employers treat

their employees.


Management and trade unions try to provide benefits to the workers. But, still

workers feel dissatisfaction. Workers’ dissatisfactions are dealt through grievance procedure.

Workers may not discharge the duties as per their company requirements. Disciplinary procedure

deals this issue. Grievance is any dissatisfaction or feeling of injustice in connection – with one’s

employment situation that is brought to the notice of the management. It is any discontent or

dissatisfaction whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected

with the company which an employee thinks, believes or even feels to be unfair, unjust or

equitable. It is a type of discontent which must always be expressed. A grievance is usually

more formal in character than a complaint. It can be valid or ridiculous and must grow out of

something connected with company operations or policy. It must involve an interpretation or

application of the provisions of the labour contract.

Complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their wage

payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotions, seniority, work assignment and discharge would

constitute grievance. Where the points at dispute are of general applicability or considerable

magnitude, they will fall outside the scope of this procedure. Most grievances seriously disturb

the employees. This may affect their morale, productivity and their willingness to cooperate with

the organization. If an explosive situation develops, this can be promptly attended to if a

grievance handling procedure is already in existence. It is not possible that all the complaints of

the employees would be settled by first-time supervisors, for these supervisors may not have had

a proper training for the purpose, and they may lack authority. Moreover, there may be

personality conflicts and other causes as well.

Rules and regulation are essential to maintain peace, prevent anarchy, regulate

behavior of people and to hold the pieces together. Moreover, most of the employees prefer to

work under disciplined environment as fair rules protect the individuals and the organization and

enable team work. Further, disciplinary measures ensure just and equal treatment to all

employees, efficient two-way communication, encourages cooperation and builds team pride.

Disciplinary rules regulate the behavior of the employees in an organization as the law regulates

the behavior of the people in the society.


Discipline refers to a condition or attitude, prevailing among the employees, with

respect to rules and regulations of an organization. It does mean a strict and technical observance

of rigid rules and regulations. It simply means working, cooperating and behaving in a normal

and orderly way, as any responsible person would expect an employee to do. Discipline is a force

that prompts individuals or groups to observe the rules, regulations and procedures which are

deemed to be necessary for the effective functioning of an organization. It is training that

corrects moulds, strengthens or perfects. It is control gained by enforcing obedience and it is

punishment or chastisement.

The study contains identifying various grievances which arises in the company and

what are procedures carried in the company to resolve those grievance. For this study I have

taken JK TYRES Company in Mysore, where there is more number of employees. In any

company, employees will have grievance which may be related to work, personal, etc. So, this

study aims at identifying those grievances and procedures carried to resolve those grievances.

Why is Handling an Employee Grievance so Important?

Ensuring a sound professional conduct and a healthy environment for its internal

customers is a predisposition for any company. Since, a firm is essentially comprised of

individuals it is natural for disruptions to arise. However, how those disruptions and grievances

are tackled is what plays a very important role for the smooth functioning of a work place. There

may complaints or objects pertaining to the contract of an employee or the working pattern and

parameters, or even out of cultural differences, at times even an employee persecution,

disruptions arising out of salary and many other reasons.

Effective human resource policies should handle the grievance in such a way,

which causes minimum loss to either the employee or the company and holds to the focus on

performance orientation. They should be fair in their conduct while tending the complaint and

foster a positive environment which is suitable for not only the firm’s growth but also

individual’s professional and most importantly mental growth. Maintaining a positive rapport

with the labor is the key to relationship building.



The study is conducted to identify various grievances in JK Tyres and what are all the

committees established to resolve these grievance. And analysis is conducted to know, how well

employees in the company are aware of grievance procedure.


1. To determine the industrial relation in the JK Tyre.

2. To determine the causes and degree of dispute in the JK Trye.

3. To determine the machinery used to settle the dispute in JK Tyre.

4. To identify the areas of grievances in JK Tyre.

5. To determine the grievance handling procedure in the JK Trye.

6. To identify the type of grievance in JK Tyre.


Industrial relations is an integral aspect of social relations arising out of employer-

employee interaction in modern industries which are regulated by the State in varying degrees, in

conjunction with organized social forces and influences by the existing institutions. So, the

employees should be provided with all facilities and should identify his or her talents to avoid

any grievance in the organization. The study about the grievance handling in JK Tyres and

Industries Ltd., examines its effectiveness. This project also helps to know the inequalities with

regard to employees and effective procedure to solve them.



A set of questionnaire had been prepared to gather the information related

to the subject from the employees. Personal interview were conducted to get more

information. Information is also collected by observing the employees.



Data has been collected from organizations various documents from HR

department. The process of data collection is further supplemented by various books

and web-sites to get more information.


JK Tyre Ltd consists of more than 2000 employees, out of which 150 employees are

selected for the appraisal on random sampling basis.


1. The study is conducted by taking a limited number of sample sizes.

2. Getting the views and opinion of the interviewee was a difficult task.

3. Project period was 10 weeks so there was time limit to complete project before given

span of time.

4. Due to confidentiality of the data few data could not be collected relevant to topic.







Maintaining quality of work life for its employees is an important concern for the

any organization. The grievance handling procedure of the organization can affect the

harmonious environment of the organization.  The grievances of the employees are related to the

contract, work rule or regulation, policy or procedure, health and safety regulation, past practice,

changing the cultural norms unilaterally, individual victimization, wage, bonus, etc.

Here, the attitude on the part of management in their effort to understand the

problems of employees and resolve the issues amicably have better probability to maintain a

culture of high performance. Managers must be educated about the importance of the grievance

process and their role in maintaining favorable relations with the union. Effective grievance

handling is an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair,

successful, and productive workplace. Positive labor relations are two-way street both sides must

give a little and try to work together. Relationship building is key to successful labor relations.

Grievance Handling:

According to Prof. Pigors and Meyers, grievance is dissatisfaction. According to

them, dissatisfaction of an employee is anything that disturbs the employee, whether expressed

or not

In the words of Dale Yoder, grievance is a written complaint filed by an employee

and claiming unfair treatment.

The National Commission of Labour states that complaints affecting one or more

individual workers in respect of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotion,

seniority, work assignment, and discharges would constitute grievance

A Grievance is a sign of an employee’s discontentment with his job or his

relationship with his colleagues. Grievances generally arise out of the day-to-day working


relation in an organization. An employee or trade union protests against an act or policy of the

management that they consider as violating employee’s rights.

Grievance handling is to help and possibly solve the problem of the person who

is in trouble and wants some kind of help. A grievance can be of any type like someone trying to

corner someone; not giving him his rights etc. and grievance handling is to help such a person in

a way that can give him justice to his satisfaction.

Need for a Grievance Procedure:

Grievance procedure is necessary for any organization due to following reasons.

1. Most grievances seriously disturb the employees. This may affect their morale, productivity

and their willingness to cooperate with the organization. If an explosive situation develops, this

can be promptly attended to if a grievance handling procedure is already in existence.

2. It is not possible that all the complaints of the employees would be settled by first-time

supervisors, for these supervisors may not have had a proper training for the purpose, and they

may lack authority. Moreover, there may be personality conflicts and other causes as well.

3. It serves as a check on the arbitrary actions of the management because supervisors know that

employees are likely to see to it that their protest does reach the higher management.

4. It serves as an outlet for employee gripes, discontent and frustration. It acts like a pressure

valve on a steam boiler. The employees are entitled to legislative, executive and judicial

protection and they get this protection from the grievance redressal procedure, which also acts as

a means of upward communication.

5. The management has complete authority to operate the business as it sees fit – subject, of

course, to its legal and moral obligations and the contracts it has entered into with its workers or

their representative trade union. But if the trade union or the employees do not like the way the

management functions, they can submit their grievance in accordance with the procedure laid

down for that purpose


The Causes of Grievances:

The causes of employee grievances:

1. Demands for individual wage adjustments.

2. Complaints about the incentive systems.

3. Complaints about the job classifications.

4. Complaints against a particular foreman.

5. Complaints concerning disciplinary measures and procedures.

6. Objections to the general methods of supervision.

7. Loose calculation and interpretation of seniority rules, and unsatisfactory interpretation of


8. Promotions.

9. Disciplinary discharge or lay-off.

10. Transfer for another department or another shift.

11. Inadequacy of safety and health services / devices.

12. Non-availability of material in time.

13. Violation of contracts relating to collective bargaining.

14. Improper job assignment.

15. Undesirable or unsatisfactory conditions of work.

Effects of Grievance:

Grievances, if they are not identified and redressed, may affect adversely the workers,

managers and their organization. The effects include:

1.On production :

Low quality of production

Low quality of production and productivity

Increase in the wastage of material, spoilage/leakage of machinery.

Increase in the cost of production per unit.

