GREEN MODEL HR · Web viewQ.18 How catalysts increases the rate of reaction? (2) Q.19 Electrolytic...

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Transcript of GREEN MODEL HR · Web viewQ.18 How catalysts increases the rate of reaction? (2) Q.19 Electrolytic...


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 100

Sub: English Time: 03 hrs. SECTION A

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:

Mriganko Shekhar Mukhopadhyay was a fmous and popular writer. A club in Durgapur had invited him to a cultural function in order to felicitate him. He could not get a reserved seat on the train, hence his departure by car. He had left for Durgapur quite early in the morning , soon after a cup of tea. He was now on his way back. He was not one to believe in superstitions and certainly never consulted an alinanac before traveling anywhere.

i. Who was Mrigankoshekhar Mukhopadhyay? (1)ii. Where he supposed to go and why? (1)iii. Do you think he was a superstitious man? Why? (1 ½ )iv. How and when did he leave for Durgapur? (1 ½ )

Or“The frequency with which the facts in the anti biographies and speeches of statesmen are challenged suggests that the world has not yet begin to produce ideal statesmen-men who like poets have the genius of memory and of intellect combined.”

i. What has been said about poets in the paragraph? Have they been praised or criticized? (2)

ii. Who could be called an ideal statesman? (2)iii. Give the meaning of ‘Frequency’ and ‘Intellect’? (1)

Q.2 Read the passage and answer the questions given there under:“Doctors say that most of the diseases are water borne. Today we

don’t have safe drinking water. Ground water is becoming arsenic due to poisonous affluents from the factories and excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers by the farmers. Water bodies are becoming dumping ground for filth and diat. So water is being polluted unscrupulously.” Fill in the blanks from the words and phrases from the paragraph: (1x5=5)i. The __________ mostly come from industries and chemical

fertilizers. ii. We are __________ polluting the water. iii. Water-borne diseases are mostly caused by _________ drinking

water.iv. Our lakes, streams and rivers should not used as _______


Or‘When most people believed in an essentially static and unchanging universe, the question of whether or not it had a beginning was really one of metaphysics or theology. But in 1929, Edwin Hubble made the land mark observation that wherever you look, distant galaxies are moving away from us. In other words, the universe is expanding rapidly. Fill in the blanks with words and phrases from the paragraph:i. There was a belief that universe was _______ and ________.ii. Metaphysics and theology was made to explain the _________ of the

universe. iii. Hubble observed _________ going farther and farther from our galaxy.iv. Hubble did __________ work in cosmology. Q.3 Read these poetry lines and answer the question that follow:

For allThat struck the earth,No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble, Went surely to the cider-apple heapAs of no worth.

i. Why is the poet careful to see that his apples don’t fall to the ground? (2)

ii. What causes bruises and injuries to the fruit?(1)iii. What is the cider-apple heap? (1)iv. Name the poem and poet of these lines? (1)

OrMy mind has foundAn adult peace. No need to rememberThat picnic day when I lay hiddenBy a hedge.

i. Whose mind is referred to by the poet in these lines? (1) ii. What do you understand by ‘adult peace’? Explain (2) iii. What had happened to the poet on the picnic day? (2)Q.4 Read the stanza given and fill in the blanks given at the end:

‘A plump little girl and a thin little birdWere out in the meadows together. ‘How cold that poor little bird must beWith out any clothes like mine,’said she, ‘Although it is sunshining weather?”

i. The little girl was plump ______ the bird was thin. (1) ii. Meadows are ___________. (1 ½ ) iii. The little girl ___________ for the little bird. (1) iv. “The little bird was without ______ said the little girl. (1 ½ )

Or P.T.ODown the street with laughter and shout,Glad in the freedom of school let out, Come the boys like a flock of sheep. Hailing the snow, piled white and deep.

i. The boys were _______ after the school was _______. (2)ii. It was _______ season and there was snow _______ in the streets. (2)iii. ‘come the boys like a flock of sheep’ is a _______ called simili. (1)

SECTION B (LITERATURE)Q.5 Answer any two of the following question in about 100 to 150

words: (2x4=8)a. How did Jimmy’s friend prosperin life? How do you know?b. What major idea is the writer trying to get across to the readers in

this story? How far has he achieved this? (The Sniper) c. Describe Christie Brown as a baby? Why was every one tense in the

room when they saw him attempting to write?Q.6 Describe in about 150-180 words the character sketch of Shahmal or

Mriganko Babu. (1x5=5)Q.7 Answer any four of the following questions briefly: (4x2=8)a. What does the ‘pane of glass’ refer to? What is the poetic device

used in this description? b. What does apple picking refer to? Why has the poet given the poem

this title?c. Why did Christie remain in hospital with out a name for sometime? d. “Throwing words at me like pots and pans” and “the years have sped

along”. What figures of speech have been used in these two expressions? (Punishment in Kindergarten)

e. Give the examples of ‘sound’ and ‘visual’ imagery from punishment in kindergarten?

f. Do you think people use double talk very often? Give the examples of double talk from the poem ‘once upon a time’?

Q.8 Explain with reference to the context the following extracts: (one from prose and one from poetry)

a. Most of us, I fear, are born with prosaically efficient memories. If it were not so the institution of family could not survive in any great modern city.

Or‘How old is the bridge’? He does not know. It is as if it had always been there like the stupas, like the small wayside shrines. The spirit of Ladakh has changed it into a shrine, an object of worship.


‘Do you know what happened to me after I left’? he now asked. I never worked anywhere else. I couldn’t, because I fell ill. I got dropsy, and it became serious. But I had no money to go to a doctor, or buy medicine, or even eat properly. I never recovered”. b. My mind has found an adult peace,

No need to remember that picnic day, When I lay hidden by a hedge.

OrSo show me, son how to laugh; Show me how I used to laugh and smileOnce upon a time when I was like you.

OrFor all that struck the earth, No matter if not bruisted or spiked with stubblewent surely to the cide-apple heap, As of no worth.

Q.9 Objective type questions: a. Give one word for: ( ½ x 2=1)1. One who leaves his country to settle elsewhere ___________2. One who dislike other people _____________b. Choose the correct meanings of:

1. Muzzle: a. the sudden backward movement. b. the open end of a given barrel. c. a loud noise of a shot.

2. Reeling: a. a trick intended to deceive someone.b. crying loudlyc. moving from side to side, as if about to fall.

SECTION CQ.10 Study the following clues and expand them into an article of 200-250

words: (5)Global warming- Drastic climatic changes- A severe threat to the planet-precautionary measures taken by different countries to fight the problem. OrMan verses woman- wheels of life’s vehicle-incomplete with other-Man took to dominance from the beginning-Now woman also gaining importance-Educate them-Give them responsibility and respect their love, patience, coolness keeps them above man.

Q.11 You are head-boy of the school. Write a letter to the principal of you school requesting him to take care of the cleanliness of toilets and classes and developing the playground. (5)

Or P.T.O

Your school is arranging Annual Day Function on 1st October 2011. Write a letter to your friend who is in Jammu, inviting him to attend the function.

Q.12 Read the following paragraph carefully and make notes, and also give it a title. (5)A loud and powerful blast of a high density bomb hidden in a briefcase on Wednesday ripped through a crowded reception for passes outside the main gate of Delhi High Court, barely a km from the Parliament House, leaving 11 dead and 70 wounded, with the possible bomber also among them. The deadliest attack in the capital in nearly three years came at 10:14 am just 16 minutes before the court assembled. N/A has taken up the investigation.

OrYou are the sniper who killed his brother like friend. Write a diary entry of your feelings for civil war and the day’s events. Talk about your plans for the future. (Diary entry)

Q.13 Imagine you have been to Jaie in Bhaderwah for picnic and suddenly you find your old friend there. Write a short dialogue on what was exchanged between you and him/her. (5)

OrSend a news report on Heavy rainfall in Doda yesterday. Its damages and devastations.

Q.14 You plan to sell your car. Write an advertisement of 40-50 words to be published in the local daily as classified column giving all necessary details of the car. (3)

OrDraft a poster announcing sale of readymade garments at ‘Hatrick’ New Bus Stand from ________ to ________. Discount- 40%. Lottery on the last day. Bills beyond Rs. 1000/- shall get a lottery ticket.

Q.15 Write an e-mail to your ailing friend in hospital, expressing your inability to visit him there. (2)

OrWrite an SMS to your friend asking him some money.

SECTION DQ.16a. Using appropriate forms of the verbs, complete the given below

sentences: (4)i. Be careful, lest somebody ________ your pocket. (pick)ii. He _________ here for the past five years. (Work)iii. He _________ asleep while he was driving home. (fall)

iv. The patient had died before the doctor _________. (come)b. Change voice: (4)i. Call in the first witness. ii. English was taught to HSP II by Mr. Robert. iii. He invited his friend to the party. iv. Don’t laugh at the poor and needy. c. Change the narration: (4)i. He said, “Will you listen to such a man?”ii. The speaker said, “Be quiet and listen to my words.” iii. “My sons,” said he, “a great treasure lies hidden the estate I am

about to leave you.”v. They shouted, “Hurrah! We have won the match.”d. Do as directed: (4)i. I have a black colour car. (change into complex sentence)ii. My friend derives a car which belongs to his uncle. (Make simple)iii. Two and two make four. (Make complex)iv. Ravi was wearing a heavy golden chain. (Make compound)e. Combine the following pairs of sentences, turning one of them into a

phrase as shown in the example: (3)Example: Mine was a difficult birth. Both mother and son almost died.

Mine being a difficult birth, both mother and son almost died. i. A whole army of relation queued up outside the hospital until the sm

all hours of the morning. They waited for the news. ii. Doctors examined me. They then labeled me a very interesting but

also a hopeless case. iii. I took the chalk out of my sister’s hand. I made a wild sort of

scribble with it on the state. f. Fill in the pronouns: (3)i. Look at the little kitten MAYON washing ______ in the stream. ii. I want you to talk to the principal _______. iii. Lonely people often talk to ________.

(Paper Setter: Sh. Gh. Abbas Zargar)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th M.M: 100 Sub: English Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION AQ.1 Read the following poem carefully:

In childhood, I stood alone in my courtyardAnd waves of our brought the sound of cymbalsWe regret that the days gone by do not returnHow to call back times past and gone!

From perusal of above extract, complete the following paragraph: (3)i. The poet recalls the days of his __________. He remembers how he used to

stand alone in __________. The __________ would bring the sound of ___________ being rung somewhere. The poet feels sad that, the days gone by ___________. He finds no way to _________ that are past and gone.

ii. There are some suggestions from the above stanza. Write the suggestion in your own words what the poet wanted to express? (3)

Q.2 Read the given extract and answer the questions: My house was namedThe house of the flowers, because everywheregeraniums exploded; it wasa beautiful housewith dogs and little children.

i. What was the poet’s house called? (2)ii. Describe his house briefly? (2)iv. Give the meanings of the following words:

a. geranium b. exploded (1)Q.3 Read the passage:

In the disguise of a serving man, all his greatness and pomp laid aside, this good earl proffered his services to the king, who, not knowing him to be kent in that disguise, but pleased with a certain plainness or rather bluntness in his answers, which the early put on (so different from that smooth oily flattery which he had so much reason to be sick of, having found the effects not answerable in his daughter), a bargain was quickly struck and lear took kend into his service by the name of caius as he called himself, never suspecting him to be his once great favourite, the high and mighty earl of kent. i. Match the words in Column A wither their antonyms in column B:

Column A Column BPleased EverMighty RoughNever PainedSmooth Weak ( ½ x4=2)

ii. Fill in the blanks: ( ½ x 4=2)

a. ‘This good earl’ in the second line refers to ____________.b. He disguised himself as a servant and named himself ________.c. He loved _________ so much that he was ready to riste his life in order

to help him. d. But he was _________ for his honesty, faithfulness and

straightforwardness. Q.4 Read the following passage and complete the following:

At Pappachi’s funeral, Mammachi cried and her contact lenses slid around in her eyes, Ammu told the twins that she loved him. She was used to having him slouching around the pickle factory, and was used to being beaten from time to time, amazing the kind of things that could get used to. You only had to look around you, Ammu said, to see that beatings with brass vases were the least of them.

i. Pick out from the passage the words which means the following: (3)a. Smallest in size b. Wept c. astounding

ii. Fill in the blanks: (1x2=2)a. Ammu told her _________ all about Pappachi and Mammachi. b. Mammachi _________ a lot at the death of her husband.

SECTION BQ.5 You are Rahul, captain of the Interact Club of your school. You intend to

organize a snack bar on the Sports Day of your school. The proceeds of the sale will go for charity. You put up a notice on the notice board of your school calling for a meeting to discuss the same. Draft the voice giving all the details in not more than 50 words. Put up the notice in the box. (4)

Q.6 Mr. Kulbir Singh went on a tour during summer vacations. His friend Mr. Gh. Nabi wanted to know all about his tour. Complete the dialogue between Mr. Kulbir and Mr. Gh. Nabi in any suitable way.

Mr. Gh. Nabi : When _________?Mr. Kulbir : I went on the tour on Monday.Mr. Gh. Nabi : How many __________?Mr. Kulbir : We were twenty boys.Mr. Gh. Nabi : ____________________?Mr. Kulbir : Mr. Ramesh Butt was the incharge of the tour.Mr. Gh. Nabi : ________________ for shimla? Mr. Kulbir : We left for shimla by bus. Mr. Gh. Nabi : ___________ stay there?Mr. Kulbir : We stayed there for four days.Mr. Gh. Nabi : Where else _____________ ?Mr. Kulbir : We also went to see Dhlosee area. (4)

Q.7 Write a letter to the Editor of ‘Kashmir Times’ in about 150 words on the need to make awareness among people about the consequences of the ruthless practice of cutting trees. (5)

OrWrite an application to your Headmaster for allowing to go on one day picnic to Patnitop.

Q.8 Write an essay with given information about the topic: (7) P.T.O

Scarcity of clean Drinking water in the country:Clean water not available……..women seen in folk to fetch drinking water……. contaminated water……. Good health…..due to climate change…..judicial use of water……. preservation of valuable source of water.

SECTION CQ.9i. Comment on the character sketch of King Lear. (5)ii. What were the common things between Ghosh and Shahid? What were the

things that Shahid loved? (2 ½ x2 =5)Q.10 What are the pupils regarded as? Why has the teacher failed to ‘haul them

and urge them’ any more? (4)Q.11 Read the stanza of the poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ and identify

the poetic devices used in the poem. (6)…….Belinda giggled till she shook the house,And Blink said wreck! Which is giggling for a mouse,Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,When custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Q.12 Keeping in view the theme of the story ‘Out of Business’ , do you think that short cut methods should be followed in life? Why ? (5)

Q.13 How did the coachman persuade his master to employ Gerasim? Why was master reluctant to disengage the old servant? (5)

Q.14 What according to Gortsby was the weak point of the young man’s story? (5)SECTION D

Q.15i. Change the voice of the following sentences: ( ½ x4= 2)a. Keep it a secret b. God be thanked c. Good boys do not tell lies. d. Stop writingii. Correct the sentences: ( ½ x4 = 2)

a. It is bitter cold today.b. These news are amazing.c. I have many works to do.d. Raja’s is laid down with fever.

iii. Change the narration of the following: (1x2=2)a. The teacher said, “the first Battle of Panipat was fought ion 1526”b. He said, “May you live long”!

iv. Rearrange of jumble words: ( ½ x 6=3)a. the/the/deserve/alone/brave/fair.b. In the streets/Krishna suddenly/himself/found.c. little compassion/on my nerves/have a. d. clear/bright and/tenth May/dawned. e. Akbara was married/fourteen years old/Lodi was/when.f. high respect/a/I have/your nerves/for.

v. Fill in with suitable articles: ( ½ x2=1)

On Monday I saw ______ European riding on _______ Fill in the blanks with appropriate models given: ( ½ x 2=1)

a. _______ I consist you? (shall/will/would)b. I said I _______ do it. (can/could/ought)

vii. Punctuate the following: ( 3 )no matter what the question shahid worked poetry into his answer. Finally the exasperated women asked are you carrying anything that could be dangerous to the other passengers at this shahid clapped a hand to his chest and cried only my heart

viii. Gulshan gave some clothes for dry cleaning. His suit was spoiled. He went to the dry cleaner and made the complaint. Complete the dialogue between Gulshan and the Dry cleaner in any suitable way:Dry cleaner : Do you want to get your suit dry-cleaned?Gulshan : No, I have some ____________ . Dry cleaner : _____________ your suit. Gulshan : It has been completely spoiled.Dry cleaner : ________________?Gulshan : I bought it last month.Dry cleaner : Who do you think __________?Gulshan : You alone are responsible for this damage.Dry cleaner : What can I __________?

ix. Recall the story of King Lear (P-II) and complete the following statements with words/phrases: ( ½ x3 =6)

a. The two families of Verona were ____________. b. The two families were rich and honoured but their internal relations

were ___________.c. Lates cause of the brawl was _____________. d. Benvolio was panting because ____________.e. The cause of Romeo’s ache was __________.f. The precious teasure was ________________.

x. Match the following: ( ½ x 4=2)i. come to rest : a. be inclined to; wishii. to have the heart: b. stop.iii. file in: c. diminishing.iv. fast melting: d. March in one behind the other.

xi. Join each pair of sentence using a Relative Clause: ( 1x3 = 3)a. This is the path. He came by this path. b. Coal is found in Bengal. It is a very useful mineral. c. This is the house. Jack built it.

(Paper Setter Sh. Kismat Singh)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 70

Sub: Physics Time: 03 hrs. SECTION A

Long answer type questions:Q.1 Derive Lens makers formula in case of double convex lens. Write

down the sign conventions and assumptions used? (5)Or

With the help of ray diagram, illustrate the formation of the final image of an object in compound microscope. Derive expressions for magnifying power. How it can be increased?

Q.2 Derive conditions for maxima & minima due to interference of light? (5)Or

Derive an expression for the width of the central maxima for diffraction of light at a single slit. How does this width change with increase in width of the slit?

Q.3 Discuss Davision & Germer’s Experiment? (5)Or

Derive Einstein’s Photo-electric equation. Explain the laws of photo-electric effect on it?

Q.4 What is amplifier? Discuss common emitter amplifier for npn transistor with current gain and voltage gain? (5)

OrDescribe junction transistor and Explain its use as Oscillator?

SECTION BShort answer type questions: (3 marks each)Q.5 Prove that μ = sin i / sin r on the basis of Huygen’s principle.Q.6 Derive de-broglie wave equation for matter. Also derive it for an

electron of mass m and accelerated by potential V. Q.7 Draw Binding energy per nuclear graph & Explain nuclear fission &

fusion on the basis of it?Q.8 With the help of circuit diagram Explain how diodes can be used as

full wave rectifier? Q.9 What is modulation? Why we need for modulation? Q.10 A semiconductor has equal electron & hole concentration of 6x108m-3. On doping with a

certain impurity, electron concentration increases to 8x1012m-3:

i. Identify the new semiconductor obtained after doping?ii. Calculate the new hole concentration? and iii. How does the energy gap vary in the doping?Q.11 Find the binding energy per nuclear of 3Li7 nuclens. Given mass

of proton = 1.00782 a.m.u & mass of 3Li7 = 7.01599 a.m.u. Q.12 A double concave lens of glass of refractive index 1.6 has radii of

curvature of 40cm & 60cm. Calculate its focal length in air & also calculate power of lens.

SECTION CVery Short answer type questions: (2 marks each)Q.13 Give truth table & logic symbol of AND gate?Q.14 The angle of minimum deviation for a prism of π/3 is π/6. Calculate

the refractive index of material of prism?Q.15 Calculate the angular momentum of electron in Bohr’s Hydrogen atom

whose energy is -3.4eV. Find also the radius of that particular orbit? Q.16 Draw a labeled ckt. diagram for an amplitude modulator. Q.17 Explain the formation of colours in a rainbow?Q.18 Half life of radium is 1620 years. Calculate the decay constant of radium? Q.19 Why is the conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor increased even at

low temperature with addition of impurity to it? Q.20 In the following ckt. which of the diodes is forward biased & which

is reversed biased. Why?

SECTION DObjective type questions: (one mark each)Q.21 Name the three components of basic communication system?Q.22 The longest wavelength emitted balmer series is obtained when

electron jumps from ________ orbit to _______ orbit. Q.23 The current gain in common emitter transistor configuration is 15.

Find collector current if base current is 10 μA. Q.24 If young’s double slit experiment performed in water then what

happen to fringe width? Q.25 At zero kelun temperature, what is the nature of semiconductor? Q.26 Why clouds are generally white? Q.27 What is the effect of frequency on photo-electric current in photo-

electric effect? Q.28 What is the radius of nuclens of mass no. 27? Q.29 Who discovered transistor? Q.30 Sky wave propagation is not possible for waves having frequency

greater than 30 MHz. Explain.

(Paper setter Sh. Ajayjeet)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks of each questions are given ahead.

Q.1 Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your answer book: (1x6=6)

i. The number Π is:a. A rational number b. An irrational numberc. Both a & b c. None of these

ii. The nth term of an A.P is 3n – 8. Is the pattern of numbers, so formed, in A.P? If so, its 16th term is:

\ a. – 40 b. 40c. 24 d. – 24

iii. The sum of the roots 3x2 + 6x-5 = 0 is:a. 3 /6 b. 6/3c. 2 3 d. – 2 3

iv. All circles are:a. Similar b. Congruent c. Both a & b d. None of these

v. If in two triangles ABC and DEF AB/EF = AC/FD = BC/ED then ∆ABC a. ∆DEF b. ∆EDFc. ∆DFE d. ∆EFD

vi. Two inconsistent linear simultaneous equations will have:a. one solution b. two solutionsc. no solution d. infinite solutions

Q.2 The cost of 2kg of apples and 1 kg of grapes on a day was found to be Rs. 160. After a month, the cost of 4kg of apples and 2kg of grapes is Rs. 300. Represent this situation algebraically. (2)

Q.3 Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of: 135 & 225 (2)Q.4 Which term of the A.P: 3,8,13,18…………. is 78? (2)Q.5 Find the LCM and HCF of 336 and 54 and verify that

LCMxHCF=Product of two numbers? (4)Q.6 Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the cube of any positive

integer is of the form 9m,9m+1 or 9m+8. (4)

Q.7 Find the HCF and LCM of 6, 64 and 120, suing the prime factorization method? (4)

Q.8 Find all the zeroes of 2n4 – 3x3 – 3x2 + 6x – 2, if you know that two of its zeroes are 2 and - 2 (4)

Q.9 The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 9. Also, nine times this number is twice the number obtained by reversing the order of the digits. Find the number. (4)

Q.10 Find the two numbers whose sum is 27 and product is 182. (4)Q.11 Sum of the areas of two squares is 468m2. If the difference of their

perimeters is 24m. Find the sides of the two squares. (6)Or

Is it possible to design a rectangular park of perimeter 80m and area 400m2? If so find its length and breadth.

Q.12 The sum of the 4th and 8th terms of an A.P is 24 and the sum of 6 th

and 10th terms is 44. Find the first three terms of the A.P. (6)Q.13 If the sum of first 7 terms of an A.P is 49 and that of 17 terms is 289,

find the sum of first n terms. (6)Or

The first and last terms of an A.P are 17 and 350 respectively. If the common difference is 9, how many terms are there and what is their sum?

Q.14 The diagonals of a quadrilateral ABCD intersect each other at the point O such that AO/BO = CO/DO. Show that ABCD is a trapezium. (6)

OrA girl of height 90cm is walking away from the base of a lamp-post at a speed speed of 1.2m/s. If the lamp is 3.6m above the ground, find the length of her shadow after 4 seconds.

Q.15 For which value of K will the following pair of linear equations have no solution: 3x + y = 1

(2k – 1) x + (k – 1)y = 2k + 1Or (6)

For which values of a and b does the following pair of linear equations have an infinite number of solutions:

2x + 3y = 7(a – b)x + (a + b)y = 3a + b – 2

Q.16 Divide the polynomial p (x) by g (x). P (x) = x5 – 4x3 + x2 + 3x + 1 , g (x) = x3 – 3x + 1

Or (6)Find the zeroes of 6x2 – 3 – 7x and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficient.

Q.17 Solve the following pairs of equations by reducing them to a pair of linear equations: (7) P.T.O

10 / x+y + 2 / x – y = 415 / x+y – 5 / x – y = - 2

Or1 / 3x+y + 1 / 3x-y = 3/41 / 2(3x+y – 1 / 2(3x-y) = -1/8

Q.18 Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding sides. (7)

OrIn a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Q.19 In an equilateral triangle ABC, D is a point on side BC such that BD = 1/3BC. Prove that 9AD2 = 7AB2 (7)

OrIf the areas of two similar triangles are equal, prove that they are congruent.

Q.20 ( 3 ½ + 3 ½ = 7)i. Solve the following pair of linear equations by the substitution

method:s – t = 3 and 5/3 + t/2 = 6

ii. Solve by elimination method: x + y = 5 and 2x – 3y = 4

(Paper setter Sh. Amarjeet)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Chemistry M.M: 70

Instructions:Q.1 to Q.8 carry one mark each and are very short answer type.Q.9 to Q.18 carry two marks each and are short answer type.Q.19 to Q.27 carry three marks each. Answer should be in 30-40 words.Q.28 to Q.30 carry five marks each. Q.1 Write the general electronic configuration of transition elements?Q.2 Write the I.U.P.A.C name of the

CO (NH3) 4 (H2o) cl cl2

Q.3 Which of the following does not exist:a. xeof4 b. NeF4 c. xeF2

Q.4 Tyndall effect in colloidal solution is due to _______ of light.Q.5 Which of the following has highest dipolemoment:

a. CH2cl2 b. CHcl3 c. CCl4

Q.6 Arrange the following with increasing acidity:

Q.7 Arrange the following in the order of decreasing basic strength:Anilin, p-Toluidine, o-Toluidine, ammonia.

Q.8 Arrange the following compounds in order of their boiling point:CH3CHO, CH3CH2OH, CH3OCH3, CH3CH2CH3

Q.9 Explain Markoniv-off rule. Complete the reaction:CH2CH=CH2 + HI H2O2

Q.10 Give reason why alkyl halides are more reactive than aryl halides?Q.11 Write Williamson’s synthesis with example?Q.12 Out of aldehyde and Ketones. Which are more reactive towards

muleophilic Addition reaction and why?Q.13 Write the I.U.P.A.C name of:

Q.14 Complete the reactions:a. CH3cocl + H2 b.

Q.15 How can you convert 2 – Bromopropene to propene? OrWrite Saytzett’s rule?

Q.16 Why H2o is liquid where as H2s is gas, although both are the hydrides of same group?

