Greetings part2

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Greetings part2

How do you spell your name?

Are you glad (pleased) about getting this new position

at Sony Corp?

Yes, I'm really happy with this Marketing position (job)

It doesn't matter (Never mind), Congratulations!

What a happy occasion!

These are really happy memories!

By the way ...

May I introduce myself?

Mr. Badeken, this is my son Philips

(I'm) glad (pleased) to meet you (informal)

How's your family?

Is your family well?

Give them my kindest regards.

The same as ever.

I'm glad to say they are well.

What's the matter?

You may rely on me.

I am at your disposal.

Kind regards to everybody.

Kisses for the kids.

Some other time.

Thanks for everything

Thank you; You are welcome

Excuse me, I'm in a hurry

Excuse me, please

Really? Indeed?

Of course!


Bless you! (when sneezing)

That's too bad. What a pity!

What a nonsense!

What happened?

What does that mean?

I think (that) ....,

I guess so,

I don't think so

Sorry to trouble you

No problem. It's no trouble at all

That won't do

It's possible

If you only knew!

I doubt whether that's true

When you like, as you like

You acted very wrongly

How embarrasing!

How annoying!

For friends who live in Canada or usually like to go to parties When you open your eyes at 2 PM on Saturday or Sunday, it's high time to say "good morning", after you've closed them and slept for another couple of hours and waked again, then it's time to say "good afternoon", after you have shower, get dressed up, have coffee and notice that it's darkening and you have to go to another party, it's time for "good evening", and eventually, when you feel like your eyes are closing somewhat near 5 AM, then it's time to say "good night".

Miss --> young woman

Mr --> single or married man

Mrs --> married or older woman

Ms --> when you don't know whether you're writing to a man or a woman ( in a case of Letters)

Mr Bush

Miss Fabiola Gardner, Miss Gardner

Mrs Sodi Mrs Riveramelo

I work in a credit union and I tend to use names as much as possible (we get all the members info on our screen). I try and stay away from titles such as Mrs. and Miss. as it can be offensive (ie; if you call someone Mrs. and they're recently divorced or Miss and recently married). Ms. is generally a much more neutral term.

I try and avoid calling people Ma'am as it can offend people (especially if they are relatively young). Lady and gentleman is generally more acceptable (ie; "This lady would like some information on our homeloans). However in a more formal environment (such as a nice restaurant) Ma'am may be appropriate, especially for older woman.

The worst mistake that one can make however is calling someone/group of people "guys"; "Hey guys can I take your order". It sounds vulgar and uneducated (ie: Waiter in a restaurants)

One thing I can tell you for certain that will offend any woman over 30 is to call her "young lady" if you are obviously younger than she is. I've walked out on several sales in the last few years because young salesmen insist on calling me "young lady". It grates on my nerves to even hear those words anymore..........

If I were talking to another employee I think I would say "this customer" is looking for the toilet paper. If I were addressing the customer I would use Ma'am. I'm from the South, so Ma'am is used a lot more than Miss or Madame in my neck of the woods.

Ladies and gentlemen

United Kingdom, Poland:

Title of nobility

In the UK the word (lady) is not used in the singular without name. In this case, just is called Madam (formal situations).

"Ma'am" seems to be the most encompassing term of the ones you listed. Just to be as objective as possible, I usually say "individual" whenever I can, as with phrases like, "This individual would like to know where the paper towels are." A few people may get offended if you call them what they consider to be the wrong thing, but as long as you aren't trying to be insulting, I wouldn't worry about it. In general, "lady" and "gentleman" are

the words to use. Unless the lady in question is age 6 or the gentleman is a toddler. I call people "Ma'am" and "Sir". If they're very young, they get a kick out of it, but they're not offended, not in my experience.

Some people are going to get offended no matter what, so don't worry about them.