2. On employees:

Increase in the rate of absenteeism and turnover.

Reduces the level of commitment, sincerity and punctuality.


Increases the incidence of accidents.

Reduces the level of employee morale.

3. On managers:

Strains the superior-subordinate relations.

Increases the degree of supervision, control and follow up.

Increases in disciplinary action cases.

Increases in unrest and, thereby, machinery to maintain industrial peace.

The benefits of a Grievance Handling Procedure:

According to Jackson, further benefits that will accrue to both the employer and

employees are:

It encourages employees to raise concerns without fear of reprisal.

It provides a fair and speedy means of dealing with complaints.

It prevents minor disagreements developing into serious disputes.

It saves employer’s time and money as solutions are found for workplace problems.

It helps to build an organizational climate, based on openness and trust.

Objective of a Grievance - Handling Procedure:

Jackson lays down the objectives of a grievance-handling procedure as follows:

To enable the employees to air his/her grievance

To clarify the nature of the grievance

To investigate the reasons for dissatisfaction

To obtain, where possible, a speedy resolution to the problem

To take appropriate actions and ensure that promises are kept.

To inform the employee of his or her right to take the grievance to next stage of the procedure,

in the event of an unsuccessful resolution


The Discovery of Grievances:

Grievances can be uncovered in a number of ways. Gossip and grapevine offer vital

clues about employee grievances. Gripe boxes, open door policies, periodic interviews, exit

surveys could also be undertaken to cover the mystery surrounding grievances. These methods

are discussed below:

1. Observation:

A manager/ supervisor can usually track the behaviors of people working under him. If a

particular employee is not getting along with people, spoiling materials due to carelessness or

recklessness, showing indifference to commands, reporting late for work or is remaining absent-

the signals are fairly obvious. Since the supervisor is close to the scene of action, he can always

spot such unusual behaviors and report promptly.

2. Grievance Procedure:

A systematic grievance procedure is best means to highlight employee dissatisfaction at various

levels. Management, to this end, must encourage employees to use it whenever they have

anything to say. In the absence of such a procedure, grievances pile up and erupt in violent forms

at a future date. By that time things might have taken an ugly shape, impairing cordial relations

between labour and management. If management fails to induce employees to express their

grievances, unions will take over and emerge as powerful bargaining representatives.

3. Gripe boxes:

A gripe box may be kept at prominent locations in the factory for lodging anonymous complaints

pertaining to any aspect relating to work. Since the complainant need not reveal his identity, he

can express his feelings of injustice or discontent frankly and without any fear of victimization.

4. Open door policy:

This is a kind of walk-in-meeting with the manager when the employee can express his feelings

openly about any work-related grievance. The Manager can cross-check the details of the

complaint through various means at his disposal.


5. Exit interview:

Employees usually leave their current jobs due to dissatisfaction or better prospects outside. If

the manager tries sincerely through an exit interview, he might be able to find out the real

reasons why “X” is leaving the organization. To elicit valuable information, the manager must

encourage the employees to give a correct picture so as to rectify the mistakes promptly. If the

employee is not providing fearless answers, he may be given a questionnaire to fill up and post

the same after all his dues are cleared from the organization where he is currently employed.

6. Opinion Surveys:

Surveys may be conducted periodically to elicit the opinions of employees about the

organization and its politics.

Forms of grievances:

The grievance may take any one of the following forms:

a. Factual:

A factual grievance arises when legitimate needs of employees remain unfulfilled,

e.g., wage hike has been agreed but not implemented citing various reasons.

b. Imaginary:

When an employee’s dissatisfaction is not because of any valid reason but because

of a wrong perception, wrong attitude or wrong information he has. Such a situation may

create an imaginary grievance. Though management is not at fault in such instances, still

it has to clear the ‘fog’ immediately.

c. Disguised:

An employee may have dissatisfaction for reasons that are unknown to himself. If

he/she is under pressure from family, friends, relatives, neighbors, he/she may reach the

work spot with a heavy heart. If a new recruit gets a new table and almirah, this may

become an eyesore to other employees who have not been treated likewise previously.


Model Grievance Procedure:

The Model grievance procedure suggested by the National Commission of

Labour involves six successive time bound steps each leading to the next, in case of


1. The aggrieved worker in the first instance will approach the foreman and tell him of his

grievances orally. The foreman has to redress his grievance and if the worker is not satisfied with

this redressal, he can approach the supervisor.

2. The Supervisor has to provide an answer within 48 hours. In the event of the supervisor not

giving an answer or the answer not being acceptable to the worker, the worker goes to the next


3. At this stage, the worker either alone or accompanied with his departmental representative

approaches the Head of the Department who has to give an answer within three days.

4. If the Department fails to give answer or if the worker is not satisfied with his answer, the

worker may appeal to the Grievance Committee, consisting of the representatives of the

employer and the employees. The recommendation of this Committee should be communicated

to the Manager within seven days from the date of the grievance reaching it.

5. Unanimous decisions, if any, of the Committee shall be implemented by the Management. If

there is no unanimity, the views of the members of the Committee shall be placed before the

Manager for decision. The Manager has to take a decision and the worker within three days.

6. The worker can make an appeal against the manager’s decision and such an appeal has to be

decided within a week. A Union official may accompany the worker to the manager for

discussion and if no decision is arrived at this stage, both the union and management may refer

the grievance to voluntary arbitration within a week of receipt of the management’s decision.


7. The worker in actual practice may not resort to all the above mentioned steps. For example, if

the grievance is piqued because of his dismissal or discharge he can resort to the second step

directly and he can make an appeal against dismissal or discharge.

Model Grievance handling Procedure:

Procedure Time Frame

Appeal against within a week

Manager 3 days

Grievance Committee 7 days unanimous

HOD 3 days

Supervisor 48 hours









In the year 1887 the word rubber industry came in existence, with the process of tube

vulcanization by Charles Good Year. However, towards the end of the century the industrial

growth received a big boost. Bond Dunlop succeeded in making the vulcanization rubber into

inflatable preamatic tyres. Since then the tyre industry has constituted a major segment of the

rubber industry all over the world. Even in India, automotive tyres and tubes account for a major

part of the Indian rubber product industry.

Tyre industry in India:-

History of the Indian tyre industry could be classified into 4 periods

1920 to 1935 {multinational trading in tyre}

1935 to 1960 {multinationals manufacturing era }

1961 to 1974 {broadening of production base }

Trading tyres in India was first started in 1920 by Firestone, followed by Good year in 1922 and

later by Dunlop in 1926. Dunlop set up the first tyre at saharganj, West Bengal, in the year 1936.

Firestone set up a factory at Mumbai. At present there are 20 licensed companies and 24

factories with 11 large companies manufacturing the full range of tyres and tubes. The Indian

tyre companies are having collaboration with tyre companies of U.S.A, U.K, West Germany and

Japan. Significant changes occurred in the tyre manufacturing process, change over from rayon

to nylon and introduction of radial tyres of both steel belt and fiber glass are most important. The

hot cure conventional rethreading process is replaced with cold cure rethreading process. The

truck and bus tyre mileage and load carriage capacity has gone up by 25%. The tyre industry is

Rs.3500 Crore plus which manufacture tyres for truck and buses, light trucks, jeeps, cars, tractors

trailer, power tillers, scooter, motor cycle, moped, cycle, earth moving equipment’s and

dumpers, aircraft and special defense vehicles.

The tubes are manufactured from natural rubber as well as imported butyl rubber. Tyre inner

tubes are covered under packaged commodities Act. The Government for the tyre industry set up


various committees. Way back in 1955, the tariff commission was set up. The major trust of the

commission report was the decentralization of the tyre industry.

Between 1974 and 1985 the government referred to Bureau of industry cost and price {BICP}

five timers for cost and price study of tyre industry. But, the studies of the BICP were not made


In May 1974 the government set up a committee on tyre industry with Mr.M.Satyapal as

chairman. This committee submitted its report to the government in 1985. Report has not been


Dunlop, MRF, Ceat, Apollo and Modi rubber dominates the industry together accounting for

much as 60% of the total output. Among individual companies, MRF is moving into aircraft tyre

manufacturing in collaboration with Uni, Royal Goodrich. The total capacity of Ceat has gone up

to 45 lacks tyres with the commence of Walaj plant and has plans to manufacture nylon cord

tyres. Modi rubber industry has the modipuram plant and modinagar plant is under

implementation. Vikrant tyres with a new all steel radial tyre plant for trucks and buses is the

only company modernizing the existing plant and manufacturing new technological tyres of

international standards and acceptability, Indian tyre industry is all set to capture a major share in

export market and increases its share of export to various countries. The tyre industry is a raw

material intensive industry. Raw materials account for about 55% of the total production cost.