Q.17 Write of hybridisation of Ni in Ni(CN)4 2- and its magnetic behaviour.Q.18 Why Zn, Cd, Hg are not considered as transition elements?Q.19 Give reason Transition elements shows variable oxidation

state. Why +3 oxidation state is more stable than +2 oxidation state for Iron?

Q.20 Write the structure and hybridisation of xeF2 or xeoF4

Q.21 Why does NH3 forms hydrogen bond where as PH3 does not?Q.22 Write the structure of S6?Q.23 Explain with diagram freundlickadsorption isotherm?

OrExplain the process Electrophoresis in colloidal solution?

Q.24 Write the characteristics of Enzyme calalysis. Q.25 Write the examples of:

a. Aldol condensation b. Koble’s reactionOr

Explain Name reactiona. Canizaroo’s reaction b.Wurtz reaction c. friedal craft reaction

Q.26 Explain the bonding in metal Carbonyl’s.Or

Explain C.F.T in co-ordination compounds. Q.27 Explain Brownian movement in colloidal solution and its significance?Q.28 What is Lanthanodies contraction. Write its consequences?

OrHow atomic radii of transition elements varies along periods? Explain in detail.

Q.29 Justify the position of O,S,Se,Te,Po in the same group of the periodic table in terms of electronic configuration. Oxidation state and hydrides formation.

Q.30 Write fehling solution and silver mirror test with examples. Or

a. Write carbylamine reaction and its uses.

b. How can you distinguish between secondary and tertiary alcohol by suing lucas reagent.

(Paper setter Sh. Ravinder Singh)GREEN MODEL HR. SEC. SCHOOL DODA

GOLDEN TEST NO. INew Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme

Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Science M.M: 100

SECTION A (Physics)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 With the help of a well labeled diagram explain the constructions and working of human eye? (6)

OrForm the image in case an object is moved from infinity to the concave mirror.

Short answer type questions:Q.2 What is Ohm’s law? How can it be verified? (4)

OrWhat is the resultant resistance when number of resistors are connected in parallel?

Q.3 Describe a solar cooker? Give its advantages. (2+2=4)Or

What are disadvantages of fossil fuels? Why we are looking at alternative sources of energy?

Q.4 An object 4.0cm in size is placed 25.0cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 15.0cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in order to obtain sharp image? Find the nature and size of the image.


A person is unable to read a book properly. From which defect is he suffering? How to correct this defect?

Very short answer type questions:Q.5 Distinguish between real and virtual image in a lens? (2)Q.6 Define electric current and give its S.I unit? (2)Q.7 What is LPG? Why is it called a good fuel? (2)

Multiple choice questions:Q.8 (1x4=4)i. Curvature of a plane glass is:

a. Zero b. infinityc. finity d. of any value

ii. Accommodation of normal eyes is from:a. 20cm to infinity b. 1m to 3mc. 15cm to 1m d. 5cm to 15cm

iii. Filament of electric bulb is made up of:a. Tungsten b. Copperc. Silver d. Tin

iv. Gobar gas is:a. having high calorific value b. foul smelling gasc. sweet smelling gas d. useless

SECTION B (Chemistry)Long answer type questions:

Q.9 How is chemical equation balanced? Discuss with the help of an example. (6)

OrCompare and contrast Mendeleev’s and Modern Periodic Table?

Short answer type questions:Q.10 Give difference between Displacement reaction and Double

Displacement reaction? (4)Or

Give difference between Exothermic and Endothermic reactions?Q.11 Define Dobereiner’s Traids? Write limitations of Dobereiner’s

classification. (4)Or

How the nature of the element can be known by its position in the Periodic Table?

Q.12 Describe limitations of Newland’s laws? (4)Or

Define corrosion? How it can be prevented? Very short answer type questions:

Q.13 Name four elements with filled outer most shell? (2)Q.14 Why do you think the noble gases are placed in separate groups? (2)Q.15 Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air? (2)

Multiple choice questions:Q.16 (1x4=4)i. Number of elements present in the third period of the periodic table is:

a. 18 b. 3 c. 8 d. 32ii. Which is not a halogen?

a. Ar b. Cl c. Br d. Iiii. Rancidity occurs when oils and fats are:

a. Oxidised b. Reduced

c. Decomposed d. None iv. Metal more reactive than zinc is:

a. Magnesium b. Copperc. Silver d. Iron

SECTION C (Biology)Long answer type questions:

Q.17 Describe Heterotrophic Mode of Nutrition. (6)Or

Describe structure and function of Neuron.Short answer type questions:

Q.18 Write note on plant hormones. (4)Or

Define Reflex action with suitable examples.Q.19 Draw and label the diagram of Human Brain. (4)

OrDraw and label the diagram of Human Digestive System.

Q.20 Describe transport of oxygen in Human beings. (4)Or

Define digestion. Describe digestion of food in stomach.Very short answer type questions:

Q.21 Define: i. Parthenocarpy ii. Dormancy (1+1=2)Q.22 What are the functions of Blood? (2)Q.23 Write role of xylem and phloem in plants. (2)

Multiple choice questions:Q.24 (1x4=4)i. Lymph lacks:

a. Erythrocytes b. Platelets c. Plasma protein d. All of these

ii. Urine leaves the kidney by way of:a. Urethra b. Collecting ductc. Renal vein d. Ureter

iii. Vasopressin and oxytocin are secreted by:a. Anterior Pituitary b. Adneral c. Kidney d. Posterior Pituitary

iv. Man has cranial nerves:a. 6 pairs b. 20 pairs c. 10 pairs d. 12 pairs

(Paper setter Sh. Kismat Singh)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Biology (Botany+Zoology) M.M: 70

SECTION A (Botany)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Describe the structure and chemical composition of Deoxyribonuclic acid (DNA). (5)

OrDefine Genetic code. Describe the processes of translation (protein synthesis).

Q.2 Describe the development of embry formation in Angiospermic plants. (5)

OrExplain the Mendeh’s laws of inheritance with suitable examples.

Short answer type questions:Q.3 What is monohybrid cross. Describe it with examples. (3)Q.4 Write a short note on pleiotropy with suitable examples. (3)Q.5 Define the multiple gene and alleles. (3)Q.6 Define double fertilization? Give its importance. (3)

Very short answer type questions:Q.7 What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? (2)Q.8 How many characters were considered by Mendel in his experiments? (2)Q.9 Verify the ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 in dihybrid cross? (2)Q.10 Write down the characteristic features of Genetic code? (2)

SECTION B (Zoology)Long answer type questions:

Q.11 What is gametogensis? Describe the processes of Spermatogensis with diagram. (5)

OrDescribe the development of a mammal up to the formation of three germ layer.

Q.12 Describe the chromosomal theory of sex determination? Does Hormones play a role for development of sex? (5)


Explain the inheritance pattern of colour blindness and Hamophilia diseases.

Short answer type questions:Q.13 Describe the process of fertilization in Human Beings. (3)Q.14 What will happen if nterstitial cells of testes are destroyed? (3)Q.15 Distinguish between Blastula and gastrula? (3)Q.16 Match the entires correctly under Section A with Section B: (3)

SECTION A SECTION Ba. Excessive swelling due to blockade a. Female Anopheles Of lymph vessels of feet & legs:b. Perodic fever followed by sweating b. W. Bancrofli and shivering:c. Malaria is transmitted by bite of: c. Plasmodium

Very short answer type questions:Q.17 Discuss the orgasm in case of female. (2)Q.18 The number of sperms produced are always more than the number of

eggs produced. Why? (2)Q.19 What is clitoris? (2)Q.20 What is cloning? Write down its application. (2)

Objective/One word answer type questions:Q.21 Write the full form of STD? (1)Q.22 Give the examples of Multiple alleles? (1)Q.23 Write the scientific name of Honey Bee? (1)Q.24 mRMA formed from DNA is called________? (1)Q.25 How many Base pairs are present in Human geneme? (1)

(Paper setter Sh. Amit Charak)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: S.Studies M.M: 100

SECTION A (History)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Explain why the Industrial Revolution encouraged Western

Imperialism in Asia and Africa during the 19th Century? (8)Or

What is meant by the Paris Commune? Describe the circumstances which led to its rise and fall?

b. What were the effects of First world war on Germany? (8)Or

What is meant by the term ‘Axis power’? Short answer type questions:

Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. Explain the term ‘Sphere of influence’ Or ‘Extra territorial rights’.

(4)b. What were the causes of the Russian Revolution? (4)

OrDiscuss the impact of the Russian Revolution on the world?

c. Give objectives of the formation of League of Nation? (4)Or

Describe briefly the effects of imperialist rivalries. d. Describe briefly the beginning second world war. (4)

OrDescribe briefly the formation of United Nations.

Very short answer type questions:Q.3a. i. when second world war was started?

ii. Who was the leader of Fascism in Italy? (1+1=2)b. Who were Christian Missionaries? (2)

Objective type questions:Q.4 Choose the correct answer out of four given choices: (1x4=4)

a. Who established the two colonies of Órange Free state’and ‘Transwall’:i. Dutch ii. Britishersiii. French iv. Portuguese

b. When Kerensky government collapsed due to its unpopularity:i. November 1917 ii. August 1917iii. December 1917 iv. September 1917

c. Who used Tank in First world war:i. Britishers ii. Dutchiii. German iv. French

d. When Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany:i. 30 January, 1933 ii. 25 January, 1933iii. 3 February, 1933 iv. 27 January, 1933

SECTION B (Geography)Long answer type questions:

Q.1a. Write short note on the following:

i. Soil erosion ii. Land conservation measures. (8)Or

Write a note on the importance of forests. b. Distinguish between:

i. Rabi & Kharif crops ii. Dry & Wet agriculture. (8)Or

What is the importance of Cotton? Explain the conditions of growth and areas of production of cotton and Jute in India?

Short answer type questions:Q.2a. State the geographical conditions favouring Agriculture in India.

Or (4)Write the characteristics of Alluvial soils.

b. What is deforestation? What are its disadvantages? (4)Or

Name the importance of National Parks and Wild life sanctuaries in the state of J&K.

c. Name two types of Fisheries. Name a fresh water fish in J&K. Or (2+2=4)

What is shifting farming? Name two fibre crops in India.d. What is bio-reserve? Give two examples. (4)

Or‘Economic development depends upon great extent on management of resources’. Explain.

Very short answer type questions:Q.3 a. When was National Forest Policy introduced? What is its main aim? (2)b. Name a world famous variety of apple grown in Kashmir and also

name one cash crop in J&K State. (1+1=2) P.T.OObjective type questions:

Q.4 Choose most correct answer out of four choices: (1x4=4)a. How much land is cultivated in India?

i. 46% ii. 75%iii. 40% iv. 49%

b. Which is the main source of irrigation in India:i. Canals ii. Tanksiii. Wells iv. Tube wells

c. On which river is Nagarjuna Sagar Dam built:i. Krishna ii. Mahanadiiii. Cauvery iv. Tungbhadra

d. Black soils are largely found in:i. Maharashtra ii. Utter Pradeshiii. Orissa iv. Rajasthan

SECTION C (Civics)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Describe the various steps in the election process. (8)

OrWrite note on advantages and disadvantages of Bi-party system.

Short answer type questions:Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. Examine the significance of Opinion polls. (4)

OrWhat are the differences between direct and indirect democracy?

b. Write any four features of Indian Electoral system. (4)Or

Write the function of Opposition?Very short answer type questions:

Q.3 What kind of party system does India have? (2)Objective type questions:

Q.4 Choose correct answer out of four choices:a. Indian National congress was started in:

i. 1885 ii. 1785iii. 1685 iv. 1917

b. Total constituencies in India are:

i. 543 ii. 575iii. 287 iv. 502

(paper setter Sh. Kismat Singh)

cQ.2 Using the propertie of determinant, prove that:

1 x x2

x2 1 x = (1 – x3) 2

x x2 1Or

For the matrix A = 1 1 1 Show that A3–6A2+ 5A+11.I3=0 1 2 -3 Hence find A-1

2 -1 3Q.3 (x – a) 2 + (y – b) 2 = c2 for some c > 0, prove that:

1 + (dy/dx) 2 3/2

d2y/dx2 is constant and independent of a&b

OrDiscuss the continuity of cosine, cosecant, scant and cotangent functions:

Q.4 Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the hyperbola:x2/a2 – y2/b2 = 1 at the point (xo, yo )

OrShow that all the rectangle’s inscribed in a given fixed circle the square has the maximum area.

Q.5 Evaluate: I = x

(x-1) (x-1) (x+2)


I = log (1+cosx)dx

Short answer type questions: (Each question carry 4 marks)

Q.6 Find the maximum area of an isosceles inscribed in the ellipse x2/a2

+ y2/b2 = 1 when its vertex at one & of the major axis. Q.7 Integrate: tan-1 ( 1-x/1+x ) dxQ.8 Let A&B be set’s. Show that AxB BxA, such that (a,b) = (b,a)

is bijective function. Q.9 Show that : -1,1 R given by f(x) = x/x+2, x = -2 is one-one.

Find the inverse of the function : -1,1 Range .

Q.10 Prove that tan-1x + cat-1 x = / 2 , x RQ.11 Find 1/2 (A+A ) and 1/2 (A – A ) when A = o a b

-a o c -b -c o

Q.12 Prove that: 1 a a2

1 b b2 = (a – b) (b – c ) (c – a )1 c c2

Q.13 Find all the pt.’s of discontinuity of :f (x) = x/ x if x < 0

-1 if x > 0Q.14 Prove that the function f (x) = x-1 , x R is not differentiable at x=1Q.15 Find the integral’s of Sin3 (2x+1) or Cos42x

Very short answer type questions: (Each question carry 2 marks)Q.16 Show that the relation R in R defined as R = (a,b) : a < b , is

reflexive and transitive but not symmetric. Q.17 Evaluate: Sin-1 (Sin 3 /4)Q.18 Find X+Y = 7 0

2 5 & X-Y = 3 0 0 3

Q.19 Express the following matrices as the sum of symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix. 3 5

1 -1Q.20 Find the value of k if area of triangle is 4 square units & vertices are

(k,0), (4,0), (0,2) Q.21 Find the value ‘k’ f (x) = k x +1 . if x

Cosx. if x >Q.22 Find dy/dx in Sin2x + Cos2x = 1 Q.23 A balloon which always remain spherical has a variable diameter 3/2

(2x+1). Find the rate of change of its volume with respect to x. Q.24 Integrate of ( x + 1/ x ) w.r.t xQ.25 Find I = 5x

(x+1) (x2-4) Objective type questions: ( Each question carry 1 mark)

Q.26 If : A B, the set A is called domain of function and the set B is called:a. Image of b. Pre-image of c. Co-domain of d. Value function of

Q.27 if A = 1 x

O 1 , then An (where nEN) equals:

a. 1 nx b. 1 nx

o o o 1

c. 1 nx d. o nx

1 1 1 1

Q.28 If cat-1 (CotQ) = Q, then:a. b.c. d.

Q.29 If (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) are collinear points then this area is:a. x1 y1 1 b. x1 y1 1 x2 y2 1 x2 y2 1 x3 y3 1 x3 y3 1

c. 1 d. Zero or 0 Q.30 lt. x-3 is

x 3+ x-3

a. -1 b. 1

c. 0 d. does not exist

Q.31 If y = tan-1 ( 1+x/1-x), then dy/dx is equal to:

a. /4 tan-1x b. tan-1 x

c. -1/1+x2 d. 1/1+x2

Q.32 The least perimeter of an isosceles triangle in which a circle of radius

‘y’ can be inscribed is:

a. 2 3 r b. 4 3 r

c. 6 3 r d. 8 3 r

Q.33 If 1 = log f(x) + c then f(x) equals:


a. x/2 + k b. 2x + k

c. x + k d. x2 + k

Q.34 The value of (x-1)

(x+1) 3 is:

a. cx/ (x+1) 2 + c b. cx/x+1 + c

c. cx/ (x+1) 3 + c d. –ex/(x+1) 2 +c

Q.35 If dx

Sinx Cosx

a. f (x) = Sec2 x b. f (x) = tanx

c. f (x) = tanx d. f (x) = Sinx + cosx


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks of each questions are given ahead.

Q.1 Choose the correct/most appropriate answer: (1x6=6)

i. Curved surface area of the frustum of cone is:

a. П (r1 – r2) b. П (r1+r2)

c. П (r12 – r22) d. П (r1


where r1, r2 are radii of the ends and l is its slant height.

ii. Two coins are tossed simultaneously, probability of getting al least one head is:a. 1/4 b. 2/4 c. 3/4 d. None of these

iii. The distance of a-point (x,y) from the origin is given by:

a. 2 x2+y2 b. x2-y2

c. (x1-y1) 2 + (x2-y2) 2 d. x2+y2

iv. If tanQ = 1 , then CosQ is equal to:

a. 1 b. 1/2

c. 3 / 3 d. 1/ 2

v. A line intersecting a circle in two points is called a:a. Tangent b. Secantc. Chord d. None of these

vi. If P (E) = 0.10, what is the probability of ‘not E’ :a. 0.90 b. 0.95c. -90% d. None of these

Q.2 Find the distance between the points (a,b) and (-a,-b). (2)Q.3 If SinA = 3/4, calculate CosA and tanA. (2)Q.4 If A, B and C are interior angles of a triangle ABC, then show that:

Sin (B+C/2) = Cos (A/2) (2)

Q.5 Evaluate: Sin 30o + tan 45o – Cosec 60o

Sec 30o + Cos 60o + Cot 45o (4)

Q.6 Find the area of a rhombus if the vertices are (3,0) (4,5) (-1,4) and (-2,-1) taken in order: (4)

Q.7 If TP and TQ are two tangents to a circle with centre O, so that <POQ= 110o, then find <PTQ. (4)

Q.8 A metallic sphere of radius 4.2cm is melted and recast into the shape of cylinder of radius 6cm. Find the height of the cylinder. (4)

Q.9 A drinking glass is in the shape of a frustum of a cone of height 14cm. The diameters of its two circular ends are 4cm and 2cm. Find the capacity of the glass. (4)

Q.10 A die is thrown once. Find the probability of getting i) a prime number, ii) a number lying between 2 & 6 and iii) an odd number. (4)

Q.11 One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting i) a king of red colour, ii) a face card, iii) a red face card, iv) the jack of hearts, v) a spade and vi) the queen of diamonds. (6)

Q.12 How many silver coins 1.75cm in diameter and of thickness 2mm, must be melted to form a cuboid of dimensions 5.5cm x 10cm x 3.5cm? (6)

OrA 20m deep well with diameter 7m is dug and the earth from digging is evenly spread out to form a platform 22m by 14m. Find the height of the platform?

Q.13 A medicine capsule is in the shape of a cylinder with two hemispheres stuck to each of its ends. The length of the entire capsule is 14mm and the diameter of the capsule is 5mm. Find its surface area? (6)

Q.14 Construct a tangent to a circle of radius 4cm from a point on the co-centric circle of radius 6cm and measure its length. Also, verify the measurement by actual calculation. (6)

Q.15 From the top of a 7m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a cable tower is 60o and the angel of depression of its foot is 45o. Determine the height of the tower?

OrFrom a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed at the top of a 20m high building are 45o and 60o respectively. Find the height of the tower.

Q.16 Prove the identity: SinQ – 2Sin3Q

2Cos3Q – CosQ (6)

OrtanQ/1-CotQ + CotQ/1 – tanQ = 1 + SecQCosecQ

Q.17 Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices taken in order, are (-4,-2) (-3,-5) (3, -2) and (2,3). (7)

OrIf A (x1,y1) , B(x2,y2) and C(x3,y3) are vertices of a triangle then show that area of triangle ABC is:

1/2 x1 (y2-y3) + x2 (y3-y1) + x3 (y1-y2)Q.18 Construct a triangle with sides 5cm, 6cm and 7cm and then another triangle

whose sides are 7/5 of the corresponding sides of the first triangle. (7)Or

Draw a triangle ABC with side BC=7cm, <B = 45o, <A = 105o, then construct a triangle whose sides are 4/3 times the corresponding sides of ∆ABC.

Q.19 Prove that length of the two tangents drawn from an external point to a circle is equal. (7)

OrIn the following given figure xy and x y are two parallel tangents to a circle with centre O and another tangent AB with point of contact C intersecting xy at A and x y at B. Prove that <AOB = 90o.

Q.20 The slant height of the frustum of a cone is 4cm and the perimeters (circumferences) of its circular ends are 18cm and 6cm. Find the curved surface area of the Frustum. (7)

(Paper setter Sh. Amarjeet)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 70

Long answer type questions:Q.1 Explain, how nutrient cycles get disrupted due to human

interventions? (5)Or

How is ozone layer getting affected? What will be consequences of its depletion on Earth’s ecosystem? Explain.

Q.2 What does CPCB stand for? Explain its activities. (5)Or

What are the international political dimensions to combat Global Warming?

Q.3 What is the role of legislation and various acts to check the air pollution? (5)

OrHow can environmental organizations contribute to check air Pollution?

Q.4 Describe the major applications of Remote sensing. (5)Or

Montreal protocol convention Report was an unprecedented document? Discuss.

Q.5 Why is environment protection Act called umbrella Act? (5)Or

What are the aims and objectives of water (prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974? Discuss its functions.

Q.6 What are the major objectives of WHO? (5)Or

What is UNEP? Describe its role of protecting global environment?Short answer type questions:

Q.7 What is desulphurization? (3)Q.8 Write a note on tertiary treatment of sewage? (3)Q.9 What is corporate social responsibility? (3)Q.10 Write a note on Remote sensing? (3)Q.11 Why are CFC called as the Miracle Compound? (3)Q.12 What are the main objectives of WTO? (3)Q.13 What is Agenda 21? (3)Q.14 Write a note on sustainable development? (3)

Very short answer type questions:

Q.15 Write two advantages of ‘settling chambers’? (2)Q.16 Expand the terms UNDP and WHO? (2)Q.17 What is causing damage to Taj Mahal? (2)Q.18 What is the significane of ISO 14000? (2)Q.19 What does scale effect depict? (2)

Objective type questions: (1x6=6)Q.20 Out of the following which is not an aerobic method of waste water

treatment:a. Filtration b. Activated sludge treatmentc. Oxidation ponds d. Septic tanks

Q.21 Which is not one of the gases normally present in lower atmosphere:a. Carbon dioxide b. Heliumc. Ozone d. Carbon Monoxide

Q.22 What major practice can reduce global warming:a. Conservation of energy b. Using eco-friendly techniques

c. Using renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuelsd. All of these

Q.23 When was sputnik I launched:a. 4 October, 1957 b. 5 September, 1954c. 8 August, 1952 d. 2 October, 1957

Q.24 Where is the WTO secretariat based at:a. London b. New Yorkc. Geneva d. Paris

Q.25 When were the Recycled Plastic usage Rules notified:a. 30 August, 1998 b. 25 September, 1998c. 20 November, 1998 d. 23 December, 1998

(Paper setter Shrimati Madhvi)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 100

Sub: English Time: 03 hrs. SECTION A

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer thegiven at end (5) a) The turret opened .A mans head and shoulders appeared . looking towards the sniper .The sniper raised his rifle and Fired. The head fell heavily on the turret wall . The woman darted towards the side street .The sniper fired again. The womanwhirled round and fell with a shriek into the gutter Questions a. The turret opened . which turret ? b. The sniper raised his rifle and fired . who did he kill? c. Who was the woman who rushed towards the side street ? d. The sniper killed the woman who was an ------------- e. The woman darted towards the side street ( True of false) B Feel at home ‘’ ‘’ come again They say and when I come Again and feel At home once . twice There will be no thrice For the I find doors shut on me (5) Questions i. What do people now say when someone visits them? ii How is the situation at present ? iii Explain ‘’ there will be thrice ‘’ iv what will happened if the Poe visits them thrice? v People say ‘feel at Home ‘ come again but they have no real

intention to say so. ( True /false ) Q.2 Read the passage care fully and answers the following question briefly in your own words as far as possible (5 Marks) I shall work for an Indian in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country in whose making they have an effective voice an Indian in which there shall be no high class and no low class of people an India in which

all communities shall live in perfect peace .There can be no room such an Indian for the curse of unsociability or the curse of intoxication drinks and drugs . women will enjoy the same right aas men .Since we shall be at peace with the rest of the words neither exploiting . we should have the smallest army imaginable .All interest not in conflict with interests of the dumb millions will be scrupulously respected whether foreign or indigenous ,Personally I hate to distinguish between foreign and indigenous .This is the Indian of my dreams. I shall be satisfied with nothing else.Questions i What kind of India did Gandhi dream of?ii What are the things Gandhi wanted to do away with ?iii What are the things he wanted to have in the country ?iv The word scrupulously means (a) thoroughly (b) honestly c conscientiously d ) all the these v Gandhi was a lover of mankind especially of the poor and the underprivileged ( True / false ) vi) In India women will enjoy the same rights as men ( yes /No B) Read stanzas given below and answer the questions given at the end .Alone she cuts and binds the grain and sings a melancholy strain o listen for the vale profound is over flowering the sound Questions i. who is she ‘’ what three things is she doing ?ii How does the poet feel about her song ?iii The music is resounding over the entire________iv The tune of the song was and ( true of false ) (5 Marks)

Section -BQ3.1 Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 - 150 words (4x2=8 Marksi) Describe the meeting between Barnaby and Thompson (4) (The Gumdrop Affairs )iv Write a brief account of Dr. C.V Raman s speech to the students of Agra university ( Dc C V . Raman - the celebrated Genius (4)iii Describe the sniper s encounter with the armored Car iv) Write about Christy s early childhood Q.3.2 Give the character –sketch of Mrs Bouncer in 200 words or Dr. Raman

Q3.3 Answer the following questions

i) Describe the images that poet has used in the poem ‘when Autumn came that suggest violence (2) ii)Describe the Personification as used in the poem sun rise iii) Identify tow symbols that Robert frost uses in A after apple –Pickling ‘ B) Explain the following with reference to context We think that happiness consist in going to the movies and watching thrilling films and Technicolor drams not all the great things in life are the god given ones which cost nothing what you need is the desire to appreciate them C ) Explain the following with reference to the context ; ( 5 Marks ) What is the point of getting annoyed? There is no set for the sun to rise Whenever it rises that is sunrise ORSuddenly I called to my mind my darling son..How raptly did he listen to my bed time tale night When I told him of the agony of the oyster in her travails OR O God of may have mercy Bless these withered bodies With the passion of you resurrection Make their dead viens flow with blood again Q3.4 Objective type Questions

i The ---------------- ( weather / whether ) in the hills can change very quickly ii They have built an ------------- ( enormous / immense ) house for themselves iii It is no use calling him now He ------------ ( must can / with ) have left office by now iv once who looks at the brighter side of things is called Section -CQ4.1 Study the following note carefully and expand then into a coherent short paragraph of 6- 8 lines using any connectives / conjunction ( 100- 150 words ) (5 Marks Friendship --- the greatest blessing of life true friendship is above – caste of creed stand all adversity as true gold . Q4.2 Write a letter to the chairman .Municipality requesting him to install flood lights in your street as safety measures from thefts and accidents

