Green Team Assembly

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Assembly on green team for non-uniform day

Transcript of Green Team Assembly

Today at KES

102 teachers

Will teach 962 pupils

Around 408 lessons

In 90 classrooms.

16 buses

Brought 665 students

A total of 275 miles to


107 staff cars

Drove to and parked on

our school site

Some travelling over 30


450 computers

and 75 projectors

Will run for a total of

2925 hours.

22 catering staff

Will serve a total of

950 meals.

The whole school is only

on site for 176 days a


But ...

Today the electric that

powers our school

will cost £546.64

The gas that heats out


will cost £261.27

The water we drink and

wash in

will cost £118.35

So ...

While you may feel like a

small fish

In a big pond

Every small change you


results in a big


When multiplied by

everyone in this room.

Strive for change

Make a difference

KES ‘Green Day’ March 23rd 2012


£2 on the day

or A used printer cartridge

taken to Miss Stone in the Design and Technology office before Friday 23rd


You must wear something green.


KES ‘Green Day’ March 23rd 2012

The money raised will be

donated to . .



Environmental Justice foundation

KES ‘Green Day’ March 23rd 2012

Green Promise

We would like each

student in the school to write a green promise on

a ‘post it’ note.

These promise will be displayed as a giant map of the world in the crush


“I will make sure I recycle my coke can today” “I will remind Miss Stone to turn off the projector after our lesson” “I won’t print out four copies of my history homework, and leave them all in IT5”

KES ‘Eco Code’

Our new school Eco Code

Continue to strive towards a more sustainable school, community and

wider world.

Save energy wherever possible by turning off lights, projectors and by

not opening windows while the heating is on.

Before throwing something in the bin, check whether it could be

recycled, reused or repaired.

Try to reduce the amount of paper we use; only print something if it is

totally necessary.

Reduce food waste; only take at lunch what you know you will eat.

Improve the environment of the school site by respecting our

grounds; don’t drop litter.

Saturday 17th March 2012

7:30pm, Doors open at 7pm, in the main hall

King Edward VI School, Wilton Road, SO15 5UQ

£6 Adult £4 Students

Tickets on sale in school

available at reception Lunchtimes in the crush

hall and on KESpay