Two of the four major raw materials used in the tyre making i.e. Nylon tyre cord and synthetic

rubber to natural petroleum based derivatives.

Inputs for tyre industry:


The major raw materials and their weightage in the total raw materials structure are:

1. Natural rubber 25%

2. Synthetic rubber 14%

3. Carbon block 13%

4. Nylon tyre cord/yarn(fabric) 34%

(Remaining share of raw materials of 14% approx, is accounted by rubber chemicals)

Functions of the tyre:

Tyre provides steering response.

Durable and easy to drive.

Has loan carrying capacity.

Provides cushioning ability.

Cooler running and gives more mileage.

Having a minimum noise and vibration.







JK Organization owes its name to Late Lala Juggilal Singhania, a dynamic personality with a

broad vision, Inspired by the Swadeshi movement of Mahatma Gandhi, and driven by the Zeal to

set up an Indian enterprise, Lala Kamlapat Singhania founded JK organization in the 19 th century

in India.

The process of industrialization and diversification was worthily and successfully carried on by

Lala Kamlapat’s three illustrious sons Sir Padampat, Lala Kailashpat and Lala Laksmipat, aided

in no small measure by the late Gopal Krishna son of sir Padampat.

JK Organization has been a forerunner in the economic and social advancement of India. It

always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of country men and provides high

quality of products. It has driven to make India self reliant by pioneering the production of

number of industrial and consumer products, by adopting latest as well as developing its own

know-how. It has also under taken industrial ventures in several other countries.

JK Organization is an association of industrial and commercial companies and charitable trust.

Its member companies, employing nearly 50000 persons are engaged in the manufacture of

variety of products and in diverse fields of commerce.

Trust are devoted to promoting industrial, technical and medical researchers, education, religious

values and providing better living and recreational facility. With the spirit of social

consciousness uppermost in mind, JK organization is committed to cause the human



VIKRANT TYRES LTD {VTL} is situated in an area of 53 acres in Mysore. VTL is a major

tyre manufacturing company and one of the most successful industrial ventures in the state of


In the year 1970 this company was conceived as a joint venture by the participation of south

Indian export company Pvt Ltd, Madras {Chennai} with Karnataka state industrial investment


and development corporation Ltd{ KSIIDC } for establishing and automobile tyres and tubes

manufacturing unit at Metagalli industrial area in Mysore. In 1977 the management was taken

over by the Government of Karnataka state industrial investment and development corporation

Ltd {KSIIDC}. The commercial production started from 19th may 1980. During 1985 a plant was

set up for manufacturing of radial tyres.

The company is certified under ISO 9001, QS 9000, ISO 14001 and ISO/TS 16949:2002

certifications, for design manufacture and sale of automobile tyres, tubes, flaps and tread rubber.

JK industries ltd was inducted as strategic Alliance Partner {SAP} during may 1997 with a view

to improve the overall performance of the company. Collaboration agreement was entered with

the M/S continental tyres Germany in 1980. Vikrant tyres Limited, a JK tyres associate,

manufactures cutting edge innovative products at conformed to the highest international


JK industries ltd, in 1997 acquired Vikrant Tyres Limited, Mysore. VTL has the first

truck/bus steel radial in India. This has state of the art technology in technical collaboration with

continental A G Germany. Vikrant tyres have successfully launched high performance steel truck

radial tyres in the latest international pattern for the Indian as well as international market.

Register Office at:-


No 54,1st main road,

V.V Mohalla, Mysore-570002

Background and inception of the company


1933 First in India to manufacture calico prints-{Juggilal Kamlapat cottons spinning

and weaving mills company, Kanpur}


1940 First in India to manufacture steel bailing Hoops for jute and cotton and to make

the country self sufficient by meeting the entire demand- J.K Iron and Steel

Co.Ltd., Kanpur.

1944 First in India to produce Aluminum Virgin Metal for Indian Bauxite- Aluminum

Corporation of India Ltd., Jaykayanagar.

1949 First in India to manufacture Engineering files -J.K.Engineer’s files Bombay.

1959 First in India to set up a continuous process Rayon plant.

1960 First in India to set up a Hydraulically operated Cane Crushing Mill for

Kandsari Sugar Plant and completed 100 ton plant.

1961 First in world to set up a plant for production of Hydrosulphite of soda by

Sodium Amalagam process – J.K.Chemicals Ltd., Bombay.

1962 First in India to produce Nylon-6 with its own polymerized raw material –

J.K.Synthetics Ltd., Kota.

1965 First to produce sodium Sulphoxylate Formaldehyde [Rangolite C of Formosul]

in India –J.K.Chemicals LTD., Bombay.

1968 First to manufacture TV sets in India –J.K.Electronics, Kanpur.

1976 First in India to produce steel belted Radial tyres for passenger car, trucks and

buses –J.K.Tyre plant, Kankroli.

1980 First in the world to make steel belted radial tyres for 3 wheelers.

1984 First in India to produce white cement through dry process.

1985 First in India to produce cathonic Dye able Polyester Fiber.

1989 First in India to produce magnetic tapes with cobalt technology.

1991 Banmore tyre plant { BTP} set up with the capacity of 5.7 lacks tyre per annum.

1992 R&D center setup at HASTERI.

1994 India’s first T-rated tyre launched Banmore Tyre Plant {BTP} Crossed 100


1995 Mercedes Benz launched on JK Steel Radials first tyre manufacturer in the

world to get ISO 9001.

1996 India’s first dual contact high tractions steel radial- aqua sonic

launched{ Introduce steel Wheels}

1998 First tyre manufacturer in the world to get QS9000. Awarded CAPEXIL’S


highest export award for 1997-98.

1999 Synergy with VTL in procurement, marketing and production flexibility.

Completion of states of the art modernizations of truck radials

J.K.Tyres ranked 16th largest tyre company in the world.

ISO-14001 accreditation for environment and safety.

2000 J.K introduced national Go-carting championships.

2001 J.K industries received FOCUS LAC EXPORT award for the year 1999-2000

Commendation certification of CII ND National exam. Go-carting

championships held.

2002 JK industries ltd (JKI) has informed BSE that CRISIL has assigned a p1+ rating

to the commercial paper program of the company.

2003 JK completes its comprehensive restructuring exercise of businesses that Leads

to its emergence as a pure automotive tyre company.

2004 JK industries ltd has informed that its securities are delisted from delhi stock

exchange association ltd (DSE) w.e.f. jan 29,2004.

2007 JK industries ltd has informed that the name of the company has been changed

from JK industries ltd to JK tyre & industries ltd.w.e.f. april 02 2007.

2008 The company has issued rights in the ratio of 1:3 at a premium of Rs.75 per



Kankroli - Rajasthan

Banmore - Madhya Pradesh

Mysore Plant-1 {VTP} - Karnataka


Mysore Plant-2{VTP} - Karnataka

Milestones of Vikrant Tyres Limited {VTL}

1970 Joint Venture by SIEC Pvt. Ltd., and KSIIDC conceived to manufacture

Automotive Tyre and Tubes at Mysore.

1973 Incorporated as a joint venture company by KSIIDC and SIEC Pvt. Ltd., Madras


1977 Taken over by government of Karnataka through KSIIDC.

1980 Commercial production commenced.

1982 Collaboration with M/S AVON Tyres UK.

1985 T-Pilot plant setup for manufacturing of truck Radial Tyre Plant.

1989 Construction of new Truck Radial Tyre Plant.

1991 Commercial production of all steel truck Radial Tyre.

1992 First against OTR tyre rolled out.

1994 Certified to IS 9001:1994 quality management systems.

1997 JKIL inducted as Strategic Alliance Partner {SAP} by government of Karnataka.

1999 Certified to QS 9001:1998 QMS and also ISO 14001:1996 EMS. Turnaround

under JK management within 10 months and declared divided after a gap of 6

years. Massive modernization and up gradation investing Rs.224.13 crores.

2000 March-Bias plant Rs 73.16 crores, December-Truck Radial Plan Rs 150.97 crores.

2003 Merged with JKIL. Certified to ISO/RS 16949:2002 process based QMS.

2004 First Indian tyre company to adopt process based management through Business

Process Re-Engineering {BPR}.

Nature of the business carried

JK Industries is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of automotive tyres, tubes, flaps.

Products involved:

Cross ply and radial tyres for light commercial vehicles.

Cross ply tyres for passenger cars.


Cross ply tyres for agricultural vehicles.

Cross ply tyres for off the road {OTR} vehicles.

Automotive inner tubes for trucks, buses, light commercial vehicles.

Vision, Mission and Quality Policy





To be a customer obsessed company.

To be the largest and most profitable tyre company in India.

To retain No 1 position in truck and bus segment and to be amongst top 2 in all other 4

wheeler tyres.

To make truck/bus radial operations profitable and retain leadership in the passenger

radial market.