ORWrite a letter to the editor of a newspaper describing the nuisance of beggars in you city (5 Marks Q.4.3 Read the following passage and make linear notes The commonest forms of forgetfulness I suppose, occurs in the mater of posting letters. so common is it that I am always reluctant to trust a visitor to post an important letter ,So I rely do his memory that I put on his oath before hading the letter of character Even if I carry the letter in my hand I am always past the first pillar box before I remember that I ought to have posted It weary of holding it after that it an unadventurous life a long chin of circumstances lends to a number of embarrassing questions being asked and I am compelled to produce the evidence if my guilt from my pocket .This it might be through be due to a lack of interest in other people s letters but cannot be the explanation forget to post some even of the few letters I myself to write. 4.4 Read the story of the Hare and the tortoise and write a dialogue based on it for children The Hare and the tortoise .A Hare one days ridiculed the short feet and slow of the tortoise who replied laughing ‘’ Through you be swift as the wind I will beat you in the race The Hare believing her ascertain to be simply impossible . assented to the proposal and they agreed that the fox should choose the course and fix the goal On the day appointed but for the race the two stared together .the tortoise never for a moment stopped but went on with the slow but steady pace straight to the end of course. The Hare lying down by the way side fell fast asleep .A last waking up and moving as fast as he cold he say the tortoise had reached the goal and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue ( 5 Marks Q4.5 Write out a advertise for a admission to class x1 in prestigious school in Jammu students for different streams can apply ORDesign a poster :’’ say no to Tobacco OR Design a poster of Anti smoking

Q4.6 Write an E mail to you friend inviting him to attend the tea party arranged to celebrate you birthdays

Q.5 Section -D (22 Marks )i A) Do as directed I He declared his innocence . ( change into a complex sentence )

Ii Having finished his exercise he put away his book s ( change into compound sentences ) Iii He brought his uncle s library .( change into Complex sentences )

B complete the following sentences using the most suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets (i) He--------------- ( Promise ) to complete the work today if he ----(complete the work his boss ---- ( note be ) very angry with him ii Do it or you will be --- Punish )iii He --- ( finish ) first through he --- ( begin ) late iv it ---- ( rain ) so hard that the streets --- (flood )

C) fill in the blanks with suitable modals 1 Marks i I------------ rather starve than beg ii Run fast lest you ---- get late

D) Rewrite the following sentences using relative clause (2 i The fires caused widespread damage . they swept across much of southern Europe ii The manger spoke to the work was below standard

E ) Rewrite the following sentences using conditional clause (2) I Mohit knew to change the tyre - If Motif hand not ---) ii The police arrived promptly --- If the police hand not ---)

F) Change the following sentences from Direct to indirect speech ( 2 ) i What shall I do ‘’ she asked iii The Mother said to her son, ‘ Be careful while crossing the road’G) Rewrite the following sentences in passive form (2) i. She showed the visitors the rose garden ii I d like someone to sing to meH) Fill in the blanks with suitable article : (2)

i youth is ------- time for a adventure

ii) ---------- Airport is a busy place

iii) We should help --- sick and needy

iv) He had experience of ---- lifetime behind him

Fill in the blanks by appropriate prepositions

I There is a bird ---- the roof

ii I found the stone ---- two trees

iii Can you look --- the letter I got -------- laila last week

J) Fill in the blanks with conjunctions (2)

I ) He was not there I spoke to his brother

ii We arrived .you had gone

iii She eats a lot --------- she never gets fat

iv you will be in trouble apologize


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th M.M: 100 Sub: English Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION AQ.1 Read the given extract and answer the questions:Like dew, how long shall I wait for the first flash of sun? Awaken me with the flower in the first stroke of the down. In form I am a man, in substance far from humanity, subject me not to trails, shame not my human form, Forsaken by man. I, and so they call me, Mahjoor, people may desert thus but you don’t abandon me lord:i. Complete the given summary by missing words/phrases: (3)The poet compares himself with_________. Drops of dew have to keep lying in the grass till the first rays of the sun come and give them _______ to rise up. Similarly, the poet wants God to fill him with the power __________. He says that he has been ________like dew so far. Now he wants to awaken like ________ at the first stroke of dawn. It is only_______ that can give him the knowledge and wisdom to________. He says that so far he has been a man in________ only. The real substance of man is________ which has been far away from him. The poet prays God not to put him to________. He does not want God to ________ his human form. He wants God to fill________ in his human for and only thus he can become a man in ________ sense. The poet feels himself all ________ because he has been _________ by others. That is why they call him________, which means the _______ one. The poet does not ________ if people have deserted him. He prays to God not to ________ him even if people have abandoned him. ii. Write the meaning of the following expressions: (3)

a. in form b. in substance c. Forsaken by menQ.2 And bending down beside the glown bars

Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars

i. What situation does the poet visualize when his beloved is very old? (2)ii. What will she murmur sadly and where will the poet will be then? (2)iii. What does the following words mean: (2)

a. Murmur b. amid Q.3 Read the given passage and answer the questions:I dare say Mr. Bingley will be very glad to see you, and I will send a few lines by you to assure him of my hearty consent to marrying whichever he chooses if the girls’ you take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.

‘You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. ‘Ah! You do not know what I suffer. But I hope you will get over it, and live to see many young men if four thousand a year come into the neighborhood. I will be no use to us if twenty such should come, since you will not visit them. Questions:a. Write down the synonyms of the following words from the above passage:

(2)vexing, agreement, pleasure, annoying, sympathy

b. Fill in the blanks: (2)i. Mrs. Bingley had __________ daughters. ii. She remains _________ all the time about their marriage. iii. She complains that her husband has no _______ on her poor nerves. v. He takes delight in _________ her. Q.4 Read the given passage:Small improvement can lead to big changes. A few flowers can change the look of a room. The efficiency of a factory, for instance, depends upon an infinite number of operations, performed properly from day to day. Abraham Maslow a well known psychologist mentioned with admiration the case of young man who spent several years in Mexico digging deep wells to provide clean drinking water to the villagers. He managed to dig only three wells and had to spent an enormous amount of time teaching the villagers to use pure water in place of contaminated water. There might have been only three wells but they gave the engineer a great feeling of achievement. Charles Darwin has shown that given enough time, small and gradual causes can produce large and radical changes. His last book was in fact on earthworms. He was preoccupied with the theme for forty years. He has shown that on every acre of the chalk hills near Down (U.K) worms brought up eighteen tons of earth annually. What a stupendous achievement for the small and insignificant earthworm!Even the dullest of men is a million times more creative and productive than the earthworm. If men were to work in unison like the earthworms, there would be a paradise on earth in the not too distant future. Questions: Complete the following: (5)

The young man spent (a)_________ in digging wells, but managed to dig (b) _________ that might be a small number but he felt (c) _________ the fact that the earthworms brought up eighteen tons of earth annually is an example how (d) _________ can result (e) _________.

SECTION BQ.5 You are Salma Rehman, the Head Girl of G.M.H.S.S Doda. Write a notice

in about 50 words informing the students about a debate competition to be held in the school in the first week of October. Topic: Importance of Self Discipline at school. (4)

Q.6 Write a message for Mr. Kumar, The Vice Principal of the public school on behalf of Shri B.L Sharma on the basis of his diary noteas as under:- (not more than 50 words) (4)

Request attend urgent meetingMeeting in my office-10 am-todayAgenda: Planning for a two week excursion to GangotrlDrahon: 2 weeks-summer vacationInform- class teachers of X, XI, XII should attend meeting

Q.7 Write an application to the principal of your school for admission in the 11 th

class. (5)Or

Write an application to the Superintendent of Police for theft of your car. Q.8 Write an essay with the given information. (200 words) (7)

Trees—How useful to ManTrees cause rainfall—give cool and refreshing shade—give woods fuel, and herb—give us oxygen—take carbon dioxide themselves—prevent surface from being washed away—vanmahautsaw festival—rishi used to teach in the forests—Trees feel joys and sorrows.

SECTION CQ.9 Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated? (5)Q.10 What does Mandela say about the policy of apartheid? (5)

Or What did Loisels do to replace the meeklace?What changes came into their lives after this?

Q.11a. Read the stanza of the poem ‘Speak up’ and identify the symbols used in

this extract: (3)Look, there in that smithy;Its red oven, fiere flames, The padlocks are already opening their mouths and each fetter is skirting around.

b. Or stand under trees in the woods.Or talk by day with any one I love.Or sit at table at dinner with the rest.Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car.

Question: What are the images used by the poet in the poem ‘Miracles’?(3)

Q.12 How is the journey from youth to old age described in the poem? ‘When you are old’ (5)

Q.13 Abhiley represents the simpilicity of Ladakhi women. Cite two examples of her innocence and ignorance from the text? (5)

Q.14 Write the character sketch of ‘Bishamber’. (5)Q.15 Discuss the humorous elements in the play ‘The proposal’. (5)

SECTION DQ.16 Do as directed:a. Under line the mistakes in the given paragraph and write the correct word at

the space. (4)i. Shiela was appointed on the post the chair.

ii. No body was there but I. iii. She got passing marks. iv. Tina lost a twenty rupees note. b. Rearrange the words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (3)i. no/har/alternative/is/to/work/thereii. biggest/know/india/city/do you/is/which/the/ofiii. be/a/we/picnic/shall/going/on/Tuesday/nextiv. ought/doing/are/you/you/what/know/tov. architecture/I would/like to/books/on/look/a/indian/thevi. for/man/in/came/to/great/a/help/difficulties/mec. Complete the dialogue between father and son: (3)Father: ?Son: Yes, I played the match yesterday. Father: ?Son: The match was played on the University grounds. Father: ?Son: Mr. Chain Singh was the referee. Father: Which team was stronger?Son: were equally srong. Father: ?Son: Our team scored the first goal. Father: ?Son: Two goals were scored. d. Change the narration of the following: (2)i. She said to me, “I shall come here tomorrow.”ii. He says, “I am tired of job.”

e. Fill in the blanks with suitable models: (1)_________ I have your bike for a day. I have to got to my village and transport is off the road. I ________ or may not turn up tomorrow. You will excuse me for that.

f. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles: (1)i. _________ Earth revolves round the sun. ii. _________ Apple a day keeps Doctor away. g. Complete the sentences in the following with appropriate pronouns. (5)

When _______ were children _______ father often worked at night. During the winter _______ used to arrive home in the morning, cold and tired. Just as ______ were leaving for the school. ______ was painful to _____ father to see us gaily entering upon the day into which he dragged _____. He din not like going to bed in the bright morning.

h. Join the pair of sentences using relative clauses: (3)i. I met the teacher. He had asked me to come. ii. We went to the circus. You had asked us about. iii. He climbed up the ladder. The ladder was standing against to wall.

i. Punctuate the following: (3)i want to know what you have been doing to my chair upstairs she demanded and i want to know how it is you came out of an empty room and how entered a locked rrom. the scientist was always quick tempered now he became furious you dont understand who or what i am he shouted very will i will show you

(Paper setter Sh. Amar Nath)GREEN MODEL HR. SEC. SCHOOL DODA

GOLDEN TEST NO. 02New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme

Class: 12th M.M: 70Sub: Physics Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION ALong answer type questions: (Each question carry 5 marks)

Q.1 Define capacitance of capacitor. Prove that the total energy stored in a capacitor is ½ cv2

OrWhat is electric dipole? Derive an expression for the field intensity at a point on the axial line of electric dipole.

Q.2 Explain with the help of a labeled diagram the underlying principle, construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer or cyclotron.

Q.3 State Kirchoff’s law for electrical ckts. Derive the balance condition for a wheat stone bridge using these laws.

OrWhat is drift velocity? Derive expression for it.

Q.4 Derive expression for resultant emf for AC and phase difference in LCR ckt using phase diagram. Define wattles current.

OrGive principle, construction and working of Transformer.

SECTION BShort answer type questions: (Each question carry 3 marks)

Q.5 How does a voltmeter differ from ammeter? Q.6 State Foraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. Q.7 If potential difference V applied across a conductor is increased to

2V. How will the drift velocity of electrons change? Q.8 Define the term self inductance. Write its S.I unit. Gove two factors. Q.9 A coil with an air core and an electric bulb are connected in a series

across 200V, 50H2 ac source. The bulb glows with some brightness. What change will occur in brightness of bulb if capacitor induced in series with ckt justify your answer.

Q.10 Suppose that the electric field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is = 120N/C and its frequency is V=50MH2:

a. Determine Bo, w, K A b. Find expression for E & BQ.11 Define the term angle of dip and magnetic declination. The angle at a

place in Kerala is 18o. Will its value be more or less at a place in Kashmir? Give reason.

Q.12 A. Three resistors 1-2, 2-2, 3-2 are connected in series. What is the total resistance in series combination? B. If the combination is connected to battery of emf 2V, obtain combination potential drop across each resistor.

SECTION CVery short answer type questions: (Each question carry 2 marks)

Q.13 Force between two point charges kept at a distance d apart on water is F. If these changes are kept at same distance in air, how does the force between them change?

Q.14 The variation of potential difference V with length l in case of two potentiometers P & Q is as shown. Which one of these will you prefer for comparing emf of two primary cells.

Q.15 A 25W and a 100W bulbs are joined in series E connected to A.C mains which will glow brighter?

Q.16 Define an equipotential surface. What are its properties? Q.17 Using Biof Savart’s law, Derive expression for magnetic field

strength at the centre of current carrying coil. Q.18 What are dia, para and ferromagnetic substances? Give one example

of each? Q.19 Why capacitor block d.c but allow a.c. Explain it. Q.20 What is Lenz’s law? Show that it is in accordance with the law of

conservation of energy. SECTION D

Objective type questions: (Each question carry 1 mark)Q.21 Sketch the electric lines of force due to point charge i) 9>0 ii) 9<0. Q.22 An electron and a proton moving with the same speed enter the same

magnetic field region at right angles to the direction of the field. For which of the two particles will the radius of circular path be smaller?

Q.23 In a series LCR ckt, the voltage across inductor, a capacitor & a resistor are 30V, 30V & 60V. What is the phase difference between applied voltage and current in the ckt.?

Q.24 Write down the following radiations in an ascending order with respect of their frequencies, Gamma ray. UHF, U.V rays, infrared rays.

Q.25 Write the sequence of colours present on a carbon resistor having value 62 x 104 - 20%.

Q.26 The vertical component of Earth’s magnetic field at a place is 1/ 3 times the horizontal component. What is the value of angle of dip at that place.

Q.27 What is the angle between the directions of electric field at any i) axial point ii) equational point due to an electric dipole.

Q.28 What is dangerous to human body current or voltage? Q.29 Write units and dimensional formula of magnetic flux?Q.30 Why the core of transformer is laminated?

(Paper setter Sh. Ajayjeet)GREEN MODEL HR. SEC. SCHOOL DODA

GOLDEN TEST NO. 02New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme

Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Science M.M: 84

SECTION A (Physics)Long answer type question(6 marks)

Q.1 What is an electromagnet? Upon what factors its strength depends? Or

What is the pattern of magnetic field pattern due to current carrying conductor?

Short answer type question: (4 marks each)Q.2 What are electric generator or dynamos? What is their principle?

OrWhy is the necessity of earthing an electric appliance?

Q.3 Describe an experiment to illustrate the action of an electric fuse?Or

Draw a labeled diagram of an electric motor. Explain its principles. Very short answer type questions: (2 marks each)

Q.4 What is the role of the split ring in an electric motor?Q.5 Which sources produce Alternating Current?Q.6 Name two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits and

appliances.Multiple choice questions: ( 1 mark each)

Q.7i. Which one of the following is based upon electromagnetic induction:

a. Galvanometer b. Transformerc. X-rays d. Voltmeter

ii. The device used for producing electric current is called:a. Generator b. Galvanometerc. ammeter d. Motor

iii. At the time of short circuit, the current in the circuit:a. reduces substantially b. does not changec. increases heavily d. vary continuously

iv. Material of the core of strong electromagnet is:a. Soft iron b. Steelc. Copper d. laminated strips

SECTION B (Chemistry)Long answer type question: ( 6 marks)

Q.8 Define Metallurgy. Name the steps involved in Metallurgy. What are the various methods used for concentration of or? OrWhat is Baking soda? How is it prepared? Give its important properties and uses.

Short answer type questions: ( 4 marks each)Q.9 Explain the mechanism of the cleansing action of soaps and

detergents? Or

Discuss the important characteristics of covalent compounds. Q.10 Show the formation of Na2o and Mgo by the transfer of electrons?

OrDiscuss the important properties of Ionic Compounds?

Q.11 Write a note on P4 scale. What is the biological importance of P4


Give important properties of acids. Very short answer type questions: (2 marks each)

Q.12 Write an equation to show the reaction between plaster of paris and water.

Q.13 Name the following compounds:a. CU3 – CH2 – Br. b. CH3 CooH

Q.14 What are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples. Q.15 Distinguish between hard and soft water?

Multiple choice questions: (1 mark each)Q.16i. Ethane with the Molecular formula C2H6 has:

a. 6 covalent bonds b. 7 covalent bondsc. 8 covalent bonds d. 9 covalent bonds

ii. Which is least reactive metal: a. Zinc b. Goldc. Iron d. Calcium

iii. Metal which has no action with water is:a. Sodium b. Calciumc. Magnesium d. Gold

iv. P4 of human blood lies between:a. 7.35 – 7.45 b. 8.35 – 8.45

c. less than 7 d. more than 8 SECTION C (Biology)

Long answer type question: ( 6 marks)Q.17 Explain the law of independent assortment with a dihybrid cross.

OrWhat are different types of Asexual Reproductions. Discuss with examples.

Short answer type questions: (4 marks each)Q.18 Differentiate homologous and analogous organs?

OrHow will you determine the blood groups of a cross between AB and heterozygous A female?

Q.19 What is global warming? Discuss its consequences. Or

What is water harvesting? List the benefits of water harvesting. Q.20 Draw a labeled diagram of female reproductive system?

OrDraw a sketch of food wheel and food chain.

Very short answer type questions: (2 marks each)Q.21 What is speciation? Q.22 What is ozone hole? Q.23 Mention the different components of Environment? Q.24 Mention the different stages of Menstrual cycle.

Multiple choice questions: (1 mark each)Q.25i. The anther contains:

a. Sepals b. Ovules c. Pollen grains d. Carpels

ii. The theory of evolution indicates that:a. Man evolved from Monkeys b. Monkeys evolved from manc. Man evolved from dinosaurs c. Man & apes had a common ancestor

iii. Grass-insect-frog-snake-hawk. In this food chain, the secondary consumer are:a. Insects b. Frogc. Snake d. Grass

iv. Deforestation generally decreases: a. rainfall b. Soil erosionc. drought d. global warming

(Paper setter Shrimati Madhvi Sharma)


New Pattern single paper scheme 2011Class: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Chemistry M.M: 70

Q.1 The following chemical and reaction is occurring in an electrochemical cell:Mg (s) + 2Ag+(0.0001M) Mg2+ (0.10M) + 2Ag(s)Given: Eo Mg2+/Mg = 2.36V ; EoAg+/Ag = +0.81VFor the cell calculate/write:a. Eo value for the electrode 2Ag+/2Ag

ii. Standard cell potential (Eo)iii. Cell potential (E)iv. Give the symbolic representation of the above cell. v. Which is –ve charge electrode. (5)

OrExplain the variation of Molar conductivity and conductivity with dilution show graphically for strong and weak electrolyte. Write the unit of molar conductivity its relation with conductivity.

Q.2 Carefully examine the graph. Write the law how this graph shows negative & +ve duration for solution: (5)

OrWhat are colligative properties. How elevation can be regarded as colligative property. 18gm of C6H12O6 is dissolved in 1kg of water in a saucepan. At what temperature will water boil under 1.013 bar pressure. Given: Kb= 0.52K kg mol-1 for water.


i. In a Reaction 2A products the concentration of A decreases from 0.5 Mol L-1 to 0.4 mol lit-1 in 10 minutes. Calculate the rate during the interval.

ii. For a reation A+B product the rate law is given by r = K[A] [B] 2. what is the unit of rate constant for this rxn.

iii. A first order rxn has rate- constant of 1.15 x 10-3 Sec-1. How long will 5gm of this reactant takes to reduce to 3gm. (2+1=2=5)

OrWhat is the ‘Rate’ of a reaction its unit and how does it varies with temperature. Write the possible equation for this.

Q.4 Consider the adsorption isotherms given and interpret the variation in the extent of adsorption (x/m) when:

i. Temperature increases at constant pressure.ii. Pressure increases at constant temperature.iii. What does x/m stands for in the graph.

Or (5)Explain the following terms in regards of colloidal solution:i. Tyndal effect. ii. Electrophoresis iii. Zeta potential

Q.5 What is peptide linkage. Show it in the secondary structure of proteins. (3)

Q.6 Consider the figure of Defective Crystal: (3)

a. Name the defect shown by this diagram.b. What is the effect of this defect on the solid.c. Name an ionic compound which can show this type of defect. Q.7 Write the monomer units of Bakelite, Natural rubber, Nylon 6, (3)Q.8 Write the function of Antipyretic and Analygsis. (3)Q.9 What is pyrometallurgy? Write its uses. (3)Q.10 Write the principles of Electrolytic refining and zone refining. (3)Q.11 In a face centered cubic arrangement of A and B atoms, A are

present at the corners of the unit cell and B are present at the face centre. If one atom of A is missing from its position at the corner. What is the formula of the compound. (3)

Q.12 Calculate the amount of benzoic acid (C6H5CcoH) required for preparing 250ml of 0.15M solution in methanol. (3)

Q.13 The normality of 1.5M of H2So4 is (2)Q.14 Calculate the Nos. of atom in f.c.c crystal. (2)Q.15 Write the chemical name of vitamin ‘c’ and vitamin ‘A’. (2)Q.16 What are the various linkages in Nucleic acid? (2)Q.17 Show the Glycosidic linkage in cellulose. (2)Q.18 How catalysts increases the rate of reaction? (2)Q.19 Electrolytic conductivity of 9.30M solution of Kcl at 298K is

3.72x102 5cm-1. calculate its molar conductivity. (2) Q.20 Identify the order of reaction:


Q.21 On doping Ge. Metal with a little of Zn weget which type of semi conductor. (1)

Q.22 At high altitude the boiling point of water decreases because of?(1)Q.23 Given the standard electrode potential:

K+/K = -2.93V; Ag+/Ag = 0.80V; Hg2+/Hg = 0.79VMg2+/Mg = -2.37V; Cr3+/Cr = -0.7hV

Arrange these metals in increasing order of their reducing power. (1)Q.24 The specific rate of a reation is 6.2 x 10-3 and Lit-1 Sec-1. The

reaction is of which order? (1)Q25 Identify the type of adsorption for the given graph: (1)

Q.26 Bronze is alloy of ____________ and ___________ Metal. (1)Q.27 Guanine is absent in which Nucleic acid? (1)Q.28 Name the substance which is added to antiseptic. (1)Q.29 Identify the slag and flux:\ CaO + Sio2 CaSiO3 (1) Q.30 Write the relationship between Equilibrium Constant. (1)

(Paper setter Sh. Ravinder)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: S.Studies M.M: 100

SECTION A (History)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. What is meant by cold war? Explain in detail the factors which gave

rise to it? (8)Or

Describe the social ills against which the social reform movements were directed? Describe any two of these movements in detail.

b. What did the slogan of swaraj mean? How was the slogan of complete independence different from it? When and where was the slogan of complete independence adopted? (8)

OrWhat were the immediate causes of the Revolt of 1857? What were the main centers of the Revolt? Name some important leaders of the Revolt?

Short answer type questions:Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. What is meant by Non-alignment? Who followed this policy? (4)

OrWhat were the consequences of second world war on Europe?

b. Describe the main phases of the spread of modern education in India? (4)

OrWrite a short note on following persons:Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Raja Ram Mohan Roy

c. How were the Cabinet Missions proposals different from the proposals made earlier by the British govt. during Second World War? (4)

OrDistinguish between Moderates and Extremists?

d. Write a note on following terms:Partition of Bengal, Luckhnow Pact

OrWrite a short note on Civil Disobedience Movement started by Gandhi Ji?

Very short answer type questions:Q.3

a. Name four news papers which were started in 19th Century? (2)b. When were separate electorate for Muslims introduced? Who was

the Governor General of India at that time? (2)Objective type questions:

Q.4 Choose the correct answer out of four given choices: (1x4=4)a. Which one of the following is the permanent member of Security

Council of United Nations:i. Germany ii. Indiaiii. China iv. Vietnam

b. The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress was:i. Mohd. Ali Jinnah ii. Badruddin Tyabjiiii. Showkat Ali iv. Salimullah

c. The founder of Arya Samaj was:i. Dayanand Saraswati ii. Ramakrishnaiii. Annie Besant iv. Ram Mohan Roy

d. All India Trade Union Congress was founded in:i. 1916 ii. 1917iii. 1919 iv. 1920

SECTION B (Geography)Long answer type questions:

Q.1a. Do you think that Solar Energy has a bright future in India? Explain

in detail why?. (8)Or

How does Industrial Pollution degrade Environment? b. Describe the importance of communication in modern days? What

are the various problems of railways in India? (8)Or

What are the commercial and conventional sources of energy? Name six non-commercial sources of energy?

Short answer type questions:Q.2a. Distinguish between Metallic and Non-metallic minerals?

Or (4)Distinguish between Natural gas and Biogas?

b. Why is the Iron and Steel Industry located in Peninsular India only? (4)Or

Describe briefly the distribution of silk textile industry in india?P.T.O

c. Distinguish between Railway junction and Seaport? (4)Or

Distinguish between Personal communication and mass communication?

d. Why are the most of the jute mills of India located in West Bengal? (4)Or

Describe the distribution of coal and Iron in India?Very short answer type questions:

Q.3 a. What are light industries? (2)b. Name four means of transport? (2)

Objective type questions:Q.4 Choose most correct answer out of four choices: (1x4=4)a. India is _______ largest producer of manganese in the world:

i. 4th ii. 5th iii. 6th iv. 7th

b. The first fertilizer plant in india was set up in:i. 1900 ii. 1906iii. 1910 iv. 1912

c. The Jawaher tunnel is about________ meters:i. 2832 ii. 2860iii. 2932 iv. 2960

d. An extensive stretch of deep water where ships can anchor securely to obtain protection from sea is called:i. Barbour ii. Shipboundiii. Harbour iv. Shipyard

SECTION C (Civics)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Explain in detail the various factors which led to the growth of India

Nationalism? (8)Or

What are the main reasons for tension between states? How can these tensions be removed?

Short answer type questions:Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. Write a short note on inequality of women and casteism in India? (4)

OrWhat were the political effects of British colonialism in India?

b. Describe briefly the factors that led to the destruction of colonialism? (4)

OrWhat are the various reasons for the economic backwardness of India?

Very short answer type questions:Q.3 What is meant by the term ‘Third World’? (2)

Objective type questions:Q.4 Choose correct answer out of four choices:a. NATO was formed in:

i. 1950 ii. 1954iii. 1958 iv. 1960

b. French Revolution took place in the year:i. 1779 ii. 1789iii. 1879 iv. 1889

(paper setter Mr. Rafiq Ahmed)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Biology (Botany+Zoology) M.M: 70

SECTION A (Zoology)Long answer type questions :(5 marks each)

Q.1 Describe the causal organism, symptoms, life cycle of Malaria diseases. Or

What are Sexual Transmitted Diseases? Describe two diseases with explanation?

Q.2 Describe the life cycle of silk warm? How silk is obtained from silk warm. (Sericulture)

OrDefine genetic engineering? How recombinant insulin was prepared and also give the applications of genetic engineering.

Short answer type questions;(3marks each)Q.3 Define Tumours? Differentiate between Benign and Malignant tumour?Q.4 What do you mean by exotic and indigenous breeds? Q.5 Match the items listed in column A with Column B:

Column A Column BBt-cotton: E-coliRecombinant insulin: InsulinDiagnostic Technique: ELISA

Q.6 How genetic engineering helps in producing pest resistant crops?Very short answer type questions;(2marks each)

Q.7 Give a short account of gene therapy? Q.8 Discuss in brief biopiracy? Q.9 Write down the scientific name of silk warm and lac insect? Q.10 What are filariasis, causative agent and symptoms of this disease?

Object type questions; (1 mark each)Q.11i. Crystal of Bt toxin produced by some bacteria do not kill the bacteria

themselves because:a. Bacteria are resistant to the toxin b. Toxin is immaturec. Toxin is inactive d. None of the above

ii. In Honey Bee the drones are produced from:a. unfertilized eggs b. fertilized eggsc. Both egg d. None of the above

iii. The wax glamel in Honey Bee is found in:a. queen b. queen & workerc. Drones d. workers

iv. A clene of sheep Dowdy has been produced by:a. Germ cell colening b. Gene transferc. Somatic cell colening d. Nuclear transfer

SECTION B (Botany)Long answer type questions(5 marks each)

Q.1 What are plant breeding? Explain steps involved in plant breeding? Or

Define cellular totipotency, tissue culture and application of tissue culture?

Q.2 Define Biodiversity and ecosystem? How an ecosystem influence on the biodiversity on the biodiversity? Justify your answer.

OrMany major pollutants like Co2, So2 & No2 .What are their source and also discuss the harmful effects on the plants and animals.

Short answer type questions(3 marks each)Q.3 How microbes are useful for in household food processing? Q.4 Why Biofertilizers or Biopesticides preferred to chemical fertilizers or pesticides?Q.5 Name the three sources of Biofertilizers. Q.6 What are Genetically Modified organism – Bt crops.

Very short answer type question; (2 marks each)Q.7 Explain eutrophication? Q.8 What is acid rain? What & how it effects on plants? Q.9 What are Green house effects? Q.10 Why we need to conserve biodiversity?

Objective type questions; (1 mark each)Q.11i. M immata disease is caused due to consumption of:

a. Sea food containing lot of cadinum b. fish containing with mercuryc. Oysters with lot of pesticidesd. None of the above

ii. BOD is related to:a. Microbes b. organic matterc. Microbes & organic matter d. None of these

iii. Gas leaked in Bhopal tragedy was due to release of:a. Potassium isocynite b. Sodium isocynitec. Ethyl isocynate d. Methyl isocynate

iv. World environment day is celebrated on_____________v. What is full form of LAB ________________________ (Paper setter Sh. Amit Charak)


Find the area of the smaller region bounded by the ellipse x2/9 + y2/4 = 1 & the straight line x/3 + y/2 = 1

Q.2 Find the particular solution satisfying the given condition:(x+y)dy + (x+y)dx = 0 , y + 0 when x = 1

OrShow that the given differential equation is homogeneous and sove them: ydx + xlog (y/x)dy – 2x dy = 0

Q.3 Prove that x2 – y2 = (x2+y2) is the general solution of differential equation (x3 – 3xy2)dx = (y3 – 3x2y)dy. When C is the parameter.

OrFind the general solution of: x log x dy/dx + y = 2/x logx

Q.4 If a, b and c are unit vector such that a +b + c = 0 then find the value of a . b + b . c + c . a

OrTwo adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2 - 4 j + 5 k & i – 2 j – 3 k. Find the unit vector parallel to its diagonal. Also find its area.

Q.5 If l1, m1 , n1 and l2, m2, n2 are the direction cosine’s of two mutually perpendicular lines. Show that the direction cosines of the lines perpendicular to both of these are m1n2 – m2n1, n1l2 – n2l1, l1m2 – l2m1

OrFind the shortest distance between the lines when vector equations are: r = (1 – t) i + (t – 2) j + (3 – 2t) k &

r = (r + 1) i + (2r – 1) j – (2r + 1) k Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)

Q.6 Find the area of the region in the first quadrant enclosed by the X-axis. The line x = 3y and the circle x2 + y2 = 4

Q.7 One kind of cake requires 200g of flour & 25g of fat and another kind of cake require 100g of flour and 50g of fat. Find the maximum number of cakes which can be made from 5kg of flour and 1kg of fat assuming that there is no shortage of the other ingredients used in making the cakes.

Q.8 Consider the experiment of throwing a die, if a multiple of 3 comes up throw the die again and if any other number comes, toss a coin. Find the conditional probability of the event the coin show that, given at least one die shows a ‘3’.

Q.9 Suppose a girl throw’s a die. If she gets a 5 or 6, she tosses a coin three times & notes whether a head or tail is obtained. If she obtained exactly one head, what is the probability she threw 1,2,3 or 4 with the die?

Q.10 Find the area of the region bounded by the ellipse x2/16 + y2/9 = 1

Q.11 From the differential equation of family of hyperbola with centre at the origin and faci along X-axis is?

Q.12 In a bank principal increases at the rate of r% per year. Find the value of ‘r’ if Rs. 100 double itself in 10year (loge2 = 0.6931)

Q.13 Define unit vector, coinitial vector, equal vector and collinear vector. Q.14 Show that / a / b + / b / a is or lo / a / b - / b / a for any two non-

zero vector a & b Q.15 Find the shortest distance between lines

x+1 = y+1 = z+1 and x-3 = y-5 = z-7 7 -6 1 1 -2 1

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.16 Find the area of the region bounded by curve y = x2+2, y=x, x=0 & x = 3.Q.17 Find the area bounded by the curve y=Sinx between x = 0 & x = 2Q18 Find the general solution dy/dx – y = 1 (y = 1)Q.19 Show that the given differential equation is homogeneous & solve it.

(x-y)dy – (x+y)dx = 0. Q.20 Show that the vector a = 2 i - 3 j + 4 k & b = 4 i + 6 j – 8 k are

collinear. Q.21 Find / x / if for a unit vector a ( x - a ) ( x + a ) = 12. Q.22 If a = 0 or b = 0 then a x b = 0 is the converse true? Justify your

answer with an example. Q.23 Find the Cartesian equation of following plane:

r . ( i + j - k ) = 2 Q.24 Solve the following linear programming problems graphically:

Maximize Z = 3x + 2y Subject to x + 2y < 10, 3x + y < 15, x,y > 0

Q.25 Let A&B be independence events P(A) = 0.3 & P(B) = 0.4 Find P(A/B).


Objective type questions; (1 mark each)Q.26 Area of the region bounded by the curve y2 = 4x, y = axis & line y =

3 is:a. 2 b. 9/4c. 9/3 d. 9/2

Q.27 Find the area of under the given curve and given line:Y = x2, x=1, x=2 & x-axis:a. 3 b. 1/3

c. 7/3 d. -7/3Q.28 The area of the circle x2 + y2 = 16 exterior to the parabola y2 = 6x.

a. 4/3 ( 4 - 3 ) b. 4/3 (4 + 3 )c. 4/3 (8 - 3 ) d. 4/3 (8 + 3 )

Q.29 Determine the degree of the differential = n (d2y2/dx) 2 + Cos (dy/dx) = 0a. 2 b. 1c. 4 d. None of these

Q.30 Determine the order of the differential = n is d4y/dx4 – Sin (d3y/dx3) = 0 a. 4 b. 1c. 3 d. None of these

Q.31 Find the projection of Vector i - j on the vector i + j :a. 0 b. 1c. 2 d. Both a & b

Q.32 If a line has the D.R (-18, -12,-4) then what are its D.C:a. -9/11, 6/11, 2/11 b. 9/11, -6/11, -2/11c. -9/11, -6/11, -2/11 d. -9/11, 6/11, -2/11

Q.33 In the objective function Z = ax + by, the variable’s x,y are said to be___________a. Decision variable b. Objective variablec. Constraints d. Feasible variable

Q.34 Coins are tossed one ‘E’ : 4 appears on third toss. F:6 & 5 appear respectively on first two tosses. Determine P(E/F):a. 1/2 b. 1/4 c. 1/6 d. 3/2

Q.35 Probability that a speak truth is 4/5. A coin is tossed A reports that head appears. The probability that actually there was head:a. 4/5 b. 1/2 c. 1/5 d. 2/5

(Paper setter Sh. Amit Kumar)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 70

Long answer type questions:(5 marks each)Q.1 Define population, population dynamics, population density, Natality

and Morality? Or

Write down the consequences of High population growth of humans in Indian context.

Q.2 Discuss the various stages of Demographic transition? Or

What is the role of Government, Forest Department and NGO’s in conservation?

Q.3 Name the interactions among the various species and describe symbiotic relationships.

OrWhat do you mean by EIA? Why is it required and what are its key elements?

Q.4 What is succession? Describe its various stages. Or

What are major environmental issues and problems of current technological era?

Q.5 What is technology? What are the various aspects of technology? Or

Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy with examples?

Q.6 Describe any two water borne diseases. Or

Write a note on ECOSAN Latrines. Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)

Q.7 Mention the different types of Age pyramid. Q.8 What do you mean by Genetic Erosion? Q.9 Define social forestry and its objectives? Q.10 Differentiate between low-tech and Hi-technology? Q.11 Discuss briefly about appropriate technologies. Q.12 What are the various applications of solar energy?Q.13 Write a short note on Environmental Biosensors. Q.14 Mention the different steps of Social Impact Assessment Process.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.15 When was project tiger launched? Q.16 Name two main proposed solutions to Environmental problems. Q.17 What are pioneers or primary colonizers? Q.18 Write a note on CITES. Q.19 What are Bt-crops? Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.20i. What type of distribution pattern is prevalent in humans:

a. clumped b. Randomc. Uniform d. None of these

ii. Name the gas, which is released from landfills and dumpsites in urban areas:a. Oxygen b. Methanec. Nitrogen d. Carbon dioxide

iii. Which are very sensitive to environmental change, which makes them an indicator species:a. Reptiles b. Amphibians c. Mammals d. Insects

iv. Out of these which is a renewable source of Energy:a. Natural gas b. Wind energy c. Nuclear power d. Petroleum

v. Out of the following which group of diseases spread through contaminated food or water:a. Measles, influenza, smallpox b. Typhoid, cholera, dysenteryc. Rabies, malaria, encephalitis d. tetanus, hepatitis, AIDs

vi. ________ checklists are based on a set of questions to be answered:a. Descriptive b. Threshold c. Simple d. Questionnaire

(paper setter Shrimati Madhvi Sharma)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: S.Studies M.M: 100

SECTION A (History)Long answer type questions:(8 marks each)

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Explain the impact of Russian revolution on the world? What were

the main ideas behind it?Or

Describe the main events between 1936 and 1939 which created condition for another world war.

b. How did Nationalism help to make imperialism popular in Europe?Or

What were the basic and immediate causes of the Revolt of 1857? Explain the reasons behind the failure of this revolt? Name the main centers of the Revolt?

Short answer type questions(4 marks each)Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. What was the contribution of ‘First International’ in the growth of

socialist movement? Or

Discuss the role of Karl Marx in the history of Socialist Movement?b. Why is the war that broke out in 1914 called the First World War?

OrWhat is meant by the term ‘Axis power’?

c. Explain the meaning of the following terms:Permanent Settlement, Ryotwari system

OrDid modern education help in the awakening of India? Discuss.

e. Write a note on following terms:Partition of Bengal, Luckhnow Pact

OrWrite a short note on Non-Co-operation movement started by Gandhi Ji?

Very short answer type questions (2 marks each):Q.3a. When was Muslim League formed? Who formed it? b. Who laid the foundation of Nazism in Germany?

Objective type questions:(1 mark each)Q.4 Choose the correct answer out of four given choices:a. United Nation was formed in the year:

i. 1935 ii. 1945iii. 1955 iv. 1960

b. Khilafat Movement was started by:i. Ali Brothers ii. Badruddin Tyabjiiii. M.A Jinnah iv. Salimullah

c. The founder of Brahmo samaj was:i. Dayanand Saraswati ii. Ramakrishnaiii. Annie Besant iv. Ram Mohan Roy

d. First world war started in the year:i. 1914 ii. 1916iii. 1919 iv. 1920

SECTION B (Geography)Long answer type questions:(8 marks each)

Q.1a. Explain in detail the importance of Animal Husbandry in Inida?.

OrDescribe the impact of Globalisation on Indian agriculture?

b. Distinguish between Anthracite and Bituminous coal, Natural gas and Biogas?

OrDescribe various technological and institutional reforms which led to green and white revolution in Inida?

Short answer type questions:(4 marks each)Q.2a. How is soil erosion caused?

OrDistinguish between Natural resources and Cultural resources?

b. Distinguish between Rabi and Kharif crops?Or

Describe the various methods of forest conservation?

c. Describe the distribution of rice cultivation in India? Or

Describe the distribution of alluvial and black soils in India?

d. Write the advantages of pipeline transportation for petroleum and natural gas.

OrDescribe various types of roads of India?

Very short answer type questions:(2 marks each)Q.3 a. What are national highways? b. What are light industries?

Objective type questions(1 mark each)Q.4 Choose most correct answer out of four choices:a. Removal of soil from one place to another by some natural agent is

called:i. Soil erosion ii. Deforestation iii. Land conservation iv. None of these

b. India has more than________ species of animals:i. 79000 ii. 89000iii. 90000 iv. 99000

c. The largest producer of rice in the world is:i. Mayammar ii. Bangladeshiii. Japan iv. China

d. The first cement plant in India was set up in the year:i. 1904 ii. 1906iii. 1910 iv. 1920

SECTION C (Civics)Long answer type questions:

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. What is simple majority? Explain the paradoxes of simple majority?

OrWhat factors led to the growth of Indian nationalism?

Short answer type questions:Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. What is the difference between direct and indirect democracy?

OrHow is public opinion formed?

b. What is Election Manifesto? What are its various uses? Or

How does coalition arise in multi-party system? Very short answer type questions:(2 marks)

Q.3 Name four national political parties of India.Objective type questions:(1 mark each)

Q.4 Choose correct answer out of four choices:

a. Who among the following was the first Prime Minister of Independent India:i. Dr. Rajinder Prasad ii. Lal Bahadur Shastriiii. Jawahar Lal Nehru iv. Indhra Gandhi

b. India became Independent on:i. 15th August, 1947 ii. 26th January 1947iii. 16th August, 1947 iv. 26th January 1949

(paper setter Mr. Rafiq Ahmed)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 70

Sub: Physics Time: 03 hrs. SECTION A

Long answer type questions: (Each question carry 5 marks)Q.1 What is electric dipole? Define Dipole moment. Derive an

expression for the field intensity at a point on the axial line of an electric dipole.

OrState and prove Gauss’s theorem in Electrostatics. Deduce Coulomb’s law from Gauss’s theorem.

Q.2 State and explain Biot-Savart law for magnetic field due to a current distribution.

OrExplain with the help of a labeled diagram, the underlined principles, construction and working of a cyclotron.

Q.3 Trace the curve of rays through a compound microscope/astronomical telescope. Derive the expression for the magnifying power. Give its unit.

OrDefine interference of light. Describe Young’s double slit experiment to obtain frings width in case of interference pattern.

Q.4 Explain briefly the principle of transmitting signals using a satellite. State two main advantages of using a satellite for trasnsmitting signals.

OrExplain amplitude modulation. Derive the voltage equation of an amplitude modulated wave.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 Two electric bulbs A and B are marked 220 V, 60 W and 220 V, 100

W respectively. Which one of the two has greater resistance? Q.6 Name the three types of magnetic materials which behave differently

when placed in a non uniform magnetic field. Give two properties for each of them.

Q.7 State Lenz’s law. Show that Lenz’s law is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

Q.8 How are eddy currents produced? Mention two applications of eddy currents?

Q.9 What are coherent sources? Why are coherent sources required to produce interference? Give an example of interference of light in daily life.

Q.10 Why does the Sun look reddish during sunrise and sunset? Q.11 The half-life of 90

38Sr is 28 years. What is the disintegration rate of 15mg of this isotope?

Q.12 Define the terms ‘potential barrier’ and ‘depletion region’ for a p-n junction diode. State how thickness of the depletion region will change when the p-n junction diode is (i) forward biased and (ii) reverse biased.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.13 Define the term electric dipole moments. It is a scalar or vector

quantity? Q.14 A wire of resistivity p is stretched to double of its length. What will

be its new resistivity? Q.15 Define the term Self inductance. Write its SI unit. Give two factors

on which the self inductance of an air core coil depends. Q.16 Why are microwaves used in RADAR? Q.17 What are the two main considerations that have to be kept in mind

while designing the ‘objective’ of an astronomical telescope? Q.18 Calculate the threshold frequency of photon for photoelectric

emission from metal of work function 0.1 eV. Q.19 Heavy water is often used as a moderator in thermal nuclear reactors.

Why? Q.20 Name two factors on which electrical conductivity of a pure

semiconductor at a given temperature depends. Objective/One word answer type questions; (1 mark each)

Q.21 The unit of electric intensity is:a. NC-1 b. JC-1

c. V m d. Nm-1

Q.22 A wire carrying current is:a. –vely charged b. +vely chargedc. not charged d. None of these

Q.23 The thermal velocity of free electrons in a conductor is of the order of:a. 1 m s-1 b. 10 m s-1

c. 103 m s-1 d. 106 m s-1

Q.24 Television signals reach us through sound waves. The rang ‘R’ related with the transmitter height ‘h’ is in proportion to:a. h ½ b. hc. h 3/2 d. h2

Q.25 The power of a lens is 1 dipole, if its focal length is:a. 1 m b. 1 cmc. 1 mm d. 1 m2

Q.26 Neutrons was discovered by:a. Rutherford b. Bohrc. Thomson d. Chadwick

Q.27 The slope of the stopping potential versus frequency graph for the photoelectrical effect is equal to:a. h b. hec. h/e d. e/h

Q.28 Charge on electron is:a. 1.6 x 10-10 C b. 1.6 x 10-12 Cc. 1.6 x 10-14 C d. 1.6 x 10-19 C

Q.29 The main difference between conductors, semiconductors and insulators is because of:a. binding energy of electron b. work functionc. width of forbidden energy gap c. None of these

Q.30 The temperature coefficient of resistance of a semiconductor is:a. always positive b. always negativec. zero d. may be positive or negative


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks of each questions are given ahead.

Q.1 Choose the correct/most appropriate answer: (1x6=6)i. If , B, r are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax3+bx2+cx+d=0

then Br = a. –b/a b. c/ac. –d/a d. None of these

ii. The graph of y=3 is:a. A line parallel to X-axis b. A line parallel to Y-axisc. X-axis d. Y-axis

iii. An equation ax2+bx+c=0 is a quadratic equation even if:a. a=0, b=0 b. b=0, c=0c. a=0, c=0 d. a=b=c=0

iv. 2tan30o/1 – tan230o = a. Cos 60o b. Sin60o

c. tan60o d. Sin30o

v. The sum of first 15 multiples of 8 is:a. 860 b. 960c. 720 d. 940

vi. A die is thrown then probability of getting multiple of 3 is:a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/6 d. None of these

Q.2 The coach of a cricket team buys 3 bats and 6 balls for Rs. 3900. Later she buys another bat and 2 more balls of the same kind for Rs. 1300. Represent this situation algebraically. (2)

Q.3 In figure LM CB and LN CD. Prove that AM/AB = AN/AD. (2)

Q.4 Given 15 Cot A = 8. Find Sin A and Sec A. (2)

Q.5 Use Euclid’s division lemma to show that the square of any positive integer is either of the form 3m or 3m+1 for some integer m. (4)

Q.6 On dividing x3 – 3x2 +x +2 by a polynomial g(x), the quotient and remainder were x – 2 and -2x+4 respectively, find g(x). (4)

Q.7 The diagonal of a rectangular field is 60m more than the shorter side. If the longer side is 30m more than the shorter side, find the sides of the field. (4)

Q.8 A sum of Rs. 700 is to be used to give seven cash prizes to students of a school for their overall academic performance. If each prize is Rs. 20 less than its preceding prize, find the value of each of the prizes. (4)

Q.9 A box contains 5 red marbles, 8 white marbles and 4 green marbles. One marble is taken out of the box at random. What is the probability that the marble taken out will be (i) red (ii) white (iii) not green. (4)

Q.10 AD and PM are medians of triangles ABC and PQR respectively where ∆ABC ∆PQR. Prove that AB/PQ = AD/PM. (4)

Q.11 State and prove Basic Proportionality Theorem. (Thales theorem).(6)Or

Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding medians.

Q.12 Find geometrically all trigonometric ratios of angle 60o. (6)Or

Prove that 1+SinA/1-SinA = SecA + tanAQ.13 Write down the coordinates of mid-point joining two points (x1,y1)

and (x2,y2) and use it to find the values of x and y, if the vertices of a parallelogram are (1,2) (4, y) (x,6) and (3,5) taken in order. (6)

OrFind the area of the triangle formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of the triangle whose vertices are (0,-1) (2,1) and (0,3). Find the ratio of this area to the area of the given triangle.

Q.14 Solve the quadratic equation 4x2 + 4 3x +3=0 by the method of completing the square. (6)

OrA train travels a distance of 480km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 8km/h less, then it would have taken 3 hours more to cover the same distance. Find the speed of the train.

Q.15 Solve the following pair of linear equations by reducing them to a pair of linear equations:

6x + 3y = 6xy2x + 4y = 5xy (6)

OrIf we add 1 to the numerator and subtract 1 from the denominator, a fraction reduces to 1. It becomes 1/2. If we only add 1 to the denominator. What is the fraction?

Q.16 From the top of a 7m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a cable tower is 60o and the angle of depression of its foot is 45o. Determine the height of the tower. (6)

OrThe shadow of a tower standing on a level ground is found to be 40m longer when the sun’s altitude is 30o than when it is 60o. Find the height of the tower.

Q.17 A cylindrical bucket, 32cm high and with radius of base 18cm, is filled with sand. This bucket is emptied on the ground and a conical heap of sand is formed. If the height of the conical heap is 24cm, find the radius and slant height of the heap. (7)

OrA pen stand made of wood is in the shape of a cuboid with four conical depressions to hold pens. The dimensions of the cuboid are 15cm by 10cm by 3.5cm. The radius of each of the dimensions is 0.5cm and the depth is 1.4cm. Find the volume of wood in the entire stand.

Q.18 Draw a pairs of tangents to a circle of radius 5cm which are inclided to each other at an angle of 60o. (7)

OrConstruct a triangle whose sides are 7/5 of the corresponding sides of the first triangle.

Q.19 If tangents PA and PB from a point P to a circle with center O are inclined to each other at angle of 80o, then find <POA. (7)

OrProve that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Q.20 If in two triangles corresponding angles are equal i.e the two triangles are equiangular, then triangles are similar. (7)

OrThe altitude of a right triangle is 7cm less than its base. If the hypotenuse is 13cm. Find the other two sides.

(Paper Setter Sh. Amarjeet)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Chemistry M.M: 70Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 Describe the manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact process with diagram.

OrDerive an expression for Raoult’s law in case of a solution containing non-volatile solute.

Q.2 What are Colligative properties? How molecular mass of an non-volatile substance can be determined from lowering of vapour temperature?

OrDefine boiling point of a liquid. Derive the relation for determining molecular mass of a solute by elevation of Boiling point method.

Q.3 What happens when:a. Propanone is treated with dil. NaOH. b. Ethyl acetate is heated with ammonia. c. Acetic anhydride is treated with ammonia. d. Acetic anhydride is reduced with LiAIH4. e. Acetic anhydride reacts with benzene in presence of

anhydrous AICI3?Or

What kind of Elementary particles are used in the artificial transmutation of elements? Give suitable examples.

Q.4 What are Diazonium Salts? How is Benzene diazonium Chloride prepared from aniline? How does it reacts with Phenols and Amines?

OrWhat are deodorants? Discuss their main components.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 How will you obtain anisole from Phenol? Q.6 Define emulsions? Give different types of emulsions using examples. Q.7 What is ATP? Why is it an energy rich molecule? Q.8 What are Nucleic Acids? Give their classification. List three points

of differences between RNA and DNA. Q.9 Give the method of preparation of K2Cr2O7 from chromite ore.

Q.10 What are f-block elements? Why are they so called? Q.11 Give the classification of polymers based upon their synthesis. Q.12 Give preparation and two uses of: i) Glyptal ii) PVC

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.13 How are racemic modifications different from Meso compounds? Q.14 Name the aldehyde which does not give Fehling’s solution test. Q.15 What are fuel cells? Q.16 Why is it not advisable to dissolve KMnO4 in conc. H2SO4.Q.17 Give two points of difference between Soaps and detergents. Q.18 What is meant by abnormal molecular mass? Q.19 Give the trends in physical properties of group 18 elements. Q.20 Give the relation between Gibbs free energy change and emf of a cell.