To enhance value to shareholders and service to all stake holders.

To excel as a value driven organization.

To be the most preferred tyre brand in India.

Quality Policy:

The people of JK Tyre have an organization committed to quality in everything they do.

They continuously anticipated and understand customer requirement, convert these into

performance standards for their product and services and to meet the standards every time.

Products/Service Profile


The major products of JK Company are automobile Tyre {Nylon tube tyre, radial tube and

tubeless tyre} tubes and flaps.

The products are sold under different brand names.

1) Truck tyres:

1) Jet rib 7)Jet star

2) Vikrant truck king 8)Jet Truck

3) Star lug 9)Sand cum hiway

4) Super T.K 10)Truck plus

5) JT King 11)J T classic

6) Hi Life 12)JETRK

2) Light trucks

1) Jet Rib

2) Star lug

3) Fleet king

4) Truck King

3) O.T.R (Off The Road ):

1) VEM 99 E-3 T/L

2) VEM 99 E-4 T/T

3) VEM 99 SS E-4 T/L

4) EGO4 G2 T/T


4) Tubes:

1) JK Tubes

2) Vikrant Tubes

3) Tubes V EX

5) Flaps:

1) JK Flaps



Area of Operation

“JK Tyre” has been successful in establishing its brand name in the world market. It gives

immense pride to India as “JK Tyre” and “Vikrant Tyre” has been rated amongst premium

brands in highly sophisticated global Tyre markets. The exports account for over 30% of India’s

total tyre export and they sell their products across 60 countries over to meet the growing

demand of JK Tyre across the globe, the company is enhancing out sourcing activities from

China in its own brand.

Today, JK Tyres products compete with the best international players in the premium

international bias market in more than 68 countries in 8 continents. The exports operate through

a strong and distribution network, and distributors are fully supported by the company’s

technical team in teams of continued international accreditation for its products in the US,

Europe, South America and the Middle East.

VTL exports in products to over 68 countries. The major countries include United States of

America, Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand, Hong Kong and Host of Middle East,

African and Asian countries.


Various segments to which JKIL-VTL supplies Tyres:


1) Original equipment manufactures

2) Replacement market

3) Export

4) State transport undertakings

5) Government { DGS & D- civil & defense }

Ownership pattern

Category Sub Category No of Securities Held % of Holding

Promoter’s Holding Indian Promoters 16376700 43.72

Foreign Promoters 0 0.00

Persons acting in


0 0.00

Sub Total 16376700 43.72

Institutional investors Mutual funds and UTI 33,904,248 8.82

Banks, FLS,

Insurances Co’s,

Central/State govt.

Non govt Institutions



FIIs 26,29,787 7.02

Sub Total 95,21,741 25.41

Others Private Corporate


37,48,225 10.01

Indian Public 37,51,796 10.02

NRI/OCBS 40,60,884 10.84

Any other 0 0.00

Sub Total 1,15,60,905 30.87

Grand Total 3,74,59,346 100.00

Competitors Information


Competitors for JK tyres in National Market and International Market:-

National Market:- International Market:-

1) MRF 1) Bridge stone

2) Good Year 2) Copper

3) CEAT 3) Michelin

4) Apollo 4) Sumitomo

5) Falcon 5) Pirelli

Infrastructural Facilities

It means the basic requirements that the company should look after in order to ensure free flow

of activities. In order to satisfy its workers, distributors and customers the company is providing

the following infrastructural facilities, stated by the Factories Act of 1948.


If there is a accident, the workers will be taken to the health center which is inside the

plant. All the minor and first aid is done here itself and when there is major accident first

aid is done in the health center and then they are taken to the hospital. Every day at least

2 ambulances will be inside the plant, which will be kept ready to carry the injured

whenever there is a major accident.


Management is providing its employees with earplugs, goggles, gloves, fire extinguisher

etc as safety measures. The employees are also trained on the safely measures. In order to

encourage trade union activities the 7 offices bearer who are elected are given only with

general shifts.



According to the section 48(1) it is obligatory on the part of every factory to provide

canteen facility where in more than 200 employees are employed and hence Vikrant also

provides canteen facility for its employees, which is well constructed, furnished with

good furniture, equipments and also with good accommodation. Here 100% subsidy is

provided for meals, coffee and tea, snacks is supplied with subsidy up to Rs.300 per



Sports and cultural activities are conducted every year on Kannada Rajyothsava Day for

employees, their spouses and children. This is conducted in order to provide recreation

facility to the employees and their family.


Outside experts for counseling is hired to conduct counseling serious on carries guidance

to employees children and health care to spouses.


As per the settlement between the management and the trade union company is providing

its employees with uniforms, shoes, towels etc., at periodic intervals.


In J.K. industries provides rest room to the employers. During the interval the employee’s

can relax.


Company provides adequate meeting rooms whenever there is any urgent meeting.

Achievements / Awards

1. JK Tyres ranked 16th largest company in the world.


2. ISO 14001 accreditation for environment and safety.

3. India’s first T rated tyre launched.

4. Mercedes Benz launched on JK Tyres radials first tyre manufacture in the world to get ISO


5. Only tyre manufacture to get E mark certification.

6. First tyre manufacture in the world to get QS 9000.

7. Awarded CEPEXIL’S highest export for 1997-1998.

8. JK introduced national Go-carting championships.

9. JK industries received FOCUS LAC EXPORT award for the year 1999 and 2000.

10. Certified to ISO 9000 (1994 quality management systems).

11. First Indian Tyre Company to adopt process based management process based management

through business process re-engineering (BPRO).

12. It has ranked No.1 in customer satisfaction by the JD power Asia Pacific study.

Work Flow Model


1) Compound at Ban bury:


Compound is the process of mixing the necessary raw materials with selected elastomer in the

banbury. Banbury is an internal mixer, which consists of a completely enclosed mixing chamber

with two spiral shaped rotors. There is a hoper to feed the ingredients and a door to discharge the

mix. The rubber ingredients like chemicals are weighted as mentioned in specification file and

feed into hoper. Then the mixing process takes place. Required mixing time is fixed to get

better quality mixing.

2) Extruder:

The main function of an extruder is to produce tread and side wall, bead, apex. Extrusion is a

process of forcing the mixed compound by means of screw, which rotates inside the barrel.

There are two types of extruder: a) Screw extruder b) Ram extruder.

3) Zell Plant:

The dipping process takes place in a Zeal plant. Here rayon, naylon, polyesters are dipped in a

solution containing normally a latex based resorcinol formaldehyde to improve adhesive

properties. Then the fabrics is dried at a temperature of about 280-300 F for 150-180 sec, the

fabric is stretches to about 0-15%.

4) Calendaring:

Calendaring is a machine, which consists of three or four rolls held in a frame work used to

produce the rubber sheets of required strength and length. To get a better quality calendared

fabric with uniform gauges, viscosity is important in the same way, hot temperature of about

110-137 mm.

5) Bias Cutter:

It is a machine used to make ply’s or to the rubber coated fabrics at required width and angle,

which are used in the production of tyres. Bias angle is the angle of cords in tyres with respect to

the central line. Based on the ideal cured angle, required for particular type size and pattern, bias

angle is calculated for the particular drum.

6) Pocket Making:


It is a process of making the pocket from the angle cutter fabrics. In pocket making section, three

types of pockets are constructed. The ply’s used for the first and second pocket are known ad

inner ply and those used for third pocket are known as outer ply.

7) Bladder:

Butyl rubber compound is used for making the bladder. As first, butyl rubber is mixed with

specified chemicals properly and then it enters the extruder section by the use of the extruder, a

specific length and width of slug is extruded. Then the ends of the slugs are cut into the specified

angle for proper joining.

8) Tyre Moulding:

Before moulding operations, the green tyre has to be made ready for painting with inner

lubricants inside tyre for easy release from the bladder and the side walls are to be coated with

blemish paints.

9) Tyre Curing:

It is a process of cross linking the rubber compounds through heat and pressure. For the pressure

of curing tyres presses are used. These pressed are pre warmed before loading of green tyre is

done in the top ring raise condition with vacuum.

10) Tyre Finishing and Inspection:

After curing, the tyres obtained by trimming of the extensions on the tyres surfaces are checked

for defects. Thus the process of removing excess materials from the tyre after curing is called

finishing. The finishing process is done either by buffing or trimming method. All the tyres then

are inspected and separated.

Future growth and prospectus:


To be the No.1 tyre company in India.

To be the largest export company in India.

To be a customer obsessed company.

High quality of products.

Profit Maximization.





The McKinsey’s 7Sframework consists of seven factors namely Style, Structure, Strategy,

System, Staff, Shared Values and Skills for a successful implementation of a strategy-Large or


Strategy, Structure and System can be considered the “Hardware” of success while Style, Skills

and Shared Values can be seen as the “Software” of the companies, in which these soft elements

are present, are usually more successful at the implementations of strategy.