Objective type questions; (1 mark each)Q.21i. Cellulose dispersed in ethanol is called:

a. Emulison b. Micelle c. Collodion d. Lyophilic sol.

ii. The material used in solar cell contains:a. Cs b. Sic. Sn d. Ti

iii. Which out of the following belong to 3rd series:a. Na b. Kc. Mg d. Cu

iv. Which one of the following is not a polymer:a. Sucrose b. Enzymec. Starch d. Teflon

v. Which of the following has highest boiling point:a. CH3CI b. C4H10

c. CH3OH d. CH3CHOvi. Which of the following contains both iron and copper:

a. Cuprite b. Chalcocitec. Malachite d. Chalcopyrite

vii. A magnet will cause the greatest deflection of:a. a-rays b. B-raysc. Y-rays d. Neutrons

viii. Which of the following is a simple ether:a. C2H5OCH2 b. CH3OCH3

c. C6H6OC2H5 d. Allix. The compound that is most reactive towards Electrophilic Nitration is:

a. Toluene b. Benzene

c. Benzoic acid d. Nitrobenzene x. Natural rubber is a polymer of:

a. Butadiene b. Ethyne c. Styrene d. Isoprene


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Science M.M: 84

SECTION A (Physics)Long answer type question(6 marks)

Q.1 What is a spherical Mirror? What is the basic difference between a concave mirror and a convex mirror? Mention at least two uses of each of concave and convex mirror.

OrState and explain laws of refraction of light.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.2 Find an expression for the equivalent resistance of the resistors

joined in series. Or

State Ohm’s law. How can it be experimentally verified? Q.3 What is Myopia? How it is corrected?

OrWhy do stars twinkle but planets do not? Explain.

Q.4 What are magnetic field lines? Give their important properties. Or

What is an electric fuse? How does it function? Name two types of commonly used electric fuse.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.5 Define fission with one example. Q.6 Define electric potential difference. What is its unit? Q.7 What is linear magnification produced by lenses? How is it related to

object distance and image distance? Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)

Q.8i. To form a virtual image, we may use:

a. only convex mirror b. only concave mirrorc. either convex or concave mirror d. can not say

ii. If ‘f’ is focal and ‘R’ is Radius of curvature of spherical mirror, then:a. R = f b. R = 2fc. R = 3f d. R = 4f

iii. White light is made up of:a. Seven colours b. Six colours c. all colours d. No colour

iv. The main constituent of Natural gas is:a. Butane b. Hydrogen c. Methane d. None of these

SECTION B (Chemistry)Long answer type question; (6 marks)

Q.9 Discuss briefly the physical and chemical properties of ethanoic acid.

OrWhat is an homologous series? Explain its characteristics with suitable example.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.10 What type of chemical reaction takes place when:

a. Magnesium is burnt in air?b. Digestion of food occurs in body?c. Ammonia and hydrogen chloride gases are mixed?d. Zinc reacts with H2So4 form zinc sulphate and hydrogen?

OrWhat is balanced chemical equation? Why should the chemical equation be balanced?

Q.11 How do metals occur in nature? Explain. Or

Define corrosion of iron. Give necessary conditions for corrosion of iron. State two ways to prevent the corrosion of iron.

Q.12 Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal? Illustrate with an example. How will you test the presence of this gas?

OrGive important uses of each washing soda and baking soda.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.13 What are hydrocarbons? Give the general formula of an alkane

and alkene. Q.14 Explain the meaning of malleable and ductile with appropriate

examples? Q.15 What were the limitations of Dobereiner’s classification?

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.16

i. Which of the following is not a chemical reaction:a. Souring of milk b. Dissolution of sugar in waterc. Rusting of iron d. Digestion of food

ii. The acid present in stomach is:a. Hcl b. H2So4

c. HNo3 d. CH3COoHiii. How many elements were known when Mendella gave his

periodic table:a. 36 b. 56c. 115 d. 63

iv. The inert gas among the following is:a. Ar b. Kc. Ca d. Cl

SECTION C (Life Science)Long answer type question; (6 marks)

Q.17 How are minerals and water transported in plants? Explain. Or

How are fats digested in our bodies? Where does this process takes place.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.18 How does chemical coordination takes place in animals?

OrWhat are plant hormones? How do Auxins promote the growth of a tendril around a support?

Q.19 What is DNA copying an essential part of the process of Reproduction?

OrHow is process of pollination different from fertilization?

Q.20 What factors could lead to rise of a new species? Explain. Or

How is the sex of a child determined in human beings? Explain.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.21 What are trophic levels? Write an example of food chain and

state the different trophic levels in it? Q.22 What changes can you make in your habits to become more

environment friendly? Q.23 What are functions performed by testis in human being?

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.24i. Non-conventional sources of energy is:

a. Coal b. Woodc. Petroleum d. Biogas and Solar energy

ii. Nature’s cleaners are:a. Producers b. Consumers c. Decomposers d. Carnivores

iii. The term ecosystem was introduced by:a. Miller b. Haldane c. Tansley d. Darwin

iv. The brain is responsible for:a. Thinking b. Regulation of heart beatc. balancing the body d. All of these

(paper setter Smt. Madhvi Sharma)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Biology (Botany+Zoology) M.M: 70

SECTION A (Botany)Long answer type questions: (5 marks each)

Q.1 Reproduction generally involves two parents what they called. Does it occur uniparentl. How?

OrWhat are contraception? Describe all the different methods or techniques to control Birth rate.

Q.2 Define chromosomal disorder? Explain down syndrome and klinfelter syndrome?

OrWhat is Hardy-Weinberg’s principal? Explain adaptive radiation.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.3 What is Amniocentesis? What are its advantages & disadvantages? Q.4 What is infertility? How the reproductive technology help to make

fertile couples? Q.5 Define adolescence? How they habit of addictions. Q.6 Define DNA Finger Printing? How they help in detecting the

criminals? Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)

Q.7 Give a brief account of Poultry or Diary farming. Q.8 Give the basic concept of immuniology vaccines and Pathogens. Q.9 How genetic engineering help in Human Health. Q.10 What is cloning? Mention two application of cloning.

Objective type questions; (1 mark each)Q.11 The Blood cancer is known as:

a. Erythrocytes b. Leukocytes c. Both a & b d. None of these

Q.12 Filaria is transmitted by the female:a. Anopdes b. Mosquitoes c. Calex d. None of these

Q.13 The typhoid is caused by:a. drinking of polluted water b. Salmoni typhi c. Bacteria d. Viruses

Q.14 The causative agent of AIDs is:a. Physical relationship b. Blood transmission c. HIV viruses d. Bacteria

Q.15 What is ZIFT & GIFT? SECTION B (Botany)

Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)Q.1 Define Heredity and variation. How does dominance differ from

incomplete Dominance? Illustrate with examples. Or

Describe any few theories or experiments that demonstrate DNA in the genetic material.

Q.2 Define Ecosystem. How an energy flows in the ecosystem? Illustrate it with examples.

OrWhat do you mean by Biodiversity conservation? Why Biodiversity goes to decrease and what are the steps taken to conserve the Biodiversity?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.3 Why vegetative propagation in plants does not lead to variations? Q.4 Describe the Pollination and its types. Q.5 What is Bioenergy and how they are produced? Q.6 Explain the single cell protein. What are its applications?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.7 Differentiate between National parks and Sanctuaries. Q.8 Differentiate between parasitism and Predation. Q.9 Define Genetic code? How it helps to determine the synthesis of

particular protein? Q.10 How primary endosperm helps in developing the embry and how are

they formed? Q.11 Define the following terms: (1 mark each)

a. Apomixesb. Double fertilizationc. Decomposition d. Populatione. Pollution

(paper setter sh. Amit charak)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 8th Time: 2: 30 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 50

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks of each question are given ahead.

Q.1 Choose the correct/most appropriate answer: (1x5=5)i. If (a+b+c) = 0, then a3+b3+c3 =

a. abc b. –abcc. 3abc d. None of these

ii. a3 – b3 is equal to:a. (a+b) (a2 - ab+b2) b. (a-b) (a2 + ab+b2

c. a3+b3+3ab(a-b) d. None of theseiii. Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are:

a. Complementary b. Supplementary c. Both a & b d. None of these

iv. The point common to a circle and its tangent is called: a. Distinct point b. External pointc. Point of contact d. None of these

v. Degree of any constant is:a. 1 b. 0c. both a & b d. None of these

Q.2 Simplify: 16m 2 – 9n 2 4m – 3n (3)

Q.3 Find the product: (m – 9) (m + 2) (2)Q.4 An arc of a circle, having measure 18o, has a length 22m. Find the

circumference of the circle. (2)Q.5 A circle touches the side BC of ∆ABC at P and the sides AB, AC

produced at Q and R respectively, If BC = 5cm, CA= 4cm and AB = 3cm, find the length AQ. (2)

Q.6 Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following scores:

3.8, 4.2, 3.3, 3.7, 4.0, 3.7, 4.6, 3.9, 4.4, 4.4 (2)

Q.7 Yearly savings (in rupees) of 30 students of class VIII are as under:38 42 40 35 72 27 57 6259 80 84 73 65 40 76 4038 60 58 38 54 39 50 4471 83 45 38 80 77Construct a frequency table with class intervals 30-35 (35 not included) etc. (3)

Q.8 The diameter of a roller is 84cm and its length is 120cm. It takes 500 complete revolutions moving once over to level a playground. What is the area of the playground? (3)

Q.9 Draw a circle with centre O and radius 3cm. Take a point P in the exterior of the circle, such that OP = 5cm. From P, draw tangents to the circle, touching it at M and N. Measure PM and PN. (3)

Q.10 The population of a certain city is 125000. If the annual birth rate is 3.3% and the annual death rate is 1.3%. Calculate the population after 3 years. (3)

Q.11 Which is a better investment: 10% debentures at 10% discount or 20% debentures at 10% premium? (2)

Q.12 Find the compound interest at the rate of 5% for three years on that principal which in three years at the rate of 5% per annum given Rs. 1200 as simple interest. (5)

OrWhat sum will become Rs. 4913 in 1 ½ years, if the rate of interest is 12 ½ per annum compounded half yearly?

Q.13 Divide and check your using the relation: Divide = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder 6y5– 28y3 + 3y2+ 30y – 9 by 2y2– 6 (5)

OrDivide the polynomial 6x5+ 4x4– 27x3 – 7x2– 27x – 6 by the binomial 2x2– 3 and check your answer.

Q.14 The sum of two numbers is 2490. If 6.5% of one number is equal to 8.5% of the other, find the numbers. (5)

OrMeera’s mother is four times as old as Meera. After five years her mother will be three times as old as she will be then. What are their present ages?

Q.15 A conical tent is 10m high and the radius of its base is 24m. What is its slant height? Find the cast of the canvas if one square meter of canvas casts Rs. 15. (5)

OrFind the valume of a sphere whose surface area is 154 square cm.


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 70

Long answer type questions:(5 marks each)Q.1 What is Malthusian theory of population growth and what are its

limitations? Or

Discuss the concept of Joint Forestry Management and its significance.

Q.2 What is project screening? Why it is needed in an EIA? What is the role of scoping in EIA?

OrWhat are the types of inter-relationships among organisms of same or different species in an ecosystem?

Q.3 Write a note on Hydel energy and its application as mini or micro hydro power plant?

OrWrite a note on potentials and limitations of the biotechnology.

Q.4 What are the various methods of controlling air pollution? Or

Discuss the effects of water pollution on the environment and human beings.

Q.5 Discuss the key points of Montreal Protocol? How report was an unprecedented document?

OrHow can Environmental organizations contribute to check air pollution?

Q.6 What are Intellectual Property Rights? How does WTO help in protecting IPRs?

OrWhat are the major objectives of WHO?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.7 Explain briefly the status of women. Q.8 Explain Food Pyramid.

Q.9 Define wild life sanctuaries? What is their importance? Q.10 Enlist some of legislations to control pollution.Q.11 Write the brief description of role of PCB’s. Q.12 Write a short note on Kyoto Protocol. Q.13 Write down the role of disinfection in waste water treatment. Q.14 Explain the effects of soil pollution?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.15 What is an age pyramid? Q.16 Give an example of commensalisms. Q.17 How is amoebic dysentery generally spread? Q.18 What is desulphurization? Q.19 What are different platforms on which sensors are mounted to take a

photograph? Q.20 Expand UNCED.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.21i. What is the land and demographic share of India in the world:

a. 2.1% b. 3.5% c. 1.2% d. 2.4%

ii. _________ have primarily been used to monitor environmental accumulations of chemicals.a. Bio-indicators b. Bio-accumulators c. Parasites d. Exotic species

iii. What is the risk group of people for diabetes: a. People who are over weight b. People with a family history of diabetes c. People who are habitually physically inactive c. All of the above

iv. Which nutrient element is related to acid rain:a. Sulphur b. Phosphorus c. Nitrogen d. Carbon

v. According to Montreal Protocol, by which year should we phase out ozone depleting substances?

a. 2010 b. 2013c. 2015 d. 2012

vi. Where is the WTO Secretariat based at?a. London b. New York c. Geneva d. Paris

(Paper setter Smt. Madhvi Sharma)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Long answer type questions: Note: In the following paper ( / ) represents upon(_____)

Q.1 Using elementary transformation, find the inverse of the matrix:1 3 -2

-3 0 -5 If it exists2 5 0

OrShow that: x x2 yx

y y2 zx = (x-y) (y-2) (z-x) (xy+yz+zx)z z2 xy

Q.2 Find all the points of discontinuity of fx + 3 if x< -3

f(x) -2x -3<x<36x+2 x>3

OrProve that the volume of the largest cone that can be inscribed in sphere of radius R is 8/27 of the volume of the sphere.

Q.3 Find ‘I’ = 3x + 5 x3–x2–x+1

OrEvaluate the following Definite integral

I = (x – x 3 ) 1/3


Q.4 Using integration, find the area of the region bounded by the triangles whose vertices are (-1,0) (1,3) and (3,2) plotted.

OrFind a particular solution satisfying the given condition:(x3+x2+x+1)dy/dx = 2x2+x. y = 1 when x = 0

Q.5 If a unit vector a that makes angles /3 with i , /4 with j and an acute angle Q with k , then find ‘Q’ and hence the component of a .

OrFind the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equation’s are:r = ( I +2 j +3K) + ( I -3 j +2k) and r =(4 i +5j +6k) + u (2 i +3j+K)

Short answer type questions;Q.6 Solve tan-1 (1 – x/ 1+x) = 1/2 tan-1x.Q.7 If A = 3 -4

1 -1 then prove that An = 1+2n - 4n n 1 – 2n

Q.8 If x and y are connected parametrically by the equations given below with out eliminating the parameter,

Find dy/dx ‘x’ = Sin3t/ Cos2t , y = Cos3t/ Cos2tQ.9 Show that y = log (1+x) – 2x/2+x , x>-1 is an increasing function of

‘x’ through out its domain. Q.10 Find I = xCos-1x dxQ.11 Show that the given differential equation is homogenous and solve

them xdy – ydx = x2+y2 dx. Q.12 Show that the points A(1,2,7) , B (2,6,3) and C(3,10,-1) are collinear

vectors. Q.13 Solve the linear programming problems graphically.

Maximize Z = -x+2y, subject to constrains. Subject to x>3, x+y>6, y>0.

Q.14 A fair die is rolled. Consider the event E = 1,3,5 , F 2,3,5 & G 2,3,4,5 Find P (E F/G) and P (E F/G)

Q.15 A card from a pack of 52 cards is cost from the remaining cards of the pack, two cards are drawn and found to be both diamond. Find the probability of the last and being of diamond?

Very short answer type questions;Q.16 Show that the function f : R R defined as f(x) = 2x+1 in

one-one and onto (bijective). Is it true for f: N N, f(x) = 2x+1Q.17 Evaluate the following tan-1 tan (2 /3) Q.18 Compute the product of A and

A = 3 -1 3 , B = 2 -3 -1 0 2 1 0

3 1Q.19 If A = 2 -3 B = 3 2

4 -5 -1 4 Verify that AB = A BQ.20 If f(x) = x /x , x = 0

0 , x = 0 . Find whether f(x) is continuous at x=0Q.21 Find d2y/dx2 , when y = x Cosx

Q.22 Find the slopes of the tangent and the normal to the curve’s y = 3x4 -4x at x=4

Q.23 Find the integral’s of Sec 2 x Cosec2x

Q.24 Evaluate the definite integrals ex dx Q.25 Find the angle between two non-zero vector:

a and b if a x b = a . b Multiple choice questions;

Q.26 If f(x) = x2 – x-2 then f (1/x) is equal to:a. f(x) b. –f(x)c. 1/f(x) d. f(x)

Q.27 If f(1) = 1 & f(n+1) = 2f(n) + 1, n >1 then f(n) is:a. 2n b. 2n-1c. 2n +1 d. 2n-1– 1

Q.28 For two matrices A & B , AB = 0 impliesa. A = 0 or B = 0 b. a = 0 , B = 0c. a = 0, B = 0 d. None of these

Q.29 lt. x – x where is an integer is x a. 0 b. -1c. 1 d. 2

Q.30 The sum of the intercepts of a tangent to x + y = a . a>0 upon the co-ordinate axis is:a. a b. a/2c. a d. 2a

Q.31 If 1/f(x) dx = log f(x) + c then f(x) equals:a. x/2 + k b. 2x+Kc. x+k d. x2 +k

Q.32 The area enclosed between the curve y2 = 4x and the line y = x is:a. 1/2 b. 2/3 c. 4/3 d. 8/3

Q.33 The line x – 2/1 = y – 3/2 = z – 1/0 is:a. to the X-axis b. to the y-axis c. to the Z-axis d. lies in the plane to xy plane

Q.34 The general solution of the equation dy/dy = x2/y2 is:a. x3 + y3 = c b. x2 + y2 = cc. x2 – y2 = c d. x3 – y3 = c

Q.35 lt. (4n + 5n) 1/n is equal to: a. e b. 4c. 5 d. 5/4


Class: 8th Time: 2: 30 hrs.Sub: S.Studies M.M: 50SECTION A (History)

Long answer type questions (5 marks each)Q.1 What were the causes of the backwardness of Indian Agriculture?

OrWhat was the contribution of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the spread of Education and the awakening of the Muslims?

Q.2 Describe the influence of education and of social and religious reform movements on the rise of nationalism in India.

OrWhat were the main differences in the outlook and methods of the ‘moderates’ and the ‘extremists’?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.3 What do you understand by ‘Dandi March’? Q.4 What were the problems facing the Indian people immediately after

independence? Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)

Q.5 Who was the first president of the Indian National congress? Q.6 In which year was All India Trade Union Congress formed? Q.7 Write the full names of Lal, Bal, Pal. Also mention whether they

were moderates or extremists? Q.8 When and where did Muslim League demanded the creation of

Pakistan? SECTION B (Geography)

Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)Q.9 Why have certain species of animals become extinct in our country?

What is being done to preserve wild life? Or

State the measures taken by the government to improve the agriculture in India.

Q.10 On an outline map of India, show the following:a. States: Kerala, Utter Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmirb. Capitals of India.

c. Any three south Indian states. Or

Why is railway transport very important in our country? Also mention how railway journeys have become faster now?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.11 Distinguish between Export and Import. Q.12 Distinguish between Rural and Urban Populaiton.

Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.13 What are the major natural resources of India? Q.14 Which is the leading producer of Saffron in state of Jammu &

Kashmir? Q.15 Name the four means of transport. Q.16 Why Arunachal Pradesh has a density of less than 10 persons per sq.

km? SECTION C (Civics)

Long answer type question; ( 5 marks)Q.17 When and why was the United Nations founded?

OrBriefly explain the disparities between developed and developing countries.

Short answer type question; ( 2 marks)Q.18 write short note on the following:

a. Industrial Pollutionb. Nuclear Arms race.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.19i. The charter of the United Nations was ratified at a conference of 51

nations held in San-Francisco, USA in: a. April 1945 b. May 1945

c. June 1945 d. July 1945ii. In 1995, United Nation had:

a. 185 countries as its members b. 186 countries as its membersc. 187 countries as its members d. 188 countries as its members

iii. Which of the following is a developed country:a. India b. Pakistanc. Bangladesh d. U.S.A


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 70

Long answer type questions:(5 marks each)Q.1 Name the various Gaseous Pollutants in Atmosphere and explain any

two methods of their control.Or

Describe the role of Multinationals in controlling and abating pollution.

Q.2 Explain in detail the need for conservation of wild-life.Or

A better quality of life is dependent upon the quality of environment. Explain.

Q.3 What is Hydel energy? Write down its applications. Or

What are communicable diseases? How do they spread? Q.4 What are the various sources and effects of soil pollution?

OrDescribe Marine Pollution, its causes and consequences.

Q.5 Describe downward spiral of Malnutrition. How can we turn the tide of malnutrition?

OrWhat are the various sources and features of renewable sources of energy? Expain

Q.6 Enlist the primary functions of legislation in controlling Atmospheric pollution.

OrWhat are the major objectives of WHO?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.7 What is meant by cleaner fuels? Q.8 What are Marginal lands? Q.9 Write a note on Tehri Dam. Q.10 Write a note on tribals and their rights in the Forests areas. Q.11 Write a short note on Kyoto protocol.

Q.12 List down characteristics of Ecosan latrines. Q.13 What is space treaty? Q.14 How does Influenza or Flue spread?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.15 What is corporate Environment Responsibility? Q.16 Write a note on CITIES. Q.17 What do you mean by ‘Green House Effect’? Q.18 What is desulphurization? Q.19 What are Biosensors? Q.20 Expand the terms ‘UNDP’ and ‘WHO’.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.21i. The Air pollution control device with maximum efficiency is:

a. Electrostatic precipitation b. Wet scrubber c. Fabric filter d. Cyclone

ii. the main gaseous emission contributing to global warming is:a. Carbon dioxide b. Sulphur dioxide c. Carbon monoxide d. Nitrogen dioxide

iii. The type of distribution pattern present in humans is:a. Clumped b. Randomc. Uniform d. None of these

iv. When was Outer Space Treaty signed:a. 1963 b. 1965c. 1967 d. 1970

v. In which of the earth has Ozone hole been reported:a. Artica b. Asiac. Africa d. Antarctica

vi. Which normally is absent in lower atmosphere:a. Carbon dioxide b. Heliumc. Ozone d. Carbon monoxide

(Paper setter Smt. Madhvi Sharma)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th M.M: 100 Sub: English Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION AQ.1 Read the given extract carefully and complete the paragraph:

Why, who makes much of a miracle? As to me I know of nothing else but miracles; Whether I walk the street of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses towards the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the waterOr stand under trees in the woods, Or talk by the day with any one I love.

1.1 Summary: Some people make much of (a) ________. The poet fails to understand why people do so. People think that miracles are things that happen unexpectedly and very rarely. But the poet does not agree with them. For him, (b) _______that the sees around him is a miracle. He says that he sees nothing but miracles in the world. He may be anywhere. It may be the streets of (c) _______where he is walking. He sees miracles when he runs eyes over the (d)_______and looks towards the sky. He sees miracles when he stands under the trees in the woods. He sees miracles when during the day he talks to (e)________(3)

1.2 Choose one suggestion the best fit each of the expression. Expression from the poem………………………To suggest: (3)a. who makes much of a miracle? b. To me everything in the world is a miracle. c. wade with naked feet along the beach.

Suggestions:a. Some people give too much importance to miracles. b. Some people say miracle rarely happen. c. To the poet miracle always take place.d. To the poet everything is a miracle. e. Walking bare footed in the water is a miracle. f. Every ordinary episode in his life is a miracle.

Q.2 Read the given extract and answer the questions:Now is the globe shrunk tightRound the mouse’s dulled wintering heartWeasel and crow, as if moulded in brass, Move through on the outer darkness.

a. what has shrunk the globe and how? (2)b. What suffering do the animals undergo in the poem? (2)c. What do the following words mean:

a. shrunk b. dulled (1)

Q.3 Read the following passage and answer the questions:The Buddha said, ‘ the life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief and combined with pain. For there is not any means by which those that have been borne can avoid dying; after reaching old age there is death; of such a nature are living beings. As ripe fruits are early in danger of falling, so mortals when born are always in danger of death. As all earthen vessels made by the potter end in being broken, so is the life of mortals. Both young and adults; both those who are fools and those who are wise, all fall into the power of death; all are subject to death.

a. Write down the antonyms of the following:Mortal, dying, ripe, always. (2)

b. Fill in the blanks: (2)i. The Buddha said that the life of __________ is combined with pain. ii. He said that there are no means to _____________. iii. He compared human beings with __________ and earthen vessels. iv. Everyone is subject to ____________. Q.4. Read the given passage and answer the questions:

Our opportunities are great but let me warn you that when power outstrips ability, we will fall on evil days. We should develop competence and ability which would help us utilize the opportunities which are now open to us. From tomorrow morning-from midnight today-we can not throw the blame on the Britisher. We have to assume the responsibility ourselves for what we do. A free India will be judged by the way in which it will serve the intersty of the common man in the matter of food, clothing, shelter and social activities. Unless we destroy corruption in high places and root out every trace of nepotism, love of power, profiteering and black marketing, which have spoiled the good name of this country in recent times. We will not be able to raise the standard of efficiency in administration as well as in the production and distribution of necessary goods of life.

Complete the following on the basis of the above:Dr. Radhakrishnan said that independence would give (a)___________to make great progress. In order to (b)___________we must develop our abilities and skills and assume responsibility (c)___________ we (d)___________corruption, nepotism and back marketing. Only then(e)___________the standard of living our people. (5)

SECTION BQ.5 Write a notice to be displayed on the noticeboard of your school. That you are

planning to stage the one act play “The Proposal” on the last day of Puja holidays. Invite the interested students of 10th class, to attend a meeting in the examination hall after your Pre-Board examination on 10th October at 03:00 hrs. afternoon. Don not exceed the word limit of 50 words. Put your signature as a secretary dramatic club. (4)

Q.6 Read the following notes from the notepad of Mr. Philip, the Secretary of Fine Arts Club of Indira Nagar. He tells his Assistant to type out a message to be sent to the President of the Club. Taking relevant information from the notepad, write the message. Put the message in a box. Your answer should not be in more than 50 words. (4)

* Meeting to be held. * At the Guest House at 04 pm. * Discuss the club’s annual celebration. * Decide the date, the chief guest and other details.

Q.7 Write a letter to the Editor of the Kashmir Times and request him to publish in the esteemed columns of newspaper. That how electric supply is cut during the crucial period of your examination. You impress upon the electric department not to cut the power supply. (5)

Q.8 Write an essay on anyone of the following topics. (150-200 words) (7)a. Computer revolution b. Deepawali c. A picnic that you have enjoyed

SECTION C (Literature)Q.9 Answer the following in between 150-200 words:a. How does Mammachi in Papachi’s Moth stand out as an independent and resilient

woman? (5) P.T.Ob. Write briefly about the humorous situations in “An Excellent Father”. (5)Q.10 What are feelings expressed by Pablo Neruda in his poem “I Explain a Few Things”.

(4)Q.11 Comment on the ironical end of the short story “Dusk”. (5)Q.12 Discuss the character sketch of “Bholi”. (5)Q.13 What is the theme of the play “The Proposal”? (5)Q.14 Read the poem given below:

When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look. Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love-false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountain overhead, and his face amid a crown of stars.

Write briefly about the imagery after reading the poem. (3)Q.15 Read the extract given below:

Look there, in that smithy; Its red oven, fierce flames, The Padlocks are already opening their mouths, And each fetter is skirting around. Speak now, for time’s running out. Before your body and mind fade away, Tell us for truth is not yet dead.

Do you find any poetic devices in the above lines? Identify at least two poetic devices. (3)

SECTION DQ.16 Complete the conversation between Shahid and his friend Anjali, in any suitable

way. (3)Shahid: Hello. Is this 9419?Anjali: Yes ………………? Shahid: I am her friend, Shahid. Anjali: Oh: It’s Shahid. ………………? Shahid: I am calling from International Airport Srinagar. I am here for a visit. Anjali: That’s great …………………………….? Shahid: I wanted to give you a surprise. Anjali: Stay there. I am coming …………….?Shahid: I shall wait for you. How much time………………? Anjali: Well, if there is not traffic jam, it will take me………………….

Q.17 The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction on your answer book. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. ( ½ x8=4)The only woman of the world. who scaled Mt. Everest is born in a society where the birth of a son is regarded as blessing, and a daughter, was not generally welcome. Santosh was born the sixth Child of a family with five sons.

Q.18 Re-arrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences: (3)a. Who has taken it/wife impatiently/cried his/do you want to know. b. of large fortune/a single man/a year/four or five thousand. c. a share of my beauty/ have had/ I certainly. d. Poor nerves/no compassion/on my/ you have. e. Griffin/accentric scientist/was/an. f. Pappachi/was/entomologist/an. Q.19 Change the narration of the following: ( ½ x 2 = 1)a. The teacher said to me, “Why you have not done your work”? b. He said, “I will come on my duty tomorrow”. Q.20 Fill in the blanks with appropriate models. ( ½ x 2 = 1)a. __________ like to have coffee or tea? b. I _________ like to have Coffee only please. Q.21 Fill in the blanks with suitable articles. ( ½ x 2 = 1)a. You are _________ fool to say that. b. French is __________ easy language. Q.22 Match the phrases of Column A with their meaning in Column B. ( ½ x4=2)

Column A Column BPlunge in Stay homeKeep back compensateKeep up for remain quiet Calm down speak/write with out foes

Q.23 i. Though he was nominated by__________ for chairpersonship, yet the trouble with him was his __________with higher attitude. (acclamation/acclimation)ii. They who spoke_________were not _________to enter the hall. (alound/allowed)iii. _________ makes the man perfect. (practise/practice)iv. What _________you? (ailes/ales0 (4)

Q.24 Punctuate the following: (3)welcome he said be seated now tell me what brings you here at this late hour I came to consult you on an important matter said the visitor can I confide you yes certainly replied he.

(Paper setter Sh. Amar Nath)


Class: 8th Time: 2: 30 hrs.Sub: Science M.M: 50

SECTION A (Physics)Q.1 What are the laws of limiting friction? Why do carom coins carom

coins move faster on carom board with dusted talcum powder? (5)Or

What is a lubricant? How does a lubricant reduce friction? Q.2 What is constellation? How are meteors different from stars? (3)Q3. Define atmospheric pressure? Give two examples each of situations

in which you push or pull to change the state of motion of objects? (3)Q.4 What do you understand by the term new Moon and full Moon? (2)Q.5 Fill in the blanks:i. The force per unit area is called _____________. (1)ii. A charge body _________ an uncharged body towards it. (1)Q.6 Statements given below are incorrect. Write the correct statements. i. The friction offered by the wheels is called sliding friction. (1)ii. Mars is the second planet nearest to the sun. (1)

SECTION B (Chemistry)Q.7 Define Global warming? Why does the increased level of nutrients

in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms? (5)Or

Describe the Green House Effect in your own words. Q.8 Define malleability and ductility. Why phosphorous is stored in

water? (3)Q.9 Define metal and non-metal. Can you store lemon pickle in an

aluminium utensil? Explain. (3)Q.10 Why sodium metal is stored in kerosene? (2)Q.11 Define Electroplating. List the different objects that are

electroplated. (2)Q.12 Choose the correct answer:i. The heavenly body which revolve around the sun is called: (1)

a. Universe b. Constellation c. Planet d. Meteor ii. The metal present in chlorophyll of plants: (1)

a. Iron b. Magnesium c. Phosphorous d. Sodium SECTION C (Biology)

Q.13 Define cell? Draw a neat and labeled diagram of an animal cell? (5)Or

What features are possessed by both plant cells and animal cells? Why are mitochondria known as the ‘power-house of the cell’?

Q.14 What is reproduction? Define sexual and asexual reproduction. (3)Q.15 Define metamorphosis with example. What is zygote and a foetus? (3) Q.16 What are functions of cell membrane and chromosomes? (2)Q.17 Define internal and external fertilization. (2)Q.18 Fill in the blanks:i. The cell was discovered by ____________. (1)



Class: 8th Time: 2: 30 hrs.Sub: English M.M: 50

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:At the charge office we were asked to make a statement. Harry Nikumbula began by saying that the girl at the counter refused to serve us. Before he could end his sentence, the white superintendent of police who had come to stop the fight said, “you can not call a white lady, a girl or a woman. Harry ignore this and went to say that ‘after that an elderly woman came. But again before he could finish is sentence, the superintendent said, “I say, you cheeky nigger. You can not call a European lady woman”.

i. who gave the statement at charge office? a. Superintendent b. Harry Nikumbula c. The author

ii. The superintendent of police was:a. An African b. a European c. An Indian

iii. Write a short note on the following questions:a. What was the complaint of Harry? b. What did the Superintendent call the Harry?

Q.2 Read the given lines taken from the Poem “A Planet at Prayer” and answer the questions given at the end:Here we are, God—a planet at prayer. Attune our spirits that We may hear your harmonies and bow before your creative Power that we may face our violent discords and join With your energy to make heard in every heart your hymn of peace.

i. The author wants to bow before:a. God b. The Earth c. Devil

ii. What does the poet want to hear:a. Violent discords b. God’s energy c. God’s harmonies

iii. Write short answers to the following questions: a. What does the poet pray to God? b. What should every heart hear? Q.3 Fill in the blanks using the following words:

Drifled, embraced, contracted, bowed i. The mother _________ her daughter when she returned from abroad. ii. At the age of five, she ___________ pneumonia and that weakened

her lungs. iii. The child __________ into sleep in the moving car.

Q.4 Words under column A mean the opposite of those in column B. Match them:

Column A Column BLift Sighted Lend Quit Blind Drop

Q.5 Write the homophones of the words given in the brackets. The meaning given serve as clues.

a. i The smallest part of an animal or plant that exists by itself. (sell)ii. To have in mind something from previous experience (No)b. Use the following words in your own sentences:i. Criticize….(as verb) ii. Cricket…..(as noun)iii. weak....(as adjective) iv. Defeat…..(as verb)Q.6 Change the following speech into indirect speech:i. Karan says, “I know my business”. ii. He will say, “I like dry fruits”. iii. He said, “The sun gives light and heat”. iv. You said, “I am a slow walker”. Q.7 (a) Punctuate the following sentence:

i said to him have you ever gone to delhi. (b) Change into simple present:

The children cried fro sweets. Q.8 Write an essay on any one of the following:

‘The values of games & sports’‘Dewali/Idd’‘Wonders of science’ ‘Air Pollution’

Q.9 Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting him to grant you full fee concession.

Q.10 Compose a story on any one of the following moral:‘Try again & again’‘Might is right’


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 100

Sub: English Time: 03 hrs. SECTION A

Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:The love of mother earth should be shown by tending to her. If she ruthlessly destroyed, we shall also die with her. The tremendous problem of lack of food in the country boils down to this that we have left the love of earth to ignorant people who know nothing of the advance of science.

(C.V Raman lesson)i. How can we show our love of mother earth? (2)ii. What was the reason behind lack of food in the country? (2)iii. Who does the author call ignorant people? (1)

OrMother tells me how one day she had been sitting with me for hours in an upstairs room, showing me pictures out of a great big storybook that I had got from Santa Claus last Christmas and telling me the names of different animals and flowers that were in them, trying without success to get me to repeat them. (The letter A)

i. What type of book did the Santa Claus give to the author? (1 ½)ii. What would have been the result if the author had repeated what his mother

wanted him to repeat? (2)iii. Who told the author all about his childhood? (1 ½ )Q.2 Read the passage and answer the questions given at the end:

Once I was an archaeologist’s assistant. I wondered up and down the country probing, exploring and digging in search of antiquities, a most interesting occupation, although cynics sometimes called us grave diggers. I enjoyed the work immensely.

i. What does an assistant do? (1)ii. What type of people are cynics? (1)iii. What occupation seemed interesting to the author? (2)iv. Calling archaeologists ‘grave diggers’ is a sign of

(optimism/pessimism/cynicism) (1)Q.3 Read the poetry lines given and answer the questions that follow:

“The years have sped along, Stopping briefly at beloved halts

And moving sadly on.”i. The poet uses the word ‘years’ for something, what is that thing? (1)ii. Explain “Stopping briefly at beloved halts”. (2)iii. Give the brief sketch of Kamla Dass and her poetry. (2)

OrOh, God of May have mercyBless these withered bodies With the passion of your resurrection.

i. What has been referred as “withered bodies”? (1)ii. Explain “Passion of your resurrection”. (2)iii. What does “God of May” imply? (2)Q.4 Read and answer the questions given at the end:

“O haste thee haste! The lady cries “Though tempests round us gather;I’ll meet the raging of the skies, But not any angry father”.

i. The other word for tempest is___________. (1)ii. Choose correct option:

raging of the sky means: a. lightening and thunder b. wind and storm of the skies

c. Anger of the skies (1)iii. Does the lady want to meet her father? (1)iv. What does the lady want her men to do? (2)

SECTION BQ.5 Answer any two questions in 120-150 words: (2x4=8)i. What would you do if you were in Jimmy’s place? ii. Describe Kala Dongar? iii. Explain—‘Individual liberty leads to social anarchy’? iv. What major idea is the writer trying to get across to the readers in “The

Sniper”? Q.6 Give the character sketch of Barnaby or Najab or Mrs. Bouncer.

(200 words) (5) Q.7 Answer any four questions briefly: (4x2=8)i. What is the impact of the autumn on the trees? ii. In the opening lines of ‘When Autumn came’, autumn has been personified.

Who do you think he has personified autumn as? iii. Mriganko Babu at times becomes superstitious. When? iv. Why was Mriganko Babu attracted towards the scarecrow? v. What type of articles are “The Sniper” and “The letter A”? vi. What is the rhyme or scheme of a peoem? vii. How did Raman manifest his love for India? Q.8 Explain with reference to the context:a. The very prospect of a new and widely advertised care-all delights me. Ye,

even if I have the stuff in my pockets, I forget about it as soon as the hour

approaches at which I ought to swallow it. Chemists make their fortunes out of the medicines that people forget to take. (Forgetting) (5)

Or‘First you come unannounced, dragging the police behind you, and then I find you have come with nothing. Trading with you is going to be a dead loss, son, with the cops on your back and your hands empty.

(Love across the salt desert)

P.T.Ob. “What is the point of getting annoyed,

There is no time for the sun to rise. (5)Whenever it rises that is sunrise”.

OrBelieve me, Son, I want to be what I used to beWhen I was like you.

Q.9a. Homophones are same sounding words. Give the homophone of:

i. Birth ii. Fare (½ x2=1)b. Make compound words from:

i. Room ii. Paper (½x2=1)SECTION C

Q.10 Expand the outlines given under into an essay of 250 words; Also give it a suitable title:Village life slow—peaceful, simple, sympathetic people, helpful to each other, Avenues of progress few. City life fast, hectic, competition, selfishness, less co-operative people, Recreation, facilities and chances of development. (5)

Q.11 You are monitor of your class. Write a letter to the principal requesting him to arrange extra-classes for some slow learners. (5)

Q.12 Make notes of the following paragraph. Give title. (5)In the seventh crash involving IAF’s fighter planes this year, a MIG_29 aircraft crashed in a mountainous region in Himachal Pardesh’s Lahoul Sipti valley during a night flying exercise but the fate of the pilot is not known.

Q.13 Write a newspaper report of an accident in Ramban. (5)Q.14 Write a poster on behalf of your school principal regarding opening of

Admission from Nursery to 12th class. (3)Q.15 Your friend is in London. Write an e-mail asking him to receive you at

Heathrow Airport on 3rd November evening. (2)Q.16(a) Correct the sentence: (4)i. I would have gone if he invited me. ii. He left this place last year. If he had stayed on he will have become the

president of the society.

iii. If I were rich I will buy a new car. iv. If people act upon traffic rules there would be no problem on the road. (b) Re-write the following sentences turning one of the sentences into a phrase,

as shown in the example: (4)Example: She almost snatched the cock from her husbands hands

and began to stroke its feathers. Solution: Almost snatching the cock from her husband’s hands she

began to stroke its feathers. i. Shahmal fetched a handful of rice and sprinkled it before the cock.ii. He fell upon the rice hungrily and went on stuffing his crop with huge

mouthfuls. iii. The cock’s legs were tied together with a bit of string and he hopped about

with difficultly. iv. Mukherjee took some medicine and soon after started dozing. (c) Fill in correct form of verbs given. (4)i. He__________(speak) English very well. ii. The earth_________(move) round the sun. iii. She__________(marry) my cousin last year. iv. The patienct__________(die) before the Doctor came. (d) Correct the infinitives: (4)i. Don’t forget posting the letter I gave you. ii. I remember clearly to post your letter. iii. I am not in a hurry. I don’t mind to wait. iv. My father allowed me using the car. (e) Do as directed: (6)i. You have been working all day. You _______be tired. (use model)ii. Sit down, please. (change voice)iii. Good boys never shirk work. (change into complex)iv. Mine was a difficult birth. Both mother and son almost died. (combine into

one sentence)v. Ram said to her son, “Dear, give up bad habits”. (change the narration)vi. He has been living_______Delhi for some time now. (use preposition)

(Paper setter Sh. Gh. Abbas)


New Pattern single paper scheme 2011Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks of each questions are given ahead.

Q.1 Choose the correct/most appropriate answer and write it in your answer book: (1x6=6)

i. Sin 2A = 2SinA is true when A = a. 0o b. 30 o

c. 45 o d. 90 o

ii. The value of Sin50 o + Cos40 o is:a. 2Sin 50 o b. 2Cos 40 o

c. both a & b d. None of theseiii. In tossing a pair of die, the probability of getting an odd number or a

number less than 4 is:a. 2 b. 1/2 c. 2/3 d. 3/4

iv. LCM of 8,9 and 25 is:a. 1 b. 1800c. 200 d. None of these

v. If , B , r are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax 2 + bx 2 +cx + d = 0, then B + Br + r = a. –b/a b. c/a c. –d/a d. –c/a

vi. The sum of the first n terms of an AP is given by:a. S= n/2 a+ (n – 1)d b. S= n/2 2a+(n – 1)dc. S= n/2 2a+(n – 1)d d. Sn=an +(n – 1)d

Q.2 Given tanA = 4/3, find the other trigonometric ratis of the angle A. (2)Q.3 The difference between two numbers is 26 and one number is three

times the other. Find them. (2)Q.4 Find the value of K for which the following quadratic equation have

two equal roots:2x 2+Kx+3=0 (2)Q.5 Find LCM and HCF of 510 and 92 and verify that LCM x HCF =

Product of the two numbers. (4)Q.6 Obtain all other zeroes of 3x 4+6x3 – 2x2 – 10x – 5, if two of its

zeroes are 5/3 and - 5/3 (4)

Q.7(a) Solve by elimination method: 3x – 5y – 4=0 and 9x=2y+7 (b) Solve by substitution method: 7x – 15y=2

x + 2y = 3 (2+2=4)Q.8 Find the sum of first 51 terms of an AP whose second and third term

are 14 and 18 respectively. (4)Q.9 A coin is tossed 1000 times with the following frequencies:

Head: 455 , Tail: 545. Compute the probability for each event. (4)

Q.10 A toy is in the form of a cone of radius 3.5cm mounted on a hemisphere of same radius. The total height of the toy is 15.5cm. Find the total surface area of the toy. (4)

Q.11 Solve the following pairs of equations by reducing them to a pair of linear equations:

5/x – 1 + 1/y – 2 = -1 6/x – 1 - 3/y – 2 = 1 (6)

Or2/ x + 3/ y = 24/ x – 9/ y = -1

Q.12 The sum of the reciprocals of Rehman’s ages (in years) 3 years ago and 5 years from now is 1/3. Find his present age. (6)

OrFind the roots of 2x2 +x – 4=0 by the method of completing the square.

Q.13 Sides AB and AC and median AD of a ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQ and PR and median PM of another triangle PQR. Show that ABC PQR

OrD and E are points on the sides CA and CB respectively of a ABC right angled at C. Prove that AE 2+BD2 = AB 2+DE2

Q.14 In a triangle, if square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then the angle opposite the first side is a right angle. (6)

OrIf a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then the line is parallel to their side.

Q.15 Find the trigonometric ratios of 30o or 45o

Or (6)Prove the following identities:

(SinA +CosecA) + (CosA+SecA) = 7+tan2A+Cot 2AOr

Prove that Sin - Cos +1 = 1Sin + Cos - 1 Sec - tan Using the identity Sec2 = 1+tan2

Q.16 A 1.5m tall boy is standing at some distance from a 30m tall building. The angle of elevation from his eyes to the top of the building increases from 30o to 60o as he walks towards the building. Find the distance he walks towards the building. (6)

OrA statue 1.6m tall stands on the top of a pedestal. From a point on the ground, then angle of elevation of the top of the statue is 60 o and from the same point the angle of elevation of the top of the pedestal is 45o. Find the height of the pedestal.

Q.17(a) Find area of a triangle whose vertices are: (-5,-1) (3,-5) (5,2) (b)Find the point on the X-axis which is equidistant from (2,-5) and (-

2,9) (3.5+3.5=7)Or

(a) Find the relation between x and y such that the point (x,y) is equidistant from the point (3,6) and (-3,4)

(b) Find the coordinates of the point which divides the join of (-1,7) and (4,-3) in the ratio 2:3.

Q.18 Two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle with centre 0 from an external point T. Prove that <PTQ = 2<OPQ. (7)

OrProve that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is arhombus.

Q.19 Construct a triangle of sides 4cm, 5cm and 6cm and then a triangle similar to it whose sides are 2/3 of the corresponding sides of the first triangle. (7)


Draw a circle of radius 6cm. From a point 10cm away from its centre, construct the pair of tangents to the circle and measure their lengths.

Q.20 A fez, the cap used by Turks is shaped like the frustum of a cone. If its radius on the open side is 10cm, radius of upper base is 4cm and its slant height is 15cm, find the area of material used for making it.


A container shaped like a right circular cylinder having diameter 12cm and height 15cm is full of ice cream. The ice cream is to be filled into cones of height 12cm and diameter 6cm, having a hemispherical shape on the top. Find the number of such cones which can filled with ice-cream.

(Paper setter sh. Amarjeet)


New Pattern single paper scheme 2011Class: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Physics M.M: 70

SECTION ALong answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 Explain the principle on which van-de graff generator operates. Draw a labeled diagram and write its working.

OrWhat is parallel plate capacitor? Write expression for its capacitance and energy stored in it.

Q.2 Draw a labeled ray diagram for compound microscope or telescope and write an expression for its magnifying power.

Q.3 Draw a labeled circuit arrangement showing the windings of primary and secondary coil in a transformer. Explain the underlying principle and working of a step up transformer. Write any two major sources of energy loss in this device.

OrDefine impedance and derive expression for impedance of LCR ckt by using phasr diagram.

Q.4 What is amplifier? Discuss common emitter amplifier using npn transistor.

OrDiscuss common emitter oscillator using transistor.

SECTION BShort answer type questions; (3 marks each)

Q.5 How is a wavefront defined? Using Huygen’s principle, verify Snell’s law.

Q.6 What is lever diode. Briefly explain how this diode can be used as a voltage regulator.

Q.7 Prove that the current density of a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the drift speed of electrons.

Q.8 Prove that the ideal inductor does not dissipate power in AC ckt. Q.9 State the law of radioactive decay and derive its mathematical


Q.10 Obtain the expression for potential energy of an electric dipole placed in an electric field.

Q.11 Show that Em wave is transverse in nature. Q.12 Define work function. How is it related to threshold frequency.

SECTION CVery short answer type questions; (2 marks each)

Q.13 Calculate the distance of an object of height from a concave mirror of focal length 10cm so as to obtain a real image of magnification 2.

Q.14 Write Boolean algebra, Truth table, symbol for OR gate. Q.15 What is nuclear radius of Fe125 if that of Al27 is 3.6 fermi?Q.16 How does the width of depletion layer of P-n junction change with

decrease in forward biase & reverse baise. Q.17 Draw an equipotential surface for a system consisting of two charges

Q, -Q separated by distance r in air. Q.18 How fringe width change when (i) screen is moved away from the

plane of slits (ii) whole apparatus is immersed in water. Q.19 Draw a labeled diagram of communication system. Q.20 Calculate the resistivity of a material of a wise 10m long. 0.4mm in

diameter and having resistance of 2 . SECTION D

Very Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.21 What is the direction of the force acting on a charged particle q,

moving with a velocity N in a uniform magnetic field B ? Q.22 Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength 10-

2m and mention its one application. Q.23 An electron and alpha particles have the same de-Broglie wavelength

associated with them. How are their kinetic energies related to each other.

Q.24 A glass lens of reflective index 1.5 is placed in a trengh of liquid. What must be the refractive index of the liquid in order to make the lens disappear?

Q.25 A 500 r c charged is at the centre of a square of side 10cm. Find the word done in moving a charge of 10 r c between two diagonally opposite points on the square.

Q.26 State the reason why heavy water is generally used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor.

Q.27 Name the absorbing material used to control the reaction rate of the neutrons in the nuclear reactors.

Q.28 State the reason why two independent sources of light can not be considered as coherent sources.

Q.29 Name the part of E.M spectrum of wavelength 100m and mention its one application.

Q.30 An electron and an particle have same kinectic energy. How are the De-broglie wavelength associated with them related.

(Paper setter Sh. Ajayjeet)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Science M.M: 100

SECTION A (Physics)Long answer type questions; (6 marks)

Q.1 What is the electric energy and power? Derive their expression and define their units?

OrDerive an expression for total resistance of three resistances when connected in series and in parallel.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.2 Draw a structure of human eye and label it properly. Write the

function of Iris in human eye. Or

What is Hypermetropia? How is it corrected? Q.3 What are Cartesian sign conventions used in spherical mirror?

OrDistinguish between real and virtual images in a lens. What is power of lens?

Q.4 How does electric Motor work? Or

Give Orested’s experiment to demonstrate the magnetic effect of current.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.5 List two factors on which strength of induced current depends. Q.6 Define Nuclear fusion with one example. Q.7 The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 10cm. What is its

focal length? Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)

Q.8i. At the centre of a Magnet, The magnetism is:

a. Maximum b. Minimumc. Zero d. Same as at poles

ii. An electric Motor converts:a. Mechanical energy into electrical energyb. Mechanical energy into heat energyc. Electrical energy into Mechanical energyd. Electric energy into heat energy

iii. The device which harness solar energy directly is:a. Coal gas plant b. Solar cellc. Natural gas plant d. Biogas plant

iv. Twinkling of star is due to:a. Reflection b. Atmospheric refraction c. Dispersion d. None of these

SECTION B (Chemistry)Long answer type questions; (6 marks)

Q.9 What are Substitution and addition reactions? Illustrate with two examples each.

OrDraw the structure of:i. Bromopropane ii. Butanoic acid iii. Methanol iv. Propane v. Ethanol vi. Pentane

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.10 Explain Newland’s law of Octaves.

OrMention at least four merits of long form of Periodic Table.

Q.11 Explain four points to differentiate between Metals and Non-Metals.Or

Explain the following with one example each:a. Corrosion b. Rancidity

Q.12 Explain the differences between the physical and chemical properties of acids and bases.

OrDefine strong acids and weak bases with suitable examples.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.13 Define the terms Mineral and ores. Q.14 Define homologous series. Give two characteristics? Q.15 Define atomic size?

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.16i. Lime water is:

a. Cao b. Ca(OH)2

c. Caco3 d. Cacl2

ii. Number of periods in modern periodic table is:a. 5 b. 6c. 7 d. 8

iii. Which of the following metal is lustrous:a. Graphite b. Sulphurc. Iodine d. Bromine

iv. Which of the following metal displace zince:a. Fe b. Crc. Mg Hg

SECTION C (Biology)Long answer type questions: (6 marks)

Q.17 How does reproduction help in providing stability to population of species? Explain.

OrExplain female reproductive system.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.18 Explain the structure of neuron.

OrHow does phototropism occur in plants? Explain with example.

Q.19 Explain the functions of alveoli in the lungs and nephrons in the Kidneys with respect to their structure and functioning.

OrWhat are differences between transport and materials in xylem and phloem?

Q.20 What is biological magnification? Will the levels of this magnification be different at different levels of the ecosystem?

OrHow and what can help in reducing the problem of waste disposal?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.21 Explain the term Analogous and Homologous organs. Q.22 Why is the use of Iodized salt advisable? Q.23 Define variation.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.24i. The breakdown of pyruvate to give co2 and water, energy takes place in:

a. Cytoplasm b. Mitochondria c. Chloroplast d. Nucleus

ii. The xylem in plants are responsible for:a. Transport of water b. Transport of foodc. Transport of amino acids d. Transport of oxygen

iii. Binary fission occurs in:

a. Amoeba b. Yeast c. Spirogyra d. Plasmodium

iv. Inheritance studies under:a. Genetics b. Cytology c. Evolution d. Morphology

(paper setter smt. Madhvi sharma)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Chemistry M.M: 70

Instructions:Q.1 to Q.8 carry one mark each and are very short answer type.Q.9 to Q.18 carry two marks each and are short answer type.Q.19 to Q.27 carry three marks each. Answer should be in 30-40 words.Q.28 to Q.30 carry five marks each. Q.1 What is the total numbers of atoms per unit cell in a face cubic

crystal structure? Q.2 Express the relation between the conductivity and molar

conductivity of a solution. Q.3 Why is the bond angle in PH3 molecules lesser than that in NH3

molecules?Q.4 Write the I.U.P.A.C name of the compound:



Q.5 Write two main functions of carbohydrates in plants.Q.6 Write the manpower units of nylon 6. Q.7 How physical adsorption varies with temperature? Q.8 Write the structure of compounds who IUPAC name is

4-chloropentan-2-one. Q.9 State Raoult’s law for solution of volatile liquid components. Taking

suitable example explain the meaning of positive deviation from Raoult’s law.