The JK Tyres has a very well developed structure. It consists of various departments which

contribute towards the operations of the organization.

It consists of department’s such as:-

Production department, Engineering dept, Technical dept, Production Planning dept, Quality

Assurance Material dept, Human Resource dept, Personnel and Administration Secretarial dept,


Internet Audit, Electronic Data Processing dept, Industrial Engineering dept, Finance dept,

Marketing dept & Technical Services dept.

Bankers Assisting VTL:-

1) Corporation Bank 5) Indian Bank

2) Punjab National Bank 6) Syndicate Bank

3) State Bank of India 7) Vijay Bank

4) State Bank of Mysore

JK Industries {VTP} Board Of Directors

Chairman - Mr. Hari Shankar Singhania

Vice chairman and managing Director - Mr. Raghupathi Singhania

Independent Directors - Mr. Arvind Sing Mewar

Mr. Bhakul Jain

Mr. Sobha Nambisan(IAS)

Mr. Prakesh Khaitan


A skill is the ability, Knowledge, Understanding and judgment to accomplish a task. Skill may

be defined as what the company does best, the distinctive capabilities and competencies that

reside in the organization. The job requirements, type of job gives rise to different skills in the

different jobs and different department of the company.

The skills differ with respect to performance of job for instance- in Quality control they need and

Engineer and in HR department they require a post graduate with specialization in Human

Resource Management.

Types Of Training Programmes Followed At JK:-


1) Need based training

2) Induction training

3) On the job

4) In house training

5) Student training.

A Technical Skill refers to the ability and Knowledge in unions, technique and procedures

involved in performing specific tasks. At JK industries Ltd { Vikrant Tyre Plant Mysore}

employees, both supervisors and workers, working in the entire production related department

process the technical skill such as engineering skills and computer skills, etc. which are needed

to handle work, related tools, machines and equipments.

The man power at JK is huge and capable. The workers are very skilled so the company is

capable of accepting and performing any type of the orders and executing it before schedule and

to the expectations of the customers.


The Style in an organization, according to McKinsey’s frame work refers to the “Reporting

Relationship” between the superiors and the subordinates. It also conveys the flow of

communication between them.

Referring to the organization structure of JK Industries Ltd, {Vikrant Tyre Plant Mysore}. It can

be said that the company is following the type of “Line and Staff” Organization.

Reporting relationship at JK industries Ltd follows a formal channel. The communication

follows the routes formally laid down in the organization structure and deliberately associated

with the status or the position of the sender and the receiver. Both downward and upward

communication follows the path of formal channel.



The integrated vision and direction of the company, as well as the manner in which it derives,

articulates, communicates and implements that vision and direction.

The main strategy is to ensure maximum utilization of available resources. For this purpose the

company believes in mainly promoting from within the organization and there by encourage its

people to strive for higher management stability. The set up also allows them to take the

advantage of common pool of technical and marketing talent of the highest quality. SUB strategy

and the functional strategies.

Waste elimination strategy:

The company insists on education on a continues basis for the workers and the staff. Total

productive maintenance (TPM) and quality circles are practiced from the lowest level, as a

management seeks continuous improvement from workers in every record. There exist clarity of

vision and goal within the company as a result of which the productive efficiency of the

company goes up.


System refers to the procedure and the process such as the information system, manufacturing

process, budgeting and the control process. The managerial function of controlling or the

measurement and correction of the performance in order to ensure that the enterprise objectives

and plans devised to attain them are being accomplished. It is a function of every manager from

the president to the supervisor.

The JK Vikrant plant has a wide scope and covers all most all areas of Human Resources; mainly

it covers the following areas.

a) Payroll Package:

It has provision for deductions with respect to PF, VPF, HRA, Special allowance, etc. leave

encashment, arrears, over time, loan details, deductions etc.


b) Attendance:

Attendance recording system is maintained daily, covering issue like daily attendance, late

punching reports, employees who have omitted to punch out details, pertaining to man-hour

utilization, absenteeism etc.

c) Leave Maintenance:

It is a part of time keeping, and has provision for issues like, daily updating leave cancellation,

punching omissions, compensatory off, outdoor duty, indoor duty, leave details, leave credit or


d) Personnel/HR:

It has a package that deals with recruitment, career development, service exit etc. in recruitment,

the package handles application processing, test and interview, preparation of selection list,

appointment order etc. in career development it deals with training performance appraisal,

transfer, promotion etc.


The person in an organization is called staff. Here it is very useful to think not about individual

personality but corporate demographics.

An analysis of the corporate demographics of VTL reveals that most of the worker and staff

belong to the 30-40 age groups. As such they are very active and learning oriented. The workers

are quality conscious and aid the management to produce better quality of products, by co-

operating with them in the most efficient manner.

Almost all the employees are punctual and rate of accidents is very less in the staff as compared

to the workers. The workers are provided with the uniforms this is the important way of ensuring

equality among the workers and there by aiding the concept of team work and interdependence,

for better production both qualitative and quantitatively.

The Employees Demographic are as follows:

Workers - 1327


Executives - 189

Staff - 168

Badli Workers - 917

Apprentice trainees - 55

Total number of employees - 2656

Duties and Responsibilities of Technical Staff:

To maintain safe working conditions

To maintain quality systems

Operation and maintenance of equipment

Issue of spares

Following statutory norms like factories Act, Boilers Act.


The values that go beyond, but might well include simple goal statement in determining

corporate destiny. To fit the concept, these values must be shared by most people in the


VTP is a company that insists the following some core values most of these can be found in the

company’s vision statements as well as quality policy. The company considers employees are the

greatest of its assets. Production and productivity is a derivative of employee welfare.

JK industries Ltd., take initiative to do social projects such activities like literacy program for

village people. Conduct medical camps in villages, digging bore wells in villages, building bus

shelter and employee welfare program. Likewise the company is always willing to participate in

welfare activities.


The company’s focus on the customer and creating culture of interdependence are embodied in

its statements of vision and quality. While the concept of TQM, TPM and QC are visible in the

form of slogans, posters and well meaning cliché’s. the first serious attempt to institutionalize

has started.

Thus some of the values that are shared by the both employees and the management at JK

Industries limited is as follows:

Product and Service quality

Productivity efficiency



Employees and Societal welfare

Customer satisfaction

Team work concept

TQM {Total Quality Management}

TPM{Total Productive Maintenance}

Quality circle.



In this competitive world it is very much important to have experience of working

in an organization and only class room teaching is not enough. Doing this project I learnt why


this activity is important. I got to know how the theoretical concept learned in the class would be

applied at the corporate level. This project helped me to gain experience before completing my

MBA course and made me to realize my talents.

I have observed the co-ordination of the employees, good relation between workers and

the superior managers. I learnt how the relationship affects the smooth functioning of an


The company gets the products of other competitors such as Bridgestone tyre to their

testing labs and makes comparison with their product and adopts the technology of their

competitors and attempts to give better product than their competitors.

The company has adopted “The participative leadership style” so it encourages to its

workers to show more interest in managerial activities.

In production department, the process of the production is divided into different shops. It

has safety measures at the work place. It has used advanced technology like automated

machine in order to minimize cost of production. They produce quality product. Main

strategic intention of the department is recycling the wastage. If any wastage comes after

the recycling it is send to other company for making the rubber better.

During the adoption of new technology, management provides more training skills to the

workers for the efficient work and the work position.

In order to motivate the employees, the company follows an internal recruitment process

through promotions. If there is any vacant job the company first searches within the

organization and if right employee is not available internally then it goes for external






As a result of this project entitled, “Grievance Handling”, I was able to acquire

knowledge pertaining to human resource as a part of an organization as a whole. This three

months journey through JK Tyres Ltd has given me knowledge on various aspects of employee

with respect to their grievance. The learning I had in JK Tyre is as follows.

Welfare Activities in JK Tyre:

1. Ensure proper maintenance of the garden at Plant-1 and other surrounding places.

2. Counsel the workers and ensure harmony at work place on day to day basis.

3. Co-ordinate with portal authorities distribute recurring deposit payments to employees.

4. Organize medical check to all regular staff/workmen, badlies and casuals in co-ordination

with medical officer and arrange for the payment in co-ordination with the finance


5. Organize cultural and sports programs for promoting employees belongingness.

6. Organize Ayudha Pooja on annual basis.

7. Arrange and conduct training program for employees and badlies to improve their skills.

8. Organize weekly meeting with the union office bearers and management and submit the

MOM and ensure its implementation.

9. Send greeting/invitation cards for various functions.

10. Co-ordinate with occupational health center to provide first aid and other medical

services to the employees.