OrDefine the term osmotic pressure. Describe how the molecular mass of a substance can be determined on the basic osmotic measurement.

Q.10 Depict the galvanic cell in which the following reaction

takes place. Further indicate what are the carriers of the current inside and outside of the cell. State the reaction at each electrodes.

Q.11 The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001M Kcl solution of 298k is 1500 ohm. What is the cell constant if the conductivity of 0.001M kcl solution at 298k is 0.146x10-3Scm-1.

Q.12 of Bi(v) and Sb(v) which may be a stronger oxidising agent & why?Q.13 Why are haloalkanes more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution

reaction than haloarenes? Or

Which one of the following two substances undergoes SN1 reaction faster and why?

Q.14 Complete the reaction:a. C6H5N2cl + KI b. CH3CHCH2+ HBr

Q.15 Write one chemical reaction each to illustrate the following:a. Hofmann’s broamide reactionb. Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis

Q.16 Arrange the following in an increasing order of basic strength in water and gas phase:C6H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, NH3, (C2H5)3N

Q.17 What are thermosetting and thermoplastic? Give one example of each.

Q.18 Why Pcl5 is found where as Ncl5 is not found? Q.19 Silver crystallizes in an f.c.c hathice. The edge length of its unit cell

is 4.077x10-8cm and its density is 10.5gmcm-3. Calculate on this basis the atoms mass of silver (NA= 6.02x1023mol).

OrWrite the difference between schottky and frenkel defects in solids.

Q.20 A solution containing 8gm of a substance in 100g of diethyl ether boils at 36.86oc. Where as pure ether boils at 35.60oc. Determine the molar mass of the solute for ether (Kb = 2.02K kg mol-1).

Q.21 Explain what is observed when:a) Kcl an electrolyte is added to hydrated ferric oxide solution. b) An electric current is passed through a colloidal solution. c) A beam of light is passed through colloidal solution.

Q.22 What chemical principles are involved in choosing a reducing agent for getting the metal from its oxide ore. Consider the metal oxides Al2o3 and Fe2o3 and justify the choice of reducing agent in both.

Q.23 How would you account for the following situations: a) The transition metals are generally forms coloured compounds. b) With 3du configuration Cr2+ act as reducing agent but Mn3+ act as oxidising agent.c) The lanthanides show variable oxidation state.

Q.24 Show the bonding in metals carbonyls. Or

Predict the hydridisation and magnetic behaviour of complex.

Q.25(a) Name the reagents and write the chemical equations for the preparations of following compounds by villiamson’s synthises. i. Ethoxy benzene ii. Write its preparation.

(b) Why do Phenol’s not give the protonation readily. Q.26 What is Glyosidic linkage. Show it in the formation of cellulose also

write the importance of carbohydrates. Or

What is dipeptide linkage. Show it. Write the importance of proteins. Q.27 Mention the use of:

i. Paracetamol ii. Transqilisers iii. Antiseptic Q.28(a) Derive the general expression for half life of a first order reaction. (b)The decomposition of NH3 on platinum surface is zero order

reaction. What would be the rates of production of N2 & H2 if k = 2.5x10-4 mol lit-1 see-1.

Or(a) List the factions that determine the rate of a chemical reaction. (b) The half life for decay of radioactive 14C is 5730 years. An

archaeological artifact containing wood had only 80% of the 14C activity as found in the living tree calculate the age of artifact.

Q.29(a) Give the chemical equation for each:i. Cannizaro reaction ii. Acetylation iii. Decarboxylation

(b) State chemical tests to distinguish between:i. Propanal and propanone. ii. Phenol and Benzoic acid.

Or(a) An unknown aldehyde ‘A’ on reacting with alkali gives a B-hydroxy-

aldehyde, which loses water to form an unsaturated aldehyde. 2 butenal another aldehyde ‘B’ undergoes disproportionation reaction in the presence of canc. alkali to form products C and D. C is an arylalchol with the formula C7H8O:

i. Identify A & Bii. Write the sequence of reaction involved.

(b) Write the test to distinguish between the Ethanol and Propanal. Q.30 Describe the favourable conditions for the manufactures of:

i. Ammonia by Haber’s processii. Sulpheric acid by contact processes.

OrAssign reasons for the following:i. Sulphur vapours is paramagnetic ii. Ammonia (NH3) has a great affinity for protons than (PH3). iii. SF6 is much less reactive than SF4.iv. Structure of XeF4 and its hybridization. (1+1+1+2)

(paper setter Sh. Ravinder)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Physics M.M: 40Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 Define capillary action and derive ascent formula for a liquid in capillary tube.

OrDefine surface tension and explain surface tension on the basis of molecular theory.

Q.2 What is gravitational potential energy and derive expression for it? Or

Define orbital velocity and derive expression for orbital velocity. Q.3 What is adiabatic process? Write conditions and expression for work

done by gases during adiabatic process. Or

What is heat engine? Discuss construction and theory of heat engine.Q.4 Derive expression for pressure exerted by gases on the walls of

container. Or

What is S.H.M. Derive expression for energy of a body executing S.H.M.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 State Kepler’s law of planetry motion. Q.6 State Pascal’s law and derive its proof. Q.7 Write postulates of Kinetic theory of gases. Q.8 What is difference between transverse and longitudinal waves? Q.9 What is elasticity? Write its three applications.

Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.10 State Newton’s law of gravitation. Write its mathematical


Q.11 What are free, forced and damped oscillations? Q.12 State 2nd law of thermodynamis. Q.13 Define Bernoull’s theorem. Write its mathematical formula. Q.14 Define law of equipartition of energy.


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Physics M.M: 40Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 Define capillary action and derive ascent formula for a liquid in capillary tube.

OrDefine surface tension and explain surface tension on the basis of molecular theory.

Q.2 What is gravitational potential energy and derive expression for it? Or

Define orbital velocity and derive expression for orbital velocity. Q.3 What is adiabatic process? Write conditions and expression for work

done by gases during adiabatic process. Or

What is heat engine? Discuss construction and theory of heat engine.Q.4 Derive expression for pressure exerted by gases on the walls of

container. Or

What is S.H.M. Derive expression for energy of a body executing S.H.M.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 State Kepler’s law of planetry motion. Q.6 State Pascal’s law and derive its proof. Q.7 Write postulates of Kinetic theory of gases. Q.8 What is difference between transverse and longitudinal waves? Q.9 What is elasticity? Write its three applications.

Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.10 State Newton’s law of gravitation. Write its mathematical


Q.11 What are free, forced and damped oscillations? Q.12 State 2nd law of thermodynamis. Q.13 Define Bernoull’s theorem. Write its mathematical formula. Q.14 Define law of equipartition of energy.


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Chemistry M.M: 40Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 What are electron-deficient compounds? Show (3c-2c) bonding in Borane.

OrWhat are the different allotropes of carbons? The hybridization of carbon in them also draw the structure of Graphite. Write all the properties of Graphite based on its structure.

Q.2 What is the anamolous behaviour and diagonal relationship. Write the anamolous behaviour of lithium and its diagonal relationship.

OrWrite the name of ht elements of group-II of the periodic table and trends down the group:i) Atomic radii ii) Ionisation enthalpy iii) Oxidation state

Q.3 Write the note on the following with example:i) Satzelt rule ii) Kharash effect

OrComplete the following reactions:

Q.4 Write the I.U.P.A.C name of the following:

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 What are carbocations? Write the order of stabilities of :Q.6 Give reason Aluminium chloride exists in dimeric form. Q.7 A substance ‘x’ compound of group-I is used as fire extinguisher.

Identify the substance ‘x’. Write its chemical name and reactions. Q.8 Name the oxides which are responsible for Acid rain. Write the

name of the compound formed when acid rain reacts with calcium carbonate. Show reaction.

Q.9 Explain Hyper conjugation and its effect. Very short/Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)

Q.10i. Which of the following is more reactive towards electrophilic

substitution reaction:a. b.

c. d.

ii. Which of the following are responsible for causing Green house effect:a. Methane b. Carbon dioxidec. Water vapours d. All of these

iii. Which of the following hydroxide is more basic:a. Ca(OH)2 b. NaOHc. LiOH d. KOH

iv. Write all the possible isomers of Pent-2-ene-ol. v. What is the hybridisation of carbon in benzene.


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Zoology M.M: 30Long answer type questions; (3 marks each)

Q.1 Name the components of the formed elements in the blood. Mention functions of each of them?

Q.2 Sino-atrial node is called the pacemaker of our heart. Why? Q.3 Differentiate between the blood and lymph and systole and diastole

respectively. Q.4 Describe the role of kidney and lungs in excretion. Q.5 Match the item of column A with that of column B:

Column A Column Bi. ADH a. Water reabsorptionii. Urcotelism b. Bony fish iii. Ammonotelism c. Birds

Q.6 Terrestrial animals are generally either ureotelic or urieotelic not ammonotelic. Why?

Short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.7 Differentiate cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Q.8 Define Hormones and functions of insulin and Glucagon. Q.9 Fill in the blanks:

Hormones Target gland a. Hypothalmic Hormones ________________b. Thyrotrophin Hormones (TSH) ________________c. Gonadotropeins Hormone (LH. FSH) ________________d. Adreniocortio tropic Hormone (ACTH) ________________Q.10 Diffusion of gases occurs in the alreolar region only and not in the

other parts of respiratory system. Why? Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.11 Define the following terms:

a. Tidal volume TV.b. Jaundicec. How many spermathecac are found in earthworm? d. How many segments are present in cockroach in the abdomen?


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Zoology M.M: 30Long answer type questions; (3 marks each)

Q.1 Name the components of the formed elements in the blood. Mention functions of each of them?

Q.2 Sino-atrial node is called the pacemaker of our heart. Why? Q.3 Differentiate between the blood and lymph and systole and diastole

respectively. Q.4 Describe the role of kidney and lungs in excretion. Q.5 Match the item of column A with that of column B:

Column A Column Bi. ADH a. Water reabsorptionii. Urcotelism b. Binj fish iii. Ammonotelism c. Birds

Q.6 Terrestrial animals are generally either ureotelic or urieotelic not ammonotelic. Why?

Short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.7 Differentiate cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Q.8 Define Hormones and functions of insulin and Glucagon. Q.9 Fill in the blanks:

Hormones Target gland a. Hypothalmic Hormones ________________b. Jajrotrophin Hormones (TSH) ________________c. Gonadotropeins Hormone (LH. FSH) ________________d. Adreniocortio tropic Hormone (ACTH) ________________Q.10 Diffusion of gases occurs in the alreolar region only and not in the

other parts of respiratory system. Why? Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.11 Define the following terms:

a. Tidal volume TV.b. Jaundicec. How many spermathecac are found in earthworm? d. How many segments are present in cockroach in the abdomen?


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 40Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 What is desertification. Explain the effects of deforestation (at least five). Or

Define forests. How forests are declining day by day? And also give the role of forests.

Q.2 What is Air pollution, source of air pollution and control of air pollution? Or

What is soil erosion? Explain cause and methods of preventing soil erosion. Q.3 Write a short note on Indra Awas Yojana (IAJ) and Swarnajyanti

Grama Swarojagar Yojana (SGSY). Or

Describe the chipko movement with detail. What messages sent to it for other persons?

Q.4 Define fertilizers. Types of fertilizers and what are the disadvantages of fertilizers?

OrHow bio-fertilizers are better than chemical fertilizers? Justify your answer with explaination.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 Write a short note on Eutrophication. Q.6 How plants and animals are interdependent on each other? Q.7 What is Hybridisation, Emasculation and Bagging? Q.8 What do you know about tissue culture? Give advantages of tissue culture. Q.9 What is rermicompost or vermiform. How is it useful for soil?

Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.10 Define Biofertilizers. Q.11 What is Polyploidy?

Q.12 Define crgopreservation. Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)

Q.13(i) Enivironmental is warmed up by:a. Water vapour b. dust particles c. Co2 d. All of these

(ii) The renewable source of energy is:a. Coal b. Petroleum c. Biomass d. Kerosene


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 40Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)

Q.1 What is desertification. Explain the effects of deforestation (at least five). Or

Define forests. How forests are declining day by day? And also give the role of forests.

Q.2 What is Air pollution, source of air pollution and control of air pollution? Or

What is soil erosion? Explain cause and methods of preventing soil erosion. Q.3 Write a short note on Indra Awas Yojana (IAJ) and Swarnajyanti

Grama Swarojagar Yojana (SGSY). Or

Describe the chipko movement with detail. What messages sent to it for other persons?

Q.4 Define fertilizers. Types of fertilizers and what are the disadvantages of fertilizers?

OrHow bio-fertilizers are better than chemical fertilizers? Justify your answer with explaination.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.5 Write a short note on Eutrophication. Q.6 How plants and animals are interdependent on each other? Q.7 What is Hybridisation, Emasculation and Bagging? Q.8 What do you know about tissue culture? Give advantages of tissue culture. Q.9 What is rermicompost or vermiform. How is it useful for soil?

Very short answer type questions; (1 mark each)Q.10 Define Biofertilizers. Q.11 What is Polyploidy?

Q.12 Define crgopreservation. Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)

Q.13(i) Enivironmental is warmed up by:a. Water vapour b. dust particles c. Co2 d. All of these

(ii) The renewable source of energy is:a. Coal b. Petroleum c. Biomass d. Kerosene


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 50Long answer type questions; (6 marks each)

Q.1 If p and q are the length of perpendicular from the origin to the line’s xcos -ySin = KCos2 and xSec + yCosec = k, respectively, prove that p2 + 4q2 = k2

Or The vertices of PQR are p(2,1) , Q(-2,3) and R(4,5). Find the equation of the median through the vertex R.

Q.2 The owner of a milk store finds that, he can sell 980 ltrs. of milk each week at Rs. 14/L and 1220 ltrs. of milk each week at Rs. 16/L. Assuming a linear relationship between selling price and demand, how many ltrs. could be sell weekly at Rs. 17/L?

OrUsing section formula, show that the point’s A(2,-3,4) B(-1,2,1) and (0,1/3, 2) are collinear.

Q.3 Find the coordinates of the points which trisect the line segment joining the points p(4,2,-6) and Q(10,-16,6).

OrIf A and B be points (3,4,5) and (-1,3,-7) respectively, find the equation of the set of points P such that PA2 + PB2 = K2 where K is a constant.

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.4 Find the equation of the set of point P, the sum of whose distance

from A(4,0,0) and B(-4,00) is equal to 10. Q.5 How many words with or with out meaning can be framed using all

the letters of the words ‘EQUATION’ using each letter exactly once. Q.6 The coefficient of the (r-1)th; r th and (r+1)th terms in the exapansion

of (x+1)n are in the ratio 1:3:5. Find n and r.

Q.7 Show that 9n+1—8n—9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a +ve integer?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.8 Find (a+b)4 – (a – b)4. Hence evaluate ( 3 + 2 )4 – ( 3 – 2 )4.Q.9 Evaluate: n!/(n – r)! when n = 9, r = 5.

Q.10 Prove that 3r nCr = 4n

Q.11 Find the 4th term in the expansion of (x-2y)12

Q.12 Find the value of x for which the points (x,-1), (2,1) and (4,5) are collinear.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.13 If 1/81 + 1/91 = x/101. Find x:

a. 50 b. 100c. 78 d. 180

Q.14 The coefficient of the expansions are arranged in an array. This array is called:a. Pascal’s triangle b. DEDEKINDc. Vihcalpa d. None of these

Q.15 If two slopes are equal than Q = a. 0 o b. 45 o

c. 80 o d. 90 o

Q.16 The planes determined by the pair of axes are the coordinate planes called:a. XYZ plane b. XY, ZX planes c. ZX, ZY, ZZ planes d. XY, ZX and YZ planes



New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Biology (Botany+Zoology) M.M: 70

SECTION A Long answer type questions:(5 marks each)

Q.1 What is menstrual cycle? Write down the hormonal control over the menstrual cycle.

OrDescribe a brief account of the male reproductive system.

Q.2 Define evolution. Explain with reference to Darwin theory of evolution.

OrHow sex is determined in Humans and Birds? Explain.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.3 Differentiate between Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Q.4 Discuss the Genome and Human Genome project. Q.5 What is cancer? Write down the characteristic features of cancer

cells? Q.6 What are the cause and transmission of the disease typhoid, Malaria

and Amoebiasis? Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)

Q.7 Define genetic engineering? What are their role in agriculture? Q.8 Write a short note on Human insulin and its application. Q.9 Draw a well labeled diagram of HIV virus. Q.10 Differentiate between parasite and predation.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.11 Syphilis a sexually transmitted disease is caused by:

a. Leptospira b. Vibrioc. Pasteurella d. Traponema

Q.12 Which of the following is genetic vector:a. Plasmid b. Phage

c. Cosmid d. All of these Q.13 Genetic engineering is:

a. Plastic surgery b. Addition or removal of genesc. Study of genes d. All of these

Q.14 An unorganized mass of cell is called:a. Tissue b. Organc. Callus d. None of these

Q.15 Write the full form of ZIFT. SECTION B

Long answer type questions; (5 marks each)Q.1 Describe the chromosomal theory of inheritance?

OrDefine Genetic code. Explain the regulation (lac operon).

Q.2 What is Air pollution? Write down the causes, effects and control of Air pollution.

OrWhat are Green House Effects? What are their consequences and how we control the global warming?

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.3 Define Ecological succession and explain its types. Q.4 Describe the carbon cycle in our earth. Q.5 How micro-organism are helpful in industrial production? Q.6 Define pleiotrophy. What are their effects?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.7 Write a short note on Polyembryony. Q.8 Differentiate the chromosomes and genes. Q.9 Differentiate between DNA and RNA. Q.10 What is Sewage? How it can be treated?

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.11 Tegmen develops from:

a. outer integument b. miner integument c. Nucleus d. Funide

Q.12 A clone is a group of individuals obtained through:a. Self pollination b. Vegetative propagationc. Hybridisation d. Cross pollination

Q.13 Which one is the female gametophyte:a. Embryo b. Embryo sac c. endosperm d. Synergid

Q.14 Acid rain is caused by excessive pollutant:a. Co2 b. So2

c. No2 d. Both b & c

Q.15 Ozone depletion in the stratosphere will cause:a. Increased incidence of skin cancer b. Forest fires c. Global warming d. None of these


(paper setter Sh. Amit Charak)


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper schemeClass: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 70

Long answer type questions:(5 marks each)Q.1 What is the importance of Education in controlling population

growth in India? Or

Explain the need for conservation of wild life. Q.2 Define succession and discuss its various stages?

OrDiscuss various steps involved in the social impact assessment process.

Q.3 Describe downward spiral of malnutrition. How can we turn the tide of malnutrition?

OrWhat is Hydel energy? Write down its applications in brief.

Q.4 What are the various sources and effects of soil pollution? Or

What is ozone depletion? Explain the effects of ozone depletion? Q.5 Name various Gaseous pollutants in Atmosphere and explain any

two methods of their control. Or

Describe the role of multinationals in controlling and abating pollution.

Q.6 What are Intellectual Property Rights? How does WTO help in protecting them?

OrDescribe the relationship between trade and Environment.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.7 What is meant by cleaner fuels? Q.8 Write a note on Minamata accident.

Q.9 Write a note on tribals and their rights in the forest area. Q.10 Write a short note on Kyoto protocol. Q.11 Write down the ill effects of Acid Rain. Q.12 Write a note on age pyramid. Q.13 Write a note on Remote Sensing. Q.14 How does influenza flu spread?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.15 Write two advantages of settling chambers. Q.16 Expand CITES? Q.17 What is commensalism? Give an example. Q.18 What are the various technological models? Q.19 What is causing damage to Taj Mahal?

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.20i. What is the demographic share of India in the world:

a. 14% b. 15%c. 16% d. 17%

ii. What is ht biggest source of nitrate pollution in water:a. Agricultural run-off b. Cultivation of grass lands & jhum cultivation c. Human waste d. Harvest of timber

iii. Which factor is not responsible for regulation of population growth:a. Natural resources b. Weather and climatec. Competition d. None of these

iv. Which year is very significant in the history of environment protection in India:a. 1971 b. 1972c. 1982 d. 1990

v. Expand “GER”:a. General Energy Resource b. Gross Energy Resource c. Gross Environmental Resource d. General Environmental Resource

vi. When was the Ministerial conference held in Doha:a. 1980 b. 1991c. 1995 d. 2001

********(paper setter Smt. Madhvi Sharma)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: Maths M.M: 100

Long answer type questions:(6 marks each) Note: In the following paper ( / ) represents upon(_____)

Q.1 Using elementary transformation, find the inverse of the matrix:If A = 1 2 -3 B = 3 -1 2 C = 4 1 2 5 0 2 4 2 5 0 3 2

1 -1 1 2 0 3 1 -2 3Then compute (A+B) and (B – C) Also verify that A + (B – C) = (A+B) – C,

OrSolve system of linear equations using matrix method in x – y + 2z = 7, 3x+4y – 5z = -5, 2x – y + 3z = 12.

Q.2 Find all points of discontinuity of f, where f is defined by: x + 3, if x < -3

f (x) = -2x, if -3 < x < 3 6x + 2, if x > 3

OrIf length of three sides of a trapezium other than base are equal to 10cm then find the area of the trapezium when it is maximum?

Q.3 Integrate the functions: 1/(x2+1) (x2+4)Or

Evaluate the integrals (x – x 3 ) dx x4

Q.4 Find the area of the region enclosed between the two circles x2+y2 = 4 & (x – 2)2 + y2 = 4

OrUsing the method of integration find the area of the region bounded by lines 2x+y = 4, 3x – 2y = 6 and x – 3y +5 = 0

Q.5 Area of a rectangle have vertices A, B, C & D with position vectors- i + ½ j + 4k, i + ½ j + 4k, i -½ j + 4k and i -½ j + 4k respectively.

OrFind the equation of the plane through the intersection of the planes 3x – y + 2z – 4 = 0 & x+y+z – 2=0 and the point (2,2,1).

Short answer type questions; (4 marks each)Q.6 Express tan-1 (Cosx/1 – Sinx) , - <x<3 /2 in the simplest form. Q.7 Show that f : -1, 1 R given by f(x) = x/(x+2 is one-one. Find the

inverse of the function: f: -1, 1 Range f Q.8 If A = Cos - Sin Then A+A = 1 if the value of is and

Sin Cos show. Q.9 By using properties of determinates show that:

x + 4 2x 2x2x x + 4 2x = (5x + 4) (4 – x) 2

2x 2x x + 4 Q.10 Prove that the greatest integer function defined by f(x) = x , 0<x<3

is not differentiable at x = 1 & x = 2. Q.11 Find the maximum profit that a company can make if the profit

function is given by: p(x) = 41 – 72x – 18x2

Q.12 Integrate the function: (Sinx/1+Cosx) 2

Q.13 For each of the differential equation, find the general solution dy/dx = (1+x2) (1+y2).

Q.14 Show that each of the given three vectors is a unit vector:1/7(2 i + 3j + 6k) , 1/7(3 i – 6 j + 2k), 1/7(6 i +2j – 3k). also show that they are mutually perpendicular to each other.

Q.15 Show that the minimum of Z occurs at more than two points:Maximise Z = x + ySubject to x – y < - 1, -x + y < 0, x,y > 0.

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.16 Let f : N N be defined by f(n) = n+1 , if ‘n’ is odd

2For all n N n/2 , if ‘n’ is even

Q.17 Find ‘X’, Y = 3 2 and 2x + y = 1 0 1 4 -3 2

Q.18 Find the value of ‘k’ so that the function ‘f’ is continuous at the indicated point: f(x) kx2 if x < 2

3 if x > 2 at x = 2 Q.19 Show that the function given by f(x)=c2x is strictly increasing on ‘R’. Q.20 A coin is biased so that the head is 3 times as likely to occur as tail.

If the coin is tossed twice, find the probability distribution of no. of tails.

Q.21 Let E and F be events with P(E) = 3/5, P(F) = 3/10 and P(E F) = 1/5. Are E and F independent?

Q.22 Find the angle between the following pair of lines x/2 = y/2 = z/1 & x-5/4 = y-2/1 = z-3/8.

Q.23 Differential equation find the general solution xdy/dx + 2y = x2logx. Q.24 By using the properties of definite integrals evaluate the integrals:

x (1-x) ndxQ.25 Find the integrals Secx (Secx + tanx)dx.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.26 The normal to the curve x2 = 4y passing (1,2) is:

a. x+y = 3 b. x-y =3c. x+y = 1 d. x-y = 1

Q.27 Find the value of tan-1(tan7 /6):a. 2 /3 b. /6c. - / 6 d. + /6

Q.28 Let ‘A’ be a non-sigular square matrix of order 3x3. Then adjA is equal to:a. A b. A 3

c. A 3 d. 3 A Q.29 If A & B are two events such that P (A) = 0 and P(B/A) = 1 then:

a. A B b. B A c. B = O d. A = O

Q.30 Differentiate Sin(Cosx2) with respect to x :a. -2xSinx2Cos(Cosx2) b. 2xSinx2Cos(Cosx2)c. -2xCosxCos(Cosx2) d. -2xCosxCos(Cosx2)

Q.31 The rate of change of the area of a circle with respect to its radius ‘r’ at r = 6cm is:a. 10 b. 12c. 8 d. 11

Q.32 Find the general solution of differential equation xdy/dx + 2y = x2

(x =0):a. y = x2/2 + Cx- -2 b. y = x2/2 – Cx -2

c. y = x2/4 + Cx -2 d. y = x2/4 – Cx -2

Q.33 Find a x b , if a = 2 i + j + 3k and b = 3 i + 5j – 2k a. 607 b. 507c. 807 d. 2 312

Q.34 If a is a unit vector and ( x – a ) . ( x + a ) = 8 then find x :a. 3 b. -3 c. +3 d. 1/3

Q.35 Which is not the type of linear programming problems:

a. Optimal b. Manufacturing c. Diet d. Transportation



New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: E.V.S M.M: 100

Long answer type questions:(5 marks each) Q.1 Define population. Describe the various characteristics of

population. Or

State five adverse effects of rapid growth of population in case of Human beings.

Q.2 Define Ecosystem. Discuss the role of human intervention on the natural ecosystem.

OrExplain the role of Education in controlling human population.

Q.3 Define Health. What measures should be taken to prevent the spread of communicable diseases?

OrName any two water borne diseases. Explain the measures for prevention of water borne diseases.

Q.4 What is the role played by various international institutions in the regulation of trade and environment?

OrDescribe the role of international initiatives for conservation of Biodiversity.

Q.5 Explain briefly the state laws for conservation of the environment? Or

Explain briefly the National Legislative frame works for environmental protection & conservation.