11. Co-ordination of smooth running of canteen at Plant-1 and manage contractual


12. Ensure safe working conditions for the employees.

13. Co-ordinate with BU and SSU heads with regard to proper housekeeping.

14. Ensure supply of clean drinking water to the employees.


IR Related Activities in JK Tyres:

1. Ensure compliance and implement all labor legislation and guide the concerned for the

same in time by coordinating with them.

2. Ensure submission of returns under various labor legislation by concerned.

3. Deal with legal issues related to employees including dismissals and termination.

4. Initiate disciplinary action on erring employees based on written reports.

5. Co-ordinate with the employee union to ensure that there is no loss in production and

attends to their grievances.

6. Ensure that the workers/employees are following the rules and regulations set by the


7. Make arrangements of casual labourers through contractors on request from business


8. Assist line managers on matters relating to IR/discipline.

9. Assist the company advocate in court matters.

10. Represent the company in front of government and legal authorities.

11. Keep track of unauthorized absenteeism and take suitable action.


Grievance Handling Procedure in JK Tyres:

In JK Tyre, they undertake different Grievance Handling procedure for both

Management Cadre Staff and Non – Management Cadre Staff. They are as follows:

Grievance Handling Procedure for Management Cadre Staff:

1. It is proposed to have following Grievance Handling Procedure with a view to handle and

settle the Grievance speedily. The Procedure and guidelines to handle Grievance are laid

down as under which will come into force with effect from 1st sept. 2006.

2. A grievance is a complaint of an individual Management Cadre Staff on any aspect of his

work situation, which disturbs/upsets him. It can include matters relating to leave,

increment, promotion, acting arrangements, non-extension of benefits under rules,

interpretation of service conditions, etc., of an individual nature. This will not include

representation arising out of punishments.


3. If a grievance is one arising from an order of supervisor, that order must be complied

with before the procedure is invoked. If, however, there is a time-lag between the issue of

the order and the date of its coming into force, the procedure may be invoked

immediately, but the order must nevertheless be compiled with on the due date even if the

procedure is not exhausted by that time.

4. Subject to the above provisions individual grievance of Management Cadre Staff shall

hence forth be processed and dealt with in the following manner:

a. Stage 1

The aggrieved MCS may first approach the head of his BU/SSU verbally/ in

writing. Who will give a personal hearing and try to resolve the grievance at his

level within the scope of the authorities delegated to him. In respect of matters

for which he is not the competent authority he will attend to the grievance after

consulting VP-W through proper channel. He shall give his reply verbally/in

writing 1 week of receipt of the complaint.

b. Stage 2

If the MCS is not satisfied with the reply at stage 1, or in the event of there

being no response, he may present his grievance in writing to VP-Works. VP-

Works, upon receiving the grievance, shall acknowledge the same in writing. If

he finds it necessary while enquiring into the grievance, he may discuss the same

with the aggrieved MCS or his superior. After investigation and due

consultations VP-Works shall give a written reply to the MCS through BU or

SSU Head, within 3 week of his receiving the grievance. The aggrieved

employee may, if he so desires, seeks through proper channel, personal interview

with VP-Works to explain his case. The decision given by VP-Works in the case

will be final.


5. In respect of BU or SSU Heads who are reporting directly to VP-Works, the grievance

may be presented to VP-Works verbally or in writing and will be dealt with by VP-W.

Grievance Handling Procedure for Non-Management Cadre Staff:

1. It is proposed to have following Grievance Handling Procedure with a view to handle and

settle the Grievance speedily. The procedure and guidelines to handle Grievance are laid

down as under which will come into force with effect from 01-09-2006.

2. A Grievance is commonly defined as a written representation filed by an employee

(workmen, staff, sub-staff and badly) expressing a Grievance. Most Grievance arise out

of the wrong interpretation or application when dissatisfaction appears, it cannot be

ignored. Sound administration requires that Grievance are handled promptly and not

permitted to accumulate. It is said that employees use the Grievance Procedure to express

their Grievance and Management administers it through three primary functions viz.,

a) Acknowledgement of Grievance.

b) Investigating material facts of Grievance.

c) Discussing and answering Grievance.

d) Analyzing Grievance to determine their basic cause.

e) Implementing action to resolve the Grievance.

3. Grievance Handling Procedure seek to assure employees that they will have adequate

opportunity to ‘grieve’ if they feel that they have not been treated properly (harassment,

victimization and bullying, prejudicial behavior, favoritism and bias) and that each of their

representation will have speedy and thorough consideration. As a result, employees are

encouraged and expected to express their Grievance.

4. Coverage and exclusions of types of Grievance:


The matter connected to promotions, grading of jobs, collective disputes,

disciplinary matters and policy matters is excluded from the coverage of Grievance Handling


5. Status-quo clause:

Union shall not raise any industrial dispute when the matter is under

Grievance Procedure and until the matter has completed the Grievance Procedure Cycle.


STAGE-1 Grievance discussed

with the shift Head

recorded in the

prescribed Register

maintained by the

People Manager


The Shift Head shall

verify and respond to

the problem of

aggrieved employee.

He may seek the

assistance and

clarification from any

other BU/SSU,

required if any, to

redress the Grievance

at his level.

1 week

STAGE-2 If not settled at stage-

1, the grievance to be

referred to concerned

BU/SSU Heads.

The concerned

BU/SSU Heads along

with Head-SSU 5

shall review the case

at his level and give

his decision and

communicate the

same to the individual

and concerned


The concerned

workman may avail

10 days


the help/assistance of

a co-workman to

represent the


STAGE-3 If not settled at stage-

2, the Grievance to be

referred to the Unit


If not satisfied with

the outcome/decision

at stage-3, the

aggrieved employee

may approach the

Unit Head for the

resolution of his

grievance. Unit Head

will review the case

and give his decision,

after discussions with

all concerned. The

decision of Unit Head

will be final and

binding on all


2 weeks

6. In certain case the time gap at various stages may increase due to delay in completing the

procedural formalities, Policy Decision and for want of Approval etc. However the effort

should be to reduce the lead time and proper communication and feedback to be given to the

aggrieved employees.

7. All Grievances received and redressed needs to be recorded and compiled in the

prescribed Register by the People Manager. The centralized report from SSU-5 will be

published on monthly basis (See format at Annexure-2).






The interpretations are based on the feedback received from the employees through

questionnaire, observation and answers received from employees during personal interview

which were conducted during the study period.

The following tables and graphs interpret the results of the study.


1. Gender

Male 28 93%

Female 2 7%

Total sample size 30 100%

In JK Tyres, there are 93% of male working than female which is 7%. As it is a

manufacturing sector, we can see more male population.

2. Age

19-25 3 10%

26-30 3 10%

31-above 24 80%

Total sample size 30 100%


Most of the employees come under age group of 31 & above which is 80%. And

other age group of 19-25 and 26-30 are both 10%. This shows that JK Tyres have experienced

personnel, who are aware of grievance handling procedure.

3. Length of service in JK Tyre.

5-10 3 10%

20-30 22 73%

30-40 5 17%

Total sample size 30 100%


Most of the employees as rendered the service between 20-30 which is 73%, out of

100% and between 5-10 services, its 3% and between 30-40 services, its 5%. So, we can analyze

that most of the employees has rendered service of 20-30 years.

1. Awareness of grievance committees.

Table no: 1

Answers Observation PercentageYes 21 70No 9 30Total Sample Size 30 100



From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 70% of employees are aware of

grievance committees in JK Tyre. So, we can analyze that most of the employees are aware of

grievance committee.

2. Awareness of weekly/monthly meetings of the grievance committee.

Table no: 2

Answers Observation PercentageYes 20 67No 10 33Total Sample Size 30 100



From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 67% of employees are aware of

weekly and monthly meetings of grievance committees. Only few who are head of the

department are aware of meetings. It was found that too little attention is paid in communicating

the meetings of grievance committees.

3. Communication of grievance for redressal.

Table no: 3

Answers Observation PercentageImmediate Supervisor 15 50 Department head 09 30Grievance committee 05 17


Others 01 3Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 50% almost half of the employees

communicate their grievance with immediate supervisor and 30% to departmental head and

17% to grievance committee. Most of the employees believe that immediate superior is

appropriate for the redressal as he is more aware regarding any grievance of his subordinates.

Employees also want the department head to be involved in the grievance redressal. But fewer

employees communicate their grievance with grievance committee because of fear.

4. Informal channel to redress grievance.

Table no: 4

Answers Observation Percentage


Co-worker 20 67Peer 8 27If others, please specify 2 6Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 67% of grievance is referred

informally with co-worker. As employees feel free with their co-worker, informal

communication of grievance takes place between them. They even express their

grievance with union office bearers in trade union.