Q.6 What is UNEP? Describe its role of protecting global environment. Or

Discuss the relationship between trade and Environment.

Short answer type questions; (3 marks each)Q.7 What is Exponential growth? Discuss its characteristics. Q.8 Explain the role of Sanitation in the control of diseases. Q.9 Define Deforestation. Q.10 What are various objectives of W.T.O? Q.11 Give brief account of project tiger. Q.12 Write a short note on Satellite imagery. Q.13 What is the significance of ISO 14000? Q.14 What is Agenda 21?

Very short answer type questions; (2 marks each)Q.15 What is UNDP? Q.16 Define Biomass. Q.17 Define Social forestry. Q.18 Explain Eutrophication. Q.19 Write down the role of solar energy.

Multiple choice questions; (1 mark each)Q.20i. Earth summit of Rio-de – Janerio was related to:

a. prevention of afforestation b. conservation of environmentc. resolve disagreement d. All of these

ii. Outer Space Treaty was signed in:a. 1963 b. 1965c. 1967 d. 1970

iii. Natality is related to:a. Reproduction b. Death c. Birth d. Existence

iv. Producing new plants by cells is called:a. Mutation b. Tissue culture c. Pasteurization d. Fermentation

v. When was the Ministerial conference held in Doha:a. 1980 b. 1991c. 1995 d. 2001

vi. When was Air Pollution Act passed in India:a. 1981 b. 1982c. 1983 d. 1984


(paper setter smt. Madhvi Sharma)


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th M.M: 100 Sub: English Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION AQ.1 Read the given extract:

And one morning all of that burnedAnd one morning the bone firesLeapt from the earthDevouring beings, And from that moment firGunpowder from that moment, And from that moment blood.

1.1 Fill in the blanks:In these lines the poet describes how the peaceful life of Spain has spoiled (a)_________ when suddenly (b)________broke out. These fires rose high into (c)_________ and devoured large numbers of (d)_________ exploding everywhere. Form that moment, it was fire and (f)_________ everywhere. (3)

1.2 Explain the following expressions:a) all of that burned b) The bonfires c) leapt from d) devouring beings. e) that moment fire f) that moment blood. (3)

1.3 Read the given extract and answer the questions:Loss of hope has darkened the evening of my life too. And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass the evening of troubles, my companion, is also depressed and takes me along, holding me by the arm.

i. What has darkened the evening of poet’s life? What do you understand by the term ‘evening of life’? (2)

ii. Who else is also depressed? What is that person doing? (2)iii. What do the following words mean: a) companion b) depressed. (1)

1.3 My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds. It is from these comerades in the struggle that I learned the meaning of courage. Time and again, I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. I have seen men stand up to attacks and torture with out breaking, showing a strength and resilience that defies the imagination. I learned that courage was not the absence

of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

i. Find from the passage words/phrases which mean the following: a) precious stones. b) face boldly c) causing severe pain d) a great victory (2)

ii. Fill in the blanks; a. According to Nelson Mandela, the greatest wealth of south Africa is ___________. b. In the struggle for freedom, Mandela learned the meaning of courage from his

_______________. c. Courage for Mandela means not the absence of fear but the _________ over it. d. _________ means the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover form its

effects. (2)1.4 Read the following paragraph carefully and then fill in the blanks there under:

Even to try to tell you the story of my difficulties would fill up the whole of your valuable paper. It is a tale of misery and woe. The difficulties may well be likened to the heads of Ravana—the giant of the second great Hindu epic. Ramayana, whom Rama, the hero fought and ultimately defeated—which were many , and which were sooner chopped off than replaced. They may be divided chiefly under four heads, viz, money, consent of my elders, separation from relations and caste restrictions. First then, to money. Though my father was the Prime Minister of more than one native state, he never hoarded money. He spent all that he earned in the charity and the education and marriages of his children, so we were practically left with out much cash. He left some property, and that was all. When asked why he did not collect money and set it aside for his children, he used to say that his children represented his wealth, and if he hoarded much money he would spoil them. So then, money was not a small difficulty in my way. I tried for some state scholarship but failed. At one place, I was asked to prove my worth by graduating and then expect it. Experience teaches me that the gentleman who said so was right. Nothing daunted me. I requested my eldest brother to devote all the money that was left to my education in England. Now complete the following: (5)

a. The writer had no __________ to go to England. b. He had to get the consent of ____________. c. He had to ____________ from relations. d. He _____________ to get some scholarship but failed. e. He had to ask his __________ to help him because his father had left him no money.

SECTION BQ.2 You are the Secretary, cultural club of your school. The school is celebrating its

Annual Cultural Day on the 25th day of November. Draft a notice to be put on the notice board of your school informing the badge holders and house captains of a meeting you are going to conduct to take decisions on some important matters regarding the conduct of the programme. The notice should not exceed 50 words. (4)

2.1 Here is a telephonic conversation between Mrs. Gupta and Surinder. Mrs. Gupta is about to leave home and won’t be able to meet her son, Sanjay. She leaves a message for him. Write this message in your answer sheet in not more than 50 words. Put your message in a box. Telephone rings and Mrs. Gupta speaks:

Mrs. Gupta: Hello?Surinder: Hello, could I speak to Sanjay? This is Surinder. Mrs. Gupta: He’s not at home, dear. He has gone out with one of his friends. Surinder: Oh, what a pity! Aunty, we have arranged a cricket match this morning an

dwe wanted him to play on our side. He’s such a good player. Please tell

him to reach Kotla Grounds as soon as he comes. We shall be waiting for him.

Mrs. Gupta: I won’t be able to meet him, but I’ll leave your message. Surinder: Thanks Aunty. Please don’t forget. Mrs. Gupta: Oh, Rest assured. (4)2.2 As a KaranDheer of Shillong, write a letter to the Editor Hindustan Times,

requesting him to publish your article in the esteemed columns of his paper, that consumption of tobacco is growing steadily in India, despite govt.’s ban on tobacco law against public smoking. Give your opinion that Govt. should close the tobacco industries in 150 words. (5)

P.T.O2.3 You happened to see the following lines in a newspaper:

“We all mourn and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology, and yet each one of us, in our comfortable little ways, contributes daily to that destruction. It is time not to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves”. Says Ed Asner, an environmental supporter.

Q. Now write an article for the school magazine. Article means ‘An Essay’ ‘Save the Planet Earth’. Write the article in about 150-200 words. (7)

SECTION CQ.3 What was the curious episode that took place in the clergy man’s study? (5)Q.4 Comment on the character of King Lear. (5)Q.5 Read the given extract and identify the poetic technique used by the poet: (3)

away, I looked again at her, wan, paleAs a late winter’s moon and felt that oldfamiliar ache, my childhood, Amma, All I did was smile and smile and smile.

Q.6 Identify the imagery in this extract: (3)The evening prepares to go to sleep in the lap of nightSlowly, softly just as the sky’s feet touch groundShadows of trees rest in the dark tankAs some passing cloud casts shadow over hills.

Q.7 What are the pupils regarded as? Why has the teacher failed to haul them and urge them, any more? (4)

Q.8 What was RamaRaao’s business? How did it collapse? (5)Q.9 Write the summary of the poem ‘Snowdrop’ (5)Q.10 Compare and contrast the characters of Gerasim and Coachman: (5)

OrWhat was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? How could she have avoided it?

SECTION DQ.11 Make questions for the answers given here as under: (3)Q:Ans: I have lost my bike. Q:Ans: Yesterday when I was in the National Park. Q:Ans: It is marked JK 450 20011Q:Ans: I asked everybody and searched everywhere, but of no awail. Q:Ans: There all the people were unknown to me. I can not cost my doubt on any body.

Q.12 Edit the given paragraph: (4)One day, the Nawab sent wordsto his minister that I wanteda entire earth measured fromside to side and of end to end. He would also great appreciate it, if the minister can count the stars on the sky as well. The minister say it was impossible; on one will do such a thing.

Q.13 Re-arrange the words to form meaningful sentences: (3)a. where/when/tell/me/born/were/you/and.b. crown/that/the/wears/the head/uneasy.c. animal/man/a/is/reasoning. Q.14 Change the narration: (2)a. “I am sick of Mr. Bingley,, ‘cried his wife’. b. “What an excellent father you have, girls,, said Mrs. Bennet, when the door was

shut. Q.15 Fill in the blanks with appropriate models: (1)a. Parents ________ look after their children. b. children ________ server their parents. Q.16 Fill in the blanks with articles: (1)a. It is _______ 2nd of November and I am sitting on _______ desk; setting ______

paper for you. I have ________ apple with for _______ lunch. Would you say word of thanks if the paper is easy.

Q.17 Match the word with its meaning: (2)a. Tripped: sign of what is going to happen in futureb. omen : a condition in which somebody difficult to controlc. malady : to make a mistake

Q.18 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: (3)a. All (except/accept) Mohan were present. b. My bicycle has no (carrier/career) c. You should (adapt/adopt) yourself to new system. d. I have (borne/born) many difficulties. e. The old man was too (weak/week). f. The teacher took the (roll/role). Q.19 Punctuate the following: (3)

the scientist was always quick tempered now he became furious you dont understand who or what i am he shouted very well ill show you.

Q.20 Fill in the blanks with the relative pronouns: (3)a. His is the man ___________ has helped me. b. This is the dog __________ bit me a few days ago. c. This is the pen __________ I bought for the examination.


(paper setter Sh. Amarnath)


New Pattern Examination 2011 single paper scheme Class: 10th Time: 3 hrs. Sub: S.Studies M.M: 100

SECTION A (History)Long answer type questions:(8 marks each)

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Explain in detail the history of freedom movements in Asian


What were the new social classes that arose in India after the British conquest?

b. Describe the ‘Boycott and Swadeshi movements. Or

What were the causes of second word war? Explain the consequences/results of second world war on the world.

Short answer type questions(4 marks each)Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. Describe the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the spread of modern

education among the Indian muslims. Or

How were indian villages self independent before the arrival of Britishers?

b. What were the main objectives of league of Nations? Or

What were the main features of Fascist and Nazi movement? c. Write a short note on Brahmo samaj.

OrWhat were the main differences between moderates and extremists?

d. What were the points of controversy between the Anglicists and the Orientalists?

OrDescribe the Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh.

Very short answer type questions (2 marks each):Q.3a. When India partitioned? Who presented the plan for the division of

India into two independent state? b. When did the United States of America drop the first atom bomb on

Japan? Name the city of Japan where first atom bomb was dropped.

Objective type questions:(1 mark each)Q.4 Choose the correct answer out of four given choices:a. The first summit of non-aligned countries was held at:

i. Belgrade ii. Parisiii. Bundung iv. Dehli

b. Who founded the Indian National Congress:i. M.K Gandhi ii. A.O Humeiii. Dada Bhai Naoroji iv. Gopal Krishen

c. When did the Russian revolution take place:i. 1914 ii. 1915iii. 1916 iv. 1917

d. Who is known as the father of Indian Nation:i. Raja Ram Mohan Roy ii. M.K Gandhiiii. Jawahar Lal Nehru iv. A.P.J Abul Kalam

SECTION B (Geography)Long answer type questions:(8 marks each)

Q.1a. What is soil erosion? What are its various types? Explain the causes

of soil erosion. Or

Describe the main features of International Trade of India. b. Distinguish between Anthracite and Bituminous coal, Natural gas

and Biogas?Or

Distinguish between Rabi and Kharif crops, metallic and non-metallic minerals.

Short answer type questions:(4 marks each)Q.2a. On the outline map of India show the four Railway junctions

between Delhi and Chennai.

OrOn the outline map of India show the four important iron-ore producing centres.

b. Describe the different types of farming practiced in India. Or

What is the importance of small scale and cottage industries?

c. Write down the four problems of railways in India. Or

List the four methods to conserve forests in India.

d. Why is communication a necessity of life?Or

How does industrial pollution degrade environment? Very short answer type questions:(2 marks each)

Q.3 a. What are renewable resources? b. What is plantation agriculture?

Objective type questions(1 mark each)Q.4 Choose most correct answer out of four choices:a. Which is the longest dam in the world:

i. Damodar valley project ii. Kosiiii. Nagarjuna sagar iv. Hira Kud

b. Which state is the leading producer of sugarcane in India:i. Bihar ii. Punjabiii. Haryana iv. U.P

c. How much of Iron content of world is found in India:i. 3 percent ii. 4 percentiii. 6 percent iv. 8 percent

d. Which types of roads are built by central govt.:i. Rural Roads ii. District Roadsiii. National Roads iv. None of these

SECTION C (Civics)Long answer type questions(8 marks)

Q.1 Answer the following questions in 100-150 words each:a. Describe the various hindrances in the way of democracy in India.

OrHow is public opinion formed and expressed?

Short answer type questions(4 marks each)Q.2 Answer the following questions in 50-80 words each:a. Give suggestions to remove social evils prevalent in Indian society?

OrWhat are single party system, bi-party system and multi-party system?

b. what is the difference between party candidate and an independent candidate?

OrWhat is simple majority? Explain its paradoxes through an example.

Very short answer type questions:(2 marks)Q.3 Write down two functions of opposition.

Objective type questions:(1 mark each)Q.4 Choose correct answer out of four choices:a. How many permanent members are there in the security council:

i. 4 ii. 5iii. 8 iv. 10

b. When did Bangladesh became an Independent state:i. 1965 ii. 1971iii. 1977 iv. 1980

**********(paper setter Mr. Rafiq



New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 2 hrs. Sub: English M.M: 50

Q.1 Answer the following questions as briefly as you can: (12x1=12)a. Why did the Sandy’s decide to hide the diamond in the house?

(The Surgeon) b. Why did Harry Gold in The High persuade Sandy to take the

diamond to auction? (The Surgeon) c. Why did the narrator enjoy going to the mosque? (A Handful of

Dates) d. What made the narrator his grand father’s favourite? (A Handful of

Dates) e. DO you think Mr. Gupta was right in accepting the shilling from

Maggie? (The price of flowers)f. Why does the writer say that the machine is like a Djinn? (Machines

and Emotions) g. What is the theme of all Thumri song by Rasoolan and Sudeshwari

Bai? (The seasons of the plains)h. ‘It is your trump’. What is mosquito’s trump? (The Mosquito) i. What do you think of the remarks made by Englishman for the

people of other nations? (National Prejudices)j. Why did the poet find one of the wells scary? (Personal Helicon for

Michael Langley)k. Why did the Hangman not ‘need’ an assistant? (The new Hangman)l. Give your opinion about capital punishment. (with reference to the

new Hangman)

Q.2 Read the extract from the poems and answer the questions based on them: (5x1=5)“Separation can’t be borne when the rains come”. a. What kind of ‘separation’ is the poet talking about? b. Who are the people most effected by the separation? c. Why does he say it can not be borne when the rains come? d. Does the poet mention the agony of separation of any other

person later in the poem? e. Who is the person and how does he/she feel agonized?

Or“Now to pry into roots, to finger slime, To stare, big-eyed Narcissus into some spring, Is beneath all adult dignity”.

a. What is that poet finds beneath all adult dignity? b. Who was Narcissus? c. Why does the poet compare himself to Narcissus? d. Why does the poet write poetry? e. Give the name of the poem and the poet?

Q.3 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: (5)Nothing have Lincoln greater joy than saving a life. When he was President and American Civil War going on a group of soldiers came to him and asked him to pardon a young soldier who was to be shot the next day for sleeping on guard. “William Scott slept when he was on duty because he was tired after a long march, “they said. Lincoln promised to do what he could in the matter. Lincoln was very busy for the rest of the day and he remembered the promise only late in the evening. He at once set out for the camp where Scott was kept prisoner. He met the youngman and talked to him for some time, and then said, “My boy, you won’t be shot tomorrow, because I believe you, and I am going to pardon you. But who is going to pay my bill for all the trouble I have been put to?” The Young soldier said his friends would pay if it wasn’t more than five hundred dollars “No”, said Lincoln, “There is only one man who can pay and that is William Scott. He can pay the bill by promising to do his duty for his country.” Scott gave his word and Lincoln went back pleased with the youngman.

a. What did the group of soldiers ask Lincoln to do? b. Why did Scott sleep on guard’s duty? c. What promise did Lincoln take from the soldier to save his life? d. Lincoln was _________ to America.

e. The soldier was to be shot the next day because ___________. (he had killed a soldier/had slept during the guard duty)

f. The word ‘prisoner’ is _________. (Noun/Verb/Adjective) g. Scott slept when he was on duty. (True/False)Q.4(a) Match the words given in Column A with their meaning in Column

B: (2) Column A Column BUnsophisticated Bore fruit Streaky Dominance Hegemony Simple and innocent Fructified moving fast, quick


(b) Fill in the blanks: (1)i. Rome was not _________ in a day. ii. The horse and __________ is at the gate. (c) Fill in correct word: (1)i. He is a man of _________. (principal, principle)ii. I have a two ________ house. (storey, story)(d) Correct the spelling: (2)

Soruce , anthalogy , resturant , dilapedated (e) Fill in the blanks with a correct word: (2)i. Out Principal never allows the _______ of laboratory.

(Misuse/Disuse)ii. Machines get rusted because of ________. (Misuse/Disuse)iii. The power line has been ________. (unconnected/disconnected)iv. The _______ issues were raised by the speaker.

(unconnected/disconnected)Q.5(a) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (2)i. She will not listens to any body. ii. He want me to go now. (b) Fill in the suitable modals: (2)i. You have worked hard all day. You ______ be tired now. ii. ______ you mind passing the salt please. (c) Add a relative pronoun: (2)i. I dislike the people _______ are cheats. ii. I am the man ________ son is in America. (d) Use correct tense forms of the words in the blanks: (2)i. He would pass if he ________. (work hard)ii. If I go to Agra I _______ the Taj. (see)

(e) Correct the conditionals given under: (2)i. If I get lottery I would buy a new car. ii. If you will boil water it will evaporate. Q.6 Write a paragraph of about 200 words on any one of the topics given

under: (5)i. Health is wealth ii. Advantages and Disadvantages of city life

iii. Electricity in the service of mankindQ.7 Write a letter to your brother advising him to read newspaper.

OrWrite a letter to your school Principal requesting him to make available newspapers and magazines in the school library regularly.


New pattern of examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 12th M.M: 100 Sub: English Time: 03 hrs.

SECTION AQ.1 (A) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given

below: “I’ve brought the petrol, sir!”The sound of Sudheer’s voice woke Mriganko Babu up. He had fallen asleep in the car, thinking of a suitable plot for a story. In his hand he still held his pen. As soon as he opened his eyes, he glanced quickly at the scarecrow. It was still standing in the distance, exactly as he had seen it before.

i. Name the person who brought the petrol? ii. Who is ‘sir’ in the passage? iii. How did Mriganko Babu wake up? iv. Use as soon as in a sentence of your own.

OrThe sniper lay still for a long time nursing his wounded arm and planning escape. Morning must not find him wounded on the roof. The enemy on the opposite roof covered his escape. He must kill that enemy and he could not use his rifle. He had only a revolver to do it. Then he thought of a plan.

i. What was the sniper doing while lying still? ii. What was the trying to do the sniper? iii. Why was he not in a position to use his rifle? iv. Use ‘cover’ as a noun.

(B) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions given below: This is the way that autumn came to the trees:it stripped them down to the skin,

left their ebony bodies naked. It shook out the hearts, the yellow leaves, Scattered them over the ground. Any one could trample them out of shapeUndisturbed by a single moan of protest

i. What happened to the leaves of trees with the coming of autumn? ii. How did the trees look like with out leaves? iii. Where did the yellow leaves of trees lie? iv. Name the poem from which these lines have been taken. Give the name of

the poet. Or

‘Feel at home, come again, They say, and when I comeAgain and feelat home, once, twice, there will be no thrice…………

i. Who is being asked to come again? ii. Where is he being invited to? iii. By whom is he being invited? iv. What is meant by ‘feel at home’?

Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below:An old gentleman was walking slowly along a street. One day he saw a little boy who was trying to reach a door-bell which was too high for him. He was kind-hearted old man, so he stopped and said, “I will ring the bell for you,” and then he pulled the bell so hard that it could be heard all over the house. Then little boy looked up at him and said, “Now we will run away, com on,” and before the old gentleman know what was happening the naughty boy had run around the corner of the street leaving the man to explain the angry owner of the house why he had rung the bell.

i. Why did the old man ring the bell? ii. Who did the owner of the house see at the door? iii. Who did the little boy want to make fun of? iv. “……… so he stopped and said……………” Who does the word ‘he’ here

refer to? v. “……….I will ring the bell for you.” Who does the word ‘you’ here refer

to? (B) Lord! You are my hope and trust, lead me to the way of truth;

How long shall I dwell in ignorance! Poor me the nectar of knowledge.Lend ear to my wailing and pleas, cure me of ills and pains:Be kind each moment to me; let me never feel in want

i. The poet calls __________ his hope and trust. He calls upon God to lead him to the path of truth. The poet has so far been living a life of ___________. He prays to God to bless him with the __________. The poet

is crying. He appeals God to listen to his prayers. He prays to him to cure him of his ___________. He wants God to be kind to him each moment. He does not want to feel the ___________ of anything in his life.

OrSpeak up, for your lips are not sealed. And your words are still your own. This upright body is yours;Speak, while your sould is till your own.

i. The poet wants to make his _________ realize that God has given them the power to _________ and they must speak up the things, they want to say. And they have also a ________ of their own. They should follow _________ of their sould and say the __________ they have kept buried in their hearts out of fear.

SECTION BQ.3 Answer the following questions in about 100 words: (any two)i. Do your approve Jimmy Wells” action and do your maintain that he was a

true friend? What other course of action he could have taken? ii. How is Leh different from other places? What examples are cited by the

author to prove this point? iii. What was the sniper’s plan or trick? How did he trick his enemy? iv. How did Abhiram, lost his job in Mriganko Babu’s house? Q.4 Write a note on the theme of the story ‘The Sniper’?

OrGive the character sketch of C.V Raman in not more than 200 words.

Q.5 Answer the following questions: (any four)i. What is a smile? Give one example from your own experience. ii. Christy believes that not many mothers would have treated him the way his

mother did. How would Christy have been treated in another household? iii. Why was Christy surprised to see himself holding a chalk stick between his

toes? iv. What do you think finally helped Christy achieve the impossible? iv. What is Metaphor? v. Explain the phrase ‘the world is a little more my own’. vi. ‘Now I have found peace’ How did Abhiram find peace? vii. When he heard about his son’s disappearance, what was Aftab’s first

suspicion? Q.6 Explain with reference to the context one of the following based on the

prose from Chinar—II: Cox Ah, then you mean to say, that this gentleman’s smoke, instead of emulating the example of all other sorts of smoke, and going up the chimney, thinks proper to affect a singularity by taking the contrary direction?

OrWhat would he not do for her, the daughter of the spice-seller, she who smelt of clover and cinnamon, whose laughter had the timbre of ankle-bells,

whose eyebrows were like black wisps of the night and whose hair was the night itself? For her he would cross the salt desert!.

Q.7 Explain with reference to context on the following based on the poetry from Chinar—II.

One can see what will troubleThis sleep of mine, whatever sleep it isWhere he not gone. The woodchuck would say whether it’s like his Long sleep, as I describe its coming on, O just some human sleep.

SECTION CQ.8 Tell your classmates about your favorite TV programme. Also give your

reasons as to why you like this programme. Q.9 Your friend has invited you for new year celebrations at her residence. Your

parents are not in favour of your staying away late night. Write a letter to your friend apologizing for not coming to the party.

Q.10 Write a dialogue between a post man and a young boy who is waiting to receive his Matriculation certificate by post.

Q.11 Write an advertisement on behalf of State Bank of India offering SBI Educational loan.

Q.12 Send an SMS to your friend asking him to meet at your home. SECTION D

Q.13 (A) Do as directed:i. We must eat, or we cannot live, (change into a simple sentence)ii. Having finished his exercise, he put away his books, (Change into a

compound sentence)(B) Complete the following sentences using suitable forms of the given verbs in

the brackets:i. left this place last year, if he ________ (stay) on he ________ (have)

become the president of the Association. ii. More work ________ (help) you to enhance your skills. (C) Make one sentence from the given two using a Relative clause:i. Some young people live next door. The people are noisy. ii. The pipeline has been Sabotaged. It carries oil from the oil fields. (D) Change the narration:i. “What shall I do?” She askedii. The Mother said to her son, “Be careful while crossing the road”. (E) Change the voice:i. Raju broke the window.ii. The other told the new students where to sit.


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 1 hr. Sub: Botany M.M: 20

Q.1 Differentiate between C3 and C4 cycles? (4)Or

Define Glycolysis? Draw skeletal diagram only. Q.2 Define transpiration? Express mechanism of opening and close up of

stomata. (4)Or

What do you mean by Transport? Describe Ascent of sap in plants by means of Root Pressure Theory.

Q.3 Draw and label the neat deagram ‘Anatomy of Monocot leaf’. (2)Q.4 Give difference between symports and antiports. (2)Q.5 What are the deficiency symptoms of sulphur? (2)Q.6 Write physiological effects of hormone “Gibberellins”. (2)Q.7i. A plant cell attains turgidity due to:

a. Endosmosis b. Hydrolysisc. Plasmolysis d. Electrolysis

ii. The most abundant element present in the plants is:a. Carbon b. Iron c. Nitrogen d. Manganese

iii. The rate of photosynthesis is higher in:a. Red light b. Green light c. Very high light d. Continuous light

iv. The reaction of the TCA cycle occurs in:]a. Mitochondria b. Grana c. Ribosomes d. EPR


New Pattern of Examination year 2011 single paper scheme Class: 11th Time: 1 hr. Sub: Botany M.M: 20

Q.1 Differentiate between C3 and C4 cycles? (4)Or

Define Glycolysis? Draw skeletal diagram only. Q.2 Define transpiration? Express mechanism of opening and close up of

stomata. (4)Or

What do you mean by Transport? Describe Ascent of sap in plants by means of Root Pressure Theory.

Q.3 Draw and label the neat deagram ‘Anatomy of Monocot leaf’. (2)Q.4 Give difference between symports and antiports. (2)Q.5 What are the deficiency symptoms of sulphur? (2)Q.6 Write physiological effects of hormone “Gibberellins”. (2)Q.7i. A plant cell attains turgidity due to:

a. Endosmosis b. Hydrolysisc. Plasmolysis d. Electrolysis

ii. The most abundant element present in the plants is:a. Carbon b. Iron c. Nitrogen d. Manganese

iii. The rate of photosynthesis is higher in:a. Red light b. Green light c. Very high light d. Continuous light

iv. The reaction of the TCA cycle occurs in:]a. Mitochondria b. Grana c. Ribosomes d. EPR