5. Real problem identification.

Table no: 5

Answers Observation PercentageStrongly agree 05 17Agree 20 66


Disagree 05 17Strongly disagree 00 00Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 66% of problem is agreed. Most of

the employees believe that their problems are listening by committees and exact problem is

identified. Some employees think the real cause for grievance is not identified.

6. Reaction of higher authority to grievance.

Table no: 6

Answers Observation PercentageListens patiently 27 90


Shouts at you 00 00Does not listen at all 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 90% of grievance is listened by

higher authority. Employees believe that their grievance listened by their higher authority, and

their grievance are redressed in time.

7. Type of grievance.

Table no: 7

Answers Observation Percentage


Factual grievance 26 87Imaginary grievance 01 03Disguised grievance 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 87% of grievance is real or

factual grievance. Most of the grievances arise because of valid reasons related to job and

breach of terms of employment, which is factual grievance. Imaginary grievances arise

because of wrong perception, attitude and information. And disguised grievances arise

because of personal problems which is very difficult to solve.

8. Regular feedback on grievance.

Table no: 8


Answers Observation PercentageVery often being informed 22 74Seldom being informed 07 23Does not inform at all 01 3Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 74% of employees say that,

they are constantly being informed about the grievance which is in redressal procedure.

Very often whatever progress taken on grievance of employees is regularly

communicated to employees. But some grievances which affect the goodwill of the

company are kept confidential.

9. Causes for grievance.

Table no: 9


Answers observation PercentageWorking condition 02 6Difference of opinion 17 57Doubts and fears 01 3Management policies and practices

07 24

Wages 03 10Other causes 00 0Total sample size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 57% of employees say that,

the causes for grievance are mainly because of difference of opinion and 24% on

management policies and practices. Most of the employees say that problems arise due to

difference in behavior which differs in each employee and which not so easy to solve.

Some employees think the real cause is management policy which cannot be changed.

10. Positive and friendly approach during grievance handling.


Table no: 10

Answers Observation PercentageYes 27 90No 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 90% of employees say that, the

grievance handling approach is friendly and positive. It was good to found that there is friendly

approach during the process of grievance handling which is a good sign for employees. It

increases employee confidence and morale.

11. Discussion and conference is more importance than executive authority. 67

Table no: 11

Answers Observation PercentageStrongly agree 18 60Agree 08 27Disagree 03 10Strongly disagree 01 3Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 60% of employees strongly agree

that discussion and conference is given more importance than executive authority. Most of the

employees believe that along with the grievance committee, discussion of the problem directly,

can have more impact rather than decision taken by executive authority.

12. Technique to identify grievances.


Table no: 12

Answers observation PercentageExit interview 01 3Suggestion boxes 06 20Opinion survey 04 13Open door policy 00 0observation 19 64others 00 0Total sample size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 64% of employees say that

grievance is identified through observation and 20% through suggestion boxes. Some

grievances are not expressed orally. So, the organization had kept suggestion boxes in

each department and department head will be observing the activities of employees. In

company they will organize one session and opinions from all employees are collected

about all matters which is relating to job.

13. Mechanism followed resolves your grievance.


Table no: 13

Answers Observation PercentageYes 22 73No 08 27Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 73% of employees say that the

existing mechanism resolves their grievance. Management had followed two different

mechanisms for both MCS and Non-MCS for solving their grievances. Employees are happy

with the mechanism which the company have followed to redress the grievance.

14. Is decision given corresponding to your grievance,


Table no: 14

Answers Observation PercentageHighly satisfactory 03 10Moderately satisfactory 24 80No satisfaction 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 80% of employees are

moderately satisfied with the decision given corresponding to grievance. The decision

which is given corresponding to the grievance is accepted happily by the employees. At

least not the extent of problem but to a certain employee has accepted the award and there

is greater productivity.

15. Follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in satisfaction.


Table no: 15

Answers Observation PercentageYes 25 83No 05 17Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, there is a regular follow up to

ensure the right decision that has ended up in satisfaction for 83% of employees.

Employees are not fully satisfied with the regular follow of decision. Employees expect

more transparency in the system.

16. Temporary relief provided until proper decision.


Table no: 16

Answers Observation PercentageYes 05 17No 25 83Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 83% of employees say that no

temporary relief is provided until proper decision. No temporary relief is provided to employees

in most of the grievance, because it may cause adverse effects within organization. But, some

grievances such as, relating to working condition and which matters ones health than temporary

relief is provided.

17. Involvement of committee members in resolving problem.


Table no: 17

Answers Observation PercentageYes 27 90No 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 90% of employees say that

various committee members actively engage in resolving problem. Managers and

employees also believe that performance management system results in frequent

meetings of employee’s and their superior managers which help the managers to get

closer to the employees and know more about them. Performance appraisal also helps the

managers to get more insight about subordinates.

18. Opportunity to take to higher officials.


Table no: 18

Answers Observation PercentageYes 22 73No 08 27Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 73% of employees believe

that, they are given opportunity to take their grievance to higher authority if they are not

satisfied. All such matters which is regarded as major problem in the organization are

given opportunity to take it to higher officials. Certain grievances like fines, leave, safety

appliances, condition of work, etc., can be redressed in lower level only.

19. Feel open to share grievances.


Table no: 19

Answers Observation PercentageYes 27 90No 03 10Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 90% of employees feel open to share

their grievance. Employees feel that, without their grievance solved in time they cannot stay

longer in the organization. They are aware of grievance redressal committee and they have no

fear to express their grievance.


20. Human relation skills of supervisors understanding problem.

Table no: 20

Answers Observation PercentageVery highly skilled 17 57Moderately skilled 12 40Not skilled 01 3Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 57% of employees believe that

their supervisor is very highly skilled human relation skills in understanding problem.

Supervisors are highly talented and they have good problem solving ability and decision making

skills. Employees are satisfied with the decision of the supervisor.


21. Confidentiality of grievance matters.

Table no: 21

Answers Observation PercentageHighly confidential 21 70Not kept confidential 09 30Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 70% employees say that their

matters of grievance are kept highly confidential. Some matters which will affect the employees

and organization as well are kept confidential. Grievances which have no effect are not



22. Procedures for conveying grievance.

Table no: 22

Answers Observation PercentageVery simple 24 80Difficult to utilize 06 20Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 80% of employees believe that the

procedure of conveying grievance is simple and easy. Grievance procedure is simple and easy to

utilize. It has transparency in its utilization.


23. Supervisor action to resolve the problem.

Table no: 23

Answers Observation PercentageHas given authority 22 73Does not have authority 08 27Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 73% of employees say that, the

supervisor has given authority to take action to resolve the problem. Supervisor has taken action

to resolve problem which is not related to management policies and practices.


24. Use of Collective Bargaining process to resolve the disputes.

Table no: 24

Answers Observation PercentageYes 21 70No 9 30Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 70% employee say that, dispute is

resolved through collective bargaining. Collective bargaining process is used when employees

are directly connected with the trade unions to resolve the grievance.


25. Maintenance of records of each grievance.

Table no: 25

Answers Observation PercentageYes 21 70No 9 30Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 70% of employees say that proper

records are maintained on each grievance. Grievances which are resolved at lower levels, there

no records are maintained. Records are maintained of grievances which adversely have effected

both organization and employees.


26. Satisfaction of Grievance Handling Procedure.

Table no: 26

Answers Observation PercentageYes 24 80No 6 20Total Sample Size 30 100


From the analysis of the above table it is clear that, 80% of employees are satisfied with

grievance handling procedure in JK Tyres. Employees are satisfied with their grievance handling


procedure in organization. But those employees concerning grievance of different personality

traits are not satisfied with the grievance handling procedure.






After visiting to the JK tyre and interacting with employees of various departments through

questionnaire, observation and personal interviews which were conducted during the study

period, I tried to know the employees feelings and suggestions regarding grievance handling.

1. 70% of employees are aware of the grievance handling mechanism.

2. 67% of employees are aware of grievance committee meetings.

3. 50% of grievance is communicated with immediate supervisor.

4. 67% of employees redress their grievance with co-worker.

5. 66% of employees agree that the real basis of their problem is identified.

6. 90% of employees say that their grievance is patiently listened by higher authority.

7. 87% of grievance is factual grievance and 10% is disguised and 3% is imaginary

grievance according to employees.

8. 74% employees say that feedback about what is done with their grievance is very often

being informed to them.

9. 57% of employees believe that grievance arise because of difference of opinion, 24%

believe on management policies and practices, 10% on wages, 6% on working condition

and 3% on doubts and fears.


10. 90% of employees say that there is positive and friendly approach during grievance


11. 60% of employees strongly agree that discussion and conference is more important than

executive authority.

12. 64% of employees say Observation technique is used in the organization to identify

grievance, 20% on suggestion boxes, 13% on opinion survey and 3% on exit interview

13. Decision given in correspondence to grievance is moderately satisfied by 80% of


14. 83% say that regular follow up is taken to ensure that right decision is taken.

15. 83% of employees say that no temporary benefit is provided for time being until final


16. 90% of employees say that other committees in company engage in resolving dispute.

17. 73% of employees say that they are given opportunity to take their grievance to higher

authority if they are not satisfied.

18. 90% feel free to share their grievance.

19. 57% of employees say that, there are very highly skilled supervisor who understand the

problem, 40% believes that they are moderately skilled.

20. 70% of employees say that, their grievance matters are kept confidential.

21. 80% of employees say that, the procedure for conveying grievance is very simple.

22. 73% employees say that supervisor has given authority to resolve the problem.

23. 70% of employees say that, the dispute is resolved through collective bargaining.

24. 70% of employees believe that proper records are maintained.

25. 80% of employees are satisfied with grievance handling procedure in JK Tyre.



Suggestions are based on the areas in which the management and HR department should

concentrate more to make the present grievance handling procedure more effective. From the

analysis in JK Tyre, following suggestion is given:

1. The overall process and purpose of grievance handling procedure should be cleared and

well communicated to the employees.


2. It is important to have a regular check on internal working conditions of employees once

in a month.

3. Grievance committees meeting should be formally conducted between the employees and

their line managers. Let this type of meetings be private and uninterrupted at a regular

time interval.

4. Apart from providing best facilities, employees still have a complaint, which is called as

factual grievance, which should be carefully investigated.

5. Management should try to adopt the voluntary arbitration procedure in both MCS and

Non-MCS grievance handling procedure for solving grievance.

6. On the basis of reward given by any redressal committee, the management should take

necessary steps to solve the grievance.

7. Management should provide pre-planned training programs as well as special training if

possible on the demand of the employees for their personal development. This avoids

imaginary and disguised grievance.

8. Management must provide attractive rewards which can satisfy the employees and be

strong enough to motivate the individuals to perform well.

9. The level of trust between employees and system should be increased by encouraging

maximum involvement of employees in management decisions.

10. Management should look on health related factors in organization. As this company is

related with the manufacturing of tyre, more attention should be given on employees

working in those departments.

11. Training and education regarding the existence of grievance handling mechanism in

organization should be given.

12. Temporary relief, not to full extent but to some extent, where employee can have relief.

13. The grievance process must be clear and simple. It must be well-defined. It must conform

to the current legislation without any prejudice.


14. There should not be any delay in the grievance process as it might result into crisis.

15. Regular training must be provided to the supervisors and seniors who involve in this

process so that they can handle effectively.

16. Always try to settle the grievance at the lower level amicably rather than dragging to the

higher levels where it might become more complicated.

17. Conduct the grievance hearing privately. Make necessary changes, if there are any

irregularities in policies and procedures.

18. Keep the entire grievance process confidential. Always make the process win-win.

Identify the grievance and acknowledge the same. Listen carefully to the complainant.

Gather the complete information with facts and figures.

19. Analyze and search for multiple solutions to the grievance and finally select the best

feasible and possible solution and implement the same.

20. Ensure that there is follow-up at each stage for successful grievance procedure.




Human resource is vital in organization, as people are considered as most valuable

asset to the company. Industrial relation, that is relationship between employee and management

relation should be maintained in organization. The main objective of industrial relations is to

maintain and develop good and healthy relations between employees and employers or

operatives and management. Industrial relation is often found poor in industrial organizations

because of grievance. Organization should have sound committees having personnel of expertise

knowledge and skills to solve the problem. By solving the grievance of employees, company can

maintain peace and harmony and contribute to the growth of the organization.

Grievance is all about violation of the contract, practices, rules and

regulations. As human beings are different there is bound to be grievances among employees

leading to conflicts at the workplace. To avert any kind of conflicts within the organization, there

is need for a proper grievance procedure so that the employees feel that their grievances are

addressed and redressed. Proper training should be given to employees with regard to grievance

committees and their mechanism. This leads to development industrial peace and harmony.





(Format of Register to be maintained by People Process Managers)

Format for Register to be maintained by People Managers of BU’s/SSU’s:

Sl. No. Date & time

of receiving



description of


Date & time

of resolving

the grievance


resolved at

which stage



(Format of Centralized Report on Employee Grievance to be published by SSU 5-People


Consolidated Report for the month of:

BU/SSU No. of grievances No. of Grievances

resolved at each stage


BU/SSU Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Total Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Leena P. S., student of MBA-II (HR) from Maharani’s college, Mysore have undertaken the project work titled “Grievance Handling” in your organization, under the guidance of Mr. Krishanaprasad M. S., Sr. Manager-HR and Dr. Noor Afza (Faculty of HRM).

So, I request you to devote some of your precious time and help me in gathering required information for my research by responding the provided questionnaire which would help me in completing my Project successfully.

Note: Please tick () in [ ] of appropriate option.




Employee Name:


(a) Male ( ) (b) Female ( )


(a) 19-25 ( ) (b) 26-30 ( ) (c) 31 & above ( )

Marital status

(a) Married ( ) (b) Unmarried ( )


(a) MCS ( ) (b) Non MCS ( )

Department :


Educational Qualification

(a) Higher secondary ( ) (b) Diploma ( )

(c) Under graduate ( ) (d) Post graduate ( )

(e) others ( )

Length of service rendered in this organization:

(a) 5-10 (b) 20-30

(c) 30-40 (d) others

PART – B:Questionnaire:

1. Are you aware of the various grievance committees that redress the disputes?

(a) Yes (b) No

2. Are you aware of the weekly/monthly meetings of the grievance committees which are being held? (a)Yes (b)No

3. In case the grievance has to be immediately redressed to whom do you communicate?

(a) Immediate superior (b) Department head (c) Grievance committee (d) Others

4. Is there any informal channel to redress your grievance such as

(a) Co-worker (b) Peer (c) If others, please specify

5. Is the real basis of your problem identified?

(a) Strongly agree


(b) Agree (c) Disagree (d) Strongly disagree

6. Does your higher authority listen when your grievance is presented?

(a)Listens patiently (b)Shouts at you (c)Does not listen at all

7. Which type of grievance is more common in the organization?

(a)Factual grievance (b)Imaginary grievance (c)Disguised grievance

8. Are you constantly informed on what is being done about your grievance? (a)Very often being informed (b)Seldom being informed (c)Does not inform at all

9. What are causes for grievance in the organization?

(a) Working condition(b) Difference of opinion(c) Doubts and fears(d) Management policies and practices(e) Wages (f) Others causes

10. Is there a positive and friendly approach during grievance handling?

(a) yes (b) No

11. Do you feel that discussion and conference is given more importance rather than


executive authority? (a) Strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Disagree (d) Strongly disagree

12. Which technique is used to identify grievances?

(a) Exit interview(b) Suggestion boxes(c) Opinion survey(d) Open door policy(e) Observation(f) Others

13. Has the mechanism being followed resolves your grievance? (a) Yes (b) No

14. How do you feel about the decision given corresponding to your grievance? Is it (a)Highly satisfactory

(b)Moderately satisfactory

(c)No satisfaction

15. Is there regular follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in satisfaction?


(a) yes (b) no

16. Is there any temporary relief provided until proper decision is made so that it does not raise any adverse effects within the organization?

(a) Yes (b) no

17. Do the various committee members actively engage in resolving your problem?

(a) yes (b) no

18. If the decision is not satisfactory are you given opportunity to take it to higher officials?

(a) yes (b) no

19. Do you feel open to share your grievances?

(a) yes (b) no

20. Do you feel that the supervisor possesses necessary human relation skills in terms of understanding your problem?

(a)Very highly skilled (b)Moderately skilled (c)Not skilled

21. Are the matters relevant to the grievance kept confidential?

(a)highly confidential (b)Not kept confidential

22. Are the procedures for conveying grievance simple and easy to utilize?

(a)Very simple (b)Difficult to utilize

23. Is the supervisor given authority to take action necessary to resolve the problem?

(a)Has given authority 96

(b)Does not have authority

24. Do they use Collective Bargaining process to resolve the disputes? (a) yes (b) no

25. Are proper records maintained on each grievance? (a) yes (b) no

26. Are you satisfied with Grievance Handling Procedure in your organization? (a) yes (b) no


Vikrant Bias Tyre Plant

Vikrant Radial Tyre Plant


Vikrant OTR Plant

Kankroli Tyre Plant

Banmore Tyre Plant





Author : Dr. P. N. Udaya Chandra


(Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation)

Publication : United publishers

Author : C. S. Venkata Ratnam


Publication : Oxford university press

JK Tyre & Industries ltd Annual Report 2007-2010
